Cloud Build Slack Notifier
This notifier uses Slack Webhooks to
send notifications to your Slack workspace.
This notifier runs as a container via Google Cloud Run and responds to
events that Cloud Build publishes via its
Pub/Sub topic.
For detailed instructions on setting up this notifier,
see Configuring Slack notifications.
Configuration Variables
This notifier expects the following fields in the delivery
map to be set:
: The secretRef: <Slack-webhook-URL>
map that references the
Slack webhook URL resource path in the secrets
For release 1.15 and above:
Please do not upgrade to 1.15 as it contains bindings/templating functionality which may break existing slack setups below 1.15. Official documentation will be released detailing usage for bindings/templating, but for now the feature is in alpha so existing users are recommended to use releases older than 1.15.
You can specify the slack version like so:
gcloud run deploy service-name \ \
--no-allow-unauthenticated \