Path | Synopsis |
Package announce contains a chat essage handler to create announcements from the bot
Package announce contains a chat essage handler to create announcements from the bot |
Package ban contains actors to ban/unban users in a channel
Package ban contains actors to ban/unban users in a channel |
Package clip contains an actor to create clips on behalf of a channels owner
Package clip contains an actor to create clips on behalf of a channels owner |
Package clipdetector contains an actor to detect clip links in a message and populate a template variable
Package clipdetector contains an actor to detect clip links in a message and populate a template variable |
Package commercial contains an actor to run commercials in a channel
Package commercial contains an actor to run commercials in a channel |
Package counter contains actors and template functions to work with database stored counters
Package counter contains actors and template functions to work with database stored counters |
Package delay contains an actor to delay rule execution
Package delay contains an actor to delay rule execution |
Package deleteactor contains an actor to delete messages
Package deleteactor contains an actor to delete messages |
Package eventmod contains an actor to modify event data during rule execution by adding fields (template variables)
Package eventmod contains an actor to modify event data during rule execution by adding fields (template variables) |
Package filesay contains an actor to paste a remote URL as chat commands i.e.
Package filesay contains an actor to paste a remote URL as chat commands i.e. |
Package linkdetector contains an actor to detect links in a message and add them to a variable
Package linkdetector contains an actor to detect links in a message and add them to a variable |
Package linkprotect contains an actor to prevent chatters from posting certain links
Package linkprotect contains an actor to prevent chatters from posting certain links |
Package log contains an actor to write bot-log entries from a rule
Package log contains an actor to write bot-log entries from a rule |
Package messagehook contains actors to send discord / slack webhook requests
Package messagehook contains actors to send discord / slack webhook requests |
Package modchannel contains an actor to modify title / category of a channel
Package modchannel contains an actor to modify title / category of a channel |
Package nuke contains a hateraid protection actor recording messages in all channels for a certain period of time being able to "nuke" their authors by regular expression based on past messages
Package nuke contains a hateraid protection actor recording messages in all channels for a certain period of time being able to "nuke" their authors by regular expression based on past messages |
Package punish contains an actor to punish behaviour in a channel with rising punishments
Package punish contains an actor to punish behaviour in a channel with rising punishments |
Package quotedb contains a quote database and actor / api methods to manage it
Package quotedb contains a quote database and actor / api methods to manage it |
Package raw contains an actor to send raw IRC messages
Package raw contains an actor to send raw IRC messages |
Package respond contains an actor to send a message
Package respond contains an actor to send a message |
Package shield contains an actor to update the shield-mode for a given channel
Package shield contains an actor to update the shield-mode for a given channel |
Package shoutout contains an actor to create a Twitch native shoutout
Package shoutout contains an actor to create a Twitch native shoutout |
Package stopexec contains an actor to stop the rule execution on template condition
Package stopexec contains an actor to stop the rule execution on template condition |
Package timeout contains an actor to timeout users
Package timeout contains an actor to timeout users |
Package variables contains an actor and database client to store handle variables
Package variables contains an actor and database client to store handle variables |
Package vip contains actors to modify VIPs of a channel
Package vip contains actors to modify VIPs of a channel |
Package whisper contains an actor to send whispers
Package whisper contains an actor to send whispers |
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