Generate a command line client tool for your server
(This is in alpha state and is under development)
- Generated CLI code is a wrapper of the generated client code, which reads command line options and args to construct appropriate parameters and send to the server.
- Based on cobra framework, and viper.
- Support shell completions.
- For advanced example, see dockerctl, a CLI generated using this for docker engine
General Command Layout
- Root command manages global flags
- Each open-api tag is a sub-command under root command. In go-swagger it is called operation group.
- Each open-api operationId is a sub-command under the tag it belongs to.
- Each path and query parameter is a command line flag.
- Body parameter corresponds to a command line flag, as a json string.
- Each field in body parameter is a command line flag, and this extends to sub-definitions recursively.
- body parameter json string will be taken as base payload, which flags for body fields will overwrite.
Todo List CLI App Example
CLI tool in this folder is generated using the same swagger.yaml as examples/auto-configure
. We will run that server to test this cli executable.
Getting Started
Generate the code (optional)
Generate go-swagger command (optional for this example, since code is already generated and checked-in in repo):
$ swagger generate cli --target=examples/cli --spec=examples/cli/swagger.yml --cli-app-name todoctl
Run the CLI program
$ go run examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/main.go --debug --hostname localhost:12345 --x-todolist-token "example token" todos addOne --item.description "hi" --body "{}"
Build the executable and then run
$ go build -o examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/todoctl examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/main.go
$ ./examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/todoctl
Shell Completion
Shell completion is supported via cobra. bash, zsh, fish, PowerShell completion script can be generated by the CLI executable. More technical details here.
For example, bash completion is generated like this to stdout:
$ ./examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/todo-cli completion bash
To use the completion, do the following:
# temporary completion in current shell
$ source <(./examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/todoctl completion bash)
# add completion permanently to your system
$ ./examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/todoctl completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/todoctl
Help Message Example
- Help messages can be obtained as follows:
$ ./examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/todoctl --help
$ ./examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/todoctl todos updateOne --help
Use config file to store common flag values
, scheme
, base_path
(default: /
), and auth tokens can be read from a config file, so that you do not need to enter it every time via command line.
For example, todo-cli config file looks like this:
"x-todolist-token":"example token"
The default location that the CLI will look for config file is ~/.config/<program name>/config.json
. One can also specify a config file location via flag--config
. One can use yaml
, etc file types, and the CLI can parse them all. The config file is supported via viper.
With the above config file for todo-cli, one can invoke the command like this:
$ ./examples/cli/cmd/cli/todo-cli todos findTodos
$ go run examples/auto-configure/cmd/a-to-do-list-application-server/main.go --port=12345
- Make request using the CLI tool (using another shell)
$ go run examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/main.go --hostname localhost:12345 --x-todolist-token "example token" todos addOne --item.description "hi" --body "{}"
$ go run examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/main.go --hostname localhost:12345 --x-todolist-token "example token" todos findTodos
$ go run examples/cli/cmd/todoctl/main.go --hostname localhost:12345 --x-todolist-token "example token" todos updateOne --id 1 --item.completed true --item.description "done"
{"code":404,"message":"Item with id 1 is not found"}
Missing Features
- Array and maps in body (It is unclear how to support)
- Enums
- In help message
- In shell auto-complete
- Validate params before sending