golang library for interacion with EWS Exchange Web Service
All elements from EWS elements has been described and are accessible!
(to the ReadMe update time=, and there are several shortcomings))
Some operations from EWS operations has been described and are accessible!. 100% of fields are mapped.
But you can use all of operation, which you need by the interaction with elements. Example
Described operations
- GetFolder
- FindItem
- FindPeople
- CreteItem
some usable examples you can find in Examples folder
in this example you can create draft with operation(in examples you can find how to do anything without predefined operation)
package main
import (
goews "github.com/beorereleverion/go-ews"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var (
url, user, password string
func main() {
client := goews.NewClient(url, user, password, goews.Config{
Dump: true,
NTLM: true,
SkipTLS: false,
createItemResponse, err := client.CreateItem(&elements.CreateItem{
MessageDisposition: getPTR("SendAndSaveCopy"),
Items: &elements.ItemsNonEmptyArrayOfAllItemsType{
Message: &elements.Message{
ItemClass: &elements.ItemClass{
TEXT: "IPM.Note",
Subject: &elements.Subject{
TEXT: "Project Action",
Body: &elements.Body{
BodyType: getPTR("Text"),
TEXT: "Priority - Update specification",
ToRecipients: &elements.ToRecipients{
Mailbox: &elements.Mailbox{
EmailAddress: &elements.EmailAddressNonEmptyStringType{
TEXT: "sschmidt@example.com",
IsRead: &elements.IsRead{
TEXT: false,
SavedItemFolderId: &elements.SavedItemFolderId{DistinguishedFolderId: &elements.DistinguishedFolderId{
Id: getPTR(elements.DistinguishedFolderIddrafts),
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", createItemResponse)
func setOSEnvs() {
url = os.Getenv("URL")
if url == "" {
log.Fatal("url can not be empty")
user = os.Getenv("USER")
if user == "" {
log.Fatal("user can not be empty")
password = os.Getenv("PASSWORD")
if password == "" {
log.Fatal("password can not be empty")
func getPTR[T comparable](t T) *T {
return &t