Index ¶
- Variables
- func StringToPointer(s string) *string
- type AcceptOptionsQuoteResponse
- type AcceptOptionsQuoteService
- type Account
- type AccountOptionsInfo
- type AccountResponse
- type Airdrop
- type AirdropsResponse
- type AllBalance
- type AllBalancesResponse
- type Balance
- type BalancesResponse
- type Basket
- type BorrowHistory
- type BorrowRate
- type CancelAllOrderParams
- type CancelAllOrderResponse
- type CancelAllOrderService
- type CancelOrderByClientIDResponse
- type CancelOrderByClientIDService
- type CancelOrderResponse
- type CancelOrderService
- type CancelQuoteRequest
- type CancelQuoteRequestResponse
- type CancelQuoteRequestService
- type CancelQuoteResponse
- type CancelQuoteService
- type CancelTriggerOrderResponse
- type CancelTriggerOrderService
- type ChangeAccountLeverageResponse
- type ChangeAccountLeverageService
- type ChangeSubAccountNameParams
- type ChangeSubAccountNameResponse
- type ChangeSubAccountNameService
- type Client
- func (c *Client) NewAcceptOptionsQuoteService() *AcceptOptionsQuoteService
- func (c *Client) NewCancelAllOrderService() *CancelAllOrderService
- func (c *Client) NewCancelOrderByClientIDService() *CancelOrderByClientIDService
- func (c *Client) NewCancelOrderService() *CancelOrderService
- func (c *Client) NewCancelQuoteRequestService() *CancelQuoteRequestService
- func (c *Client) NewCancelQuoteService() *CancelQuoteService
- func (c *Client) NewCancelTriggerOrderService() *CancelTriggerOrderService
- func (c *Client) NewChangeAccountLeverageService() *ChangeAccountLeverageService
- func (c *Client) NewChangeSubAccountNameService() *ChangeSubAccountNameService
- func (c *Client) NewCreateQuoteRequestService() *CreateQuoteRequestService
- func (c *Client) NewCreateQuoteService() *CreateQuoteService
- func (c *Client) NewCreateSaveAddressesService() *CreateSaveAddressesService
- func (c *Client) NewCreateSubAccountService() *CreateSubAccountService
- func (c *Client) NewDeleteSaveAddressesService() *DeleteSaveAddressesService
- func (c *Client) NewDeleteSubAccountService() *DeleteSubAccountService
- func (c *Client) NewFundingPaymentsService() *FundingPaymentsService
- func (c *Client) NewGet24HOptionVolumeService() *Get24HOptionVolumeService
- func (c *Client) NewGetAccountOptionsInfoService() *GetAccountOptionsInfoService
- func (c *Client) NewGetAccountService() *GetAccountService
- func (c *Client) NewGetAirdropsService() *GetAirdropsService
- func (c *Client) NewGetAllBalancesService() *GetAllBalancesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetAllSubAccountsService() *GetAllSubAccountsService
- func (c *Client) NewGetBalancesService() *GetBalancesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetBorrowRatesService() *GetBorrowRatesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetCoinsService() *GetCoinsService
- func (c *Client) NewGetDailyBorrowedAmountsService() *GetDailyBorrowedAmountsService
- func (c *Client) NewGetDepositAddressListService() *GetDepositAddressListService
- func (c *Client) NewGetDepositAddressService() *GetDepositAddressService
- func (c *Client) NewGetDepositHistoryService() *GetDepositHistoryService
- func (c *Client) NewGetExpiredFuturesService() *GetExpiredFuturesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetFutureFundingRateService() *GetFutureFundingRateService
- func (c *Client) NewGetFutureIndexWeightsService() *GetFutureIndexWeightsService
- func (c *Client) NewGetFutureService() *GetFutureService
- func (c *Client) NewGetFutureStatsService() *GetFutureStatsService
- func (c *Client) NewGetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService() *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService
- func (c *Client) NewGetHistoricalIndexService() *GetHistoricalIndexService
- func (c *Client) NewGetHistoricalOpenInterestService() *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService
- func (c *Client) NewGetHistoricalPricesService() *GetHistoricalPricesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetLendingHistoryService() *GetLendingHistoryService
- func (c *Client) NewGetLendingInfoService() *GetLendingInfoService
- func (c *Client) NewGetLendingOffersService() *GetLendingOffersService
- func (c *Client) NewGetLendingRatesService() *GetLendingRatesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetLeveragedTokenBalancesService() *GetLeveragedTokenBalancesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetLeveragedTokenInfoService() *GetLeveragedTokenInfoService
- func (c *Client) NewGetListFutureService() *GetListFutureService
- func (c *Client) NewGetMarketsService() *GetMarketsService
- func (c *Client) NewGetMyBorrowHistoryService() *GetMyBorrowHistoryService
- func (c *Client) NewGetMyLendingHistoryService() *GetMyLendingHistoryService
- func (c *Client) NewGetMyQuotesService() *GetMyQuotesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetOpenOrdersService() *GetOpenOrdersService
- func (c *Client) NewGetOpenTriggerOrdersService() *GetOpenTriggerOrdersService
- func (c *Client) NewGetOptionOpenInterestService() *GetOptionOpenInterestService
- func (c *Client) NewGetOrderBookService() *GetOrderBookService
- func (c *Client) NewGetOrderHistoryService() *GetOrderHistoryService
- func (c *Client) NewGetOrderStatusByClientIDService() *GetOrderStatusByClientIDService
- func (c *Client) NewGetOrderStatusService() *GetOrderStatusService
- func (c *Client) NewGetPositionsService() *GetPositionsService
- func (c *Client) NewGetPublicOptionsTradesService() *GetPublicOptionsTradesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService() *GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService
- func (c *Client) NewGetSaveAddressesService() *GetSaveAddressesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetSingleMarketsService() *GetSingleMarketService
- func (c *Client) NewGetSpotMarginMarketInfoService() *GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService
- func (c *Client) NewGetTradesService() *GetTradesService
- func (c *Client) NewGetTriggerOrderHistoryService() *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
- func (c *Client) NewGetWithdrawHistoryService() *GetWithdrawHistoryService
- func (c *Client) NewGetWithdrawalFeesService() *GetWithdrawalFeesService
- func (c *Client) NewListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService() *ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService
- func (c *Client) NewListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService() *ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService
- func (c *Client) NewListLeveragedTokensService() *ListLeveragedTokensService
- func (c *Client) NewListQuoteRequestsService() *ListQuoteRequestsService
- func (c *Client) NewModifyOrderByClientIDService() *ModifyOrderByClientIDService
- func (c *Client) NewModifyOrderService() *ModifyOrderService
- func (c *Client) NewModifyTriggerOrderService() *ModifyTriggerOrderService
- func (c *Client) NewPlaceOrderService() *PlaceOrderService
- func (c *Client) NewPlaceTriggerOrderService() *PlaceTriggerOrderService
- func (c *Client) NewRequestETFRebalanceInfoService() *RequestETFRebalanceInfoService
- func (c *Client) NewRequestLeveragedTokenCreationService() *RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService
- func (c *Client) NewRequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService() *RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService
- func (c *Client) NewSubmitLendingOfferService() *SubmitLendingOfferService
- func (c *Client) NewTransferBetweenSubAccountsService() *TransferBetweenSubAccountsService
- func (c *Client) NewWithdrawService() *WithdrawService
- func (c *Client) NewYourQuoteRequestsService() *YourQuoteRequestsService
- func (c *Client) SubAccount(subaccount *string) *Client
- type Coin
- type CoinSpotMarginInfo
- type CoinsResponse
- type CreateAddressesResponse
- type CreateQuoteParams
- type CreateQuoteRequest
- type CreateQuoteRequestParams
- type CreateQuoteRequestResponse
- type CreateQuoteRequestService
- type CreateQuoteResponse
- type CreateQuoteService
- type CreateSaveAddressParams
- type CreateSaveAddressesService
- type CreateSubAccountParams
- type CreateSubAccountResponse
- type CreateSubAccountService
- type DailyBorrowedAmounts
- type DeleteAddressesResponse
- type DeleteSaveAddressesService
- type DeleteSubAccountParams
- type DeleteSubAccountResponse
- type DeleteSubAccountService
- type DepositAddress
- type DepositAddressList
- type DepositAddressResponse
- type DepositHistory
- type DepositHistoryResponse
- type ETFRebalanceInfo
- type ExpiredFuture
- type ExpiredFuturesResponse
- type Feed
- type Fill
- type FillResponse
- type FillsService
- func (s *FillsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Fill, error)
- func (s *FillsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *FillsService
- func (s *FillsService) Market(market string) *FillsService
- func (s *FillsService) Order(order OrderBy) *FillsService
- func (s *FillsService) OrderID(orderID int64) *FillsService
- func (s *FillsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *FillsService
- type FundingPayment
- type FundingPaymentsResponse
- type FundingPaymentsService
- func (s *FundingPaymentsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]FundingPayment, error)
- func (s *FundingPaymentsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *FundingPaymentsService
- func (s *FundingPaymentsService) Future(future string) *FundingPaymentsService
- func (s *FundingPaymentsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *FundingPaymentsService
- type Future
- type FutureFundingRate
- type FutureFundingRateResponse
- type FutureIndexWeights
- type FutureIndexWeightsResponse
- type FutureResponse
- type FutureStats
- type FutureStatsResponse
- type Get24HOptionVolumeResponse
- type Get24HOptionVolumeService
- type GetAccountOptionsInfoResponse
- type GetAccountOptionsInfoService
- type GetAccountService
- type GetAirdropsService
- type GetAllBalancesService
- type GetAllSubAccountsResponse
- type GetAllSubAccountsService
- type GetBalancesService
- type GetBorrowRatesResponse
- type GetBorrowRatesService
- type GetCoinsService
- type GetDailyBorrowedAmountsResponse
- type GetDailyBorrowedAmountsService
- type GetDepositAddressListResponse
- type GetDepositAddressListService
- type GetDepositAddressService
- type GetDepositHistoryService
- type GetExpiredFuturesService
- type GetFutureFundingRateService
- func (s *GetFutureFundingRateService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]FutureFundingRate, error)
- func (s *GetFutureFundingRateService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetFutureFundingRateService
- func (s *GetFutureFundingRateService) Future(future string) *GetFutureFundingRateService
- func (s *GetFutureFundingRateService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetFutureFundingRateService
- type GetFutureIndexWeightsService
- type GetFutureService
- type GetFutureStatsService
- type GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService
- func (s *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Historical24HVolume, error)
- func (s *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService
- func (s *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService
- type GetHistoricalIndexService
- func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]HistoricalIndex, error)
- func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetHistoricalIndexService
- func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) MarketName(marketName string) *GetHistoricalIndexService
- func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) Resolution(resolution int64) *GetHistoricalIndexService
- func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetHistoricalIndexService
- type GetHistoricalOpenInterestResponse
- type GetHistoricalOpenInterestService
- func (s *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]HistoricalOpenInterest, error)
- func (s *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService
- func (s *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService
- type GetHistoricalOptionVolumeResponse
- type GetHistoricalPricesService
- func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]HistoricalPrice, error)
- func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetHistoricalPricesService
- func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) MarketName(marketName string) *GetHistoricalPricesService
- func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) Resolution(resolution int64) *GetHistoricalPricesService
- func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetHistoricalPricesService
- type GetLendingHistoryResponse
- type GetLendingHistoryService
- type GetLendingInfoResponse
- type GetLendingInfoService
- type GetLendingOffersResponse
- type GetLendingOffersService
- type GetLendingRatesResponse
- type GetLendingRatesService
- type GetLeveragedTokenBalancesResponse
- type GetLeveragedTokenBalancesService
- type GetLeveragedTokenInfoResponse
- type GetLeveragedTokenInfoService
- type GetListFutureService
- type GetMarketInfoResponse
- type GetMarketsService
- type GetMyBorrowHistoryResponse
- type GetMyBorrowHistoryService
- type GetMyLendingHistoryResponse
- type GetMyLendingHistoryService
- type GetMyQuotesResponse
- type GetMyQuotesService
- type GetOpenOrdersService
- type GetOpenTriggerOrdersService
- type GetOptionOpenInterestResponse
- type GetOptionOpenInterestService
- type GetOptionsFillsResponse
- type GetOptionsFillsService
- type GetOptionsPositionsResponse
- type GetOptionsPositionsService
- type GetOrderBookService
- type GetOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetOrderHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Order, bool, error)
- func (s *GetOrderHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetOrderHistoryService) Market(market string) *GetOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetOrderHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetOrderHistoryService
- type GetOrderStatusByClientIDResponse
- type GetOrderStatusByClientIDService
- type GetOrderStatusResponse
- type GetOrderStatusService
- type GetPositionsService
- type GetPublicOptionsTradesResponse
- type GetPublicOptionsTradesService
- type GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestResponse
- type GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService
- type GetSaveAddressesService
- type GetSingleMarketService
- type GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService
- type GetSubAccountBalanceResponse
- type GetSubAccountBalanceService
- type GetTradesService
- type GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]TriggerOrder, bool, error)
- func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Market(market string) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) OrderType(orderType OrderType) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Side(orderSide Side) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
- func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) TriggerType(triggerType TriggerType) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
- type GetTriggerOrderTriggersService
- type GetWithdrawHistoryService
- type GetWithdrawalFeesService
- func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Address(address string) *GetWithdrawalFeesService
- func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Coin(coin string) *GetWithdrawalFeesService
- func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*WithdrawalFee, error)
- func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Size(size float64) *GetWithdrawalFeesService
- func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Tag(tag string) *GetWithdrawalFeesService
- type Historical24HVolume
- type HistoricalIndex
- type HistoricalIndexResponse
- type HistoricalOpenInterest
- type HistoricalPrice
- type HistoricalPricesResponse
- type LendingHistory
- type LendingInfo
- type LendingOffer
- type LendingRate
- type LeverageParams
- type LeveragedToken
- type LeveragedTokenBalance
- type LeveragedTokenCreationRequest
- type LeveragedTokenRedemptionRequest
- type ListFutureResponse
- type ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsResponse
- type ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService
- type ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsResponse
- type ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService
- type ListLeveragedTokensResponse
- type ListLeveragedTokensService
- type ListQuoteRequestsResponse
- type ListQuoteRequestsService
- type Market
- type MarketType
- type MarketsResponse
- type ModifyOrderByClientIDParams
- type ModifyOrderByClientIDResponse
- type ModifyOrderByClientIDService
- type ModifyOrderParams
- type ModifyOrderResponse
- type ModifyOrderService
- type ModifyTriggerOrderParams
- type ModifyTriggerOrderResponse
- type ModifyTriggerOrderService
- type OpenTriggerOrdersResponse
- type Option
- type OptionFill
- type OptionOpenInterest
- type OptionPosition
- type OptionQuote
- type OptionQuoteStatus
- type OptionType
- type OptionVolume24H
- type Order
- type OrderBook
- type OrderBookResponse
- type OrderBy
- type OrderHistoryResponse
- type OrderStatus
- type OrderTrigger
- type OrderType
- type OrdersResponse
- type PlaceOrderParams
- type PlaceOrderResponse
- type PlaceOrderService
- type PlaceTriggerOrderParams
- type PlaceTriggerOrderResponse
- type PlaceTriggerOrderService
- type Position
- type PositionsPerShare
- type PositionsResponse
- type PublicOptionTrade
- type QuoteRequest
- type QuotesForYourQuoteRequest
- type RequestETFRebalanceInfoResponse
- type RequestETFRebalanceInfoService
- type RequestLeveragedTokenCreation
- type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationParams
- type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationResponse
- type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService
- type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemption
- type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionParams
- type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionResponse
- type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService
- type RequestMsg
- type RestClientOption
- type SaveAddress
- type SaveAddressesResponse
- type Side
- type SingleMarketResponse
- type SubAccount
- type SubmitLendingOfferParams
- type SubmitLendingOfferResponse
- type SubmitLendingOfferService
- type Subscription
- type Trade
- type TradesResponse
- type TransferBetweenSubAccounts
- type TransferBetweenSubAccountsParams
- type TransferBetweenSubAccountsResponse
- type TransferBetweenSubAccountsService
- type TriggerOrder
- type TriggerOrderHistoryResponse
- type TriggerOrderTriggersResponse
- type TriggerType
- type UserLendingHistory
- type WebsocketService
- func (s *WebsocketService) Close()
- func (s *WebsocketService) Connect(dataHandler WsDataHandler, errHandler WsErrorHandler) error
- func (s *WebsocketService) ResetConnection()
- func (s *WebsocketService) SubAccount(sa string) *WebsocketService
- func (s *WebsocketService) Subscribe(sub Subscription) error
- func (s *WebsocketService) Unsubscribe(sub Subscription) error
- type Withdraw
- type WithdrawHistoryResponse
- type WithdrawParams
- type WithdrawResponse
- type WithdrawService
- type WithdrawalFee
- type WithdrawalFeesResponse
- type WsChannel
- type WsDataAction
- type WsDataHandler
- type WsErrorHandler
- type WsFTXPay
- type WsFTXPayEvent
- type WsFills
- type WsFillsEvent
- type WsFuture
- type WsGroupedOrderBook
- type WsGroupedOrderBookEvent
- type WsMarket
- type WsMarketsData
- type WsMarketsEvent
- type WsOrderBook
- type WsOrderBookEvent
- type WsOrders
- type WsOrdersEvent
- type WsReponse
- type WsTicker
- type WsTickerEvent
- type WsTrade
- type WsTradesEvent
- type YourQuote
- type YourQuoteRequest
- type YourQuoteRequestsResponse
- type YourQuoteRequestsService
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var (
ErrorRateLimit = errors.New("error rate limit")
Functions ¶
func StringToPointer ¶ added in v1.0.2
Types ¶
type AcceptOptionsQuoteResponse ¶
type AcceptOptionsQuoteResponse struct { Result *OptionQuote `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AcceptOptionsQuoteService ¶
type AcceptOptionsQuoteService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AcceptOptionsQuoteService) Do ¶
func (s *AcceptOptionsQuoteService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*OptionQuote, error)
func (*AcceptOptionsQuoteService) QuoteID ¶
func (s *AcceptOptionsQuoteService) QuoteID(quoteID int64) *AcceptOptionsQuoteService
type Account ¶
type Account struct { BackstopProvider bool `json:"backstopProvider"` Collateral float64 `json:"collateral"` FreeCollateral float64 `json:"freeCollateral"` InitialMarginRequirement float64 `json:"initialMarginRequirement"` Leverage float64 `json:"leverage"` Liquidating bool `json:"liquidating"` MaintenanceMarginRequirement float64 `json:"maintenanceMarginRequirement"` MakerFee float64 `json:"makerFee"` MarginFraction float64 `json:"marginFraction"` OpenMarginFraction float64 `json:"openMarginFraction"` TakerFee float64 `json:"takerFee"` TotalAccountValue float64 `json:"totalAccountValue"` TotalPositionSize float64 `json:"totalPositionSize"` Username string `json:"username"` Positions []Position `json:"positions"` }
type AccountOptionsInfo ¶
type AccountOptionsInfo struct { UsdBalance float64 `json:"usdBalance"` LiquidationPrice float64 `json:"liquidationPrice"` Liquidating bool `json:"liquidating"` MaintenanceMarginRequirement float64 `json:"maintenanceMarginRequirement"` InitialMarginRequirement float64 `json:"initialMarginRequirement"` }
type AccountResponse ¶
type AccountResponse struct { Result *Account `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AirdropsResponse ¶
type AirdropsResponse struct { Result []Airdrop `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type AllBalance ¶
type AllBalancesResponse ¶
type AllBalancesResponse struct { Result AllBalance `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type BalancesResponse ¶
type BalancesResponse struct { Result []Balance `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type BorrowHistory ¶
type BorrowRate ¶
type CancelAllOrderParams ¶
type CancelAllOrderResponse ¶
type CancelAllOrderResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CancelAllOrderService ¶
type CancelAllOrderService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelAllOrderService) Params ¶
func (s *CancelAllOrderService) Params(params CancelAllOrderParams) *CancelAllOrderService
type CancelOrderByClientIDResponse ¶
type CancelOrderByClientIDResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CancelOrderByClientIDService ¶
type CancelOrderByClientIDService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelOrderByClientIDService) ClientID ¶
func (s *CancelOrderByClientIDService) ClientID(clientID string) *CancelOrderByClientIDService
type CancelOrderResponse ¶
type CancelOrderResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CancelOrderService ¶
type CancelOrderService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelOrderService) OrderID ¶
func (s *CancelOrderService) OrderID(orderID int64) *CancelOrderService
type CancelQuoteRequest ¶
type CancelQuoteRequestResponse ¶
type CancelQuoteRequestResponse struct { Result *CancelQuoteRequest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CancelQuoteRequestService ¶
type CancelQuoteRequestService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelQuoteRequestService) Do ¶
func (s *CancelQuoteRequestService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*CancelQuoteRequest, error)
func (*CancelQuoteRequestService) RequestID ¶
func (s *CancelQuoteRequestService) RequestID(requestID int64) *CancelQuoteRequestService
type CancelQuoteResponse ¶
type CancelQuoteResponse struct { Result *OptionQuote `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CancelQuoteService ¶
type CancelQuoteService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelQuoteService) Do ¶
func (s *CancelQuoteService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*OptionQuote, error)
func (*CancelQuoteService) QuoteID ¶
func (s *CancelQuoteService) QuoteID(quoteID int64) *CancelQuoteService
type CancelTriggerOrderResponse ¶
type CancelTriggerOrderResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CancelTriggerOrderService ¶
type CancelTriggerOrderService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CancelTriggerOrderService) Do ¶
func (s *CancelTriggerOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context) error
func (*CancelTriggerOrderService) OrderID ¶
func (s *CancelTriggerOrderService) OrderID(orderID int64) *CancelTriggerOrderService
type ChangeAccountLeverageResponse ¶
type ChangeAccountLeverageResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ChangeAccountLeverageService ¶
type ChangeAccountLeverageService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ChangeAccountLeverageService) Do ¶
func (s *ChangeAccountLeverageService) Do(ctx context.Context) error
func (*ChangeAccountLeverageService) Params ¶
func (s *ChangeAccountLeverageService) Params(params LeverageParams) *ChangeAccountLeverageService
type ChangeSubAccountNameResponse ¶
type ChangeSubAccountNameResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ChangeSubAccountNameService ¶
type ChangeSubAccountNameService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ChangeSubAccountNameService) Do ¶
func (s *ChangeSubAccountNameService) Do(ctx context.Context) error
func (*ChangeSubAccountNameService) Params ¶
func (s *ChangeSubAccountNameService) Params(params ChangeSubAccountNameParams) *ChangeSubAccountNameService
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(apiKey, apiSecret string, opts ...RestClientOption) *Client
func (*Client) NewAcceptOptionsQuoteService ¶
func (c *Client) NewAcceptOptionsQuoteService() *AcceptOptionsQuoteService
func (*Client) NewCancelAllOrderService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCancelAllOrderService() *CancelAllOrderService
func (*Client) NewCancelOrderByClientIDService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCancelOrderByClientIDService() *CancelOrderByClientIDService
func (*Client) NewCancelOrderService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCancelOrderService() *CancelOrderService
func (*Client) NewCancelQuoteRequestService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCancelQuoteRequestService() *CancelQuoteRequestService
func (*Client) NewCancelQuoteService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCancelQuoteService() *CancelQuoteService
func (*Client) NewCancelTriggerOrderService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCancelTriggerOrderService() *CancelTriggerOrderService
func (*Client) NewChangeAccountLeverageService ¶
func (c *Client) NewChangeAccountLeverageService() *ChangeAccountLeverageService
func (*Client) NewChangeSubAccountNameService ¶
func (c *Client) NewChangeSubAccountNameService() *ChangeSubAccountNameService
func (*Client) NewCreateQuoteRequestService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCreateQuoteRequestService() *CreateQuoteRequestService
func (*Client) NewCreateQuoteService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCreateQuoteService() *CreateQuoteService
func (*Client) NewCreateSaveAddressesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCreateSaveAddressesService() *CreateSaveAddressesService
func (*Client) NewCreateSubAccountService ¶
func (c *Client) NewCreateSubAccountService() *CreateSubAccountService
func (*Client) NewDeleteSaveAddressesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewDeleteSaveAddressesService() *DeleteSaveAddressesService
func (*Client) NewDeleteSubAccountService ¶
func (c *Client) NewDeleteSubAccountService() *DeleteSubAccountService
func (*Client) NewFundingPaymentsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewFundingPaymentsService() *FundingPaymentsService
func (*Client) NewGet24HOptionVolumeService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGet24HOptionVolumeService() *Get24HOptionVolumeService
func (*Client) NewGetAccountOptionsInfoService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetAccountOptionsInfoService() *GetAccountOptionsInfoService
func (*Client) NewGetAccountService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetAccountService() *GetAccountService
func (*Client) NewGetAirdropsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetAirdropsService() *GetAirdropsService
func (*Client) NewGetAllBalancesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetAllBalancesService() *GetAllBalancesService
func (*Client) NewGetAllSubAccountsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetAllSubAccountsService() *GetAllSubAccountsService
func (*Client) NewGetBalancesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetBalancesService() *GetBalancesService
func (*Client) NewGetBorrowRatesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetBorrowRatesService() *GetBorrowRatesService
func (*Client) NewGetCoinsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetCoinsService() *GetCoinsService
func (*Client) NewGetDailyBorrowedAmountsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetDailyBorrowedAmountsService() *GetDailyBorrowedAmountsService
func (*Client) NewGetDepositAddressListService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetDepositAddressListService() *GetDepositAddressListService
func (*Client) NewGetDepositAddressService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetDepositAddressService() *GetDepositAddressService
func (*Client) NewGetDepositHistoryService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetDepositHistoryService() *GetDepositHistoryService
func (*Client) NewGetExpiredFuturesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetExpiredFuturesService() *GetExpiredFuturesService
func (*Client) NewGetFutureFundingRateService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetFutureFundingRateService() *GetFutureFundingRateService
func (*Client) NewGetFutureIndexWeightsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetFutureIndexWeightsService() *GetFutureIndexWeightsService
func (*Client) NewGetFutureService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetFutureService() *GetFutureService
func (*Client) NewGetFutureStatsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetFutureStatsService() *GetFutureStatsService
func (*Client) NewGetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService() *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService
func (*Client) NewGetHistoricalIndexService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetHistoricalIndexService() *GetHistoricalIndexService
func (*Client) NewGetHistoricalOpenInterestService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetHistoricalOpenInterestService() *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService
func (*Client) NewGetHistoricalPricesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetHistoricalPricesService() *GetHistoricalPricesService
func (*Client) NewGetLendingHistoryService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetLendingHistoryService() *GetLendingHistoryService
func (*Client) NewGetLendingInfoService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetLendingInfoService() *GetLendingInfoService
func (*Client) NewGetLendingOffersService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetLendingOffersService() *GetLendingOffersService
func (*Client) NewGetLendingRatesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetLendingRatesService() *GetLendingRatesService
func (*Client) NewGetLeveragedTokenBalancesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetLeveragedTokenBalancesService() *GetLeveragedTokenBalancesService
func (*Client) NewGetLeveragedTokenInfoService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetLeveragedTokenInfoService() *GetLeveragedTokenInfoService
func (*Client) NewGetListFutureService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetListFutureService() *GetListFutureService
func (*Client) NewGetMarketsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetMarketsService() *GetMarketsService
func (*Client) NewGetMyBorrowHistoryService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetMyBorrowHistoryService() *GetMyBorrowHistoryService
func (*Client) NewGetMyLendingHistoryService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetMyLendingHistoryService() *GetMyLendingHistoryService
func (*Client) NewGetMyQuotesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetMyQuotesService() *GetMyQuotesService
func (*Client) NewGetOpenOrdersService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetOpenOrdersService() *GetOpenOrdersService
func (*Client) NewGetOpenTriggerOrdersService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetOpenTriggerOrdersService() *GetOpenTriggerOrdersService
func (*Client) NewGetOptionOpenInterestService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetOptionOpenInterestService() *GetOptionOpenInterestService
func (*Client) NewGetOrderBookService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetOrderBookService() *GetOrderBookService
func (*Client) NewGetOrderHistoryService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetOrderHistoryService() *GetOrderHistoryService
func (*Client) NewGetOrderStatusByClientIDService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetOrderStatusByClientIDService() *GetOrderStatusByClientIDService
func (*Client) NewGetOrderStatusService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetOrderStatusService() *GetOrderStatusService
func (*Client) NewGetPositionsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetPositionsService() *GetPositionsService
func (*Client) NewGetPublicOptionsTradesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetPublicOptionsTradesService() *GetPublicOptionsTradesService
func (*Client) NewGetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService() *GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService
func (*Client) NewGetSaveAddressesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetSaveAddressesService() *GetSaveAddressesService
func (*Client) NewGetSingleMarketsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetSingleMarketsService() *GetSingleMarketService
func (*Client) NewGetSpotMarginMarketInfoService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetSpotMarginMarketInfoService() *GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService
func (*Client) NewGetTradesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetTradesService() *GetTradesService
func (*Client) NewGetTriggerOrderHistoryService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetTriggerOrderHistoryService() *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
func (*Client) NewGetWithdrawHistoryService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetWithdrawHistoryService() *GetWithdrawHistoryService
func (*Client) NewGetWithdrawalFeesService ¶
func (c *Client) NewGetWithdrawalFeesService() *GetWithdrawalFeesService
func (*Client) NewListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService() *ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService
func (*Client) NewListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService() *ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService
func (*Client) NewListLeveragedTokensService ¶
func (c *Client) NewListLeveragedTokensService() *ListLeveragedTokensService
func (*Client) NewListQuoteRequestsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewListQuoteRequestsService() *ListQuoteRequestsService
func (*Client) NewModifyOrderByClientIDService ¶
func (c *Client) NewModifyOrderByClientIDService() *ModifyOrderByClientIDService
func (*Client) NewModifyOrderService ¶
func (c *Client) NewModifyOrderService() *ModifyOrderService
func (*Client) NewModifyTriggerOrderService ¶
func (c *Client) NewModifyTriggerOrderService() *ModifyTriggerOrderService
func (*Client) NewPlaceOrderService ¶
func (c *Client) NewPlaceOrderService() *PlaceOrderService
func (*Client) NewPlaceTriggerOrderService ¶
func (c *Client) NewPlaceTriggerOrderService() *PlaceTriggerOrderService
func (*Client) NewRequestETFRebalanceInfoService ¶
func (c *Client) NewRequestETFRebalanceInfoService() *RequestETFRebalanceInfoService
func (*Client) NewRequestLeveragedTokenCreationService ¶
func (c *Client) NewRequestLeveragedTokenCreationService() *RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService
func (*Client) NewRequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService ¶
func (c *Client) NewRequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService() *RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService
func (*Client) NewSubmitLendingOfferService ¶
func (c *Client) NewSubmitLendingOfferService() *SubmitLendingOfferService
func (*Client) NewTransferBetweenSubAccountsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewTransferBetweenSubAccountsService() *TransferBetweenSubAccountsService
func (*Client) NewWithdrawService ¶
func (c *Client) NewWithdrawService() *WithdrawService
func (*Client) NewYourQuoteRequestsService ¶
func (c *Client) NewYourQuoteRequestsService() *YourQuoteRequestsService
func (*Client) SubAccount ¶
type Coin ¶
type Coin struct { Bep2Asset *string `json:"bep2Asset"` CanConvert bool `json:"canConvert"` CanDeposit bool `json:"canDeposit"` CanWithdraw bool `json:"canWithdraw"` Collateral bool `json:"collateral"` CollateralWeight float64 `json:"collateralWeight"` CreditTo *string `json:"creditTo"` Erc20Contract string `json:"erc20Contract"` Fiat bool `json:"fiat"` HasTag bool `json:"hasTag"` ID string `json:"id"` IsToken bool `json:"isToken"` Methods []string `json:"methods"` Name string `json:"name"` SplMint string `json:"splMint"` Trc20Contract string `json:"trc20Contract"` UsdFungible bool `json:"usdFungible"` }
type CoinSpotMarginInfo ¶
type CoinsResponse ¶
type CoinsResponse struct { Result []Coin `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CreateAddressesResponse ¶
type CreateAddressesResponse struct { Result *SaveAddress `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CreateQuoteParams ¶
type CreateQuoteParams struct {
Price float64 `json:"price"`
type CreateQuoteRequest ¶
type CreateQuoteRequest struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Option Option `json:"option"` Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry"` Strike float64 `json:"strike"` Type OptionType `json:"type"` Underlying string `json:"underlying"` RequestExpiry time.Time `json:"requestExpiry"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Status OrderStatus `json:"status"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` }
type CreateQuoteRequestParams ¶
type CreateQuoteRequestParams struct { Underlying string `json:"underlying"` Type string `json:"type"` Strike float64 `json:"strike"` Expiry int64 `json:"expiry"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` LimitPrice *float64 `json:"limitPrice,omitempty"` HideLimitPrice bool `json:"hideLimitPrice"` RequestExpiry *float64 `json:"requestExpiry,omitempty"` CounterpartyId *int64 `json:"counterpartyId,omitempty"` }
type CreateQuoteRequestResponse ¶
type CreateQuoteRequestResponse struct { Result *CreateQuoteRequest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CreateQuoteRequestService ¶
type CreateQuoteRequestService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CreateQuoteRequestService) Do ¶
func (s *CreateQuoteRequestService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*CreateQuoteRequest, error)
func (*CreateQuoteRequestService) Params ¶
func (s *CreateQuoteRequestService) Params(params CreateQuoteRequestParams) *CreateQuoteRequestService
type CreateQuoteResponse ¶
type CreateQuoteResponse struct { Result *OptionQuote `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CreateQuoteService ¶
type CreateQuoteService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CreateQuoteService) Do ¶
func (s *CreateQuoteService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*OptionQuote, error)
func (*CreateQuoteService) Params ¶
func (s *CreateQuoteService) Params(params CreateQuoteParams) *CreateQuoteService
func (*CreateQuoteService) RequestID ¶
func (s *CreateQuoteService) RequestID(requestID int64) *CreateQuoteService
type CreateSaveAddressParams ¶
type CreateSaveAddressesService ¶
type CreateSaveAddressesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CreateSaveAddressesService) Do ¶
func (s *CreateSaveAddressesService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*SaveAddress, error)
func (*CreateSaveAddressesService) Params ¶
func (s *CreateSaveAddressesService) Params(params CreateSaveAddressParams) *CreateSaveAddressesService
type CreateSubAccountParams ¶
type CreateSubAccountParams struct {
Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
type CreateSubAccountResponse ¶
type CreateSubAccountResponse struct { Result *SubAccount `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CreateSubAccountService ¶
type CreateSubAccountService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*CreateSubAccountService) Do ¶
func (s *CreateSubAccountService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*SubAccount, error)
func (*CreateSubAccountService) Params ¶
func (s *CreateSubAccountService) Params(params CreateSubAccountParams) *CreateSubAccountService
type DailyBorrowedAmounts ¶
type DeleteAddressesResponse ¶
type DeleteAddressesResponse struct { Result *string `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DeleteSaveAddressesService ¶
type DeleteSaveAddressesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DeleteSaveAddressesService) Do ¶
func (s *DeleteSaveAddressesService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*string, error)
func (*DeleteSaveAddressesService) SaveAddressID ¶
func (s *DeleteSaveAddressesService) SaveAddressID(saveAddressID int64) *DeleteSaveAddressesService
type DeleteSubAccountParams ¶
type DeleteSubAccountParams struct {
Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
type DeleteSubAccountResponse ¶
type DeleteSubAccountResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type DeleteSubAccountService ¶
type DeleteSubAccountService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DeleteSubAccountService) Do ¶
func (s *DeleteSubAccountService) Do(ctx context.Context) error
func (*DeleteSubAccountService) Params ¶
func (s *DeleteSubAccountService) Params(params DeleteSubAccountParams) *DeleteSubAccountService
type DepositAddress ¶
type DepositAddressList ¶
type DepositAddressResponse ¶
type DepositAddressResponse struct { Result *DepositAddress `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type DepositHistory ¶
type DepositHistory struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` Confirmations int `json:"confirmations"` ConfirmedTime time.Time `json:"confirmedTime"` Fee float64 `json:"fee"` ID int64 `json:"id"` SentTime time.Time `json:"sentTime"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Status string `json:"status"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` Txid string `json:"txid"` }
type DepositHistoryResponse ¶
type DepositHistoryResponse struct { Result []DepositHistory `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ETFRebalanceInfo ¶
type ExpiredFuture ¶
type ExpiredFuture struct { Ask *float64 `json:"ask"` Bid *float64 `json:"bid"` Description string `json:"description"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Expired bool `json:"expired"` Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry"` ExpiryDescription string `json:"expiryDescription"` Group string `json:"group"` ImfFactor float64 `json:"imfFactor"` Index float64 `json:"index"` Last float64 `json:"last"` LowerBound float64 `json:"lowerBound"` MarginPrice float64 `json:"marginPrice"` Mark float64 `json:"mark"` MoveStart interface{} `json:"moveStart"` Name string `json:"name"` Perpetual bool `json:"perpetual"` PositionLimitWeight float64 `json:"positionLimitWeight"` PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"` PriceIncrement float64 `json:"priceIncrement"` SizeIncrement float64 `json:"sizeIncrement"` Type string `json:"type"` Underlying string `json:"underlying"` UnderlyingDescription string `json:"underlyingDescription"` UpperBound float64 `json:"upperBound"` }
type ExpiredFuturesResponse ¶
type ExpiredFuturesResponse struct { Result []ExpiredFuture `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Feed ¶
func (*Feed) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Fill ¶
type Fill struct { Fee float64 `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"` FeeRate float64 `json:"feeRate"` Future string `json:"future"` ID int `json:"id"` Liquidity string `json:"liquidity"` Market string `json:"market"` BaseCurrency interface{} `json:"baseCurrency"` QuoteCurrency interface{} `json:"quoteCurrency"` OrderID int `json:"orderId"` TradeID int `json:"tradeId"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Side string `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` Type string `json:"type"` }
type FillResponse ¶
type FillResponse struct { Result []Fill `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FillsService ¶
type FillsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FillsService) EndTime ¶
func (s *FillsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *FillsService
func (*FillsService) Market ¶
func (s *FillsService) Market(market string) *FillsService
func (*FillsService) Order ¶
func (s *FillsService) Order(order OrderBy) *FillsService
func (*FillsService) OrderID ¶
func (s *FillsService) OrderID(orderID int64) *FillsService
func (*FillsService) StartTime ¶
func (s *FillsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *FillsService
type FundingPayment ¶
type FundingPaymentsResponse ¶
type FundingPaymentsResponse struct { Result []FundingPayment `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FundingPaymentsService ¶
type FundingPaymentsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FundingPaymentsService) Do ¶
func (s *FundingPaymentsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]FundingPayment, error)
func (*FundingPaymentsService) EndTime ¶
func (s *FundingPaymentsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *FundingPaymentsService
func (*FundingPaymentsService) Future ¶
func (s *FundingPaymentsService) Future(future string) *FundingPaymentsService
func (*FundingPaymentsService) StartTime ¶
func (s *FundingPaymentsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *FundingPaymentsService
type Future ¶
type Future struct { Ask float64 `json:"ask"` Bid float64 `json:"bid"` Change1H float64 `json:"change1h"` Change24H float64 `json:"change24h"` ChangeBod float64 `json:"changeBod"` VolumeUsd24H float64 `json:"volumeUsd24h"` Volume float64 `json:"volume"` Description string `json:"description"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Expired bool `json:"expired"` Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry"` Index float64 `json:"index"` ImfFactor float64 `json:"imfFactor"` Last float64 `json:"last"` LowerBound float64 `json:"lowerBound"` Mark float64 `json:"mark"` Name string `json:"name"` OpenInterest float64 `json:"openInterest"` OpenInterestUsd float64 `json:"openInterestUsd"` Perpetual bool `json:"perpetual"` PositionLimitWeight float64 `json:"positionLimitWeight"` PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"` PriceIncrement float64 `json:"priceIncrement"` SizeIncrement float64 `json:"sizeIncrement"` Underlying string `json:"underlying"` UpperBound float64 `json:"upperBound"` Type string `json:"type"` }
type FutureFundingRate ¶
type FutureFundingRateResponse ¶
type FutureFundingRateResponse struct { Result []FutureFundingRate `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FutureIndexWeights ¶
type FutureIndexWeightsResponse ¶
type FutureIndexWeightsResponse struct { Result FutureIndexWeights `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FutureResponse ¶
type FutureResponse struct { Result *Future `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type FutureStats ¶
type FutureStats struct { Volume float64 `json:"volume"` NextFundingRate float64 `json:"nextFundingRate"` NextFundingTime time.Time `json:"nextFundingTime"` ExpirationPrice float64 `json:"expirationPrice"` PredictedExpirationPrice float64 `json:"predictedExpirationPrice"` StrikePrice float64 `json:"strikePrice"` OpenInterest float64 `json:"openInterest"` }
type FutureStatsResponse ¶
type FutureStatsResponse struct { Result *FutureStats `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Get24HOptionVolumeResponse ¶
type Get24HOptionVolumeResponse struct { Result *OptionVolume24H `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Get24HOptionVolumeService ¶
type Get24HOptionVolumeService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Get24HOptionVolumeService) Do ¶
func (s *Get24HOptionVolumeService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*OptionVolume24H, error)
type GetAccountOptionsInfoResponse ¶
type GetAccountOptionsInfoResponse struct { Result *AccountOptionsInfo `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetAccountOptionsInfoService ¶
type GetAccountOptionsInfoService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetAccountOptionsInfoService) Do ¶
func (s *GetAccountOptionsInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*AccountOptionsInfo, error)
type GetAccountService ¶
type GetAccountService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetAirdropsService ¶
type GetAirdropsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetAirdropsService) Do ¶
func (s *GetAirdropsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Airdrop, error)
func (*GetAirdropsService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetAirdropsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetAirdropsService
func (*GetAirdropsService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetAirdropsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetAirdropsService
type GetAllBalancesService ¶
type GetAllBalancesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetAllBalancesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetAllBalancesService) Do(ctx context.Context) (AllBalance, error)
type GetAllSubAccountsResponse ¶
type GetAllSubAccountsResponse struct { Result []SubAccount `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetAllSubAccountsService ¶
type GetAllSubAccountsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetAllSubAccountsService) Do ¶
func (s *GetAllSubAccountsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]SubAccount, error)
type GetBalancesService ¶
type GetBalancesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetBorrowRatesResponse ¶
type GetBorrowRatesResponse struct { Result []BorrowRate `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetBorrowRatesService ¶
type GetBorrowRatesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetBorrowRatesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetBorrowRatesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]BorrowRate, error)
type GetCoinsService ¶
type GetCoinsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetDailyBorrowedAmountsResponse ¶
type GetDailyBorrowedAmountsResponse struct { Result []DailyBorrowedAmounts `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetDailyBorrowedAmountsService ¶
type GetDailyBorrowedAmountsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetDailyBorrowedAmountsService) Do ¶
func (s *GetDailyBorrowedAmountsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]DailyBorrowedAmounts, error)
type GetDepositAddressListResponse ¶
type GetDepositAddressListResponse struct { Result *DepositAddressList `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetDepositAddressListService ¶
type GetDepositAddressListService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetDepositAddressListService) Do ¶
func (s *GetDepositAddressListService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*DepositAddressList, error)
type GetDepositAddressService ¶
type GetDepositAddressService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetDepositAddressService) Coin ¶
func (s *GetDepositAddressService) Coin(c string) *GetDepositAddressService
func (*GetDepositAddressService) Do ¶
func (s *GetDepositAddressService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*DepositAddress, error)
func (*GetDepositAddressService) Method ¶
func (s *GetDepositAddressService) Method(method string) *GetDepositAddressService
type GetDepositHistoryService ¶
type GetDepositHistoryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetDepositHistoryService) Do ¶
func (s *GetDepositHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]DepositHistory, error)
func (*GetDepositHistoryService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetDepositHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetDepositHistoryService
func (*GetDepositHistoryService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetDepositHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetDepositHistoryService
type GetExpiredFuturesService ¶
type GetExpiredFuturesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetExpiredFuturesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetExpiredFuturesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]ExpiredFuture, error)
type GetFutureFundingRateService ¶
type GetFutureFundingRateService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetFutureFundingRateService) Do ¶
func (s *GetFutureFundingRateService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]FutureFundingRate, error)
func (*GetFutureFundingRateService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetFutureFundingRateService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetFutureFundingRateService
func (*GetFutureFundingRateService) Future ¶
func (s *GetFutureFundingRateService) Future(future string) *GetFutureFundingRateService
func (*GetFutureFundingRateService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetFutureFundingRateService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetFutureFundingRateService
type GetFutureIndexWeightsService ¶
type GetFutureIndexWeightsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetFutureIndexWeightsService) Do ¶
func (s *GetFutureIndexWeightsService) Do(ctx context.Context) (FutureIndexWeights, error)
type GetFutureService ¶
type GetFutureService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetFutureService) FutureName ¶
func (s *GetFutureService) FutureName(futureName string) *GetFutureService
type GetFutureStatsService ¶
type GetFutureStatsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetFutureStatsService) Do ¶
func (s *GetFutureStatsService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*FutureStats, error)
func (*GetFutureStatsService) FutureName ¶
func (s *GetFutureStatsService) FutureName(futureName string) *GetFutureStatsService
type GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService ¶
type GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) Do ¶
func (s *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Historical24HVolume, error)
func (*GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService
func (*GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetHistorical24HOptionVolumeService
type GetHistoricalIndexService ¶
type GetHistoricalIndexService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetHistoricalIndexService) Do ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]HistoricalIndex, error)
func (*GetHistoricalIndexService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetHistoricalIndexService
func (*GetHistoricalIndexService) MarketName ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) MarketName(marketName string) *GetHistoricalIndexService
func (*GetHistoricalIndexService) Resolution ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) Resolution(resolution int64) *GetHistoricalIndexService
func (*GetHistoricalIndexService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalIndexService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetHistoricalIndexService
type GetHistoricalOpenInterestResponse ¶
type GetHistoricalOpenInterestResponse struct { Result []HistoricalOpenInterest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetHistoricalOpenInterestService ¶
type GetHistoricalOpenInterestService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) Do ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]HistoricalOpenInterest, error)
func (*GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService
func (*GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetHistoricalOpenInterestService
type GetHistoricalOptionVolumeResponse ¶
type GetHistoricalOptionVolumeResponse struct { Result []Historical24HVolume `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetHistoricalPricesService ¶
type GetHistoricalPricesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetHistoricalPricesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]HistoricalPrice, error)
func (*GetHistoricalPricesService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetHistoricalPricesService
func (*GetHistoricalPricesService) MarketName ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) MarketName(marketName string) *GetHistoricalPricesService
func (*GetHistoricalPricesService) Resolution ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) Resolution(resolution int64) *GetHistoricalPricesService
func (*GetHistoricalPricesService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetHistoricalPricesService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetHistoricalPricesService
type GetLendingHistoryResponse ¶
type GetLendingHistoryResponse struct { Result []LendingHistory `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetLendingHistoryService ¶
type GetLendingHistoryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetLendingHistoryService) Do ¶
func (s *GetLendingHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]LendingHistory, error)
func (*GetLendingHistoryService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetLendingHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetLendingHistoryService
func (*GetLendingHistoryService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetLendingHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetLendingHistoryService
type GetLendingInfoResponse ¶
type GetLendingInfoResponse struct { Result []LendingInfo `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetLendingInfoService ¶
type GetLendingInfoService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetLendingInfoService) Do ¶
func (s *GetLendingInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]LendingInfo, error)
type GetLendingOffersResponse ¶
type GetLendingOffersResponse struct { Result []LendingOffer `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetLendingOffersService ¶
type GetLendingOffersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetLendingOffersService) Do ¶
func (s *GetLendingOffersService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]LendingOffer, error)
type GetLendingRatesResponse ¶
type GetLendingRatesResponse struct { Result []LendingRate `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetLendingRatesService ¶
type GetLendingRatesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetLendingRatesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetLendingRatesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]LendingRate, error)
type GetLeveragedTokenBalancesResponse ¶
type GetLeveragedTokenBalancesResponse struct { Result []LeveragedTokenBalance `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetLeveragedTokenBalancesService ¶
type GetLeveragedTokenBalancesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetLeveragedTokenBalancesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetLeveragedTokenBalancesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]LeveragedTokenBalance, error)
type GetLeveragedTokenInfoResponse ¶
type GetLeveragedTokenInfoResponse struct { Result *LeveragedToken `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetLeveragedTokenInfoService ¶
type GetLeveragedTokenInfoService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetLeveragedTokenInfoService) Do ¶
func (s *GetLeveragedTokenInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*LeveragedToken, error)
func (*GetLeveragedTokenInfoService) Token ¶
func (s *GetLeveragedTokenInfoService) Token(token string) *GetLeveragedTokenInfoService
type GetListFutureService ¶
type GetListFutureService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetMarketInfoResponse ¶
type GetMarketInfoResponse struct { Result []CoinSpotMarginInfo `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetMarketsService ¶
type GetMarketsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GetMyBorrowHistoryResponse ¶
type GetMyBorrowHistoryResponse struct { Result []BorrowHistory `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetMyBorrowHistoryService ¶
type GetMyBorrowHistoryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetMyBorrowHistoryService) Do ¶
func (s *GetMyBorrowHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]BorrowHistory, error)
func (*GetMyBorrowHistoryService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetMyBorrowHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetMyBorrowHistoryService
func (*GetMyBorrowHistoryService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetMyBorrowHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetMyBorrowHistoryService
type GetMyLendingHistoryResponse ¶
type GetMyLendingHistoryResponse struct { Result []UserLendingHistory `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetMyLendingHistoryService ¶
type GetMyLendingHistoryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetMyLendingHistoryService) Do ¶
func (s *GetMyLendingHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]UserLendingHistory, error)
func (*GetMyLendingHistoryService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetMyLendingHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetMyLendingHistoryService
func (*GetMyLendingHistoryService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetMyLendingHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetMyLendingHistoryService
type GetMyQuotesResponse ¶
type GetMyQuotesResponse struct { Result []OptionQuote `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetMyQuotesService ¶
type GetMyQuotesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetMyQuotesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetMyQuotesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]OptionQuote, error)
type GetOpenOrdersService ¶
type GetOpenOrdersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOpenOrdersService) Do ¶
func (s *GetOpenOrdersService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Order, error)
func (*GetOpenOrdersService) Market ¶
func (s *GetOpenOrdersService) Market(market string) *GetOpenOrdersService
type GetOpenTriggerOrdersService ¶
type GetOpenTriggerOrdersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOpenTriggerOrdersService) Do ¶
func (s *GetOpenTriggerOrdersService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Order, error)
func (*GetOpenTriggerOrdersService) Market ¶
func (s *GetOpenTriggerOrdersService) Market(market string) *GetOpenTriggerOrdersService
func (*GetOpenTriggerOrdersService) TriggerType ¶
func (s *GetOpenTriggerOrdersService) TriggerType(triggerType TriggerType) *GetOpenTriggerOrdersService
type GetOptionOpenInterestResponse ¶
type GetOptionOpenInterestResponse struct { Result *OptionOpenInterest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetOptionOpenInterestService ¶
type GetOptionOpenInterestService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOptionOpenInterestService) Do ¶
func (s *GetOptionOpenInterestService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*OptionOpenInterest, error)
type GetOptionsFillsResponse ¶
type GetOptionsFillsResponse struct { Result []OptionFill `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetOptionsFillsService ¶
type GetOptionsFillsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOptionsFillsService) Do ¶
func (s *GetOptionsFillsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]OptionFill, error)
func (*GetOptionsFillsService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetOptionsFillsService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetOptionsFillsService
func (*GetOptionsFillsService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetOptionsFillsService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetOptionsFillsService
type GetOptionsPositionsResponse ¶
type GetOptionsPositionsResponse struct { Result []OptionPosition `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetOptionsPositionsService ¶
type GetOptionsPositionsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOptionsPositionsService) Do ¶
func (s *GetOptionsPositionsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]OptionPosition, error)
type GetOrderBookService ¶
type GetOrderBookService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOrderBookService) Depth ¶
func (s *GetOrderBookService) Depth(depth int) *GetOrderBookService
func (*GetOrderBookService) Do ¶
func (s *GetOrderBookService) Do(ctx context.Context) (OrderBook, error)
func (*GetOrderBookService) MarketName ¶
func (s *GetOrderBookService) MarketName(marketName string) *GetOrderBookService
type GetOrderHistoryService ¶
type GetOrderHistoryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOrderHistoryService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetOrderHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetOrderHistoryService
func (*GetOrderHistoryService) Market ¶
func (s *GetOrderHistoryService) Market(market string) *GetOrderHistoryService
func (*GetOrderHistoryService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetOrderHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetOrderHistoryService
type GetOrderStatusByClientIDResponse ¶
type GetOrderStatusByClientIDResponse struct { Result *Order `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetOrderStatusByClientIDService ¶
type GetOrderStatusByClientIDService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOrderStatusByClientIDService) ClientID ¶
func (s *GetOrderStatusByClientIDService) ClientID(clientID string) *GetOrderStatusByClientIDService
type GetOrderStatusResponse ¶
type GetOrderStatusResponse struct { Result *Order `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetOrderStatusService ¶
type GetOrderStatusService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOrderStatusService) Do ¶
func (s *GetOrderStatusService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*Order, error)
func (*GetOrderStatusService) OrderID ¶
func (s *GetOrderStatusService) OrderID(orderID int64) *GetOrderStatusService
type GetPositionsService ¶
type GetPositionsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetPositionsService) Do ¶
func (s *GetPositionsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Position, error)
func (*GetPositionsService) ShowAvgPrice ¶
func (s *GetPositionsService) ShowAvgPrice(sap bool) *GetPositionsService
type GetPublicOptionsTradesResponse ¶
type GetPublicOptionsTradesResponse struct { Result []PublicOptionTrade `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetPublicOptionsTradesService ¶
type GetPublicOptionsTradesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetPublicOptionsTradesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetPublicOptionsTradesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]PublicOptionTrade, error)
func (*GetPublicOptionsTradesService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetPublicOptionsTradesService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetPublicOptionsTradesService
func (*GetPublicOptionsTradesService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetPublicOptionsTradesService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetPublicOptionsTradesService
type GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestResponse ¶
type GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestResponse struct { Result []YourQuoteRequest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService ¶
type GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService) Do ¶
func (s *GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]YourQuoteRequest, error)
func (*GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService) RequestID ¶
func (s *GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService) RequestID(requestID int64) *GetQuotesForYourQuoteRequestService
type GetSaveAddressesService ¶
type GetSaveAddressesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetSaveAddressesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetSaveAddressesService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]SaveAddress, error)
type GetSingleMarketService ¶
type GetSingleMarketService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetSingleMarketService) Do ¶
func (s *GetSingleMarketService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*Market, error)
func (*GetSingleMarketService) MarketName ¶
func (s *GetSingleMarketService) MarketName(marketName string) *GetSingleMarketService
type GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService ¶
type GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService) Do ¶
func (s *GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]CoinSpotMarginInfo, error)
func (*GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService) Market ¶
func (s *GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService) Market(market string) *GetSpotMarginMarketInfoService
type GetSubAccountBalanceResponse ¶
type GetSubAccountBalanceResponse struct { Result []Balance `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GetSubAccountBalanceService ¶
type GetSubAccountBalanceService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetSubAccountBalanceService) Do ¶
func (s *GetSubAccountBalanceService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Balance, error)
func (*GetSubAccountBalanceService) NickName ¶
func (s *GetSubAccountBalanceService) NickName(nickName string) *GetSubAccountBalanceService
type GetTradesService ¶
type GetTradesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetTradesService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetTradesService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetTradesService
func (*GetTradesService) MarketName ¶
func (s *GetTradesService) MarketName(marketName string) *GetTradesService
func (*GetTradesService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetTradesService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetTradesService
type GetTriggerOrderHistoryService ¶
type GetTriggerOrderHistoryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Do ¶
func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]TriggerOrder, bool, error)
func (*GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
func (*GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Market ¶
func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Market(market string) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
func (*GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) OrderType ¶
func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) OrderType(orderType OrderType) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
func (*GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Side ¶
func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) Side(orderSide Side) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
func (*GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
func (*GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) TriggerType ¶
func (s *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService) TriggerType(triggerType TriggerType) *GetTriggerOrderHistoryService
type GetTriggerOrderTriggersService ¶
type GetTriggerOrderTriggersService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetTriggerOrderTriggersService) Do ¶
func (s *GetTriggerOrderTriggersService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]OrderTrigger, error)
type GetWithdrawHistoryService ¶
type GetWithdrawHistoryService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetWithdrawHistoryService) Do ¶
func (s *GetWithdrawHistoryService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]Withdraw, error)
func (*GetWithdrawHistoryService) EndTime ¶
func (s *GetWithdrawHistoryService) EndTime(endTime int64) *GetWithdrawHistoryService
func (*GetWithdrawHistoryService) StartTime ¶
func (s *GetWithdrawHistoryService) StartTime(startTime int64) *GetWithdrawHistoryService
type GetWithdrawalFeesService ¶
type GetWithdrawalFeesService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetWithdrawalFeesService) Address ¶
func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Address(address string) *GetWithdrawalFeesService
func (*GetWithdrawalFeesService) Coin ¶
func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Coin(coin string) *GetWithdrawalFeesService
func (*GetWithdrawalFeesService) Do ¶
func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*WithdrawalFee, error)
func (*GetWithdrawalFeesService) Size ¶
func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Size(size float64) *GetWithdrawalFeesService
func (*GetWithdrawalFeesService) Tag ¶
func (s *GetWithdrawalFeesService) Tag(tag string) *GetWithdrawalFeesService
type Historical24HVolume ¶
type HistoricalIndex ¶
type HistoricalIndexResponse ¶
type HistoricalIndexResponse struct { Result []HistoricalIndex `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type HistoricalOpenInterest ¶
type HistoricalPrice ¶
type HistoricalPricesResponse ¶
type HistoricalPricesResponse struct { Result []HistoricalPrice `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type LendingHistory ¶
type LendingInfo ¶
type LendingOffer ¶
type LendingRate ¶
type LeverageParams ¶
type LeverageParams struct {
Leverage float64 `json:"leverage"`
type LeveragedToken ¶
type LeveragedToken struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Underlying string `json:"underlying"` Leverage int `json:"leverage"` Outstanding float64 `json:"outstanding"` Basket Basket `json:"basket"` TargetComponents []string `json:"targetComponents"` UnderlyingMark float64 `json:"underlyingMark"` TotalCollateral float64 `json:"totalCollateral"` ContractAddress string `json:"contractAddress"` CurrentLeverage float64 `json:"currentLeverage"` Change1H float64 `json:"change1h"` Change24H float64 `json:"change24h"` ChangeBod float64 `json:"changeBod"` }
type LeveragedTokenBalance ¶
type LeveragedTokenCreationRequest ¶
type LeveragedTokenCreationRequest struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Token string `json:"token"` RequestedSize float64 `json:"requestedSize"` Pending bool `json:"pending"` CreatedSize float64 `json:"createdSize"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Cost float64 `json:"cost"` Fee float64 `json:"fee"` RequestedAt time.Time `json:"requestedAt"` FulfilledAt time.Time `json:"fulfilledAt"` }
type LeveragedTokenRedemptionRequest ¶
type LeveragedTokenRedemptionRequest struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Token string `json:"token"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Pending bool `json:"pending"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Proceeds float64 `json:"proceeds"` Fee float64 `json:"fee"` RequestedAt time.Time `json:"requestedAt"` FulfilledAt time.Time `json:"fulfilledAt"` }
type ListFutureResponse ¶
type ListFutureResponse struct { Result []Future `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsResponse ¶
type ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsResponse struct { Result []LeveragedTokenCreationRequest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService ¶
type ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService) Do ¶
func (s *ListLeveragedTokenCreationRequestsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]LeveragedTokenCreationRequest, error)
type ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsResponse ¶
type ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsResponse struct { Result []LeveragedTokenCreationRequest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService ¶
type ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService) Do ¶
func (s *ListLeveragedTokenRedemptionRequestsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]LeveragedTokenCreationRequest, error)
type ListLeveragedTokensResponse ¶
type ListLeveragedTokensResponse struct { Result []LeveragedToken `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListLeveragedTokensService ¶
type ListLeveragedTokensService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ListLeveragedTokensService) Do ¶
func (s *ListLeveragedTokensService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]LeveragedToken, error)
type ListQuoteRequestsResponse ¶
type ListQuoteRequestsResponse struct { Result []QuoteRequest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ListQuoteRequestsService ¶
type ListQuoteRequestsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ListQuoteRequestsService) Do ¶
func (s *ListQuoteRequestsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]QuoteRequest, error)
type Market ¶
type Market struct { Name string `json:"name"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"` PriceIncrement float64 `json:"priceIncrement"` SizeIncrement float64 `json:"sizeIncrement"` MinProvideSize float64 `json:"minProvideSize"` Last float64 `json:"last"` Bid float64 `json:"bid"` Ask float64 `json:"ask"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Type MarketType `json:"type"` FutureType *string `json:"futureType"` BaseCurrency *string `json:"baseCurrency"` IsEtfMarket bool `json:"isEtfMarket"` QuoteCurrency *string `json:"quoteCurrency"` Underlying *string `json:"underlying"` Restricted bool `json:"restricted"` HighLeverageFeeExempt bool `json:"highLeverageFeeExempt"` LargeOrderThreshold float64 `json:"largeOrderThreshold"` Change1H float64 `json:"change1h"` Change24H float64 `json:"change24h"` ChangeBod float64 `json:"changeBod"` QuoteVolume24H float64 `json:"quoteVolume24h"` VolumeUsd24H float64 `json:"volumeUsd24h"` PriceHigh24H float64 `json:"priceHigh24h"` PriceLow24H float64 `json:"priceLow24h"` }
type MarketType ¶ added in v1.0.4
type MarketType string
const ( SpotMarket MarketType = "spot" FutureMarket MarketType = "future" )
type MarketsResponse ¶
type MarketsResponse struct { Result []Market `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ModifyOrderByClientIDResponse ¶
type ModifyOrderByClientIDResponse struct { Result *Order `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ModifyOrderByClientIDService ¶
type ModifyOrderByClientIDService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ModifyOrderByClientIDService) ClientID ¶
func (s *ModifyOrderByClientIDService) ClientID(clientID string) *ModifyOrderByClientIDService
func (*ModifyOrderByClientIDService) Do ¶
func (s *ModifyOrderByClientIDService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*Order, error)
func (*ModifyOrderByClientIDService) Params ¶
func (s *ModifyOrderByClientIDService) Params(params ModifyOrderByClientIDParams) *ModifyOrderByClientIDService
type ModifyOrderParams ¶
type ModifyOrderResponse ¶
type ModifyOrderResponse struct { Result *Order `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ModifyOrderService ¶
type ModifyOrderService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ModifyOrderService) Do ¶
func (s *ModifyOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*Order, error)
func (*ModifyOrderService) OrderID ¶
func (s *ModifyOrderService) OrderID(orderID int64) *ModifyOrderService
func (*ModifyOrderService) Params ¶
func (s *ModifyOrderService) Params(params ModifyOrderParams) *ModifyOrderService
type ModifyTriggerOrderResponse ¶
type ModifyTriggerOrderResponse struct { Result *TriggerOrder `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type ModifyTriggerOrderService ¶
type ModifyTriggerOrderService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ModifyTriggerOrderService) Do ¶
func (s *ModifyTriggerOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*TriggerOrder, error)
func (*ModifyTriggerOrderService) OrderID ¶
func (s *ModifyTriggerOrderService) OrderID(orderID int64) *ModifyTriggerOrderService
func (*ModifyTriggerOrderService) Params ¶
func (s *ModifyTriggerOrderService) Params(params ModifyTriggerOrderParams) *ModifyTriggerOrderService
type OpenTriggerOrdersResponse ¶
type OpenTriggerOrdersResponse struct { Result []Order `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Option ¶
type Option struct { Underlying string `json:"underlying"` Type OptionType `json:"type"` Strike float64 `json:"strike"` Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry"` }
type OptionFill ¶
type OptionFill struct { Fee float64 `json:"fee"` FeeRate float64 `json:"feeRate"` ID int64 `json:"id"` Liquidity string `json:"liquidity"` Option Option `json:"option"` Price float64 `json:"price"` QuoteID float64 `json:"quoteId"` Side string `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` }
type OptionOpenInterest ¶
type OptionOpenInterest struct {
OpenInterest float64 `json:"openInterest"`
type OptionPosition ¶
type OptionPosition struct { EntryPrice float64 `json:"entryPrice"` NetSize float64 `json:"netSize"` Option Option `json:"option"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` PessimisticValuation *float64 `json:"pessimisticValuation"` PessimisticIndexPrice *float64 `json:"pessimisticIndexPrice"` PessimisticVol *float64 `json:"pessimisticVol"` }
type OptionQuote ¶
type OptionQuote struct { Collateral float64 `json:"collateral"` ID int64 `json:"id"` Option Option `json:"option"` Price float64 `json:"price"` QuoteExpiry *string `json:"quoteExpiry"` QuoterSide Side `json:"quoterSide"` RequestID int64 `json:"requestId"` RequestSide Side `json:"requestSide"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Status OptionQuoteStatus `json:"status"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` }
type OptionQuoteStatus ¶
type OptionQuoteStatus string
const ( OptionQuoteStatusOpen OptionQuoteStatus = "open" OptionQuoteStatusFilled OptionQuoteStatus = "filled" OptionQuoteStatusCancelled OptionQuoteStatus = "cancelled" )
type OptionType ¶
type OptionType string
const ( OptionTypeCall OptionType = "call" OptionTypePut OptionType = "put" )
type OptionVolume24H ¶
type Order ¶
type Order struct { CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` FilledSize float64 `json:"filledSize"` Future string `json:"future"` ID int64 `json:"id"` Market string `json:"market"` Price float64 `json:"price"` AvgFillPrice float64 `json:"avgFillPrice"` RemainingSize float64 `json:"remainingSize"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Status OrderStatus `json:"status"` Type OrderType `json:"type"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly"` Ioc bool `json:"ioc"` PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"` ClientID *string `json:"clientId"` }
type OrderBookResponse ¶
type OrderBookResponse struct { Result OrderBook `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type OrderHistoryResponse ¶
type OrderStatus ¶
type OrderStatus string
const ( OrderStatusNew OrderStatus = "new" OrderStatusOpen OrderStatus = "open" OrderStatusFilled OrderStatus = "filled" OrderStatusCancelled OrderStatus = "cancelled" OrderStatusClosed OrderStatus = "closed" OrderStatusTriggered OrderStatus = "triggered" )
type OrderTrigger ¶
type OrdersResponse ¶
type OrdersResponse struct { Result []Order `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PlaceOrderParams ¶
type PlaceOrderParams struct { Market string `json:"market"` Side Side `json:"side"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Type OrderType `json:"type"` Size float64 `json:"size"` ReduceOnly *bool `json:"reduceOnly,omitempty"` Ioc *bool `json:"ioc,omitempty"` PostOnly *bool `json:"postOnly,omitempty"` ClientID *string `json:"clientId,omitempty"` RejectOnPriceBand *bool `json:"rejectOnPriceBand,omitempty"` }
type PlaceOrderResponse ¶
type PlaceOrderResponse struct { Result *Order `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PlaceOrderService ¶
type PlaceOrderService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PlaceOrderService) Params ¶
func (s *PlaceOrderService) Params(params PlaceOrderParams) *PlaceOrderService
type PlaceTriggerOrderParams ¶
type PlaceTriggerOrderParams struct { Market string `json:"market"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Type TriggerType `json:"type"` TrailValue *float64 `json:"trailValue,omitempty"` TriggerPrice *float64 `json:"triggerPrice,omitempty"` OrderPrice *float64 `json:"orderPrice,omitempty"` ReduceOnly *bool `json:"reduceOnly,omitempty"` RetryUntilFilled *bool `json:"retryUntilFilled,omitempty"` }
type PlaceTriggerOrderResponse ¶
type PlaceTriggerOrderResponse struct { Result *TriggerOrder `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PlaceTriggerOrderService ¶
type PlaceTriggerOrderService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PlaceTriggerOrderService) Do ¶
func (s *PlaceTriggerOrderService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*TriggerOrder, error)
func (*PlaceTriggerOrderService) Params ¶
func (s *PlaceTriggerOrderService) Params(params PlaceTriggerOrderParams) *PlaceTriggerOrderService
type Position ¶
type Position struct { Cost float64 `json:"cost"` CumulativeBuySize float64 `json:"cumulativeBuySize"` CumulativeSellSize float64 `json:"cumulativeSellSize"` EntryPrice float64 `json:"entryPrice"` EstimatedLiquidationPrice float64 `json:"estimatedLiquidationPrice"` Future string `json:"future"` InitialMarginRequirement float64 `json:"initialMarginRequirement"` LongOrderSize float64 `json:"longOrderSize"` MaintenanceMarginRequirement float64 `json:"maintenanceMarginRequirement"` NetSize float64 `json:"netSize"` OpenSize float64 `json:"openSize"` RealizedPnl float64 `json:"realizedPnl"` RecentAverageOpenPrice float64 `json:"recentAverageOpenPrice"` RecentBreakEvenPrice float64 `json:"recentBreakEvenPrice"` RecentPnl float64 `json:"recentPnl"` ShortOrderSize float64 `json:"shortOrderSize"` Side string `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` UnrealizedPnl float64 `json:"unrealizedPnl"` CollateralUsed float64 `json:"collateralUsed"` }
type PositionsPerShare ¶
type PositionsResponse ¶
type PositionsResponse struct { Result []Position `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type PublicOptionTrade ¶
type QuoteRequest ¶
type QuotesForYourQuoteRequest ¶
type QuotesForYourQuoteRequest struct { Collateral float64 `json:"collateral"` ID int64 `json:"id"` // quote id Option Option `json:"option"` Price float64 `json:"price"` QuoteExpiry *string `json:"quoteExpiry"` QuoterSide Side `json:"quoterSide"` RequestID int64 `json:"requestId"` // quote request id RequestSide Side `json:"requestSide"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Status OptionQuoteStatus `json:"status"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` }
type RequestETFRebalanceInfoResponse ¶
type RequestETFRebalanceInfoResponse struct { Result map[string]ETFRebalanceInfo `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RequestETFRebalanceInfoService ¶
type RequestETFRebalanceInfoService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RequestETFRebalanceInfoService) Do ¶
func (s *RequestETFRebalanceInfoService) Do(ctx context.Context) (map[string]ETFRebalanceInfo, error)
type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationParams ¶
type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationParams struct {
Size string `json:"size"`
type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationResponse ¶
type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationResponse struct { Result *RequestLeveragedTokenCreation `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService ¶
type RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService) Do ¶
func (s *RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*RequestLeveragedTokenCreation, error)
func (*RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService) Params ¶
func (s *RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService) Params(params RequestLeveragedTokenCreationParams) *RequestLeveragedTokenCreationService
type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionParams ¶
type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionParams struct {
Size string `json:"size"`
type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionResponse ¶
type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionResponse struct { Result *RequestLeveragedTokenRedemption `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService ¶
type RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService) Do ¶
func (s *RequestLeveragedTokenRedemptionService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*RequestLeveragedTokenRedemption, error)
type RequestMsg ¶
type RestClientOption ¶ added in v1.0.6
type RestClientOption func(c *Client)
func WithHTTPClient ¶ added in v1.0.6
func WithHTTPClient(hc *http.Client) RestClientOption
type SaveAddress ¶
type SaveAddress struct { Address string `json:"address"` Coin string `json:"coin"` Fiat bool `json:"fiat"` ID int64 `json:"id"` IsPrimetrust bool `json:"isPrimetrust"` LastUsedAt time.Time `json:"lastUsedAt"` Name string `json:"name"` Tag *string `json:"tag"` Whitelisted *bool `json:"whitelisted"` WhitelistedAfter *time.Time `json:"whitelistedAfter"` }
type SaveAddressesResponse ¶
type SaveAddressesResponse struct { Result []SaveAddress `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SingleMarketResponse ¶
type SingleMarketResponse struct { Result *Market `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SubAccount ¶
type SubmitLendingOfferResponse ¶
type SubmitLendingOfferResponse struct { Result interface{} `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SubmitLendingOfferService ¶
type SubmitLendingOfferService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SubmitLendingOfferService) Do ¶
func (s *SubmitLendingOfferService) Do(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error)
func (*SubmitLendingOfferService) Params ¶
func (s *SubmitLendingOfferService) Params(params SubmitLendingOfferParams) *SubmitLendingOfferService
type Subscription ¶
type TradesResponse ¶
type TradesResponse struct { Result []Trade `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TransferBetweenSubAccountsResponse ¶
type TransferBetweenSubAccountsResponse struct { Result *TransferBetweenSubAccounts `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TransferBetweenSubAccountsService ¶
type TransferBetweenSubAccountsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TransferBetweenSubAccountsService) Do ¶
func (s *TransferBetweenSubAccountsService) Do(ctx context.Context) (*TransferBetweenSubAccounts, error)
func (*TransferBetweenSubAccountsService) Params ¶
func (s *TransferBetweenSubAccountsService) Params(params TransferBetweenSubAccountsParams) *TransferBetweenSubAccountsService
type TriggerOrder ¶
type TriggerOrder struct { CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` Future string `json:"future"` ID int `json:"id"` Market string `json:"market"` OrderPrice *float64 `json:"orderPrice"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Status OrderStatus `json:"status"` TrailStart *float64 `json:"trailStart"` TrailValue *float64 `json:"trailValue"` TriggerPrice float64 `json:"triggerPrice"` TriggeredAt *string `json:"triggeredAt"` Type TriggerType `json:"type"` OrderType OrderType `json:"orderType"` FilledSize float64 `json:"filledSize"` AvgFillPrice *float64 `json:"avgFillPrice"` RetryUntilFilled bool `json:"retryUntilFilled"` }
type TriggerOrderHistoryResponse ¶
type TriggerOrderHistoryResponse struct { Result []TriggerOrder `json:"result"` HasMoreData bool `json:"hasMoreData"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TriggerOrderTriggersResponse ¶
type TriggerOrderTriggersResponse struct { Result []OrderTrigger `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TriggerType ¶
type TriggerType string
const ( TriggerTypeStop TriggerType = "stop" TriggerTypeTrailingStop TriggerType = "trailing_stop" TriggerTypeTakeProfit TriggerType = "take_profit" )
type UserLendingHistory ¶
type WebsocketService ¶
type WebsocketService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewWebsocketService ¶
func NewWebsocketService(apiKey, apiSecret string, autoReconnect bool) *WebsocketService
func (*WebsocketService) Close ¶
func (s *WebsocketService) Close()
func (*WebsocketService) Connect ¶
func (s *WebsocketService) Connect(dataHandler WsDataHandler, errHandler WsErrorHandler) error
func (*WebsocketService) ResetConnection ¶
func (s *WebsocketService) ResetConnection()
func (*WebsocketService) SubAccount ¶
func (s *WebsocketService) SubAccount(sa string) *WebsocketService
func (*WebsocketService) Subscribe ¶
func (s *WebsocketService) Subscribe(sub Subscription) error
func (*WebsocketService) Unsubscribe ¶
func (s *WebsocketService) Unsubscribe(sub Subscription) error
type WithdrawHistoryResponse ¶
type WithdrawHistoryResponse struct { Result []Withdraw `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WithdrawParams ¶
type WithdrawResponse ¶
type WithdrawResponse struct { Result *Withdraw `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WithdrawService ¶
type WithdrawService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*WithdrawService) Params ¶
func (s *WithdrawService) Params(params WithdrawParams) *WithdrawService
type WithdrawalFee ¶
type WithdrawalFeesResponse ¶
type WithdrawalFeesResponse struct { Result *WithdrawalFee `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WsChannel ¶
type WsChannel string
const ( // public channels WsChannelTicker WsChannel = "ticker" WsChannelMarkets WsChannel = "markets" WsChannelTrades WsChannel = "trades" WsChannelOrderBook WsChannel = "orderbook" WsChannelOrderbookGrouped WsChannel = "orderbookGrouped" // private channels WsChannelFills WsChannel = "fills" WsChannelOrders WsChannel = "orders" WsChannelFTXPay WsChannel = "ftxpay" )
type WsDataAction ¶
type WsDataAction string
const ( PartialWsDataAction WsDataAction = "partial" UpdateWsDataAction WsDataAction = "update" )
type WsDataHandler ¶
type WsDataHandler func(res WsReponse)
type WsErrorHandler ¶
type WsErrorHandler func(err error)
type WsFTXPayEvent ¶
type WsFTXPayEvent struct { Data WsFTXPay `json:"data"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WsFills ¶
type WsFills struct { BaseCurrency *string `json:"baseCurrency"` Fee float64 `json:"fee"` FeeCurrency string `json:"feeCurrency"` FeeRate float64 `json:"feeRate"` Future *string `json:"future"` ID int64 `json:"id"` Liquidity string `json:"liquidity"` Market string `json:"market"` OrderID int64 `json:"orderId"` Price float64 `json:"price"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCurrency"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` TradeID int64 `json:"tradeId"` Type string `json:"type"` }
type WsFillsEvent ¶
type WsFillsEvent struct { Data WsFills `json:"data"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WsFuture ¶
type WsFuture struct { Description string `json:"description"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Expired bool `json:"expired"` Expiry *time.Time `json:"expiry"` ExpiryDescription string `json:"expiryDescription"` Group string `json:"group"` ImfFactor float64 `json:"imfFactor"` MoveStart interface{} `json:"moveStart"` Name string `json:"name"` Perpetual bool `json:"perpetual"` PositionLimitWeight float64 `json:"positionLimitWeight"` PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"` Type string `json:"type"` Underlying string `json:"underlying"` UnderlyingDescription string `json:"underlyingDescription"` }
type WsGroupedOrderBook ¶
type WsGroupedOrderBookEvent ¶
type WsGroupedOrderBookEvent struct { Grouping float64 `json:"grouping"` Data WsGroupedOrderBook `json:"data"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WsMarket ¶
type WsMarket struct { BaseCurrency *string `json:"baseCurrency"` QuoteCurrency *string `json:"quoteCurrency"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Future *WsFuture `json:"future"` HighLeverageFeeExempt bool `json:"highLeverageFeeExempt"` Name string `json:"name"` PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"` PriceIncrement float64 `json:"priceIncrement"` Restricted bool `json:"restricted"` SizeIncrement float64 `json:"sizeIncrement"` Type string `json:"type"` Underlying *string `json:"underlying"` }
type WsMarketsData ¶
type WsMarketsData struct { Action WsDataAction `json:"action"` Data map[string]WsMarket }
type WsMarketsEvent ¶
type WsMarketsEvent struct { Data WsMarketsData `json:"data"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WsOrderBook ¶
type WsOrderBook struct { Action WsDataAction `json:"action"` Asks []Feed `json:"asks"` Bids []Feed `json:"bids"` Checksum int64 `json:"checksum"` Time float64 `json:"time"` }
type WsOrderBookEvent ¶
type WsOrderBookEvent struct { Data WsOrderBook `json:"data"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WsOrders ¶
type WsOrders struct { AvgFillPrice float64 `json:"avgFillPrice"` ClientID *string `json:"clientId"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` FilledSize float64 `json:"filledSize"` ID int64 `json:"id"` Ioc bool `json:"ioc"` Liquidation bool `json:"liquidation"` Market string `json:"market"` PostOnly bool `json:"postOnly"` Price float64 `json:"price"` ReduceOnly bool `json:"reduceOnly"` RemainingSize float64 `json:"remainingSize"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Status OrderStatus `json:"status"` Type OrderType `json:"type"` }
type WsOrdersEvent ¶
type WsOrdersEvent struct { Data WsOrders `json:"data"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WsReponse ¶
type WsReponse struct { OrderBookEvent *WsOrderBookEvent GroupedOrderBookEvent *WsGroupedOrderBookEvent Ticker *WsTickerEvent Markets *WsMarketsEvent Trades *WsTradesEvent Fills *WsFillsEvent Orders *WsOrdersEvent FTXPay *WsFTXPayEvent }
type WsTickerEvent ¶
type WsTickerEvent struct { Data WsTicker `json:"data"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type WsTradesEvent ¶
type WsTradesEvent struct { Data []WsTrade `json:"data"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type YourQuoteRequest ¶
type YourQuoteRequest struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Option Option `json:"option"` Side Side `json:"side"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Time time.Time `json:"time"` RequestExpiry time.Time `json:"requestExpiry"` Status OptionQuoteStatus `json:"status"` HideLimitPrice bool `json:"hideLimitPrice"` LimitPrice float64 `json:"limitPrice"` Quotes []YourQuote `json:"quotes"` }
type YourQuoteRequestsResponse ¶
type YourQuoteRequestsResponse struct { Result []YourQuoteRequest `json:"result"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type YourQuoteRequestsService ¶
type YourQuoteRequestsService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*YourQuoteRequestsService) Do ¶
func (s *YourQuoteRequestsService) Do(ctx context.Context) ([]YourQuoteRequest, error)
Source Files
- account_change_account_leverage_service.go
- account_get_account_service.go
- account_get_positions_service.go
- client.go
- common.go
- fills_service.go
- funding_payments_service.go
- futures_get_expired_futures.go
- futures_get_future_funding_rate_service.go
- futures_get_future_service.go
- futures_get_future_stats_service.go
- futures_get_historical_index_service.go
- futures_get_index_weights_service.go
- futures_get_list_future_service.go
- helper.go
- lt_get_leveraged_token_balances_service.go
- lt_get_leveraged_token_info_service.go
- lt_list_leveraged_token_creation_requests_service.go
- lt_list_leveraged_token_redemption_requests_service.go
- lt_list_leveraged_tokens_service.go
- lt_request_etf_rebalance_info_service.go
- lt_request_leveraged_token_ redemption_service.go
- lt_request_leveraged_token_creation_service.go
- markets_get_historical_prices_service.go
- markets_get_markets_service.go
- markets_get_orderbook_service.go
- markets_get_single_market_service.go
- markets_get_trades_service.go
- options_accept_options_quote_service.go
- options_cancel_quote_request_service.go
- options_cancel_quote_service.go
- options_create_quote_request_service.go
- options_create_quote_service.go
- options_get_24h_option_volume_service.go
- options_get_account_options_info_service.go
- options_get_historical_open_interest_service.go
- options_get_historical_option_24h_volume_service.go
- options_get_my_quotes_service.go
- options_get_option_open_interest_service.go
- options_get_options_fills_service.go
- options_get_options_positions_service.go
- options_get_public_options_trades_service.go
- options_get_quotes_for_your_quote_request_service.go
- options_list_quote_requests_service.go
- options_your_quote_requests_service.go
- orders_cancel_all_order_service.go
- orders_cancel_order_by_client_id_service.go
- orders_cancel_order_service.go
- orders_cancel_trigger_order_service.go
- orders_get_open_orders_service.go
- orders_get_open_trigger_orders_service.go
- orders_get_order_history_service.go
- orders_get_order_status_by_client_id_service.go
- orders_get_order_status_service.go
- orders_get_trigger_order_history_service.go
- orders_get_trigger_order_triggers_service.go
- orders_modify_order_by_client_id_service.go
- orders_modify_order_service.go
- orders_modify_trigger_order_service.go
- orders_place_order_service.go
- orders_place_trigger_order_service.go
- request.go
- sm_get_borrow_rates_service.go
- sm_get_daily_borrowed_amounts_service.go
- sm_get_lending_history_service.go
- sm_get_lending_info_service.go
- sm_get_lending_offers_service.go
- sm_get_lending_rates_service.go
- sm_get_market_info.go
- sm_get_my_borrow_history_service.go
- sm_get_my_lending_history_service.go
- sm_submit_lending_offer_service.go
- subaccounts_change_subaccount_name_service.go
- subaccounts_create_subaccounts_service.go
- subaccounts_delete_subaccount_service.go
- subaccounts_get_all_subaccounts_service.go
- subaccounts_get_subaccount_balance_service.go
- subaccounts_transfer_between_subaccounts_service.go
- wallet_create_save_addresses_service.go
- wallet_delete_save_addresses_service.go
- wallet_get_airdrop_service.go
- wallet_get_all_balances_service.go
- wallet_get_balances_service.go
- wallet_get_coins_service.go
- wallet_get_deposit_address_list_service.go
- wallet_get_deposit_address_service.go
- wallet_get_deposit_history_service.go
- wallet_get_save_addresses_service.go
- wallet_get_withdraw_history_service.go
- wallet_get_withdrawal_fees_service.go
- wallet_withdrawal_service.go
- websocket_service.go
- websocket_service_types.go
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