This package provides tools that can be used by all microservices, such as:
- API for service registry (Self registration and unregistration of a microservice)
To install run:
go get -u github.com/Microkubes/microservice-tools
Install it from the private repository
You'll might get a problem when installing because the github repository is private.
By default go get
will try to user a https:// to clone the repository.
If you have a valid key for accessing the repository (in ~/.ssh/
) run the
following command to force git to use ssh:// as protocol for access and to use
your access key for the repository:
git config --global url."ssh://git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com"
Microservice self-registration
Configuring the microservice
The service configuration is loaded from a JSON config file. The file has the following
"name": "user-microservice",
"port": 8080,
"virtual_host": "user.services.jormugandr.org",
"hosts": ["localhost", "user.services.jormugandr.org"],
"weight": 10,
"slots": 100
- name - the name of the microservice. This name will be used to register the API with on Kong. This has to be the same for all instances of the microservices.
- port - local port of the microservice.
- virtual_host - this is the domain name for the services group. This has to be the same for all instances of the microservice.
- hosts - list of valid hosts that can access the microservice. You need to put at least the virtual_host here, otherwise you won't be able to access the API via the gateway.
- weight - an integer value used by the API gateway for load balancing.
- slots - maximal number of instances (targets) for the same microservice group. When registering a service with the gateway, each instance creates a target
on the gateway associated with the virtual_host. When a request passes through the gateway, the HTTP header Host is inspected, and based on that the virtual_host is determined. Then the gateway passes (proxies) the request to a specific the microservice instance. This number specifies the maximal number of targets for a group like this.
Adding self-registration to a microservice
To add self-registration logic in your microservice, you need to create a gateway.Registration
and then use SelfRegister()
Here is an example of self-registration with Kong:
import (
// other imports here
// import the gateway package
gateway "microservice-tools/gateway"
// other code in the main.go file
func main(){
// load the Gateway URL and the config file path
gatewayURL, configFile := loadGatewaySettings()
// creates new Kong gateway.Registration with the config settings. We pass the default http client here.
registration, err := gateway.NewKongGatewayFromConfigFile(gatewayURL, &http.Client{}, configFile)
if err != nil {
// if there is an error, it means we failed to build Registration for Kong.
// at this point we do a self-registration by calling SelfRegister
err = registration.SelfRegister()
if err != nil {
// if there is an error it means we failed to self-register so we panic with error
// the unregistration is deferred for after main() executes. If we shut down
// the service, it is nice to unregister, although it is not required.
defer registration.Unregister()
// rest of the code for main goes here
// loadGatewaySettings loads the API Gateway URL and the path to the JSON config file from ENV variables.
func loadGatewaySettings() (string, string) {
gatewayURL := os.Getenv("API_GATEWAY_URL")
serviceConfigFile := os.Getenv("SERVICE_CONFIG_FILE")
if gatewayURL == "" {
gatewayURL = "http://localhost:8001"
if serviceConfigFile == "" {
serviceConfigFile = "config.json"
return gatewayURL, serviceConfigFile
To add healthcheck to your microservice you need to mount the healtcheck middleware in the microservice main
To test it out, build the microservice locally and do curl http://localhost:8080/healtcheck
It should return OK
Version endpoint
To add version endpoint to your microservice, first you need to add the version of the microservice into configuration JSON file, for example:
"version": "v1.0.0"
Next, mount the version endpoint middleware in the microservice main
service.Use(version.NewVersionMiddleware(cfg.Version, "/version"))
To test it out, build the microservice locally and do curl http://localhost:8080/version
It should return the microservice version.
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