Go Jose
Package go_jose is a set of crypto signer implementations for common algorithms
go get github.com/MichaelFraser99/go-jose
Algorithms Supported
Currently, the module supports the following asymmetric algorithms:
- ES256
- ES384
- ES512
- RS256
- RS384
- RS512
- PS256
- PS384
- PS512
Also supported are the following HMAC with SHA2 symmetric algorithms:
Please note Validator
objects cannot be created for HMAC algorithms. When creating a new Signer an optional secret key can be passed as []byte
. If none provided, a random key is instead generated and can be retrieved with the Public
method. This returns an object of type SecretKey
defined as so:
type SecretKey []byte
func (s *SecretKey) Equal(x crypto.PublicKey) bool {
secretKey, ok := x.(*SecretKey)
if !ok {
return false
return bytes.Equal(*s, *secretKey)
Algorithms are represented inside this module with the following type:
type Algorithm int
with the following methods defined
func (a Algorithm) String() string
String returns the string representation of that algorithm (i.e. "RS256" or "HS384")
func GetAlgorithm(alg string) *Algorithm
GetAlgorithm takes in a string and returns a pointer to the relevant algorithm type or nil if an invalid string provided
To create a Signer object use the GetSigner
method. This takes in an algorithm and an optional Opts
object (defines a bit size used for RSA keys) and returns a crypto.Signer
implementation complete with generated key pair. The below example shows how to generate a signer for ES256:
signer, err := jose.GetSigner(model.ES256, nil)
The GetSignerFromPrivateKey
method can also be used. This takes in an algorithm and a pointer to a crypto.PrivateKey
implementation. The below example shows how to generate a signer for ES256:
signer, err := jose.GetSignerFromPrivateKey(model.ES256, privateKey)
This package includes a SignerOpts implementation as shown below:
type SignerOpts struct {
Hash crypto.Hash
This is provided for simplicity and usage is in line with that specified by the crypto.Signer
interface. If a hash isn't specified, no hashing is assumed as having occured and the signing algorithms will perform their own hashing.
In addition to the packaged signers, a validator type is also included for each algorithm. This can be constructed in one of two ways:
The GetValidator
method takes in a crypto.PublicKey implementation and returns a validator instance. The below example shows how to generate a validator for ES256:
// Construct a validator from a public key
validator, err := jose.GetValidator(model.ES256, publicKey)
// Construct a validator from a signer instance
signer, err := jose.GetSigner(model.ES256, nil)
validator, err := jose.GetValidator(signer.Alg(), signer.Public())
The GetValidatorFromJwk
method takes in the bytes of a jwk format public key and returns a validator instance. The below example shows how to generate a validator for ES256:
// Construct a validator from a jwk public key
validator, err := jose.GetValidatorFromJwk(model.ES256, publicKeyBytes)
The validator object has a method ValidateSignature
which takes in the bytes of the digest and signature and returns a boolean indicating whether the signature is valid. The below example shows how to validate a signature:
// Validate a signature
validator, err := jose.GetValidator(model.ES256, publicKey)
valid, err := validator.ValidateSignature(digest, signature)
Finally, validators expose their PublicKey with the Public()
validator, err :- jose.GetValidator(model.ES256, publicKey)
pk := validator.Public()
This library includes two methods for converting keys into JWK format
All JWK methods include in the returned map a KID suggestion based on the public key component
PublicJwk takes in a pointer to a public key and returns a map[string]string
containing the jwk representation of the provided public key
// Direct from a public key
jwkMap, err := PublicJwk(publicKey)
// From a Signer
signer, err := jose.GetSigner(model.ES256, nil)
publicKey := signer.Public
jwkMap, err := PublicJwk(&publicKey)
This package defines the following errors:
- InvalidSignature - The provided signature does not match the digest
- UnsupportedAlgorithm - The algorithm specified is not currently supported
- InvalidPublicKey - The provided public key is invalid
- SigningError - An error occurred while signing the token