
package module
v0.6.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 18, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 10 Imported by: 0


About dburl

Package dburl provides a standard, URL style mechanism for parsing and opening SQL database connection strings for Go. Provides standardized way to parse and open URLs for popular databases PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, in addition to most other SQL databases with a publicly available Go driver.

Overview | Quickstart | Examples | Schemes | Installing | Using | About

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Database Connection URL Overview

Supported database connection URLs are of the form:



Component Description
protocol driver name or alias (see below)
transport "tcp", "udp", "unix" or driver name (odbc/oleodbc)
user username
pass password
host host
dbname* database, instance, or service name/ID to connect to
?opt1=... additional database driver options (see respective SQL driver for available options)

* for Microsoft SQL Server, /dbname can be /instance/dbname, where /instance is optional. For Oracle Database, /dbname is of the form /service/dbname where /service is the service name or SID, and /dbname is optional. Please see below for examples.


Database connection URLs in the above format can be parsed with the dburl.Parse func as such:

import (
u, err := dburl.Parse("postgresql://user:pass@localhost/mydatabase/?sslmode=disable")
if err != nil { /* ... */ }

Additionally, a simple helper, dburl.Open, is provided that will parse, open, and return a standard sql.DB database connection:

import (
db, err := dburl.Open("sqlite:mydatabase.sqlite3?loc=auto")
if err != nil { /* ... */ }

Example URLs

The following are example database connection URLs that can be handled by dburl.Parse and dburl.Open:


Database Schemes, Aliases, and Drivers

The following table lists the supported dburl protocol schemes (ie, driver), additional aliases, and the related Go driver:

Database Scheme / Tag Scheme Aliases Driver Package / Notes
PostgreSQL postgres pg, pgsql, postgresql github.com/lib/pq
MySQL mysql my, maria, aurora, mariadb, percona github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Microsoft SQL Server sqlserver ms, mssql, azuresql github.com/microsoft/go-mssqldb
Oracle Database oracle or, ora, oci, oci8, odpi, odpi-c github.com/sijms/go-ora/v2
SQLite3 sqlite3 sq, file, sqlite github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
CSVQ csvq cs, csv, tsv, json github.com/mithrandie/csvq-driver
Alibaba MaxCompute maxcompute mc sqlflow.org/gomaxcompute
Alibaba Tablestore ots ot, tablestore github.com/aliyun/aliyun-tablestore-go-sql-driver
Apache Avatica avatica av, phoenix github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go/v5
Apache H2 h2 github.com/jmrobles/h2go
Apache Ignite ignite ig, gridgain github.com/amsokol/ignite-go-client/sql
AWS Athena athena s3, aws, awsathena github.com/uber/athenadriver/go
Azure CosmosDB cosmos cm github.com/btnguyen2k/gocosmos
Cassandra cassandra ca, scy, scylla, datastax, cql github.com/MichaelS11/go-cql-driver
ClickHouse clickhouse ch github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go/v2
Couchbase couchbase n1, n1ql github.com/couchbase/go_n1ql
Cznic QL ql cznic, cznicql modernc.org/ql
Databend databend dd, bend github.com/databendcloud/databend-go
Exasol exasol ex, exa github.com/exasol/exasol-driver-go
Firebird firebird fb, firebirdsql github.com/nakagami/firebirdsql
FlightSQL flightsql fl, flight github.com/apache/arrow/go/v12/arrow/flight/flightsql/driver
Genji genji gj github.com/genjidb/genji/driver
Google BigQuery bigquery bq gorm.io/driver/bigquery/driver
Google Spanner spanner sp github.com/googleapis/go-sql-spanner
Microsoft ADODB adodb ad, ado github.com/mattn/go-adodb
ModernC SQLite3 moderncsqlite mq, modernsqlite modernc.org/sqlite
MySQL MyMySQL mymysql zm, mymy github.com/ziutek/mymysql/godrv
Netezza netezza nz, nzgo github.com/IBM/nzgo/v12
PostgreSQL PGX pgx px github.com/jackc/pgx/v5/stdlib
Presto presto pr, prs, prestos, prestodb, prestodbs github.com/prestodb/presto-go-client/presto
SAP ASE sapase ax, ase, tds github.com/thda/tds
SAP HANA saphana sa, sap, hana, hdb github.com/SAP/go-hdb/driver
Snowflake snowflake sf github.com/snowflakedb/gosnowflake
Trino trino tr, trs, trinos github.com/trinodb/trino-go-client/trino
Vertica vertica ve github.com/vertica/vertica-sql-go
VoltDB voltdb vo, vdb, volt github.com/VoltDB/voltdb-client-go/voltdbclient
GO DRiver for ORacle godror gr github.com/godror/godror
ODBC odbc od github.com/alexbrainman/odbc
Amazon Redshift postgres rs, redshift github.com/lib/pq
CockroachDB postgres cr, cdb, crdb, cockroach, cockroachdb github.com/lib/pq
OLE ODBC adodb oo, ole, oleodbc github.com/mattn/go-adodb
SingleStore MemSQL mysql me, memsql github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
TiDB mysql ti, tidb github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Vitess Database mysql vt, vitess github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Apache Hive hive hi sqlflow.org/gohive
Apache Impala impala im github.com/bippio/go-impala

Requires CGO
Wire compatible (see respective driver)

Any protocol scheme alias:// can be used in place of protocol://, and will work identically with dburl.Parse and dburl.Open.


Install in the usual Go fashion:

$ go get -u github.com/xo/dburl


dburl does not import any of Go's SQL drivers, as it only provides a way to parse and open database URL stylized connection strings. As such, it is necessary to explicitly import the relevant SQL driver:

import (
    // import Microsoft SQL Server driver
    _ "github.com/microsoft/go-mssqldb"

See the database schemes table above for a list of the expected Go driver import's.

Additional examples and API details can be found in the dburl package documentation.

URL Parsing Rules

dburl.Parse and dburl.Open rely primarily on Go's standard net/url.URL type, and as such, parsing or opening database connection URLs with dburl are subject to the same rules, conventions, and semantics as Go's net/url.Parse func.


A full example for reference:

// _example/example.go
package main

import (

	_ "github.com/microsoft/go-mssqldb"

func main() {
	db, err := dburl.Open("sqlserver://user:pass@localhost/dbname")
	if err != nil {
	var name string
	if err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT name FROM mytable WHERE id=10`).Scan(&name); err != nil {
	fmt.Println("name:", name)


dburl was built primarily to support these projects:

  • usql - a universal command-line interface for SQL databases
  • xo - a command-line tool to generate code for SQL databases



Package dburl provides a standard, URL style mechanism for parsing and opening SQL database connection strings for Go. Provides standardized way to parse and open URLs for popular databases PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, in addition to most other SQL databases with a publicly available Go driver.

See the package documentation README section for more details.

Example (Open)
package main

import (


func main() {
	db, err := dburl.Open("my://user:pass@host:1234/dbname")
	if err != nil {
	res, err := db.Query("SELECT ...")
	if err != nil {
	for res.Next() {
		/* ... */
	if err := res.Err(); err != nil {

Example (Parse)
package main

import (


func main() {
	u, err := dburl.Parse("pg://user:pass@host:1234/dbname")
	if err != nil {
	db, err := sql.Open(u.Driver, u.DSN)
	if err != nil {
	res, err := db.Query("SELECT ...")
	if err != nil {
	for res.Next() {
		/* ... */
	if err := res.Err(); err != nil {




This section is empty.


View Source
var Stat = func(name string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {
	return fs.Stat(os.DirFS(filepath.Dir(name)), filepath.Base(name))

Stat is the default stat func.

Used within the package to stat files, which is used when generating the DSNs for postgres, mysql, and sqlite3 URL schemes.


func GenAdodb

func GenAdodb(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenAdodb generates a adodb DSN from the passed URL.

func GenCassandra

func GenCassandra(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenCassandra generates a cassandra DSN from the passed URL.

func GenCosmos

func GenCosmos(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenCosmos generates a cosmos DSN from the passed URL.

func GenDatabend

func GenDatabend(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenDatabend generates a databend DSN from the passed URL.

func GenExasol

func GenExasol(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenExasol generates a exasol DSN from the passed URL.

func GenFirebird

func GenFirebird(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenFirebird generates a firebird DSN from the passed URL.

func GenFromURL

func GenFromURL(urlstr string) func(*URL) (string, string, error)

GenFromURL returns a func that generates a DSN based on parameters of the passed URL.

func GenGodror

func GenGodror(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenGodror generates a godror DSN from the passed URL.

func GenIgnite

func GenIgnite(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenIgnite generates an ignite DSN from the passed URL.

func GenMymysql

func GenMymysql(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenMymysql generates a mymysql DSN from the passed URL.

func GenMysql

func GenMysql(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenMysql generates a mysql DSN from the passed URL.

func GenOdbc

func GenOdbc(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenOdbc generates a odbc DSN from the passed URL.

func GenOleodbc

func GenOleodbc(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenOleodbc generates a oleodbc DSN from the passed URL.

func GenOpaque

func GenOpaque(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenOpaque generates a opaque file path DSN from the passed URL.

func GenPostgres

func GenPostgres(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenPostgres generates a postgres DSN from the passed URL.

func GenPresto

func GenPresto(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenPresto generates a presto DSN from the passed URL.

func GenScheme

func GenScheme(scheme string) func(*URL) (string, string, error)

GenScheme returns a func that generates a scheme:// style DSN from the passed URL.

func GenSchemeTruncate

func GenSchemeTruncate(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenSchemeTruncate generates a DSN by truncating the scheme://.

func GenSnowflake

func GenSnowflake(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenSnowflake generates a snowflake DSN from the passed URL.

func GenSpanner

func GenSpanner(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenSpanner generates a spanner DSN from the passed URL.

func GenSqlserver

func GenSqlserver(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenSqlserver generates a sqlserver DSN from the passed URL.

func GenTableStore

func GenTableStore(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenTableStore generates a tablestore DSN from the passed URL.

func GenVoltdb

func GenVoltdb(u *URL) (string, string, error)

GenVoltdb generates a voltdb DSN from the passed URL.

func Open

func Open(urlstr string) (*sql.DB, error)

Open takes a URL like "protocol+transport://user:pass@host/dbname?option1=a&option2=b" and opens a standard sql.DB connection.

See Parse for information on formatting URLs to work properly with Open.

func Protocols

func Protocols(name string) []string

Protocols returns list of all valid protocol aliases for a registered Scheme name.

func Register

func Register(scheme Scheme)

Register registers a Scheme.

func RegisterAlias

func RegisterAlias(name, alias string)

RegisterAlias registers an additional alias for a registered scheme.

func SchemeDriverAndAliases

func SchemeDriverAndAliases(name string) (string, []string)

SchemeDriverAndAliases returns the registered driver and aliases for a database scheme.

func ShortAlias

func ShortAlias(name string) string

ShortAlias returns the short alias for the scheme name.


type Error

type Error string

Error is an error.

const (
	// ErrInvalidDatabaseScheme is the invalid database scheme error.
	ErrInvalidDatabaseScheme Error = "invalid database scheme"
	// ErrUnknownDatabaseScheme is the unknown database type error.
	ErrUnknownDatabaseScheme Error = "unknown database scheme"
	// ErrInvalidTransportProtocol is the invalid transport protocol error.
	ErrInvalidTransportProtocol Error = "invalid transport protocol"
	// ErrRelativePathNotSupported is the relative paths not supported error.
	ErrRelativePathNotSupported Error = "relative path not supported"
	// ErrMissingHost is the missing host error.
	ErrMissingHost Error = "missing host"
	// ErrMissingPath is the missing path error.
	ErrMissingPath Error = "missing path"
	// ErrMissingUser is the missing user error.
	ErrMissingUser Error = "missing user"

Error values.

func (Error) Error

func (err Error) Error() string

Error satisfies the error interface.

type Scheme

type Scheme struct {
	// Driver is the name of the SQL driver that is set as the Scheme in
	// Parse'd URLs and is the driver name expected by the standard sql.Open
	// calls.
	// Note: a 2 letter alias will always be registered for the Driver as the
	// first 2 characters of the Driver, unless one of the Aliases includes an
	// alias that is 2 characters.
	Driver string
	// Generator is the func responsible for generating a DSN based on parsed
	// URL information.
	// Note: this func should not modify the passed URL.
	Generator func(*URL) (string, string, error)
	// Transport are allowed protocol transport types for the scheme.
	Transport Transport
	// Opaque toggles Parse to not re-process URLs with an "opaque" component.
	Opaque bool
	// Aliases are any additional aliases for the scheme.
	Aliases []string
	// Override is the Go SQL driver to use instead of Driver.
	// Used for "wire compatible" driver schemes.
	Override string

Scheme wraps information used for registering a database URL scheme for use with Parse/Open.

func BaseSchemes

func BaseSchemes() []Scheme

BaseSchemes returns the supported base schemes.

func Unregister

func Unregister(name string) *Scheme

Unregister unregisters a scheme and all associated aliases, returning the removed Scheme.

type Transport

type Transport uint

Transport is the allowed transport protocol types in a database URL scheme.

const (
	TransportNone Transport = 0
	TransportTCP  Transport = 1
	TransportUDP  Transport = 2
	TransportUnix Transport = 4
	TransportAny  Transport = 8

Transport types.

type URL

type URL struct {
	// URL is the base net/url/URL.
	// OriginalScheme is the original parsed scheme (ie, "sq", "mysql+unix", "sap", etc).
	OriginalScheme string
	// Transport is the specified transport protocol (ie, "tcp", "udp",
	// "unix", ...), if provided.
	Transport string
	// Driver is the non-aliased SQL driver name that should be used in a call
	// to sql/Open.
	Driver string
	// GoDriver is the Go SQL driver name to use when opening a connection to
	// the database. Used by Microsoft SQL Server's azuresql URLs, as the
	// wire-compatible alias style uses a different syntax style.
	GoDriver string
	// UnaliasedDriver is the unaliased driver name.
	UnaliasedDriver string
	// DSN is the built connection "data source name" that can be used in a
	// call to sql/Open.
	DSN string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

URL wraps the standard net/url.URL type, adding OriginalScheme, Transport, Driver, Unaliased, and DSN strings.

func Parse

func Parse(urlstr string) (*URL, error)

Parse parses a URL, similar to the standard net/url.Parse.

Handles parsing OriginalScheme, Transport, Driver, Unaliased, and DSN fields.

Note: if the URL has a Opaque component (ie, URLs not specified as "scheme://" but "scheme:"), and the database scheme does not support opaque components, Parse will attempt to re-process the URL as "scheme://<opaque>".

func (*URL) Normalize

func (u *URL) Normalize(sep, empty string, cut int) string

Normalize returns the driver, host, port, database, and user name of a URL, joined with sep, populating blank fields with empty.

func (*URL) Short

func (u *URL) Short() string

Short provides a short description of the user, host, and database.

func (*URL) String

func (u *URL) String() string

String satisfies the fmt.Stringer interface.


Path Synopsis
Package passfile provides a mechanism for reading database credentials from passfiles.
Package passfile provides a mechanism for reading database credentials from passfiles.

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL