Complex Pipelines in Go (Part 5): Putting it All Together
Link to official post
To run the program make sure you have a database running locally, for example with docker:
docker run -d --rm \
-e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -e POSTGRES_DB=complex_pipeline \
-p 5432:5432 --name complex_pipeline_5 postgres:12.3-alpine
Then, create a table by connecting to the running container:
docker exec -it complex_pipeline_5 psql -U postgres -d complex_pipeline
and executing the following SQL statement:
CREATE TABLE "public"."names" (
"nconst" varchar(255),
"primary_name" varchar(255),
"birth_year" varchar(4),
"death_year" varchar(4) DEFAULT '',
"primary_professions" varchar[],
"known_for_titles" varchar[]
Finally run the program:
DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:@" go run main.go
The program also supports the following two parameters to control the implementation.
-size int
batch size (default 100000)
-timeout int
timeout in minutes (default 20)