# Enumerate
Enumerate all the things!
## Install
To install Enumerate, clone the repository and build the binary:
sudo git clone https://github.com/Maleick/Enumerate.git /opt/Enumerate
cd /opt/Enumerate
go build -o enumerate
Ensure you have Go installed on your system.
Enumerate requires:
- Root privileges
- A list of IP addresses
- A list of IP exclusions, even if it is an empty file
To run Enumerate, use the following command:
sudo enumerate iplist.txt exclusions.txt
Enumerate depends on the following binaries:
Ensure that you have these dependencies installed and available in your $PATH
Enumerate supports the following modules:
: Run all modules
: Run a live host discovery with Nmap
: Scan specific ports with Nmap (e.g., Aquatone ports)
: Run selected Metasploit auxiliary modules for open ports
: Run Aquatone for web screenshots
: Run Enum4Linux for SMB enumeration
: Run Netexec for SMB enumeration and signing checks
: Run Nmap with Vulners script for vulnerability detection
: Run Nmap with 'vuln' scripts for vulnerability detection
: Run Nmap service-specific scripts on detected services
: Run Nikto against detected web servers
: Check for FTP anonymous login
: Run SNMP enumeration
: Run SSL/TLS vulnerability checks
: Check for open databases (MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch)
: Check for default credentials on services
: Attempt SSH login on detected hosts
: Attempt Telnet login on detected hosts
: Enumerate IPMI services
: Set the maximum number of concurrent tasks (default: 5)
: Path to the file containing target IP addresses or CIDRs
: Path to the file containing IP addresses to exclude from the scan
: Show this help menu
This project is written in Go. To build the project, run:
go build -o enumerate
For development, ensure you have Go installed and set up your environment accordingly. You can refer to the Go documentation for more details.