Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddRedacted(newRedacted string, useMutex bool)
- func AffsDataForRoles(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, rich map[string]interface{}, roles []string) (data map[string]interface{}, e error)
- func AffsIdentityIDs(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, identity map[string]interface{}) (ids [2]interface{})
- func AnonymizeURL(url string) string
- func Base64DecodeCookies(enc []byte) (cookies []string, err error)
- func Base64DecodeHeaders(enc []byte) (headers map[string][]string, err error)
- func Base64EncodeCookies(cookies []string) (enc []byte)
- func Base64EncodeHeaders(headers map[string][]string) (enc []byte)
- func BytesToStringTrunc(data []byte, maxLen int, addLenInfo bool) (str string)
- func CacheSummary(ctx *Ctx)
- func CommonFields(ds DS, date interface{}, category string) (fields map[string]interface{})
- func ConfluenceEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func ConnectAffiliationsDB(ctx *Ctx)
- func CookieToString(c *http.Cookie) (s string)
- func CopyAffsRoleData(dst, src map[string]interface{}, dstRole, srcRole string)
- func CreateESCache(ctx *Ctx)
- func DBUploadIdentitiesFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, docs, outDocs *[]interface{}, last bool) (e error)
- func DeepSet(m interface{}, ks []string, v interface{}, create bool) (err error)
- func Dig(iface interface{}, keys []string, fatal, silent bool) (v interface{}, ok bool)
- func DumpKeys(i interface{}) string
- func DumpPreview(i interface{}, l int) string
- func ESBulkUploadFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, docs, outDocs *[]interface{}, last bool) (e error)
- func ESCacheDelete(ctx *Ctx, key string)
- func ESCacheDeleteExpired(ctx *Ctx)
- func ESCacheSet(ctx *Ctx, key string, entry *ESCacheEntry)
- func EmptyAffsItem(role string, undef bool) map[string]interface{}
- func Enrich(ctx *Ctx, ds DS) (err error)
- func EnrichComments(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, comments []interface{}, item map[string]interface{}, ...) (richComments []interface{}, err error)
- func EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, richItem map[string]interface{}) (err error)
- func EnrichPairProgrammingItem(richItem map[string]interface{}) (err error)
- func EnsurePath(path string, noLastDir bool) (string, error)
- func ExecCommand(ctx *Ctx, cmdAndArgs []string, cwd string, env map[string]string) (sout, serr string, err error)
- func ExecCommandPipe(ctx *Ctx, cmdAndArgs []string, cwd string, env map[string]string) (stdOutPipe io.ReadCloser, cmd *exec.Cmd, err error)
- func ExecDB(ctx *Ctx, query string, args ...interface{}) (res sql.Result, err error)
- func ExecSQL(ctx *Ctx, tx *sql.Tx, query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
- func ExecTX(ctx *Ctx, tx *sql.Tx, query string, args ...interface{}) (res sql.Result, err error)
- func ExecuteAffiliationsAPICall(ctx *Ctx, method, path string, cacheToken bool) (data map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func FatalOnError(err error) string
- func Fatalf(f string, a ...interface{})
- func FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx, ds DS) (err error)
- func FilterRedacted(str string) string
- func FindObject(ctx *Ctx, object, key, id string, fields []string) (obj map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func ForEachESItem(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, raw bool, ...) (err error)
- func GerritEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func GetAPIToken() (string, error)
- func GetESCache(ctx *Ctx, k string) (b []byte, tg string, expires time.Time, ok bool)
- func GetEnrollments(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, uuid string, dt time.Time, single bool) (orgs []string, e error)
- func GetEnrollmentsBoth(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, uuid string, dt time.Time) (org string, orgs []string, e error)
- func GetEnrollmentsMulti(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, uuid string, dt time.Time) (orgs []string, e error)
- func GetEnrollmentsSingle(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, uuid string, dt time.Time) (org string, e error)
- func GetIdentityUUID(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, id string) (uuid interface{})
- func GetL2Cache(ctx *Ctx, k string) (b []byte, ok bool)
- func GetLastOffset(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, raw bool) (offset float64)
- func GetLastUpdate(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, raw bool) (lastUpdate *time.Time)
- func GetRedacted() (str string)
- func GetThreadsNum(ctx *Ctx) int
- func GitEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func GitHubEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func GroupsioEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func HandleMapping(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, raw bool) (err error)
- func IdentityAffsData(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, identity map[string]interface{}, aid interface{}, ...) (outItem map[string]interface{}, empty bool, e error)
- func IdentityAffsDomain(identity map[string]interface{}) (domain interface{}, email string)
- func IndexAt(s, sep string, n int) int
- func InitializeAuth0() error
- func InterfaceToStringTrunc(iface interface{}, maxLen int, addLenInfo bool) (str string)
- func IsOldFormat(ctx *Ctx, idx string) (old bool)
- func IsValidDomain(domain string) (valid bool)
- func IsValidEmail(email string, validateDomain, guess bool) (valid bool, newEmail string)
- func ItemsIdentitiesFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func ItemsRefreshIdentitiesFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, richItems []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func JSONEscape(str string) string
- func JiraEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func KeysOnly(i interface{}) (o map[string]interface{})
- func MatchGroups(re *regexp.Regexp, arg string) (result map[string]string)
- func MatchGroupsArray(re *regexp.Regexp, arg string) (result map[string][]string)
- func MaybeESCacheCleanup(ctx *Ctx)
- func MaybeMemCacheCleanup(ctx *Ctx)
- func MemCacheDeleteExpired(ctx *Ctx)
- func NoSSLVerify()
- func ParseAddresses(ctx *Ctx, addrs string, maxAddrs int) (emails []*mail.Address, ok bool)
- func ParseDateWithTz(indt string) (dt, dtInTz time.Time, off float64, valid bool)
- func ParseMBoxMsg(ctx *Ctx, groupName string, msg []byte) (item map[string]interface{}, valid, warn bool)
- func PartitionString(s string, sep string) [3]string
- func PeriodParse(perStr string) (dur time.Duration, ok bool)
- func PostprocessFields(outItem map[string]interface{}, role, email string)
- func PostprocessNameUsername(name, username, email string) (outName, outUsername string)
- func PrettyPrintJSON(jsonBytes []byte) []byte
- func PreviewOnly(i interface{}, l int) (o interface{})
- func PrintCache(iCache interface{}) (s string)
- func Printf(format string, args ...interface{})
- func PrintfNoRedacted(format string, args ...interface{})
- func ProgressInfo(i, n int, start time.Time, last *time.Time, period time.Duration, msg string)
- func QueryDB(ctx *Ctx, query string, args ...interface{}) (rows *sql.Rows, err error)
- func QueryOut(ctx *Ctx, in bool, err error, query string, args ...interface{})
- func QuerySQL(ctx *Ctx, tx *sql.Tx, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
- func QueryTX(ctx *Ctx, tx *sql.Tx, query string, args ...interface{}) (rows *sql.Rows, err error)
- func QueryToStringArray(ctx *Ctx, query string, args ...interface{}) (res []string)
- func QueryToStringIntArrays(ctx *Ctx, query string, args ...interface{}) (sa []string, ia []int64)
- func RedactEmail(in, suff string, forceSuff bool) string
- func RefreshIdentities(ctx *Ctx, ds DS) (err error)
- func Request(ctx *Ctx, url, method string, headers map[string]string, payload []byte, ...) (result interface{}, status int, outCookies []string, ...)
- func RequestNoRetry(ctx *Ctx, url, method string, headers map[string]string, payload []byte, ...) (result interface{}, status int, isJSON bool, outCookies []string, ...)
- func ResetThreadsNum(ctx *Ctx)
- func ResetUUIDCache()
- func RocketchatEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func SendMultipleDocumentsToGAP(ctx *Ctx, indexNames, docIDs []string, docs [][]byte, cacheToken bool) (err error)
- func SendSingleDocumentToGAP(ctx *Ctx, indexName, docID string, doc []byte, cacheToken bool) (err error)
- func SendToElastic(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, raw bool, key string, items []interface{}) (err error)
- func SetDBSessionOrigin(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func SetESCache(ctx *Ctx, k, tg string, b []byte, expires time.Duration)
- func SetL2Cache(ctx *Ctx, k, tg string, b []byte, expires time.Duration)
- func SetMT()
- func SleepForRateLimit(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, rateLimit, rateLimitReset, minRate int, waitRate bool) (err error)
- func StandardItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func StringToBool(v string) bool
- func StringToCookie(s string) (c *http.Cookie)
- func StringTrunc(data string, maxLen int, addLenInfo bool) (str string)
- func StubEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func TimeParseAny(dtStr string) (time.Time, error)
- func TimeParseES(dtStr string) (time.Time, error)
- func TimeParseESSec(dtStr string) (time.Time, error)
- func TimeParseInterfaceString(date interface{}) (dt time.Time, err error)
- func ToESDate(dt time.Time) string
- func ToYMDDate(dt time.Time) string
- func ToYMDHMDate(dt time.Time) string
- func ToYMDHMSDate(dt time.Time) string
- func ToYMDTHMSZDate(dt time.Time) string
- func UUIDAffs(ctx *Ctx, args ...string) (h string)
- func UUIDNonEmpty(ctx *Ctx, args ...string) (h string)
- func UpdateRateLimit(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, headers map[string][]string, ...) (rateLimit, rateLimitReset, secondsToReset int)
- func UploadIdentities(ctx *Ctx, ds DS) (err error)
- type BugZilla
- type Ctx
- type DS
- type DSConfluence
- func (j *DSConfluence) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, item interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSConfluence) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, page map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}) ([]string, bool)
- func (j *DSConfluence) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
- func (j *DSConfluence) Categories() map[string]struct{}
- func (j *DSConfluence) CustomEnrich() bool
- func (j *DSConfluence) CustomFetchRaw() bool
- func (j *DSConfluence) DateField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSConfluence) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSConfluence) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSConfluence) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) GetConfluenceContents(ctx *Ctx, fromDate, next string) (contents []map[string]interface{}, newNext string, err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) GetHistoricalContents(ctx *Ctx, content map[string]interface{}, dateFrom time.Time) (contents []map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSConfluence) HasIdentities() bool
- func (j DSConfluence) Info() string
- func (j *DSConfluence) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSConfluence) ItemID(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSConfluence) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
- func (j *DSConfluence) Name() string
- func (j *DSConfluence) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSConfluence) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSConfluence) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSConfluence) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSConfluence) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSConfluence) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSConfluence) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSConfluence) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSConfluence) SupportDateFrom() bool
- func (j *DSConfluence) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
- func (j *DSConfluence) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSConfluence) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- type DSGerrit
- func (j *DSGerrit) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, item interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSGerrit) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, rich map[string]interface{}) (roles []string, static bool)
- func (j *DSGerrit) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
- func (j *DSGerrit) Categories() map[string]struct{}
- func (j *DSGerrit) ConvertDates(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSGerrit) CustomEnrich() bool
- func (j *DSGerrit) CustomFetchRaw() bool
- func (j *DSGerrit) DateField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGerrit) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSGerrit) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSGerrit) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichApprovals(ctx *Ctx, review, patchSet map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichComments(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, comments []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichPatchsets(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, patchSets []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) FirstApprovalDatetime(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, patchSets []interface{}) (approvalDatetime interface{})
- func (j *DSGerrit) FirstPatchsetApprovalDatetime(ctx *Ctx, patchSet map[string]interface{}) (approvalDatetime interface{})
- func (j *DSGerrit) FirstPatchsetReviewDatetime(ctx *Ctx, patchSet map[string]interface{}) (reviewDatetime interface{})
- func (j *DSGerrit) FirstReviewDatetime(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, patchSets []interface{}) (reviewDatetime interface{})
- func (j *DSGerrit) GetGerritReviews(ctx *Ctx, after string, afterEpoch float64, startFrom int) (reviews []map[string]interface{}, newStartFrom int, err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) GetGerritVersion(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSGerrit) HasIdentities() bool
- func (j *DSGerrit) IdentityForObject(ctx *Ctx, obj map[string]interface{}) (identity [3]string)
- func (j DSGerrit) Info() string
- func (j *DSGerrit) InitGerrit(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSGerrit) ItemID(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSGerrit) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
- func (j *DSGerrit) LastChangesetApprovalValue(ctx *Ctx, patchSets []interface{}) (status interface{})
- func (j *DSGerrit) Name() string
- func (j *DSGerrit) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGerrit) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGerrit) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGerrit) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGerrit) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGerrit) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGerrit) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGerrit) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGerrit) SupportDateFrom() bool
- func (j *DSGerrit) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
- func (j *DSGerrit) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGerrit) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- type DSGit
- func (j *DSGit) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, item interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSGit) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, commit map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}) (roles []string, static bool)
- func (j *DSGit) BuildCommit(ctx *Ctx) (commit map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSGit) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
- func (j *DSGit) Categories() map[string]struct{}
- func (j *DSGit) CreateGitRepo(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) CustomEnrich() bool
- func (j *DSGit) CustomFetchRaw() bool
- func (j *DSGit) DateField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGit) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSGit) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSGit) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, skip string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (*DSGit) ExtractPrevFileName(f string) (res string)
- func (j *DSGit) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) GetAuthors(ctx *Ctx, m map[string]string, n map[string][]string) (authors map[string]struct{}, author string)
- func (j *DSGit) GetAuthorsData(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}, auth string) (authorsMap map[string]struct{}, firstAuthor string)
- func (j *DSGit) GetCommitURL(origin, hash string) string
- func (j *DSGit) GetGitOps(ctx *Ctx, thrN int) (ch chan error, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) GetOrphanedCommits(ctx *Ctx, thrN int) (ch chan error, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) GetOtherPPAuthors(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (othersMap map[string]map[string]struct{})
- func (j *DSGit) GetOtherTrailersAuthors(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (othersMap map[string]map[[2]string]struct{})
- func (j *DSGit) GetRepoShortURL(origin string) (repoShortName string)
- func (j *DSGit) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, commit map[string]interface{}, role string) map[string]interface{}
- func (j *DSGit) HandleRecentLines(line string)
- func (j *DSGit) HasIdentities() bool
- func (j *DSGit) IdentitiesFromGitAuthors(ctx *Ctx, authors map[string]struct{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{})
- func (j *DSGit) IdentityFromGitAuthor(ctx *Ctx, author string) (identity [3]string)
- func (j DSGit) Info() string
- func (j *DSGit) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSGit) ItemID(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSGit) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
- func (j *DSGit) MarkOrphanedCommits(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) Name() string
- func (j *DSGit) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGit) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGit) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGit) PairProgrammingMetrics(ctx *Ctx, rich, commit map[string]interface{}) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseAction(ctx *Ctx, data map[string]string)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseCommit(ctx *Ctx, line string) (parsed bool, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseFile(ctx *Ctx, line string) (parsed, empty bool, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseGitLog(ctx *Ctx) (cmd *exec.Cmd, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseHeader(ctx *Ctx, line string) (parsed bool, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseInit(ctx *Ctx, line string) (parsed bool, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseMessage(ctx *Ctx, line string) (parsed bool, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseNextCommit(ctx *Ctx) (commit map[string]interface{}, ok bool, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseStats(ctx *Ctx, data map[string]string)
- func (j *DSGit) ParseTrailer(ctx *Ctx, line string)
- func (j *DSGit) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGit) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGit) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGit) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGit) SetTLOC(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) SupportDateFrom() bool
- func (j *DSGit) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
- func (j *DSGit) TrailerDoc(ctx *Ctx, rich, item map[string]interface{}, author string) (trailer map[string]interface{}, skip bool, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) TrailerDocs(ctx *Ctx, rich map[string]interface{}) (trailers []map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGit) UniqueStringArray(ary []interface{}) []interface{}
- func (j *DSGit) UpdateGitRepo(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGit) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGit) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- type DSGitHub
- func (j *DSGitHub) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, item interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSGitHub) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, rich map[string]interface{}) (roles []string, static bool)
- func (j *DSGitHub) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
- func (j *DSGitHub) Categories() map[string]struct{}
- func (j *DSGitHub) CustomEnrich() bool
- func (j *DSGitHub) CustomFetchRaw() bool
- func (j *DSGitHub) DateField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGitHub) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSGitHub) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSGitHub) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichIssueAssignees(ctx *Ctx, issue map[string]interface{}, assignees []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichIssueComments(ctx *Ctx, issue map[string]interface{}, comments []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichIssueItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichIssueReactions(ctx *Ctx, issue map[string]interface{}, reactions []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestAssignees(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, assignees []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestComments(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, comments []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestReactions(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, reactions []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestRequestedReviewers(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestReviews(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, reviews []map[string]interface{}, ...) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichRepositoryItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) FetchItemsIssue(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) FetchItemsPullRequest(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) FetchItemsRepository(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) GetFirstIssueAttention(issue map[string]interface{}) (dt time.Time)
- func (j *DSGitHub) GetFirstPullRequestReviewDate(pull map[string]interface{}, commsAndReviews bool) (dt time.Time)
- func (j *DSGitHub) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSGitHub) GitHubIssueEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) GitHubPullRequestEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) GitHubRepositoryEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) HasIdentities() bool
- func (j *DSGitHub) IdentityForObject(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}) (identity [3]string)
- func (j DSGitHub) Info() string
- func (j *DSGitHub) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSGitHub) ItemID(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSGitHub) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
- func (j *DSGitHub) Name() string
- func (j *DSGitHub) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGitHub) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGitHub) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGitHub) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) ProcessIssue(ctx *Ctx, inIssue map[string]interface{}) (issue map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) ProcessPull(ctx *Ctx, inPull map[string]interface{}) (pull map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGitHub) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGitHub) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGitHub) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGitHub) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGitHub) SupportDateFrom() bool
- func (j *DSGitHub) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
- func (j *DSGitHub) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGitHub) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- type DSGroupsio
- func (j *DSGroupsio) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, msg interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSGroupsio) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, rawItem map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, rich map[string]interface{}) (roles []string, static bool)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) Categories() map[string]struct{}
- func (j *DSGroupsio) CustomEnrich() bool
- func (j *DSGroupsio) CustomFetchRaw() bool
- func (j *DSGroupsio) DateField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSGroupsio) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSGroupsio) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) GetItemIdentitiesEx(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]map[string]struct{}, nRecipients int)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) map[string]interface{}
- func (j *DSGroupsio) HasIdentities() bool
- func (j DSGroupsio) Info() string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) ItemID(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
- func (j *DSGroupsio) Name() string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSGroupsio) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGroupsio) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGroupsio) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSGroupsio) SupportDateFrom() bool
- func (j *DSGroupsio) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
- func (j *DSGroupsio) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSGroupsio) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- type DSJira
- func (j *DSJira) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, issue interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSJira) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSJira) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}) ([]string, bool)
- func (j *DSJira) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
- func (j *DSJira) Categories() map[string]struct{}
- func (j *DSJira) CustomEnrich() bool
- func (j *DSJira) CustomFetchRaw() bool
- func (j *DSJira) DateField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSJira) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSJira) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSJira) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSJira) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSJira) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSJira) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSJira) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSJira) GenSearchFields(ctx *Ctx, issue interface{}, uuid string) (fields map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSJira) GetFields(ctx *Ctx) (customFields map[string]JiraField, err error)
- func (j *DSJira) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
- func (j *DSJira) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSJira) HasIdentities() bool
- func (j DSJira) Info() string
- func (j *DSJira) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSJira) ItemID(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSJira) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
- func (j *DSJira) Name() string
- func (j *DSJira) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSJira) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSJira) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSJira) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSJira) ProcessIssue(ctx *Ctx, allIssues *[]interface{}, allIssuesMtx *sync.Mutex, ...) (wch chan error, err error)
- func (j *DSJira) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSJira) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSJira) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSJira) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSJira) SearchFields() map[string][]string
- func (j *DSJira) SupportDateFrom() bool
- func (j *DSJira) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
- func (j *DSJira) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSJira) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- type DSRocketchat
- func (j *DSRocketchat) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, item interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSRocketchat) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, message map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}) ([]string, bool)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) Categories() map[string]struct{}
- func (j *DSRocketchat) CustomEnrich() bool
- func (j *DSRocketchat) CustomFetchRaw() bool
- func (j *DSRocketchat) DateField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSRocketchat) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSRocketchat) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) GetMentions(mentions []interface{}) (richMentions []map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSRocketchat) GetReactions(reactions map[string]interface{}) (richReactions []map[string]interface{}, nReactions int)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) GetRocketchatMessages(ctx *Ctx, fromDate string, offset, rateLimit, rateLimitReset, thrN int) (messages []map[string]interface{}, ...)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSRocketchat) HasIdentities() bool
- func (j DSRocketchat) Info() string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) ItemID(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
- func (j *DSRocketchat) Name() string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSRocketchat) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSRocketchat) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSRocketchat) SetChannelInfo(rich, channel map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSRocketchat) SleepAsRequested(res interface{}, thrN int)
- func (j *DSRocketchat) SupportDateFrom() bool
- func (j *DSRocketchat) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
- func (j *DSRocketchat) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSRocketchat) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- type DSStub
- func (j *DSStub) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, item interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
- func (j *DSStub) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, rawItem map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSStub) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}) ([]string, bool)
- func (j *DSStub) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
- func (j *DSStub) Categories() map[string]struct{}
- func (j *DSStub) CustomEnrich() bool
- func (j *DSStub) CustomFetchRaw() bool
- func (j *DSStub) DateField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSStub) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSStub) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
- func (j *DSStub) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSStub) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, ...) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
- func (j *DSStub) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSStub) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSStub) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSStub) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (map[[3]string]struct{}, error)
- func (j *DSStub) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) map[string]interface{}
- func (j *DSStub) HasIdentities() bool
- func (j DSStub) Info() string
- func (j *DSStub) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSStub) ItemID(item interface{}) string
- func (j *DSStub) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
- func (j *DSStub) Name() string
- func (j *DSStub) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSStub) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSStub) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
- func (j *DSStub) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- func (j *DSStub) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSStub) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSStub) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSStub) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
- func (j *DSStub) SupportDateFrom() bool
- func (j *DSStub) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
- func (j *DSStub) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
- func (j *DSStub) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
- type DateCacheEntry
- type ESCacheEntry
- type Flag
- type GoogleGroups
- type JiraField
- type MemCacheEntry
- type PLS
- type PiperMail
- type RawPLS
- type Repository
Constants ¶
const ( // BulkRefreshMode - bulk upload refresh mode, can be: false, true, wait_for (ES defaults to false) BulkRefreshMode = "true" // BulkWaitForActiveShardsMode - bulk upload wait_for_active_shards mode, can be: 1, 2, ..., all (ES defaults to 1) BulkWaitForActiveShardsMode = "all" // KeywordMaxlength - max description length KeywordMaxlength = 1000 // DefaultRateLimitHeader - default value for rate limit header DefaultRateLimitHeader = "X-RateLimit-Remaining" // DefaultRateLimitResetHeader - default value for rate limit reset header DefaultRateLimitResetHeader = "X-RateLimit-Reset" )
const ( // GerritBackendVersion - backend version GerritBackendVersion = "0.1.1" // GerritDefaultSSHKeyPath - default path to look for gerrit ssh private key GerritDefaultSSHKeyPath = "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" // GerritDefaultSSHPort - default gerrit ssh port GerritDefaultSSHPort = 29418 // GerritDefaultMaxReviews = default max reviews when processing gerrit GerritDefaultMaxReviews = 1000 // GerritCodeReviewApprovalType - code review approval type GerritCodeReviewApprovalType = "Code-Review" )
const ( // GitBackendVersion - backend version GitBackendVersion = "0.1.1" // GitDefaultReposPath - default path where git repository clones GitDefaultReposPath = "$HOME/.perceval/repositories" // GitDefaultCachePath - default path where gitops cache files are stored GitDefaultCachePath = "$HOME/.perceval/cache" // GitOpsCommand - command that maintains git stats cache // GitOpsCommand = "" GitOpsCommand = "gitops" // GitOpsFailureFatal - is GitOpsCommand failure fatal? GitOpsFailureFatal = false // OrphanedCommitsCommand - command to list orphaned commits OrphanedCommitsCommand = "" // OrphanedCommitsFailureFatal - is OrphanedCommitsCommand failure fatal? OrphanedCommitsFailureFatal = true // GitOpsNoCleanup - if set, it will skip gitops repo cleanup GitOpsNoCleanup = false // GitParseStateInit - init parser state GitParseStateInit = 0 // GitParseStateCommit - commit parser state GitParseStateCommit = 1 // GitParseStateHeader - header parser state GitParseStateHeader = 2 // GitParseStateMessage - message parser state GitParseStateMessage = 3 // GitParseStateFile - file parser state GitParseStateFile = 4 // GitCommitDateField - date field in the commit structure GitCommitDateField = "CommitDate" // GitDefaultSearchField - default search field GitDefaultSearchField = "item_id" // GitUUID - field used as a rich item ID when pair progrmamming is enabled GitUUID = "git_uuid" // GitHubURL - GitHub URL GitHubURL = "" // GitMaxCommitProperties - maximum properties that can be set on the commit object GitMaxCommitProperties = 300 // GitGenerateFlatDocs - do we want to generate flat commit co-authors docs, like docs with type: commit_co_author, commit_signer etc.? GitGenerateFlatDocs = true )
const ( // GitHubBackendVersion - backend version GitHubBackendVersion = "0.1.0" // GitHubURLRoot - GitHub URL root GitHubURLRoot = "" // MaxGitHubUsersFileCacheAge 90 days (in seconds) - file is considered too old anywhere between 90-180 days MaxGitHubUsersFileCacheAge = 7776000 // MaxCommentBodyLength - max comment body length MaxCommentBodyLength = 4096 // MaxIssueBodyLength - max issue body length MaxIssueBodyLength = 4096 // MaxPullBodyLength - max pull request body length MaxPullBodyLength = 4096 // MaxReviewBodyLength - max review body length MaxReviewBodyLength = 4096 // MaxReviewCommentBodyLength - max review comment body length MaxReviewCommentBodyLength = 4096 // ItemsPerPage - how many items in a page ItemsPerPage = 100 // AbuseWaitSeconds - N - wait random(N:2N) seconds if GitHub detected abuse // 7 means from 7 to 13 seconds, 10 on average AbuseWaitSeconds = 7 // CacheGitHubRepo - cache this? CacheGitHubRepo = true // CacheGitHubIssues - cache this? CacheGitHubIssues = false // CacheGitHubUser - cache this? CacheGitHubUser = true // CacheGitHubUserFiles - cache this in files? CacheGitHubUserFiles = true // CacheGitHubIssueComments - cache this? CacheGitHubIssueComments = false // CacheGitHubCommentReactions - cache this? CacheGitHubCommentReactions = false // CacheGitHubIssueReactions - cache this? CacheGitHubIssueReactions = false // CacheGitHubPull - cache this? CacheGitHubPull = false // CacheGitHubPulls - cache this? CacheGitHubPulls = false // CacheGitHubPullReviews - cache this? CacheGitHubPullReviews = false // CacheGitHubPullReviewComments - cache this? CacheGitHubPullReviewComments = false // CacheGitHubReviewCommentReactions - cache this? CacheGitHubReviewCommentReactions = false // CacheGitHubPullRequestedReviewers - cache this? CacheGitHubPullRequestedReviewers = false // CacheGitHubPullCommits - cache this? CacheGitHubPullCommits = false // CacheGitHubUserOrgs - cache this? CacheGitHubUserOrgs = true // WantEnrichIssueAssignees - do we want to create rich documents for issue assignees (it contains identity data too). WantEnrichIssueAssignees = true // WantEnrichIssueCommentReactions - do we want to create rich documents for issue comment reactions (it contains identity data too). WantEnrichIssueCommentReactions = true // WantEnrichIssueReactions - do we want to create rich documents for issue reactions (it contains identity data too). WantEnrichIssueReactions = true // WantEnrichPullRequestAssignees - do we want to create rich documents for pull request assignees (it contains identity data too). WantEnrichPullRequestAssignees = true // WantEnrichPullRequestCommentReactions - do we want to create rich documents for pull request comment reactions (it contains identity data too). WantEnrichPullRequestCommentReactions = true // WantEnrichPullRequestRequestedReviewers - do we want to create rich documents for pull request requested reviewers (it contains identity data too). WantEnrichPullRequestRequestedReviewers = true )
const ( // GroupsioBackendVersion - backend version GroupsioBackendVersion = "0.1.3" // GroupsioURLRoot - root url for group name origin GroupsioURLRoot = "" // GroupsioAPIURL - API URL GroupsioAPIURL = "" // GroupsioAPILogin - login API GroupsioAPILogin = "/login" // GroupsioAPIGetsubs - getsubs API GroupsioAPIGetsubs = "/getsubs" // GroupsioAPIDownloadArchives - download archives API GroupsioAPIDownloadArchives = "/downloadarchives" // GroupsioDefaultArchPath - default path where archives are stored GroupsioDefaultArchPath = "$HOME/.perceval/mailinglists" // GroupsioMBoxFile - default messages file name GroupsioMBoxFile = "" // GroupsioMessageIDField - message ID field from email GroupsioMessageIDField = "message-id" // GroupsioMessageDateField - message ID field from email GroupsioMessageDateField = "date" // GroupsioMessageReceivedField - message Received filed GroupsioMessageReceivedField = "received" // GroupsioDefaultSearchField - default search field GroupsioDefaultSearchField = "item_id" // GroupsioMaxMessageBodyLength - trucacte message bodies longer than this (per each multi-body email part) GroupsioMaxMessageBodyLength = 1000 // GroupsioMaxRichMessageLines - maximum numbe rof message text/plain lines copied to rich index GroupsioMaxRichMessageLines = 10 // GroupsioMaxRecipients - maximum number of emails parsed from To: GroupsioMaxRecipients = 50 // GroupsioMaxMessageProperties - maximum properties that can be set on the message object GroupsioMaxMessageProperties = 255 )
const ( // JiraAPIRoot - main API path JiraAPIRoot = "/rest/api/2" // JiraAPISearch - search API subpath JiraAPISearch = "/search" // JiraAPIField - field API subpath JiraAPIField = "/field" // JiraAPIIssue - issue API subpath JiraAPIIssue = "/issue" // JiraAPIComment - comments API subpath JiraAPIComment = "/comment" // JiraBackendVersion - backend version JiraBackendVersion = "0.1.1" // JiraDefaultSearchField - default search field JiraDefaultSearchField = "item_id" // JiraFilterByProjectInComments - filter by project when searching for comments JiraFilterByProjectInComments = false // JiraDropCustomFields - drop custom fields from raw index JiraDropCustomFields = true // JiraMapCustomFields - run custom fields mapping JiraMapCustomFields = true // ClosedStatusCategoryKey - issue closed status key ClosedStatusCategoryKey = "done" // JiraRichAuthorField - rich index author field JiraRichAuthorField = "reporter" )
const Approval = "approval"
Approval - common constant string
const Author string = "author"
Author - default author field
const CacheCleanupProb int = 2
CacheCleanupProb - probability of cache cleanup in %
const Changeset = "changeset"
Changeset - common constant string
const Comment string = "comment"
Comment - common constant string
const Commit = "commit"
Commit - common constant string
const Confluence string = "confluence"
Confluence - common constant string
const (
// ConfluenceBackendVersion - backend version
ConfluenceBackendVersion = "0.1.0"
const ContentType = "Content-Type"
ContentType - common constant string
const DADSOrigin string = "dads"
DADSOrigin - common constant string
const DadsWarning = "da-ds WARNING"
DadsWarning - common constant string
const DefaultAuthorField string = "author"
DefaultAuthorField - default author field
const DefaultDateField string = "metadata__updated_on"
DefaultDateField - default date field
const DefaultEnrichDateField string = "metadata__enriched_on"
DefaultEnrichDateField - default date field
const DefaultIDField string = "id"
DefaultIDField - default id field
const DefaultOffsetField string = "updated_on"
DefaultOffsetField - default offset field
const DefaultOriginField string = "origin"
DefaultOriginField - default origin field
const DefaultTagField string = "tag"
DefaultTagField - default tag field
const DefaultTimestampField string = "metadata__timestamp"
DefaultTimestampField - default timestamp field
const Delete string = "DELETE"
Delete - common constant string
const From = "from"
From - common constant string
const Gerrit string = "gerrit"
Gerrit - common constant string
const Get string = "GET"
Get - common constant string
const Git string = "git"
Git - common constant string
const GitHub string = "github"
GitHub - common constant string
const Groupsio string = "groupsio"
Groupsio - common constant string
const HistoricalContent = "historical content"
HistoricalContent - common constant string
const ID = "id"
ID - common constant string
const Issue string = "issue"
Issue - common constant string
const Jira string = "jira"
Jira - common constant string
const LowerContentType = "content-type"
LowerContentType - common constant string
const ( // MBoxDropXFields - drop fields starting with X- - to avoid ES 1000 fields limit MBoxDropXFields = true )
const (
// MaxPayloadPrintfLen - truncate messages longer than this
MaxPayloadPrintfLen = 0x2000
const Message = "message"
Message - common constant string
const MissingName = "-MISSING-NAME"
MissingName - common constant string
const (
// MultiOrgNames - suffix for multiple orgs affiliation data
MultiOrgNames = "_multi_org_names"
const Nil = "none"
Nil - common constant string
const NoSearchContextFound = "No search context found for id"
NoSearchContextFound - this appearch when processing takes so long, that the scroll expires
const None = "None"
None - common constant string
const OK string = "ok"
OK - common constant string
const Offset = "offset"
Offset - common constant string
const Patchset = "patchset"
Patchset - common constant string
const Post string = "POST"
Post - common constant string
const ProjectSlug = "project_slug"
ProjectSlug - common constant string
const Put string = "PUT"
Put - common constant string
const Recipient string = "recipient"
Recipient - default author field
const Redacted string = "[redacted]"
Redacted - [redacted]
const RedactedEmail = "-REDACTED-EMAIL"
RedactedEmail - common constant string
const Review = "review"
Review - common constant string
const Rocketchat string = "rocketchat"
Rocketchat - common constant string
const (
// RocketchatBackendVersion - backend version
RocketchatBackendVersion = "0.0.1"
const Stub string = "stub"
Stub - common constant string
const (
// StubBackendVersion - backend version
StubBackendVersion = "0.0.0"
const TooManyScrolls = "Trying to create too many scroll contexts"
TooManyScrolls - this appearch in error message when too many scrolls are created
const UUID = "uuid"
UUID - common constant string
const Unknown = "Unknown"
Unknown - common constant string
const Wait59m = "59m"
Wait59m - common constant string
Variables ¶
var ( // AffsFields - all properties added by affiliations (excluding multi org name) // AffsFields = []string{"_id", "_uuid", "_name", "_user_name", "_domain", "_gender", "_gender_acc", "_org_name", "_bot"} AffsFields = []string{"_id", "_uuid", "_name", "_user_name", "_domain", "_org_name", "_bot"} // RequiredAffsFields - required affs fields RequiredAffsFields = []string{"_org_name", "_name", "_user_name"} )
var ( // SettingsFieldsNumberLimit - make maximum number of index fields bigger (some raw indices have a lot of fields and we don't control this) SettingsFieldsNumberLimit = []byte(`{"index.mapping.total_fields.limit":50000}`) // MappingNotAnalyzeString - make all string keywords by default (not analyze them) MappingNotAnalyzeString = []byte(`{"dynamic_templates":[{"notanalyzed":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"string","mapping":{"type":"keyword"}}},{"formatdate":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"date","mapping":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"}}}]}`) // RawFields - standard raw fields RawFields = []string{DefaultDateField, DefaultTimestampField, DefaultOriginField, DefaultTagField, UUID, Offset} // DefaultDateFrom - default date from DefaultDateFrom = time.Date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) )
var ( // ConfluenceRawMapping - Confluence raw index mapping ConfluenceRawMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"data":{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"extensions":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}},"ancestors":{"properties":{"extensions":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}}}},"body":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}}}}}}`) // ConfluenceRichMapping - Confluence rich index mapping ConfluenceRichMapping = []byte(`{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"title_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true}}}`) // ConfluenceCategories - categories defined for Confluence ConfluenceCategories = map[string]struct{}{HistoricalContent: {}} // ConfluenceDefaultMaxContents - max contents to fetch at a time ConfluenceDefaultMaxContents = 1000 // ConfluenceDefaultSearchField - default search field ConfluenceDefaultSearchField = "item_id" // ConfluenceContentRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for historical content ConfluenceContentRoles = []string{"by"} // ConfluenceRichAuthorField - rich index author field ConfluenceRichAuthorField = "by" )
var ( // GerritRawMapping - Gerrit raw index mapping GerritRawMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"data":{"properties":{"commitMessage":{"type":"text","index":true},"comments":{"properties":{"message":{"type":"text","index":true}}},"subject":{"type":"text","index":true},"patchSets":{"properties":{"approvals":{"properties":{"description":{"type":"text","index":true}}},"comments":{"properties":{"message":{"type":"text","index":true}}}}}}}}}`) // GerritRichMapping - Gerrit rich index mapping GerritRichMapping = []byte(`{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"approval_description_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"comment_message_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"status":{"type":"keyword"},"summary_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"timeopen":{"type":"double"}}}`) // GerritCategories - categories defined for gerrit GerritCategories = map[string]struct{}{Review: {}} // GerritVersionRegexp - gerrit verion pattern GerritVersionRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`gerrit version (\d+)\.(\d+).*`) // GerritDefaultSearchField - default search field GerritDefaultSearchField = "item_id" // GerritReviewRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for review GerritReviewRoles = []string{"owner"} // GerritCommentRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for comment GerritCommentRoles = []string{"reviewer"} // GerritPatchsetRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for patchset GerritPatchsetRoles = []string{"author", "uploader"} // GerritApprovalRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for approval GerritApprovalRoles = []string{"by"} )
var ( // GitRawMapping - Git raw index mapping GitRawMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"data":{"properties":{"message":{"type":"text","index":true}}}}}`) // GitRichMapping - Git rich index mapping // GitRichMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"file_data":{"type":"nested"},"author_name":{"type":"keyword"},"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"},"message_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true}},"dynamic_templates":[{"notanalyzed":{"match":"*","unmatch":"message_analyzed","match_mapping_type":"string","mapping":{"type":"keyword"}}},{"formatdate":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"date","mapping":{"format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis","type":"date"}}}]}`) // GitRichMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"file_data":{"type":"nested"},"authors_signed":{"type":"nested"},"authors_co_authored":{"type":"nested"},"authors_tested":{"type":"nested"},"authors_approved":{"type":"nested"},"authors_reviewed":{"type":"nested"},"authors_reported":{"type":"nested"},"authors_informed":{"type":"nested"},"authors_resolved":{"type":"nested"},"authors_influenced":{"type":"nested"},"author_name":{"type":"keyword"},"pair_programming_commit":{"type":"float"},"time_to_commit_hours":{"type":"float"},"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"},"message_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true}},"dynamic_templates":[{"notanalyzed":{"match":"*","unmatch":"message_analyzed","match_mapping_type":"string","mapping":{"type":"keyword"}}},{"formatdate":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"date","mapping":{"format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis","type":"date"}}}]}`) GitRichMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"file_data":{"type":"nested"},"authors_signed":{"type":"nested"},"authors_co_authored":{"type":"nested"},"authors_tested":{"type":"nested"},"authors_approved":{"type":"nested"},"authors_reviewed":{"type":"nested"},"authors_reported":{"type":"nested"},"authors_informed":{"type":"nested"},"authors_resolved":{"type":"nested"},"authors_influenced":{"type":"nested"},"author_name":{"type":"keyword"},"pair_programming_commit":{"type":"float"},"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"},"message_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true}},"dynamic_templates":[{"notanalyzed":{"match":"*","unmatch":"message_analyzed","match_mapping_type":"string","mapping":{"type":"keyword"}}},{"formatdate":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"date","mapping":{"format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis","type":"date"}}}]}`) // GitCategories - categories defined for git GitCategories = map[string]struct{}{Commit: {}} // GitDefaultEnv - default git command environment GitDefaultEnv = map[string]string{"LANG": "C", "PAGER": ""} // GitLogOptions - default git log options GitLogOptions = []string{ "--raw", "--numstat", "--pretty=fuller", "--decorate=full", "--parents", "-M", "-C", "-c", } // GitCommitPattern - pattern to match a commit GitCommitPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^commit[ \t](?P<commit>[a-f0-9]{40})(?:[ \t](?P<parents>[a-f0-9][a-f0-9 \t]+))?(?:[ \t]\((?P<refs>.+)\))?$`) // GitHeaderPattern - pattern to match a commit GitHeaderPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?P<name>[a-zA-z0-9\-]+)\:[ \t]+(?P<value>.+)$`) // GitMessagePattern - message patterns GitMessagePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^[\s]{4}(?P<msg>.*)$`) // GitTrailerPattern - message trailer pattern GitTrailerPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?P<name>[a-zA-z0-9\-]+)\:[ \t]+(?P<value>.+)$`) // GitActionPattern - action pattern - note that original used `\.{,3}` which is not supported in go - you must specify from=0: `\.{0,3}` GitActionPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?P<sc>\:+)(?P<modes>(?:\d{6}[ \t])+)(?P<indexes>(?:[a-f0-9]+\.{0,3}[ \t])+)(?P<action>[^\t]+)\t+(?P<file>[^\t]+)(?:\t+(?P<newfile>.+))?$`) // GitStatsPattern - stats pattern GitStatsPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?P<added>\d+|-)[ \t]+(?P<removed>\d+|-)[ \t]+(?P<file>.+)$`) // GitAuthorsPattern - author pattern GitAuthorsPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<first_authors>.* .*) and (?P<last_author>.* .*) (?P<email>.*)`) // GitCoAuthorsPattern - author pattern GitCoAuthorsPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`Co-authored-by:(?P<first_authors>.* .*)<(?P<email>.*)>\n?`) // GitDocFilePattern - files matching this pattern are detected as documentation files, so commit will be marked as doc_commit GitDocFilePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)(\.md$|\.rst$|\.docx?$|\.txt$|\.pdf$|\.jpe?g$|\.png$|\.svg$|\.img$|^docs/|^documentation/|^readme)`) // GitCommitRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data GitCommitRoles = []string{"Author", "Commit"} // GitPPAuthors - flag to authors mapping used in pair programming mode GitPPAuthors = map[string]string{ "is_git_commit_multi_author": "authors", "is_git_commit_multi_committer": "committers", "is_git_commit_signed_off": "authors_signed_off", "is_git_commit_co_author": "co_authors", } // GitTrailerPPAuthors - trailer name to authors map (for pair programming) GitTrailerPPAuthors = map[string]string{"Signed-off-by": "authors_signed_off", "Co-authored-by": "co_authors"} // GitAllowedTrailers - allowed commit trailer flags (lowercase/case insensitive -> correct case) GitAllowedTrailers = map[string][]string{}/* 348 elements not displayed */ // GitTrailerOtherAuthors - trailer name to authors map (for all documents) GitTrailerOtherAuthors = map[string][2]string{ "Signed-off-by": {"authors_signed", "signer"}, "Co-authored-by": {"authors_co_authored", "co_author"}, "Tested-by": {"authors_tested", "tester"}, "Approved-by": {"authors_approved", "approver"}, "Reviewed-by": {"authors_reviewed", "reviewer"}, "Reported-by": {"authors_reported", "reporter"}, "Informed-by": {"authors_informed", "informer"}, "Resolved-by": {"authors_resolved", "resolver"}, "Influenced-by": {"authors_influenced", "influencer"}, } // GitTrailerSameAsAuthor - can a given trailer be the same as the main commit's author? GitTrailerSameAsAuthor = map[string]bool{ "Signed-off-by": true, "Co-authored-by": false, "Tested-by": true, "Approved-by": false, "Reviewed-by": false, "Reported-by": true, "Informed-by": true, "Resolved-by": true, "Influenced-by": true, } // CommitsHash is a map of commit hashes for each repo CommitsHash = make(map[string]map[string]struct{}) )
var ( // GitHubRawMapping - GitHub raw index mapping // GitHubRawMapping = []byte(`{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"}}}`) GitHubRawMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"},"data":{"properties":{"comments_data":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{"body":{"type":"text","index":true}}},"review_comments_data":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{"body":{"type":"text","index":true},"diff_hunk":{"type":"text","index":true}}},"reviews_data":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{"body":{"type":"text","index":true}}},"body":{"type":"text","index":true}}}}}`) // GitHubRichMapping - GitHub rich index mapping // GitHubRichMapping = []byte(`{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"merge_author_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"assignee_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"state":{"type":"keyword"},"user_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"title_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true}}}`) // GitHubRichMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"},"merge_author_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"assignee_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"id_in_repo":{"type":"long"},"state":{"type":"keyword"},"user_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"title_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"body_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"code_merge_duration":{"type":"float"},"time_open_days":{"type":"float"},"time_to_close_days":{"type":"float"},"time_to_first_attention":{"type":"float"},"time_to_merge_request_response":{"type":"float"},"id_in_repo":{"type":"long"}},"dynamic_templates":[{"notanalyzed":{"match":"*","unmatch":"body","match_mapping_type":"string","mapping":{"type":"keyword"}}},{"formatdate":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"date","mapping":{"format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis","type":"date"}}}]}`) GitHubRichMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"},"merge_author_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"assignee_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"state":{"type":"keyword"},"user_geolocation":{"type":"geo_point"},"title_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"body_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"code_merge_duration":{"type":"float"},"time_open_days":{"type":"float"},"time_to_close_days":{"type":"float"},"time_to_first_attention":{"type":"float"},"time_to_merge_request_response":{"type":"float"},"id_in_repo":{"type":"long"}},"dynamic_templates":[{"notanalyzed":{"match":"*","unmatch":"body","match_mapping_type":"string","mapping":{"type":"keyword"}}},{"formatdate":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"date","mapping":{"format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis","type":"date"}}}]}`) // GitHubCategories - categories defined for GitHub GitHubCategories = map[string]struct{}{"issue": {}, "pull_request": {}, "repository": {}} // GitHubIssueRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github issue GitHubIssueRoles = []string{"user_data", "assignee_data"} // GitHubIssueCommentRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github issue comment GitHubIssueCommentRoles = []string{"user_data"} // GitHubIssueAssigneeRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github issue comment GitHubIssueAssigneeRoles = []string{"assignee"} // GitHubIssueReactionRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github issue reactions or issue comment reactions GitHubIssueReactionRoles = []string{"user_data"} // GitHubPullRequestRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github pull request GitHubPullRequestRoles = []string{"user_data", "assignee_data", "merged_by_data"} // GitHubPullRequestCommentRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github pull request comment GitHubPullRequestCommentRoles = []string{"user_data"} // GitHubPullRequestAssigneeRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github pull request comment GitHubPullRequestAssigneeRoles = []string{"assignee"} // GitHubPullRequestReactionRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github pull request comment reactions GitHubPullRequestReactionRoles = []string{"user_data"} // GitHubPullRequestRequestedReviewerRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github pull request requested reviewer GitHubPullRequestRequestedReviewerRoles = []string{"requested_reviewer"} // GitHubPullRequestReviewRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for github pull request comment GitHubPullRequestReviewRoles = []string{"user_data"} )
var ( // GroupsioRawMapping - Groupsio raw index mapping GroupsioRawMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"data":{"properties":{"body":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}}}}}}`) // GroupsioRichMapping - Groupsio rich index mapping GroupsioRichMapping = []byte(`{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"Subject_analyzed":{"type":"text","fielddata":true,"index":true},"body":{"type":"text","index":true}}}`) // GroupsioCategories - categories defined for Groupsio GroupsioCategories = map[string]struct{}{Message: {}} // GroupsioMBoxMsgSeparator - used to split mbox file into separate messages GroupsioMBoxMsgSeparator = []byte("\nFrom ") // GroupsioMsgLineSeparator - used to split mbox message into its separate lines GroupsioMsgLineSeparator = []byte("\r\n") )
var ( // JiraSearchFields - extra search fields JiraSearchFields = map[string][]string{ "project_id": {"fields", "project", "id"}, "project_key": {"fields", "project", "key"}, "project_name": {"fields", "project", "name"}, "issue_key": {"key"}, } // JiraRawMapping - Jira raw index mapping // JiraRawMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"data":{"properties":{"renderedFields":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}},"operations":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}},"fields":{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"description":{"type":"text","index":true},"workratio":{"type":"double"},"environment":{"type":"text","index":true}}},"changelog":{"properties":{"histories":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}}}},"comments_data":{"properties":{"body":{"type":"text","index":true}}}}}}}`) JiraRawMapping = []byte(`{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"},"main_description_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"releases":{"type":"keyword"},"body":{"type":"text","index":true}},"dynamic_templates":[{"notanalyzed":{"match":"*","unmatch":"body","match_mapping_type":"string","mapping":{"type":"keyword"}}},{"formatdate":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"date","mapping":{"format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis","type":"date"}}}]}`) // JiraRichMapping - Jira rich index mapping // JiraRichMapping = []byte(`{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"main_description_analyzed":{"type":"text","index":true},"releases":{"type":"keyword"},"body":{"type":"text","index":true}}}`) JiraRichMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date","format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"},"data":{"properties":{"renderedFields":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}},"operations":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}},"fields":{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"description":{"type":"text","index":true},"environment":{"type":"text","index":true}}},"changelog":{"properties":{"histories":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}}}},"comments_data":{"properties":{"body":{"type":"text","index":true}}}}}},"dynamic_templates":[{"notanalyzed":{"match":"*","unmatch":"body","match_mapping_type":"string","mapping":{"type":"keyword"}}},{"workratio":{"match":"workratio","match_mapping_type":"long","mapping":{"type":"double"}}},{"formatdate":{"match":"*","match_mapping_type":"date","mapping":{"format":"strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis","type":"date"}}}]}`) // JiraRoles - roles defined for Jira backend JiraRoles = []string{"assignee", "reporter", "creator", Author, "updateAuthor"} // JiraCategories - categories defined for Jira JiraCategories = map[string]struct{}{Issue: {}} // JiraKeepCustomFiled - we're dropping all but those custom fields JiraKeepCustomFiled = map[string]struct{}{"Story Points": {}, "Sprint": {}} )
var ( // RocketchatRawMapping - Rocketchat raw index mapping RocketchatRawMapping = []byte(`{"dynamic":true,"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"data":{"dynamic":false,"properties":{}}}}`) // RocketchatRichMapping - Rocketchat rich index mapping RocketchatRichMapping = []byte(`{"properties":{"metadata__updated_on":{"type":"date"},"msg_analyzed":{"type":"text","fielddata":true,"index":true}}}`) // RocketchatCategories - categories defined for Rocketchat RocketchatCategories = map[string]struct{}{Message: {}} // RocketchatDefaultMaxItems - max items to retrieve from API via a single request RocketchatDefaultMaxItems = 100 // RocketchatDefaultMinRate - default min rate points (when not set) RocketchatDefaultMinRate = 10 // RocketchatDefaultSearchField - default search field RocketchatDefaultSearchField = "item_id" // RocketchatRoles - roles to fetch affiliation data for rocketchat messages RocketchatRoles = []string{"u"} // MustWaitRE - parse too many requests error message MustWaitRE = regexp.MustCompile(`must wait (\d+) seconds before`) )
var ( // StubRawMapping - Stub raw index mapping StubRawMapping = []byte(``) // StubRichMapping - Stub rich index mapping StubRichMapping = []byte(``) // StubCategories - categories defined for Stub StubCategories = map[string]struct{}{Stub: {}} )
var ( // EmailRegex - regexp to match email address EmailRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^[][a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$") // EmailReplacer - replacer for some email buggy characters EmailReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(" at ", "@", " AT ", "@", " At ", "@", " dot ", ".", " DOT ", ".", " Dot ", ".", "<", "", ">", "", "`", "") // OpenAddrRE - '<...' -> '<' (... = whitespace) OpenAddrRE = regexp.MustCompile(`<\s+`) // CloseAddrRE - '...>' -> '>' (... = whitespace) CloseAddrRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+>`) // WhiteSpace - one or more whitespace characters WhiteSpace = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`) )
var ( // LowerDayNames - downcased 3 letter US day names LowerDayNames = map[string]struct{}{ "mon": {}, "tue": {}, "wed": {}, "thu": {}, "fri": {}, "sat": {}, "sun": {}, } // LowerMonthNames - map lower month names LowerMonthNames = map[string]string{ "jan": "Jan", "feb": "Feb", "mar": "Mar", "apr": "Apr", "may": "May", "jun": "Jun", "jul": "Jul", "aug": "Aug", "sep": "Sep", "oct": "Oct", "nov": "Nov", "dec": "Dec", } // LowerFullMonthNames - map lower month names (full) LowerFullMonthNames = map[string]string{ "january": "Jan", "february": "Feb", "march": "Mar", "april": "Apr", "may": "May", "june": "Jun", "july": "Jul", "august": "Aug", "september": "Sep", "october": "Oct", "november": "Nov", "decdember": "Dec", } // SpacesRE - match 1 or more space characters SpacesRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`) // TZOffsetRE - time zone offset that comes after +0... +1... -0... -1... // Can be 3 disgits or 3 digits then whitespace and then anything TZOffsetRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d{3})(\s+.*$|$)`) )
var ( // GRedactedStrings - need to be global, to redact them from error logs GRedactedStrings map[string]struct{} // GRedactedMtx - guard access to this map while in MT GRedactedMtx *sync.RWMutex // AnonymizeURLPattern - used to remove sensitive data from the url - 3rd can be a GitHub password AnonymizeURLPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(^.*)(://)(.*@)(.*$)`) )
var ( // MT - are we running in multiple threading mode? MT = false )
Functions ¶
func AddRedacted ¶
AddRedacted - adds redacted string
func AffsDataForRoles ¶
func AffsDataForRoles(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, rich map[string]interface{}, roles []string) (data map[string]interface{}, e error)
AffsDataForRoles - return affs data for given roles
func AffsIdentityIDs ¶
AffsIdentityIDs - returns affiliations identity id, uuid data uses internal cache
func AnonymizeURL ¶
AnonymizeURL - remove sensitive data from the URL
func Base64DecodeCookies ¶
Base64DecodeCookies - decode cookies stored as stream of bytes to array of strings
func Base64DecodeHeaders ¶
Base64DecodeHeaders - decode headers stored as stream of bytes to map of string arrays
func Base64EncodeCookies ¶
Base64EncodeCookies - encode cookies array (strings) to base64 stream of bytes
func Base64EncodeHeaders ¶
Base64EncodeHeaders - encode headers to base64 stream of bytes
func BytesToStringTrunc ¶
BytesToStringTrunc - truncate bytes stream to no more than maxLen
func CommonFields ¶
CommonFields - common rich item fields { "is_dsname_category": 1, "grimoire_creation_date": dt}
func ConfluenceEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func ConfluenceEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
ConfluenceEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func ConnectAffiliationsDB ¶
func ConnectAffiliationsDB(ctx *Ctx)
ConnectAffiliationsDB - connect to affilaitions DB
func CookieToString ¶
CookieToString - convert cookie to string
func CopyAffsRoleData ¶
CopyAffsRoleData - copy affiliations fields from source role to dest role
func CreateESCache ¶
func CreateESCache(ctx *Ctx)
CreateESCache - creates dads_cache index needed for caching
func DBUploadIdentitiesFunc ¶
func DBUploadIdentitiesFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, docs, outDocs *[]interface{}, last bool) (e error)
DBUploadIdentitiesFunc - function to upload identities to affiliation DB We assume here that docs maintained my iterator func contains a list of [3]string Each identity is [3]string [name, username, email] outDocs is maintained with DB bulk size last flag signalling that this is the last (so it must flush output then)
there can be no items in input pack in the last flush call
func DumpKeys ¶
func DumpKeys(i interface{}) string
DumpKeys - dump interface structure, but only keys, no values
func DumpPreview ¶
DumpPreview - dump interface structure, keys and truncated values preview
func ESBulkUploadFunc ¶
ESBulkUploadFunc - function to bulk upload items to ES We assume here that docs maintained my iterator func contains a list of rich items outDocs is maintained with ES bulk size last flag signalling that this is the last (so it must flush output then)
there can be no items in input pack in the last flush call
func ESCacheDeleteExpired ¶
func ESCacheDeleteExpired(ctx *Ctx)
ESCacheDeleteExpired - delete expired cache entries
func ESCacheSet ¶
func ESCacheSet(ctx *Ctx, key string, entry *ESCacheEntry)
ESCacheSet - set cache value
func EmptyAffsItem ¶
EmptyAffsItem - return empty affiliations item for a given role
func EnrichComments ¶
func EnrichComments(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, comments []interface{}, item map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richComments []interface{}, err error)
EnrichComments - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func EnrichItem ¶
EnrichItem - perform generic additional operations on already enriched item
func EnrichPairProgrammingItem ¶
EnrichPairProgrammingItem - additional operations on already enriched item for pair programming
func EnsurePath ¶
EnsurePath - craete archive directory (and all necessary parents as well) if noLastDir is set, then skip creating the last directory in the path
func ExecCommand ¶
func ExecCommand(ctx *Ctx, cmdAndArgs []string, cwd string, env map[string]string) (sout, serr string, err error)
ExecCommand - execute command given by array of strings with eventual environment map
func ExecCommandPipe ¶
func ExecCommandPipe(ctx *Ctx, cmdAndArgs []string, cwd string, env map[string]string) (stdOutPipe io.ReadCloser, cmd *exec.Cmd, err error)
ExecCommandPipe - execute command given by array of strings with eventual environment map, return STDOUT pipe to read from
func ExecuteAffiliationsAPICall ¶
func ExecuteAffiliationsAPICall(ctx *Ctx, method, path string, cacheToken bool) (data map[string]interface{}, err error)
ExecuteAffiliationsAPICall - execute a call to Affiliations API
func FatalOnError ¶
FatalOnError displays error message (if error present) and exits program
func Fatalf ¶
func Fatalf(f string, a ...interface{})
Fatalf - it will call FatalOnError using fmt.Errorf with args provided
func FilterRedacted ¶
FilterRedacted - filter out all known redacted starings
func FindObject ¶
func FindObject(ctx *Ctx, object, key, id string, fields []string) (obj map[string]interface{}, err error)
FindObject - fetch given fields from object (identities, profiles, uidentities etc.) having key=id Assuming that given object has an unique key to gte it
func ForEachESItem ¶
func ForEachESItem( ctx *Ctx, ds DS, raw bool, ufunct func(*Ctx, DS, int, *[]interface{}, *[]interface{}, bool) error, uitems func(*Ctx, DS, int, []interface{}, *[]interface{}) error, cacheFor *time.Duration, mt bool, ) (err error)
ForEachESItem - perform specific function for all raw/rich items ufunct: function to perform on input pack, receives input pack, pointer to an output pack
and a flag signalling that this is the last (so it must flush output then) there can be no items in input pack in the last flush call
uitems: function to extract items from input data: can just add documents, but can also maintain a pack of documents identities
receives items and pointer to output items (which then become input for ufunct)
func GerritEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func GerritEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
GerritEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func GetAPIToken ¶
GetAPIToken - return an API token to use dev-analytics-api API calls If JWT_TOKEN env is specified - just use the provided token without any checks Else get auth0 data from AUTH0_DATA and generate/reuse a token stored in ES cache
func GetESCache ¶
GetESCache - get value from cache - thread safe and support expiration
func GetEnrollments ¶
func GetEnrollments(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, uuid string, dt time.Time, single bool) (orgs []string, e error)
GetEnrollments - returns enrollments for a given uuid in a given date, possibly multiple uses cache with date resolution (pslug,uuid,dt.YYYYMMDD)
func GetEnrollmentsBoth ¶
func GetEnrollmentsBoth(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, uuid string, dt time.Time) (org string, orgs []string, e error)
GetEnrollmentsBoth - returns org name(s) for given uuid and name returns data returned by bot GetEnrollmentsSingle and GetEnrollmentsMulti by using a single HTTP request when both were not yet called for a given key
func GetEnrollmentsMulti ¶
GetEnrollmentsMulti - returns org name(s) for given uuid and name Returns 1 or more organizations (all that matches the current date) If none matches it returns array Unknown
func GetEnrollmentsSingle ¶
GetEnrollmentsSingle - returns org name (or Unknown) for given uuid and date
func GetIdentityUUID ¶
GetIdentityUUID - identity's UUID for a given ID uses internal cache
func GetL2Cache ¶
GetL2Cache - get value from cache - thread safe and support expiration
func GetLastOffset ¶
GetLastOffset - get last offset from ElasticSearch
func GetLastUpdate ¶
GetLastUpdate - get last update date from ElasticSearch
func GetThreadsNum ¶
GetThreadsNum returns the number of available CPUs If environment variable DA_DS_ST is set it retuns 1 It can be used to debug single threaded verion
func GitEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func GitEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
GitEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func GitHubEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func GitHubEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
GitHubEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func GroupsioEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func GroupsioEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
GroupsioEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func HandleMapping ¶
HandleMapping - create/update mapping for raw or rich index
func IdentityAffsData ¶
func IdentityAffsData(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, identity map[string]interface{}, aid interface{}, dt time.Time, role string) (outItem map[string]interface{}, empty bool, e error)
IdentityAffsData - add affiliations related data identity - full identity aid identity ID value (which is uuid), for example from "author_id", "creator_id" etc. either identity or aid must be specified
func IdentityAffsDomain ¶
IdentityAffsDomain -return domain for given identity using email if specified
func InitializeAuth0 ¶
func InitializeAuth0() error
InitializeAuth0 - initializes Auth0 client using data stored in AUTH0_DATA
func InterfaceToStringTrunc ¶
InterfaceToStringTrunc - truncate interface representation
func IsOldFormat ¶
IsOldFormat - is this an old format index (bitergia one)?
func IsValidDomain ¶
IsValidDomain - is MX domain valid? uses internal cache
func IsValidEmail ¶
IsValidEmail - is email correct: len, regexp, MX domain uses internal cache
func ItemsIdentitiesFunc ¶
func ItemsIdentitiesFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
ItemsIdentitiesFunc - extract identities from items items is a current pack of ES input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored each identity is [3]string [name, username, email]
func ItemsRefreshIdentitiesFunc ¶
func ItemsRefreshIdentitiesFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, richItems []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
ItemsRefreshIdentitiesFunc - refresh input items/re-enrich items is a current pack of ES rich items docs is a pointer to where updated rich items will be stored
func JSONEscape ¶
JSONEscape - escape string for JSON to avoid injections
func JiraEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func JiraEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
JiraEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func KeysOnly ¶
func KeysOnly(i interface{}) (o map[string]interface{})
KeysOnly - return a corresponding interface contining only keys
func MatchGroups ¶
MatchGroups - return regular expression matching groups as a map
func MatchGroupsArray ¶
MatchGroupsArray - return regular expression matching groups as a map
func MaybeESCacheCleanup ¶
func MaybeESCacheCleanup(ctx *Ctx)
MaybeESCacheCleanup - chance of cleaning expired cache entries
func MaybeMemCacheCleanup ¶
func MaybeMemCacheCleanup(ctx *Ctx)
MaybeMemCacheCleanup - chance of cleaning expired cache entries
func MemCacheDeleteExpired ¶
func MemCacheDeleteExpired(ctx *Ctx)
MemCacheDeleteExpired - delete expired cache entries
func ParseAddresses ¶
ParseAddresses - parse address string into one or more name/email pairs
func ParseDateWithTz ¶
ParseDateWithTz - try to parse mbox date
func ParseMBoxMsg ¶
func ParseMBoxMsg(ctx *Ctx, groupName string, msg []byte) (item map[string]interface{}, valid, warn bool)
ParseMBoxMsg - parse a raw MBox message into object to be inserte dinto raw ES
func PartitionString ¶
PartitionString - partition a string to [pre-sep, sep, post-sep]
func PeriodParse ¶
PeriodParse - tries to parse period
func PostprocessFields ¶
PostprocessFields - check name field, if it is empty then copy from email (if not empty) or username (if not empty) Then check name and username - it cannot contain email addess, if it does - replace a@domain with a-MISSING-NAME
func PostprocessNameUsername ¶
PostprocessNameUsername - check name field, if it is empty then copy from email (if not empty) or username (if not empty) Then check name and username - it cannot contain email addess, if it does - replace a@domain with a-MISSING-NAME
func PrettyPrintJSON ¶
PrettyPrintJSON - pretty formats raw JSON bytes
func PreviewOnly ¶
func PreviewOnly(i interface{}, l int) (o interface{})
PreviewOnly - return a corresponding interface with preview values
func PrintCache ¶
func PrintCache(iCache interface{}) (s string)
PrintCache - pretty print cache entries
func Printf ¶
func Printf(format string, args ...interface{})
Printf is a wrapper around Printf(...) that supports logging and removes redacted data.
func PrintfNoRedacted ¶
func PrintfNoRedacted(format string, args ...interface{})
PrintfNoRedacted is a wrapper around Printf(...) that supports logging and don't removes redacted data
func ProgressInfo ¶
ProgressInfo display info about progress: i/n if current time >= last + period If displayed info, update last
func QueryToStringArray ¶
QueryToStringArray - execute SQL query returning multiple rows each containitg a single string column
func QueryToStringIntArrays ¶
QueryToStringIntArrays - execute SQL query returning multiple rows each containitg (string,int64)
func RedactEmail ¶
RedactEmail - possibly redact email from "in" If in contains @, replace part after last "@" with suff If in doesn't contain "@" then return it or (if forceSuff is set) return in + suff
func RefreshIdentities ¶
RefreshIdentities - refresh identities We iterate over rich index to refresh its affiliation data
func Request ¶
func Request( ctx *Ctx, url, method string, headers map[string]string, payload []byte, cookies []string, jsonStatuses, errorStatuses, okStatuses, cacheStatuses map[[2]int]struct{}, retryRequest bool, cacheFor *time.Duration, skipInDryRun bool, ) (result interface{}, status int, outCookies []string, outHeaders map[string][]string, err error)
Request - wrapper around RequestNoRetry supporting retries
func RequestNoRetry ¶
func RequestNoRetry( ctx *Ctx, url, method string, headers map[string]string, payload []byte, cookies []string, jsonStatuses, errorStatuses, okStatuses, cacheStatuses map[[2]int]struct{}, ) (result interface{}, status int, isJSON bool, outCookies []string, outHeaders map[string][]string, cache bool, err error)
RequestNoRetry - wrapper to do any HTTP request jsonStatuses - set of status code ranges to be parsed as JSONs errorStatuses - specify status value ranges for which we should return error okStatuses - specify status value ranges for which we should return error (only taken into account if not empty)
func ResetThreadsNum ¶
func ResetThreadsNum(ctx *Ctx)
ResetThreadsNum - allows clearing current setting so the new one can be applied
func RocketchatEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func RocketchatEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
RocketchatEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func SendMultipleDocumentsToGAP ¶
func SendMultipleDocumentsToGAP(ctx *Ctx, indexNames, docIDs []string, docs [][]byte, cacheToken bool) (err error)
SendMultipleDocumentsToGAP - send failed ES bulk to GAP API
func SendSingleDocumentToGAP ¶
func SendSingleDocumentToGAP(ctx *Ctx, indexName, docID string, doc []byte, cacheToken bool) (err error)
SendSingleDocumentToGAP - send failed ES item to GAP API
func SendToElastic ¶
SendToElastic - send items to ElasticSearch
func SetDBSessionOrigin ¶
SetDBSessionOrigin - Set Session DB variable @origin to 'dads' so we will know which tool performed the DB operation
func SetESCache ¶
SetESCache - set cache value, expiration date and handles multithreading etc
func SetL2Cache ¶
SetL2Cache - set cache value, expiration date and handles multithreading etc
func SleepForRateLimit ¶
func SleepForRateLimit(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, rateLimit, rateLimitReset, minRate int, waitRate bool) (err error)
SleepForRateLimit - sleep for rate or return error when rate exceeded
func StandardItemsFunc ¶
StandardItemsFunc - just get each doument's _source and append to output docs items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted items will be stored
func StringToBool ¶
StringToBool - convert string value to boolean value returns false for anything that was parsed as false, zero, empty etc: f, F, false, False, fALSe, 0, "", 0.00 else returns true
func StringToCookie ¶
StringToCookie - convert string to cookie
func StringTrunc ¶
StringTrunc - truncate string to no more than maxLen
func StubEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func StubEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
StubEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func TimeParseAny ¶
TimeParseAny - attempts to parse time from string YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS Skipping parts from right until only YYYY id left
func TimeParseES ¶
TimeParseES - parse datetime in ElasticSearch output format
func TimeParseESSec ¶
TimeParseESSec - parse datetime in ElasticSearch output format
func TimeParseInterfaceString ¶
TimeParseInterfaceString - parse interface{} -> string -> time.Time
func ToYMDHMDate ¶
ToYMDHMDate - return time formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI
func ToYMDHMSDate ¶
ToYMDHMSDate - return time formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS
func ToYMDTHMSZDate ¶
ToYMDTHMSZDate - return time formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SSZ
func UUIDAffs ¶
UUIDAffs - generate UUID of string args uses internal cache downcases arguments, all but first can be empty
func UUIDNonEmpty ¶
UUIDNonEmpty - generate UUID of string args (all must be non-empty) uses internal cache used to generate document UUID's
func UpdateRateLimit ¶
func UpdateRateLimit(ctx *Ctx, ds DS, headers map[string][]string, rateLimitHeader, rateLimitResetHeader string) (rateLimit, rateLimitReset, secondsToReset int)
UpdateRateLimit - generic function to get rate limit data from header
func UploadIdentities ¶
UploadIdentities - upload identities to SH DB We assume here that docs maintained my iterator func contains a list of [3]string Each identity is [3]string [name, username, email]
Types ¶
type BugZilla ¶
type BugZilla struct { Origin *Flag EsIndex *Flag FromDate *Flag Project *Flag DoFetch *Flag DoEnrich *Flag FetchSize *Flag EnrichSize *Flag ProjectSlug *Flag }
BugZilla parameter context contains all required parameters to run Bugzilla fetch and enrich
type Ctx ¶
type Ctx struct { DS string // From DA_DS: ds type: for example jira, gerrit, slack etc., other env variablse will use this as a prefix DSPrefix string // uppercase(DS) + _: if DS is "slack" then prefix would be "DA_SLACK_" Debug int // From DA_DS_DEBUG Debug level: 0-no, 1-info, 2-verbose DebugSQL int // From DA_DS_DEBUG_SQL SQL Debug level Retry int // From DA_DS_RETRY: how many times retry failed operatins, default 5 ST bool // From DA_DS_ST true: use single threaded version, false: use multi threaded version, default false NCPUs int // From DA_DS_NCPUS, set to override number of CPUs to run, this overwrites DA_DS_ST, default 0 (which means do not use it, use all CPU reported by go library) NCPUsScale float64 // From DA_DS_NCPUS_SCALE, scale number of CPUs, for example 2.0 will report number of cpus 2.0 the number of actually available CPUs Enrich bool // From DA_DS_ENRICH, flag to run enrichment RawIndex string // From DA_DS_RAW_INDEX - raw index name RichIndex string // From DA_DS_RICH_INDEX - rich index name Tag string // From DA_DS_TAG - tag ESURL string // From DA_DS_ES_URL - ElasticSearch URL AffiliationAPIURL string // From DA_DS_AFFILIATION_API_URL - Affiliation API URL ESBulkSize int // From DA_DS_ES_BULK_SIZE - ElasticSearch bulk size ESScrollSize int // From DA_DS_ES_SCROLL_SIZE - ElasticSearch scroll size ESScrollWait string // From DA_DS_ES_SCROLL_WAIT - ElasticSearch scroll wait DBBulkSize int // From DA_DS_DB_BULK_SIZE - affiliations DB bulk size DBHost string // From DA_DS_DB_HOST - affiliation DB host DBName string // From DA_DS_DB_NAME - affiliation DB name DBUser string // From DA_DS_DB_USER - affiliation DB user DBPass string // From DA_DS_DB_PASS - affiliation DB pass DBPort string // From DA_DS_DB_PORT - affiliation DB port DBOpts string // From DA_DS_DB_OPTS - affiliation DB & separated iURL encoded options, for example "charset=utf8&parseTime=true" DBConn string // From DA_DS_DB_CONN - affiliation DB conn (full connection string - if set no other DB params will be used) NoRaw bool // From DA_DS_NO_RAW - do only the enrichment NoIdentities bool // From DA_DS_NO_IDENTITIES - do not upload identities to affiliations database (if you want to perform enrichment - only use this when you did that at least once) NoCache bool // From DA_DS_NO_CACHE - do not use L2(mem, ES) cache for selected requests NoAffiliation bool // From DA_DS_NO_AFFILIATION, if set, no enrollemnts affiliations will be processed DryRun bool // From DA_DS_DRY_RUN - do only requests that read data, no write to anything (excluding cache - this one can be written in dry-run mode - still can be disabled with NoCache) RefreshAffs bool // From DA_DS_REFRESH_AFFS - refresh affiliation data OnlyIdentities bool // From DA_DS_ONLY_IDENTITIES - only add identities to affiliation database ForceFull bool // From DA_DS_FORCE_FULL - force running full data source enrichment, do not attempt to detect where to start from Project string // From DA_DS_PROJECT - set project can be for example "ONAP" ProjectSlug string // From DA_DS_PROJECT_SLUG - set project slug - fixture slug, for example "lfn/onap" ProjectFilter bool // From DA_DS_PROJECT_FILTER - set project filter (if this is set for example via 'p2o: true' fixture flag, this says that DS should internally filter by project, otherwise it means that no internal project filtering is needed and this is only used to set project on ES documents) Category string // From DA_DS_CATEGORY - set category (some DS support this), for example "issue" (github/issue, github/pull_request etc.) Groups []string // From GROUPS, always contain ProjectSlug at the minimum DateFrom *time.Time // From DA_DS_DATE_FROM DateTo *time.Time // From DA_DS_DATE_TO OffsetFrom float64 // From DA_DS_OFFSET_FROM OffsetTo float64 // From DA_DS_OFFSET_TO LegacyUUID bool // From DA_DS_LEGACY_UUID - use python code for generating uuids DropRich bool // From DA_DS_DROP_RICH - drop rich index (this is to allow regenerating data), index is only dropped when it is in old (bitergia) format, so we avoid dropping it for every origin DropRaw bool // From DA_DS_DROP_RAW - drop raw index (this is to allow regenerating data), index is only dropped when it is in old (bitergia) format, so we avoid dropping it for every origin AllowFail int // From DA_DS_ALLOW_FAIL - allow fail uploading single documents to elastic: 0 - send to GAP handler and continue, 1 - don't allow, 2-allow fail, if failed, skip entire pack (ignore), 3-allow fail, but each next document without retries, else-allow fail and retry each individual document CheckAuthorID bool // From DA_DS_CHECK_AID - so additional check if a rich document has author_id field, skip the document if it doesn't AffsAPIFailFatal bool // From DA_AFFS_API_FAIL_FATAL (note no DA_DS_ prefix - this is a global flag starting with DA_) DateFromDetected bool OffsetFromDetected bool DB *sqlx.DB ESScrollWaitSecs float64 GapURL string Retries uint Delay time.Duration Repository []Repository AffAPI string SlackWebHookURL string // Bugzilla contains all bugzilla params BugZilla *BugZilla PiperMail *PiperMail GoogleGroups *GoogleGroups }
Ctx - environment context packed in structure
func (*Ctx) AffsDBConfigured ¶
AffsDBConfigured - is affiliations DB configured?
type DS ¶
type DS interface { ParseArgs(*Ctx) error Name() string Info() string Validate(*Ctx) error FetchRaw(*Ctx) error FetchItems(*Ctx) error Enrich(*Ctx) error DateField(*Ctx) string OffsetField(*Ctx) string OriginField(*Ctx) string Categories() map[string]struct{} CustomFetchRaw() bool CustomEnrich() bool SupportDateFrom() bool SupportOffsetFrom() bool ResumeNeedsOrigin(*Ctx, bool) bool ResumeNeedsCategory(*Ctx, bool) bool Origin(*Ctx) string ItemID(interface{}) string RichIDField(*Ctx) string RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string ItemUpdatedOn(interface{}) time.Time ItemCategory(interface{}) string ElasticRawMapping() []byte ElasticRichMapping() []byte AddMetadata(*Ctx, interface{}) map[string]interface{} GetItemIdentities(*Ctx, interface{}) (map[[3]string]struct{}, error) EnrichItems(*Ctx) error EnrichItem(*Ctx, map[string]interface{}, string, bool, interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) AffsItems(*Ctx, map[string]interface{}, []string, interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) GetRoleIdentity(*Ctx, map[string]interface{}, string) map[string]interface{} AllRoles(*Ctx, map[string]interface{}) ([]string, bool) CalculateTimeToReset(*Ctx, int, int) int HasIdentities() bool UseDefaultMapping(*Ctx, bool) bool }
DS - interface for all data source types
type DSConfluence ¶
type DSConfluence struct { DS string URL string // From DA_CONFLUENCE_URL - Group name like GROUP-topic NoSSLVerify bool // From DA_CONFLUENCE_NO_SSL_VERIFY MultiOrigin bool // From DA_CONFLUENCE_MULTI_ORIGIN - allow multiple groups in a single index MaxContents int // From DA_CONFLUENCE_MAX_CONTENTS, defaults to ConfluenceDefaultMaxContents (200) User string // From DA_CONFLUENCE_USER - if user is provided then we assume that we don't have base64 encoded user:token yet Token string // From DA_CONFLUENCE_TOKEN - if user is not specified we assume that token already contains "<username>:<your-api-token>" }
DSConfluence - DS implementation for confluence - does nothing at all, just presents a skeleton code
func (*DSConfluence) AddMetadata ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, item interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
AddMetadata - add metadata to the item
func (*DSConfluence) AffsItems ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, page map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
AffsItems - return affiliations data items for given roles and date
func (*DSConfluence) AllRoles ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}) ([]string, bool)
AllRoles - return all roles defined for the backend roles can be static (always the same) or dynamic (per item) second return parameter is static mode (true/false) dynamic roles will use item to get its roles
func (*DSConfluence) CalculateTimeToReset ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
CalculateTimeToReset - calculate time to reset rate limits based on rate limit value and rate limit reset value
func (*DSConfluence) Categories ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) Categories() map[string]struct{}
Categories - return a set of configured categories
func (*DSConfluence) CustomEnrich ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) CustomEnrich() bool
CustomEnrich - is this datasource using custom enrich implementation?
func (*DSConfluence) CustomFetchRaw ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) CustomFetchRaw() bool
CustomFetchRaw - is this datasource using custom fetch raw implementation?
func (*DSConfluence) DateField ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) DateField(*Ctx) string
DateField - return date field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSConfluence) ElasticRawMapping ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
ElasticRawMapping - Raw index mapping definition
func (*DSConfluence) ElasticRichMapping ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
ElasticRichMapping - Rich index mapping definition
func (*DSConfluence) Enrich ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
Enrich - implement enrich data for datasource
func (*DSConfluence) EnrichItem ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSConfluence) EnrichItems ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
EnrichItems - perform the enrichment
func (*DSConfluence) FetchItems ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
FetchItems - implement enrich data for confluence datasource
func (*DSConfluence) FetchRaw ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
FetchRaw - implement fetch raw data for datasource
func (*DSConfluence) GetConfluenceContents ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) GetConfluenceContents(ctx *Ctx, fromDate, next string) (contents []map[string]interface{}, newNext string, err error)
GetConfluenceContents - get confluence historical contents
func (*DSConfluence) GetHistoricalContents ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) GetHistoricalContents(ctx *Ctx, content map[string]interface{}, dateFrom time.Time) (contents []map[string]interface{}, err error)
GetHistoricalContents - get historical contents from teh current content
func (*DSConfluence) GetItemIdentities ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
GetItemIdentities return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key
func (*DSConfluence) GetRoleIdentity ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
GetRoleIdentity - return identity data for a given role
func (*DSConfluence) HasIdentities ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) HasIdentities() bool
HasIdentities - does this data source support identity data
func (DSConfluence) Info ¶
func (j DSConfluence) Info() string
Info - return DS configuration in a human readable form
func (*DSConfluence) ItemCategory ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
ItemCategory - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSConfluence) ItemID ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) ItemID(item interface{}) string
ItemID - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSConfluence) ItemUpdatedOn ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
ItemUpdatedOn - return updated on date for an item
func (*DSConfluence) OffsetField ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
OffsetField - return offset field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSConfluence) Origin ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
Origin - return current origin
func (*DSConfluence) OriginField ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
OriginField - return origin field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSConfluence) ParseArgs ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
ParseArgs - parse confluence specific environment variables
func (*DSConfluence) ResumeNeedsCategory ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
ResumeNeedsCategory - is category field needed when resuming Category should be needed when multiple types of categories save to the same index or there are multiple types of documents within the same category
func (*DSConfluence) ResumeNeedsOrigin ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
ResumeNeedsOrigin - is origin field needed when resuming Origin should be needed when multiple configurations save to the same index
func (*DSConfluence) RichAuthorField ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
RichAuthorField - return rich author field name
func (*DSConfluence) RichIDField ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
RichIDField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSConfluence) SupportDateFrom ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) SupportDateFrom() bool
SupportDateFrom - does DS support resuming from date?
func (*DSConfluence) SupportOffsetFrom ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
SupportOffsetFrom - does DS support resuming from offset?
func (*DSConfluence) UseDefaultMapping ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
UseDefaultMapping - apply MappingNotAnalyzeString for raw/rich (raw=fals/true) index in this DS?
func (*DSConfluence) Validate ¶
func (j *DSConfluence) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
Validate - is current DS configuration OK?
type DSGerrit ¶
type DSGerrit struct { DS string URL string // From DA_GERRIT_URL - gerrit repo path SingleOrigin bool // From DA_GERRIT_SINGLE_ORIGIN - if you want to store only one gerrit endpoint in the index User string // From DA_GERRIT_USER - gerrit user name SSHKey string // From DA_GERRIT_SSH_KEY - must contain full SSH private key - has higher priority than key path SSHKeyPath string // From DA_GERRIT_SSH_KEY_PATH - path to SSH private key, default GerritDefaultSSHKeyPath '~/.ssh/id_rsa' SSHPort int // From DA_GERRIT_SSH_PORT, defaults to GerritDefaultSSHPort (29418) MaxReviews int // From DA_GERRIT_MAX_REVIEWS, defaults to GerritDefaultMaxReviews (1000) NoSSLVerify bool // From DA_GERRIT_NO_SSL_VERIFY DisableHostKeyCheck bool // From DA_GERRIT_DISABLE_HOST_KEY_CHECK // Non-config variables SSHOpts string // SSH Options SSHKeyTempPath string // if used SSHKey - temp file with this name was used to store key contents GerritCmd []string // gerrit remote command used to fetch data VersionMajor int // gerrit major version VersionMinor int // gerrit minor version }
DSGerrit - DS implementation for stub - does nothing at all, just presents a skeleton code
func (*DSGerrit) AddMetadata ¶
AddMetadata - add metadata to the item
func (*DSGerrit) AffsItems ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
AffsItems - return affiliations data items for given roles and date
func (*DSGerrit) AllRoles ¶
AllRoles - return all roles defined for the backend roles can be static (always the same) or dynamic (per item) second return parameter is static mode (true/false) dynamic roles will use item to get its roles
func (*DSGerrit) CalculateTimeToReset ¶
CalculateTimeToReset - calculate time to reset rate limits based on rate limit value and rate limit reset value
func (*DSGerrit) Categories ¶
Categories - return a set of configured categories
func (*DSGerrit) ConvertDates ¶
ConvertDates - convert floating point dates to datetimes
func (*DSGerrit) CustomEnrich ¶
CustomEnrich - is this datasource using custom enrich implementation?
func (*DSGerrit) CustomFetchRaw ¶
CustomFetchRaw - is this datasource using custom fetch raw implementation?
func (*DSGerrit) ElasticRawMapping ¶
ElasticRawMapping - Raw index mapping definition
func (*DSGerrit) ElasticRichMapping ¶
ElasticRichMapping - Rich index mapping definition
func (*DSGerrit) EnrichApprovals ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichApprovals(ctx *Ctx, review, patchSet map[string]interface{}, approvals []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichApprovals - return rich items from raw approvals
func (*DSGerrit) EnrichComments ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichComments(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, comments []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichComments - return rich items from raw patch sets
func (*DSGerrit) EnrichItem ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichItem - return rich item from raw item
func (*DSGerrit) EnrichItems ¶
EnrichItems - perform the enrichment
func (*DSGerrit) EnrichPatchsets ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) EnrichPatchsets(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, patchSets []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichPatchsets - return rich items from raw patch sets
func (*DSGerrit) FetchItems ¶
FetchItems - implement enrich data for stub datasource
func (*DSGerrit) FirstApprovalDatetime ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) FirstApprovalDatetime(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, patchSets []interface{}) (approvalDatetime interface{})
FirstApprovalDatetime - return first approval date/time
func (*DSGerrit) FirstPatchsetApprovalDatetime ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) FirstPatchsetApprovalDatetime(ctx *Ctx, patchSet map[string]interface{}) (approvalDatetime interface{})
FirstPatchsetApprovalDatetime - return first patchset review date/time
func (*DSGerrit) FirstPatchsetReviewDatetime ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) FirstPatchsetReviewDatetime(ctx *Ctx, patchSet map[string]interface{}) (reviewDatetime interface{})
FirstPatchsetReviewDatetime - return first patchset review date/time
func (*DSGerrit) FirstReviewDatetime ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) FirstReviewDatetime(ctx *Ctx, review map[string]interface{}, patchSets []interface{}) (reviewDatetime interface{})
FirstReviewDatetime - return first review date/time
func (*DSGerrit) GetGerritReviews ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) GetGerritReviews(ctx *Ctx, after string, afterEpoch float64, startFrom int) (reviews []map[string]interface{}, newStartFrom int, err error)
GetGerritReviews - get gerrit reviews
func (*DSGerrit) GetGerritVersion ¶
GetGerritVersion - get gerrit version
func (*DSGerrit) GetItemIdentities ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
GetItemIdentities return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key
func (*DSGerrit) GetRoleIdentity ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
GetRoleIdentity - return identity data for a given role
func (*DSGerrit) HasIdentities ¶
HasIdentities - does this data source support identity data
func (*DSGerrit) IdentityForObject ¶
IdentityForObject - construct identity from a given object
func (*DSGerrit) InitGerrit ¶
InitGerrit - initializes gerrit client
func (*DSGerrit) ItemCategory ¶
ItemCategory - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSGerrit) ItemUpdatedOn ¶
ItemUpdatedOn - return updated on date for an item
func (*DSGerrit) LastChangesetApprovalValue ¶
func (j *DSGerrit) LastChangesetApprovalValue(ctx *Ctx, patchSets []interface{}) (status interface{})
LastChangesetApprovalValue - return last approval status
func (*DSGerrit) OffsetField ¶
OffsetField - return offset field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGerrit) OriginField ¶
OriginField - return origin field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGerrit) ResumeNeedsCategory ¶
ResumeNeedsCategory - is category field needed when resuming Category should be needed when multiple types of categories save to the same index or there are multiple types of documents within the same category
func (*DSGerrit) ResumeNeedsOrigin ¶
ResumeNeedsOrigin - is origin field needed when resuming Origin should be needed when multiple configurations save to the same index
func (*DSGerrit) RichAuthorField ¶
RichAuthorField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSGerrit) RichIDField ¶
RichIDField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSGerrit) SupportDateFrom ¶
SupportDateFrom - does DS support resuming from date?
func (*DSGerrit) SupportOffsetFrom ¶
SupportOffsetFrom - does DS support resuming from offset?
func (*DSGerrit) UseDefaultMapping ¶
UseDefaultMapping - apply MappingNotAnalyzeString for raw/rich (raw=fals/true) index in this DS?
type DSGit ¶
type DSGit struct { DS string URL string // From DA_GIT_URL - git repo path SingleOrigin bool // From DA_GIT_SINGLE_ORIGIN - if you want to store only one git endpoint in the index ReposPath string // From DA_GIT_REPOS_PATH - default GitDefaultReposPath CachePath string // From DA_GIT_CACHE_PATH - default GitDefaultCachePath NoSSLVerify bool // From DA_GIT_NO_SSL_VERIFY PairProgramming bool // From DA_GIT_PAIR_PROGRAMMING // Non-config variables RepoName string // repo name Loc int // lines of code as reported by GitOpsCommand Pls []PLS // programming language suppary as reported by GitOpsCommand GitPath string // path to git repo clone LineScanner *bufio.Scanner // line scanner for git log CurrLine int // current line in git log ParseState int // 0-init, 1-commit, 2-header, 3-message, 4-file Commit map[string]interface{} // current parsed commit CommitFiles map[string]map[string]interface{} // current commit's files RecentLines []string // recent commit lines OrphanedCommits []string // orphaned commits SHAs }
DSGit - DS implementation for git
func (*DSGit) AddMetadata ¶
AddMetadata - add metadata to the item
func (*DSGit) AffsItems ¶
func (j *DSGit) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, commit map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
AffsItems - return affiliations data items for given roles and date
func (*DSGit) AllRoles ¶
AllRoles - return all roles defined for the backend roles can be static (always the same) or dynamic (per item) second return parameter is static mode (true/false) dynamic roles will use item to get its roles
func (*DSGit) BuildCommit ¶
BuildCommit - return commit structure from the current parsed object
func (*DSGit) CalculateTimeToReset ¶
CalculateTimeToReset - calculate time to reset rate limits based on rate limit value and rate limit reset value
func (*DSGit) Categories ¶
Categories - return a set of configured categories
func (*DSGit) CreateGitRepo ¶
CreateGitRepo - clone git repo if needed
func (*DSGit) CustomEnrich ¶
CustomEnrich - is this datasource using custom enrich implementation?
func (*DSGit) CustomFetchRaw ¶
CustomFetchRaw - is this datasource using custom fetch raw implementation?
func (*DSGit) ElasticRawMapping ¶
ElasticRawMapping - Raw index mapping definition
func (*DSGit) ElasticRichMapping ¶
ElasticRichMapping - Rich index mapping definition
func (*DSGit) EnrichItem ¶
func (j *DSGit) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, skip string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSGit) EnrichItems ¶
EnrichItems - perform the enrichment
func (*DSGit) ExtractPrevFileName ¶
ExtractPrevFileName - extracts previous file name (before rename/move etc.)
func (*DSGit) FetchItems ¶
FetchItems - implement enrich data for git datasource
func (*DSGit) GetAuthors ¶
func (j *DSGit) GetAuthors(ctx *Ctx, m map[string]string, n map[string][]string) (authors map[string]struct{}, author string)
GetAuthors - parse multiple authors used in pair programming mode
func (*DSGit) GetAuthorsData ¶
func (j *DSGit) GetAuthorsData(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}, auth string) (authorsMap map[string]struct{}, firstAuthor string)
GetAuthorsData - extract authors data from a given field (this supports pair programming)
func (*DSGit) GetCommitURL ¶
GetCommitURL - return git commit URL for a given path and SHA
func (*DSGit) GetItemIdentities ¶
func (j *DSGit) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
GetItemIdentities return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key this is for raw items
func (*DSGit) GetOrphanedCommits ¶
GetOrphanedCommits - return data about orphaned commits: commits present in git object storage but not present in rev-list - for example squashed commits
func (*DSGit) GetOtherPPAuthors ¶
func (j *DSGit) GetOtherPPAuthors(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (othersMap map[string]map[string]struct{})
GetOtherPPAuthors - get others authors - possible from fields: Signed-off-by and/or Co-authored-by
func (*DSGit) GetOtherTrailersAuthors ¶
func (j *DSGit) GetOtherTrailersAuthors(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (othersMap map[string]map[[2]string]struct{})
GetOtherTrailersAuthors - get others authors - from other trailers fields (mostly for korg) This works on a raw document
func (*DSGit) GetRepoShortURL ¶
GetRepoShortURL - return git commit URL for a given path and SHA
func (*DSGit) GetRoleIdentity ¶
func (j *DSGit) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, commit map[string]interface{}, role string) map[string]interface{}
GetRoleIdentity - return identity data for a given role
func (*DSGit) HandleRecentLines ¶
HandleRecentLines - keep last 30 lines, so we can show them on parser error
func (*DSGit) HasIdentities ¶
HasIdentities - does this data source support identity data
func (*DSGit) IdentitiesFromGitAuthors ¶
func (j *DSGit) IdentitiesFromGitAuthors(ctx *Ctx, authors map[string]struct{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{})
IdentitiesFromGitAuthors - construct identities from git authors
func (*DSGit) IdentityFromGitAuthor ¶
IdentityFromGitAuthor - construct identity from git author
func (*DSGit) ItemCategory ¶
ItemCategory - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSGit) ItemUpdatedOn ¶
ItemUpdatedOn - return updated on date for an item
func (*DSGit) MarkOrphanedCommits ¶
MarkOrphanedCommits - mark all orphaned commits as "orphaned: true"
func (*DSGit) OffsetField ¶
OffsetField - return offset field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGit) OriginField ¶
OriginField - return origin field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGit) PairProgrammingMetrics ¶
PairProgrammingMetrics - calculate pair programming metrics data
func (*DSGit) ParseAction ¶
ParseAction - parse action line
func (*DSGit) ParseCommit ¶
ParseCommit - parse commit
func (*DSGit) ParseGitLog ¶
ParseGitLog - update git repo
func (*DSGit) ParseHeader ¶
ParseHeader - parse header state
func (*DSGit) ParseMessage ¶
ParseMessage - parse message state
func (*DSGit) ParseNextCommit ¶
ParseNextCommit - parse next git log commit or report end
func (*DSGit) ParseStats ¶
ParseStats - parse stats line
func (*DSGit) ParseTrailer ¶
ParseTrailer - parse possible trailer line
func (*DSGit) ResumeNeedsCategory ¶
ResumeNeedsCategory - is category field needed when resuming Category should be needed when multiple types of categories save to the same index or there are multiple types of documents within the same category
func (*DSGit) ResumeNeedsOrigin ¶
ResumeNeedsOrigin - is origin field needed when resuming Origin should be needed when multiple configurations save to the same index
func (*DSGit) RichAuthorField ¶
RichAuthorField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSGit) RichIDField ¶
RichIDField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSGit) SetTLOC ¶
SetTLOC - set total_lines_of_code everywhere in rich index for a current origin
func (*DSGit) SupportDateFrom ¶
SupportDateFrom - does DS support resuming from date?
func (*DSGit) SupportOffsetFrom ¶
SupportOffsetFrom - does DS support resuming from offset?
func (*DSGit) TrailerDoc ¶
func (j *DSGit) TrailerDoc(ctx *Ctx, rich, item map[string]interface{}, author string) (trailer map[string]interface{}, skip bool, err error)
TrailerDoc - return flat trailer doc for already generated rich item's nested trailer
func (*DSGit) TrailerDocs ¶
func (j *DSGit) TrailerDocs(ctx *Ctx, rich map[string]interface{}) (trailers []map[string]interface{}, err error)
TrailerDocs - return flat trailer docs for already generated rich item
func (*DSGit) UniqueStringArray ¶
func (j *DSGit) UniqueStringArray(ary []interface{}) []interface{}
UniqueStringArray - make array unique
func (*DSGit) UpdateGitRepo ¶
UpdateGitRepo - update git repo
func (*DSGit) UseDefaultMapping ¶
UseDefaultMapping - apply MappingNotAnalyzeString for raw/rich (raw=fals/true) index in this DS?
type DSGitHub ¶
type DSGitHub struct { DS string // From DA_DS - data source type "github" Org string // From DA_GITHUB_ORG - github org Repo string // From DA_GITHUB_REPO - github repo Category string // From DA_GITHUB_CATEGORY - issue, pull_request, repository Tokens string // From DA_GITHUB_TOKENS - "," separated list of OAuth tokens URL string Clients []*github.Client Context context.Context OAuthKeys []string ThrN int Hint int RateHandled bool CanCache bool CacheDir string GitHubMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubRepoMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubIssuesMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubUserMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubIssueCommentsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubCommentReactionsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubIssueReactionsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubPullMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubPullsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubPullReviewsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubPullReviewCommentsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubReviewCommentReactionsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubPullRequestedReviewersMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubPullCommitsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubUserOrgsMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubRateMtx *sync.RWMutex GitHubRepo map[string]map[string]interface{} GitHubIssues map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubUser map[string]map[string]interface{} GitHubIssueComments map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubCommentReactions map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubIssueReactions map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubPull map[string]map[string]interface{} GitHubPulls map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubPullReviews map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubPullReviewComments map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubReviewCommentReactions map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubPullRequestedReviewers map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubPullCommits map[string][]map[string]interface{} GitHubUserOrgs map[string][]map[string]interface{} }
DSGitHub - DS implementation for GitHub
func (*DSGitHub) AddMetadata ¶
AddMetadata - add metadata to the item
func (*DSGitHub) AffsItems ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
AffsItems - return affiliations data items for given roles and date
func (*DSGitHub) AllRoles ¶
AllRoles - return all roles defined for the backend roles can be static (always the same) or dynamic (per item) second return parameter is static mode (true/false) dynamic roles will use item to get its roles
func (*DSGitHub) CalculateTimeToReset ¶
CalculateTimeToReset - calculate time to reset rate limits based on rate limit value and rate limit reset value
func (*DSGitHub) Categories ¶
Categories - return a set of configured categories
func (*DSGitHub) CustomEnrich ¶
CustomEnrich - is this datasource using custom enrich implementation?
func (*DSGitHub) CustomFetchRaw ¶
CustomFetchRaw - is this datasource using custom fetch raw implementation?
func (*DSGitHub) ElasticRawMapping ¶
ElasticRawMapping - Raw index mapping definition
func (*DSGitHub) ElasticRichMapping ¶
ElasticRichMapping - Rich index mapping definition
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichIssueAssignees ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichIssueAssignees(ctx *Ctx, issue map[string]interface{}, assignees []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichIssueAssignees - return rich assignees from raw issue
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichIssueComments ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichIssueComments(ctx *Ctx, issue map[string]interface{}, comments []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichIssueComments - return rich comments from raw issue
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichIssueItem ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichIssueItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichIssueItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichIssueReactions ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichIssueReactions(ctx *Ctx, issue map[string]interface{}, reactions []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichIssueReactions - return rich reactions from raw issue and/or issue comment
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichItem ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichItems ¶
EnrichItems - perform the enrichment
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestAssignees ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestAssignees(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, assignees []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichPullRequestAssignees - return rich assignees from raw pull request
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestComments ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestComments(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, comments []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichPullRequestComments - return rich comments from raw pull request
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestItem ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichPullRequestItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestReactions ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestReactions(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, reactions []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichPullRequestReactions - return rich reactions from raw pull request comment
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestRequestedReviewers ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestRequestedReviewers(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, requestedReviewers []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichPullRequestRequestedReviewers - return rich requested reviewers from raw pull request
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestReviews ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichPullRequestReviews(ctx *Ctx, pull map[string]interface{}, reviews []map[string]interface{}, affs bool) (richItems []interface{}, err error)
EnrichPullRequestReviews - return rich reviews from raw pull request
func (*DSGitHub) EnrichRepositoryItem ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) EnrichRepositoryItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichRepositoryItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSGitHub) FetchItems ¶
FetchItems - implement raw data for GitHub datasource
func (*DSGitHub) FetchItemsIssue ¶
FetchItemsIssue - implement raw issue data for GitHub datasource
func (*DSGitHub) FetchItemsPullRequest ¶
FetchItemsPullRequest - implement raw issue data for GitHub datasource
func (*DSGitHub) FetchItemsRepository ¶
FetchItemsRepository - implement raw repository data for GitHub datasource
func (*DSGitHub) GetFirstIssueAttention ¶
GetFirstIssueAttention - get first non-author action date on the issue
func (*DSGitHub) GetFirstPullRequestReviewDate ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) GetFirstPullRequestReviewDate(pull map[string]interface{}, commsAndReviews bool) (dt time.Time)
GetFirstPullRequestReviewDate - get first review date on a pull request
func (*DSGitHub) GetItemIdentities ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
GetItemIdentities return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key
func (*DSGitHub) GetRoleIdentity ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
GetRoleIdentity - return identity data for a given role
func (*DSGitHub) GitHubIssueEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) GitHubIssueEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
GitHubIssueEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func (*DSGitHub) GitHubPullRequestEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) GitHubPullRequestEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
GitHubPullRequestEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func (*DSGitHub) GitHubRepositoryEnrichItemsFunc ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) GitHubRepositoryEnrichItemsFunc(ctx *Ctx, thrN int, items []interface{}, docs *[]interface{}) (err error)
GitHubRepositoryEnrichItemsFunc - iterate items and enrich them items is a current pack of input items docs is a pointer to where extracted identities will be stored
func (*DSGitHub) HasIdentities ¶
HasIdentities - does this data source support identity data
func (*DSGitHub) IdentityForObject ¶
IdentityForObject - construct identity from a given object
func (*DSGitHub) ItemCategory ¶
ItemCategory - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSGitHub) ItemUpdatedOn ¶
ItemUpdatedOn - return updated on date for an item
func (*DSGitHub) OffsetField ¶
OffsetField - return offset field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGitHub) OriginField ¶
OriginField - return origin field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGitHub) ProcessIssue ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) ProcessIssue(ctx *Ctx, inIssue map[string]interface{}) (issue map[string]interface{}, err error)
ProcessIssue - add issues sub items
func (*DSGitHub) ProcessPull ¶
func (j *DSGitHub) ProcessPull(ctx *Ctx, inPull map[string]interface{}) (pull map[string]interface{}, err error)
ProcessPull - add PRs sub items
func (*DSGitHub) ResumeNeedsCategory ¶
ResumeNeedsCategory - is category field needed when resuming Category should be needed when multiple types of categories save to the same index or there are multiple types of documents within the same category
func (*DSGitHub) ResumeNeedsOrigin ¶
ResumeNeedsOrigin - is origin field needed when resuming Origin should be needed when multiple configurations save to the same index
func (*DSGitHub) RichAuthorField ¶
RichAuthorField - return rich author field name
func (*DSGitHub) RichIDField ¶
RichIDField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSGitHub) SupportDateFrom ¶
SupportDateFrom - does DS support resuming from date?
func (*DSGitHub) SupportOffsetFrom ¶
SupportOffsetFrom - does DS support resuming from offset?
func (*DSGitHub) UseDefaultMapping ¶
UseDefaultMapping - apply MappingNotAnalyzeString for raw/rich (raw=fals/true) index in this DS?
type DSGroupsio ¶
type DSGroupsio struct { DS string GroupName string // From DA_GROUPSIO_URL - Group name like GROUP-topic Email string // From DA_GROUPSIO_EMAIL Password string // From DA_GROUPSIO_PASSWORD NoSSLVerify bool // From DA_GROUPSIO_NO_SSL_VERIFY SaveArchives bool // From DA_GROUPSIO_SAVE_ARCHIVES ArchPath string // From DA_GROUPSIO_ARCH_PATH - default GroupsioDefaultArchPath MultiOrigin bool // From DA_GROUPSIO_MULTI_ORIGIN - allow multiple groups in a single index }
DSGroupsio - DS implementation for stub - does nothing at all, just presents a skeleton code
func (*DSGroupsio) AddMetadata ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, msg interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
AddMetadata - add metadata to the item
func (*DSGroupsio) AffsItems ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, rawItem map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
AffsItems - return affiliations data items for given roles and date
func (*DSGroupsio) AllRoles ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, rich map[string]interface{}) (roles []string, static bool)
AllRoles - return all roles defined for Groupsio backend roles can be static (always the same) or dynamic (per item) second return parameter is static mode (true/false) dynamic roles will use item to get its roles
func (*DSGroupsio) CalculateTimeToReset ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
CalculateTimeToReset - calculate time to reset rate limits based on rate limit value and rate limit reset value
func (*DSGroupsio) Categories ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) Categories() map[string]struct{}
Categories - return a set of configured categories
func (*DSGroupsio) CustomEnrich ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) CustomEnrich() bool
CustomEnrich - is this datasource using custom enrich implementation?
func (*DSGroupsio) CustomFetchRaw ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) CustomFetchRaw() bool
CustomFetchRaw - is this datasource using custom fetch raw implementation?
func (*DSGroupsio) DateField ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) DateField(*Ctx) string
DateField - return date field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGroupsio) ElasticRawMapping ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
ElasticRawMapping - Raw index mapping definition
func (*DSGroupsio) ElasticRichMapping ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
ElasticRichMapping - Rich index mapping definition
func (*DSGroupsio) Enrich ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
Enrich - implement enrich data for stub datasource
func (*DSGroupsio) EnrichItem ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type/role
func (*DSGroupsio) EnrichItems ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
EnrichItems - perform the enrichment
func (*DSGroupsio) FetchItems ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
FetchItems - implement enrich data for stub datasource
func (*DSGroupsio) FetchRaw ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
FetchRaw - implement fetch raw data for stub datasource
func (*DSGroupsio) GetItemIdentities ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
GetItemIdentities return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key
func (*DSGroupsio) GetItemIdentitiesEx ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) GetItemIdentitiesEx(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]map[string]struct{}, nRecipients int)
GetItemIdentitiesEx return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key This one (Ex) also returns information about identity's origins (from, to, or both)
func (*DSGroupsio) GetRoleIdentity ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) map[string]interface{}
GetRoleIdentity - return identity data for a given role groupsio si not using this
func (*DSGroupsio) HasIdentities ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) HasIdentities() bool
HasIdentities - does this data source support identity data
func (DSGroupsio) Info ¶
func (j DSGroupsio) Info() string
Info - return DS configuration in a human readable form
func (*DSGroupsio) ItemCategory ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
ItemCategory - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSGroupsio) ItemID ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) ItemID(item interface{}) string
ItemID - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSGroupsio) ItemUpdatedOn ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
ItemUpdatedOn - return updated on date for an item
func (*DSGroupsio) OffsetField ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
OffsetField - return offset field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGroupsio) Origin ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
Origin - return current origin
func (*DSGroupsio) OriginField ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
OriginField - return origin field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSGroupsio) ParseArgs ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
ParseArgs - parse stub specific environment variables
func (*DSGroupsio) ResumeNeedsCategory ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
ResumeNeedsCategory - is category field needed when resuming Category should be needed when multiple types of categories save to the same index or there are multiple types of documents within the same category
func (*DSGroupsio) ResumeNeedsOrigin ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
ResumeNeedsOrigin - is origin field needed when resuming Origin should be needed when multiple configurations save to the same index
func (*DSGroupsio) RichAuthorField ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
RichAuthorField - return rich author field name
func (*DSGroupsio) RichIDField ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
RichIDField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSGroupsio) SupportDateFrom ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) SupportDateFrom() bool
SupportDateFrom - does DS support resuming from date?
func (*DSGroupsio) SupportOffsetFrom ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
SupportOffsetFrom - does DS support resuming from offset?
func (*DSGroupsio) UseDefaultMapping ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
UseDefaultMapping - apply MappingNotAnalyzeString for raw/rich (raw=fals/true) index in this DS?
func (*DSGroupsio) Validate ¶
func (j *DSGroupsio) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
Validate - is current DS configuration OK?
type DSJira ¶
type DSJira struct { DS string URL string // From DA_JIRA_URL - Jira URL NoSSLVerify bool // From DA_JIRA_NO_SSL_VERIFY User string // From DA_JIRA_USER - if user is provided then we assume that we don't have base64 encoded user:token yet Token string // From DA_JIRA_TOKEN - if user is not specified we assume that token already contains "<username>:<your-api-token>" PageSize int // From DA_JIRA_PAGE_SIZE MultiOrigin bool // From DA_JIRA_MULTI_ORIGIN }
DSJira - DS implementation for Jira
func (*DSJira) AddMetadata ¶
AddMetadata - add metadata to the item
func (*DSJira) AffsItems ¶
func (j *DSJira) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
AffsItems - return affiliations data items for given roles and date
func (*DSJira) AllRoles ¶
AllRoles - return all roles defined for Jira backend roles can be static (always the same) or dynamic (per item) second return parameter is static mode (true/false) dynamic roles will use item to get its roles
func (*DSJira) CalculateTimeToReset ¶
CalculateTimeToReset - calculate time to reset rate limits based on rate limit value and rate limit reset value
func (*DSJira) Categories ¶
Categories - return a set of configured categories
func (*DSJira) CustomEnrich ¶
CustomEnrich - is this datasource using custom enrich implementation?
func (*DSJira) CustomFetchRaw ¶
CustomFetchRaw - is this datasource using custom fetch raw implementation?
func (*DSJira) ElasticRawMapping ¶
ElasticRawMapping - Raw index mapping definition
func (*DSJira) ElasticRichMapping ¶
ElasticRichMapping - Rich index mapping definition
func (*DSJira) EnrichItem ¶
func (j *DSJira) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSJira) EnrichItems ¶
EnrichItems - perform the enrichment
func (*DSJira) FetchItems ¶
FetchItems - implement fetch items for jira datasource
func (*DSJira) GenSearchFields ¶
func (j *DSJira) GenSearchFields(ctx *Ctx, issue interface{}, uuid string) (fields map[string]interface{})
GenSearchFields - generate extra search fields
func (*DSJira) GetItemIdentities ¶
func (j *DSJira) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
GetItemIdentities return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key
func (*DSJira) GetRoleIdentity ¶
func (j *DSJira) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
GetRoleIdentity - return identity data for a given role
func (*DSJira) HasIdentities ¶
HasIdentities - does this data source support identity data
func (*DSJira) ItemCategory ¶
ItemCategory - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSJira) ItemUpdatedOn ¶
ItemUpdatedOn - return updated on date for an item
func (*DSJira) OffsetField ¶
OffsetField - return offset field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSJira) OriginField ¶
OriginField - return origin field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSJira) ProcessIssue ¶
func (j *DSJira) ProcessIssue(ctx *Ctx, allIssues *[]interface{}, allIssuesMtx *sync.Mutex, issue interface{}, customFields map[string]JiraField, from time.Time, to *time.Time, thrN int) (wch chan error, err error)
ProcessIssue - process a single issue
func (*DSJira) ResumeNeedsCategory ¶
ResumeNeedsCategory - is category field needed when resuming Category should be needed when multiple types of categories save to the same index or there are multiple types of documents within the same category
func (*DSJira) ResumeNeedsOrigin ¶
ResumeNeedsOrigin - is origin field needed when resuming Origin should be needed when multiple configurations save to the same index Jira usually stores only one instance per index, so we don't need to enable filtering by origin to resume
func (*DSJira) RichAuthorField ¶
RichAuthorField - return rich author field name
func (*DSJira) RichIDField ¶
RichIDField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSJira) SearchFields ¶
SearchFields - define (optional) search fields to be returned
func (*DSJira) SupportDateFrom ¶
SupportDateFrom - does DS support resuming from date?
func (*DSJira) SupportOffsetFrom ¶
SupportOffsetFrom - does DS support resuming from offset?
func (*DSJira) UseDefaultMapping ¶
UseDefaultMapping - apply MappingNotAnalyzeString for raw/rich (raw=fals/true) index in this DS?
type DSRocketchat ¶
type DSRocketchat struct { DS string URL string // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_URL - rocketchat server url Channel string // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_CHANNEL - rocketchat channel User string // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_USER - user name Token string // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_TOKEN - token MaxItems int // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_MAX_ITEMS, defaults to RocketchatDefaultMaxItems (100) MinRate int // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_MIN_RATE - min API points, if we reach this value we wait for refresh, default RocketchatDefaultMinRate(10) WaitRate bool // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_WAIT_RATE - will wait for rate limit refresh if set, otherwise will fail is rate limit is reached NoSSLVerify bool // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_NO_SSL_VERIFY SingleOrigin bool // From DA_ROCKETCHAT_SINGLE_ORIGIN - if you want to store only one rocketchat endpoint in the index }
DSRocketchat - DS implementation for rocketchat - does nothing at all, just presents a skeleton code
func (*DSRocketchat) AddMetadata ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) AddMetadata(ctx *Ctx, item interface{}) (mItem map[string]interface{})
AddMetadata - add metadata to the item
func (*DSRocketchat) AffsItems ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, message map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
AffsItems - return affiliations data items for given roles and date
func (*DSRocketchat) AllRoles ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) AllRoles(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}) ([]string, bool)
AllRoles - return all roles defined for the backend roles can be static (always the same) or dynamic (per item) second return parameter is static mode (true/false) dynamic roles will use item to get its roles
func (*DSRocketchat) CalculateTimeToReset ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) CalculateTimeToReset(ctx *Ctx, rateLimit, rateLimitReset int) (seconds int)
CalculateTimeToReset - calculate time to reset rate limits based on rate limit value and rate limit reset value
func (*DSRocketchat) Categories ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) Categories() map[string]struct{}
Categories - return a set of configured categories
func (*DSRocketchat) CustomEnrich ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) CustomEnrich() bool
CustomEnrich - is this datasource using custom enrich implementation?
func (*DSRocketchat) CustomFetchRaw ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) CustomFetchRaw() bool
CustomFetchRaw - is this datasource using custom fetch raw implementation?
func (*DSRocketchat) DateField ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) DateField(*Ctx) string
DateField - return date field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSRocketchat) ElasticRawMapping ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) ElasticRawMapping() []byte
ElasticRawMapping - Raw index mapping definition
func (*DSRocketchat) ElasticRichMapping ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) ElasticRichMapping() []byte
ElasticRichMapping - Rich index mapping definition
func (*DSRocketchat) Enrich ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) Enrich(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
Enrich - implement enrich data for rocketchat datasource
func (*DSRocketchat) EnrichItem ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSRocketchat) EnrichItems ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) EnrichItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
EnrichItems - perform the enrichment
func (*DSRocketchat) FetchItems ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) FetchItems(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
FetchItems - implement enrich data for rocketchat datasource
func (*DSRocketchat) FetchRaw ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) FetchRaw(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
FetchRaw - implement fetch raw data for rocketchat datasource
func (*DSRocketchat) GetItemIdentities ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) GetItemIdentities(ctx *Ctx, doc interface{}) (identities map[[3]string]struct{}, err error)
GetItemIdentities return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key
func (*DSRocketchat) GetMentions ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) GetMentions(mentions []interface{}) (richMentions []map[string]interface{})
GetMentions - convert raw mentions to rich mentions
func (*DSRocketchat) GetReactions ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) GetReactions(reactions map[string]interface{}) (richReactions []map[string]interface{}, nReactions int)
GetReactions - convert raw reactions to rich reactions
func (*DSRocketchat) GetRocketchatMessages ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) GetRocketchatMessages(ctx *Ctx, fromDate string, offset, rateLimit, rateLimitReset, thrN int) (messages []map[string]interface{}, newOffset, total, outRateLimit, outRateLimitReset int, err error)
GetRocketchatMessages - get confluence historical contents
func (*DSRocketchat) GetRoleIdentity ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) (identity map[string]interface{})
GetRoleIdentity - return identity data for a given role
func (*DSRocketchat) HasIdentities ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) HasIdentities() bool
HasIdentities - does this data source support identity data
func (DSRocketchat) Info ¶
func (j DSRocketchat) Info() string
Info - return DS configuration in a human readable form
func (*DSRocketchat) ItemCategory ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) ItemCategory(item interface{}) string
ItemCategory - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSRocketchat) ItemID ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) ItemID(item interface{}) string
ItemID - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSRocketchat) ItemUpdatedOn ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) ItemUpdatedOn(item interface{}) time.Time
ItemUpdatedOn - return updated on date for an item
func (*DSRocketchat) OffsetField ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) OffsetField(*Ctx) string
OffsetField - return offset field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSRocketchat) Origin ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) Origin(ctx *Ctx) string
Origin - return current origin
func (*DSRocketchat) OriginField ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) OriginField(ctx *Ctx) string
OriginField - return origin field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSRocketchat) ParseArgs ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) ParseArgs(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
ParseArgs - parse rocketchat specific environment variables
func (*DSRocketchat) ResumeNeedsCategory ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) ResumeNeedsCategory(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
ResumeNeedsCategory - is category field needed when resuming Category should be needed when multiple types of categories save to the same index or there are multiple types of documents within the same category
func (*DSRocketchat) ResumeNeedsOrigin ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) ResumeNeedsOrigin(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
ResumeNeedsOrigin - is origin field needed when resuming Origin should be needed when multiple configurations save to the same index
func (*DSRocketchat) RichAuthorField ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) RichAuthorField(*Ctx) string
RichAuthorField - return rich author field name
func (*DSRocketchat) RichIDField ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) RichIDField(*Ctx) string
RichIDField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSRocketchat) SetChannelInfo ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) SetChannelInfo(rich, channel map[string]interface{})
SetChannelInfo - set rich channel info from raw channel info
func (*DSRocketchat) SleepAsRequested ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) SleepAsRequested(res interface{}, thrN int)
SleepAsRequested - parse server's: {"success":false,"error":"Error, too many requests. Please slow down. You must wait 23 seconds before trying this endpoint again. [error-too-many-requests]"} And sleep N+1 requested seconds
func (*DSRocketchat) SupportDateFrom ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) SupportDateFrom() bool
SupportDateFrom - does DS support resuming from date?
func (*DSRocketchat) SupportOffsetFrom ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) SupportOffsetFrom() bool
SupportOffsetFrom - does DS support resuming from offset?
func (*DSRocketchat) UseDefaultMapping ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) UseDefaultMapping(ctx *Ctx, raw bool) bool
UseDefaultMapping - apply MappingNotAnalyzeString for raw/rich (raw=fals/true) index in this DS?
func (*DSRocketchat) Validate ¶
func (j *DSRocketchat) Validate(ctx *Ctx) (err error)
Validate - is current DS configuration OK?
type DSStub ¶
type DSStub struct { DS string MultiOrigin bool // can we store multiple endpoints in a single index? }
DSStub - DS implementation for stub - does nothing at all, just presents a skeleton code
func (*DSStub) AddMetadata ¶
AddMetadata - add metadata to the item
func (*DSStub) AffsItems ¶
func (j *DSStub) AffsItems(ctx *Ctx, rawItem map[string]interface{}, roles []string, date interface{}) (affsItems map[string]interface{}, err error)
AffsItems - return affiliations data items for given roles and date
func (*DSStub) AllRoles ¶
AllRoles - return all roles defined for the backend roles can be static (always the same) or dynamic (per item) second return parameter is static mode (true/false) dynamic roles will use item to get its roles
func (*DSStub) CalculateTimeToReset ¶
CalculateTimeToReset - calculate time to reset rate limits based on rate limit value and rate limit reset value
func (*DSStub) Categories ¶
Categories - return a set of configured categories
func (*DSStub) CustomEnrich ¶
CustomEnrich - is this datasource using custom enrich implementation?
func (*DSStub) CustomFetchRaw ¶
CustomFetchRaw - is this datasource using custom fetch raw implementation?
func (*DSStub) ElasticRawMapping ¶
ElasticRawMapping - Raw index mapping definition
func (*DSStub) ElasticRichMapping ¶
ElasticRichMapping - Rich index mapping definition
func (*DSStub) EnrichItem ¶
func (j *DSStub) EnrichItem(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, author string, affs bool, extra interface{}) (rich map[string]interface{}, err error)
EnrichItem - return rich item from raw item for a given author type
func (*DSStub) EnrichItems ¶
EnrichItems - perform the enrichment
func (*DSStub) FetchItems ¶
FetchItems - implement enrich data for stub datasource
func (*DSStub) GetItemIdentities ¶
GetItemIdentities return list of item's identities, each one is [3]string (name, username, email) tripples, special value Nil "none" means null we use string and not *string which allows nil to allow usage as a map key
func (*DSStub) GetRoleIdentity ¶
func (j *DSStub) GetRoleIdentity(ctx *Ctx, item map[string]interface{}, role string) map[string]interface{}
GetRoleIdentity - return identity data for a given role
func (*DSStub) HasIdentities ¶
HasIdentities - does this data source support identity data
func (*DSStub) ItemCategory ¶
ItemCategory - return unique identifier for an item
func (*DSStub) ItemUpdatedOn ¶
ItemUpdatedOn - return updated on date for an item
func (*DSStub) OffsetField ¶
OffsetField - return offset field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSStub) OriginField ¶
OriginField - return origin field used to detect where to restart from
func (*DSStub) ResumeNeedsCategory ¶
ResumeNeedsCategory - is category field needed when resuming Category should be needed when multiple types of categories save to the same index or there are multiple types of documents within the same category
func (*DSStub) ResumeNeedsOrigin ¶
ResumeNeedsOrigin - is origin field needed when resuming Origin should be needed when multiple configurations save to the same index
func (*DSStub) RichAuthorField ¶
RichAuthorField - return rich author field name
func (*DSStub) RichIDField ¶
RichIDField - return rich ID field name
func (*DSStub) SupportDateFrom ¶
SupportDateFrom - does DS support resuming from date?
func (*DSStub) SupportOffsetFrom ¶
SupportOffsetFrom - does DS support resuming from offset?
func (*DSStub) UseDefaultMapping ¶
UseDefaultMapping - apply MappingNotAnalyzeString for raw/rich (raw=fals/true) index in this DS?
type DateCacheEntry ¶
DateCacheEntry - parse date cache entry
type ESCacheEntry ¶
type ESCacheEntry struct { K string `json:"k"` // cache key G string `json:"g"` // cache tag B []byte `json:"b"` // cache data T time.Time `json:"t"` // when cached E time.Time `json:"e"` // when expires }
ESCacheEntry - single cache entry
func ESCacheGet ¶
func ESCacheGet(ctx *Ctx, key string) (entry *ESCacheEntry, ok bool)
ESCacheGet - get value from cache
type GoogleGroups ¶
type GoogleGroups struct { Project *Flag ProjectSlug *Flag GroupName *Flag EsIndex *Flag FromDate *Flag DoFetch *Flag DoEnrich *Flag FetchSize *Flag EnrichSize *Flag }
GoogleGroups parameter context contains all required parameters to run google groups fetch and enrich
type JiraField ¶
type JiraField struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Custom bool `json:"custom"` }
JiraField - informatin about fields present in issues
type MemCacheEntry ¶
type MemCacheEntry struct { G string `json:"g"` // cache tag B []byte `json:"b"` // cache data T time.Time `json:"t"` // when cached E time.Time `json:"e"` // when expires }
MemCacheEntry - single cache entry
type PLS ¶
type PLS struct { Language string `json:"language"` Files int `json:"files"` Blank int `json:"blank"` Comment int `json:"comment"` Code int `json:"code"` }
PLS - programming language summary
type PiperMail ¶
type PiperMail struct { Origin *Flag Project *Flag ProjectSlug *Flag GroupName *Flag EsIndex *Flag FromDate *Flag DoFetch *Flag DoEnrich *Flag FetchSize *Flag EnrichSize *Flag }
PiperMail parameter context contains all required parameters to run Piper mail fetch and enrich