Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetVersion() string
- func IntPtr(v int) *int
- func ValidateSignature(channelSecret, signature string, body []byte) booldeprecated
- type APIError
- type AccessTokenResponse
- type AccessTokensResponse
- type AccountLink
- type AccountLinkResult
- type Action
- type ActionType
- type ActivateAudienceGroupCall
- type AdAccount
- type AddAudiencesByFileCall
- type AddAudiencesCall
- type AddLIFFCall
- type AgeDetail
- type AgeFilter
- type AgeType
- type AppType
- type AppTypeDetail
- type AppTypeFilter
- type AreaDetail
- type AreaFilter
- type AreaType
- type AreasDetail
- type AudienceAuthorityLevelType
- type AudienceGroup
- type AudienceObject
- type AudienceStatusType
- type AudioMessage
- func (m *AudioMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *AudioMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*AudioMessage) Message()
- func (m *AudioMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *AudioMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *AudioMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- type BasicResponse
- type Beacon
- type BeaconEventType
- type BlockStyle
- type BotInfoResponse
- type BoxBackground
- type BoxComponent
- type BroadcastMessageCall
- type BubbleContainer
- type BubbleStyle
- type BulkLinkRichMenuCall
- type BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall
- type ButtonComponent
- type ButtonsTemplate
- func (t *ButtonsTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*ButtonsTemplate) Template()
- func (t *ButtonsTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (t *ButtonsTemplate) WithDefaultAction(defaultAction TemplateAction) *ButtonsTemplate
- func (t *ButtonsTemplate) WithImageOptions(imageAspectRatio ImageAspectRatioType, imageSize ImageSizeType, ...) *ButtonsTemplate
- type CameraAction
- type CameraRollAction
- type CancelDefaultRichMenuCall
- type CarouselColumn
- type CarouselContainer
- type CarouselTemplate
- type ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall
- type ChatMode
- type ClickAudienceGroupCall
- type ClickAudienceGroupResponse
- type ClickDetail
- type Client
- func (client *Client) ActivateAudienceGroup(audienceGroupID int) *ActivateAudienceGroupCall
- func (client *Client) AddAudiences(audienceGroupID int, audiences []string, options ...IAddAudiencesOption) *AddAudiencesCall
- func (client *Client) AddAudiencesByFile(audienceGroupID int, audiences []string, options ...IAddAudiencesByFileOption) *AddAudiencesByFileCall
- func (client *Client) AddLIFF(app LIFFApp) *AddLIFFCall
- func (client *Client) BroadcastMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *BroadcastMessageCall
- func (client *Client) BulkLinkRichMenu(richMenuID string, userIDs ...string) *BulkLinkRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) BulkUnlinkRichMenu(userIDs ...string) *BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) CancelDefaultRichMenu() *CancelDefaultRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel(authorityLevel AudienceAuthorityLevelType) *ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall
- func (client *Client) ClickAudienceGroup(description, requestID string, options ...IClickAudienceGroupOption) *ClickAudienceGroupCall
- func (client *Client) CreateRichMenu(richMenu RichMenu) *CreateRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) CreateRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasID, richMenuID string) *CreateRichMenuAliasCall
- func (client *Client) DeleteAudienceGroup(audienceGroupID int) *DeleteAudienceGroupCall
- func (client *Client) DeleteLIFF(liffID string) *DeleteLIFFCall
- func (client *Client) DeleteRichMenu(richMenuID string) *DeleteRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) DeleteRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasID string) *DeleteRichMenuAliasCall
- func (client *Client) DownloadRichMenuImage(richMenuID string) *DownloadRichMenuImageCall
- func (client *Client) GetAccessTokensV2(clientAssertion string) *GetAccessTokensV2Call
- func (client *Client) GetAudienceGroup(audienceGroupID int) *GetAudienceGroupCall
- func (client *Client) GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel() *GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall
- func (client *Client) GetBotInfo() *GetBotInfoCall
- func (client *Client) GetDefaultRichMenu() *GetDefaultRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) GetFollowerIDs(continuationToken string) *GetFollowerIDsCall
- func (client *Client) GetFriendDemographics() *GetFriendDemographicsCall
- func (client *Client) GetGroupMemberCount(groupID string) *GetGroupMemberCountCall
- func (client *Client) GetGroupMemberIDs(groupID, continuationToken string) *GetGroupMemberIDsCall
- func (client *Client) GetGroupMemberProfile(groupID, userID string) *GetGroupMemberProfileCall
- func (client *Client) GetGroupSummary(groupID string) *GetGroupSummaryCall
- func (client *Client) GetLIFF() *GetLIFFAllCall
- func (client *Client) GetMessageConsumption() *GetMessageConsumptionCall
- func (client *Client) GetMessageContent(messageID string) *GetMessageContentCall
- func (client *Client) GetMessageQuota() *GetMessageQuotaCall
- func (client *Client) GetMessageQuotaConsumption() *GetMessageQuotaCall
- func (client *Client) GetNumberBroadcastMessages(date string) *GetNumberMessagesCall
- func (client *Client) GetNumberFollowers(date string) *GetNumberFollowersCall
- func (client *Client) GetNumberMessagesDelivery(date string) *GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall
- func (client *Client) GetNumberMulticastMessages(date string) *GetNumberMessagesCall
- func (client *Client) GetNumberPushMessages(date string) *GetNumberMessagesCall
- func (client *Client) GetNumberReplyMessages(date string) *GetNumberMessagesCall
- func (client *Client) GetProfile(userID string) *GetProfileCall
- func (client *Client) GetProgressNarrowcastMessages(requestID string) *GetProgressMessagesCall
- func (client *Client) GetRichMenu(richMenuID string) *GetRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) GetRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasID string) *GetRichMenuAliasCall
- func (client *Client) GetRichMenuAliasList() *GetRichMenuAliasListCall
- func (client *Client) GetRichMenuList() *GetRichMenuListCall
- func (client *Client) GetRoomMemberCount(roomID string) *GetRoomMemberCountCall
- func (client *Client) GetRoomMemberIDs(roomID, continuationToken string) *GetRoomMemberIDsCall
- func (client *Client) GetRoomMemberProfile(roomID, userID string) *GetRoomMemberProfileCall
- func (client *Client) GetUserInteractionStats(requestID string) *GetUserInteractionStatsCall
- func (client *Client) GetUserRichMenu(userID string) *GetUserRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) GetWebhookInfo() *GetWebhookInfo
- func (client *Client) IMPAudienceGroup(description, requestID string) *IMPAudienceGroupCall
- func (client *Client) IssueAccessToken(channelID, channelSecret string) *IssueAccessTokenCall
- func (client *Client) IssueAccessTokenV2(clientAssertion string) *IssueAccessTokenV2Call
- func (client *Client) IssueLinkToken(userID string) *IssueLinkTokenCall
- func (client *Client) LeaveGroup(groupID string) *LeaveGroupCall
- func (client *Client) LeaveRoom(roomID string) *LeaveRoomCall
- func (client *Client) LinkUserRichMenu(userID, richMenuID string) *LinkUserRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) ListAudienceGroup(page int, options ...IListAudienceGroupOption) *ListAudienceGroupCall
- func (client *Client) Multicast(to []string, messages ...SendingMessage) *MulticastCall
- func (client *Client) Narrowcast(messages ...SendingMessage) *NarrowcastCall
- func (client *Client) NewRawCall(method string, endpoint string) (*RawCall, error)
- func (client *Client) NewRawCallWithBody(method string, endpoint string, body io.Reader) (*RawCall, error)
- func (client *Client) ParseRequest(r *http.Request) ([]*Event, error)
- func (client *Client) PushMessage(to string, messages ...SendingMessage) *PushMessageCall
- func (client *Client) ReplyMessage(replyToken string, messages ...SendingMessage) *ReplyMessageCall
- func (client *Client) RevokeAccessToken(accessToken string) *RevokeAccessTokenCall
- func (client *Client) RevokeAccessTokenV2(channelID, channelSecret, accessToken string) *RevokeAccessTokenV2Call
- func (client *Client) SetDefaultRichMenu(richMenuID string) *SetDefaultRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) SetWebhookEndpointURL(webhookEndpoint string) *SetWebhookEndpointURLCall
- func (client *Client) TestWebhook() *TestWebhook
- func (client *Client) UnlinkUserRichMenu(userID string) *UnlinkUserRichMenuCall
- func (client *Client) UpdateAudienceGroupDescription(audienceGroupID int, description string) *UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall
- func (client *Client) UpdateLIFF(liffID string, app LIFFApp) *UpdateLIFFCall
- func (client *Client) UpdateRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasID, richMenuID string) *UpdateRichMenuAliasCall
- func (client *Client) UploadAudienceGroup(description string, options ...IUploadAudienceGroupOption) *UploadAudienceGroupCall
- func (client *Client) UploadAudienceGroupByFile(description string, audiences []string, ...) *UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall
- func (client *Client) UploadRichMenuImage(richMenuID, imgPath string) *UploadRichMenuImageCall
- func (client *Client) ValidateBroadcastMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidateBroadcastMessageCall
- func (client *Client) ValidateMulticastMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidateMulticastMessageCall
- func (client *Client) ValidateNarrowcastMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall
- func (client *Client) ValidatePushMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidatePushMessageCall
- func (client *Client) ValidateReplyMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidateReplyMessageCall
- func (client *Client) ValidateRichMenuObject(richMenu RichMenu) *ValidateRichMenuObjectCall
- func (client *Client) VerifyAccessToken(accessToken string) *VerifyAccessTokenCall
- type ClientOption
- type ConfirmTemplate
- type ContentProvider
- type ContentProviderType
- type CreateRichMenuAliasCall
- type CreateRichMenuCall
- type DatetimePickerAction
- type DeleteAudienceGroupCall
- type DeleteLIFFCall
- type DeleteRichMenuAliasCall
- type DeleteRichMenuCall
- type DeliveryContext
- type DeliveryType
- type DemographicFilter
- type DemographicFilterOperator
- type DownloadRichMenuImageCall
- type Emoji
- type ErrorResponse
- type Event
- type EventMode
- type EventSource
- type EventSourceType
- type EventType
- type FileMessage
- type FillerComponent
- type Filter
- type FlexBoxBackgroundType
- type FlexBoxLayoutType
- type FlexBubbleDirectionType
- type FlexBubbleSizeType
- type FlexButtonHeightType
- type FlexButtonStyleType
- type FlexComponent
- type FlexComponentAdjustModeType
- type FlexComponentAlignItemsType
- type FlexComponentAlignType
- type FlexComponentCornerRadiusType
- type FlexComponentGravityType
- type FlexComponentJustifyContentType
- type FlexComponentMarginType
- type FlexComponentOffsetType
- type FlexComponentPaddingType
- type FlexComponentPositionType
- type FlexComponentSpacingType
- type FlexComponentType
- type FlexContainer
- type FlexContainerType
- type FlexIconAspectRatioType
- type FlexIconSizeType
- type FlexImageAspectModeType
- type FlexImageAspectRatioType
- type FlexImageSizeType
- type FlexMessage
- func (m *FlexMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *FlexMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*FlexMessage) Message()
- func (m *FlexMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *FlexMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *FlexMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- type FlexSpacerSizeType
- type FlexTextDecorationType
- type FlexTextSizeType
- type FlexTextStyleType
- type FlexTextWeightType
- type FlexVideoAspectRatioType
- type GenderDetail
- type GenderFilter
- type GenderType
- type GetAccessTokensV2Call
- type GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall
- type GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse
- type GetAudienceGroupCall
- type GetAudienceGroupResponse
- type GetBotInfoCall
- type GetDefaultRichMenuCall
- type GetFollowerIDsCall
- type GetFriendDemographicsCall
- type GetGroupMemberCountCall
- type GetGroupMemberIDsCall
- type GetGroupMemberProfileCall
- type GetGroupSummaryCall
- type GetLIFFAllCall
- type GetMessageConsumptionCall
- type GetMessageContentCall
- type GetMessageQuotaCall
- type GetNumberFollowersCall
- type GetNumberMessagesCall
- type GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall
- type GetProfileCall
- type GetProgressMessagesCall
- type GetRichMenuAliasCall
- type GetRichMenuAliasListCall
- type GetRichMenuCall
- type GetRichMenuListCall
- type GetRoomMemberCountCall
- type GetRoomMemberIDsCall
- type GetRoomMemberProfileCall
- type GetUserInteractionStatsCall
- type GetUserRichMenuCall
- type GetWebhookInfo
- type GroupSummaryResponse
- type IAddAudiencesByFileOption
- type IAddAudiencesOption
- type IClickAudienceGroupOption
- type IDsScanner
- type IListAudienceGroupOption
- func WithListAudienceGroupCallCreateRoute(createRoute string) IListAudienceGroupOption
- func WithListAudienceGroupCallDescription(description string) IListAudienceGroupOption
- func WithListAudienceGroupCallIncludesExternalPublicGroups(includesExternalPublicGroups bool) IListAudienceGroupOption
- func WithListAudienceGroupCallSize(size int) IListAudienceGroupOption
- func WithListAudienceGroupCallStatus(status AudienceStatusType) IListAudienceGroupOption
- type IMPAudienceGroupCall
- type IMPAudienceGroupResponse
- type IUploadAudienceGroupByFileOption
- type IUploadAudienceGroupOption
- type IconComponent
- type ImageAspectRatioType
- type ImageCarouselColumn
- type ImageCarouselTemplate
- type ImageComponent
- type ImageMessage
- func (m *ImageMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *ImageMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*ImageMessage) Message()
- func (m *ImageMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *ImageMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *ImageMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- type ImageSet
- type ImageSizeType
- type ImagemapAction
- type ImagemapActionType
- type ImagemapArea
- type ImagemapBaseSize
- type ImagemapMessage
- func (m *ImagemapMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *ImagemapMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*ImagemapMessage) Message()
- func (m *ImagemapMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *ImagemapMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *ImagemapMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- func (m *ImagemapMessage) WithVideo(video *ImagemapVideo) *ImagemapMessage
- type ImagemapVideo
- type ImagemapVideoExternalLink
- type InputOption
- type InsightType
- type IssueAccessTokenCall
- type IssueAccessTokenV2Call
- type IssueLinkTokenCall
- type Job
- type LIFFApp
- type LIFFAppFeatures
- type LIFFAppsResponse
- type LIFFIDResponse
- type LIFFViewScopeType
- type LIFFViewType
- type LeaveGroupCall
- type LeaveRoomCall
- type LinkTokenResponse
- type LinkUserRichMenuCall
- type ListAudienceGroupCall
- type ListAudienceGroupResponse
- type LocationAction
- type LocationMessage
- func (m *LocationMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *LocationMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*LocationMessage) Message()
- func (m *LocationMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *LocationMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *LocationMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- type MarkAsReadMode
- type MemberCountResponse
- type MemberIDsResponse
- type Members
- type Mention
- type MentionedTargetType
- type Mentionee
- type Message
- type MessageAction
- type MessageConsumptionResponse
- type MessageContentResponse
- type MessageDetail
- type MessageImagemapAction
- type MessageQuotaResponse
- type MessageType
- type MessagesFriendDemographicsResponse
- type MessagesNumberDeliveryResponse
- type MessagesNumberFollowersResponse
- type MessagesNumberResponse
- type MessagesProgressResponse
- type MessagesUserInteractionStatsResponse
- type MulticastCall
- type NarrowcastCall
- func (call *NarrowcastCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
- func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *NarrowcastCall
- func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithDemographic(demographic DemographicFilter) *NarrowcastCall
- func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithLimitMax(max int) *NarrowcastCall
- func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithLimitMaxUpToRemainingQuota(max int, upToRemainingQuota bool) *NarrowcastCall
- func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithRecipient(recipient Recipient) *NarrowcastCall
- func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithRetryKey(retryKey string) *NarrowcastCall
- type NarrowcastMessageLimit
- type OverviewDetail
- type Params
- type PeriodType
- type Postback
- type PostbackAction
- type ProgressType
- type PushMessageCall
- type QuickReplyAction
- type QuickReplyButton
- type QuickReplyItems
- type RawCall
- type Recipient
- type RecipientOperator
- type RedeliveryObject
- type ReplyMessageCall
- type RevokeAccessTokenCall
- type RevokeAccessTokenV2Call
- type RichMenu
- type RichMenuAction
- type RichMenuActionType
- type RichMenuAliasResponse
- type RichMenuBounds
- type RichMenuIDResponse
- type RichMenuResponse
- type RichMenuSize
- type Sender
- type SendingMessage
- type SeparatorComponent
- type SetDefaultRichMenuCall
- type SetWebhookEndpointURLCall
- type SpacerComponent
- type SpanComponent
- type StickerMessage
- func (m *StickerMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *StickerMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*StickerMessage) Message()
- func (m *StickerMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *StickerMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *StickerMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- type StickerResourceType
- type SubscriptionPeriodDetail
- type SubscriptionPeriodFilter
- type Template
- type TemplateAction
- type TemplateMessage
- func (m *TemplateMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *TemplateMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*TemplateMessage) Message()
- func (m *TemplateMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *TemplateMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *TemplateMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- type TemplateType
- type TestWebhook
- type TestWebhookResponse
- type TextComponent
- type TextMessage
- func (m *TextMessage) AddEmoji(emoji *Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *TextMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*TextMessage) Message()
- func (m *TextMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *TextMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *TextMessage) WithReply(quoteToken string) SendingMessage
- func (m *TextMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- type Things
- type ThingsActionResult
- type ThingsActionResultType
- type ThingsResult
- type ThingsResultCode
- type URIAction
- type URIActionAltURI
- type URIImagemapAction
- type UnlinkUserRichMenuCall
- type Unsend
- type UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall
- type UpdateLIFFCall
- type UpdateRichMenuAliasCall
- type UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall
- type UploadAudienceGroupCall
- type UploadAudienceGroupResponse
- type UploadRichMenuImageCall
- type UserIDsResponse
- type UserIDsScanner
- type UserProfileResponse
- type ValidateBroadcastMessageCall
- type ValidateMulticastMessageCall
- type ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall
- type ValidatePushMessageCall
- type ValidateReplyMessageCall
- type ValidateRichMenuObjectCall
- type VerifiedAccessTokenResponse
- type VerifyAccessTokenCall
- type VideoComponent
- type VideoMessage
- func (m *VideoMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
- func (m *VideoMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (*VideoMessage) Message()
- func (m *VideoMessage) Type() MessageType
- func (m *VideoMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
- func (m *VideoMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
- type VideoPlayComplete
- type View
- type WebhookInfoResponse
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( APIEndpointBase = "" APIEndpointBaseData = "" APIEndpointPushMessage = "/v2/bot/message/push" APIEndpointBroadcastMessage = "/v2/bot/message/broadcast" APIEndpointReplyMessage = "/v2/bot/message/reply" APIEndpointMulticast = "/v2/bot/message/multicast" APIEndpointNarrowcast = "/v2/bot/message/narrowcast" APIEndpointValidatePushMessage = "/v2/bot/message/validate/push" APIEndpointValidateBroadcastMessage = "/v2/bot/message/validate/broadcast" APIEndpointValidateReplyMessage = "/v2/bot/message/validate/reply" APIEndpointValidateMulticastMessage = "/v2/bot/message/validate/multicast" APIEndpointValidateNarrowcastMessage = "/v2/bot/message/validate/narrowcast" APIEndpointGetMessageContent = "/v2/bot/message/%s/content" APIEndpointGetMessageQuota = "/v2/bot/message/quota" APIEndpointGetMessageConsumption = "/v2/bot/message/quota/consumption" APIEndpointGetMessageQuotaConsumption = "/v2/bot/message/quota/consumption" APIEndpointLeaveGroup = "/v2/bot/group/%s/leave" APIEndpointLeaveRoom = "/v2/bot/room/%s/leave" APIEndpointGetProfile = "/v2/bot/profile/%s" APIEndpointGetFollowerIDs = "/v2/bot/followers/ids" APIEndpointGetGroupMemberProfile = "/v2/bot/group/%s/member/%s" APIEndpointGetRoomMemberProfile = "/v2/bot/room/%s/member/%s" APIEndpointGetGroupMemberIDs = "/v2/bot/group/%s/members/ids" APIEndpointGetRoomMemberIDs = "/v2/bot/room/%s/members/ids" APIEndpointGetGroupMemberCount = "/v2/bot/group/%s/members/count" APIEndpointGetRoomMemberCount = "/v2/bot/room/%s/members/count" APIEndpointGetGroupSummary = "/v2/bot/group/%s/summary" APIEndpointCreateRichMenu = "/v2/bot/richmenu" APIEndpointGetRichMenu = "/v2/bot/richmenu/%s" APIEndpointListRichMenu = "/v2/bot/richmenu/list" APIEndpointDeleteRichMenu = "/v2/bot/richmenu/%s" APIEndpointGetUserRichMenu = "/v2/bot/user/%s/richmenu" APIEndpointLinkUserRichMenu = "/v2/bot/user/%s/richmenu/%s" APIEndpointUnlinkUserRichMenu = "/v2/bot/user/%s/richmenu" APIEndpointSetDefaultRichMenu = "/v2/bot/user/all/richmenu/%s" APIEndpointDefaultRichMenu = "/v2/bot/user/all/richmenu" // Get: GET / Delete: DELETE APIEndpointDownloadRichMenuImage = "/v2/bot/richmenu/%s/content" // Download: GET / Upload: POST APIEndpointUploadRichMenuImage = "/v2/bot/richmenu/%s/content" // Download: GET / Upload: POST APIEndpointBulkLinkRichMenu = "/v2/bot/richmenu/bulk/link" APIEndpointBulkUnlinkRichMenu = "/v2/bot/richmenu/bulk/unlink" APIEndpointValidateRichMenuObject = "/v2/bot/richmenu/validate" APIEndpointCreateRichMenuAlias = "/v2/bot/richmenu/alias" APIEndpointGetRichMenuAlias = "/v2/bot/richmenu/alias/%s" APIEndpointUpdateRichMenuAlias = "/v2/bot/richmenu/alias/%s" APIEndpointDeleteRichMenuAlias = "/v2/bot/richmenu/alias/%s" APIEndpointListRichMenuAlias = "/v2/bot/richmenu/alias/list" APIEndpointGetAllLIFFApps = "/liff/v1/apps" APIEndpointAddLIFFApp = "/liff/v1/apps" APIEndpointUpdateLIFFApp = "/liff/v1/apps/%s/view" APIEndpointDeleteLIFFApp = "/liff/v1/apps/%s" APIEndpointLinkToken = "/v2/bot/user/%s/linkToken" APIEndpointGetMessageDelivery = "/v2/bot/message/delivery/%s" APIEndpointGetMessageProgress = "/v2/bot/message/progress/%s" APIEndpointInsight = "/v2/bot/insight/%s" APIEndpointGetBotInfo = "/v2/bot/info" APIEndpointIssueAccessToken = "/v2/oauth/accessToken" APIEndpointRevokeAccessToken = "/v2/oauth/revoke" APIEndpointVerifyAccessToken = "/v2/oauth/verify" APIEndpointIssueAccessTokenV2 = "/oauth2/v2.1/token" APIEndpointGetAccessTokensV2 = "/oauth2/v2.1/tokens/kid" APIEndpointRevokeAccessTokenV2 = "/oauth2/v2.1/revoke" APIEndpointGetWebhookInfo = "/v2/bot/channel/webhook/endpoint" APIEndpointSetWebhookEndpoint = "/v2/bot/channel/webhook/endpoint" APIEndpointTestWebhook = "/v2/bot/channel/webhook/test" APIAudienceGroupUpload = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/upload" APIAudienceGroupUploadByFile = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/upload/byFile" APIAudienceGroupClick = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/click" APIAudienceGroupIMP = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/imp" APIAudienceGroupUpdateDescription = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/%d/updateDescription" APIAudienceGroupActivate = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/%d/activate" APIAudienceGroup = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/%d" APIAudienceGroupList = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/list" APIAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel = "/v2/bot/audienceGroup/authorityLevel" )
APIEndpoint constants
Variables ¶
var (
ErrInvalidSignature = errors.New("invalid signature")
Functions ¶
func GetVersion ¶
func GetVersion() string
func IntPtr ¶
IntPtr is a helper function for using *int values Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func ValidateSignature
Types ¶
type APIError ¶
type APIError struct { Code int Response *ErrorResponse }
APIError type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AccessTokenResponse ¶
type AccessTokenResponse struct { AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"` TokenType string `json:"token_type"` KeyID string `json:"key_id"` }
AccessTokenResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AccessTokensResponse ¶
type AccessTokensResponse struct {
KeyIDs []string `json:"kids"`
AccessTokensResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AccountLink ¶
type AccountLink struct { Result AccountLinkResult Nonce string }
AccountLink type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AccountLinkResult ¶
type AccountLinkResult string
AccountLinkResult type
const ( AccountLinkResultOK AccountLinkResult = "ok" AccountLinkResultFailed AccountLinkResult = "failed" )
AccountLinkResult constants
type ActionType ¶
type ActionType string
ActionType type
const ( ActionTypeURI ActionType = "uri" ActionTypeMessage ActionType = "message" ActionTypePostback ActionType = "postback" ActionTypeDatetimePicker ActionType = "datetimepicker" ActionTypeCamera ActionType = "camera" ActionTypeCameraRoll ActionType = "cameraRoll" ActionTypeLocation ActionType = "location" )
ActionType constants
type ActivateAudienceGroupCall ¶
type ActivateAudienceGroupCall struct { AudienceGroupID int `json:"-" validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ActivateAudienceGroupCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ActivateAudienceGroupCall) Do ¶
func (call *ActivateAudienceGroupCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ActivateAudienceGroupCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ActivateAudienceGroupCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ActivateAudienceGroupCall
WithContext method
type AdAccount ¶
type AdAccount struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
AdAccount type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AddAudiencesByFileCall ¶
type AddAudiencesByFileCall struct { AudienceGroupID int `json:"audienceGroupId,omitempty" validate:"required"` UploadDescription string `json:"uploadDescription,omitempty"` Audiences []string `json:"audiences,omitempty" validate:"required,max=1500000"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AddAudiencesByFileCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*AddAudiencesByFileCall) Do ¶
func (call *AddAudiencesByFileCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*AddAudiencesByFileCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *AddAudiencesByFileCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *AddAudiencesByFileCall
WithContext method
type AddAudiencesCall ¶
type AddAudiencesCall struct { AudienceGroupID int `validate:"required"` UploadDescription string Audiences []audience `validate:"required,max=10000"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AddAudiencesCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*AddAudiencesCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *AddAudiencesCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *AddAudiencesCall
WithContext method
type AddLIFFCall ¶
type AddLIFFCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AddLIFFCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*AddLIFFCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *AddLIFFCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *AddLIFFCall
WithContext method
type AgeFilter ¶
type AgeFilter struct { Type string `json:"type"` GTE AgeType `json:"gte,omitempty"` // greater than or equal to LT AgeType `json:"lt,omitempty"` // less than }
AgeFilter type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewAgeFilter ¶
NewAgeFilter function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*AgeFilter) DemographicFilter ¶
func (*AgeFilter) DemographicFilter()
DemographicFilter implements DemographicFilter interface
type AppTypeDetail ¶
type AppTypeDetail struct { AppType string `json:"appType"` Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"` }
AppTypeDetail type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AppTypeFilter ¶
AppTypeFilter type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewAppTypeFilter ¶
func NewAppTypeFilter(appTypes ...AppType) *AppTypeFilter
NewAppTypeFilter function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*AppTypeFilter) DemographicFilter ¶
func (*AppTypeFilter) DemographicFilter()
DemographicFilter implements DemographicFilter interface
type AreaDetail ¶
type AreaDetail struct { Bounds RichMenuBounds `json:"bounds"` Action RichMenuAction `json:"action"` }
AreaDetail type for areas array Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AreaFilter ¶
AreaFilter type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewAreaFilter ¶
func NewAreaFilter(areaTypes ...AreaType) *AreaFilter
NewAreaFilter function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*AreaFilter) DemographicFilter ¶
func (*AreaFilter) DemographicFilter()
DemographicFilter implements DemographicFilter interface
type AreaType ¶
type AreaType string
AreaType type
const ( AreaJPHokkaido AreaType = "jp_01" AreaJPAomori AreaType = "jp_02" AreaJPIwate AreaType = "jp_03" AreaJPMiyagi AreaType = "jp_04" AreaJPAkita AreaType = "jp_05" AreaJPYamagata AreaType = "jp_06" AreaJPFukushima AreaType = "jp_07" AreaJPIbaraki AreaType = "jp_08" AreaJPTochigi AreaType = "jp_09" AreaJPGunma AreaType = "jp_10" AreaJPSaitama AreaType = "jp_11" AreaJPChiba AreaType = "jp_12" AreaJPTokyo AreaType = "jp_13" AreaJPKanagawa AreaType = "jp_14" AreaJPNiigata AreaType = "jp_15" AreaJPToyama AreaType = "jp_16" AreaJPIshikawa AreaType = "jp_17" AreaJPFukui AreaType = "jp_18" AreaJPYamanashi AreaType = "jp_19" AreaJPNagano AreaType = "jp_20" AreaJPGifu AreaType = "jp_21" AreaJPShizuoka AreaType = "jp_22" AreaJPAichi AreaType = "jp_23" AreaJPMie AreaType = "jp_24" AreaJPShiga AreaType = "jp_25" AreaJPKyoto AreaType = "jp_26" AreaJPOsaka AreaType = "jp_27" AreaJPHyougo AreaType = "jp_28" AreaJPNara AreaType = "jp_29" AreaJPWakayama AreaType = "jp_30" AreaJPTottori AreaType = "jp_31" AreaJPShimane AreaType = "jp_32" AreaJPOkayama AreaType = "jp_33" AreaJPHiroshima AreaType = "jp_34" AreaJPYamaguchi AreaType = "jp_35" AreaJPTokushima AreaType = "jp_36" AreaJPKagawa AreaType = "jp_37" AreaJPEhime AreaType = "jp_38" AreaJPKouchi AreaType = "jp_39" AreaJPFukuoka AreaType = "jp_40" AreaJPSaga AreaType = "jp_41" AreaJPNagasaki AreaType = "jp_42" AreaJPKumamoto AreaType = "jp_43" AreaJPOita AreaType = "jp_44" AreaJPMiyazaki AreaType = "jp_45" AreaJPKagoshima AreaType = "jp_46" AreaJPOkinawa AreaType = "jp_47" AreaTWTaipeiCity AreaType = "tw_01" AreaTWNewTaipeiCity AreaType = "tw_02" AreaTWTaoyuanCity AreaType = "tw_03" AreaTWTaichungCity AreaType = "tw_04" AreaTWTainanCity AreaType = "tw_05" AreaTWKaohsiungCity AreaType = "tw_06" AreaTWKeelungCity AreaType = "tw_07" AreaTWHsinchuCity AreaType = "tw_08" AreaTWChiayiCity AreaType = "tw_09" AreaTWHsinchuCounty AreaType = "tw_10" AreaTWMiaoliCounty AreaType = "tw_11" AreaTWChanghuaCounty AreaType = "tw_12" AreaTWNantouCounty AreaType = "tw_13" AreaTWYunlinCounty AreaType = "tw_14" AreaTWChiayiCounty AreaType = "tw_15" AreaTWPingtungCounty AreaType = "tw_16" AreaTWYilanCounty AreaType = "tw_17" AreaTWHualienCounty AreaType = "tw_18" AreaTWTaitungCounty AreaType = "tw_19" AreaTWPenghuCounty AreaType = "tw_20" AreaTWKinmenCounty AreaType = "tw_21" AreaTWLienchiangCounty AreaType = "tw_22" AreaTHBangkok AreaType = "th_01" AreaTHPattaya AreaType = "th_02" AreaTHNorthern AreaType = "th_03" AreaTHCentral AreaType = "th_04" AreaTHSouthern AreaType = "th_05" AreaTHEastern AreaType = "th_06" AreaTHNorthEastern AreaType = "th_07" AreaTHWestern AreaType = "th_08" AreaIDBali AreaType = "id_01" AreaIDBandung AreaType = "id_02" AreaIDBanjarmasin AreaType = "id_03" AreaIDJabodetabek AreaType = "id_04" AreaIDLainnya AreaType = "id_05" AreaIDMakassar AreaType = "id_06" AreaIDMedan AreaType = "id_07" AreaIDPalembang AreaType = "id_08" AreaIDSamarinda AreaType = "id_09" AreaIDSemarang AreaType = "id_10" AreaIDSurabaya AreaType = "id_11" AreaIDYogyakarta AreaType = "id_12" )
AreaType constants
type AreasDetail ¶
AreasDetail type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AudienceAuthorityLevelType ¶
type AudienceAuthorityLevelType string
AudienceAuthorityLevelType type
const ( // PUBLIC const PUBLIC AudienceAuthorityLevelType = "PUBLIC" // PRIVATE const PRIVATE AudienceAuthorityLevelType = "PRIVATE" )
func (AudienceAuthorityLevelType) String ¶
func (a AudienceAuthorityLevelType) String() string
String method
type AudienceGroup ¶
type AudienceGroup struct { AudienceGroupID int `json:"audienceGroupId,omitempty"` CreateRoute string `json:"createRoute,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` AudienceCount int `json:"audienceCount,omitempty"` Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"` Permission string `json:"permission,omitempty"` IsIfaAudience bool `json:"isIfaAudience,omitempty"` RequestID string `json:"requestId,omitempty"` ClickURL string `json:"clickUrl,omitempty"` FailedType string `json:"failedType,omitempty"` Activated int64 `json:"activated,omitempty"` InactivatedTimestamp int64 `json:"inactivatedTimestamp,omitempty"` ExpireTimestamp int64 `json:"expireTimestamp,omitempty"` }
AudienceGroup type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type AudienceObject ¶
AudienceObject type is created to be used with specific recipient objects Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewAudienceObject ¶
func NewAudienceObject(groupID int) *AudienceObject
NewAudienceObject function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*AudienceObject) Recipient ¶
func (*AudienceObject) Recipient()
Recipient implements Recipient interface
type AudienceStatusType ¶
type AudienceStatusType string
AudienceStatusType type
const ( // INPROGRESS const INPROGRESS AudienceStatusType = "IN_PROGRESS" // READY const READY AudienceStatusType = "READY" // FAILED const FAILED AudienceStatusType = "FAILED" // EXPIRED const EXPIRED AudienceStatusType = "EXPIRED" // INACTIVE const INACTIVE AudienceStatusType = "INACTIVE" // ACTIVATING const ACTIVATING AudienceStatusType = "ACTIVATING" )
type AudioMessage ¶
type AudioMessage struct { ID string OriginalContentURL string Duration int ContentProvider *ContentProvider // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AudioMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewAudioMessage ¶
func NewAudioMessage(originalContentURL string, duration int) *AudioMessage
NewAudioMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*AudioMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *AudioMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of AudioMessage
func (*AudioMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AudioMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of AudioMessage
func (*AudioMessage) Type ¶
func (m *AudioMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*AudioMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *AudioMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of AudioMessage
func (*AudioMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *AudioMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of AudioMessage
type BasicResponse ¶
type BasicResponse struct {
RequestID string
BasicResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type Beacon ¶
type Beacon struct { Hwid string Type BeaconEventType DeviceMessage []byte }
Beacon type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type BeaconEventType ¶
type BeaconEventType string
BeaconEventType type
const ( BeaconEventTypeEnter BeaconEventType = "enter" BeaconEventTypeLeave BeaconEventType = "leave" BeaconEventTypeBanner BeaconEventType = "banner" BeaconEventTypeStay BeaconEventType = "stay" )
BeaconEventType constants
type BlockStyle ¶
type BlockStyle struct { BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor,omitempty"` Separator bool `json:"separator,omitempty"` SeparatorColor string `json:"separatorColor,omitempty"` }
BlockStyle type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type BotInfoResponse ¶
type BotInfoResponse struct { UserID string `json:"userId"` BasicID string `json:"basicId"` PremiumID string `json:"premiumId"` DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` PictureURL string `json:"pictureUrl"` ChatMode ChatMode `json:"chatMode"` MarkAsReadMode MarkAsReadMode `json:"markAsReadMode"` }
BotInfoResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type BoxBackground ¶
type BoxBackground struct { Type FlexBoxBackgroundType `json:"type,omitempty"` Angle string `json:"angle,omitempty"` StartColor string `json:"startColor,omitempty"` EndColor string `json:"endColor,omitempty"` CenterColor string `json:"centerColor,omitempty"` CenterPosition string `json:"centerPosition,omitempty"` }
BoxBackground type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type BoxComponent ¶
type BoxComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType Layout FlexBoxLayoutType Position FlexComponentPositionType Contents []FlexComponent Flex *int Spacing FlexComponentSpacingType Margin FlexComponentMarginType Width string MaxWidth string Height string MaxHeight string CornerRadius FlexComponentCornerRadiusType BackgroundColor string BorderColor string BorderWidth string Action TemplateAction JustifyContent FlexComponentJustifyContentType AlignItems FlexComponentAlignItemsType Background *BoxBackground OffsetTop FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetBottom FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetStart FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetEnd FlexComponentOffsetType PaddingAll FlexComponentPaddingType PaddingTop FlexComponentPaddingType PaddingBottom FlexComponentPaddingType PaddingStart FlexComponentPaddingType PaddingEnd FlexComponentPaddingType }
BoxComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*BoxComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*BoxComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*BoxComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *BoxComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of BoxComponent
func (*BoxComponent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *BoxComponent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for BoxComponent
type BroadcastMessageCall ¶
type BroadcastMessageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BroadcastMessageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*BroadcastMessageCall) Do ¶
func (call *BroadcastMessageCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*BroadcastMessageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *BroadcastMessageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *BroadcastMessageCall
WithContext method
func (*BroadcastMessageCall) WithRetryKey ¶
func (call *BroadcastMessageCall) WithRetryKey(retryKey string) *BroadcastMessageCall
WithRetryKey method will set retry key string (UUID) on BroadcastMessage.
type BubbleContainer ¶
type BubbleContainer struct { Type FlexContainerType Size FlexBubbleSizeType Direction FlexBubbleDirectionType Header *BoxComponent Hero FlexComponent Body *BoxComponent Styles *BubbleStyle }
BubbleContainer type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*BubbleContainer) FlexContainer ¶
func (*BubbleContainer) FlexContainer()
FlexContainer implements FlexContainer interface
func (*BubbleContainer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *BubbleContainer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of BubbleContainer
func (*BubbleContainer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *BubbleContainer) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method of BubbleContainer
type BubbleStyle ¶
type BubbleStyle struct { Header *BlockStyle `json:"header,omitempty"` Hero *BlockStyle `json:"hero,omitempty"` Body *BlockStyle `json:"body,omitempty"` }
BubbleStyle type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type BulkLinkRichMenuCall ¶
type BulkLinkRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BulkLinkRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*BulkLinkRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *BulkLinkRichMenuCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*BulkLinkRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *BulkLinkRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *BulkLinkRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall ¶
type BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type ButtonComponent ¶
type ButtonComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType Action TemplateAction Position FlexComponentPositionType Flex *int Margin FlexComponentMarginType Height FlexButtonHeightType Style FlexButtonStyleType Color string Gravity FlexComponentGravityType AdjustMode FlexComponentAdjustModeType OffsetTop FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetBottom FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetStart FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetEnd FlexComponentOffsetType }
ButtonComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ButtonComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*ButtonComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*ButtonComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ButtonComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of ButtonComponent
func (*ButtonComponent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ButtonComponent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for ButtonComponent
type ButtonsTemplate ¶
type ButtonsTemplate struct { ThumbnailImageURL string ImageAspectRatio ImageAspectRatioType ImageSize ImageSizeType ImageBackgroundColor string Title string Text string Actions []TemplateAction DefaultAction TemplateAction }
ButtonsTemplate type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewButtonsTemplate ¶
func NewButtonsTemplate(thumbnailImageURL, title, text string, actions ...TemplateAction) *ButtonsTemplate
NewButtonsTemplate function `thumbnailImageURL` and `title` are optional. they can be empty. Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ButtonsTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t *ButtonsTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of ButtonsTemplate
func (*ButtonsTemplate) Template ¶
func (*ButtonsTemplate) Template()
Template implements Template interface
func (*ButtonsTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *ButtonsTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for ButtonsTemplate
func (*ButtonsTemplate) WithDefaultAction ¶
func (t *ButtonsTemplate) WithDefaultAction(defaultAction TemplateAction) *ButtonsTemplate
WithDefaultAction method, ButtonsTemplate can set defaultAction
func (*ButtonsTemplate) WithImageOptions ¶
func (t *ButtonsTemplate) WithImageOptions(imageAspectRatio ImageAspectRatioType, imageSize ImageSizeType, imageBackgroundColor string) *ButtonsTemplate
WithImageOptions method, ButtonsTemplate can set imageAspectRatio, imageSize and imageBackgroundColor
type CameraAction ¶
type CameraAction struct {
Label string
CameraAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewCameraAction ¶
func NewCameraAction(label string) *CameraAction
NewCameraAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*CameraAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *CameraAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of CameraAction
func (*CameraAction) QuickReplyAction ¶
func (*CameraAction) QuickReplyAction()
QuickReplyAction implements QuickReplyAction interface
type CameraRollAction ¶
type CameraRollAction struct {
Label string
CameraRollAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewCameraRollAction ¶
func NewCameraRollAction(label string) *CameraRollAction
NewCameraRollAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*CameraRollAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *CameraRollAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of CameraRollAction
func (*CameraRollAction) QuickReplyAction ¶
func (*CameraRollAction) QuickReplyAction()
QuickReplyAction implements QuickReplyAction interface
type CancelDefaultRichMenuCall ¶
type CancelDefaultRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CancelDefaultRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*CancelDefaultRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *CancelDefaultRichMenuCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*CancelDefaultRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *CancelDefaultRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CancelDefaultRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type CarouselColumn ¶
type CarouselColumn struct { ThumbnailImageURL string `json:"thumbnailImageUrl,omitempty"` ImageBackgroundColor string `json:"imageBackgroundColor,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text"` Actions []TemplateAction `json:"actions"` DefaultAction TemplateAction `json:"defaultAction,omitempty"` }
CarouselColumn type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewCarouselColumn ¶
func NewCarouselColumn(thumbnailImageURL, title, text string, actions ...TemplateAction) *CarouselColumn
NewCarouselColumn function `thumbnailImageURL` and `title` are optional. they can be empty. Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*CarouselColumn) WithDefaultAction ¶
func (t *CarouselColumn) WithDefaultAction(defaultAction TemplateAction) *CarouselColumn
WithDefaultAction method, CarouselColumn can set defaultAction
func (*CarouselColumn) WithImageOptions ¶
func (t *CarouselColumn) WithImageOptions(imageBackgroundColor string) *CarouselColumn
WithImageOptions method, CarouselColumn can set imageBackgroundColor
type CarouselContainer ¶
type CarouselContainer struct { Type FlexContainerType Contents []*BubbleContainer }
CarouselContainer type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*CarouselContainer) FlexContainer ¶
func (*CarouselContainer) FlexContainer()
FlexContainer implements FlexContainer interface
func (*CarouselContainer) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CarouselContainer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of CarouselContainer
type CarouselTemplate ¶
type CarouselTemplate struct { Columns []*CarouselColumn ImageAspectRatio ImageAspectRatioType ImageSize ImageSizeType }
CarouselTemplate type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewCarouselTemplate ¶
func NewCarouselTemplate(columns ...*CarouselColumn) *CarouselTemplate
NewCarouselTemplate function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*CarouselTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t *CarouselTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of CarouselTemplate
func (*CarouselTemplate) Template ¶
func (*CarouselTemplate) Template()
Template implements Template interface
func (*CarouselTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *CarouselTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for CarouselTemplate
func (*CarouselTemplate) WithImageOptions ¶
func (t *CarouselTemplate) WithImageOptions(imageAspectRatio ImageAspectRatioType, imageSize ImageSizeType) *CarouselTemplate
WithImageOptions method, CarouselTemplate can set imageAspectRatio and imageSize
type ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall ¶
type ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall struct { AuthorityLevel AudienceAuthorityLevelType `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall) Do ¶
func (call *ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall
WithContext method
type ClickAudienceGroupCall ¶
type ClickAudienceGroupCall struct { Description string `validate:"required,max=120"` RequestID string `validate:"required"` ClickURL string `validate:"max=2000"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ClickAudienceGroupCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ClickAudienceGroupCall) Do ¶
func (call *ClickAudienceGroupCall) Do() (*ClickAudienceGroupResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ClickAudienceGroupCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ClickAudienceGroupCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ClickAudienceGroupCall
WithContext method
type ClickAudienceGroupResponse ¶
type ClickAudienceGroupResponse struct { XRequestID string `json:"-"` // from header X-Line-Request-Id AcceptedRequestID string `json:"-"` AudienceGroupID int `json:"audienceGroupId,omitempty"` CreateRoute string `json:"createRoute,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"` Permission string `json:"permission,omitempty"` ExpireTimestamp int64 `json:"expireTimestamp,omitempty"` IsIfaAudience bool `json:"isIfaAudience,omitempty"` RequestID string `json:"requestId,omitempty"` ClickURL string `json:"clickUrl,omitempty"` }
ClickAudienceGroupResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ClickDetail ¶
type ClickDetail struct { Seq int64 `json:"seq"` URL string `json:"url"` Click int64 `json:"click"` UniqueClick int64 `json:"uniqueClick"` UniqueClickOfRequest int64 `json:"uniqueClickOfRequest"` }
ClickDetail type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client type Deprecated: use OpenAPI based instead. Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func New ¶
func New(channelSecret, channelToken string, options ...ClientOption) (*Client, error)
New returns a new bot client instance. Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*Client) ActivateAudienceGroup ¶
func (client *Client) ActivateAudienceGroup(audienceGroupID int) *ActivateAudienceGroupCall
ActivateAudienceGroup method
func (*Client) AddAudiences ¶
func (client *Client) AddAudiences(audienceGroupID int, audiences []string, options ...IAddAudiencesOption) *AddAudiencesCall
AddAudiences method
func (*Client) AddAudiencesByFile ¶
func (client *Client) AddAudiencesByFile(audienceGroupID int, audiences []string, options ...IAddAudiencesByFileOption) *AddAudiencesByFileCall
AddAudiencesByFile method
func (*Client) BroadcastMessage ¶
func (client *Client) BroadcastMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *BroadcastMessageCall
BroadcastMessage method
func (*Client) BulkLinkRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) BulkLinkRichMenu(richMenuID string, userIDs ...string) *BulkLinkRichMenuCall
BulkLinkRichMenu method
func (*Client) BulkUnlinkRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) BulkUnlinkRichMenu(userIDs ...string) *BulkUnlinkRichMenuCall
BulkUnlinkRichMenu method
func (*Client) CancelDefaultRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) CancelDefaultRichMenu() *CancelDefaultRichMenuCall
CancelDefaultRichMenu method
func (*Client) ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel ¶
func (client *Client) ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel(authorityLevel AudienceAuthorityLevelType) *ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall
ChangeAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel method
func (*Client) ClickAudienceGroup ¶
func (client *Client) ClickAudienceGroup(description, requestID string, options ...IClickAudienceGroupOption) *ClickAudienceGroupCall
ClickAudienceGroup method
func (*Client) CreateRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) CreateRichMenu(richMenu RichMenu) *CreateRichMenuCall
CreateRichMenu method
func (*Client) CreateRichMenuAlias ¶
func (client *Client) CreateRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasID, richMenuID string) *CreateRichMenuAliasCall
CreateRichMenuAlias method
func (*Client) DeleteAudienceGroup ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteAudienceGroup(audienceGroupID int) *DeleteAudienceGroupCall
DeleteAudienceGroup method
func (*Client) DeleteLIFF ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteLIFF(liffID string) *DeleteLIFFCall
DeleteLIFF method
func (*Client) DeleteRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteRichMenu(richMenuID string) *DeleteRichMenuCall
DeleteRichMenu method
func (*Client) DeleteRichMenuAlias ¶
func (client *Client) DeleteRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasID string) *DeleteRichMenuAliasCall
DeleteRichMenuAlias method
func (*Client) DownloadRichMenuImage ¶
func (client *Client) DownloadRichMenuImage(richMenuID string) *DownloadRichMenuImageCall
DownloadRichMenuImage method
func (*Client) GetAccessTokensV2 ¶
func (client *Client) GetAccessTokensV2(clientAssertion string) *GetAccessTokensV2Call
GetAccessTokensV2 method
func (*Client) GetAudienceGroup ¶
func (client *Client) GetAudienceGroup(audienceGroupID int) *GetAudienceGroupCall
GetAudienceGroup method
func (*Client) GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel ¶
func (client *Client) GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel() *GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall
GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevel method
func (*Client) GetDefaultRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) GetDefaultRichMenu() *GetDefaultRichMenuCall
GetDefaultRichMenu method
func (*Client) GetFollowerIDs ¶
func (client *Client) GetFollowerIDs(continuationToken string) *GetFollowerIDsCall
GetFollowerIDs method
func (*Client) GetFriendDemographics ¶
func (client *Client) GetFriendDemographics() *GetFriendDemographicsCall
GetFriendDemographics method
func (*Client) GetGroupMemberCount ¶
func (client *Client) GetGroupMemberCount(groupID string) *GetGroupMemberCountCall
GetGroupMemberCount method
func (*Client) GetGroupMemberIDs ¶
func (client *Client) GetGroupMemberIDs(groupID, continuationToken string) *GetGroupMemberIDsCall
GetGroupMemberIDs method
func (*Client) GetGroupMemberProfile ¶
func (client *Client) GetGroupMemberProfile(groupID, userID string) *GetGroupMemberProfileCall
GetGroupMemberProfile method
func (*Client) GetGroupSummary ¶
func (client *Client) GetGroupSummary(groupID string) *GetGroupSummaryCall
GetGroupSummary method
func (*Client) GetMessageConsumption ¶
func (client *Client) GetMessageConsumption() *GetMessageConsumptionCall
GetMessageConsumption method
func (*Client) GetMessageContent ¶
func (client *Client) GetMessageContent(messageID string) *GetMessageContentCall
GetMessageContent method
func (*Client) GetMessageQuota ¶
func (client *Client) GetMessageQuota() *GetMessageQuotaCall
GetMessageQuota method
func (*Client) GetMessageQuotaConsumption ¶
func (client *Client) GetMessageQuotaConsumption() *GetMessageQuotaCall
GetMessageQuotaConsumption method
func (*Client) GetNumberBroadcastMessages ¶
func (client *Client) GetNumberBroadcastMessages(date string) *GetNumberMessagesCall
GetNumberBroadcastMessages method
func (*Client) GetNumberFollowers ¶
func (client *Client) GetNumberFollowers(date string) *GetNumberFollowersCall
GetNumberFollowers method
func (*Client) GetNumberMessagesDelivery ¶
func (client *Client) GetNumberMessagesDelivery(date string) *GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall
GetNumberMessagesDelivery method
func (*Client) GetNumberMulticastMessages ¶
func (client *Client) GetNumberMulticastMessages(date string) *GetNumberMessagesCall
GetNumberMulticastMessages method
func (*Client) GetNumberPushMessages ¶
func (client *Client) GetNumberPushMessages(date string) *GetNumberMessagesCall
GetNumberPushMessages method
func (*Client) GetNumberReplyMessages ¶
func (client *Client) GetNumberReplyMessages(date string) *GetNumberMessagesCall
GetNumberReplyMessages method
func (*Client) GetProfile ¶
func (client *Client) GetProfile(userID string) *GetProfileCall
GetProfile method
func (*Client) GetProgressNarrowcastMessages ¶
func (client *Client) GetProgressNarrowcastMessages(requestID string) *GetProgressMessagesCall
GetProgressNarrowcastMessages method
func (*Client) GetRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) GetRichMenu(richMenuID string) *GetRichMenuCall
GetRichMenu method
func (*Client) GetRichMenuAlias ¶
func (client *Client) GetRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasID string) *GetRichMenuAliasCall
GetRichMenuAlias method
func (*Client) GetRichMenuAliasList ¶
func (client *Client) GetRichMenuAliasList() *GetRichMenuAliasListCall
GetRichMenuAliasList method
func (*Client) GetRichMenuList ¶
func (client *Client) GetRichMenuList() *GetRichMenuListCall
GetRichMenuList method
func (*Client) GetRoomMemberCount ¶
func (client *Client) GetRoomMemberCount(roomID string) *GetRoomMemberCountCall
GetRoomMemberCount method
func (*Client) GetRoomMemberIDs ¶
func (client *Client) GetRoomMemberIDs(roomID, continuationToken string) *GetRoomMemberIDsCall
GetRoomMemberIDs method
func (*Client) GetRoomMemberProfile ¶
func (client *Client) GetRoomMemberProfile(roomID, userID string) *GetRoomMemberProfileCall
GetRoomMemberProfile method
func (*Client) GetUserInteractionStats ¶
func (client *Client) GetUserInteractionStats(requestID string) *GetUserInteractionStatsCall
GetUserInteractionStats method
func (*Client) GetUserRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) GetUserRichMenu(userID string) *GetUserRichMenuCall
GetUserRichMenu method
func (*Client) GetWebhookInfo ¶
func (client *Client) GetWebhookInfo() *GetWebhookInfo
GetWebhookInfo method
func (*Client) IMPAudienceGroup ¶
func (client *Client) IMPAudienceGroup(description, requestID string) *IMPAudienceGroupCall
IMPAudienceGroup method
func (*Client) IssueAccessToken ¶
func (client *Client) IssueAccessToken(channelID, channelSecret string) *IssueAccessTokenCall
IssueAccessToken method
func (*Client) IssueAccessTokenV2 ¶
func (client *Client) IssueAccessTokenV2(clientAssertion string) *IssueAccessTokenV2Call
IssueAccessTokenV2 method
func (*Client) IssueLinkToken ¶
func (client *Client) IssueLinkToken(userID string) *IssueLinkTokenCall
IssueLinkToken method
func (*Client) LeaveGroup ¶
func (client *Client) LeaveGroup(groupID string) *LeaveGroupCall
LeaveGroup method
func (*Client) LeaveRoom ¶
func (client *Client) LeaveRoom(roomID string) *LeaveRoomCall
LeaveRoom method
func (*Client) LinkUserRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) LinkUserRichMenu(userID, richMenuID string) *LinkUserRichMenuCall
LinkUserRichMenu method
func (*Client) ListAudienceGroup ¶
func (client *Client) ListAudienceGroup(page int, options ...IListAudienceGroupOption) *ListAudienceGroupCall
ListAudienceGroup method
func (*Client) Multicast ¶
func (client *Client) Multicast(to []string, messages ...SendingMessage) *MulticastCall
Multicast method
func (*Client) Narrowcast ¶
func (client *Client) Narrowcast(messages ...SendingMessage) *NarrowcastCall
Narrowcast method
func (*Client) NewRawCall ¶
NewRawCall method
func (*Client) NewRawCallWithBody ¶
func (client *Client) NewRawCallWithBody(method string, endpoint string, body io.Reader) (*RawCall, error)
NewRawCallWithBody method
func (*Client) ParseRequest ¶
ParseRequest method Deprecated: use webhook.ParseRequest instead.
func (*Client) PushMessage ¶
func (client *Client) PushMessage(to string, messages ...SendingMessage) *PushMessageCall
PushMessage method
func (*Client) ReplyMessage ¶
func (client *Client) ReplyMessage(replyToken string, messages ...SendingMessage) *ReplyMessageCall
ReplyMessage method
func (*Client) RevokeAccessToken ¶
func (client *Client) RevokeAccessToken(accessToken string) *RevokeAccessTokenCall
RevokeAccessToken method
func (*Client) RevokeAccessTokenV2 ¶
func (client *Client) RevokeAccessTokenV2(channelID, channelSecret, accessToken string) *RevokeAccessTokenV2Call
RevokeAccessTokenV2 method
func (*Client) SetDefaultRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) SetDefaultRichMenu(richMenuID string) *SetDefaultRichMenuCall
SetDefaultRichMenu method
func (*Client) SetWebhookEndpointURL ¶
func (client *Client) SetWebhookEndpointURL(webhookEndpoint string) *SetWebhookEndpointURLCall
SetWebhookEndpointURL method
func (*Client) UnlinkUserRichMenu ¶
func (client *Client) UnlinkUserRichMenu(userID string) *UnlinkUserRichMenuCall
UnlinkUserRichMenu method
func (*Client) UpdateAudienceGroupDescription ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateAudienceGroupDescription(audienceGroupID int, description string) *UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall
UpdateAudienceGroupDescription method
func (*Client) UpdateLIFF ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateLIFF(liffID string, app LIFFApp) *UpdateLIFFCall
UpdateLIFF method
func (*Client) UpdateRichMenuAlias ¶
func (client *Client) UpdateRichMenuAlias(richMenuAliasID, richMenuID string) *UpdateRichMenuAliasCall
UpdateRichMenuAlias method
func (*Client) UploadAudienceGroup ¶
func (client *Client) UploadAudienceGroup(description string, options ...IUploadAudienceGroupOption) *UploadAudienceGroupCall
UploadAudienceGroup method
func (*Client) UploadAudienceGroupByFile ¶
func (client *Client) UploadAudienceGroupByFile(description string, audiences []string, options ...IUploadAudienceGroupByFileOption) *UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall
UploadAudienceGroupByFile method
func (*Client) UploadRichMenuImage ¶
func (client *Client) UploadRichMenuImage(richMenuID, imgPath string) *UploadRichMenuImageCall
UploadRichMenuImage method
func (*Client) ValidateBroadcastMessage ¶
func (client *Client) ValidateBroadcastMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidateBroadcastMessageCall
ValidateBroadcastMessage method
func (*Client) ValidateMulticastMessage ¶
func (client *Client) ValidateMulticastMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidateMulticastMessageCall
ValidateMulticastMessage method
func (*Client) ValidateNarrowcastMessage ¶
func (client *Client) ValidateNarrowcastMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall
ValidateNarrowcastMessage method
func (*Client) ValidatePushMessage ¶
func (client *Client) ValidatePushMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidatePushMessageCall
ValidatePushMessage method
func (*Client) ValidateReplyMessage ¶
func (client *Client) ValidateReplyMessage(messages ...SendingMessage) *ValidateReplyMessageCall
ValidateReplyMessage method
func (*Client) ValidateRichMenuObject ¶
func (client *Client) ValidateRichMenuObject(richMenu RichMenu) *ValidateRichMenuObjectCall
ValidateRichMenuObject method
func (*Client) VerifyAccessToken ¶
func (client *Client) VerifyAccessToken(accessToken string) *VerifyAccessTokenCall
VerifyAccessToken method
type ClientOption ¶
ClientOption type
func WithEndpointBase ¶
func WithEndpointBase(endpointBase string) ClientOption
WithEndpointBase function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithEndpointBaseData ¶
func WithEndpointBaseData(endpointBaseData string) ClientOption
WithEndpointBaseData function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithHTTPClient ¶
func WithHTTPClient(c *http.Client) ClientOption
WithHTTPClient function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ConfirmTemplate ¶
type ConfirmTemplate struct { Text string Actions []TemplateAction }
ConfirmTemplate type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewConfirmTemplate ¶
func NewConfirmTemplate(text string, left, right TemplateAction) *ConfirmTemplate
NewConfirmTemplate function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ConfirmTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t *ConfirmTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of ConfirmTemplate
func (*ConfirmTemplate) Template ¶
func (*ConfirmTemplate) Template()
Template implements Template interface
func (*ConfirmTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *ConfirmTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for ConfirmTemplate
type ContentProvider ¶
type ContentProvider struct { Type ContentProviderType `json:"type"` OriginalContentURL string `json:"originalContentUrl,omitempty"` PreviewImageURL string `json:"previewImageUrl,omitempty"` }
ContentProvider type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ContentProviderType ¶
type ContentProviderType string
ContentProviderType type
const ( ContentProviderTypeLINE ContentProviderType = "line" ContentProviderTypeExternal ContentProviderType = "external" )
ContentProviderType constants
type CreateRichMenuAliasCall ¶
type CreateRichMenuAliasCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CreateRichMenuAliasCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*CreateRichMenuAliasCall) Do ¶
func (call *CreateRichMenuAliasCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*CreateRichMenuAliasCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *CreateRichMenuAliasCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateRichMenuAliasCall
WithContext method
type CreateRichMenuCall ¶
type CreateRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CreateRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*CreateRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *CreateRichMenuCall) Do() (*RichMenuIDResponse, error)
Do method
func (*CreateRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *CreateRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *CreateRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type DatetimePickerAction ¶
type DatetimePickerAction struct { Label string Data string Mode string Initial string Max string Min string }
DatetimePickerAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewDatetimePickerAction ¶
func NewDatetimePickerAction(label, data, mode, initial, max, min string) *DatetimePickerAction
NewDatetimePickerAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*DatetimePickerAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *DatetimePickerAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of DatetimePickerAction
func (*DatetimePickerAction) QuickReplyAction ¶
func (*DatetimePickerAction) QuickReplyAction()
QuickReplyAction implements QuickReplyAction interface
func (*DatetimePickerAction) TemplateAction ¶
func (*DatetimePickerAction) TemplateAction()
TemplateAction implements TemplateAction interface
type DeleteAudienceGroupCall ¶
type DeleteAudienceGroupCall struct { AudienceGroupID int `json:"-" validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DeleteAudienceGroupCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*DeleteAudienceGroupCall) Do ¶
func (call *DeleteAudienceGroupCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*DeleteAudienceGroupCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *DeleteAudienceGroupCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteAudienceGroupCall
WithContext method
type DeleteLIFFCall ¶
type DeleteLIFFCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteLIFFCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*DeleteLIFFCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *DeleteLIFFCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteLIFFCall
WithContext method
type DeleteRichMenuAliasCall ¶
type DeleteRichMenuAliasCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteRichMenuAliasCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*DeleteRichMenuAliasCall) Do ¶
func (call *DeleteRichMenuAliasCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*DeleteRichMenuAliasCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *DeleteRichMenuAliasCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteRichMenuAliasCall
WithContext method
type DeleteRichMenuCall ¶
type DeleteRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*DeleteRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *DeleteRichMenuCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*DeleteRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *DeleteRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DeleteRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type DeliveryContext ¶
type DeliveryContext struct {
IsRedelivery bool `json:"isRedelivery"`
DeliveryContext type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type DeliveryType ¶
type DeliveryType string
DeliveryType type
const ( DeliveryTypeMulticast DeliveryType = "multicast" DeliveryTypePush DeliveryType = "push" DeliveryTypeReply DeliveryType = "reply" DeliveryTypeBroadcast DeliveryType = "broadcast" )
DeliveryType constants
type DemographicFilter ¶
type DemographicFilter interface {
DemographicFilter interface
type DemographicFilterOperator ¶
type DemographicFilterOperator struct { ConditionAnd []DemographicFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` ConditionOr []DemographicFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` ConditionNot DemographicFilter `json:"not,omitempty"` }
DemographicFilterOperator struct Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func DemographicFilterOperatorAnd ¶
func DemographicFilterOperatorAnd(conditions ...DemographicFilter) *DemographicFilterOperator
DemographicFilterOperatorAnd method Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func DemographicFilterOperatorNot ¶
func DemographicFilterOperatorNot(condition DemographicFilter) *DemographicFilterOperator
DemographicFilterOperatorNot method Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func DemographicFilterOperatorOr ¶
func DemographicFilterOperatorOr(conditions ...DemographicFilter) *DemographicFilterOperator
DemographicFilterOperatorOr method Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*DemographicFilterOperator) DemographicFilter ¶
func (*DemographicFilterOperator) DemographicFilter()
DemographicFilter implements DemographicFilter interface
func (*DemographicFilterOperator) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o *DemographicFilterOperator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of DemographicFilterOperator
type DownloadRichMenuImageCall ¶
type DownloadRichMenuImageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DownloadRichMenuImageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*DownloadRichMenuImageCall) Do ¶
func (call *DownloadRichMenuImageCall) Do() (*MessageContentResponse, error)
Do method
func (*DownloadRichMenuImageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *DownloadRichMenuImageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *DownloadRichMenuImageCall
WithContext method
type Emoji ¶
type Emoji struct { Index int `json:"index"` Length int `json:"length,omitempty"` ProductID string `json:"productId,omitempty"` EmojiID string `json:"emojiId,omitempty"` }
Emoji type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ErrorResponse ¶
type ErrorResponse struct { Message string `json:"message"` Details []errorResponseDetail `json:"details"` // OAuth Errors Error string `json:"error"` ErrorDescription string `json:"error_description"` }
ErrorResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type Event ¶
type Event struct { ReplyToken string Type EventType Mode EventMode Timestamp time.Time Source *EventSource Message Message Joined *Members Left *Members Postback *Postback Beacon *Beacon AccountLink *AccountLink Things *Things Members []*EventSource Unsend *Unsend VideoPlayComplete *VideoPlayComplete WebhookEventID string DeliveryContext DeliveryContext }
Event type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func ParseRequest ¶
ParseRequest func Deprecated: use webhook.ParseRequest instead.
func (*Event) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON method of Event
func (*Event) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON method of Event
type EventSource ¶
type EventSource struct { Type EventSourceType `json:"type"` UserID string `json:"userId,omitempty"` GroupID string `json:"groupId,omitempty"` RoomID string `json:"roomId,omitempty"` }
EventSource type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type EventSourceType ¶
type EventSourceType string
EventSourceType type
const ( EventSourceTypeUser EventSourceType = "user" EventSourceTypeGroup EventSourceType = "group" EventSourceTypeRoom EventSourceType = "room" )
EventSourceType constants
type EventType ¶
type EventType string
EventType type
const ( EventTypeMessage EventType = "message" EventTypeFollow EventType = "follow" EventTypeUnfollow EventType = "unfollow" EventTypeJoin EventType = "join" EventTypeLeave EventType = "leave" EventTypeMemberJoined EventType = "memberJoined" EventTypeMemberLeft EventType = "memberLeft" EventTypePostback EventType = "postback" EventTypeBeacon EventType = "beacon" EventTypeAccountLink EventType = "accountLink" EventTypeThings EventType = "things" EventTypeUnsend EventType = "unsend" EventTypeVideoPlayComplete EventType = "videoPlayComplete" )
EventType constants
type FileMessage ¶
type FileMessage struct { ID string FileName string FileSize int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*FileMessage) Type ¶
func (m *FileMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
type FillerComponent ¶
type FillerComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType Flex *int }
FillerComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*FillerComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*FillerComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*FillerComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *FillerComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of FillerComponent
type Filter ¶
type Filter struct {
Demographic DemographicFilter `json:"demographic"`
Filter type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type FlexBoxBackgroundType ¶
type FlexBoxBackgroundType string
FlexBoxBackgroundType type
const (
FlexBoxBackgroundTypeLinearGradient FlexBoxBackgroundType = "linearGradient"
FlexBoxBackgroundType constants
type FlexBoxLayoutType ¶
type FlexBoxLayoutType string
FlexBoxLayoutType type
const ( FlexBoxLayoutTypeHorizontal FlexBoxLayoutType = "horizontal" FlexBoxLayoutTypeVertical FlexBoxLayoutType = "vertical" FlexBoxLayoutTypeBaseline FlexBoxLayoutType = "baseline" )
FlexBoxLayoutType constants
type FlexBubbleDirectionType ¶
type FlexBubbleDirectionType string
FlexBubbleDirectionType type
const ( FlexBubbleDirectionTypeLTR FlexBubbleDirectionType = "ltr" FlexBubbleDirectionTypeRTL FlexBubbleDirectionType = "rtl" )
FlexBubbleDirectionType constants
type FlexBubbleSizeType ¶
type FlexBubbleSizeType string
FlexBubbleSizeType type
const ( FlexBubbleSizeTypeNano FlexBubbleSizeType = "nano" FlexBubbleSizeTypeMicro FlexBubbleSizeType = "micro" FlexBubbleSizeTypeKilo FlexBubbleSizeType = "kilo" FlexBubbleSizeTypeMega FlexBubbleSizeType = "mega" FlexBubbleSizeTypeGiga FlexBubbleSizeType = "giga" )
FlexBubbleSizeType constants
type FlexButtonHeightType ¶
type FlexButtonHeightType string
FlexButtonHeightType type
const ( FlexButtonHeightTypeMd FlexButtonHeightType = "md" FlexButtonHeightTypeSm FlexButtonHeightType = "sm" )
FlexButtonHeightType constants
type FlexButtonStyleType ¶
type FlexButtonStyleType string
FlexButtonStyleType type
const ( FlexButtonStyleTypeLink FlexButtonStyleType = "link" FlexButtonStyleTypePrimary FlexButtonStyleType = "primary" FlexButtonStyleTypeSecondary FlexButtonStyleType = "secondary" )
FlexButtonStyleType constants
type FlexComponentAdjustModeType ¶
type FlexComponentAdjustModeType string
FlexComponentAdjustModeType type
const (
FlexComponentAdjustModeTypeShrinkToFit FlexComponentAdjustModeType = "shrink-to-fit"
FlexComponentAdjustModeType constants
type FlexComponentAlignItemsType ¶
type FlexComponentAlignItemsType string
FlexComponentAlignItemsType type
const ( FlexComponentAlignItemsTypeFlexStart FlexComponentAlignItemsType = "flex-start" FlexComponentAlignItemsTypeFlexEnd FlexComponentAlignItemsType = "flex-end" FlexComponentAlignItemsTypeCenter FlexComponentAlignItemsType = "center" )
FlexComponentAlignItemsType constants
type FlexComponentAlignType ¶
type FlexComponentAlignType string
FlexComponentAlignType type
const ( FlexComponentAlignTypeStart FlexComponentAlignType = "start" FlexComponentAlignTypeEnd FlexComponentAlignType = "end" FlexComponentAlignTypeCenter FlexComponentAlignType = "center" )
FlexComponentAlignType constants
type FlexComponentCornerRadiusType ¶
type FlexComponentCornerRadiusType string
FlexComponentCornerRadiusType type
const ( FlexComponentCornerRadiusTypeNone FlexComponentCornerRadiusType = "none" FlexComponentCornerRadiusTypeXs FlexComponentCornerRadiusType = "xs" FlexComponentCornerRadiusTypeSm FlexComponentCornerRadiusType = "sm" FlexComponentCornerRadiusTypeMd FlexComponentCornerRadiusType = "md" FlexComponentCornerRadiusTypeLg FlexComponentCornerRadiusType = "lg" FlexComponentCornerRadiusTypeXl FlexComponentCornerRadiusType = "xl" FlexComponentCornerRadiusTypeXxl FlexComponentCornerRadiusType = "xxl" )
FlexComponentCornerRadius constants
type FlexComponentGravityType ¶
type FlexComponentGravityType string
FlexComponentGravityType type
const ( FlexComponentGravityTypeTop FlexComponentGravityType = "top" FlexComponentGravityTypeBottom FlexComponentGravityType = "bottom" FlexComponentGravityTypeCenter FlexComponentGravityType = "center" )
FlexComponentGravityType constants
type FlexComponentJustifyContentType ¶
type FlexComponentJustifyContentType string
FlexComponentJustifyContentType type
const ( FlexComponentJustifyContentTypeFlexStart FlexComponentJustifyContentType = "flex-start" FlexComponentJustifyContentTypeFlexEnd FlexComponentJustifyContentType = "flex-end" FlexComponentJustifyContentTypeCenter FlexComponentJustifyContentType = "center" FlexComponentJustifyContentTypeSpaceBetween FlexComponentJustifyContentType = "space-between" FlexComponentJustifyContentTypeSpaceAround FlexComponentJustifyContentType = "space-around" FlexComponentJustifyContentTypeSpaceEvenly FlexComponentJustifyContentType = "space-evenly" )
FlexComponentJustifyContentType constants
type FlexComponentMarginType ¶
type FlexComponentMarginType string
FlexComponentMarginType type
const ( FlexComponentMarginTypeNone FlexComponentMarginType = "none" FlexComponentMarginTypeXs FlexComponentMarginType = "xs" FlexComponentMarginTypeSm FlexComponentMarginType = "sm" FlexComponentMarginTypeMd FlexComponentMarginType = "md" FlexComponentMarginTypeLg FlexComponentMarginType = "lg" FlexComponentMarginTypeXl FlexComponentMarginType = "xl" FlexComponentMarginTypeXxl FlexComponentMarginType = "xxl" )
FlexComponentMarginType constants
type FlexComponentOffsetType ¶
type FlexComponentOffsetType string
FlexComponentOffsetType type
const ( FlexComponentOffsetTypeNone FlexComponentOffsetType = "none" FlexComponentOffsetTypeXs FlexComponentOffsetType = "xs" FlexComponentOffsetTypeSm FlexComponentOffsetType = "sm" FlexComponentOffsetTypeMd FlexComponentOffsetType = "md" FlexComponentOffsetTypeLg FlexComponentOffsetType = "lg" FlexComponentOffsetTypeXl FlexComponentOffsetType = "xl" FlexComponentOffsetTypeXxl FlexComponentOffsetType = "xxl" )
FlexComponentOffsetType constants
type FlexComponentPaddingType ¶
type FlexComponentPaddingType string
FlexComponentPaddingType type
const ( FlexComponentPaddingTypeNone FlexComponentPaddingType = "none" FlexComponentPaddingTypeXs FlexComponentPaddingType = "xs" FlexComponentPaddingTypeSm FlexComponentPaddingType = "sm" FlexComponentPaddingTypeMd FlexComponentPaddingType = "md" FlexComponentPaddingTypeLg FlexComponentPaddingType = "lg" FlexComponentPaddingTypeXl FlexComponentPaddingType = "xl" FlexComponentPaddingTypeXxl FlexComponentPaddingType = "xxl" )
FlexComponentPaddingType constants
type FlexComponentPositionType ¶
type FlexComponentPositionType string
FlexComponentPositionType type
const ( FlexComponentPositionTypeRelative FlexComponentPositionType = "relative" FlexComponentPositionTypeAbsolute FlexComponentPositionType = "absolute" )
FlexComponentPositionType constants
type FlexComponentSpacingType ¶
type FlexComponentSpacingType string
FlexComponentSpacingType type
const ( FlexComponentSpacingTypeNone FlexComponentSpacingType = "none" FlexComponentSpacingTypeXs FlexComponentSpacingType = "xs" FlexComponentSpacingTypeSm FlexComponentSpacingType = "sm" FlexComponentSpacingTypeMd FlexComponentSpacingType = "md" FlexComponentSpacingTypeLg FlexComponentSpacingType = "lg" FlexComponentSpacingTypeXl FlexComponentSpacingType = "xl" FlexComponentSpacingTypeXxl FlexComponentSpacingType = "xxl" )
FlexComponentSpacingType constants
type FlexComponentType ¶
type FlexComponentType string
FlexComponentType type
const ( FlexComponentTypeBox FlexComponentType = "box" FlexComponentTypeButton FlexComponentType = "button" FlexComponentTypeFiller FlexComponentType = "filler" FlexComponentTypeIcon FlexComponentType = "icon" FlexComponentTypeImage FlexComponentType = "image" FlexComponentTypeSeparator FlexComponentType = "separator" FlexComponentTypeSpacer FlexComponentType = "spacer" FlexComponentTypeSpan FlexComponentType = "span" FlexComponentTypeText FlexComponentType = "text" FlexComponentTypeVideo FlexComponentType = "video" )
FlexComponentType constants
type FlexContainer ¶
type FlexContainer interface {
FlexContainer interface
func UnmarshalFlexMessageJSON ¶
func UnmarshalFlexMessageJSON(data []byte) (FlexContainer, error)
UnmarshalFlexMessageJSON function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
Example ¶
package main import ( "" ) func main() { container, err := linebot.UnmarshalFlexMessageJSON([]byte(`{ "type": "bubble", "body": { "type": "box", "layout": "vertical", "contents": [ { "type": "text", "text": "hello" }, { "type": "text", "text": "world" } ] } }`)) if err != nil { panic(err) } linebot.NewFlexMessage("alt text", container) }
type FlexContainerType ¶
type FlexContainerType string
FlexContainerType type
const ( FlexContainerTypeBubble FlexContainerType = "bubble" FlexContainerTypeCarousel FlexContainerType = "carousel" )
FlexContainerType constants
type FlexIconAspectRatioType ¶
type FlexIconAspectRatioType string
FlexIconAspectRatioType type
const ( FlexIconAspectRatioType1to1 FlexIconAspectRatioType = "1:1" FlexIconAspectRatioType2to1 FlexIconAspectRatioType = "2:1" FlexIconAspectRatioType3to1 FlexIconAspectRatioType = "3:1" )
FlexIconAspectRatioType constants
type FlexIconSizeType ¶
type FlexIconSizeType string
FlexIconSizeType type
const ( FlexIconSizeTypeXxs FlexIconSizeType = "xxs" FlexIconSizeTypeXs FlexIconSizeType = "xs" FlexIconSizeTypeSm FlexIconSizeType = "sm" FlexIconSizeTypeMd FlexIconSizeType = "md" FlexIconSizeTypeLg FlexIconSizeType = "lg" FlexIconSizeTypeXl FlexIconSizeType = "xl" FlexIconSizeTypeXxl FlexIconSizeType = "xxl" FlexIconSizeType3xl FlexIconSizeType = "3xl" FlexIconSizeType4xl FlexIconSizeType = "4xl" FlexIconSizeType5xl FlexIconSizeType = "5xl" )
FlexIconSizeType constants
type FlexImageAspectModeType ¶
type FlexImageAspectModeType string
FlexImageAspectModeType type
const ( FlexImageAspectModeTypeCover FlexImageAspectModeType = "cover" FlexImageAspectModeTypeFit FlexImageAspectModeType = "fit" )
FlexImageAspectModeType constants
type FlexImageAspectRatioType ¶
type FlexImageAspectRatioType string
FlexImageAspectRatioType type
const ( FlexImageAspectRatioType1to1 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "1:1" FlexImageAspectRatioType1_51to1 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "1.51:1" FlexImageAspectRatioType1_91to1 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "1.91:1" FlexImageAspectRatioType4to3 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "4:3" FlexImageAspectRatioType16to9 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "16:9" FlexImageAspectRatioType20to13 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "20:13" FlexImageAspectRatioType2to1 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "2:1" FlexImageAspectRatioType3to1 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "3:1" FlexImageAspectRatioType3to4 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "3:4" FlexImageAspectRatioType9to16 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "9:16" FlexImageAspectRatioType1to2 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "1:2" FlexImageAspectRatioType1to3 FlexImageAspectRatioType = "1:3" )
FlexImageAspectRatioType constants
type FlexImageSizeType ¶
type FlexImageSizeType string
FlexImageSizeType type
const ( FlexImageSizeTypeXxs FlexImageSizeType = "xxs" FlexImageSizeTypeXs FlexImageSizeType = "xs" FlexImageSizeTypeSm FlexImageSizeType = "sm" FlexImageSizeTypeMd FlexImageSizeType = "md" FlexImageSizeTypeLg FlexImageSizeType = "lg" FlexImageSizeTypeXl FlexImageSizeType = "xl" FlexImageSizeTypeXxl FlexImageSizeType = "xxl" FlexImageSizeType3xl FlexImageSizeType = "3xl" FlexImageSizeType4xl FlexImageSizeType = "4xl" FlexImageSizeType5xl FlexImageSizeType = "5xl" FlexImageSizeTypeFull FlexImageSizeType = "full" )
FlexImageSizeType constants
type FlexMessage ¶
type FlexMessage struct { AltText string Contents FlexContainer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FlexMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewFlexMessage ¶
func NewFlexMessage(altText string, contents FlexContainer) *FlexMessage
NewFlexMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*FlexMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *FlexMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of FlexMessage
func (*FlexMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *FlexMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of FlexMessage
func (*FlexMessage) Type ¶
func (m *FlexMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*FlexMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *FlexMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of FlexMessage
func (*FlexMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *FlexMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of FlexMessage
type FlexSpacerSizeType ¶
type FlexSpacerSizeType string
FlexSpacerSizeType type
const ( FlexSpacerSizeTypeXs FlexSpacerSizeType = "xs" FlexSpacerSizeTypeSm FlexSpacerSizeType = "sm" FlexSpacerSizeTypeMd FlexSpacerSizeType = "md" FlexSpacerSizeTypeLg FlexSpacerSizeType = "lg" FlexSpacerSizeTypeXl FlexSpacerSizeType = "xl" FlexSpacerSizeTypeXxl FlexSpacerSizeType = "xxl" )
FlexSpacerSizeType constants
type FlexTextDecorationType ¶
type FlexTextDecorationType string
FlexTextDecorationType type
const ( FlexTextDecorationTypeNone FlexTextDecorationType = "none" FlexTextDecorationTypeUnderline FlexTextDecorationType = "underline" FlexTextDecorationTypeLineThrough FlexTextDecorationType = "line-through" )
FlexTextDecorationType constants
type FlexTextSizeType ¶
type FlexTextSizeType string
FlexTextSizeType type
const ( FlexTextSizeTypeXxs FlexTextSizeType = "xxs" FlexTextSizeTypeXs FlexTextSizeType = "xs" FlexTextSizeTypeSm FlexTextSizeType = "sm" FlexTextSizeTypeMd FlexTextSizeType = "md" FlexTextSizeTypeLg FlexTextSizeType = "lg" FlexTextSizeTypeXl FlexTextSizeType = "xl" FlexTextSizeTypeXxl FlexTextSizeType = "xxl" FlexTextSizeType3xl FlexTextSizeType = "3xl" FlexTextSizeType4xl FlexTextSizeType = "4xl" FlexTextSizeType5xl FlexTextSizeType = "5xl" )
FlexTextSizeType constants
type FlexTextStyleType ¶
type FlexTextStyleType string
FlexTextStyleType type
const ( FlexTextStyleTypeNormal FlexTextStyleType = "normal" FlexTextStyleTypeItalic FlexTextStyleType = "italic" )
FlexTextStyleType constants
type FlexTextWeightType ¶
type FlexTextWeightType string
FlexTextWeightType type
const ( FlexTextWeightTypeRegular FlexTextWeightType = "regular" FlexTextWeightTypeBold FlexTextWeightType = "bold" )
FlexTextWeightType constants
type FlexVideoAspectRatioType ¶
type FlexVideoAspectRatioType string
FlexVideoAspectRatioType type
const ( FlexVideoAspectRatioType1to1 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "1:1" FlexVideoAspectRatioType4to3 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "4:3" FlexVideoAspectRatioType16to9 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "16:9" FlexVideoAspectRatioType20to13 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "20:13" FlexVideoAspectRatioType21to9 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "21:9" FlexVideoAspectRatioType3to4 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "3:4" FlexVideoAspectRatioType9to16 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "9:16" FlexVideoAspectRatioType13to20 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "13:20" FlexVideoAspectRatioType9to21 FlexVideoAspectRatioType = "9:21" )
FlexVideoAspectRatioType constants
type GenderDetail ¶
GenderDetail type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type GenderFilter ¶
type GenderFilter struct { Type string `json:"type"` Genders []GenderType `json:"oneOf"` }
GenderFilter type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewGenderFilter ¶
func NewGenderFilter(genders ...GenderType) *GenderFilter
NewGenderFilter function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GenderFilter) DemographicFilter ¶
func (*GenderFilter) DemographicFilter()
DemographicFilter implements DemographicFilter interface
type GenderType ¶
type GenderType string
GenderType type
const ( GenderMale GenderType = "male" GenderFemale GenderType = "female" )
GenderType constants
type GetAccessTokensV2Call ¶
type GetAccessTokensV2Call struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetAccessTokensV2Call type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetAccessTokensV2Call) Do ¶
func (call *GetAccessTokensV2Call) Do() (*AccessTokensResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetAccessTokensV2Call) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetAccessTokensV2Call) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAccessTokensV2Call
WithContext method
type GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall ¶
type GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall) Do() (*GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelCall
WithContext method
type GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse ¶
type GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"-"` AcceptedRequestID string `json:"-"` AuthorityLevel AudienceAuthorityLevelType `json:"authorityLevel,omitempty"` }
GetAudienceGroupAuthorityLevelResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type GetAudienceGroupCall ¶
type GetAudienceGroupCall struct { AudienceGroupID int `json:"-" validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GetAudienceGroupCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetAudienceGroupCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetAudienceGroupCall) Do() (*GetAudienceGroupResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetAudienceGroupCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetAudienceGroupCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAudienceGroupCall
WithContext method
type GetAudienceGroupResponse ¶
type GetAudienceGroupResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"-"` AcceptedRequestID string `json:"-"` AudienceGroup AudienceGroup `json:"audienceGroup,omitempty"` Jobs []Job `json:"jobs,omitempty"` AdAccount *AdAccount `json:"adaccount,omitempty"` }
GetAudienceGroupResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type GetBotInfoCall ¶
type GetBotInfoCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetBotInfoCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetBotInfoCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetBotInfoCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetBotInfoCall
WithContext method
type GetDefaultRichMenuCall ¶
type GetDefaultRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetDefaultRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetDefaultRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetDefaultRichMenuCall) Do() (*RichMenuIDResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetDefaultRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetDefaultRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetDefaultRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type GetFollowerIDsCall ¶
type GetFollowerIDsCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetFollowerIDsCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetFollowerIDsCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetFollowerIDsCall) Do() (*UserIDsResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetFollowerIDsCall) NewScanner ¶
func (call *GetFollowerIDsCall) NewScanner() *UserIDsScanner
NewScanner returns Group IDs scanner.
func (*GetFollowerIDsCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetFollowerIDsCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetFollowerIDsCall
WithContext method
func (*GetFollowerIDsCall) WithLimit ¶
func (call *GetFollowerIDsCall) WithLimit(limit uint16) *GetFollowerIDsCall
WithLimit will set limit parmeter on query. The limit can be a maximum of 1000 for a single request.
type GetFriendDemographicsCall ¶
type GetFriendDemographicsCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetFriendDemographicsCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetFriendDemographicsCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetFriendDemographicsCall) Do() (*MessagesFriendDemographicsResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetFriendDemographicsCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetFriendDemographicsCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetFriendDemographicsCall
WithContext method
type GetGroupMemberCountCall ¶
type GetGroupMemberCountCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetGroupMemberCountCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetGroupMemberCountCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetGroupMemberCountCall) Do() (*MemberCountResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetGroupMemberCountCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetGroupMemberCountCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetGroupMemberCountCall
WithContext method
type GetGroupMemberIDsCall ¶
type GetGroupMemberIDsCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetGroupMemberIDsCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetGroupMemberIDsCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetGroupMemberIDsCall) Do() (*MemberIDsResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetGroupMemberIDsCall) NewScanner ¶
func (call *GetGroupMemberIDsCall) NewScanner() *IDsScanner
NewScanner returns Group IDs scanner.
func (*GetGroupMemberIDsCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetGroupMemberIDsCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetGroupMemberIDsCall
WithContext method
type GetGroupMemberProfileCall ¶
type GetGroupMemberProfileCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetGroupMemberProfileCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetGroupMemberProfileCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetGroupMemberProfileCall) Do() (*UserProfileResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetGroupMemberProfileCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetGroupMemberProfileCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetGroupMemberProfileCall
WithContext method
type GetGroupSummaryCall ¶
type GetGroupSummaryCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetGroupSummaryCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetGroupSummaryCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetGroupSummaryCall) Do() (*GroupSummaryResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetGroupSummaryCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetGroupSummaryCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetGroupSummaryCall
WithContext method
type GetLIFFAllCall ¶
type GetLIFFAllCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetLIFFAllCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetLIFFAllCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetLIFFAllCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetLIFFAllCall
WithContext method
type GetMessageConsumptionCall ¶
type GetMessageConsumptionCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetMessageConsumptionCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetMessageConsumptionCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetMessageConsumptionCall) Do() (*MessageConsumptionResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetMessageConsumptionCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetMessageConsumptionCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetMessageConsumptionCall
WithContext method
type GetMessageContentCall ¶
type GetMessageContentCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetMessageContentCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetMessageContentCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetMessageContentCall) Do() (*MessageContentResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetMessageContentCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetMessageContentCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetMessageContentCall
WithContext method
type GetMessageQuotaCall ¶
type GetMessageQuotaCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetMessageQuotaCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetMessageQuotaCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetMessageQuotaCall) Do() (*MessageQuotaResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetMessageQuotaCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetMessageQuotaCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetMessageQuotaCall
WithContext method
type GetNumberFollowersCall ¶
type GetNumberFollowersCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetNumberFollowersCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetNumberFollowersCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetNumberFollowersCall) Do() (*MessagesNumberFollowersResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetNumberFollowersCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetNumberFollowersCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetNumberFollowersCall
WithContext method
type GetNumberMessagesCall ¶
type GetNumberMessagesCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetNumberMessagesCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetNumberMessagesCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetNumberMessagesCall) Do() (*MessagesNumberResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetNumberMessagesCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetNumberMessagesCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetNumberMessagesCall
WithContext method
type GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall ¶
type GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall) Do() (*MessagesNumberDeliveryResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetNumberMessagesDeliveryCall
WithContext method
type GetProfileCall ¶
type GetProfileCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetProfileCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetProfileCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetProfileCall) Do() (*UserProfileResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetProfileCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetProfileCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetProfileCall
WithContext method
type GetProgressMessagesCall ¶
type GetProgressMessagesCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetProgressMessagesCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetProgressMessagesCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetProgressMessagesCall) Do() (*MessagesProgressResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetProgressMessagesCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetProgressMessagesCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetProgressMessagesCall
WithContext method
type GetRichMenuAliasCall ¶
type GetRichMenuAliasCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetRichMenuAliasCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetRichMenuAliasCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetRichMenuAliasCall) Do() (*RichMenuAliasResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetRichMenuAliasCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetRichMenuAliasCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetRichMenuAliasCall
WithContext method
type GetRichMenuAliasListCall ¶
type GetRichMenuAliasListCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetRichMenuAliasListCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetRichMenuAliasListCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetRichMenuAliasListCall) Do() ([]*RichMenuAliasResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetRichMenuAliasListCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetRichMenuAliasListCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetRichMenuAliasListCall
WithContext method
type GetRichMenuCall ¶
type GetRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type GetRichMenuListCall ¶
type GetRichMenuListCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetRichMenuListCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetRichMenuListCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetRichMenuListCall) Do() ([]*RichMenuResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetRichMenuListCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetRichMenuListCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetRichMenuListCall
WithContext method
type GetRoomMemberCountCall ¶
type GetRoomMemberCountCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetRoomMemberCountCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetRoomMemberCountCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetRoomMemberCountCall) Do() (*MemberCountResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetRoomMemberCountCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetRoomMemberCountCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetRoomMemberCountCall
WithContext method
type GetRoomMemberIDsCall ¶
type GetRoomMemberIDsCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetRoomMemberIDsCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetRoomMemberIDsCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetRoomMemberIDsCall) Do() (*MemberIDsResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetRoomMemberIDsCall) NewScanner ¶
func (call *GetRoomMemberIDsCall) NewScanner() *IDsScanner
NewScanner returns Room IDs scanner.
func (*GetRoomMemberIDsCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetRoomMemberIDsCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetRoomMemberIDsCall
WithContext method
type GetRoomMemberProfileCall ¶
type GetRoomMemberProfileCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetRoomMemberProfileCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetRoomMemberProfileCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetRoomMemberProfileCall) Do() (*UserProfileResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetRoomMemberProfileCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetRoomMemberProfileCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetRoomMemberProfileCall
WithContext method
type GetUserInteractionStatsCall ¶
type GetUserInteractionStatsCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetUserInteractionStatsCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetUserInteractionStatsCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetUserInteractionStatsCall) Do() (*MessagesUserInteractionStatsResponse, error)
Do method, returns MessagesUserInteractionStatsResponse
func (*GetUserInteractionStatsCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetUserInteractionStatsCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetUserInteractionStatsCall
WithContext method
type GetUserRichMenuCall ¶
type GetUserRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetUserRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetUserRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *GetUserRichMenuCall) Do() (*RichMenuResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetUserRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetUserRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetUserRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type GetWebhookInfo ¶
type GetWebhookInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GetWebhookInfo type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*GetWebhookInfo) Do ¶
func (call *GetWebhookInfo) Do() (*WebhookInfoResponse, error)
Do method
func (*GetWebhookInfo) WithContext ¶
func (call *GetWebhookInfo) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetWebhookInfo
WithContext method
type GroupSummaryResponse ¶
type GroupSummaryResponse struct { GroupID string `json:"groupId"` GroupName string `json:"groupName"` PictureURL string `json:"pictureUrl"` }
GroupSummaryResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type IAddAudiencesByFileOption ¶
type IAddAudiencesByFileOption interface {
Apply(call *AddAudiencesByFileCall)
IAddAudiencesByFileOption type
func WithAddAudiencesByFileCallUploadDescription ¶
func WithAddAudiencesByFileCallUploadDescription(uploadDescription string) IAddAudiencesByFileOption
WithAddAudiencesByFileCallUploadDescription func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type IAddAudiencesOption ¶
type IAddAudiencesOption interface {
Apply(call *AddAudiencesCall)
IAddAudiencesOption type
func WithAddAudiencesCallUploadDescription ¶
func WithAddAudiencesCallUploadDescription(uploadDescription string) IAddAudiencesOption
WithAddAudiencesCallUploadDescription type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type IClickAudienceGroupOption ¶
type IClickAudienceGroupOption interface {
Apply(call *ClickAudienceGroupCall)
IClickAudienceGroupOption type
func WithClickAudienceGroupCallClickURL ¶
func WithClickAudienceGroupCallClickURL(clickURL string) IClickAudienceGroupOption
WithClickAudienceGroupCallClickURL func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type IDsScanner ¶
type IDsScanner struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IDsScanner type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
Example ¶
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" ) func main() { bot, err := linebot.New("secret", "token") if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "linebot.New:", err) } s := bot.GetGroupMemberIDs("cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "").NewScanner() for s.Scan() { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, s.ID()) } if err := s.Err(); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "GetGroupMemberIDs:", err) } }
type IListAudienceGroupOption ¶
type IListAudienceGroupOption interface {
Apply(call *ListAudienceGroupCall)
IListAudienceGroupOption type
func WithListAudienceGroupCallCreateRoute ¶
func WithListAudienceGroupCallCreateRoute(createRoute string) IListAudienceGroupOption
WithListAudienceGroupCallCreateRoute func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithListAudienceGroupCallDescription ¶
func WithListAudienceGroupCallDescription(description string) IListAudienceGroupOption
WithListAudienceGroupCallDescription func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithListAudienceGroupCallIncludesExternalPublicGroups ¶
func WithListAudienceGroupCallIncludesExternalPublicGroups(includesExternalPublicGroups bool) IListAudienceGroupOption
WithListAudienceGroupCallIncludesExternalPublicGroups func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithListAudienceGroupCallSize ¶
func WithListAudienceGroupCallSize(size int) IListAudienceGroupOption
WithListAudienceGroupCallSize func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithListAudienceGroupCallStatus ¶
func WithListAudienceGroupCallStatus(status AudienceStatusType) IListAudienceGroupOption
WithListAudienceGroupCallStatus func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type IMPAudienceGroupCall ¶
type IMPAudienceGroupCall struct { Description string `validate:"required,max=120"` RequestID string `validate:"required"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
IMPAudienceGroupCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*IMPAudienceGroupCall) Do ¶
func (call *IMPAudienceGroupCall) Do() (*IMPAudienceGroupResponse, error)
Do method
func (*IMPAudienceGroupCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *IMPAudienceGroupCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *IMPAudienceGroupCall
WithContext method
type IMPAudienceGroupResponse ¶
type IMPAudienceGroupResponse struct { XRequestID string `json:"-"` AcceptedRequestID string `json:"-"` AudienceGroupID int `json:"audienceGroupId,omitempty"` CreateRoute string `json:"createRoute,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"` Permission string `json:"permission,omitempty"` ExpireTimestamp int64 `json:"expireTimestamp,omitempty"` IsIfaAudience bool `json:"isIfaAudience,omitempty"` RequestID string `json:"requestId,omitempty"` }
IMPAudienceGroupResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type IUploadAudienceGroupByFileOption ¶
type IUploadAudienceGroupByFileOption interface {
Apply(call *UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall)
IUploadAudienceGroupByFileOption type
func WithUploadAudienceGroupByFileCallIsIfaAudience ¶
func WithUploadAudienceGroupByFileCallIsIfaAudience(isIfaAudience bool) IUploadAudienceGroupByFileOption
WithUploadAudienceGroupByFileCallIsIfaAudience func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithUploadAudienceGroupByFileCallUploadDescription ¶
func WithUploadAudienceGroupByFileCallUploadDescription(uploadDescription string) IUploadAudienceGroupByFileOption
WithUploadAudienceGroupByFileCallUploadDescription func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type IUploadAudienceGroupOption ¶
type IUploadAudienceGroupOption interface {
Apply(call *UploadAudienceGroupCall)
IUploadAudienceGroupOption type
func WithUploadAudienceGroupCallAudiences ¶
func WithUploadAudienceGroupCallAudiences(audiences ...string) IUploadAudienceGroupOption
WithUploadAudienceGroupCallAudiences func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithUploadAudienceGroupCallIsIfaAudience ¶
func WithUploadAudienceGroupCallIsIfaAudience(isIfaAudience bool) IUploadAudienceGroupOption
WithUploadAudienceGroupCallIsIfaAudience func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func WithUploadAudienceGroupCallUploadDescription ¶
func WithUploadAudienceGroupCallUploadDescription(uploadDescription string) IUploadAudienceGroupOption
WithUploadAudienceGroupCallUploadDescription func Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type IconComponent ¶
type IconComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType URL string Margin FlexComponentMarginType Size FlexIconSizeType AspectRatio FlexIconAspectRatioType }
IconComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*IconComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*IconComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*IconComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *IconComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of IconComponent
type ImageAspectRatioType ¶
type ImageAspectRatioType string
ImageAspectRatioType type
const ( ImageAspectRatioTypeRectangle ImageAspectRatioType = "rectangle" ImageAspectRatioTypeSquare ImageAspectRatioType = "square" )
ImageAspectRatioType constants
type ImageCarouselColumn ¶
type ImageCarouselColumn struct { ImageURL string `json:"imageUrl"` Action TemplateAction `json:"action"` }
ImageCarouselColumn type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewImageCarouselColumn ¶
func NewImageCarouselColumn(imageURL string, action TemplateAction) *ImageCarouselColumn
NewImageCarouselColumn function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ImageCarouselTemplate ¶
type ImageCarouselTemplate struct {
Columns []*ImageCarouselColumn
ImageCarouselTemplate type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewImageCarouselTemplate ¶
func NewImageCarouselTemplate(columns ...*ImageCarouselColumn) *ImageCarouselTemplate
NewImageCarouselTemplate function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ImageCarouselTemplate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t *ImageCarouselTemplate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of ImageCarouselTemplate
func (*ImageCarouselTemplate) Template ¶
func (*ImageCarouselTemplate) Template()
Template implements Template interface
func (*ImageCarouselTemplate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *ImageCarouselTemplate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for ImageCarouselTemplate
type ImageComponent ¶
type ImageComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType URL string Position FlexComponentPositionType Flex *int Margin FlexComponentMarginType Align FlexComponentAlignType Gravity FlexComponentGravityType Size FlexImageSizeType AspectRatio FlexImageAspectRatioType AspectMode FlexImageAspectModeType BackgroundColor string Action TemplateAction Animated bool OffsetTop FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetBottom FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetStart FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetEnd FlexComponentOffsetType }
ImageComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ImageComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*ImageComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*ImageComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ImageComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of ImageComponent
func (*ImageComponent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ImageComponent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for ImageComponent
type ImageMessage ¶
type ImageMessage struct { ID string OriginalContentURL string PreviewImageURL string ContentProvider *ContentProvider ImageSet *ImageSet QuoteToken string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ImageMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewImageMessage ¶
func NewImageMessage(originalContentURL, previewImageURL string) *ImageMessage
NewImageMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ImageMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *ImageMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of ImageMessage
func (*ImageMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ImageMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of ImageMessage
func (*ImageMessage) Type ¶
func (m *ImageMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*ImageMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *ImageMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of ImageMessage
func (*ImageMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *ImageMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of ImageMessage
type ImageSet ¶
ImageSet type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewImageSet ¶
NewImageSet function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ImageSizeType ¶
type ImageSizeType string
ImageSizeType type
const ( ImageSizeTypeCover ImageSizeType = "cover" ImageSizeTypeContain ImageSizeType = "contain" )
ImageSizeType constants
type ImagemapAction ¶
ImagemapAction type
type ImagemapActionType ¶
type ImagemapActionType string
ImagemapActionType type
const ( ImagemapActionTypeURI ImagemapActionType = "uri" ImagemapActionTypeMessage ImagemapActionType = "message" )
ImagemapActionType constants
type ImagemapArea ¶
type ImagemapArea struct { X int `json:"x"` Y int `json:"y"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` }
ImagemapArea type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ImagemapBaseSize ¶
ImagemapBaseSize type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ImagemapMessage ¶
type ImagemapMessage struct { BaseURL string AltText string BaseSize ImagemapBaseSize Actions []ImagemapAction Video *ImagemapVideo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ImagemapMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewImagemapMessage ¶
func NewImagemapMessage(baseURL, altText string, baseSize ImagemapBaseSize, actions ...ImagemapAction) *ImagemapMessage
NewImagemapMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ImagemapMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *ImagemapMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of ImagemapMessage
func (*ImagemapMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ImagemapMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of ImagemapMessage
func (*ImagemapMessage) Message ¶
func (*ImagemapMessage) Message()
Message implements Message interface
func (*ImagemapMessage) Type ¶
func (m *ImagemapMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*ImagemapMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *ImagemapMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of ImagemapMessage
func (*ImagemapMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *ImagemapMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of ImagemapMessage
func (*ImagemapMessage) WithVideo ¶
func (m *ImagemapMessage) WithVideo(video *ImagemapVideo) *ImagemapMessage
WithVideo method
type ImagemapVideo ¶
type ImagemapVideo struct { OriginalContentURL string `json:"originalContentUrl"` PreviewImageURL string `json:"previewImageUrl"` Area ImagemapArea `json:"area"` ExternalLink *ImagemapVideoExternalLink `json:"externalLink,omitempty"` }
ImagemapVideo type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ImagemapVideoExternalLink ¶
type ImagemapVideoExternalLink struct { LinkURI string `json:"linkUri"` Label string `json:"label"` }
ImagemapVideoExternalLink type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type InputOption ¶
type InputOption string
InputOption type
const ( InputOptionCloseRichMenu InputOption = "closeRichMenu" InputOptionOpenRichMenu InputOption = "openRichMenu" InputOptionOpenKeyboard InputOption = "openKeyboard" InputOptionOpenVoice InputOption = "openVoice" )
InputOption constants
type InsightType ¶
type InsightType string
InsightType type
const ( InsightTypeMessageDelivery InsightType = "message/delivery" InsightTypeUserInteractionStats InsightType = "message/event" InsightTypeFollowers InsightType = "followers" InsightTypeDemographic InsightType = "demographic" )
InsightType constants
type IssueAccessTokenCall ¶
type IssueAccessTokenCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IssueAccessTokenCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*IssueAccessTokenCall) Do ¶
func (call *IssueAccessTokenCall) Do() (*AccessTokenResponse, error)
Do method
func (*IssueAccessTokenCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *IssueAccessTokenCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *IssueAccessTokenCall
WithContext method
type IssueAccessTokenV2Call ¶
type IssueAccessTokenV2Call struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IssueAccessTokenV2Call type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*IssueAccessTokenV2Call) Do ¶
func (call *IssueAccessTokenV2Call) Do() (*AccessTokenResponse, error)
Do method
func (*IssueAccessTokenV2Call) WithContext ¶
func (call *IssueAccessTokenV2Call) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *IssueAccessTokenV2Call
WithContext method
type IssueLinkTokenCall ¶
type IssueLinkTokenCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
IssueLinkTokenCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*IssueLinkTokenCall) Do ¶
func (call *IssueLinkTokenCall) Do() (*LinkTokenResponse, error)
Do method
func (*IssueLinkTokenCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *IssueLinkTokenCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *IssueLinkTokenCall
WithContext method
type Job ¶
type Job struct { AudienceGroupJobID int `json:"audienceGroupJobId,omitempty"` AudienceGroupID int `json:"audienceGroupId,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` FailedType string `json:"failedType,omitempty"` AudienceCount int64 `json:"audienceCount,omitempty"` Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"` JobStatus string `json:"jobStatus,omitempty"` }
Job type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type LIFFApp ¶
type LIFFApp struct { LIFFID string `json:"liffId"` View View `json:"view"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Features *LIFFAppFeatures `json:"features,omitempty"` PermanentLinkPattern string `json:"permanentLinkPattern,omitempty"` Scope []LIFFViewScopeType `json:"scope,omitempty"` BotPrompt string `json:"botprompt,omitempty"` }
LIFFApp type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type LIFFAppFeatures ¶
type LIFFAppFeatures struct { BLE bool `json:"ble,omitempty"` QRCode bool `json:"qrCode,omitempty"` }
LIFFAppFeatures type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type LIFFAppsResponse ¶
type LIFFAppsResponse struct {
Apps []LIFFApp `json:"apps"`
LIFFAppsResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type LIFFIDResponse ¶
type LIFFIDResponse struct {
LIFFID string `json:"liffId"`
LIFFIDResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type LIFFViewScopeType ¶
type LIFFViewScopeType string
LIFFViewScopeType type
const ( LIFFViewScopeTypeOpenID LIFFViewScopeType = "openid" LIFFViewScopeTypeEmail LIFFViewScopeType = "email" LIFFViewScopeTypeProfile LIFFViewScopeType = "profile" LIFFViewScopeTypeChatMessageWrite LIFFViewScopeType = "chat_message.write" )
LIFFViewScopeType constants
type LIFFViewType ¶
type LIFFViewType string
LIFFViewType type
const ( LIFFViewTypeCompact LIFFViewType = "compact" LIFFViewTypeTall LIFFViewType = "tall" LIFFViewTypeFull LIFFViewType = "full" )
LIFFViewType constants
type LeaveGroupCall ¶
type LeaveGroupCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LeaveGroupCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*LeaveGroupCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *LeaveGroupCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *LeaveGroupCall
WithContext method
type LeaveRoomCall ¶
type LeaveRoomCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LeaveRoomCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*LeaveRoomCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *LeaveRoomCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *LeaveRoomCall
WithContext method
type LinkTokenResponse ¶
type LinkTokenResponse struct {
LinkToken string `json:"linkToken"`
LinkTokenResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type LinkUserRichMenuCall ¶
type LinkUserRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LinkUserRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*LinkUserRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *LinkUserRichMenuCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*LinkUserRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *LinkUserRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *LinkUserRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type ListAudienceGroupCall ¶
type ListAudienceGroupCall struct { Page int `json:"-" validate:"required,min=1"` Description string `json:"-"` Status AudienceStatusType `json:"-"` Size int `json:"-" validate:"min=1,max=40"` IncludesExternalPublicGroups bool `json:"-"` CreateRoute string `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ListAudienceGroupCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ListAudienceGroupCall) Do ¶
func (call *ListAudienceGroupCall) Do() (*ListAudienceGroupResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ListAudienceGroupCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ListAudienceGroupCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ListAudienceGroupCall
WithContext method
type ListAudienceGroupResponse ¶
type ListAudienceGroupResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"-"` AcceptedRequestID string `json:"-"` AudienceGroups []AudienceGroup `json:"audienceGroups,omitempty"` HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage,omitempty"` TotalCount int `json:"totalCount,omitempty"` ReadWriteAudienceGroupTotalCount int `json:"readWriteAudienceGroupTotalCount,omitempty"` Page int `json:"page,omitempty"` Size int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
ListAudienceGroupResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type LocationAction ¶
type LocationAction struct {
Label string
LocationAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewLocationAction ¶
func NewLocationAction(label string) *LocationAction
NewLocationAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*LocationAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *LocationAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of LocationAction
func (*LocationAction) QuickReplyAction ¶
func (*LocationAction) QuickReplyAction()
QuickReplyAction implements QuickReplyAction interface
type LocationMessage ¶
type LocationMessage struct { ID string Title string Address string Latitude float64 Longitude float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LocationMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewLocationMessage ¶
func NewLocationMessage(title, address string, latitude, longitude float64) *LocationMessage
NewLocationMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*LocationMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *LocationMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of LocationMessage
func (*LocationMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *LocationMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of LocationMessage
func (*LocationMessage) Message ¶
func (*LocationMessage) Message()
Message implements Message interface
func (*LocationMessage) Type ¶
func (m *LocationMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*LocationMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *LocationMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of LocationMessage
func (*LocationMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *LocationMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of LocationMessage
type MarkAsReadMode ¶
type MarkAsReadMode string
MarkAsReadMode type
const ( MarkAsReadModeManual MarkAsReadMode = "manual" MarkAsReadModeAuto MarkAsReadMode = "auto" )
MarkAsReadMode constants
type MemberCountResponse ¶
type MemberCountResponse struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
MemberCountResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MemberIDsResponse ¶
MemberIDsResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type Members ¶
type Members struct {
Members []EventSource `json:"members"`
Members type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type Mention ¶
type Mention struct {
Mentionees []*Mentionee `json:"mentionees"`
Mention type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MentionedTargetType ¶
type MentionedTargetType string
MentionedTargetType type
const ( MentionedTargetTypeUser MentionedTargetType = "user" MentionedTargetTypeAll MentionedTargetType = "all" )
MentionedTargetType constants
type Mentionee ¶
type Mentionee struct { Index int `json:"index"` Length int `json:"length"` Type MentionedTargetType `json:"type"` UserID string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
Mentionee type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessageAction ¶
MessageAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewMessageAction ¶
func NewMessageAction(label, text string) *MessageAction
NewMessageAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*MessageAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *MessageAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of MessageAction
func (*MessageAction) QuickReplyAction ¶
func (*MessageAction) QuickReplyAction()
QuickReplyAction implements QuickReplyAction interface
func (*MessageAction) TemplateAction ¶
func (*MessageAction) TemplateAction()
TemplateAction implements TemplateAction interface
type MessageConsumptionResponse ¶
type MessageConsumptionResponse struct {
TotalUsage int64
MessageConsumptionResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessageContentResponse ¶
type MessageContentResponse struct { Content io.ReadCloser ContentLength int64 ContentType string }
MessageContentResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessageDetail ¶
type MessageDetail struct { Seq int64 `json:"seq"` Impression int64 `json:"impression"` MediaPlayed int64 `json:"mediaPlayed"` MediaPlayed25Percent int64 `json:"mediaPlayed25Percent"` MediaPlayed50Percent int64 `json:"mediaPlayed50Percent"` MediaPlayed75Percent int64 `json:"mediaPlayed75Percent"` MediaPlayed100Percent int64 `json:"mediaPlayed100Percent"` UniqueMediaPlayed int64 `json:"uniqueMediaPlayed"` UniqueMediaPlayed25Percent int64 `json:"uniqueMediaPlayed25Percent"` UniqueMediaPlayed50Percent int64 `json:"uniqueMediaPlayed50Percent"` UniqueMediaPlayed75Percent int64 `json:"uniqueMediaPlayed75Percent"` UniqueMediaPlayed100Percent int64 `json:"uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent"` }
MessageDetail type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessageImagemapAction ¶
type MessageImagemapAction struct { Label string Text string Area ImagemapArea }
MessageImagemapAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewMessageImagemapAction ¶
func NewMessageImagemapAction(label, text string, area ImagemapArea) *MessageImagemapAction
NewMessageImagemapAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*MessageImagemapAction) ImagemapAction ¶
func (a *MessageImagemapAction) ImagemapAction()
ImagemapAction implements ImagemapAction interface
func (*MessageImagemapAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *MessageImagemapAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of MessageImagemapAction
type MessageQuotaResponse ¶
MessageQuotaResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessageType ¶
type MessageType string
MessageType type
const ( MessageTypeText MessageType = "text" MessageTypeImage MessageType = "image" MessageTypeVideo MessageType = "video" MessageTypeAudio MessageType = "audio" MessageTypeFile MessageType = "file" MessageTypeLocation MessageType = "location" MessageTypeSticker MessageType = "sticker" MessageTypeTemplate MessageType = "template" MessageTypeImagemap MessageType = "imagemap" MessageTypeFlex MessageType = "flex" )
MessageType constants
type MessagesFriendDemographicsResponse ¶
type MessagesFriendDemographicsResponse struct { Available bool `json:"available"` Genders []GenderDetail `json:"genders"` Ages []AgeDetail `json:"ages"` Areas []AreasDetail `json:"areas"` AppTypes []AppTypeDetail `json:"appTypes"` SubscriptionPeriods []SubscriptionPeriodDetail `json:"subscriptionPeriods"` }
MessagesFriendDemographicsResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessagesNumberDeliveryResponse ¶
type MessagesNumberDeliveryResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Broadcast int64 `json:"broadcast"` Targeting int64 `json:"targeting"` AutoResponse int64 `json:"autoResponse"` WelcomeResponse int64 `json:"welcomeResponse"` Chat int64 `json:"chat"` APIBroadcast int64 `json:"apiBroadcast"` APIPush int64 `json:"apiPush"` APIMulticast int64 `json:"apiMulticast"` APINarrowcast int64 `json:"apiNarrowcast"` APIReply int64 `json:"apiReply"` }
MessagesNumberDeliveryResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessagesNumberFollowersResponse ¶
type MessagesNumberFollowersResponse struct { Status string `json:"status"` Followers int64 `json:"followers"` TargetedReaches int64 `json:"targetedReaches"` Blocks int64 `json:"blocks"` }
MessagesNumberFollowersResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessagesNumberResponse ¶
MessagesNumberResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessagesProgressResponse ¶
type MessagesProgressResponse struct { Phase string `json:"phase"` SuccessCount int64 `json:"successCount"` FailureCount int64 `json:"failureCount"` TargetCount int64 `json:"targetCount"` FailedDescription string `json:"failedDescription"` ErrorCode int `json:"errorCode"` AcceptedTime string `json:"acceptedTime"` CompletedTime string `json:"completedTime,omitempty"` }
MessagesProgressResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MessagesUserInteractionStatsResponse ¶
type MessagesUserInteractionStatsResponse struct { Overview OverviewDetail `json:"overview"` Messages []MessageDetail `json:"messages"` Clicks []ClickDetail `json:"clicks"` }
MessagesUserInteractionStatsResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type MulticastCall ¶
type MulticastCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MulticastCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*MulticastCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *MulticastCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *MulticastCall
WithContext method
func (*MulticastCall) WithNotificationDisabled ¶
func (call *MulticastCall) WithNotificationDisabled() *MulticastCall
WithNotificationDisabled method will disable push notification
func (*MulticastCall) WithRetryKey ¶
func (call *MulticastCall) WithRetryKey(retryKey string) *MulticastCall
WithRetryKey method will set retry key string (UUID) on Multicast.
type NarrowcastCall ¶
type NarrowcastCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NarrowcastCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*NarrowcastCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *NarrowcastCall
WithContext method
func (*NarrowcastCall) WithDemographic ¶
func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithDemographic(demographic DemographicFilter) *NarrowcastCall
WithDemographic method will send to specific recipients filter by demographic
func (*NarrowcastCall) WithLimitMax ¶
func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithLimitMax(max int) *NarrowcastCall
WithLimitMax method will set maximum number of recipients
func (*NarrowcastCall) WithLimitMaxUpToRemainingQuota ¶
func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithLimitMaxUpToRemainingQuota(max int, upToRemainingQuota bool) *NarrowcastCall
WithLimitMaxUpToRemainingQuota method will set maximum number of recipients but not over remaining quota.
func (*NarrowcastCall) WithRecipient ¶
func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithRecipient(recipient Recipient) *NarrowcastCall
WithRecipient method will send to specific recipient objects
func (*NarrowcastCall) WithRetryKey ¶
func (call *NarrowcastCall) WithRetryKey(retryKey string) *NarrowcastCall
WithRetryKey method will set retry key string (UUID) on narrowcast.
type NarrowcastMessageLimit ¶
type NarrowcastMessageLimit struct { Max int `json:"max"` UpToRemainingQuota bool `json:"upToRemainingQuota,omitempty"` }
NarrowcastMessageLimit type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type OverviewDetail ¶
type OverviewDetail struct { RequestID string `json:"requestId"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` Delivered int64 `json:"delivered"` UniqueImpression int64 `json:"uniqueImpression"` UniqueClick int64 `json:"uniqueClick"` UniqueMediaPlayed int64 `json:"uniqueMediaPlayed"` UniqueMediaPlayed100Percent int64 `json:"uniqueMediaPlayed100Percent"` }
OverviewDetail type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type Params ¶
type Params struct { Date string `json:"date,omitempty"` Time string `json:"time,omitempty"` Datetime string `json:"datetime,omitempty"` NewRichMenuAliasID string `json:"newRichMenuAliasId,omitempty"` Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` }
Params type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type PeriodType ¶
type PeriodType string
PeriodType type
const ( PeriodEmpty PeriodType = "" PeriodDay7 PeriodType = "day_7" PeriodDay30 PeriodType = "day_30" PeriodDay90 PeriodType = "day_90" PeriodDay180 PeriodType = "day_180" PeriodDay365 PeriodType = "day_365" )
PeriodType constants
type PostbackAction ¶
type PostbackAction struct { Label string Data string Text string DisplayText string InputOption InputOption FillInText string }
PostbackAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewPostbackAction ¶
func NewPostbackAction(label, data, text, displayText string, inputOption InputOption, fillInText string) *PostbackAction
NewPostbackAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*PostbackAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *PostbackAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of PostbackAction
func (*PostbackAction) QuickReplyAction ¶
func (*PostbackAction) QuickReplyAction()
QuickReplyAction implements QuickReplyAction interface
func (*PostbackAction) TemplateAction ¶
func (*PostbackAction) TemplateAction()
TemplateAction implements TemplateAction interface
type ProgressType ¶
type ProgressType string
ProgressType type
const (
ProgressTypeNarrowcast ProgressType = "narrowcast"
ProgressType constants
type PushMessageCall ¶
type PushMessageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PushMessageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*PushMessageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *PushMessageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *PushMessageCall
WithContext method
func (*PushMessageCall) WithNotificationDisabled ¶
func (call *PushMessageCall) WithNotificationDisabled() *PushMessageCall
WithNotificationDisabled method will disable push notification
func (*PushMessageCall) WithRetryKey ¶
func (call *PushMessageCall) WithRetryKey(retryKey string) *PushMessageCall
WithRetryKey method will set retry key string (UUID) on PushMessage.
type QuickReplyAction ¶
type QuickReplyAction interface { Action QuickReplyAction() }
QuickReplyAction type
type QuickReplyButton ¶
type QuickReplyButton struct { ImageURL string Action QuickReplyAction }
QuickReplyButton type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewQuickReplyButton ¶
func NewQuickReplyButton(imageURL string, action QuickReplyAction) *QuickReplyButton
NewQuickReplyButton function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*QuickReplyButton) MarshalJSON ¶
func (b *QuickReplyButton) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of QuickReplyButton
type QuickReplyItems ¶
type QuickReplyItems struct {
Items []*QuickReplyButton `json:"items"`
QuickReplyItems struct Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewQuickReplyItems ¶
func NewQuickReplyItems(buttons ...*QuickReplyButton) *QuickReplyItems
NewQuickReplyItems function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type RawCall ¶
type RawCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RawCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type RecipientOperator ¶
type RecipientOperator struct { ConditionAnd []Recipient `json:"and,omitempty"` ConditionOr []Recipient `json:"or,omitempty"` ConditionNot Recipient `json:"not,omitempty"` }
RecipientOperator struct Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func RecipientOperatorAnd ¶
func RecipientOperatorAnd(conditions ...Recipient) *RecipientOperator
RecipientOperatorAnd method Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func RecipientOperatorNot ¶
func RecipientOperatorNot(condition Recipient) *RecipientOperator
RecipientOperatorNot method Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func RecipientOperatorOr ¶
func RecipientOperatorOr(conditions ...Recipient) *RecipientOperator
RecipientOperatorOr method Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*RecipientOperator) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o *RecipientOperator) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of Operator
func (*RecipientOperator) Recipient ¶
func (*RecipientOperator) Recipient()
Recipient implements Recipient interface
type RedeliveryObject ¶
RedeliveryObject type is created to be used with specific recipient objects Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewRedeliveryObject ¶
func NewRedeliveryObject(requestID string) *RedeliveryObject
NewRedeliveryObject function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*RedeliveryObject) Recipient ¶
func (*RedeliveryObject) Recipient()
Recipient implements Recipient interface
type ReplyMessageCall ¶
type ReplyMessageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReplyMessageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ReplyMessageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ReplyMessageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ReplyMessageCall
WithContext method
func (*ReplyMessageCall) WithNotificationDisabled ¶
func (call *ReplyMessageCall) WithNotificationDisabled() *ReplyMessageCall
WithNotificationDisabled method will disable push notification
type RevokeAccessTokenCall ¶
type RevokeAccessTokenCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RevokeAccessTokenCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*RevokeAccessTokenCall) Do ¶
func (call *RevokeAccessTokenCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*RevokeAccessTokenCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *RevokeAccessTokenCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RevokeAccessTokenCall
WithContext method
type RevokeAccessTokenV2Call ¶
type RevokeAccessTokenV2Call struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RevokeAccessTokenV2Call type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*RevokeAccessTokenV2Call) Do ¶
func (call *RevokeAccessTokenV2Call) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*RevokeAccessTokenV2Call) WithContext ¶
func (call *RevokeAccessTokenV2Call) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *RevokeAccessTokenV2Call
WithContext method
type RichMenu ¶
type RichMenu struct { Size RichMenuSize Selected bool Name string ChatBarText string Areas []AreaDetail }
RichMenu type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type RichMenuAction ¶
type RichMenuAction struct { Type RichMenuActionType `json:"type"` URI string `json:"uri,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` DisplayText string `json:"displayText,omitempty"` Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` Data string `json:"data,omitempty"` Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"` Initial string `json:"initial,omitempty"` Max string `json:"max,omitempty"` Min string `json:"min,omitempty"` RichMenuAliasID string `json:"richMenuAliasId,omitempty"` InputOption InputOption `json:"inputOption,omitempty"` FillInText string `json:"fillInText,omitempty"` }
RichMenuAction with type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type RichMenuActionType ¶
type RichMenuActionType string
RichMenuActionType type
const ( RichMenuActionTypeURI RichMenuActionType = "uri" RichMenuActionTypeMessage RichMenuActionType = "message" RichMenuActionTypePostback RichMenuActionType = "postback" RichMenuActionTypeDatetimePicker RichMenuActionType = "datetimepicker" RichMenuActionTypeRichMenuSwitch RichMenuActionType = "richmenuswitch" )
RichMenuActionType constants
type RichMenuAliasResponse ¶
type RichMenuAliasResponse struct { RichMenuAliasID string `json:"richMenuAliasId"` RichMenuID string `json:"richMenuId"` }
RichMenuAliasResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type RichMenuBounds ¶
type RichMenuBounds struct { X int `json:"x"` Y int `json:"y"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` }
RichMenuBounds type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type RichMenuIDResponse ¶
type RichMenuIDResponse struct {
RichMenuID string `json:"richMenuId"`
RichMenuIDResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type RichMenuResponse ¶
type RichMenuResponse struct { RichMenuID string `json:"richMenuId"` Size RichMenuSize `json:"size"` Selected bool `json:"selected"` Name string `json:"name"` ChatBarText string `json:"chatBarText"` Areas []AreaDetail `json:"areas"` }
RichMenuResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type RichMenuSize ¶
RichMenuSize type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type Sender ¶
Sender type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*Sender) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON method of QuickReplyButton
type SendingMessage ¶
type SendingMessage interface { Message WithQuickReplies(*QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage WithSender(*Sender) SendingMessage AddEmoji(emoji *Emoji) SendingMessage }
SendingMessage interface
type SeparatorComponent ¶
type SeparatorComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType Margin FlexComponentMarginType Color string }
SeparatorComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*SeparatorComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*SeparatorComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*SeparatorComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *SeparatorComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of SeparatorComponent
type SetDefaultRichMenuCall ¶
type SetDefaultRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SetDefaultRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*SetDefaultRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *SetDefaultRichMenuCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*SetDefaultRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *SetDefaultRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *SetDefaultRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type SetWebhookEndpointURLCall ¶
type SetWebhookEndpointURLCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SetWebhookEndpointURLCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*SetWebhookEndpointURLCall) Do ¶
func (call *SetWebhookEndpointURLCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*SetWebhookEndpointURLCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *SetWebhookEndpointURLCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *SetWebhookEndpointURLCall
WithContext method
type SpacerComponent ¶
type SpacerComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType Size FlexSpacerSizeType }
SpacerComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*SpacerComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*SpacerComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*SpacerComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *SpacerComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of SpacerComponent
type SpanComponent ¶
type SpanComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType Text string Size FlexTextSizeType Weight FlexTextWeightType Color string Style FlexTextStyleType Decoration FlexTextDecorationType }
SpanComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*SpanComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*SpanComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*SpanComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *SpanComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of SpanComponent
type StickerMessage ¶
type StickerMessage struct { ID string PackageID string StickerID string StickerResourceType StickerResourceType Keywords []string Text string QuotedMessageID string QuoteToken string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StickerMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewStickerMessage ¶
func NewStickerMessage(packageID, stickerID string) *StickerMessage
NewStickerMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*StickerMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *StickerMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of StickerMessage
func (*StickerMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *StickerMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of StickerMessage
func (*StickerMessage) Message ¶
func (*StickerMessage) Message()
Message implements Message interface
func (*StickerMessage) Type ¶
func (m *StickerMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*StickerMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *StickerMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of StickerMessage
func (*StickerMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *StickerMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of StickerMessage
type StickerResourceType ¶
type StickerResourceType string
StickerResourceType type
const ( StickerResourceTypeStatic StickerResourceType = "STATIC" StickerResourceTypeAnimation StickerResourceType = "ANIMATION" StickerResourceTypeSound StickerResourceType = "SOUND" StickerResourceTypeAnimationSound StickerResourceType = "ANIMATION_SOUND" StickerResourceTypePerStickerText StickerResourceType = "MESSAGE" StickerResourceTypePopup StickerResourceType = "POPUP" StickerResourceTypePopupSound StickerResourceType = "POPUP_SOUND" StickerResourceTypeNameText StickerResourceType = "CUSTOM" )
StickerResourceType constants
type SubscriptionPeriodDetail ¶
type SubscriptionPeriodDetail struct { SubscriptionPeriod string `json:"subscriptionPeriod"` Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"` }
SubscriptionPeriodDetail type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type SubscriptionPeriodFilter ¶
type SubscriptionPeriodFilter struct { Type string `json:"type"` GTE PeriodType `json:"gte,omitempty"` // greater than or equal to LT PeriodType `json:"lt,omitempty"` // less than }
SubscriptionPeriodFilter type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewSubscriptionPeriodFilter ¶
func NewSubscriptionPeriodFilter(gte, lt PeriodType) *SubscriptionPeriodFilter
NewSubscriptionPeriodFilter function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*SubscriptionPeriodFilter) DemographicFilter ¶
func (*SubscriptionPeriodFilter) DemographicFilter()
DemographicFilter implements DemographicFilter interface
type Template ¶
Template interface
func UnmarshalTemplateJSON ¶
UnmarshalTemplateJSON function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type TemplateAction ¶
type TemplateAction interface { Action TemplateAction() }
TemplateAction interface
type TemplateMessage ¶
type TemplateMessage struct { AltText string Template Template // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TemplateMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewTemplateMessage ¶
func NewTemplateMessage(altText string, template Template) *TemplateMessage
NewTemplateMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*TemplateMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *TemplateMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of TemplateMessage
func (*TemplateMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *TemplateMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of TemplateMessage
func (*TemplateMessage) Message ¶
func (*TemplateMessage) Message()
Message implements Message interface
func (*TemplateMessage) Type ¶
func (m *TemplateMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*TemplateMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *TemplateMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of TemplateMessage
func (*TemplateMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *TemplateMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of TemplateMessage
type TemplateType ¶
type TemplateType string
TemplateType type
const ( TemplateTypeButtons TemplateType = "buttons" TemplateTypeConfirm TemplateType = "confirm" TemplateTypeCarousel TemplateType = "carousel" TemplateTypeImageCarousel TemplateType = "image_carousel" )
TemplateType constants
type TestWebhook ¶
type TestWebhook struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TestWebhook type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*TestWebhook) WithContext ¶
func (call *TestWebhook) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *TestWebhook
WithContext method
type TestWebhookResponse ¶
type TestWebhookResponse struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` StatusCode int `json:"statusCode"` Reason string `json:"reason"` Detail string `json:"detail"` }
TestWebhookResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type TextComponent ¶
type TextComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType Text string Position FlexComponentPositionType Contents []*SpanComponent Flex *int Margin FlexComponentMarginType Size FlexTextSizeType Align FlexComponentAlignType Gravity FlexComponentGravityType Wrap bool LineSpacing string Weight FlexTextWeightType Color string Action TemplateAction Style FlexTextStyleType Decoration FlexTextDecorationType MaxLines *int AdjustMode FlexComponentAdjustModeType OffsetTop FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetBottom FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetStart FlexComponentOffsetType OffsetEnd FlexComponentOffsetType }
TextComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*TextComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*TextComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*TextComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *TextComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of TextComponent
func (*TextComponent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *TextComponent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for TextComponent
type TextMessage ¶
type TextMessage struct { ID string Text string Emojis []*Emoji QuotedMessageID string QuoteToken string Mention *Mention // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TextMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewTextMessage ¶
func NewTextMessage(content string) *TextMessage
NewTextMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*TextMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *TextMessage) AddEmoji(emoji *Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of TextMessage
func (*TextMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *TextMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of TextMessage
func (*TextMessage) Type ¶
func (m *TextMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*TextMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *TextMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of TextMessage
func (*TextMessage) WithReply ¶
func (m *TextMessage) WithReply(quoteToken string) SendingMessage
func (*TextMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *TextMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of TextMessage
type Things ¶
type Things struct { DeviceID string Type string Result *ThingsResult }
Things type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ThingsActionResult ¶
type ThingsActionResult struct { Type ThingsActionResultType Data []byte }
ThingsActionResult type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ThingsActionResultType ¶
type ThingsActionResultType string
ThingsActionResultType type
const ( ThingsActionResultTypeBinary ThingsActionResultType = "binary" ThingsActionResultTypeVoid ThingsActionResultType = "void" )
ThingsActionResultType constants
type ThingsResult ¶
type ThingsResult struct { ScenarioID string Revision int StartTime int64 EndTime int64 ResultCode ThingsResultCode ActionResults []*ThingsActionResult BLENotificationPayload []byte ErrorReason string }
ThingsResult type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ThingsResultCode ¶
type ThingsResultCode string
ThingsResultCode type
const ( ThingsResultCodeSuccess ThingsResultCode = "success" ThingsResultCodeGattError ThingsResultCode = "gatt_error" ThingsResultCodeRuntimeError ThingsResultCode = "runtime_error" )
ThingsResultCode constants
type URIAction ¶
type URIAction struct { Label string URI string AltURI *URIActionAltURI }
URIAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewURIAction ¶
NewURIAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*URIAction) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON method of URIAction
func (*URIAction) QuickReplyAction ¶
func (*URIAction) QuickReplyAction()
QuickReplyAction implements URI's QuickReplyAction interface
func (*URIAction) TemplateAction ¶
func (*URIAction) TemplateAction()
TemplateAction implements TemplateAction interface
type URIActionAltURI ¶
type URIActionAltURI struct {
Desktop string `json:"desktop"`
URIActionAltURI type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type URIImagemapAction ¶
type URIImagemapAction struct { Label string LinkURL string Area ImagemapArea }
URIImagemapAction type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewURIImagemapAction ¶
func NewURIImagemapAction(label, linkURL string, area ImagemapArea) *URIImagemapAction
NewURIImagemapAction function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*URIImagemapAction) ImagemapAction ¶
func (a *URIImagemapAction) ImagemapAction()
ImagemapAction implements ImagemapAction interface
func (*URIImagemapAction) MarshalJSON ¶
func (a *URIImagemapAction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of URIImagemapAction
type UnlinkUserRichMenuCall ¶
type UnlinkUserRichMenuCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UnlinkUserRichMenuCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*UnlinkUserRichMenuCall) Do ¶
func (call *UnlinkUserRichMenuCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*UnlinkUserRichMenuCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *UnlinkUserRichMenuCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UnlinkUserRichMenuCall
WithContext method
type Unsend ¶
type Unsend struct {
MessageID string `json:"messageId"`
Unsend type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall ¶
type UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall struct { AudienceGroupID int `json:"-" validate:"required"` Description string `validate:"required,max=120"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall) Do ¶
func (call *UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateAudienceGroupDescriptionCall
WithContext method
type UpdateLIFFCall ¶
type UpdateLIFFCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateLIFFCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*UpdateLIFFCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *UpdateLIFFCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateLIFFCall
WithContext method
type UpdateRichMenuAliasCall ¶
type UpdateRichMenuAliasCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UpdateRichMenuAliasCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*UpdateRichMenuAliasCall) Do ¶
func (call *UpdateRichMenuAliasCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*UpdateRichMenuAliasCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *UpdateRichMenuAliasCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UpdateRichMenuAliasCall
WithContext method
type UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall ¶
type UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall struct { Description string `json:"description,omitempty" validate:"required,max=120"` IsIfaAudience bool `json:"isIfaAudience,omitempty"` UploadDescription string `json:"uploadDescription,omitempty"` Audiences []string `json:"audiences,omitempty" validate:"max=1500000"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall) Do ¶
func (call *UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall) Do() (*UploadAudienceGroupResponse, error)
Do method
func (*UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UploadAudienceGroupByFileCall
WithContext method
type UploadAudienceGroupCall ¶
type UploadAudienceGroupCall struct { Description string `validate:"required,max=120"` IsIfaAudience bool UploadDescription string Audiences []audience `validate:"max=10000"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UploadAudienceGroupCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*UploadAudienceGroupCall) Do ¶
func (call *UploadAudienceGroupCall) Do() (*UploadAudienceGroupResponse, error)
Do method
func (*UploadAudienceGroupCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *UploadAudienceGroupCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UploadAudienceGroupCall
WithContext method
type UploadAudienceGroupResponse ¶
type UploadAudienceGroupResponse struct { RequestID string `json:"-"` AcceptedRequestID string `json:"-"` AudienceGroupID int `json:"audienceGroupId,omitempty"` CreateRoute string `json:"createRoute,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"` Permission string `json:"permission,omitempty"` ExpireTimestamp int64 `json:"expireTimestamp,omitempty"` IsIfaAudience bool `json:"isIfaAudience,omitempty"` }
UploadAudienceGroupResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type UploadRichMenuImageCall ¶
type UploadRichMenuImageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UploadRichMenuImageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*UploadRichMenuImageCall) Do ¶
func (call *UploadRichMenuImageCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*UploadRichMenuImageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *UploadRichMenuImageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *UploadRichMenuImageCall
WithContext method
type UserIDsResponse ¶
UserIDsResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type UserIDsScanner ¶
type UserIDsScanner struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UserIDsScanner type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type UserProfileResponse ¶
type UserProfileResponse struct { UserID string `json:"userId"` DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` PictureURL string `json:"pictureUrl"` StatusMessage string `json:"statusMessage"` Language string `json:"language"` }
UserProfileResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type ValidateBroadcastMessageCall ¶
type ValidateBroadcastMessageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidateBroadcastMessageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ValidateBroadcastMessageCall) Do ¶
func (call *ValidateBroadcastMessageCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ValidateBroadcastMessageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ValidateBroadcastMessageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ValidateBroadcastMessageCall
WithContext method
type ValidateMulticastMessageCall ¶
type ValidateMulticastMessageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidateMulticastMessageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ValidateMulticastMessageCall) Do ¶
func (call *ValidateMulticastMessageCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ValidateMulticastMessageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ValidateMulticastMessageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ValidateMulticastMessageCall
WithContext method
type ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall ¶
type ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall) Do ¶
func (call *ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ValidateNarrowcastMessageCall
WithContext method
type ValidatePushMessageCall ¶
type ValidatePushMessageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidatePushMessageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ValidatePushMessageCall) Do ¶
func (call *ValidatePushMessageCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ValidatePushMessageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ValidatePushMessageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ValidatePushMessageCall
WithContext method
type ValidateReplyMessageCall ¶
type ValidateReplyMessageCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidateReplyMessageCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ValidateReplyMessageCall) Do ¶
func (call *ValidateReplyMessageCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ValidateReplyMessageCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ValidateReplyMessageCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ValidateReplyMessageCall
WithContext method
type ValidateRichMenuObjectCall ¶
type ValidateRichMenuObjectCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValidateRichMenuObjectCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*ValidateRichMenuObjectCall) Do ¶
func (call *ValidateRichMenuObjectCall) Do() (*BasicResponse, error)
Do method
func (*ValidateRichMenuObjectCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *ValidateRichMenuObjectCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *ValidateRichMenuObjectCall
WithContext method
type VerifiedAccessTokenResponse ¶
type VerifiedAccessTokenResponse struct { ClientID string `json:"client_id"` ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"` Scope string `json:"scope"` }
VerifiedAccessTokenResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type VerifyAccessTokenCall ¶
type VerifyAccessTokenCall struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
VerifyAccessTokenCall type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*VerifyAccessTokenCall) Do ¶
func (call *VerifyAccessTokenCall) Do() (*VerifiedAccessTokenResponse, error)
Do method
func (*VerifyAccessTokenCall) WithContext ¶
func (call *VerifyAccessTokenCall) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *VerifyAccessTokenCall
WithContext method
type VideoComponent ¶
type VideoComponent struct { Type FlexComponentType URL string PreviewURL string AltContent FlexComponent AspectRatio FlexVideoAspectRatioType Action *URIAction }
VideoComponent type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*VideoComponent) FlexComponent ¶
func (*VideoComponent) FlexComponent()
FlexComponent implements FlexComponent interface
func (*VideoComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c *VideoComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of VideoComponent
func (*VideoComponent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *VideoComponent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON method for VideoComponent
type VideoMessage ¶
type VideoMessage struct { ID string OriginalContentURL string PreviewImageURL string Duration int ContentProvider *ContentProvider QuoteToken string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VideoMessage type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func NewVideoMessage ¶
func NewVideoMessage(originalContentURL, previewImageURL string) *VideoMessage
NewVideoMessage function Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
func (*VideoMessage) AddEmoji ¶
func (m *VideoMessage) AddEmoji(*Emoji) SendingMessage
AddEmoji method of VideoMessage
func (*VideoMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m *VideoMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON method of VideoMessage
func (*VideoMessage) Type ¶
func (m *VideoMessage) Type() MessageType
Type implements Message interface
func (*VideoMessage) WithQuickReplies ¶
func (m *VideoMessage) WithQuickReplies(items *QuickReplyItems) SendingMessage
WithQuickReplies method of VideoMessage
func (*VideoMessage) WithSender ¶
func (m *VideoMessage) WithSender(sender *Sender) SendingMessage
WithSender method of VideoMessage
type VideoPlayComplete ¶
type VideoPlayComplete struct {
TrackingID string `json:"trackingId"`
VideoPlayComplete type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type View ¶
type View struct { Type LIFFViewType `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url"` ModlueMode bool `json:"moduleMode,omitempty"` }
View type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
type WebhookInfoResponse ¶
WebhookInfoResponse type Deprecated: Use OpenAPI based classes instead.
Source Files
- account_link.go
- actions.go
- audience.go
- client.go
- content_provider.go
- delivery.go
- demographic_filter.go
- emoji.go
- error.go
- event.go
- flex.go
- flex_unmarshal.go
- get_bot_info.go
- get_content.go
- get_count.go
- get_follower_ids.go
- get_ids.go
- get_profile.go
- get_quota.go
- get_summary.go
- imagemap.go
- imageset.go
- insight.go
- leave.go
- liff.go
- mention.go
- message.go
- oauth.go
- oauth2.go
- progress.go
- quick_reply.go
- raw.go
- recipient.go
- response.go
- richmenu.go
- send_message.go
- sender.go
- template.go
- template_unmarshal.go
- validate_message.go
- version.go
- webhook.go