Discovery builds on the go-micro.Registry and is backed by the Micro OS discovery service.
The go-micro registry provides a simple Registry abstraction for various service discovery systems. Heartbeating is also done through a simple form of re-registration. Because of this we end up with a system that has limited scaling potential and does not provide much information about service health.
Discovery provides heartbeating as events published via the Broker. This means anyone can subscribe to the heartbeats to determine "liveness" rather than querying the Registry. Discovery also includes an in-memory cache of the Registry using the Watcher. If the Registry fails for any reason Discovery continues to function.
Run Discovery
With Flag
import _ ""
go run main.go --registry=os --registry_address=addr1:port,addr2:port,addr3:port
Direct Use
import (
func main() {
r := discovery.NewRegistry(
discovery.Addrs("addr1:port", "addr2:port", "addr3:port"),
service := micro.NewService(