The minter-go-sdk v1 is in maintenance mode, you are encouraged to migrate to v2, which will have a stable release.
Check out our v2 migration guide.
This is a pure Go SDK for working with Minter blockchain
- Minter Api
- Minter gRPC
- Minter SDK
- Minter Wallet
go get
Using Minter API
- v1 - Will be deprecated soon.
- v2 - RESTful API and gRPC.
Using Minter gRPC
Using MinterSDK
Sign transaction
Returns a signed tx.
⚠️ After sending the transaction, to make sure that the transaction was successfully committed on the blockchain, you need to find the transaction by hash and make sure that the status code is 0.
Single signature
var data transaction.DataInterface
// data = ...
tx, _ := transaction.NewBuilder(TestNetChainID).NewTransaction(data)
signedTx, _ := tx.Sign("07bc17abdcee8b971bb8723e36fe9d2523306d5ab2d683631693238e0f9df142")
encode, _ := signedTx.Encode()
Multi signatures
var data transaction.DataInterface
var dataMultisig *transaction.CreateMultisigData
// data = ...
tx, _ := transaction.NewBuilder(TestNetChainID).NewTransaction(data)
dataMultisig = transaction.NewCreateMultisigData().
MustAddSigData("Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333143", 1).
MustAddSigData("Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333145", 3).
MustAddSigData("Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333144", 5).
msigAddress := dataMultisig.AddressString()
signedTx, _ := tx.Sign(msigAddress, privateKey1, privateKey2, privateKey3)
encode, _ := signedTx.Encode()
You can transfer the transaction to the remaining addresses
signedTx1, _ := tx.Sign(msigAddress, privateKey1)
encode, _ := signedTx.Encode()
// transfer encode transaction
signedTx1, _ = transaction.Decode(encode)
// and continue its signature by the remaining participants
signedTx12, _ := signedTx1.Sign(msigAddress, privateKey2)
signedTx123, _ := signedTx12.Sign(msigAddress, privateKey3)
encode, _ := signedTx123.Encode()
You can collect all signatures in one place without revealing the private key
msigAddress := "Mx0023aa9371e0779189ef5a7434456fc21a938945"
signedTx1, _ := tx.Clone().Sign(msigAddress, "ae089b32e4e0976ca6888cb1023148bd1a9f1cc28c5d442e52e586754ff48d63")
signedTx2, _ := tx.Clone().Sign(msigAddress, "b0a65cd84d57189b70d80fe0b3d5fa3ea6e02fa48041314a587a1f8fdba703d7")
signedTx3, _ := tx.Clone().Sign(msigAddress, "4c8dbfb3258f383adf656c2131e5ed77ec482a36125db71fb49d29e0528ff2ba")
simpleSignatureData1, _ := signedTx1.SimpleSignatureData()
simpleSignatureData2, _ := signedTx2.SimpleSignatureData()
simpleSignatureData3, _ := signedTx3.SimpleSignatureData()
signedTransaction, _ := tx.Clone().Sign(msigAddress)
signedTx123, _ := signedTransaction.AddSignature(simpleSignatureData1, simpleSignatureData2, simpleSignatureData3)
encode, _ := signedTx123.Encode()
Create transaction
Send transaction
Transaction for sending arbitrary coin.
Coin - Symbol of a coin. To - Recipient address in Minter Network. Value - Amount of Coin to send.
value := big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil)) // 1000000000000000000
address := "Mx1b685a7c1e78726c48f619c497a07ed75fe00483"
symbolMNT := "MNT"
data, _ := transaction.NewSendData().SetCoin(symbolMNT).SetValue(value).SetTo(address)
Sell coin transaction
Transaction for selling one coin (owned by sender) in favour of another coin in a system.
CoinToSell - Symbol of a coin to give. ValueToSell - Amount of CoinToSell to give. CoinToBuy - Symbol of a coin to get. MinimumValueToBuy - Minimum value of coins to get.
data := transaction.NewSellCoinData().
SetValueToSell(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil))).
SetMinimumValueToBuy(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil)))
Sell all coin transaction
Transaction for selling one coin (owned by sender) in favour of another coin in a system.
CoinToSell - Symbol of a coin to give. ValueToSell - Amount of CoinToSell to give. CoinToBuy - Symbol of a coin to get. MinimumValueToBuy - Minimum value of coins to get.
data := transaction.NewSellAllCoinData().
SetMinimumValueToBuy(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil)))
Buy coin transaction
Transaction for buy a coin paying another coin (owned by sender).
CoinToBuy - Symbol of a coin to get. ValueToBuy - Amount of CoinToBuy to get. CoinToSell - Symbol of a coin to give. MaximumValueToSell - Maximum value of coins to sell.
data := transaction.NewBuyCoinData().
SetValueToBuy(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil))).
SetMaximumValueToSell(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil)))
Create coin transaction
Transaction for creating new coin in a system.
Name - Name of a coin. Arbitrary string up to 64 letters length. Symbol - Symbol of a coin. Must be unique, alphabetic, uppercase, 3 to 10 symbols length. InitialAmount - Amount of coins to issue. Issued coins will be available to sender account. InitialReserve - Initial reserve in BIP's. ConstantReserveRatio - CRR, uint, should be from 10 to 100.
data := transaction.NewCreateCoinData().
SetName("SUPER TEST").
SetInitialAmount(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(100), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil))).
SetInitialReserve(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil))).
Declare candidacy transaction
Transaction for declaring new validator candidacy.
Address - Address of candidate in Minter Network. This address would be able to control candidate. Also all rewards will be sent to this address. PubKey - Public key of a validator. Commission - Commission (from 0 to 100) from rewards which delegators will pay to validator. Coin - Symbol of coin to stake. Stake - Amount of coins to stake.
data, _ := transaction.NewDeclareCandidacyData().
SetStake(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil))).
Delegate transaction
Transaction for delegating funds to validator.
PubKey - Public key of a validator. Coin - Symbol of coin to stake. Stake - Amount of coins to stake.
data := transaction.NewDelegateData().
SetValue(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil)))
Unbond transaction
Transaction for unbonding funds from validator's stake.
PubKey - Public key of a validator. Coin - Symbol of coin to stake. Stake - Amount of coins to stake.
data := transaction.NewUnbondData().
SetValue(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil)))
Redeem check transaction
Transaction for redeeming a check.
RawCheck - Raw check received from sender. Proof - Proof of owning a check.
Note that maximum GasPrice is limited to 1 to prevent fraud, because GasPrice is set by redeem tx sender but commission is charded from check issuer.
data := transaction.NewRedeemCheckData().
Set candidate online transaction
Transaction for turning candidate on. This transaction should be sent from address which is set in the "Declare candidacy transaction".
PubKey - Public key of a validator.
data, _ := transaction.NewSetCandidateOnData().
Set candidate offline transaction
Transaction for turning candidate off. This transaction should be sent from address which is set in the "Declare candidacy transaction".
PubKey - Public key of a validator.
data, _ := transaction.NewSetCandidateOffData().
Create multisig address
Transaction for creating multisignature address.
data := transaction.NewCreateMultisigData().
MustAddSigData("Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333143", 1).
MustAddSigData("Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333145", 3).
MustAddSigData("Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333144", 5).
Get the multisig address to use it for transaction signatures
msigAddress := dataMultisig.AddressString()
signedTx, _ := tx.Sign(msigAddress, privateKey1, privateKey2, privateKey3)
Multisend transaction
Transaction for sending coins to multiple addresses.
symbolMNT := "MNT"
data := transaction.
SetValue(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil))).
SetValue(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil))).
Edit candidate transaction
Transaction for editing existing candidate.
data := transaction.NewEditCandidateData().
Get fee of transaction
signedTransaction, _ := transaction.Sign(privateKey)
fee := signedTransaction.Fee()
Get hash of transaction
hash, _ := signedTransaction.Hash()
Get Public Key of transaction
key, _ := signedTransaction.PublicKey()
Get sender address of transaction
address, _ := signedTransaction.SenderAddress()
Decode Transaction
transactionObject, _ := transaction.Decode("0xf8840102018a4d4e540000000000000001aae98a4d4e5400000000000000941b685a7c1e78726c48f619c497a07ed75fe00483880de0b6b3a7640000808001b845f8431ca01f36e51600baa1d89d2bee64def9ac5d88c518cdefe45e3de66a3cf9fe410de4a01bc2228dc419a97ded0efe6848de906fbe6c659092167ef0e7dcb8d15024123a")
Minter Deep Links
link, _ := NewDeepLink(
SetValue(big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(12345), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(14), nil))),
link.SetPayload([]byte("Hello World"))
encode, _ := link.Encode()
More info about Minter Link Protocol
Minter Check
Minter Check is like an ordinary bank check. Each user of network can issue check with any amount of coins and pass it to another person. Receiver will be able to cash a check from arbitrary account.
- Create Issue Check. Nonce - unique "id" of the check. Coin Symbol - symbol of coin. Value - amount of coins. Due Block - defines last block height in which the check can be used.
check := transaction.NewIssueCheck(
big.NewInt(0).Mul(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil)),
- Sign Issue Check
sign, _ := check.Sign("2919c43d5c712cae66f869a524d9523999998d51157dc40ac4d8d80a7602ce02")
- Prepare check string and convert to data
data, _ := transaction.DecodeIssueCheck("Mcf8a38334383002830f423f8a4d4e5400000000000000888ac7230489e80000b841d184caa333fe636288fc68d99dea2c8af5f7db4569a0bb91e03214e7e238f89d2b21f4d2b730ef590fd8de72bd43eb5c6265664df5aa3610ef6c71538d9295ee001ba08bd966fc5a093024a243e62cdc8131969152d21ee9220bc0d95044f54e3dd485a033bc4e03da3ea8a2cd2bd149d16c022ee604298575380db8548b4fd6672a9195")
- Proof check
check, _ := transaction.NewCheckAddress("Mxa7bc33954f1ce855ed1a8c768fdd32ed927def47", "pass")
proof, _ := check.Proof()
Minter Wallet
import ""
- Create wallet. This method returns generated seed, private key, public key, mnemonic and Minter address.
walletData, _ := wallet.Create()
- Generate mnemonic.
mnemonic, _ := wallet.NewMnemonic()
- Get seed from mnemonic.
seed, _ := wallet.Seed(mnemonic)
- Get private key from seed.
prKey, _ := wallet.PrivateKeyBySeed(seed)
- Get public key from private key.
pubKey, _ := wallet.PublicKeyByPrivateKey(validPrivateKey)
- Get Minter address from public key.
address, _ := wallet.AddressByPublicKey(validPublicKey)
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Transactions in Minter are RLP-encoded structures.
Transactions in Minter are RLP-encoded structures. |