This project provides a real-time interface to view highly-customisable relationships (graph relationships) between people. The relationer server produces messages which are sent to a centralised message broker to be consumend by you on either: the relationer cli recieving point, provided frontend, or your own customisable app.
Get Started
Using realtioner with golang? try the golang client
Binary Packages
All the final binaries are under the ./cmd
- the relationer server binary
- the relationer cli binary
Relationer Server Binary:
Usage of relationer-server:
use a backup datastore (default true)
-bk-addr string
address of the broker (default "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672")
-cache-addr string
address of the cache (default "redis:6379")
-db-addr string
dns of the database (default "postgres://postgres:postgres@database/relationer?sslmode=disable")
-serv-addr string
address of the server (default ":8080")
The relationer server can start with or without a persistent data-store (postgres) controlled via the -backup
flag. When true the -db-addr
flag will be used to connect to the postgres instance where any previous data will be loaded on the new relationer server and any new data will be added to the postgres instance.
Relationer Cli Binary:
relationer is a cli tool to interact with the relationer server
add-person Create a user (node)
add-friendship Create a friendship (edge) uni-directional from id1 -> id2
get-depth Get depth between 2 nodes
get-friendship Get the relationships of a person
get-person Get the person with provided id
listen Listen for events
-p http://localhost:8080 api enpoint for relationer
-v=false log verbose output
Must already have postgres instance running
Must already have redis instance running
Must already have rabbitmq instance running
in yout path
Build the relationer project by cloning the repo then run:
$ go install ./cmd/...
Relationer Server (persistent store)
$ relationer-server -bk-addr rabbitmq-url -cache-addr redis-url -db-addr postgres-dsn
2022/05/22 13:02:11 server starting on :8080 ...
To kill the server Ctrl-C
Relationer Cli
If you have a relationer server running, you can now interface with it via the relationer cli binary and all its sub commands.
Create two people and have them linked via a mutual friendship:
$ relationer -v add-person Lambels
created person with id 1 at 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 UTC OK
Process took x ms
$ relationer -v add-person Lambili
created person with id 2 at 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 UTC OK
Process took x ms
$ relationer -v add-friendship -mutual 1 2
created friendship between 1 and 2 OK
created friendship between 2 and 1 OK
Process took x ms
Start an event listener:
The relationer cli event listener listens to messages from the relationer server.
You can specify the events you want to listen to via: (rabbitmq routing keys)
relationer -v listen person.created
listen for created persons
relationer -v listen person.deleted
listen for deleted persons
relationer -v listen friendship.created
listen for created friendships
relationer -v listen person.created person.deleted
listen for created or deleted persons
relationer -v listen -all
listen for all events ("#" routing key)
Example running in the background of the commands above:
$ relationer -v listen -all
(re)dial to amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672
(re)dial to amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672
subscribed and ready to recieve...
[New Person] Id: 1 | Name: Lambels | Created At: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
[New Person] Id: 2 | Name: Lambili | Created At: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
[New Friendship] Person 1: 1 with Person 2: 2
[New Friendship] Person 1: 2 with Person 2: 1
Commands: cli -> relationer and server -> relationer-server

Get Started (Docker)
Clone the repo and have docker installed on your machine.
Run in the root of the project directory:
docker-compose up --build
When the relationer container is up you should have a accessable relationer server on :8080
and a rabbitmq instance on :5672
with the management server on :15672
You can now interact with this relationer server through convensional means such as the relationer
binary or golang client.