Convert *.osm.pbf files to CSV
With this CLI tool you can convert *.osm.pbf (Compressed Open Street Map) file to CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file, which is used in our contraction hierarchies library.
What it does:
- Edge expansion (single edge == single vertex);
- Handles some kind and types of restrictions:
- Supported kind of restrictions:
- EdgeFrom - NodeVia - EdgeTo.
- Supported types of restrictions:
- only_left_turn;
- only_right_turn;
- only_straight_on;
- no_left_turn;
- no_right_turn;
- no_straight_on.
- Saves CSV file with geom in WKT format;
- Currently supports tags for 'highway' OSM entity only.
PRs are welcome!
go install github.com/LdDl/ch/...
After installation step is complete you can call 'osm2ch' from any place in your system.
osm2ch -h
Usage of osm2ch:
-file string
Filename of *.osm.pbf file (it has to be compressed) (default "my_graph.osm.pbf")
-geomf string
Format of output geometry. Expected values: wkt / geojson (default "wkt")
-out string
Filename of 'Comma-Separated Values' (CSV) formatted file (default "my_graph.csv")
-tags string
Set of needed tags (separated by commas) (default "motorway,primary,primary_link,road,secondary,secondary_link,residential,tertiary,tertiary_link,unclassified,trunk,trunk_link")
The default list of tags is this, since usually these tags are used for routing for personal cars.
You can find example file of *.osm.pbf file in nested child /example_data.
If you want WKT format for output geometry:
osm2ch --file example_data/moscow_center_reduced.osm.pbf --out graph.csv --geomf wkt --tags motorway,primary,primary_link,road,secondary,secondary_link,residential,tertiary,tertiary_link,unclassified,trunk,trunk_link
If you want GeoJSON format for output geometry:
osm2ch --file example_data/moscow_center_reduced.osm.pbf --out graph.csv --geomf geojson --tags motorway,primary,primary_link,road,secondary,secondary_link,residential,tertiary,tertiary_link,unclassified,trunk,trunk_link
After that file 'graph.csv' will be created.
Header of CSV-file is: from_vertex_id;to_vertex_id;weights;geom
- from_vertex_id Source vertex;
- to_vertex_id Target vertex;
- weight Traveling cost from source to target (actually length of edge in kilometers);
- geom Geometry of edge in WKT or GeoJSON format.
Now you can use this graph in contraction hierarchies library.
Thanks to paulmach for his OSM-parser written in Go.
Paulmach's license is here (it's MIT)