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This project was made to refresh my memory on websockets and on centralised hubs.
![demo giphy](https://github.com/Lambels/drawing-app/raw/v1.0.0/demo.gif)
Must have go installed.
Step 2: Run the server.
go run *.go
go run .
Step 3: Open as many clients.
Open the index.html file in your browser as done in the demo.
Note: Each client gets assigned a random and unique color.
Run (Docker)
Must have docker installed.
Step 1: Clone the repo
Step 2: Build the docker image from source:
docker build -t drawing-app ./path/to/dockerfile
Step 3: Run a docker container:
docker run -p 8080:8080 drawing-app
to quit
Step 4: Open as many clients.
Open the index.html file in your browser as done in the demo.
Note: Each client gets assigned a random and unique color.