is a kubectl plugin that checks Kubernetes resources.
Currently it supports deployment, daemonset and statefulset.
$ brew install Ladicle/brew/kubectl-check
$ kubectl check -h
Check Kubernetes resource status
check [flags...] <resource> <name>
- daemonset, ds
- deployment, deploy, dp
- statefulset, ststig
--version Version for check
--options Show full options of this command
-h, --help Show this message
-R, --color Enable color output even if stdout is not a terminal
Use "check --options" for full information about global flags.
Use "check [resource] --help" for more information about each resource.
Getting Started
$ kubectl create deployment hello --image=not/found
deployment.apps/hello created
$ kubectl check deploy hello
Deployment "default/hello" is not available (0/1):
[ErrImagePull] Pod/hello-7d8df5b78-5zj6x/Container{found}: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: pull access denied for not/found, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied (restarted x0)
Reason Age From Object Message
------ ---- ---- ------ -------
Failed 4s kubelet, worker2 Pod/hello-7d8df5b78-5zj6x/spec.containers{found} Failed to pull image "not/found": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: pull access denied for not/found, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Failed 4s kubelet, worker2 Pod/hello-7d8df5b78-5zj6x/spec.containers{found} Error: ErrImagePull
Failed 4s kubelet, worker2 Pod/hello-7d8df5b78-5zj6x/spec.containers{found} Error: ImagePullBackOff