Worker is a simple HTTP server that accepts FQL queries, executes them and returns their results.
Quick start
The Worker is shipped with dedicated Docker image that contains headless Google Chrome, so feel free to run queries using cdp
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 montferret/worker
docker run -d -p 8080:8080
Alternatively, if you want to use your own version of Chrome, you can run the Worker locally:
And then just make a POST request:
System Resource Requirements
Executes a given query. The payload must have the following shape:
Query {
text: String!
params: Map<string, any>
GET /info
Returns a worker information that contains details about Chrome, Ferret and itself. Has the following shape:
Info {
ip: String!
version: Version! {
worker: String!
chrome: ChromeVersion! {
browser: String!
protocol: String!
v8: String!
webkit: String!
ferret: String!
GET /health
Health check endpoint (for Kubernetes, e.g.). Returns empty 200.
Run commands
-cache-size uint
amount of cached queries. 0 means no caching (default 100)
-chrome-ip string
Google Chrome remote IP address (default "")
-chrome-port uint
Google Chrome remote debugging port (default 9222)
-log-level string
log level (default "debug")
-port uint
port to listen (default 8080)
show version
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