
v1.4.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 9, 2024 License: GPL-3.0



Raspberry Pi based FM streamer with OLED, buttons and LEDs support.

Go Reference CodeFactor Go Report Card

Building (optional)

Clone this repository, run go get and then go build. Of course, you have to install Go first.

If you want to build for other device (e.g. build on Windows and run on RaspberyPi), use cross-compilation!

Environmental variables for RPi Zero: GOOS=linux;GOARCH=arm;GOARM=5. For other RPis, GOARM field may be unnecessary.


Build or copy binary from releases tab. Copy to your directory, type chmod +x, then sudo ./

[!CAUTION] This script may install some unwanted dependencies. Review the script if you want.

Copy config.json.example, rename to config.json aned edit.

Here you can get your YouTube API Key.

You have to add gpu_freq=250 in /boot/firmware/config.txt and also enable I2C in raspi-config.


Rename config.json.example to config.json. Then type sudo node index.js. You can change RDS in config.json file. Go to API Docs section for more.


  • RDS and other options rendering on screen
  • LEDs blinking when everything is OK
  • Yellow LED blinking if frequency is out of limits
  • Blue LED blinking if music is being processed (downloading, converting)
  • Downloading music from YouTube
  • Changing frequency with buttons
  • Web dashboard

API docs

None. Please reverse-engineer pkg/dashboard for that. :(

Dependencies note

This project uses PiFmAdv, FFmpeg, libsndfile1-dev, youtube-dl and other stuff listed in go.mod.

Optional hardware

SSD1306 screen, 4 THT buttons, ~400 Ohm resistors, ~20k Ohm resistors, LEDs, female-male and male-male wires. Tested on Raspberry Pi Zero W Rev 1.1.

What if I don't have that hardware?

The minimum requirement is the RaspberryPi. FmRadioStreamer SHOULD work without any other peripherals.

In the docs directory there are pictures of first version of this project. Watch on your own risk! Image Image Image Image


  • 1 - 3V3 Power
  • 3 - GPIO 2 - screen
  • 5 - GPIO 3 - screen
  • 6 - GND - for screen
  • 7 - GPIO 4 - antenna
  • 26 - GPIO 7 - blue LED (audio conversion in progress)
  • 29 - GPIO 5 - yellow LED (frequency out of limits)
  • 31 - GPIO 6 - green LED
  • 32 - GPIO 12 - button (screen color inversion)
  • 33 - GPIO 13 - green LED
  • 35 - GPIO 19 - green LED
  • 36 - GPIO 16 - button (frequency multiplier switch)
  • 37 - GPIO 26 - green LED
  • 38 - GPIO 20 - button (frequency up)
  • 39 - GND - for LEDs
  • 40 - GPIO 21 - button (frequency down)

Which format should I choose?

Downloading and converting benchmark:

Format Converting time File size
MP3 6:17 12 431 KB
WAV 4:20 hehe 6 499 KB
Opus 3:32 69 891 KB

For pretty good audio quality, low file size and best conversion time, use Opus. If for some reason you can't use Opus format and have outdated libsndfile1-dev package, use WAV. Use MP3 if you don't want to re-encode your existing music library.

MP3 support (pre-bookworm)

  1. Update your RPi (optional, but recommended).
sudo bash -c 'for i in update {,dist-}upgrade auto{remove,clean}; do apt-get $i -y; done'
  1. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list file using your favourite editor, for example sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list. In my case, the file looks like this:
deb bullseye main contrib non-free rpi
# Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source'
#deb-src bullseye main contrib non-free rpi

Replace bullseye with bookworm.

deb bookworm main contrib non-free rpi
  1. Run sudo apt update. It wil say that 69420 packages can be updated - ignore that.
  2. Run sudo apt install libsndfile1-dev. It will update only this package and its dependencies.
  3. Confirm that libsndfile1-dev is now version 1.1.0 or later. Run sudo apt-cache policy libsndfile1-dev. My output:
  Installed: 1.1.0-2 
  1. Repeat step 1, but now revert bookworm to bullseye. Done. 🎉

JSON settings

Option Description Type (additional info) Default Notes
freq Frequency in MHz number (float64) 108.0
format Audio format for saved files string opus formats limited by libsndfile1-dev and by its version, more here
multiplier Frequency multiplier (used when using physical buttons) number (float64) 0.1
PS RDS station name string (len: 8) FmRadStr
RT RDS station text string (len: 64) RPi based radio streamer. It is working!
PI RDS station ID string (len: 4, hex) FFFF
TP RDS traffic programme string (empty string) I don't know the type of this setting.
PTY RDS programme type number (uint) 0 Warning: different meaning in EU and US! Range: 0-31.
ytApiKey YouTube API V3 Key string (empty string)
port Web dashboard port number (uint16) 80
power RaspberryPi output power number (uint8) 5 Refer to PiFmAdv for more info.
mpx Mpx output power ("volume") number (uint) 30 See above.
preemph pre-emphasis string eu Possible values: "eu", "us".
antennaGPIO GPIO antenna header number (uint8) 4 Possible values: 4, 20, 32, 34
ssd1306 OLED screen type SSD1306 enabled bool true
dynamicRT Switching RT between that saved in config and current playing audio filename bool true
dynamicRTInterval Dynamic RT switching interval in seconds number (uint) 20
verbose Additional logs in console bool false
ytdlp Check if yt-dlp is installed and install, if not bool true If you have yt-dlp installed and always up-to-date, set to false.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL