Overview ¶
Server coordinates the actions of connected mappers, the GM console, and other clients.
The individual mapper(6) clients used by players in a game may keep in contact with one another so that they all display the same contents. A change made on one client (moving a creature token or adding a room, say) appears on all the others. This is accomplished by starting a server process and having all of the mapper clients connect to it via their −−host and −−port options.
Once connected, the server will send an initial greeting that may define a list of player character tokens to appear on the mapper context menus, or any other useful information the clients need to have at startup time. It may, at the GM’s option, even initialize the client to show the full current game state.
From that point forward, the server relays traffic between the clients, so they communicate with each other via the service. The server also tracks the commands it sees, so that it maintains a notion of the current state of the game. Clients may re-sync with the server in case they restart or otherwise miss any updates so they match the server’s state. The server may respond directly to some client queries if it knows the answer rather than referring the query to the other clients.
To guard against nuisance or malicious port scans and other superfluous connections, the server will automatically drop any clients which don’t authenticate within a short time. (In actual production use, we have observed some automated agents which connected and then sat idle for hours, if we didn’t terminate their connections. This prevents that.)
server [−debug flags] [−endpoint [hostname]:port] [−init−file path] [−log−file path] [−password−file path] −sqlite path [−telemetry−log path] -debug flags Add debugging information to the log file. The flags value is a comma-separated list of debugging information to be included, from the following list: all All possible debugging information. none No debugging information (this cancels any previously-specified debug flags, but more may be added after this). auth Authentication operations. db Database operations. events Background events. i/o Input/output operations. init Client initialization. messages Message traffic between the server and clients. misc Miscellaneous debugging. state Changes to the game state. -endpoint [hostname]:port Accept incoming client connections on the specified TCP port. (Default ":2323") -init-file path Initialization file which controls the initial client negotiation upon first connection to the server. -log-file path Write a log of server actions to the specified file. (Default "-", which means to send to standard output.) -password-file path Enable server authentication with the set of passwords in the specified file. Each line of the file holds a plaintext password, in the following format: general-user-password gm-only-password user1:password1 user2:password2 user3:password3 Only the first line is required. -sqlite path Specifies the file name of a sqlite database used to keep persistent data used by the server. If path does not exist, server will create a new database with that name. -telemetry-log path If server was compiled to send performance telemetry data, a debugging log of that data is recorded in the specified file.
See the full documentation in the accompanying manual file man/man6/server.6.pdf (or run “gma man go server” if you have the GMA Core package installed as well as Go-GMA).
See also the server protocol specification in the man/man7/mapper-protocol.7.pdf of the GMA-Mapper package (or run “gma man mapper-protocol”). This is also printed in Appendix F of the GMA Game Master's Guide.