Gonsole provides some simple operations which improve the ux inside the console
This project makes use of go 1.18 which is currently in beta so make sure your project is set up properly
Run go get github.com/MangioneAndrea/Gonsole
to get the package
The console is fairly simple to use.
- The first parameter is the message to print
- The second parameter is a flag to put before the message (optional)
- The third parameter is a filter function. It allows to print the message conditionally (optional)
package main
import "github.com/MangioneAndrea/gonsole"
func main() {
gonsole.Error("File not found", "Error")
gonsole.Log("Simple message", "Log")
gonsole.Warn("Wrong password", "Warning")
gonsole.Success("Action successful", "Success")
package main
import (
// ShowIfNotEmpty user defined conditional for the console to show
var ShowIfNotEmpty gonsole.ShowIf = func(elem interface{}) bool {
return elem != ""
func main() {
// this file is in the same folder as the runnable
data, err := os.ReadFile("./examples/console/condition/example.txt")
gonsole.Error(err, "Error", gonsole.ShowIfNotNil)
gonsole.Success(string(data), "Data", ShowIfNotEmpty)
// This file does not exist
data, err = os.ReadFile("./path/to/nowhere.go")
gonsole.Error(err, "Error", gonsole.ShowIfNotNil)
gonsole.Success(string(data), "Data", ShowIfNotEmpty)
The cli is a bit advanced and can be used mostly for small scripts. Each stage has a pointer as last parameter. The
result is stored there
package main
import "github.com/MangioneAndrea/gonsole"
func main() {
var name string
var choco bool
var color string
var languages []string
Input("What's your name?", &name).
Confirm("Do you like chocolate?", &choco).
SelectOne("What's your favourite colour?", []string{"red", "blue", "yellow", "cyan"}, &color).
SelectMany("What languages do you speak?", []string{"English", "German", "Italian", "French"}, &languages)