Index ¶
- type ACL
- type ACLConsumer
- type ACLWithoutParents
- type ACLWithoutParentsConsumer
- type APIProducts
- type Active
- func (in *Active) DeepCopy() *Active
- func (in *Active) DeepCopyInto(out *Active)
- func (o *Active) GetConcurrency() *int64
- func (o *Active) GetHTTPPath() *string
- func (o *Active) GetHTTPSSni() *string
- func (o *Active) GetHTTPSVerifyCertificate() *bool
- func (o *Active) GetHeaders() map[string]string
- func (o *Active) GetHealthy() *Healthy
- func (o *Active) GetTimeout() *float64
- func (o *Active) GetType() *Type
- func (o *Active) GetUnhealthy() *Unhealthy
- type AddSystemAccountToTeam
- type AddUserToTeam
- type Admin
- type After
- type Algorithm
- type ApplicationRegistration
- type AssignRole
- type AssignedRole
- type AssignedRoleCollection
- type AuditLogs
- type AuthType
- type AuthenticationSettings
- func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetBasicAuthEnabled() *bool
- func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetIdpMappingEnabled() *bool
- func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetKonnectMappingEnabled() *bool
- func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetOidcAuthEnabled() *bool
- func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetSamlAuthEnabled() *bool
- type BasicAuth
- type BasicAuthConsumer
- type BasicAuthWithoutParents
- type BasicAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
- type Before
- type CACertificate
- type CACertificateInput
- type Certificate
- func (o *Certificate) GetCert() string
- func (o *Certificate) GetCertAlt() *string
- func (o *Certificate) GetCreatedAt() *int64
- func (o *Certificate) GetID() *string
- func (o *Certificate) GetKey() string
- func (o *Certificate) GetKeyAlt() *string
- func (o *Certificate) GetSnis() []string
- func (o *Certificate) GetTags() []string
- func (o *Certificate) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
- type CertificateAdmin
- type CertificateInput
- func (o *CertificateInput) GetCert() string
- func (o *CertificateInput) GetCertAlt() *string
- func (o *CertificateInput) GetID() *string
- func (o *CertificateInput) GetKey() string
- func (o *CertificateInput) GetKeyAlt() *string
- func (o *CertificateInput) GetSnis() []string
- func (o *CertificateInput) GetTags() []string
- type ClaimMappings
- type ClientCertificate
- type ClusterType
- type ClusterTypeType
- type CompatibilityStatus
- type Config
- type ConfigStore
- type ConfigStoreSecret
- func (o *ConfigStoreSecret) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *ConfigStoreSecret) GetKey() *string
- func (o *ConfigStoreSecret) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *ConfigStoreSecret) GetValue() *string
- func (c ConfigStoreSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ConfigStoreSecret) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Consumer
- type ConsumerAdmin
- type ConsumerGroup
- type ConsumerGroupInput
- type ConsumerGroupInsideWrapper
- type ConsumerInput
- type ControlPlane
- func (o *ControlPlane) GetConfig() Config
- func (o *ControlPlane) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (o *ControlPlane) GetDescription() *string
- func (o *ControlPlane) GetID() string
- func (o *ControlPlane) GetLabels() map[string]string
- func (o *ControlPlane) GetName() string
- func (o *ControlPlane) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
- func (c ControlPlane) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ControlPlane) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type ControlPlaneAuthType
- type ControlPlaneClusterType
- type ControlPlaneFilterParameters
- type ControlPlanes
- type CreateConfigStore
- type CreateConfigStoreSecret
- type CreateControlPlaneRequest
- func (in *CreateControlPlaneRequest) DeepCopy() *CreateControlPlaneRequest
- func (in *CreateControlPlaneRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *CreateControlPlaneRequest)
- func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetAuthType() *AuthType
- func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetCloudGateway() *bool
- func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetClusterType() *CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType
- func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetDescription() *string
- func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetLabels() map[string]string
- func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetName() string
- func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetProxyUrls() []ProxyURL
- type CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType
- type CreateIdentityProvider
- type CreateIdentityProviderConfig
- func CreateCreateIdentityProviderConfigOIDCIdentityProviderConfig(oidcIdentityProviderConfig OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) CreateIdentityProviderConfig
- func CreateCreateIdentityProviderConfigSAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput(samlIdentityProviderConfigInput SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput) CreateIdentityProviderConfig
- type CreateIdentityProviderConfigType
- type CreatePluginSchemas
- type CreateSystemAccount
- type CreateSystemAccountAccessToken
- type CreateTeam
- type Creator
- type CursorMeta
- type CursorMetaPage
- type CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal
- type CursorPaginatedMetaWithSizeAndTotal
- type CustomPlugin
- type Data
- type DataPlaneClientCertificate
- type DataPlaneClientCertificateItem
- type DataPlaneClientCertificateRequest
- type Deployer
- type Description
- type Destinations
- type EntityRegion
- type EntityTypeName
- type GatewayServiceAdmin
- type GetExpectedConfigHashResponse
- type GetGroupStatus
- type GetImpersonationSettingsResponse
- type GetNode
- type GetNodeCompatibilityStatus
- type GetNodeItem
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetCompatibilityStatus() *GetNodeCompatibilityStatus
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetConfigHash() *string
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetCreatedAt() *int64
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetHostname() *string
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetID() *string
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetLastPing() *int64
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetType() *string
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
- func (o *GetNodeItem) GetVersion() *string
- type GroupConflict
- type GroupConflictResource
- type GroupMemberStatus
- type GroupMembership
- type GroupStatus
- func (o *GroupStatus) GetConflicts() []GroupConflict
- func (o *GroupStatus) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (o *GroupStatus) GetID() string
- func (o *GroupStatus) GetState() State
- func (o *GroupStatus) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
- func (g GroupStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (g *GroupStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type HMACAuth
- type HMACAuthConsumer
- type HMACAuthWithoutParents
- type HMACAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
- type HTTPSRedirectStatusCode
- type HashFallback
- type HashOn
- type Healthchecks
- type Healthy
- type ID
- type IDP
- type IDType
- type Identity
- type IdentityProvider
- func (o *IdentityProvider) GetConfig() *IdentityProviderConfig
- func (o *IdentityProvider) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *IdentityProvider) GetEnabled() *bool
- func (o *IdentityProvider) GetID() *string
- func (o *IdentityProvider) GetLoginPath() *string
- func (o *IdentityProvider) GetType() *IdentityProviderType
- func (o *IdentityProvider) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
- func (i IdentityProvider) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (i *IdentityProvider) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type IdentityProviderConfig
- type IdentityProviderConfigType
- type IdentityProviderType
- type InvalidParameterChoiceItem
- func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetChoices() []any
- func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetField() string
- func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetReason() string
- func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetRule() InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule
- func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetSource() *string
- type InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule
- type InvalidParameterDependentItem
- func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetDependents() []any
- func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetField() string
- func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetReason() string
- func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetRule() *InvalidParameterDependentItemRule
- func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetSource() *string
- type InvalidParameterDependentItemRule
- type InvalidParameterMaximumLength
- func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetField() string
- func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetMaximum() int64
- func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetReason() string
- func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetRule() InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule
- func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetSource() *string
- type InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule
- type InvalidParameterMinimumLength
- type InvalidParameterStandard
- type InvalidParameters
- func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterChoiceItem(invalidParameterChoiceItem InvalidParameterChoiceItem) InvalidParameters
- func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterDependentItem(invalidParameterDependentItem InvalidParameterDependentItem) InvalidParameters
- func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterMaximumLength(invalidParameterMaximumLength InvalidParameterMaximumLength) InvalidParameters
- func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterMinimumLength(invalidParameterMinimumLength InvalidParameterMinimumLength) InvalidParameters
- func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterStandard(invalidParameterStandard InvalidParameterStandard) InvalidParameters
- type InvalidParametersType
- type InvalidRules
- type InviteUser
- type Item
- type Items
- type JWTConsumer
- type JWTWithoutParents
- func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetAlgorithm() *JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm
- func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *JWTWithoutParentsConsumer
- func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetID() *string
- func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetKey() *string
- func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetRsaPublicKey() *string
- func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetSecret() *string
- func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
- type JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm
- type JWTWithoutParentsConsumer
- type Jwt
- type Key
- type KeyAuth
- type KeyAuthConsumer
- type KeyAuthWithoutParents
- type KeyAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
- type KeyInput
- type KeySet
- type KeySetInput
- type KeyWithoutParents
- func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetID() *string
- func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetJwk() *string
- func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetKid() string
- func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetName() *string
- func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetPem() *KeyWithoutParentsPem
- func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetSet() *KeyWithoutParentsSet
- func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
- type KeyWithoutParentsPem
- type KeyWithoutParentsSet
- type ListConfigStoreSecretsResponse
- type ListConfigStoresResponse
- type ListControlPlanesResponse
- type ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponse
- type ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponsePage
- type ListGroupMemberships
- type ListNodes
- type ListNodesEol
- type ListNodesEolItems
- type ListNodesEolPage
- type ListNodesItems
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetCompatibilityStatus() *CompatibilityStatus
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetConfigHash() *string
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetCreatedAt() *int64
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetHostname() *string
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetID() *string
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetLastPing() *int64
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetType() *string
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
- func (o *ListNodesItems) GetVersion() *string
- type ListNodesPage
- type ListPluginSchemas
- type MTLSAuth
- type MTLSAuthCaCertificate
- type MTLSAuthConsumer
- type MTLSAuthWithoutParents
- func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetCaCertificate() *MTLSAuthWithoutParentsCaCertificate
- func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *MTLSAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
- func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetID() *string
- func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetSubjectName() string
- func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
- type MTLSAuthWithoutParentsCaCertificate
- type MTLSAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
- type Maintainer
- type Mappings
- type MeOrganization
- func (o *MeOrganization) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *MeOrganization) GetID() *string
- func (o *MeOrganization) GetLoginPath() *string
- func (o *MeOrganization) GetName() *string
- func (o *MeOrganization) GetOwnerID() *string
- func (o *MeOrganization) GetRetentionPeriodDays() *int64
- func (o *MeOrganization) GetState() *MeOrganizationState
- func (o *MeOrganization) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
- func (m MeOrganization) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MeOrganization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type MeOrganizationState
- type Members
- type MeshControlPlanes
- type Meta
- type Name
- type NameType
- type OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings
- type OIDCIdentityProviderConfig
- type One
- type Ordering
- type Page
- type PageMeta
- type PaginatedMeta
- type Passive
- type PatchTeamGroupMappings
- type PathHandling
- type Pem
- type Plugin
- func (o *Plugin) GetConfig() map[string]any
- func (o *Plugin) GetConsumer() *PluginConsumer
- func (o *Plugin) GetConsumerGroup() *PluginConsumerGroup
- func (o *Plugin) GetCreatedAt() *int64
- func (o *Plugin) GetEnabled() *bool
- func (o *Plugin) GetID() *string
- func (o *Plugin) GetInstanceName() *string
- func (o *Plugin) GetName() string
- func (o *Plugin) GetOrdering() *Ordering
- func (o *Plugin) GetProtocols() []Protocols
- func (o *Plugin) GetRoute() *PluginRoute
- func (o *Plugin) GetService() *PluginService
- func (o *Plugin) GetTags() []string
- func (o *Plugin) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
- type PluginAdmin
- type PluginConsumer
- type PluginConsumerGroup
- type PluginInput
- func (o *PluginInput) GetConfig() map[string]any
- func (o *PluginInput) GetConsumer() *PluginConsumer
- func (o *PluginInput) GetConsumerGroup() *PluginConsumerGroup
- func (o *PluginInput) GetEnabled() *bool
- func (o *PluginInput) GetID() *string
- func (o *PluginInput) GetInstanceName() *string
- func (o *PluginInput) GetName() string
- func (o *PluginInput) GetOrdering() *Ordering
- func (o *PluginInput) GetProtocols() []Protocols
- func (o *PluginInput) GetRoute() *PluginRoute
- func (o *PluginInput) GetService() *PluginService
- func (o *PluginInput) GetTags() []string
- type PluginRoute
- type PluginSchemas
- type PluginService
- type PluginWithoutParents
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetConfig() map[string]any
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *PluginWithoutParentsConsumer
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetConsumerGroup() *PluginWithoutParentsConsumerGroup
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetEnabled() *bool
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetID() *string
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetInstanceName() *string
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetName() string
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetOrdering() *PluginWithoutParentsOrdering
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetProtocols() []PluginWithoutParentsProtocols
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetRoute() *PluginWithoutParentsRoute
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetService() *PluginWithoutParentsService
- func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
- type PluginWithoutParentsAfter
- type PluginWithoutParentsBefore
- type PluginWithoutParentsConsumer
- type PluginWithoutParentsConsumerGroup
- type PluginWithoutParentsOrdering
- type PluginWithoutParentsProtocols
- type PluginWithoutParentsRoute
- type PluginWithoutParentsService
- type PluginsAdmin
- type Protocol
- type Protocols
- type ProxyURL
- type Publisher
- type RoleName
- type Roles
- type RolesAPIProductsDescription
- type RolesAPIProductsName
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationName
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesName
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription
- type RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName
- type RolesAdmin
- type RolesAuditLogsAdmin
- type RolesAuditLogsDescription
- type RolesAuditLogsName
- type RolesAuditLogsRoles
- type RolesAuditLogsRolesName
- type RolesControlPlanesDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesName
- type RolesControlPlanesRoles
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetAdmin() *Admin
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetCertificateAdmin() *CertificateAdmin
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetConsumerAdmin() *ConsumerAdmin
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetCreator() *Creator
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetDeployer() *Deployer
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetGatewayServiceAdmin() *GatewayServiceAdmin
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetPluginAdmin() *PluginAdmin
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetRouteAdmin() *RouteAdmin
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetSniAdmin() *SniAdmin
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetUpstreamAdmin() *UpstreamAdmin
- func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetViewer() *Viewer
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription
- type RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName
- type RolesCreator
- type RolesDeployer
- type RolesDescription
- type RolesIdentityAdmin
- type RolesIdentityDescription
- type RolesIdentityName
- type RolesIdentityRoles
- type RolesIdentityRolesName
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesName
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName
- type RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer
- type RolesName
- type RolesRoles
- func (o *RolesRoles) GetAdmin() *RolesAdmin
- func (o *RolesRoles) GetApplicationRegistration() *ApplicationRegistration
- func (o *RolesRoles) GetCreator() *RolesCreator
- func (o *RolesRoles) GetDeployer() *RolesDeployer
- func (o *RolesRoles) GetMaintainer() *Maintainer
- func (o *RolesRoles) GetPluginsAdmin() *PluginsAdmin
- func (o *RolesRoles) GetPublisher() *Publisher
- func (o *RolesRoles) GetViewer() *RolesViewer
- type RolesViewer
- type Route
- func (in *Route) DeepCopy() *Route
- func (in *Route) DeepCopyInto(out *Route)
- func (o *Route) GetCreatedAt() *int64
- func (o *Route) GetDestinations() []Destinations
- func (o *Route) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode() *HTTPSRedirectStatusCode
- func (o *Route) GetHeaders() map[string][]string
- func (o *Route) GetHosts() []string
- func (o *Route) GetID() *string
- func (o *Route) GetMethods() []string
- func (o *Route) GetName() *string
- func (o *Route) GetPathHandling() *PathHandling
- func (o *Route) GetPaths() []string
- func (o *Route) GetPreserveHost() *bool
- func (o *Route) GetProtocols() []RouteProtocols
- func (o *Route) GetRegexPriority() *int64
- func (o *Route) GetRequestBuffering() *bool
- func (o *Route) GetResponseBuffering() *bool
- func (o *Route) GetService() *RouteService
- func (o *Route) GetSnis() []string
- func (o *Route) GetSources() []Sources
- func (o *Route) GetStripPath() *bool
- func (o *Route) GetTags() []string
- func (o *Route) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
- type RouteAdmin
- type RouteInput
- func (in *RouteInput) DeepCopy() *RouteInput
- func (in *RouteInput) DeepCopyInto(out *RouteInput)
- func (o *RouteInput) GetDestinations() []Destinations
- func (o *RouteInput) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode() *HTTPSRedirectStatusCode
- func (o *RouteInput) GetHeaders() map[string][]string
- func (o *RouteInput) GetHosts() []string
- func (o *RouteInput) GetID() *string
- func (o *RouteInput) GetMethods() []string
- func (o *RouteInput) GetName() *string
- func (o *RouteInput) GetPathHandling() *PathHandling
- func (o *RouteInput) GetPaths() []string
- func (o *RouteInput) GetPreserveHost() *bool
- func (o *RouteInput) GetProtocols() []RouteProtocols
- func (o *RouteInput) GetRegexPriority() *int64
- func (o *RouteInput) GetRequestBuffering() *bool
- func (o *RouteInput) GetResponseBuffering() *bool
- func (o *RouteInput) GetService() *RouteService
- func (o *RouteInput) GetSnis() []string
- func (o *RouteInput) GetSources() []Sources
- func (o *RouteInput) GetStripPath() *bool
- func (o *RouteInput) GetTags() []string
- type RouteProtocols
- type RouteService
- type RouteWithoutParents
- func (in *RouteWithoutParents) DeepCopy() *RouteWithoutParents
- func (in *RouteWithoutParents) DeepCopyInto(out *RouteWithoutParents)
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetDestinations() []RouteWithoutParentsDestinations
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode() *RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetHeaders() map[string][]string
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetHosts() []string
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetID() *string
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetMethods() []string
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetName() *string
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetPathHandling() *RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetPaths() []string
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetPreserveHost() *bool
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetProtocols() []RouteWithoutParentsProtocols
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetRegexPriority() *int64
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetRequestBuffering() *bool
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetResponseBuffering() *bool
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetService() *RouteWithoutParentsService
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetSnis() []string
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetSources() []RouteWithoutParentsSources
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetStripPath() *bool
- func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
- type RouteWithoutParentsDestinations
- type RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode
- type RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling
- type RouteWithoutParentsProtocols
- type RouteWithoutParentsService
- type RouteWithoutParentsSources
- type Rule
- type SAMLIdentityProviderConfig
- func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetCallbackURL() *string
- func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetIdpMetadataURL() *string
- func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetIdpMetadataXML() *string
- func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetLoginURL() *string
- func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetSpEntityID() *string
- func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetSpMetadataURL() *string
- type SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput
- type SNICertificate
- type SNIInput
- type SNIWithoutParents
- type SNIWithoutParentsCertificate
- type Security
- type Service
- func (o *Service) GetCaCertificates() []string
- func (o *Service) GetClientCertificate() *ClientCertificate
- func (o *Service) GetConnectTimeout() *int64
- func (o *Service) GetCreatedAt() *int64
- func (o *Service) GetEnabled() *bool
- func (o *Service) GetHost() string
- func (o *Service) GetID() *string
- func (o *Service) GetName() *string
- func (o *Service) GetPath() *string
- func (o *Service) GetPort() int64
- func (o *Service) GetProtocol() Protocol
- func (o *Service) GetReadTimeout() *int64
- func (o *Service) GetRetries() *int64
- func (o *Service) GetTLSVerify() *bool
- func (o *Service) GetTLSVerifyDepth() *int64
- func (o *Service) GetTags() []string
- func (o *Service) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
- func (o *Service) GetWriteTimeout() *int64
- type ServiceInput
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetCaCertificates() []string
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetClientCertificate() *ClientCertificate
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetConnectTimeout() *int64
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetEnabled() *bool
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetHost() string
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetID() *string
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetName() *string
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetPath() *string
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetPort() int64
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetProtocol() Protocol
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetReadTimeout() *int64
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetRetries() *int64
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetTLSVerify() *bool
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetTLSVerifyDepth() *int64
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetTags() []string
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetURL() *string
- func (o *ServiceInput) GetWriteTimeout() *int64
- type Set
- type Sni
- type SniAdmin
- type Sources
- type State
- type StringFieldContainsFilter
- type StringFieldEqualsFilter
- type StringFieldEqualsFilterType
- type StringFieldFilter
- type StringFieldFilterType
- type StringFieldNEQFilter
- type StringFieldOEQFilter
- type SystemAccount
- func (o *SystemAccount) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *SystemAccount) GetDescription() *string
- func (o *SystemAccount) GetID() *string
- func (o *SystemAccount) GetKonnectManaged() *bool
- func (o *SystemAccount) GetName() *string
- func (o *SystemAccount) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
- func (s SystemAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *SystemAccount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type SystemAccountAccessToken
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetExpiresAt() *time.Time
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetID() *string
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetLastUsedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetName() *string
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
- func (s SystemAccountAccessToken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *SystemAccountAccessToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type SystemAccountAccessTokenCollection
- type SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetExpiresAt() *time.Time
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetID() *string
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetLastUsedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetName() *string
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetToken() *string
- func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
- func (s SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type SystemAccountCollection
- type Target
- type TargetUpstream
- type TargetWithoutParents
- type TargetWithoutParentsUpstream
- type Team
- func (o *Team) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *Team) GetDescription() *string
- func (o *Team) GetID() *string
- func (o *Team) GetLabels() map[string]string
- func (o *Team) GetName() *string
- func (o *Team) GetSystemTeam() *bool
- func (o *Team) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
- func (t Team) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (t *Team) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type TeamCollection
- type TeamGroupMapping
- type TeamGroupMappingCollection
- type TeamMapping
- type TeamMappingCollection
- type TeamMappingResponse
- type TeamMappingResponseData
- type TeamMappingResponsePage
- type Two
- type TwoType
- type Type
- type Unhealthy
- func (in *Unhealthy) DeepCopy() *Unhealthy
- func (in *Unhealthy) DeepCopyInto(out *Unhealthy)
- func (o *Unhealthy) GetHTTPFailures() *int64
- func (o *Unhealthy) GetHTTPStatuses() []int64
- func (o *Unhealthy) GetInterval() *float64
- func (o *Unhealthy) GetTCPFailures() *int64
- func (o *Unhealthy) GetTimeouts() *int64
- type UpdateAuthenticationSettings
- func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetBasicAuthEnabled() *bool
- func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetIdpMappingEnabled() *bool
- func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetKonnectMappingEnabled() *bool
- func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetOidcAuthEnabled() *bool
- func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetSamlAuthEnabled() *bool
- type UpdateConfigStore
- type UpdateConfigStoreSecret
- type UpdateControlPlaneRequest
- func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetAuthType() *UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType
- func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetDescription() *string
- func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetLabels() map[string]string
- func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetName() *string
- func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetProxyUrls() []ProxyURL
- type UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType
- type UpdateIDPConfiguration
- func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClaimMappings() *UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings
- func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClientID() *string
- func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClientSecret() *string
- func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetIssuer() *string
- func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetLoginPath() *string
- func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetScopes() []string
- type UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings
- type UpdateIdentityProvider
- func (o *UpdateIdentityProvider) GetConfig() *UpdateIdentityProviderConfig
- func (o *UpdateIdentityProvider) GetEnabled() *bool
- func (o *UpdateIdentityProvider) GetLoginPath() *string
- func (u UpdateIdentityProvider) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (u *UpdateIdentityProvider) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type UpdateIdentityProviderConfig
- func CreateUpdateIdentityProviderConfigOIDCIdentityProviderConfig(oidcIdentityProviderConfig OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) UpdateIdentityProviderConfig
- func CreateUpdateIdentityProviderConfigSAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput(samlIdentityProviderConfigInput SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput) UpdateIdentityProviderConfig
- type UpdateIdentityProviderConfigType
- type UpdateImpersonationSettingsRequest
- type UpdateImpersonationSettingsResponse
- type UpdateSystemAccount
- type UpdateSystemAccountAccessToken
- type UpdateTeam
- type UpdateTeamMappings
- type UpdateUser
- type Upstream
- func (o *Upstream) GetAlgorithm() *UpstreamAlgorithm
- func (o *Upstream) GetClientCertificate() *UpstreamClientCertificate
- func (o *Upstream) GetCreatedAt() *int64
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashFallback() *HashFallback
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashFallbackHeader() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashFallbackQueryArg() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashFallbackURICapture() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashOn() *HashOn
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashOnCookie() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashOnCookiePath() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashOnHeader() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashOnQueryArg() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetHashOnURICapture() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetHealthchecks() *Healthchecks
- func (o *Upstream) GetHostHeader() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetID() *string
- func (o *Upstream) GetName() string
- func (o *Upstream) GetSlots() *int64
- func (o *Upstream) GetTags() []string
- func (o *Upstream) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
- func (o *Upstream) GetUseSrvName() *bool
- type UpstreamAdmin
- type UpstreamAlgorithm
- type UpstreamClientCertificate
- type UpstreamHealthy
- type UpstreamInput
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetAlgorithm() *UpstreamAlgorithm
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetClientCertificate() *UpstreamClientCertificate
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashFallback() *HashFallback
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackHeader() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackQueryArg() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackURICapture() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOn() *HashOn
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnCookie() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnCookiePath() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnHeader() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnQueryArg() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnURICapture() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHealthchecks() *Healthchecks
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHostHeader() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetID() *string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetName() string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetSlots() *int64
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetTags() []string
- func (o *UpstreamInput) GetUseSrvName() *bool
- type UpstreamType
- type UpstreamUnhealthy
- func (in *UpstreamUnhealthy) DeepCopy() *UpstreamUnhealthy
- func (in *UpstreamUnhealthy) DeepCopyInto(out *UpstreamUnhealthy)
- func (o *UpstreamUnhealthy) GetHTTPFailures() *int64
- func (o *UpstreamUnhealthy) GetHTTPStatuses() []int64
- func (o *UpstreamUnhealthy) GetTCPFailures() *int64
- func (o *UpstreamUnhealthy) GetTimeouts() *int64
- type User
- func (o *User) GetActive() *bool
- func (o *User) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
- func (o *User) GetEmail() *string
- func (o *User) GetFullName() *string
- func (o *User) GetID() *string
- func (o *User) GetPreferredName() *string
- func (o *User) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
- func (u User) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (u *User) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type UserCollection
- type Vault
- type VaultInput
- type Viewer
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ACL ¶
type ACL struct { Consumer *ACLConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Group string `json:"group"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*ACL) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *ACL) GetConsumer() *ACLConsumer
func (*ACL) GetCreatedAt ¶
type ACLConsumer ¶
type ACLConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*ACLConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *ACLConsumer) GetID() *string
type ACLWithoutParents ¶
type ACLWithoutParents struct { Consumer *ACLWithoutParentsConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` Group string `json:"group"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*ACLWithoutParents) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *ACLWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *ACLWithoutParentsConsumer
func (*ACLWithoutParents) GetGroup ¶
func (o *ACLWithoutParents) GetGroup() string
func (*ACLWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *ACLWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*ACLWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *ACLWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
type ACLWithoutParentsConsumer ¶
type ACLWithoutParentsConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*ACLWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *ACLWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID() *string
type APIProducts ¶
type APIProducts struct { Name RolesAPIProductsName `json:"name"` Roles RolesRoles `json:"roles"` }
func (*APIProducts) GetName ¶
func (o *APIProducts) GetName() RolesAPIProductsName
func (*APIProducts) GetRoles ¶
func (o *APIProducts) GetRoles() RolesRoles
type Active ¶
type Active struct { Concurrency *int64 `json:"concurrency,omitempty"` Headers map[string]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` Healthy *Healthy `json:"healthy,omitempty"` HTTPPath *string `json:"http_path,omitempty"` HTTPSSni *string `json:"https_sni,omitempty"` HTTPSVerifyCertificate *bool `json:"https_verify_certificate,omitempty"` Timeout *float64 `json:"timeout,omitempty"` Type *Type `json:"type,omitempty"` Unhealthy *Unhealthy `json:"unhealthy,omitempty"` }
func (*Active) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Active.
func (*Active) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Active) GetConcurrency ¶
func (*Active) GetHTTPPath ¶
func (*Active) GetHTTPSSni ¶
func (*Active) GetHTTPSVerifyCertificate ¶
func (*Active) GetHeaders ¶
func (*Active) GetHealthy ¶
func (*Active) GetTimeout ¶
func (*Active) GetUnhealthy ¶
type AddSystemAccountToTeam ¶
type AddSystemAccountToTeam struct { // ID of the system account. AccountID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` }
AddSystemAccountToTeam - The request schema for adding a system account to a team.
func (*AddSystemAccountToTeam) GetAccountID ¶
func (o *AddSystemAccountToTeam) GetAccountID() *string
type AddUserToTeam ¶
type AddUserToTeam struct { // The user ID for the user being added to a team. UserID string `json:"id"` }
AddUserToTeam - The request schema for adding a user to a team.
func (*AddUserToTeam) GetUserID ¶
func (o *AddUserToTeam) GetUserID() string
type Admin ¶
type Admin struct { Name RolesControlPlanesName `json:"name"` Description Description `json:"description"` }
func (*Admin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *Admin) GetDescription() Description
func (*Admin) GetName ¶
func (o *Admin) GetName() RolesControlPlanesName
type Algorithm ¶
type Algorithm string
const ( AlgorithmHs256 Algorithm = "HS256" AlgorithmHs384 Algorithm = "HS384" AlgorithmHs512 Algorithm = "HS512" AlgorithmRs256 Algorithm = "RS256" AlgorithmRs384 Algorithm = "RS384" AlgorithmRs512 Algorithm = "RS512" AlgorithmEs256 Algorithm = "ES256" AlgorithmEs384 Algorithm = "ES384" AlgorithmEs512 Algorithm = "ES512" AlgorithmPs256 Algorithm = "PS256" AlgorithmPs384 Algorithm = "PS384" AlgorithmPs512 Algorithm = "PS512" AlgorithmEdDsa Algorithm = "EdDSA" )
func (*Algorithm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ApplicationRegistration ¶
type ApplicationRegistration struct { Name RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationName `json:"name"` Description RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*ApplicationRegistration) GetDescription ¶
func (o *ApplicationRegistration) GetDescription() RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription
func (*ApplicationRegistration) GetName ¶
func (o *ApplicationRegistration) GetName() RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationName
type AssignRole ¶
type AssignRole struct { // The desired role. RoleName *RoleName `json:"role_name,omitempty"` // The ID of the entity. EntityID *string `json:"entity_id,omitempty"` // The type of entity. EntityTypeName *EntityTypeName `json:"entity_type_name,omitempty"` EntityRegion *EntityRegion `json:"entity_region,omitempty"` }
AssignRole - An assigned role is a role that has been assigned to a user or team.
func (*AssignRole) GetEntityID ¶
func (o *AssignRole) GetEntityID() *string
func (*AssignRole) GetEntityRegion ¶
func (o *AssignRole) GetEntityRegion() *EntityRegion
func (*AssignRole) GetEntityTypeName ¶
func (o *AssignRole) GetEntityTypeName() *EntityTypeName
func (*AssignRole) GetRoleName ¶
func (o *AssignRole) GetRoleName() *RoleName
type AssignedRole ¶
type AssignedRole struct { // The ID of the role assignment. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the role being assigned. RoleName *string `json:"role_name,omitempty"` // A RBAC entity ID. EntityID *string `json:"entity_id,omitempty"` // Name of the entity type the role is being assigned to. EntityTypeName *string `json:"entity_type_name,omitempty"` EntityRegion *EntityRegion `json:"entity_region,omitempty"` }
AssignedRole - An assigned role is a role that has been assigned to a user or team.
func (*AssignedRole) GetEntityID ¶
func (o *AssignedRole) GetEntityID() *string
func (*AssignedRole) GetEntityRegion ¶
func (o *AssignedRole) GetEntityRegion() *EntityRegion
func (*AssignedRole) GetEntityTypeName ¶
func (o *AssignedRole) GetEntityTypeName() *string
func (*AssignedRole) GetID ¶
func (o *AssignedRole) GetID() *string
func (*AssignedRole) GetRoleName ¶
func (o *AssignedRole) GetRoleName() *string
type AssignedRoleCollection ¶
type AssignedRoleCollection struct { // returns the pagination information Meta *PaginatedMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` // An Array Data []AssignedRole `json:"data,omitempty"` }
AssignedRoleCollection - A paginated list response for a collection of assigned roles.
func (*AssignedRoleCollection) GetData ¶
func (o *AssignedRoleCollection) GetData() []AssignedRole
func (*AssignedRoleCollection) GetMeta ¶
func (o *AssignedRoleCollection) GetMeta() *PaginatedMeta
type AuditLogs ¶
type AuditLogs struct { Name RolesAuditLogsName `json:"name"` Roles RolesAuditLogsRoles `json:"roles"` }
func (*AuditLogs) GetName ¶
func (o *AuditLogs) GetName() RolesAuditLogsName
func (*AuditLogs) GetRoles ¶
func (o *AuditLogs) GetRoles() RolesAuditLogsRoles
type AuthType ¶
type AuthType string
AuthType - The auth type value of the cluster associated with the Runtime Group.
func (*AuthType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AuthenticationSettings ¶
type AuthenticationSettings struct { // The organization has basic auth enabled. BasicAuthEnabled *bool `json:"basic_auth_enabled,omitempty"` // The organization has OIDC disabled. OidcAuthEnabled *bool `json:"oidc_auth_enabled,omitempty"` // The organization has SAML disabled. SamlAuthEnabled *bool `json:"saml_auth_enabled,omitempty"` // IdP groups determine the Konnect teams a user has. IdpMappingEnabled *bool `json:"idp_mapping_enabled,omitempty"` // A Konnect Identity Admin assigns teams to a user. KonnectMappingEnabled *bool `json:"konnect_mapping_enabled,omitempty"` }
AuthenticationSettings - Response for authentication settings endpoint
func (*AuthenticationSettings) GetBasicAuthEnabled ¶
func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetBasicAuthEnabled() *bool
func (*AuthenticationSettings) GetIdpMappingEnabled ¶
func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetIdpMappingEnabled() *bool
func (*AuthenticationSettings) GetKonnectMappingEnabled ¶
func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetKonnectMappingEnabled() *bool
func (*AuthenticationSettings) GetOidcAuthEnabled ¶
func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetOidcAuthEnabled() *bool
func (*AuthenticationSettings) GetSamlAuthEnabled ¶
func (o *AuthenticationSettings) GetSamlAuthEnabled() *bool
type BasicAuth ¶
type BasicAuth struct { Consumer *BasicAuthConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username"` }
func (*BasicAuth) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *BasicAuth) GetConsumer() *BasicAuthConsumer
func (*BasicAuth) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*BasicAuth) GetPassword ¶
func (*BasicAuth) GetUsername ¶
type BasicAuthConsumer ¶
type BasicAuthConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*BasicAuthConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *BasicAuthConsumer) GetID() *string
type BasicAuthWithoutParents ¶
type BasicAuthWithoutParents struct { Consumer *BasicAuthWithoutParentsConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username"` }
func (*BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *BasicAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
func (*BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetPassword ¶
func (o *BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetPassword() string
func (*BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
func (*BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetUsername ¶
func (o *BasicAuthWithoutParents) GetUsername() string
type BasicAuthWithoutParentsConsumer ¶
type BasicAuthWithoutParentsConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*BasicAuthWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *BasicAuthWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID() *string
type CACertificate ¶
type CACertificate struct { // PEM-encoded public certificate of the CA. Cert string `json:"cert"` // SHA256 hex digest of the public certificate. This field is read-only and it cannot be set by the caller, the value is automatically computed. CertDigest *string `json:"cert_digest,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Certificate for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
CACertificate - A CA certificate object represents a trusted CA. These objects are used by Kong to verify the validity of a client or server certificate.
func (*CACertificate) GetCert ¶
func (o *CACertificate) GetCert() string
func (*CACertificate) GetCertDigest ¶
func (o *CACertificate) GetCertDigest() *string
func (*CACertificate) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *CACertificate) GetCreatedAt() *int64
func (*CACertificate) GetID ¶
func (o *CACertificate) GetID() *string
func (*CACertificate) GetTags ¶
func (o *CACertificate) GetTags() []string
func (*CACertificate) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *CACertificate) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
type CACertificateInput ¶
type CACertificateInput struct { // PEM-encoded public certificate of the CA. Cert string `json:"cert"` // SHA256 hex digest of the public certificate. This field is read-only and it cannot be set by the caller, the value is automatically computed. CertDigest *string `json:"cert_digest,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Certificate for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
CACertificateInput - A CA certificate object represents a trusted CA. These objects are used by Kong to verify the validity of a client or server certificate.
func (*CACertificateInput) GetCert ¶
func (o *CACertificateInput) GetCert() string
func (*CACertificateInput) GetCertDigest ¶
func (o *CACertificateInput) GetCertDigest() *string
func (*CACertificateInput) GetID ¶
func (o *CACertificateInput) GetID() *string
func (*CACertificateInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *CACertificateInput) GetTags() []string
type Certificate ¶
type Certificate struct { // PEM-encoded public certificate chain of the SSL key pair. This field is _referenceable_, which means it can be securely stored as a [secret](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/getting-started) in a vault. References must follow a [specific format](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/reference-format). Cert string `json:"cert"` // PEM-encoded public certificate chain of the alternate SSL key pair. This should only be set if you have both RSA and ECDSA types of certificate available and would like Kong to prefer serving using ECDSA certs when client advertises support for it. This field is _referenceable_, which means it can be securely stored as a [secret](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/getting-started) in a vault. References must follow a [specific format](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/reference-format). CertAlt *string `json:"cert_alt,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // PEM-encoded private key of the SSL key pair. This field is _referenceable_, which means it can be securely stored as a [secret](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/getting-started) in a vault. References must follow a [specific format](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/reference-format). Key string `json:"key"` // PEM-encoded private key of the alternate SSL key pair. This should only be set if you have both RSA and ECDSA types of certificate available and would like Kong to prefer serving using ECDSA certs when client advertises support for it. This field is _referenceable_, which means it can be securely stored as a [secret](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/getting-started) in a vault. References must follow a [specific format](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/reference-format). KeyAlt *string `json:"key_alt,omitempty"` Snis []string `json:"snis,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Certificate for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
Certificate - A certificate object represents a public certificate, and can be optionally paired with the corresponding private key. These objects are used by Kong to handle SSL/TLS termination for encrypted requests, or for use as a trusted CA store when validating peer certificate of client/service. Certificates are optionally associated with SNI objects to tie a cert/key pair to one or more hostnames. If intermediate certificates are required in addition to the main certificate, they should be concatenated together into one string according to the following order: main certificate on the top, followed by any intermediates.
func (*Certificate) GetCert ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetCert() string
func (*Certificate) GetCertAlt ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetCertAlt() *string
func (*Certificate) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetCreatedAt() *int64
func (*Certificate) GetID ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetID() *string
func (*Certificate) GetKey ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetKey() string
func (*Certificate) GetKeyAlt ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetKeyAlt() *string
func (*Certificate) GetSnis ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetSnis() []string
func (*Certificate) GetTags ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetTags() []string
func (*Certificate) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *Certificate) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
type CertificateAdmin ¶
type CertificateAdmin struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesName `json:"name"` Description RolesDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*CertificateAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *CertificateAdmin) GetDescription() RolesDescription
func (*CertificateAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *CertificateAdmin) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesName
type CertificateInput ¶
type CertificateInput struct { // PEM-encoded public certificate chain of the SSL key pair. This field is _referenceable_, which means it can be securely stored as a [secret](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/getting-started) in a vault. References must follow a [specific format](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/reference-format). Cert string `json:"cert"` // PEM-encoded public certificate chain of the alternate SSL key pair. This should only be set if you have both RSA and ECDSA types of certificate available and would like Kong to prefer serving using ECDSA certs when client advertises support for it. This field is _referenceable_, which means it can be securely stored as a [secret](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/getting-started) in a vault. References must follow a [specific format](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/reference-format). CertAlt *string `json:"cert_alt,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // PEM-encoded private key of the SSL key pair. This field is _referenceable_, which means it can be securely stored as a [secret](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/getting-started) in a vault. References must follow a [specific format](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/reference-format). Key string `json:"key"` // PEM-encoded private key of the alternate SSL key pair. This should only be set if you have both RSA and ECDSA types of certificate available and would like Kong to prefer serving using ECDSA certs when client advertises support for it. This field is _referenceable_, which means it can be securely stored as a [secret](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/getting-started) in a vault. References must follow a [specific format](/gateway/latest/plan-and-deploy/security/secrets-management/reference-format). KeyAlt *string `json:"key_alt,omitempty"` Snis []string `json:"snis,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Certificate for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
CertificateInput - A certificate object represents a public certificate, and can be optionally paired with the corresponding private key. These objects are used by Kong to handle SSL/TLS termination for encrypted requests, or for use as a trusted CA store when validating peer certificate of client/service. Certificates are optionally associated with SNI objects to tie a cert/key pair to one or more hostnames. If intermediate certificates are required in addition to the main certificate, they should be concatenated together into one string according to the following order: main certificate on the top, followed by any intermediates.
func (*CertificateInput) GetCert ¶
func (o *CertificateInput) GetCert() string
func (*CertificateInput) GetCertAlt ¶
func (o *CertificateInput) GetCertAlt() *string
func (*CertificateInput) GetID ¶
func (o *CertificateInput) GetID() *string
func (*CertificateInput) GetKey ¶
func (o *CertificateInput) GetKey() string
func (*CertificateInput) GetKeyAlt ¶
func (o *CertificateInput) GetKeyAlt() *string
func (*CertificateInput) GetSnis ¶
func (o *CertificateInput) GetSnis() []string
func (*CertificateInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *CertificateInput) GetTags() []string
type ClaimMappings ¶
type ClaimMappings struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Groups *string `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
func (*ClaimMappings) GetEmail ¶
func (o *ClaimMappings) GetEmail() *string
func (*ClaimMappings) GetGroups ¶
func (o *ClaimMappings) GetGroups() *string
func (*ClaimMappings) GetName ¶
func (o *ClaimMappings) GetName() *string
type ClientCertificate ¶
type ClientCertificate struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
ClientCertificate - Certificate to be used as client certificate while TLS handshaking to the upstream server.
func (*ClientCertificate) GetID ¶
func (o *ClientCertificate) GetID() *string
type ClusterType ¶
type ClusterType struct { StringFieldEqualsFilter *StringFieldEqualsFilter `queryParam:"inline"` StringFieldNEQFilter *StringFieldNEQFilter `queryParam:"inline"` Type ClusterTypeType }
func CreateClusterTypeStringFieldEqualsFilter ¶
func CreateClusterTypeStringFieldEqualsFilter(stringFieldEqualsFilter StringFieldEqualsFilter) ClusterType
func CreateClusterTypeStringFieldNEQFilter ¶
func CreateClusterTypeStringFieldNEQFilter(stringFieldNEQFilter StringFieldNEQFilter) ClusterType
func (ClusterType) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u ClusterType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ClusterType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *ClusterType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ClusterTypeType ¶
type ClusterTypeType string
const ( ClusterTypeTypeStringFieldEqualsFilter ClusterTypeType = "StringFieldEqualsFilter" ClusterTypeTypeStringFieldNEQFilter ClusterTypeType = "StringFieldNEQFilter" )
type CompatibilityStatus ¶
type CompatibilityStatus struct {
State *string `json:"state,omitempty"`
func (*CompatibilityStatus) GetState ¶
func (o *CompatibilityStatus) GetState() *string
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // Control Plane Endpoint. ControlPlaneEndpoint string `json:"control_plane_endpoint"` // Telemetry Endpoint. TelemetryEndpoint string `json:"telemetry_endpoint"` // The ClusterType value of the cluster associated with the Control Plane. ClusterType ControlPlaneClusterType `json:"cluster_type"` // The auth type value of the cluster associated with the Runtime Group. AuthType ControlPlaneAuthType `json:"auth_type"` // Whether the Control Plane can be used for cloud-gateways. CloudGateway bool `json:"cloud_gateway"` // Array of proxy URLs associated with reaching the data-planes connected to a control-plane. ProxyUrls []ProxyURL `json:"proxy_urls,omitempty"` }
Config - CP configuration object for related access endpoints.
func (*Config) GetAuthType ¶
func (o *Config) GetAuthType() ControlPlaneAuthType
func (*Config) GetCloudGateway ¶
func (*Config) GetClusterType ¶
func (o *Config) GetClusterType() ControlPlaneClusterType
func (*Config) GetControlPlaneEndpoint ¶
func (*Config) GetProxyUrls ¶
func (*Config) GetTelemetryEndpoint ¶
type ConfigStore ¶ added in v0.1.28
type ConfigStore struct { // The Config Store ID. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the Config Store Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // An ISO-8601 timestamp representation of entity creation date. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // An ISO-8601 timestamp representation of entity update date. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
func (*ConfigStore) GetCreatedAt ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ConfigStore) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
func (*ConfigStore) GetID ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ConfigStore) GetID() *string
func (*ConfigStore) GetName ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ConfigStore) GetName() *string
func (*ConfigStore) GetUpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ConfigStore) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
func (ConfigStore) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (c ConfigStore) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConfigStore) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (c *ConfigStore) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ConfigStoreSecret ¶ added in v0.1.28
type ConfigStoreSecret struct { Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` // An ISO-8601 timestamp representation of entity creation date. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // An ISO-8601 timestamp representation of entity update date. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
ConfigStoreSecret - Config Store Secret
func (*ConfigStoreSecret) GetCreatedAt ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ConfigStoreSecret) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
func (*ConfigStoreSecret) GetKey ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ConfigStoreSecret) GetKey() *string
func (*ConfigStoreSecret) GetUpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ConfigStoreSecret) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
func (*ConfigStoreSecret) GetValue ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ConfigStoreSecret) GetValue() *string
func (ConfigStoreSecret) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (c ConfigStoreSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConfigStoreSecret) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (c *ConfigStoreSecret) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Consumer ¶
type Consumer struct { // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Field for storing an existing unique ID for the Consumer - useful for mapping Kong with users in your existing database. You must send either this field or `username` with the request. CustomID *string `json:"custom_id,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Consumer for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // The unique username of the Consumer. You must send either this field or `custom_id` with the request. Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
The Consumer object represents a consumer - or a user - of a Service. You can either rely on Kong as the primary datastore, or you can map the consumer list with your database to keep consistency between Kong and your existing primary datastore.
func (*Consumer) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Consumer) GetCustomID ¶
func (*Consumer) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (*Consumer) GetUsername ¶
type ConsumerAdmin ¶
type ConsumerAdmin struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*ConsumerAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *ConsumerAdmin) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesDescription
func (*ConsumerAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *ConsumerAdmin) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName
type ConsumerGroup ¶
type ConsumerGroup struct { // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
func (*ConsumerGroup) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroup) GetCreatedAt() *int64
func (*ConsumerGroup) GetID ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroup) GetID() *string
func (*ConsumerGroup) GetName ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroup) GetName() string
func (*ConsumerGroup) GetTags ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroup) GetTags() []string
func (*ConsumerGroup) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroup) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
type ConsumerGroupInput ¶
type ConsumerGroupInput struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*ConsumerGroupInput) GetID ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroupInput) GetID() *string
func (*ConsumerGroupInput) GetName ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroupInput) GetName() string
func (*ConsumerGroupInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroupInput) GetTags() []string
type ConsumerGroupInsideWrapper ¶
type ConsumerGroupInsideWrapper struct {
ConsumerGroup *ConsumerGroup `json:"consumer_group,omitempty"`
func (*ConsumerGroupInsideWrapper) GetConsumerGroup ¶
func (o *ConsumerGroupInsideWrapper) GetConsumerGroup() *ConsumerGroup
type ConsumerInput ¶
type ConsumerInput struct { // Field for storing an existing unique ID for the Consumer - useful for mapping Kong with users in your existing database. You must send either this field or `username` with the request. CustomID *string `json:"custom_id,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Consumer for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // The unique username of the Consumer. You must send either this field or `custom_id` with the request. Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
ConsumerInput - The Consumer object represents a consumer - or a user - of a Service. You can either rely on Kong as the primary datastore, or you can map the consumer list with your database to keep consistency between Kong and your existing primary datastore.
func (*ConsumerInput) GetCustomID ¶
func (o *ConsumerInput) GetCustomID() *string
func (*ConsumerInput) GetID ¶
func (o *ConsumerInput) GetID() *string
func (*ConsumerInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *ConsumerInput) GetTags() []string
func (*ConsumerInput) GetUsername ¶
func (o *ConsumerInput) GetUsername() *string
type ControlPlane ¶
type ControlPlane struct { // The control plane ID. ID string `json:"id"` // The name of the control plane. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the control plane in Konnect. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Labels store metadata of an entity that can be used for filtering an entity list or for searching across entity types. // // Keys must be of length 1-63 characters, and cannot start with "kong", "konnect", "mesh", "kic", or "_". // Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // CP configuration object for related access endpoints. Config Config `json:"config"` // An ISO-8604 timestamp representation of control plane creation date. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` // An ISO-8604 timestamp representation of control plane update date. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` }
ControlPlane - The control plane object contains information about a Kong control plane.
func (*ControlPlane) GetConfig ¶
func (o *ControlPlane) GetConfig() Config
func (*ControlPlane) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *ControlPlane) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
func (*ControlPlane) GetDescription ¶
func (o *ControlPlane) GetDescription() *string
func (*ControlPlane) GetID ¶
func (o *ControlPlane) GetID() string
func (*ControlPlane) GetLabels ¶
func (o *ControlPlane) GetLabels() map[string]string
func (*ControlPlane) GetName ¶
func (o *ControlPlane) GetName() string
func (*ControlPlane) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *ControlPlane) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
func (ControlPlane) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c ControlPlane) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ControlPlane) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ControlPlane) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ControlPlaneAuthType ¶
type ControlPlaneAuthType string
ControlPlaneAuthType - The auth type value of the cluster associated with the Runtime Group.
const ( ControlPlaneAuthTypePinnedClientCerts ControlPlaneAuthType = "pinned_client_certs" ControlPlaneAuthTypePkiClientCerts ControlPlaneAuthType = "pki_client_certs" )
func (ControlPlaneAuthType) ToPointer ¶
func (e ControlPlaneAuthType) ToPointer() *ControlPlaneAuthType
func (*ControlPlaneAuthType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *ControlPlaneAuthType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ControlPlaneClusterType ¶
type ControlPlaneClusterType string
ControlPlaneClusterType - The ClusterType value of the cluster associated with the Control Plane.
const ( ControlPlaneClusterTypeClusterTypeControlPlane ControlPlaneClusterType = "CLUSTER_TYPE_CONTROL_PLANE" ControlPlaneClusterTypeClusterTypeK8SIngressController ControlPlaneClusterType = "CLUSTER_TYPE_K8S_INGRESS_CONTROLLER" ControlPlaneClusterTypeClusterTypeControlPlaneGroup ControlPlaneClusterType = "CLUSTER_TYPE_CONTROL_PLANE_GROUP" ControlPlaneClusterTypeClusterTypeServerless ControlPlaneClusterType = "CLUSTER_TYPE_SERVERLESS" )
func (ControlPlaneClusterType) ToPointer ¶
func (e ControlPlaneClusterType) ToPointer() *ControlPlaneClusterType
func (*ControlPlaneClusterType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *ControlPlaneClusterType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ControlPlaneFilterParameters ¶
type ControlPlaneFilterParameters struct { ID *ID `queryParam:"name=id"` Name *Name `queryParam:"name=name"` ClusterType *ClusterType `queryParam:"name=cluster_type"` // Filter by a boolean value (true/false). CloudGateway *bool `queryParam:"name=cloud_gateway"` }
func (*ControlPlaneFilterParameters) GetCloudGateway ¶
func (o *ControlPlaneFilterParameters) GetCloudGateway() *bool
func (*ControlPlaneFilterParameters) GetClusterType ¶
func (o *ControlPlaneFilterParameters) GetClusterType() *ClusterType
func (*ControlPlaneFilterParameters) GetID ¶
func (o *ControlPlaneFilterParameters) GetID() *ID
func (*ControlPlaneFilterParameters) GetName ¶
func (o *ControlPlaneFilterParameters) GetName() *Name
type ControlPlanes ¶
type ControlPlanes struct { Name RolesName `json:"name"` Roles RolesControlPlanesRoles `json:"roles"` }
func (*ControlPlanes) GetName ¶
func (o *ControlPlanes) GetName() RolesName
func (*ControlPlanes) GetRoles ¶
func (o *ControlPlanes) GetRoles() RolesControlPlanesRoles
type CreateConfigStore ¶ added in v0.1.28
type CreateConfigStore struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
CreateConfigStore - The request schema to create a Config Store.
func (*CreateConfigStore) GetName ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CreateConfigStore) GetName() *string
type CreateConfigStoreSecret ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (*CreateConfigStoreSecret) GetKey ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CreateConfigStoreSecret) GetKey() string
func (*CreateConfigStoreSecret) GetValue ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CreateConfigStoreSecret) GetValue() string
type CreateControlPlaneRequest ¶
type CreateControlPlaneRequest struct { // The name of the control plane. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the control plane in Konnect. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The ClusterType value of the cluster associated with the Control Plane. ClusterType *CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType `json:"cluster_type,omitempty"` // The auth type value of the cluster associated with the Runtime Group. AuthType *AuthType `json:"auth_type,omitempty"` // Whether this control-plane can be used for cloud-gateways. CloudGateway *bool `json:"cloud_gateway,omitempty"` // Array of proxy URLs associated with reaching the data-planes connected to a control-plane. ProxyUrls []ProxyURL `json:"proxy_urls,omitempty"` // Labels store metadata of an entity that can be used for filtering an entity list or for searching across entity types. // // Keys must be of length 1-63 characters, and cannot start with "kong", "konnect", "mesh", "kic", or "_". // Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
CreateControlPlaneRequest - The request schema for the create control plane request.
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *CreateControlPlaneRequest) DeepCopy() *CreateControlPlaneRequest
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new CreateControlPlaneRequest.
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *CreateControlPlaneRequest) DeepCopyInto(out *CreateControlPlaneRequest)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetAuthType ¶
func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetAuthType() *AuthType
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetCloudGateway ¶
func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetCloudGateway() *bool
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetClusterType ¶
func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetClusterType() *CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetDescription ¶
func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetDescription() *string
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetLabels ¶
func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetLabels() map[string]string
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetName ¶
func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetName() string
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetProxyUrls ¶
func (o *CreateControlPlaneRequest) GetProxyUrls() []ProxyURL
type CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType ¶
type CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType string
CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType - The ClusterType value of the cluster associated with the Control Plane.
const ( CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterTypeClusterTypeControlPlane CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType = "CLUSTER_TYPE_CONTROL_PLANE" CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterTypeClusterTypeK8SIngressController CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType = "CLUSTER_TYPE_K8S_INGRESS_CONTROLLER" CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterTypeClusterTypeControlPlaneGroup CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType = "CLUSTER_TYPE_CONTROL_PLANE_GROUP" CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterTypeClusterTypeServerless CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType = "CLUSTER_TYPE_SERVERLESS" )
func (CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType) ToPointer ¶
func (e CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType) ToPointer() *CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType
func (*CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *CreateControlPlaneRequestClusterType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CreateIdentityProvider ¶ added in v0.1.29
type CreateIdentityProvider struct { // Specifies the type of identity provider. Type *IdentityProviderType `json:"type,omitempty"` // The path used for initiating login requests with the identity provider. LoginPath *string `json:"login_path,omitempty"` Config *CreateIdentityProviderConfig `json:"config,omitempty"` }
CreateIdentityProvider - The identity provider that contains configuration data for creating an authentication integration.
func (*CreateIdentityProvider) GetConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *CreateIdentityProvider) GetConfig() *CreateIdentityProviderConfig
func (*CreateIdentityProvider) GetLoginPath ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *CreateIdentityProvider) GetLoginPath() *string
func (*CreateIdentityProvider) GetType ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *CreateIdentityProvider) GetType() *IdentityProviderType
type CreateIdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
type CreateIdentityProviderConfig struct { OIDCIdentityProviderConfig *OIDCIdentityProviderConfig `queryParam:"inline"` SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput *SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput `queryParam:"inline"` Type CreateIdentityProviderConfigType }
func CreateCreateIdentityProviderConfigOIDCIdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
func CreateCreateIdentityProviderConfigOIDCIdentityProviderConfig(oidcIdentityProviderConfig OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) CreateIdentityProviderConfig
func CreateCreateIdentityProviderConfigSAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput ¶ added in v0.1.29
func CreateCreateIdentityProviderConfigSAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput(samlIdentityProviderConfigInput SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput) CreateIdentityProviderConfig
func (CreateIdentityProviderConfig) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (u CreateIdentityProviderConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CreateIdentityProviderConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (u *CreateIdentityProviderConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CreateIdentityProviderConfigType ¶ added in v0.1.29
type CreateIdentityProviderConfigType string
const ( CreateIdentityProviderConfigTypeOIDCIdentityProviderConfig CreateIdentityProviderConfigType = "OIDCIdentityProviderConfig" CreateIdentityProviderConfigTypeSAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput CreateIdentityProviderConfigType = "SAMLIdentityProviderConfig_input" )
type CreatePluginSchemas ¶
type CreatePluginSchemas struct { // The custom plugin schema; `jq -Rs '.' schema.lua`. // LuaSchema string `json:"lua_schema"` }
func (*CreatePluginSchemas) GetLuaSchema ¶
func (o *CreatePluginSchemas) GetLuaSchema() string
type CreateSystemAccount ¶
type CreateSystemAccount struct { // Name of the system account. Name string `json:"name"` // Description of the system account. Useful when the system account name is not sufficient to differentiate one system account from another. Description string `json:"description"` // The system account is managed by Konnect (true/false). KonnectManaged *bool `json:"konnect_managed,omitempty"` }
CreateSystemAccount - The request schema to create a system account.
func (*CreateSystemAccount) GetDescription ¶
func (o *CreateSystemAccount) GetDescription() string
func (*CreateSystemAccount) GetKonnectManaged ¶
func (o *CreateSystemAccount) GetKonnectManaged() *bool
func (*CreateSystemAccount) GetName ¶
func (o *CreateSystemAccount) GetName() string
type CreateSystemAccountAccessToken ¶
type CreateSystemAccountAccessToken struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expires_at,omitempty"` }
CreateSystemAccountAccessToken - The request body to create a system account access token.
func (*CreateSystemAccountAccessToken) GetExpiresAt ¶
func (o *CreateSystemAccountAccessToken) GetExpiresAt() *time.Time
func (*CreateSystemAccountAccessToken) GetName ¶
func (o *CreateSystemAccountAccessToken) GetName() *string
func (CreateSystemAccountAccessToken) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c CreateSystemAccountAccessToken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CreateSystemAccountAccessToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CreateSystemAccountAccessToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CreateTeam ¶
type CreateTeam struct { // A name for the team being created. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the new team. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Labels store metadata of an entity that can be used for filtering an entity list or for searching across entity types. // // Keys must be of length 1-63 characters, and cannot start with "kong", "konnect", "mesh", "kic", or "_". // Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
CreateTeam - The request schema for the create team request.
If you pass the same `name` and `description` of an existing team in the request, a team with the same `name` and `description` will be created. The two teams will have different `team_id` values to differentiate them.
func (*CreateTeam) GetDescription ¶
func (o *CreateTeam) GetDescription() *string
func (*CreateTeam) GetLabels ¶
func (o *CreateTeam) GetLabels() map[string]string
func (*CreateTeam) GetName ¶
func (o *CreateTeam) GetName() string
type Creator ¶
type Creator struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*Creator) GetDescription ¶
func (o *Creator) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription
func (*Creator) GetName ¶
func (o *Creator) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName
type CursorMeta ¶ added in v0.1.28
type CursorMeta struct {
Page CursorMetaPage `json:"page"`
CursorMeta - Pagination metadata.
func (*CursorMeta) GetPage ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CursorMeta) GetPage() CursorMetaPage
type CursorMetaPage ¶ added in v0.1.28
type CursorMetaPage struct { // URI to the first page First *string `json:"first,omitempty"` // URI to the last page Last *string `json:"last,omitempty"` // URI to the next page Next *string `json:"next"` // URI to the previous page Previous *string `json:"previous"` // Requested page size Size float64 `json:"size"` }
func (*CursorMetaPage) GetFirst ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CursorMetaPage) GetFirst() *string
func (*CursorMetaPage) GetLast ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CursorMetaPage) GetLast() *string
func (*CursorMetaPage) GetNext ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CursorMetaPage) GetNext() *string
func (*CursorMetaPage) GetPrevious ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CursorMetaPage) GetPrevious() *string
func (*CursorMetaPage) GetSize ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *CursorMetaPage) GetSize() float64
type CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal ¶
type CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal struct { // URI to the next page Next *string `json:"next"` // Requested page size Size float64 `json:"size"` // Total number of objects in the collection; will only be present on the first page Total *float64 `json:"total"` }
func (*CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal) GetNext ¶
func (o *CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal) GetNext() *string
func (*CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal) GetSize ¶
func (o *CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal) GetSize() float64
func (*CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal) GetTotal ¶
func (o *CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal) GetTotal() *float64
type CursorPaginatedMetaWithSizeAndTotal ¶
type CursorPaginatedMetaWithSizeAndTotal struct {
Page CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal `json:"page"`
CursorPaginatedMetaWithSizeAndTotal - returns the pagination information
func (*CursorPaginatedMetaWithSizeAndTotal) GetPage ¶
func (o *CursorPaginatedMetaWithSizeAndTotal) GetPage() CursorMetaWithSizeAndTotal
type CustomPlugin ¶
type CustomPlugin struct { // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Handler string `json:"handler"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Schema string `json:"schema"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
func (*CustomPlugin) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *CustomPlugin) GetCreatedAt() *int64
func (*CustomPlugin) GetHandler ¶
func (o *CustomPlugin) GetHandler() string
func (*CustomPlugin) GetID ¶
func (o *CustomPlugin) GetID() *string
func (*CustomPlugin) GetName ¶
func (o *CustomPlugin) GetName() string
func (*CustomPlugin) GetSchema ¶
func (o *CustomPlugin) GetSchema() string
func (*CustomPlugin) GetTags ¶
func (o *CustomPlugin) GetTags() []string
func (*CustomPlugin) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *CustomPlugin) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
type Data ¶
type DataPlaneClientCertificate ¶
type DataPlaneClientCertificate struct {
Item *DataPlaneClientCertificateItem `json:"item,omitempty"`
func (*DataPlaneClientCertificate) GetItem ¶
func (o *DataPlaneClientCertificate) GetItem() *DataPlaneClientCertificateItem
type DataPlaneClientCertificateItem ¶
type DataPlaneClientCertificateItem struct { // Unique ID of the certificate entity. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Date certificate was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Date certificate was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // JSON escaped string of the certificate. Cert *string `json:"cert,omitempty"` }
func (*DataPlaneClientCertificateItem) GetCert ¶
func (o *DataPlaneClientCertificateItem) GetCert() *string
func (*DataPlaneClientCertificateItem) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *DataPlaneClientCertificateItem) GetCreatedAt() *int64
func (*DataPlaneClientCertificateItem) GetID ¶
func (o *DataPlaneClientCertificateItem) GetID() *string
func (*DataPlaneClientCertificateItem) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *DataPlaneClientCertificateItem) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
type DataPlaneClientCertificateRequest ¶
type DataPlaneClientCertificateRequest struct { // JSON escaped string of the certificate. Cert string `json:"cert"` }
DataPlaneClientCertificateRequest - Request body for creating a dp-client-certificate.
func (*DataPlaneClientCertificateRequest) GetCert ¶
func (o *DataPlaneClientCertificateRequest) GetCert() string
type Deployer ¶
type Deployer struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*Deployer) GetDescription ¶
func (o *Deployer) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription
func (*Deployer) GetName ¶
func (o *Deployer) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName
type Description ¶
type Description string
const (
DescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAllEntitiesWithinAControlPlane Description = "This role grants full write access to all entities within a control plane."
func (Description) ToPointer ¶
func (e Description) ToPointer() *Description
func (*Description) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *Description) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Destinations ¶
func (*Destinations) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *Destinations) DeepCopy() *Destinations
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Destinations.
func (*Destinations) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *Destinations) DeepCopyInto(out *Destinations)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Destinations) GetIP ¶
func (o *Destinations) GetIP() *string
func (*Destinations) GetPort ¶
func (o *Destinations) GetPort() *int64
type EntityRegion ¶
type EntityRegion string
EntityRegion - Region of the entity.
const ( EntityRegionUs EntityRegion = "us" EntityRegionEu EntityRegion = "eu" EntityRegionAu EntityRegion = "au" EntityRegionMe EntityRegion = "me" EntityRegionIn EntityRegion = "in" EntityRegionWildcard EntityRegion = "*" )
func (EntityRegion) ToPointer ¶
func (e EntityRegion) ToPointer() *EntityRegion
func (*EntityRegion) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *EntityRegion) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type EntityTypeName ¶
type EntityTypeName string
EntityTypeName - The type of entity.
const ( EntityTypeNameApIs EntityTypeName = "APIs" EntityTypeNameAPIProducts EntityTypeName = "API Products" EntityTypeNameApplicationAuthStrategies EntityTypeName = "Application Auth Strategies" EntityTypeNameAuditLogs EntityTypeName = "Audit Logs" EntityTypeNameControlPlanes EntityTypeName = "Control Planes" EntityTypeNameDcrProviders EntityTypeName = "DCR Providers" EntityTypeNameIdentity EntityTypeName = "Identity" EntityTypeNameMeshControlPlanes EntityTypeName = "Mesh Control Planes" EntityTypeNameNetworks EntityTypeName = "Networks" EntityTypeNamePortals EntityTypeName = "Portals" EntityTypeNameServiceHub EntityTypeName = "Service Hub" )
func (EntityTypeName) ToPointer ¶
func (e EntityTypeName) ToPointer() *EntityTypeName
func (*EntityTypeName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *EntityTypeName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GatewayServiceAdmin ¶
type GatewayServiceAdmin struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*GatewayServiceAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *GatewayServiceAdmin) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescription
func (*GatewayServiceAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *GatewayServiceAdmin) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName
type GetExpectedConfigHashResponse ¶
type GetExpectedConfigHashResponse struct { // The expected configuration hash. ExpectedHash string `json:"expected_hash"` // Date the control plane configuration was created. CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at"` // Date the control plane configuration was last updated. UpdatedAt int64 `json:"updated_at"` }
GetExpectedConfigHashResponse - Response body for retrieving the expected config hash of the control plane.
func (*GetExpectedConfigHashResponse) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *GetExpectedConfigHashResponse) GetCreatedAt() int64
func (*GetExpectedConfigHashResponse) GetExpectedHash ¶
func (o *GetExpectedConfigHashResponse) GetExpectedHash() string
func (*GetExpectedConfigHashResponse) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *GetExpectedConfigHashResponse) GetUpdatedAt() int64
type GetGroupStatus ¶
type GetGroupStatus struct { // The Group Status object contains information about the status of a control plane group. Item *GroupStatus `json:"item,omitempty"` }
GetGroupStatus - Status of a control plane group, including existing conflicts.
func (*GetGroupStatus) GetItem ¶
func (o *GetGroupStatus) GetItem() *GroupStatus
type GetImpersonationSettingsResponse ¶
type GetImpersonationSettingsResponse struct { // The organization has user impersonation enabled. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` }
GetImpersonationSettingsResponse - Response for Get Impersonation Settings endpoint
func (*GetImpersonationSettingsResponse) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *GetImpersonationSettingsResponse) GetEnabled() *bool
type GetNode ¶
type GetNode struct {
Item *GetNodeItem `json:"item,omitempty"`
GetNode - Example response
func (*GetNode) GetItem ¶
func (o *GetNode) GetItem() *GetNodeItem
type GetNodeCompatibilityStatus ¶
type GetNodeCompatibilityStatus struct {
State *string `json:"state,omitempty"`
func (*GetNodeCompatibilityStatus) GetState ¶
func (o *GetNodeCompatibilityStatus) GetState() *string
type GetNodeItem ¶
type GetNodeItem struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Hostname *string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` LastPing *int64 `json:"last_ping,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` ConfigHash *string `json:"config_hash,omitempty"` CompatibilityStatus *GetNodeCompatibilityStatus `json:"compatibility_status,omitempty"` }
func (*GetNodeItem) GetCompatibilityStatus ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetCompatibilityStatus() *GetNodeCompatibilityStatus
func (*GetNodeItem) GetConfigHash ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetConfigHash() *string
func (*GetNodeItem) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetCreatedAt() *int64
func (*GetNodeItem) GetHostname ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetHostname() *string
func (*GetNodeItem) GetID ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetID() *string
func (*GetNodeItem) GetLastPing ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetLastPing() *int64
func (*GetNodeItem) GetType ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetType() *string
func (*GetNodeItem) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
func (*GetNodeItem) GetVersion ¶
func (o *GetNodeItem) GetVersion() *string
type GroupConflict ¶
type GroupConflict struct { // The ID of a control plane member of a control plane group. ClusterID string `json:"cluster_id"` // The description of the conflict. Description string `json:"description"` // A resource causing a conflict in a control plane group. Resource GroupConflictResource `json:"resource"` }
GroupConflict - The Group Conflict object contains information about a conflict in a control plane group.
func (*GroupConflict) GetClusterID ¶
func (o *GroupConflict) GetClusterID() string
func (*GroupConflict) GetDescription ¶
func (o *GroupConflict) GetDescription() string
func (*GroupConflict) GetResource ¶
func (o *GroupConflict) GetResource() GroupConflictResource
type GroupConflictResource ¶
type GroupConflictResource struct { // The ID of the resource. ID string `json:"id"` // The type of the resource. Type string `json:"type"` }
GroupConflictResource - A resource causing a conflict in a control plane group.
func (*GroupConflictResource) GetID ¶
func (o *GroupConflictResource) GetID() string
func (*GroupConflictResource) GetType ¶
func (o *GroupConflictResource) GetType() string
type GroupMemberStatus ¶
type GroupMemberStatus struct { // Boolean indicating if a control plane is a member of a control plane group. IsMember bool `json:"is_member"` }
GroupMemberStatus - Object with information determining the group membership status of a control plane.
func (*GroupMemberStatus) GetIsMember ¶
func (o *GroupMemberStatus) GetIsMember() bool
type GroupMembership ¶
type GroupMembership struct {
Members []Members `json:"members"`
GroupMembership - Request body for upserting a list of child control planes to a control plane group membership.
func (*GroupMembership) GetMembers ¶
func (o *GroupMembership) GetMembers() []Members
type GroupStatus ¶
type GroupStatus struct { // The control plane group ID. ID string `json:"id"` // An ISO-8604 timestamp representation of control plane group status creation date. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` // An ISO-8604 timestamp representation of control plane group status update date. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"` Conflicts []GroupConflict `json:"conflicts,omitempty"` // The state of the control plane group. State State `json:"state"` }
GroupStatus - The Group Status object contains information about the status of a control plane group.
func (*GroupStatus) GetConflicts ¶
func (o *GroupStatus) GetConflicts() []GroupConflict
func (*GroupStatus) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *GroupStatus) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
func (*GroupStatus) GetID ¶
func (o *GroupStatus) GetID() string
func (*GroupStatus) GetState ¶
func (o *GroupStatus) GetState() State
func (*GroupStatus) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *GroupStatus) GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
func (GroupStatus) MarshalJSON ¶
func (g GroupStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*GroupStatus) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (g *GroupStatus) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HMACAuth ¶
type HMACAuth struct { Consumer *HMACAuthConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username"` }
func (*HMACAuth) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *HMACAuth) GetConsumer() *HMACAuthConsumer
func (*HMACAuth) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*HMACAuth) GetUsername ¶
type HMACAuthConsumer ¶
type HMACAuthConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*HMACAuthConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *HMACAuthConsumer) GetID() *string
type HMACAuthWithoutParents ¶
type HMACAuthWithoutParents struct { Consumer *HMACAuthWithoutParentsConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username"` }
func (*HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *HMACAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
func (*HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetSecret ¶
func (o *HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetSecret() *string
func (*HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
func (*HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetUsername ¶
func (o *HMACAuthWithoutParents) GetUsername() string
type HMACAuthWithoutParentsConsumer ¶
type HMACAuthWithoutParentsConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*HMACAuthWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *HMACAuthWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID() *string
type HTTPSRedirectStatusCode ¶
type HTTPSRedirectStatusCode int64
HTTPSRedirectStatusCode - The status code Kong responds with when all properties of a Route match except the protocol i.e. if the protocol of the request is `HTTP` instead of `HTTPS`. `Location` header is injected by Kong if the field is set to 301, 302, 307 or 308. Note: This config applies only if the Route is configured to only accept the `https` protocol.
const ( HTTPSRedirectStatusCodeFourHundredAndTwentySix HTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 426 HTTPSRedirectStatusCodeThreeHundredAndOne HTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 301 HTTPSRedirectStatusCodeThreeHundredAndTwo HTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 302 HTTPSRedirectStatusCodeThreeHundredAndSeven HTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 307 HTTPSRedirectStatusCodeThreeHundredAndEight HTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 308 )
func (HTTPSRedirectStatusCode) ToPointer ¶
func (e HTTPSRedirectStatusCode) ToPointer() *HTTPSRedirectStatusCode
func (*HTTPSRedirectStatusCode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *HTTPSRedirectStatusCode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HashFallback ¶
type HashFallback string
HashFallback - What to use as hashing input if the primary `hash_on` does not return a hash (eg. header is missing, or no Consumer identified). Not available if `hash_on` is set to `cookie`.
const ( HashFallbackNone HashFallback = "none" HashFallbackConsumer HashFallback = "consumer" HashFallbackIP HashFallback = "ip" HashFallbackHeader HashFallback = "header" HashFallbackCookie HashFallback = "cookie" HashFallbackPath HashFallback = "path" HashFallbackQueryArg HashFallback = "query_arg" HashFallbackURICapture HashFallback = "uri_capture" )
func (HashFallback) ToPointer ¶
func (e HashFallback) ToPointer() *HashFallback
func (*HashFallback) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *HashFallback) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type HashOn ¶
type HashOn string
HashOn - What to use as hashing input. Using `none` results in a weighted-round-robin scheme with no hashing.
func (*HashOn) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Healthchecks ¶
type Healthchecks struct { Active *Active `json:"active,omitempty"` Passive *Passive `json:"passive,omitempty"` Threshold *float64 `json:"threshold,omitempty"` }
func (*Healthchecks) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *Healthchecks) DeepCopy() *Healthchecks
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Healthchecks.
func (*Healthchecks) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *Healthchecks) DeepCopyInto(out *Healthchecks)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Healthchecks) GetActive ¶
func (o *Healthchecks) GetActive() *Active
func (*Healthchecks) GetPassive ¶
func (o *Healthchecks) GetPassive() *Passive
func (*Healthchecks) GetThreshold ¶
func (o *Healthchecks) GetThreshold() *float64
type Healthy ¶
type Healthy struct { HTTPStatuses []int64 `json:"http_statuses,omitempty"` Interval *float64 `json:"interval,omitempty"` Successes *int64 `json:"successes,omitempty"` }
func (*Healthy) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Healthy.
func (*Healthy) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Healthy) GetHTTPStatuses ¶
func (*Healthy) GetInterval ¶
func (*Healthy) GetSuccesses ¶
type ID ¶
type ID struct { StringFieldEqualsFilter *StringFieldEqualsFilter `queryParam:"inline"` StringFieldOEQFilter *StringFieldOEQFilter `queryParam:"inline"` Type IDType }
func CreateIDStringFieldEqualsFilter ¶
func CreateIDStringFieldEqualsFilter(stringFieldEqualsFilter StringFieldEqualsFilter) ID
func CreateIDStringFieldOEQFilter ¶
func CreateIDStringFieldOEQFilter(stringFieldOEQFilter StringFieldOEQFilter) ID
func (ID) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*ID) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type IDP ¶
type IDP struct { Issuer *string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` LoginPath *string `json:"login_path,omitempty"` ClientID *string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` Scopes []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"` ClaimMappings *ClaimMappings `json:"claim_mappings,omitempty"` }
IDP - The IdP object contains the configuration data for the OIDC authentication integration.
NOTE: The `openid` scope is required. Removing it could break the OIDC integration.
func (*IDP) GetClaimMappings ¶
func (o *IDP) GetClaimMappings() *ClaimMappings
func (*IDP) GetClientID ¶
func (*IDP) GetLoginPath ¶
type Identity ¶
type Identity struct { Name RolesIdentityName `json:"name"` Roles RolesIdentityRoles `json:"roles"` }
func (*Identity) GetName ¶
func (o *Identity) GetName() RolesIdentityName
func (*Identity) GetRoles ¶
func (o *Identity) GetRoles() RolesIdentityRoles
type IdentityProvider ¶ added in v0.1.29
type IdentityProvider struct { // Contains a unique identifier used by the API for this resource. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Specifies the type of identity provider. Type *IdentityProviderType `json:"type,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the identity provider is enabled. // Only one identity provider can be active at a time, such as SAML or OIDC. // Enabled *bool `default:"false" json:"enabled"` // The path used for initiating login requests with the identity provider. LoginPath *string `json:"login_path,omitempty"` Config *IdentityProviderConfig `json:"config,omitempty"` // An ISO-8601 timestamp representation of entity creation date. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // An ISO-8601 timestamp representation of entity update date. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
IdentityProvider - The identity provider that contains configuration data for authentication integration.
func (*IdentityProvider) GetConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *IdentityProvider) GetConfig() *IdentityProviderConfig
func (*IdentityProvider) GetCreatedAt ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *IdentityProvider) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
func (*IdentityProvider) GetEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *IdentityProvider) GetEnabled() *bool
func (*IdentityProvider) GetID ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *IdentityProvider) GetID() *string
func (*IdentityProvider) GetLoginPath ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *IdentityProvider) GetLoginPath() *string
func (*IdentityProvider) GetType ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *IdentityProvider) GetType() *IdentityProviderType
func (*IdentityProvider) GetUpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *IdentityProvider) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
func (IdentityProvider) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (i IdentityProvider) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*IdentityProvider) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (i *IdentityProvider) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
type IdentityProviderConfig struct { OIDCIdentityProviderConfig *OIDCIdentityProviderConfig `queryParam:"inline"` SAMLIdentityProviderConfig *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig `queryParam:"inline"` Type IdentityProviderConfigType }
func CreateIdentityProviderConfigOIDCIdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
func CreateIdentityProviderConfigOIDCIdentityProviderConfig(oidcIdentityProviderConfig OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) IdentityProviderConfig
func CreateIdentityProviderConfigSAMLIdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
func CreateIdentityProviderConfigSAMLIdentityProviderConfig(samlIdentityProviderConfig SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) IdentityProviderConfig
func (IdentityProviderConfig) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (u IdentityProviderConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*IdentityProviderConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (u *IdentityProviderConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IdentityProviderConfigType ¶ added in v0.1.29
type IdentityProviderConfigType string
const ( IdentityProviderConfigTypeOIDCIdentityProviderConfig IdentityProviderConfigType = "OIDCIdentityProviderConfig" IdentityProviderConfigTypeSAMLIdentityProviderConfig IdentityProviderConfigType = "SAMLIdentityProviderConfig" )
type IdentityProviderType ¶ added in v0.1.29
type IdentityProviderType string
IdentityProviderType - Specifies the type of identity provider.
const ( IdentityProviderTypeOidc IdentityProviderType = "oidc" IdentityProviderTypeSaml IdentityProviderType = "saml" )
func (IdentityProviderType) ToPointer ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (e IdentityProviderType) ToPointer() *IdentityProviderType
func (*IdentityProviderType) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (e *IdentityProviderType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InvalidParameterChoiceItem ¶
type InvalidParameterChoiceItem struct { Field string `json:"field"` // invalid parameters rules Rule InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule `json:"rule"` Reason string `json:"reason"` Choices []any `json:"choices"` Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` }
func (*InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetChoices ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetChoices() []any
func (*InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetField ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetField() string
func (*InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetReason ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetReason() string
func (*InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetRule ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetRule() InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule
func (*InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetSource ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterChoiceItem) GetSource() *string
type InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule ¶
type InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule string
InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule - invalid parameters rules
const (
InvalidParameterChoiceItemRuleEnum InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule = "enum"
func (InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule) ToPointer ¶
func (e InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule) ToPointer() *InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule
func (*InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *InvalidParameterChoiceItemRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InvalidParameterDependentItem ¶
type InvalidParameterDependentItem struct { Field string `json:"field"` // invalid parameters rules Rule *InvalidParameterDependentItemRule `json:"rule"` Reason string `json:"reason"` Dependents []any `json:"dependents"` Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` }
func (*InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetDependents ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetDependents() []any
func (*InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetField ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetField() string
func (*InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetReason ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetReason() string
func (*InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetRule ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetRule() *InvalidParameterDependentItemRule
func (*InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetSource ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterDependentItem) GetSource() *string
type InvalidParameterDependentItemRule ¶
type InvalidParameterDependentItemRule string
InvalidParameterDependentItemRule - invalid parameters rules
const (
InvalidParameterDependentItemRuleDependentFields InvalidParameterDependentItemRule = "dependent_fields"
func (InvalidParameterDependentItemRule) ToPointer ¶
func (e InvalidParameterDependentItemRule) ToPointer() *InvalidParameterDependentItemRule
func (*InvalidParameterDependentItemRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *InvalidParameterDependentItemRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InvalidParameterMaximumLength ¶
type InvalidParameterMaximumLength struct { Field string `json:"field"` // invalid parameters rules Rule InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule `json:"rule"` Maximum int64 `json:"maximum"` Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason"` }
func (*InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetField ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetField() string
func (*InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetMaximum ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetMaximum() int64
func (*InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetReason ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetReason() string
func (*InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetRule ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetRule() InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule
func (*InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetSource ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMaximumLength) GetSource() *string
type InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule ¶
type InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule string
InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule - invalid parameters rules
const ( InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRuleMaxLength InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule = "max_length" InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRuleMaxItems InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule = "max_items" InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRuleMax InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule = "max" )
func (InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule) ToPointer ¶
func (e InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule) ToPointer() *InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule
func (*InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *InvalidParameterMaximumLengthRule) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InvalidParameterMinimumLength ¶
type InvalidParameterMinimumLength struct { Field string `json:"field"` // invalid parameters rules Rule Rule `json:"rule"` Minimum int64 `json:"minimum"` Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason"` }
func (*InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetField ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetField() string
func (*InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetMinimum ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetMinimum() int64
func (*InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetReason ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetReason() string
func (*InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetRule ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetRule() Rule
func (*InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetSource ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterMinimumLength) GetSource() *string
type InvalidParameterStandard ¶
type InvalidParameterStandard struct { Field string `json:"field"` // invalid parameters rules Rule *InvalidRules `json:"rule,omitempty"` Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` Reason string `json:"reason"` }
func (*InvalidParameterStandard) GetField ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterStandard) GetField() string
func (*InvalidParameterStandard) GetReason ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterStandard) GetReason() string
func (*InvalidParameterStandard) GetRule ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterStandard) GetRule() *InvalidRules
func (*InvalidParameterStandard) GetSource ¶
func (o *InvalidParameterStandard) GetSource() *string
type InvalidParameters ¶
type InvalidParameters struct { InvalidParameterStandard *InvalidParameterStandard `queryParam:"inline"` InvalidParameterMinimumLength *InvalidParameterMinimumLength `queryParam:"inline"` InvalidParameterMaximumLength *InvalidParameterMaximumLength `queryParam:"inline"` InvalidParameterChoiceItem *InvalidParameterChoiceItem `queryParam:"inline"` InvalidParameterDependentItem *InvalidParameterDependentItem `queryParam:"inline"` Type InvalidParametersType }
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterChoiceItem ¶
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterChoiceItem(invalidParameterChoiceItem InvalidParameterChoiceItem) InvalidParameters
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterDependentItem ¶
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterDependentItem(invalidParameterDependentItem InvalidParameterDependentItem) InvalidParameters
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterMaximumLength ¶
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterMaximumLength(invalidParameterMaximumLength InvalidParameterMaximumLength) InvalidParameters
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterMinimumLength ¶
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterMinimumLength(invalidParameterMinimumLength InvalidParameterMinimumLength) InvalidParameters
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterStandard ¶
func CreateInvalidParametersInvalidParameterStandard(invalidParameterStandard InvalidParameterStandard) InvalidParameters
func (InvalidParameters) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u InvalidParameters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*InvalidParameters) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *InvalidParameters) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InvalidParametersType ¶
type InvalidParametersType string
const ( InvalidParametersTypeInvalidParameterStandard InvalidParametersType = "InvalidParameterStandard" InvalidParametersTypeInvalidParameterMinimumLength InvalidParametersType = "InvalidParameterMinimumLength" InvalidParametersTypeInvalidParameterMaximumLength InvalidParametersType = "InvalidParameterMaximumLength" InvalidParametersTypeInvalidParameterChoiceItem InvalidParametersType = "InvalidParameterChoiceItem" InvalidParametersTypeInvalidParameterDependentItem InvalidParametersType = "InvalidParameterDependentItem" )
type InvalidRules ¶
type InvalidRules string
InvalidRules - invalid parameters rules
const ( InvalidRulesRequired InvalidRules = "required" InvalidRulesIsArray InvalidRules = "is_array" InvalidRulesIsBase64 InvalidRules = "is_base64" InvalidRulesIsBoolean InvalidRules = "is_boolean" InvalidRulesIsDateTime InvalidRules = "is_date_time" InvalidRulesIsInteger InvalidRules = "is_integer" InvalidRulesIsNull InvalidRules = "is_null" InvalidRulesIsNumber InvalidRules = "is_number" InvalidRulesIsObject InvalidRules = "is_object" InvalidRulesIsString InvalidRules = "is_string" InvalidRulesIsUUID InvalidRules = "is_uuid" InvalidRulesIsFqdn InvalidRules = "is_fqdn" InvalidRulesIsArn InvalidRules = "is_arn" InvalidRulesUnknownProperty InvalidRules = "unknown_property" InvalidRulesMissingReference InvalidRules = "missing_reference" InvalidRulesIsLabel InvalidRules = "is_label" InvalidRulesMatchesRegex InvalidRules = "matches_regex" InvalidRulesInvalid InvalidRules = "invalid" InvalidRulesIsSupportedNetworkAvailabilityZoneList InvalidRules = "is_supported_network_availability_zone_list" InvalidRulesIsSupportedNetworkCidrBlock InvalidRules = "is_supported_network_cidr_block" InvalidRulesIsSupportedProviderRegion InvalidRules = "is_supported_provider_region" )
func (InvalidRules) ToPointer ¶
func (e InvalidRules) ToPointer() *InvalidRules
func (*InvalidRules) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *InvalidRules) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InviteUser ¶
type InviteUser struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
InviteUser - The request schema for the invite user request.
If you pass an `email` that is not already an active user in the request, a fresh invitation email will be created and sent to the new user.
func (*InviteUser) GetEmail ¶
func (o *InviteUser) GetEmail() string
type Item ¶
type Item struct { // The custom plugin schema; `jq -Rs '.' schema.lua`. LuaSchema *string `json:"lua_schema,omitempty"` // The custom plugin name determined by the custom plugin schema. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // An ISO-8604 timestamp representation of custom plugin schema creation date. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // An ISO-8604 timestamp representation of custom plugin schema update date. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
func (*Item) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Item) GetLuaSchema ¶
func (*Item) GetUpdatedAt ¶
type Items ¶
type Items struct { // The custom plugin schema; `jq -Rs '.' schema.lua`. LuaSchema *string `json:"lua_schema,omitempty"` // The custom plugin name determined by the custom plugin schema. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // An ISO-8604 timestamp representation of custom plugin schema creation date. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // An ISO-8604 timestamp representation of custom plugin schema update date. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
func (*Items) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Items) GetLuaSchema ¶
func (*Items) GetUpdatedAt ¶
type JWTConsumer ¶
type JWTConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*JWTConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *JWTConsumer) GetID() *string
type JWTWithoutParents ¶
type JWTWithoutParents struct { Algorithm *JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm `json:"algorithm,omitempty"` Consumer *JWTWithoutParentsConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` RsaPublicKey *string `json:"rsa_public_key,omitempty"` Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*JWTWithoutParents) GetAlgorithm ¶
func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetAlgorithm() *JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm
func (*JWTWithoutParents) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *JWTWithoutParentsConsumer
func (*JWTWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*JWTWithoutParents) GetKey ¶
func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetKey() *string
func (*JWTWithoutParents) GetRsaPublicKey ¶
func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetRsaPublicKey() *string
func (*JWTWithoutParents) GetSecret ¶
func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetSecret() *string
func (*JWTWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *JWTWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
type JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm ¶
type JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm string
const ( JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmHs256 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "HS256" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmHs384 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "HS384" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmHs512 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "HS512" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmRs256 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "RS256" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmRs384 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "RS384" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmRs512 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "RS512" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmEs256 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "ES256" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmEs384 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "ES384" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmEs512 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "ES512" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmPs256 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "PS256" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmPs384 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "PS384" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmPs512 JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "PS512" JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithmEdDsa JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm = "EdDSA" )
func (JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm) ToPointer ¶
func (e JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm) ToPointer() *JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm
func (*JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *JWTWithoutParentsAlgorithm) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type JWTWithoutParentsConsumer ¶
type JWTWithoutParentsConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*JWTWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *JWTWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID() *string
type Jwt ¶
type Jwt struct { Algorithm *Algorithm `json:"algorithm,omitempty"` Consumer *JWTConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` RsaPublicKey *string `json:"rsa_public_key,omitempty"` Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*Jwt) GetAlgorithm ¶
func (*Jwt) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *Jwt) GetConsumer() *JWTConsumer
func (*Jwt) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Jwt) GetRsaPublicKey ¶
type Key ¶
type Key struct { // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // A JSON Web Key represented as a string. Jwk *string `json:"jwk,omitempty"` // A unique identifier for a key. Kid string `json:"kid"` // The name to associate with the given keys. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // A keypair in PEM format. Pem *Pem `json:"pem,omitempty"` // The id (an UUID) of the key-set with which to associate the key. Set *Set `json:"set,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Key for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
A Key object holds a representation of asymmetric keys in various formats. When Kong or a Kong plugin requires a specific public or private key to perform certain operations, it can use this entity.
func (*Key) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Key) GetUpdatedAt ¶
type KeyAuth ¶
type KeyAuth struct { Consumer *KeyAuthConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*KeyAuth) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *KeyAuth) GetConsumer() *KeyAuthConsumer
func (*KeyAuth) GetCreatedAt ¶
type KeyAuthConsumer ¶
type KeyAuthConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*KeyAuthConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *KeyAuthConsumer) GetID() *string
type KeyAuthWithoutParents ¶
type KeyAuthWithoutParents struct { Consumer *KeyAuthWithoutParentsConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Key string `json:"key"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*KeyAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *KeyAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *KeyAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
func (*KeyAuthWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *KeyAuthWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*KeyAuthWithoutParents) GetKey ¶
func (o *KeyAuthWithoutParents) GetKey() string
func (*KeyAuthWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *KeyAuthWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
type KeyAuthWithoutParentsConsumer ¶
type KeyAuthWithoutParentsConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*KeyAuthWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *KeyAuthWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID() *string
type KeyInput ¶
type KeyInput struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // A JSON Web Key represented as a string. Jwk *string `json:"jwk,omitempty"` // A unique identifier for a key. Kid string `json:"kid"` // The name to associate with the given keys. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // A keypair in PEM format. Pem *Pem `json:"pem,omitempty"` // The id (an UUID) of the key-set with which to associate the key. Set *Set `json:"set,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Key for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
KeyInput - A Key object holds a representation of asymmetric keys in various formats. When Kong or a Kong plugin requires a specific public or private key to perform certain operations, it can use this entity.
type KeySet ¶
type KeySet struct { // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
func (*KeySet) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*KeySet) GetUpdatedAt ¶
type KeySetInput ¶
type KeySetInput struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*KeySetInput) GetID ¶
func (o *KeySetInput) GetID() *string
func (*KeySetInput) GetName ¶
func (o *KeySetInput) GetName() *string
func (*KeySetInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *KeySetInput) GetTags() []string
type KeyWithoutParents ¶
type KeyWithoutParents struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // A JSON Web Key represented as a string. Jwk *string `json:"jwk,omitempty"` // A unique identifier for a key. Kid string `json:"kid"` // The name to associate with the given keys. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // A keypair in PEM format. Pem *KeyWithoutParentsPem `json:"pem,omitempty"` // The id (an UUID) of the key-set with which to associate the key. Set *KeyWithoutParentsSet `json:"set,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Key for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
KeyWithoutParents - A Key object holds a representation of asymmetric keys in various formats. When Kong or a Kong plugin requires a specific public or private key to perform certain operations, it can use this entity.
func (*KeyWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*KeyWithoutParents) GetJwk ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetJwk() *string
func (*KeyWithoutParents) GetKid ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetKid() string
func (*KeyWithoutParents) GetName ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetName() *string
func (*KeyWithoutParents) GetPem ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetPem() *KeyWithoutParentsPem
func (*KeyWithoutParents) GetSet ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetSet() *KeyWithoutParentsSet
func (*KeyWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
type KeyWithoutParentsPem ¶
type KeyWithoutParentsPem struct { PrivateKey *string `json:"private_key,omitempty"` PublicKey *string `json:"public_key,omitempty"` }
KeyWithoutParentsPem - A keypair in PEM format.
func (*KeyWithoutParentsPem) GetPrivateKey ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParentsPem) GetPrivateKey() *string
func (*KeyWithoutParentsPem) GetPublicKey ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParentsPem) GetPublicKey() *string
type KeyWithoutParentsSet ¶
type KeyWithoutParentsSet struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
KeyWithoutParentsSet - The id (an UUID) of the key-set with which to associate the key.
func (*KeyWithoutParentsSet) GetID ¶
func (o *KeyWithoutParentsSet) GetID() *string
type ListConfigStoreSecretsResponse ¶ added in v0.1.28
type ListConfigStoreSecretsResponse struct { // Pagination metadata. Meta CursorMeta `json:"meta"` Data []ConfigStoreSecret `json:"data"` }
ListConfigStoreSecretsResponse - List of Config Store Secrets
func (*ListConfigStoreSecretsResponse) GetData ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ListConfigStoreSecretsResponse) GetData() []ConfigStoreSecret
func (*ListConfigStoreSecretsResponse) GetMeta ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ListConfigStoreSecretsResponse) GetMeta() CursorMeta
type ListConfigStoresResponse ¶ added in v0.1.28
type ListConfigStoresResponse struct { // Pagination metadata. Meta CursorMeta `json:"meta"` Data []ConfigStore `json:"data"` }
ListConfigStoresResponse - List of Config Stores
func (*ListConfigStoresResponse) GetData ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ListConfigStoresResponse) GetData() []ConfigStore
func (*ListConfigStoresResponse) GetMeta ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *ListConfigStoresResponse) GetMeta() CursorMeta
type ListControlPlanesResponse ¶
type ListControlPlanesResponse struct { // returns the pagination information Meta PaginatedMeta `json:"meta"` Data []ControlPlane `json:"data"` }
ListControlPlanesResponse - A paginated list response for a collection of control planes.
func (*ListControlPlanesResponse) GetData ¶
func (o *ListControlPlanesResponse) GetData() []ControlPlane
func (*ListControlPlanesResponse) GetMeta ¶
func (o *ListControlPlanesResponse) GetMeta() PaginatedMeta
type ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponse ¶
type ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponse struct { Items []DataPlaneClientCertificate `json:"items,omitempty"` Page *ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponsePage `json:"page,omitempty"` }
ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponse - Example response
func (*ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponse) GetItems ¶
func (o *ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponse) GetItems() []DataPlaneClientCertificate
func (*ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponse) GetPage ¶
func (o *ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponse) GetPage() *ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponsePage
type ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponsePage ¶
type ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponsePage struct {
Total *int64 `json:"total,omitempty"`
func (*ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponsePage) GetTotal ¶
func (o *ListDataPlaneCertificatesResponsePage) GetTotal() *int64
type ListGroupMemberships ¶
type ListGroupMemberships struct { // returns the pagination information Meta CursorPaginatedMetaWithSizeAndTotal `json:"meta"` // Array of control planes summary who are a child to this control plane group. Data []ControlPlane `json:"data"` }
ListGroupMemberships - A paginated list response for a collection of control plane group memberships.
func (*ListGroupMemberships) GetData ¶
func (o *ListGroupMemberships) GetData() []ControlPlane
func (*ListGroupMemberships) GetMeta ¶
func (o *ListGroupMemberships) GetMeta() CursorPaginatedMetaWithSizeAndTotal
type ListNodes ¶
type ListNodes struct { Items []ListNodesItems `json:"items,omitempty"` Page *ListNodesPage `json:"page,omitempty"` }
ListNodes - Example response
func (*ListNodes) GetItems ¶
func (o *ListNodes) GetItems() []ListNodesItems
func (*ListNodes) GetPage ¶
func (o *ListNodes) GetPage() *ListNodesPage
type ListNodesEol ¶
type ListNodesEol struct { Items []ListNodesEolItems `json:"items,omitempty"` Page *ListNodesEolPage `json:"page,omitempty"` }
ListNodesEol - Example response
func (*ListNodesEol) GetItems ¶
func (o *ListNodesEol) GetItems() []ListNodesEolItems
func (*ListNodesEol) GetPage ¶
func (o *ListNodesEol) GetPage() *ListNodesEolPage
type ListNodesEolItems ¶
type ListNodesEolItems struct { NodeID *string `json:"node_id,omitempty"` NodeVersion *string `json:"node_version,omitempty"` Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
func (*ListNodesEolItems) GetMessage ¶
func (o *ListNodesEolItems) GetMessage() *string
func (*ListNodesEolItems) GetNodeID ¶
func (o *ListNodesEolItems) GetNodeID() *string
func (*ListNodesEolItems) GetNodeVersion ¶
func (o *ListNodesEolItems) GetNodeVersion() *string
type ListNodesEolPage ¶
type ListNodesEolPage struct {
Total *int64 `json:"total,omitempty"`
func (*ListNodesEolPage) GetTotal ¶
func (o *ListNodesEolPage) GetTotal() *int64
type ListNodesItems ¶
type ListNodesItems struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` Hostname *string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` LastPing *int64 `json:"last_ping,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` ConfigHash *string `json:"config_hash,omitempty"` CompatibilityStatus *CompatibilityStatus `json:"compatibility_status,omitempty"` }
func (*ListNodesItems) GetCompatibilityStatus ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetCompatibilityStatus() *CompatibilityStatus
func (*ListNodesItems) GetConfigHash ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetConfigHash() *string
func (*ListNodesItems) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetCreatedAt() *int64
func (*ListNodesItems) GetHostname ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetHostname() *string
func (*ListNodesItems) GetID ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetID() *string
func (*ListNodesItems) GetLastPing ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetLastPing() *int64
func (*ListNodesItems) GetType ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetType() *string
func (*ListNodesItems) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetUpdatedAt() *int64
func (*ListNodesItems) GetVersion ¶
func (o *ListNodesItems) GetVersion() *string
type ListNodesPage ¶
type ListNodesPage struct { Total *int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` }
func (*ListNodesPage) GetNext ¶
func (o *ListNodesPage) GetNext() *string
func (*ListNodesPage) GetTotal ¶
func (o *ListNodesPage) GetTotal() *int64
type ListPluginSchemas ¶
type ListPluginSchemas struct { Items []Items `json:"items,omitempty"` Page *Page `json:"page,omitempty"` }
ListPluginSchemas - A paginated list response for a collection of custom plugin schemas.
func (*ListPluginSchemas) GetItems ¶
func (o *ListPluginSchemas) GetItems() []Items
func (*ListPluginSchemas) GetPage ¶
func (o *ListPluginSchemas) GetPage() *Page
type MTLSAuth ¶
type MTLSAuth struct { CaCertificate *MTLSAuthCaCertificate `json:"ca_certificate,omitempty"` Consumer *MTLSAuthConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` SubjectName string `json:"subject_name"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*MTLSAuth) GetCaCertificate ¶
func (o *MTLSAuth) GetCaCertificate() *MTLSAuthCaCertificate
func (*MTLSAuth) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *MTLSAuth) GetConsumer() *MTLSAuthConsumer
func (*MTLSAuth) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*MTLSAuth) GetSubjectName ¶
type MTLSAuthCaCertificate ¶
type MTLSAuthCaCertificate struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*MTLSAuthCaCertificate) GetID ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthCaCertificate) GetID() *string
type MTLSAuthConsumer ¶
type MTLSAuthConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*MTLSAuthConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthConsumer) GetID() *string
type MTLSAuthWithoutParents ¶
type MTLSAuthWithoutParents struct { CaCertificate *MTLSAuthWithoutParentsCaCertificate `json:"ca_certificate,omitempty"` Consumer *MTLSAuthWithoutParentsConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` SubjectName string `json:"subject_name"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
func (*MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetCaCertificate ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetCaCertificate() *MTLSAuthWithoutParentsCaCertificate
func (*MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *MTLSAuthWithoutParentsConsumer
func (*MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetSubjectName ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetSubjectName() string
func (*MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
type MTLSAuthWithoutParentsCaCertificate ¶
type MTLSAuthWithoutParentsCaCertificate struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*MTLSAuthWithoutParentsCaCertificate) GetID ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParentsCaCertificate) GetID() *string
type MTLSAuthWithoutParentsConsumer ¶
type MTLSAuthWithoutParentsConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*MTLSAuthWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *MTLSAuthWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID() *string
type Maintainer ¶
type Maintainer struct { Name RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName `json:"name"` Description RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*Maintainer) GetDescription ¶
func (o *Maintainer) GetDescription() RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription
func (*Maintainer) GetName ¶
func (o *Maintainer) GetName() RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName
type Mappings ¶
type Mappings struct { Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` TeamIds []string `json:"team_ids,omitempty"` }
func (*Mappings) GetTeamIds ¶
type MeOrganization ¶
type MeOrganization struct { // UUID of the organization. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the organization. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Owner ID of the organization. OwnerID *string `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` // Path to organization-specific login when single sign on (SSO) is enabled. Blank otherwise. LoginPath *string `json:"login_path,omitempty"` // Date the organization was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Date the organization was last updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // State of the organization State *MeOrganizationState `json:"state,omitempty"` // The number of days an organization spends inactive before being deleted. RetentionPeriodDays *int64 `json:"retention_period_days,omitempty"` }
MeOrganization - Me Organization
func (*MeOrganization) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *MeOrganization) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
func (*MeOrganization) GetID ¶
func (o *MeOrganization) GetID() *string
func (*MeOrganization) GetLoginPath ¶
func (o *MeOrganization) GetLoginPath() *string
func (*MeOrganization) GetName ¶
func (o *MeOrganization) GetName() *string
func (*MeOrganization) GetOwnerID ¶
func (o *MeOrganization) GetOwnerID() *string
func (*MeOrganization) GetRetentionPeriodDays ¶
func (o *MeOrganization) GetRetentionPeriodDays() *int64
func (*MeOrganization) GetState ¶
func (o *MeOrganization) GetState() *MeOrganizationState
func (*MeOrganization) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *MeOrganization) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
func (MeOrganization) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m MeOrganization) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MeOrganization) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *MeOrganization) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MeOrganizationState ¶
type MeOrganizationState string
MeOrganizationState - State of the organization
const ( MeOrganizationStateActive MeOrganizationState = "active" MeOrganizationStateInactive MeOrganizationState = "inactive" MeOrganizationStateDeleting MeOrganizationState = "deleting" MeOrganizationStateDeleted MeOrganizationState = "deleted" )
func (MeOrganizationState) ToPointer ¶
func (e MeOrganizationState) ToPointer() *MeOrganizationState
func (*MeOrganizationState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *MeOrganizationState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MeshControlPlanes ¶
type MeshControlPlanes struct { Name RolesMeshControlPlanesName `json:"name"` Roles RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles `json:"roles"` }
func (*MeshControlPlanes) GetName ¶
func (o *MeshControlPlanes) GetName() RolesMeshControlPlanesName
func (*MeshControlPlanes) GetRoles ¶
func (o *MeshControlPlanes) GetRoles() RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles
type Meta ¶
type Meta struct { // The page object. Page *TeamMappingResponsePage `json:"page,omitempty"` }
Meta - Contains pagination data.
func (*Meta) GetPage ¶
func (o *Meta) GetPage() *TeamMappingResponsePage
type Name ¶
type Name struct { StringFieldEqualsFilter *StringFieldEqualsFilter `queryParam:"inline"` StringFieldContainsFilter *StringFieldContainsFilter `queryParam:"inline"` StringFieldNEQFilter *StringFieldNEQFilter `queryParam:"inline"` Type NameType }
func CreateNameStringFieldContainsFilter ¶
func CreateNameStringFieldContainsFilter(stringFieldContainsFilter StringFieldContainsFilter) Name
func CreateNameStringFieldEqualsFilter ¶
func CreateNameStringFieldEqualsFilter(stringFieldEqualsFilter StringFieldEqualsFilter) Name
func CreateNameStringFieldNEQFilter ¶
func CreateNameStringFieldNEQFilter(stringFieldNEQFilter StringFieldNEQFilter) Name
func (Name) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Name) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings ¶ added in v0.1.29
type OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings struct { // The claim mapping for the user's name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The claim mapping for the user's email address. Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // The claim mapping for the user's group membership information. Groups *string `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings - Defines the mappings between OpenID Connect (OIDC) claims and local claims used by your application for authentication.
func (*OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings) GetEmail ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings) GetEmail() *string
func (*OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings) GetGroups ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings) GetGroups() *string
func (*OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings) GetName ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings) GetName() *string
type OIDCIdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
type OIDCIdentityProviderConfig struct { // The issuer URI of the identity provider. This is the URL where the provider's metadata can be obtained. IssuerURL string `json:"issuer_url"` // The client ID assigned to your application by the identity provider. ClientID string `json:"client_id"` // The scopes requested by your application when authenticating with the identity provider. Scopes []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"` // Defines the mappings between OpenID Connect (OIDC) claims and local claims used by your application for // authentication. // ClaimMappings *OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings `json:"claim_mappings,omitempty"` }
OIDCIdentityProviderConfig - The identity provider that contains configuration data for the OIDC authentication integration.
func (*OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) GetClaimMappings ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) GetClaimMappings() *OIDCIdentityProviderClaimMappings
func (*OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) GetClientID ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) GetClientID() string
func (*OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) GetIssuerURL ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) GetIssuerURL() string
func (*OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) GetScopes ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) GetScopes() []string
type Ordering ¶
type PageMeta ¶
type PageMeta struct { Number float64 `json:"number"` Size float64 `json:"size"` Total float64 `json:"total"` }
PageMeta - Contains pagination query parameters and the total number of objects returned.
type PaginatedMeta ¶
type PaginatedMeta struct { // Contains pagination query parameters and the total number of objects returned. Page PageMeta `json:"page"` }
PaginatedMeta - returns the pagination information
func (*PaginatedMeta) GetPage ¶
func (o *PaginatedMeta) GetPage() PageMeta
type Passive ¶
type Passive struct { Healthy *UpstreamHealthy `json:"healthy,omitempty"` Type *UpstreamType `json:"type,omitempty"` Unhealthy *UpstreamUnhealthy `json:"unhealthy,omitempty"` }
func (*Passive) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Passive.
func (*Passive) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Passive) GetHealthy ¶
func (o *Passive) GetHealthy() *UpstreamHealthy
func (*Passive) GetType ¶
func (o *Passive) GetType() *UpstreamType
func (*Passive) GetUnhealthy ¶
func (o *Passive) GetUnhealthy() *UpstreamUnhealthy
type PatchTeamGroupMappings ¶
type PatchTeamGroupMappings struct { // The IdP groups to map to the given team. Data []Data `json:"data,omitempty"` }
PatchTeamGroupMappings - The request schema for a partial update of mappings from Konnect Teams to IdP Groups.
func (*PatchTeamGroupMappings) GetData ¶
func (o *PatchTeamGroupMappings) GetData() []Data
type PathHandling ¶
type PathHandling string
PathHandling - Controls how the Service path, Route path and requested path are combined when sending a request to the upstream. See above for a detailed description of each behavior.
const ( PathHandlingV0 PathHandling = "v0" PathHandlingV1 PathHandling = "v1" )
func (PathHandling) ToPointer ¶
func (e PathHandling) ToPointer() *PathHandling
func (*PathHandling) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *PathHandling) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pem ¶
type Pem struct { PrivateKey *string `json:"private_key,omitempty"` PublicKey *string `json:"public_key,omitempty"` }
Pem - A keypair in PEM format.
func (*Pem) GetPrivateKey ¶
func (*Pem) GetPublicKey ¶
type Plugin ¶
type Plugin struct { // The configuration properties for the Plugin which can be found on the plugins documentation page in the [Kong Hub]( Config map[string]any `json:"config"` // If set, the plugin will activate only for requests where the specified has been authenticated. (Note that some plugins can not be restricted to consumers this way.). Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the authenticated Consumer. Consumer *PluginConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` ConsumerGroup *PluginConsumerGroup `json:"consumer_group,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Whether the plugin is applied. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` InstanceName *string `json:"instance_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Plugin that's going to be added. Currently, the Plugin must be installed in every Kong instance separately. Name string `json:"name"` Ordering *Ordering `json:"ordering,omitempty"` // A list of the request protocols that will trigger this plugin. The default value, as well as the possible values allowed on this field, may change depending on the plugin type. For example, plugins that only work in stream mode will only support `"tcp"` and `"tls"`. Protocols []Protocols `json:"protocols,omitempty"` // If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via the specified route. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Route being used. Route *PluginRoute `json:"route,omitempty"` // If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via one of the routes belonging to the specified Service. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Service being matched. Service *PluginService `json:"service,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Plugin for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
A Plugin entity represents a plugin configuration that will be executed during the HTTP request/response lifecycle. It is how you can add functionalities to Services that run behind Kong, like Authentication or Rate Limiting for example. You can find more information about how to install and what values each plugin takes by visiting the [Kong Hub]( When adding a Plugin Configuration to a Service, every request made by a client to that Service will run said Plugin. If a Plugin needs to be tuned to different values for some specific Consumers, you can do so by creating a separate plugin instance that specifies both the Service and the Consumer, through the `service` and `consumer` fields.
func (*Plugin) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *Plugin) GetConsumer() *PluginConsumer
func (*Plugin) GetConsumerGroup ¶
func (o *Plugin) GetConsumerGroup() *PluginConsumerGroup
func (*Plugin) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Plugin) GetEnabled ¶
func (*Plugin) GetInstanceName ¶
func (*Plugin) GetOrdering ¶
func (*Plugin) GetProtocols ¶
func (*Plugin) GetRoute ¶
func (o *Plugin) GetRoute() *PluginRoute
func (*Plugin) GetService ¶
func (o *Plugin) GetService() *PluginService
func (*Plugin) GetUpdatedAt ¶
type PluginAdmin ¶
type PluginAdmin struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*PluginAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *PluginAdmin) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription
func (*PluginAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *PluginAdmin) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName
type PluginConsumer ¶
type PluginConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
PluginConsumer - If set, the plugin will activate only for requests where the specified has been authenticated. (Note that some plugins can not be restricted to consumers this way.). Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the authenticated Consumer.
func (*PluginConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginConsumer) GetID() *string
type PluginConsumerGroup ¶
type PluginConsumerGroup struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*PluginConsumerGroup) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginConsumerGroup) GetID() *string
type PluginInput ¶
type PluginInput struct { // The configuration properties for the Plugin which can be found on the plugins documentation page in the [Kong Hub]( Config map[string]any `json:"config"` // If set, the plugin will activate only for requests where the specified has been authenticated. (Note that some plugins can not be restricted to consumers this way.). Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the authenticated Consumer. Consumer *PluginConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` ConsumerGroup *PluginConsumerGroup `json:"consumer_group,omitempty"` // Whether the plugin is applied. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` InstanceName *string `json:"instance_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Plugin that's going to be added. Currently, the Plugin must be installed in every Kong instance separately. Name string `json:"name"` Ordering *Ordering `json:"ordering,omitempty"` // A list of the request protocols that will trigger this plugin. The default value, as well as the possible values allowed on this field, may change depending on the plugin type. For example, plugins that only work in stream mode will only support `"tcp"` and `"tls"`. Protocols []Protocols `json:"protocols,omitempty"` // If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via the specified route. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Route being used. Route *PluginRoute `json:"route,omitempty"` // If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via one of the routes belonging to the specified Service. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Service being matched. Service *PluginService `json:"service,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Plugin for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
PluginInput - A Plugin entity represents a plugin configuration that will be executed during the HTTP request/response lifecycle. It is how you can add functionalities to Services that run behind Kong, like Authentication or Rate Limiting for example. You can find more information about how to install and what values each plugin takes by visiting the [Kong Hub]( When adding a Plugin Configuration to a Service, every request made by a client to that Service will run said Plugin. If a Plugin needs to be tuned to different values for some specific Consumers, you can do so by creating a separate plugin instance that specifies both the Service and the Consumer, through the `service` and `consumer` fields.
func (*PluginInput) GetConfig ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetConfig() map[string]any
func (*PluginInput) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetConsumer() *PluginConsumer
func (*PluginInput) GetConsumerGroup ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetConsumerGroup() *PluginConsumerGroup
func (*PluginInput) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetEnabled() *bool
func (*PluginInput) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetID() *string
func (*PluginInput) GetInstanceName ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetInstanceName() *string
func (*PluginInput) GetName ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetName() string
func (*PluginInput) GetOrdering ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetOrdering() *Ordering
func (*PluginInput) GetProtocols ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetProtocols() []Protocols
func (*PluginInput) GetRoute ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetRoute() *PluginRoute
func (*PluginInput) GetService ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetService() *PluginService
func (*PluginInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *PluginInput) GetTags() []string
type PluginRoute ¶
type PluginRoute struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
PluginRoute - If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via the specified route. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Route being used.
func (*PluginRoute) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginRoute) GetID() *string
type PluginSchemas ¶
type PluginSchemas struct {
Item *Item `json:"item,omitempty"`
PluginSchemas - A response for a single custom plugin schema.
func (*PluginSchemas) GetItem ¶
func (o *PluginSchemas) GetItem() *Item
type PluginService ¶
type PluginService struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
PluginService - If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via one of the routes belonging to the specified Service. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Service being matched.
func (*PluginService) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginService) GetID() *string
type PluginWithoutParents ¶
type PluginWithoutParents struct { // The configuration properties for the Plugin which can be found on the plugins documentation page in the [Kong Hub]( Config map[string]any `json:"config"` // If set, the plugin will activate only for requests where the specified has been authenticated. (Note that some plugins can not be restricted to consumers this way.). Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the authenticated Consumer. Consumer *PluginWithoutParentsConsumer `json:"consumer,omitempty"` ConsumerGroup *PluginWithoutParentsConsumerGroup `json:"consumer_group,omitempty"` // Whether the plugin is applied. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` InstanceName *string `json:"instance_name,omitempty"` // The name of the Plugin that's going to be added. Currently, the Plugin must be installed in every Kong instance separately. Name string `json:"name"` Ordering *PluginWithoutParentsOrdering `json:"ordering,omitempty"` // A list of the request protocols that will trigger this plugin. The default value, as well as the possible values allowed on this field, may change depending on the plugin type. For example, plugins that only work in stream mode will only support `"tcp"` and `"tls"`. Protocols []PluginWithoutParentsProtocols `json:"protocols,omitempty"` // If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via the specified route. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Route being used. Route *PluginWithoutParentsRoute `json:"route,omitempty"` // If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via one of the routes belonging to the specified Service. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Service being matched. Service *PluginWithoutParentsService `json:"service,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Plugin for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
PluginWithoutParents - A Plugin entity represents a plugin configuration that will be executed during the HTTP request/response lifecycle. It is how you can add functionalities to Services that run behind Kong, like Authentication or Rate Limiting for example. You can find more information about how to install and what values each plugin takes by visiting the [Kong Hub]( When adding a Plugin Configuration to a Service, every request made by a client to that Service will run said Plugin. If a Plugin needs to be tuned to different values for some specific Consumers, you can do so by creating a separate plugin instance that specifies both the Service and the Consumer, through the `service` and `consumer` fields.
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetConfig ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetConfig() map[string]any
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetConsumer ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetConsumer() *PluginWithoutParentsConsumer
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetConsumerGroup ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetConsumerGroup() *PluginWithoutParentsConsumerGroup
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetEnabled() *bool
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetInstanceName ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetInstanceName() *string
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetName ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetName() string
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetOrdering ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetOrdering() *PluginWithoutParentsOrdering
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetProtocols ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetProtocols() []PluginWithoutParentsProtocols
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetRoute ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetRoute() *PluginWithoutParentsRoute
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetService ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetService() *PluginWithoutParentsService
func (*PluginWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
type PluginWithoutParentsAfter ¶
type PluginWithoutParentsAfter struct {
Access []string `json:"access,omitempty"`
func (*PluginWithoutParentsAfter) GetAccess ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParentsAfter) GetAccess() []string
type PluginWithoutParentsBefore ¶
type PluginWithoutParentsBefore struct {
Access []string `json:"access,omitempty"`
func (*PluginWithoutParentsBefore) GetAccess ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParentsBefore) GetAccess() []string
type PluginWithoutParentsConsumer ¶
type PluginWithoutParentsConsumer struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
PluginWithoutParentsConsumer - If set, the plugin will activate only for requests where the specified has been authenticated. (Note that some plugins can not be restricted to consumers this way.). Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the authenticated Consumer.
func (*PluginWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParentsConsumer) GetID() *string
type PluginWithoutParentsConsumerGroup ¶
type PluginWithoutParentsConsumerGroup struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*PluginWithoutParentsConsumerGroup) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParentsConsumerGroup) GetID() *string
type PluginWithoutParentsOrdering ¶
type PluginWithoutParentsOrdering struct { After *PluginWithoutParentsAfter `json:"after,omitempty"` Before *PluginWithoutParentsBefore `json:"before,omitempty"` }
func (*PluginWithoutParentsOrdering) GetAfter ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParentsOrdering) GetAfter() *PluginWithoutParentsAfter
func (*PluginWithoutParentsOrdering) GetBefore ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParentsOrdering) GetBefore() *PluginWithoutParentsBefore
type PluginWithoutParentsProtocols ¶
type PluginWithoutParentsProtocols string
const ( PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsGrpc PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "grpc" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsGrpcs PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "grpcs" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsHTTP PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "http" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsHTTPS PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "https" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsTCP PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "tcp" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsTLS PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "tls" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsTLSPassthrough PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "tls_passthrough" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsUDP PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "udp" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsWs PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "ws" PluginWithoutParentsProtocolsWss PluginWithoutParentsProtocols = "wss" )
func (PluginWithoutParentsProtocols) ToPointer ¶
func (e PluginWithoutParentsProtocols) ToPointer() *PluginWithoutParentsProtocols
func (*PluginWithoutParentsProtocols) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *PluginWithoutParentsProtocols) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PluginWithoutParentsRoute ¶
type PluginWithoutParentsRoute struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
PluginWithoutParentsRoute - If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via the specified route. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Route being used.
func (*PluginWithoutParentsRoute) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParentsRoute) GetID() *string
type PluginWithoutParentsService ¶
type PluginWithoutParentsService struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
PluginWithoutParentsService - If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via one of the routes belonging to the specified Service. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Service being matched.
func (*PluginWithoutParentsService) GetID ¶
func (o *PluginWithoutParentsService) GetID() *string
type PluginsAdmin ¶
type PluginsAdmin struct { Name RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName `json:"name"` Description RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*PluginsAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *PluginsAdmin) GetDescription() RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription
func (*PluginsAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *PluginsAdmin) GetName() RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName
type Protocol ¶
type Protocol string
Protocol - The protocol used to communicate with the upstream.
const ( ProtocolGrpc Protocol = "grpc" ProtocolGrpcs Protocol = "grpcs" ProtocolHTTP Protocol = "http" ProtocolHTTPS Protocol = "https" ProtocolTCP Protocol = "tcp" ProtocolTLS Protocol = "tls" ProtocolTLSPassthrough Protocol = "tls_passthrough" ProtocolUDP Protocol = "udp" ProtocolWs Protocol = "ws" ProtocolWss Protocol = "wss" )
func (*Protocol) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Protocols ¶
type Protocols string
const ( ProtocolsGrpc Protocols = "grpc" ProtocolsGrpcs Protocols = "grpcs" ProtocolsHTTP Protocols = "http" ProtocolsHTTPS Protocols = "https" ProtocolsTCP Protocols = "tcp" ProtocolsTLS Protocols = "tls" ProtocolsTLSPassthrough Protocols = "tls_passthrough" ProtocolsUDP Protocols = "udp" ProtocolsWs Protocols = "ws" ProtocolsWss Protocols = "wss" )
func (*Protocols) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ProxyURL ¶
type ProxyURL struct { // Hostname of the proxy URL. Host string `json:"host"` // Port of the proxy URL. Port int64 `json:"port"` // Protocol of the proxy URL. Protocol string `json:"protocol"` }
ProxyURL - Proxy URL associated with reaching the data-planes connected to a control-plane.
func (*ProxyURL) GetProtocol ¶
type Publisher ¶
type Publisher struct { Name RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName `json:"name"` Description RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*Publisher) GetDescription ¶
func (o *Publisher) GetDescription() RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription
func (*Publisher) GetName ¶
func (o *Publisher) GetName() RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName
type RoleName ¶
type RoleName string
RoleName - The desired role.
const ( RoleNameAdmin RoleName = "Admin" RoleNameAppearanceMaintainer RoleName = "Appearance Maintainer" RoleNameApplicationRegistration RoleName = "Application Registration" RoleNameCertificateAdmin RoleName = "Certificate Admin" RoleNameCloudGatewayClusterAdmin RoleName = "Cloud Gateway Cluster Admin" RoleNameCloudGatewayClusterViewer RoleName = "Cloud Gateway Cluster Viewer" RoleNameConsumerAdmin RoleName = "Consumer Admin" RoleNameCreator RoleName = "Creator" RoleNameDeployer RoleName = "Deployer" RoleNameDiscoveryAdmin RoleName = "Discovery Admin" RoleNameDiscoveryViewer RoleName = "Discovery Viewer" RoleNameGatewayServiceAdmin RoleName = "Gateway Service Admin" RoleNameIntegrationAdmin RoleName = "Integration Admin" RoleNameIntegrationViewer RoleName = "Integration Viewer" RoleNameKeyAdmin RoleName = "Key Admin" RoleNameMaintainer RoleName = "Maintainer" RoleNameNetworkAdmin RoleName = "Network Admin" RoleNameNetworkCreator RoleName = "Network Creator" RoleNameNetworkViewer RoleName = "Network Viewer" RoleNamePluginAdmin RoleName = "Plugin Admin" RoleNamePluginsAdmin RoleName = "Plugins Admin" RoleNameProductPublisher RoleName = "Product Publisher" RoleNamePublisher RoleName = "Publisher" RoleNameRouteAdmin RoleName = "Route Admin" RoleNameSniAdmin RoleName = "SNI Admin" RoleNameServiceAdmin RoleName = "Service Admin" RoleNameServiceCreator RoleName = "Service Creator" RoleNameServiceViewer RoleName = "Service Viewer" RoleNameUpstreamAdmin RoleName = "Upstream Admin" RoleNameVaultAdmin RoleName = "Vault Admin" RoleNameViewer RoleName = "Viewer" )
func (*RoleName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Roles ¶
type Roles struct { ControlPlanes *ControlPlanes `json:"control_planes,omitempty"` APIProducts *APIProducts `json:"api_products,omitempty"` AuditLogs *AuditLogs `json:"audit_logs,omitempty"` Identity *Identity `json:"identity,omitempty"` MeshControlPlanes *MeshControlPlanes `json:"mesh_control_planes,omitempty"` }
Roles - The predefined, or system managed, roles.
func (*Roles) GetAPIProducts ¶
func (o *Roles) GetAPIProducts() *APIProducts
func (*Roles) GetAuditLogs ¶
func (*Roles) GetControlPlanes ¶
func (o *Roles) GetControlPlanes() *ControlPlanes
func (*Roles) GetIdentity ¶
func (*Roles) GetMeshControlPlanes ¶
func (o *Roles) GetMeshControlPlanes() *MeshControlPlanes
type RolesAPIProductsDescription ¶
type RolesAPIProductsDescription string
const (
RolesAPIProductsDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAnAPIProductAndItsVersions RolesAPIProductsDescription = "This role grants full write access to an API product and its versions."
func (RolesAPIProductsDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsDescription
func (*RolesAPIProductsDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsNameAPIProducts RolesAPIProductsName = "API Products"
func (RolesAPIProductsName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsName) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsName
func (*RolesAPIProductsName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationNameApplicationRegistration RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationName = "Application Registration"
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesApplicationRegistrationName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescriptionThisAccessIsRequiredToCreateAPIProductsThisAccessIsNotForCreatingSubEntitiesSuchAsVersionsAPISpecsEtc RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription = "" /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorNameCreator RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName = "Creator"
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescriptionThisRoleGrantsPermissionToDeployAndRemoveAnAPIProductFromAControlPlane RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription = "This role grants permission to deploy and remove an API product from a control plane."
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerNameDeployer RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName = "Deployer"
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesDescriptionThisRoleGrantsPermissionToEnableAndDisableApplicationRegistrationOnAnAPIProduct RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription = "This role grants permission to enable and disable application registration on an API product."
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescriptionThisRoleGrantsAllWritePermissionToManageAnAPIProductAndToAdministerPlugins RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription = "This role grants all write permission to manage an API product and to administer plugins."
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerNameMaintainer RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName = "Maintainer"
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesMaintainerName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesNameAdmin RolesAPIProductsRolesName = "Admin"
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesName) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesName
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWritePermissionToAdministerPlugins RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription = "This role grants full write permission to administer plugins."
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminNamePluginsAdmin RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName = "Plugins Admin"
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesPluginsAdminName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescriptionThisRoleGrantsPermissionToPublishAnAPIProductToOneOrMorePortals RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription = "This role grants permission to publish an API product to one or more portals."
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherNamePublisher RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName = "Publisher"
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesPublisherName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescriptionViewerHasReadOnlyAccessToAnAPIProductAndItsSubEntities RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription = "Viewer has read-only access to an API product and its sub-entities."
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName ¶
type RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName string
const (
RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerNameViewer RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName = "Viewer"
func (RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName) ToPointer() *RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName
func (*RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAdmin ¶
type RolesAdmin struct { Name RolesAPIProductsRolesName `json:"name"` Description RolesAPIProductsDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesAdmin) GetDescription() RolesAPIProductsDescription
func (*RolesAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesAdmin) GetName() RolesAPIProductsRolesName
type RolesAuditLogsAdmin ¶
type RolesAuditLogsAdmin struct { Name RolesAuditLogsRolesName `json:"name"` Description RolesAuditLogsDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesAuditLogsAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesAuditLogsAdmin) GetDescription() RolesAuditLogsDescription
func (*RolesAuditLogsAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesAuditLogsAdmin) GetName() RolesAuditLogsRolesName
type RolesAuditLogsDescription ¶
type RolesAuditLogsDescription string
const (
RolesAuditLogsDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToTheAuditLogConfiguration RolesAuditLogsDescription = "This role grants full write access to the Audit log configuration."
func (RolesAuditLogsDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAuditLogsDescription) ToPointer() *RolesAuditLogsDescription
func (*RolesAuditLogsDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAuditLogsDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAuditLogsName ¶
type RolesAuditLogsName string
const (
RolesAuditLogsNameAuditLogs RolesAuditLogsName = "Audit Logs"
func (RolesAuditLogsName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAuditLogsName) ToPointer() *RolesAuditLogsName
func (*RolesAuditLogsName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAuditLogsName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesAuditLogsRoles ¶
type RolesAuditLogsRoles struct {
Admin *RolesAuditLogsAdmin `json:"admin,omitempty"`
func (*RolesAuditLogsRoles) GetAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesAuditLogsRoles) GetAdmin() *RolesAuditLogsAdmin
type RolesAuditLogsRolesName ¶
type RolesAuditLogsRolesName string
const (
RolesAuditLogsRolesNameAdmin RolesAuditLogsRolesName = "Admin"
func (RolesAuditLogsRolesName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesAuditLogsRolesName) ToPointer() *RolesAuditLogsRolesName
func (*RolesAuditLogsRolesName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesAuditLogsRolesName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAdministerConsumers RolesControlPlanesDescription = "This role grants full write access to administer consumers."
func (RolesControlPlanesDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesDescription) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesDescription
func (*RolesControlPlanesDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesNameAdmin RolesControlPlanesName = "Admin"
func (RolesControlPlanesName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesName
func (*RolesControlPlanesName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRoles ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRoles struct { Admin *Admin `json:"admin,omitempty"` CertificateAdmin *CertificateAdmin `json:"certificate_admin,omitempty"` ConsumerAdmin *ConsumerAdmin `json:"consumer_admin,omitempty"` Creator *Creator `json:"creator,omitempty"` Deployer *Deployer `json:"deployer,omitempty"` GatewayServiceAdmin *GatewayServiceAdmin `json:"gateway_service_admin,omitempty"` PluginAdmin *PluginAdmin `json:"plugin_admin,omitempty"` RouteAdmin *RouteAdmin `json:"route_admin,omitempty"` SniAdmin *SniAdmin `json:"sni_admin,omitempty"` UpstreamAdmin *UpstreamAdmin `json:"upstream_admin,omitempty"` Viewer *Viewer `json:"viewer,omitempty"` }
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetAdmin() *Admin
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetCertificateAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetCertificateAdmin() *CertificateAdmin
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetConsumerAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetConsumerAdmin() *ConsumerAdmin
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetCreator ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetCreator() *Creator
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetDeployer ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetDeployer() *Deployer
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetGatewayServiceAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetGatewayServiceAdmin() *GatewayServiceAdmin
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetPluginAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetPluginAdmin() *PluginAdmin
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetRouteAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetRouteAdmin() *RouteAdmin
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetSniAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetSniAdmin() *SniAdmin
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetUpstreamAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetUpstreamAdmin() *UpstreamAdmin
func (*RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetViewer ¶
func (o *RolesControlPlanesRoles) GetViewer() *Viewer
type RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminNameConsumerAdmin RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName = "Consumer Admin"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesConsumerAdminName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorNameCreator RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName = "Creator"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesCreatorName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAdministerServicesRoutesAndPluginsNecessaryToDeployServicesInServiceHub RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription = "This role grants full write access to administer services, routes and plugins necessary to deploy services in Service Hub."
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerNameDeployer RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName = "Deployer"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesDeployerName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesDescriptionCreatesANewControlPlaneInAnOrganizationTheCreatorBecomesTheOwnerOfTheControlPlaneTheyCreate RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription = "Creates a new Control Plane in an organization. The creator becomes the owner of the Control Plane they create."
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAdministerGatewayServices RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescription = "This role grants full write access to administer gateway services."
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminNameGatewayServiceAdmin RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName = "Gateway Service Admin"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesGatewayServiceAdminName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesNameCertificateAdmin RolesControlPlanesRolesName = "Certificate Admin"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAdministerPlugins RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription = "This role grants full write access to administer plugins."
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminNamePluginAdmin RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName = "Plugin Admin"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesPluginAdminName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAdministerRoutes RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription = "This role grants full write access to administer routes."
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminNameRouteAdmin RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName = "Route Admin"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAdministerSnIs RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription = "This role grants full write access to administer SNIs."
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminNameSniAdmin RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName = "SNI Admin"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAdministerUpstreams RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescription = "This role grants full write access to administer upstreams."
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminNameUpstreamAdmin RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName = "Upstream Admin"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescriptionThisRoleGrantsReadOnlyAccessToAllEntitiesWithinAControlPlane RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription = "This role grants read only access to all entities within a control plane."
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName ¶
type RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName string
const (
RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerNameViewer RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName = "Viewer"
func (RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName) ToPointer() *RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName
func (*RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesCreator ¶
type RolesCreator struct { Name RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName `json:"name"` Description RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesCreator) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesCreator) GetDescription() RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorDescription
func (*RolesCreator) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesCreator) GetName() RolesAPIProductsRolesCreatorName
type RolesDeployer ¶
type RolesDeployer struct { Name RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName `json:"name"` Description RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesDeployer) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesDeployer) GetDescription() RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerDescription
func (*RolesDeployer) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesDeployer) GetName() RolesAPIProductsRolesDeployerName
type RolesDescription ¶
type RolesDescription string
const (
RolesDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToAdministerCertificates RolesDescription = "This role grants full write access to administer certificates."
func (RolesDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesDescription) ToPointer() *RolesDescription
func (*RolesDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesIdentityAdmin ¶
type RolesIdentityAdmin struct { Name RolesIdentityRolesName `json:"name"` Description RolesIdentityDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesIdentityAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesIdentityAdmin) GetDescription() RolesIdentityDescription
func (*RolesIdentityAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesIdentityAdmin) GetName() RolesIdentityRolesName
type RolesIdentityDescription ¶
type RolesIdentityDescription string
const (
RolesIdentityDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToTheIdentityConfiguration RolesIdentityDescription = "This role grants full write access to the Identity configuration."
func (RolesIdentityDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesIdentityDescription) ToPointer() *RolesIdentityDescription
func (*RolesIdentityDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesIdentityDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesIdentityName ¶
type RolesIdentityName string
const (
RolesIdentityNameIdentity RolesIdentityName = "Identity"
func (RolesIdentityName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesIdentityName) ToPointer() *RolesIdentityName
func (*RolesIdentityName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesIdentityName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesIdentityRoles ¶
type RolesIdentityRoles struct {
Admin *RolesIdentityAdmin `json:"admin,omitempty"`
func (*RolesIdentityRoles) GetAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesIdentityRoles) GetAdmin() *RolesIdentityAdmin
type RolesIdentityRolesName ¶
type RolesIdentityRolesName string
const (
RolesIdentityRolesNameAdmin RolesIdentityRolesName = "Admin"
func (RolesIdentityRolesName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesIdentityRolesName) ToPointer() *RolesIdentityRolesName
func (*RolesIdentityRolesName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesIdentityRolesName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin struct { Name RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName `json:"name"` Description RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin) GetDescription() RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin) GetName() RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName
type RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator struct { Name RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName `json:"name"` Description RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator) GetDescription() RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator) GetName() RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName
type RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription string
const (
RolesMeshControlPlanesDescriptionThisRoleGrantsFullWriteAccessToTheRelatedToMeshControlPlanes RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription = "This role grants full write access to the related to Mesh control planes."
func (RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription) ToPointer() *RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesMeshControlPlanesDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesMeshControlPlanesName ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesName string
const (
RolesMeshControlPlanesNameMeshControlPlane RolesMeshControlPlanesName = "Mesh Control Plane"
func (RolesMeshControlPlanesName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesMeshControlPlanesName) ToPointer() *RolesMeshControlPlanesName
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesMeshControlPlanesName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles struct { Admin *RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin `json:"admin,omitempty"` Creator *RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator `json:"creator,omitempty"` Viewer *RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer `json:"viewer,omitempty"` }
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles) GetAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles) GetAdmin() *RolesMeshControlPlanesAdmin
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles) GetCreator ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles) GetCreator() *RolesMeshControlPlanesCreator
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles) GetViewer ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesRoles) GetViewer() *RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName string
const (
RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorNameCreator RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName = "Creator"
func (RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName) ToPointer() *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesCreatorName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription string
const (
RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescriptionThisRoleGrantsAccessToCreateNewMeshControlPlanes RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription = "This role grants access to create new Mesh control planes."
func (RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription) ToPointer() *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName string
const (
RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesNameAdmin RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName = "Admin"
func (RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName) ToPointer() *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription string
const (
RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescriptionThisRoleGrantsAccessToReadOnlyPermissionsToMeshControlPlanes RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription = "This role grants access to read-only permissions to Mesh control planes."
func (RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription) ToPointer() *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName string
const (
RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerNameViewer RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName = "Viewer"
func (RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName) ToPointer ¶
func (e RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName) ToPointer() *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer ¶
type RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer struct { Name RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName `json:"name"` Description RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer) GetDescription() RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription
func (*RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesMeshControlPlanesViewer) GetName() RolesMeshControlPlanesRolesViewerName
type RolesName ¶
type RolesName string
const (
RolesNameControlPlanes RolesName = "Control Planes"
func (*RolesName) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type RolesRoles ¶
type RolesRoles struct { Admin *RolesAdmin `json:"admin,omitempty"` ApplicationRegistration *ApplicationRegistration `json:"application_registration,omitempty"` Creator *RolesCreator `json:"creator,omitempty"` Deployer *RolesDeployer `json:"deployer,omitempty"` Maintainer *Maintainer `json:"maintainer,omitempty"` PluginsAdmin *PluginsAdmin `json:"plugins_admin,omitempty"` Publisher *Publisher `json:"publisher,omitempty"` Viewer *RolesViewer `json:"viewer,omitempty"` }
func (*RolesRoles) GetAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesRoles) GetAdmin() *RolesAdmin
func (*RolesRoles) GetApplicationRegistration ¶
func (o *RolesRoles) GetApplicationRegistration() *ApplicationRegistration
func (*RolesRoles) GetCreator ¶
func (o *RolesRoles) GetCreator() *RolesCreator
func (*RolesRoles) GetDeployer ¶
func (o *RolesRoles) GetDeployer() *RolesDeployer
func (*RolesRoles) GetMaintainer ¶
func (o *RolesRoles) GetMaintainer() *Maintainer
func (*RolesRoles) GetPluginsAdmin ¶
func (o *RolesRoles) GetPluginsAdmin() *PluginsAdmin
func (*RolesRoles) GetPublisher ¶
func (o *RolesRoles) GetPublisher() *Publisher
func (*RolesRoles) GetViewer ¶
func (o *RolesRoles) GetViewer() *RolesViewer
type RolesViewer ¶
type RolesViewer struct { Name RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName `json:"name"` Description RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RolesViewer) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RolesViewer) GetDescription() RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerDescription
func (*RolesViewer) GetName ¶
func (o *RolesViewer) GetName() RolesAPIProductsRolesViewerName
type Route ¶
type Route struct { // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // A list of IP destinations of incoming connections that match this Route when using stream routing. Each entry is an object with fields "ip" (optionally in CIDR range notation) and/or "port". Destinations []Destinations `json:"destinations,omitempty"` // One or more lists of values indexed by header name that will cause this Route to match if present in the request. The `Host` header cannot be used with this attribute: hosts should be specified using the `hosts` attribute. When `headers` contains only one value and that value starts with the special prefix `~*`, the value is interpreted as a regular expression. Headers map[string][]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` // A list of domain names that match this Route. Note that the hosts value is case sensitive. Hosts []string `json:"hosts,omitempty"` // The status code Kong responds with when all properties of a Route match except the protocol i.e. if the protocol of the request is `HTTP` instead of `HTTPS`. `Location` header is injected by Kong if the field is set to 301, 302, 307 or 308. Note: This config applies only if the Route is configured to only accept the `https` protocol. HTTPSRedirectStatusCode *HTTPSRedirectStatusCode `json:"https_redirect_status_code,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // A list of HTTP methods that match this Route. Methods []string `json:"methods,omitempty"` // The name of the Route. Route names must be unique, and they are case sensitive. For example, there can be two different Routes named "test" and "Test". Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Controls how the Service path, Route path and requested path are combined when sending a request to the upstream. See above for a detailed description of each behavior. PathHandling *PathHandling `json:"path_handling,omitempty"` // A list of paths that match this Route. Paths []string `json:"paths,omitempty"` // When matching a Route via one of the `hosts` domain names, use the request `Host` header in the upstream request headers. If set to `false`, the upstream `Host` header will be that of the Service's `host`. PreserveHost *bool `json:"preserve_host,omitempty"` // An array of the protocols this Route should allow. See the [Route Object](#route-object) section for a list of accepted protocols. When set to only `"https"`, HTTP requests are answered with an upgrade error. When set to only `"http"`, HTTPS requests are answered with an error. Protocols []RouteProtocols `json:"protocols,omitempty"` // A number used to choose which route resolves a given request when several routes match it using regexes simultaneously. When two routes match the path and have the same `regex_priority`, the older one (lowest `created_at`) is used. Note that the priority for non-regex routes is different (longer non-regex routes are matched before shorter ones). RegexPriority *int64 `json:"regex_priority,omitempty"` // Whether to enable request body buffering or not. With HTTP 1.1, it may make sense to turn this off on services that receive data with chunked transfer encoding. RequestBuffering *bool `json:"request_buffering,omitempty"` // Whether to enable response body buffering or not. With HTTP 1.1, it may make sense to turn this off on services that send data with chunked transfer encoding. ResponseBuffering *bool `json:"response_buffering,omitempty"` // The Service this Route is associated to. This is where the Route proxies traffic to. Service *RouteService `json:"service,omitempty"` // A list of SNIs that match this Route when using stream routing. Snis []string `json:"snis,omitempty"` // A list of IP sources of incoming connections that match this Route when using stream routing. Each entry is an object with fields "ip" (optionally in CIDR range notation) and/or "port". Sources []Sources `json:"sources,omitempty"` // When matching a Route via one of the `paths`, strip the matching prefix from the upstream request URL. StripPath *bool `json:"strip_path,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Route for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
Route entities define rules to match client requests. Each Route is associated with a Service, and a Service may have multiple Routes associated to it. Every request matching a given Route will be proxied to its associated Service. The combination of Routes and Services (and the separation of concerns between them) offers a powerful routing mechanism with which it is possible to define fine-grained entry-points in Kong leading to different upstream services of your infrastructure. You need at least one matching rule that applies to the protocol being matched by the Route.
func (*Route) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Route.
func (*Route) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Route) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Route) GetDestinations ¶
func (o *Route) GetDestinations() []Destinations
func (*Route) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode ¶
func (o *Route) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode() *HTTPSRedirectStatusCode
func (*Route) GetHeaders ¶
func (*Route) GetMethods ¶
func (*Route) GetPathHandling ¶
func (o *Route) GetPathHandling() *PathHandling
func (*Route) GetPreserveHost ¶
func (*Route) GetProtocols ¶
func (o *Route) GetProtocols() []RouteProtocols
func (*Route) GetRegexPriority ¶
func (*Route) GetRequestBuffering ¶
func (*Route) GetResponseBuffering ¶
func (*Route) GetService ¶
func (o *Route) GetService() *RouteService
func (*Route) GetSources ¶
func (*Route) GetStripPath ¶
func (*Route) GetUpdatedAt ¶
type RouteAdmin ¶
type RouteAdmin struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*RouteAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *RouteAdmin) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminDescription
func (*RouteAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *RouteAdmin) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesRouteAdminName
type RouteInput ¶
type RouteInput struct { // A list of IP destinations of incoming connections that match this Route when using stream routing. Each entry is an object with fields "ip" (optionally in CIDR range notation) and/or "port". Destinations []Destinations `json:"destinations,omitempty"` // One or more lists of values indexed by header name that will cause this Route to match if present in the request. The `Host` header cannot be used with this attribute: hosts should be specified using the `hosts` attribute. When `headers` contains only one value and that value starts with the special prefix `~*`, the value is interpreted as a regular expression. Headers map[string][]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` // A list of domain names that match this Route. Note that the hosts value is case sensitive. Hosts []string `json:"hosts,omitempty"` // The status code Kong responds with when all properties of a Route match except the protocol i.e. if the protocol of the request is `HTTP` instead of `HTTPS`. `Location` header is injected by Kong if the field is set to 301, 302, 307 or 308. Note: This config applies only if the Route is configured to only accept the `https` protocol. HTTPSRedirectStatusCode *HTTPSRedirectStatusCode `json:"https_redirect_status_code,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // A list of HTTP methods that match this Route. Methods []string `json:"methods,omitempty"` // The name of the Route. Route names must be unique, and they are case sensitive. For example, there can be two different Routes named "test" and "Test". Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Controls how the Service path, Route path and requested path are combined when sending a request to the upstream. See above for a detailed description of each behavior. PathHandling *PathHandling `json:"path_handling,omitempty"` // A list of paths that match this Route. Paths []string `json:"paths,omitempty"` // When matching a Route via one of the `hosts` domain names, use the request `Host` header in the upstream request headers. If set to `false`, the upstream `Host` header will be that of the Service's `host`. PreserveHost *bool `json:"preserve_host,omitempty"` // An array of the protocols this Route should allow. See the [Route Object](#route-object) section for a list of accepted protocols. When set to only `"https"`, HTTP requests are answered with an upgrade error. When set to only `"http"`, HTTPS requests are answered with an error. Protocols []RouteProtocols `json:"protocols,omitempty"` // A number used to choose which route resolves a given request when several routes match it using regexes simultaneously. When two routes match the path and have the same `regex_priority`, the older one (lowest `created_at`) is used. Note that the priority for non-regex routes is different (longer non-regex routes are matched before shorter ones). RegexPriority *int64 `json:"regex_priority,omitempty"` // Whether to enable request body buffering or not. With HTTP 1.1, it may make sense to turn this off on services that receive data with chunked transfer encoding. RequestBuffering *bool `json:"request_buffering,omitempty"` // Whether to enable response body buffering or not. With HTTP 1.1, it may make sense to turn this off on services that send data with chunked transfer encoding. ResponseBuffering *bool `json:"response_buffering,omitempty"` // The Service this Route is associated to. This is where the Route proxies traffic to. Service *RouteService `json:"service,omitempty"` // A list of SNIs that match this Route when using stream routing. Snis []string `json:"snis,omitempty"` // A list of IP sources of incoming connections that match this Route when using stream routing. Each entry is an object with fields "ip" (optionally in CIDR range notation) and/or "port". Sources []Sources `json:"sources,omitempty"` // When matching a Route via one of the `paths`, strip the matching prefix from the upstream request URL. StripPath *bool `json:"strip_path,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Route for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
RouteInput - Route entities define rules to match client requests. Each Route is associated with a Service, and a Service may have multiple Routes associated to it. Every request matching a given Route will be proxied to its associated Service. The combination of Routes and Services (and the separation of concerns between them) offers a powerful routing mechanism with which it is possible to define fine-grained entry-points in Kong leading to different upstream services of your infrastructure. You need at least one matching rule that applies to the protocol being matched by the Route.
func (*RouteInput) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *RouteInput) DeepCopy() *RouteInput
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RouteInput.
func (*RouteInput) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *RouteInput) DeepCopyInto(out *RouteInput)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*RouteInput) GetDestinations ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetDestinations() []Destinations
func (*RouteInput) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode() *HTTPSRedirectStatusCode
func (*RouteInput) GetHeaders ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetHeaders() map[string][]string
func (*RouteInput) GetHosts ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetHosts() []string
func (*RouteInput) GetID ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetID() *string
func (*RouteInput) GetMethods ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetMethods() []string
func (*RouteInput) GetName ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetName() *string
func (*RouteInput) GetPathHandling ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetPathHandling() *PathHandling
func (*RouteInput) GetPaths ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetPaths() []string
func (*RouteInput) GetPreserveHost ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetPreserveHost() *bool
func (*RouteInput) GetProtocols ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetProtocols() []RouteProtocols
func (*RouteInput) GetRegexPriority ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetRegexPriority() *int64
func (*RouteInput) GetRequestBuffering ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetRequestBuffering() *bool
func (*RouteInput) GetResponseBuffering ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetResponseBuffering() *bool
func (*RouteInput) GetService ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetService() *RouteService
func (*RouteInput) GetSnis ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetSnis() []string
func (*RouteInput) GetSources ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetSources() []Sources
func (*RouteInput) GetStripPath ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetStripPath() *bool
func (*RouteInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *RouteInput) GetTags() []string
type RouteProtocols ¶
type RouteProtocols string
const ( RouteProtocolsGrpc RouteProtocols = "grpc" RouteProtocolsGrpcs RouteProtocols = "grpcs" RouteProtocolsHTTP RouteProtocols = "http" RouteProtocolsHTTPS RouteProtocols = "https" RouteProtocolsTCP RouteProtocols = "tcp" RouteProtocolsTLS RouteProtocols = "tls" RouteProtocolsTLSPassthrough RouteProtocols = "tls_passthrough" RouteProtocolsUDP RouteProtocols = "udp" RouteProtocolsWs RouteProtocols = "ws" RouteProtocolsWss RouteProtocols = "wss" )
func (RouteProtocols) ToPointer ¶
func (e RouteProtocols) ToPointer() *RouteProtocols
func (*RouteProtocols) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RouteProtocols) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RouteService ¶
type RouteService struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
RouteService - The Service this Route is associated to. This is where the Route proxies traffic to.
func (*RouteService) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *RouteService) DeepCopy() *RouteService
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RouteService.
func (*RouteService) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *RouteService) DeepCopyInto(out *RouteService)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*RouteService) GetID ¶
func (o *RouteService) GetID() *string
type RouteWithoutParents ¶
type RouteWithoutParents struct { // A list of IP destinations of incoming connections that match this Route when using stream routing. Each entry is an object with fields "ip" (optionally in CIDR range notation) and/or "port". Destinations []RouteWithoutParentsDestinations `json:"destinations,omitempty"` // One or more lists of values indexed by header name that will cause this Route to match if present in the request. The `Host` header cannot be used with this attribute: hosts should be specified using the `hosts` attribute. When `headers` contains only one value and that value starts with the special prefix `~*`, the value is interpreted as a regular expression. Headers map[string][]string `json:"headers,omitempty"` // A list of domain names that match this Route. Note that the hosts value is case sensitive. Hosts []string `json:"hosts,omitempty"` // The status code Kong responds with when all properties of a Route match except the protocol i.e. if the protocol of the request is `HTTP` instead of `HTTPS`. `Location` header is injected by Kong if the field is set to 301, 302, 307 or 308. Note: This config applies only if the Route is configured to only accept the `https` protocol. HTTPSRedirectStatusCode *RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode `json:"https_redirect_status_code,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // A list of HTTP methods that match this Route. Methods []string `json:"methods,omitempty"` // The name of the Route. Route names must be unique, and they are case sensitive. For example, there can be two different Routes named "test" and "Test". Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Controls how the Service path, Route path and requested path are combined when sending a request to the upstream. See above for a detailed description of each behavior. PathHandling *RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling `json:"path_handling,omitempty"` // A list of paths that match this Route. Paths []string `json:"paths,omitempty"` // When matching a Route via one of the `hosts` domain names, use the request `Host` header in the upstream request headers. If set to `false`, the upstream `Host` header will be that of the Service's `host`. PreserveHost *bool `json:"preserve_host,omitempty"` // An array of the protocols this Route should allow. See the [Route Object](#route-object) section for a list of accepted protocols. When set to only `"https"`, HTTP requests are answered with an upgrade error. When set to only `"http"`, HTTPS requests are answered with an error. Protocols []RouteWithoutParentsProtocols `json:"protocols,omitempty"` // A number used to choose which route resolves a given request when several routes match it using regexes simultaneously. When two routes match the path and have the same `regex_priority`, the older one (lowest `created_at`) is used. Note that the priority for non-regex routes is different (longer non-regex routes are matched before shorter ones). RegexPriority *int64 `json:"regex_priority,omitempty"` // Whether to enable request body buffering or not. With HTTP 1.1, it may make sense to turn this off on services that receive data with chunked transfer encoding. RequestBuffering *bool `json:"request_buffering,omitempty"` // Whether to enable response body buffering or not. With HTTP 1.1, it may make sense to turn this off on services that send data with chunked transfer encoding. ResponseBuffering *bool `json:"response_buffering,omitempty"` // The Service this Route is associated to. This is where the Route proxies traffic to. Service *RouteWithoutParentsService `json:"service,omitempty"` // A list of SNIs that match this Route when using stream routing. Snis []string `json:"snis,omitempty"` // A list of IP sources of incoming connections that match this Route when using stream routing. Each entry is an object with fields "ip" (optionally in CIDR range notation) and/or "port". Sources []RouteWithoutParentsSources `json:"sources,omitempty"` // When matching a Route via one of the `paths`, strip the matching prefix from the upstream request URL. StripPath *bool `json:"strip_path,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Route for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
RouteWithoutParents - Route entities define rules to match client requests. Each Route is associated with a Service, and a Service may have multiple Routes associated to it. Every request matching a given Route will be proxied to its associated Service. The combination of Routes and Services (and the separation of concerns between them) offers a powerful routing mechanism with which it is possible to define fine-grained entry-points in Kong leading to different upstream services of your infrastructure. You need at least one matching rule that applies to the protocol being matched by the Route.
func (*RouteWithoutParents) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *RouteWithoutParents) DeepCopy() *RouteWithoutParents
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RouteWithoutParents.
func (*RouteWithoutParents) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *RouteWithoutParents) DeepCopyInto(out *RouteWithoutParents)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetDestinations ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetDestinations() []RouteWithoutParentsDestinations
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetHTTPSRedirectStatusCode() *RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetHeaders ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetHeaders() map[string][]string
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetHosts ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetHosts() []string
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetMethods ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetMethods() []string
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetName ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetName() *string
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetPathHandling ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetPathHandling() *RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetPaths ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetPaths() []string
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetPreserveHost ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetPreserveHost() *bool
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetProtocols ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetProtocols() []RouteWithoutParentsProtocols
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetRegexPriority ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetRegexPriority() *int64
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetRequestBuffering ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetRequestBuffering() *bool
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetResponseBuffering ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetResponseBuffering() *bool
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetService ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetService() *RouteWithoutParentsService
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetSnis ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetSnis() []string
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetSources ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetSources() []RouteWithoutParentsSources
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetStripPath ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetStripPath() *bool
func (*RouteWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
type RouteWithoutParentsDestinations ¶
type RouteWithoutParentsDestinations struct { IP *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` }
func (*RouteWithoutParentsDestinations) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *RouteWithoutParentsDestinations) DeepCopy() *RouteWithoutParentsDestinations
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RouteWithoutParentsDestinations.
func (*RouteWithoutParentsDestinations) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *RouteWithoutParentsDestinations) DeepCopyInto(out *RouteWithoutParentsDestinations)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*RouteWithoutParentsDestinations) GetIP ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParentsDestinations) GetIP() *string
func (*RouteWithoutParentsDestinations) GetPort ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParentsDestinations) GetPort() *int64
type RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode ¶
type RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode int64
RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode - The status code Kong responds with when all properties of a Route match except the protocol i.e. if the protocol of the request is `HTTP` instead of `HTTPS`. `Location` header is injected by Kong if the field is set to 301, 302, 307 or 308. Note: This config applies only if the Route is configured to only accept the `https` protocol.
const ( RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCodeFourHundredAndTwentySix RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 426 RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCodeThreeHundredAndOne RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 301 RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCodeThreeHundredAndTwo RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 302 RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCodeThreeHundredAndSeven RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 307 RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCodeThreeHundredAndEight RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode = 308 )
func (RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode) ToPointer ¶
func (e RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode) ToPointer() *RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode
func (*RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RouteWithoutParentsHTTPSRedirectStatusCode) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling ¶
type RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling string
RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling - Controls how the Service path, Route path and requested path are combined when sending a request to the upstream. See above for a detailed description of each behavior.
const ( RouteWithoutParentsPathHandlingV0 RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling = "v0" RouteWithoutParentsPathHandlingV1 RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling = "v1" )
func (RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling) ToPointer ¶
func (e RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling) ToPointer() *RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling
func (*RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RouteWithoutParentsPathHandling) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RouteWithoutParentsProtocols ¶
type RouteWithoutParentsProtocols string
const ( RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsGrpc RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "grpc" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsGrpcs RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "grpcs" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsHTTP RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "http" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsHTTPS RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "https" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsTCP RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "tcp" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsTLS RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "tls" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsTLSPassthrough RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "tls_passthrough" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsUDP RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "udp" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsWs RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "ws" RouteWithoutParentsProtocolsWss RouteWithoutParentsProtocols = "wss" )
func (RouteWithoutParentsProtocols) ToPointer ¶
func (e RouteWithoutParentsProtocols) ToPointer() *RouteWithoutParentsProtocols
func (*RouteWithoutParentsProtocols) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *RouteWithoutParentsProtocols) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RouteWithoutParentsService ¶
type RouteWithoutParentsService struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
RouteWithoutParentsService - The Service this Route is associated to. This is where the Route proxies traffic to.
func (*RouteWithoutParentsService) DeepCopy ¶ added in v0.1.27
func (in *RouteWithoutParentsService) DeepCopy() *RouteWithoutParentsService
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RouteWithoutParentsService.
func (*RouteWithoutParentsService) DeepCopyInto ¶ added in v0.1.27
func (in *RouteWithoutParentsService) DeepCopyInto(out *RouteWithoutParentsService)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*RouteWithoutParentsService) GetID ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParentsService) GetID() *string
type RouteWithoutParentsSources ¶
type RouteWithoutParentsSources struct { IP *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` }
func (*RouteWithoutParentsSources) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *RouteWithoutParentsSources) DeepCopy() *RouteWithoutParentsSources
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new RouteWithoutParentsSources.
func (*RouteWithoutParentsSources) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *RouteWithoutParentsSources) DeepCopyInto(out *RouteWithoutParentsSources)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*RouteWithoutParentsSources) GetIP ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParentsSources) GetIP() *string
func (*RouteWithoutParentsSources) GetPort ¶
func (o *RouteWithoutParentsSources) GetPort() *int64
type SAMLIdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
type SAMLIdentityProviderConfig struct { // The identity provider's metadata URL where the identity provider's metadata can be obtained. IdpMetadataURL *string `json:"idp_metadata_url,omitempty"` // The identity provider's SAML metadata. If the identity provider supports a metadata URL, you can use the `idp_metadata_url` field instead. // IdpMetadataXML *string `json:"idp_metadata_xml,omitempty"` SpMetadataURL *string `json:"sp_metadata_url,omitempty"` // The entity ID of the service provider (SP). SpEntityID *string `json:"sp_entity_id,omitempty"` // The URL to redirect users to for initiating login with the identity provider. LoginURL *string `json:"login_url,omitempty"` // The URL where the SAML identity provider sends authentication responses after successful login attempts. CallbackURL *string `json:"callback_url,omitempty"` }
SAMLIdentityProviderConfig - The identity provider that contains configuration data for the SAML authentication integration.
func (*SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetCallbackURL ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetCallbackURL() *string
func (*SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetIdpMetadataURL ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetIdpMetadataURL() *string
func (*SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetIdpMetadataXML ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetIdpMetadataXML() *string
func (*SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetLoginURL ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetLoginURL() *string
func (*SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetSpEntityID ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetSpEntityID() *string
func (*SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetSpMetadataURL ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfig) GetSpMetadataURL() *string
type SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput ¶ added in v0.1.29
type SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput struct { // The identity provider's metadata URL where the identity provider's metadata can be obtained. IdpMetadataURL *string `json:"idp_metadata_url,omitempty"` // The identity provider's SAML metadata. If the identity provider supports a metadata URL, you can use the `idp_metadata_url` field instead. // IdpMetadataXML *string `json:"idp_metadata_xml,omitempty"` }
SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput - The identity provider that contains configuration data for the SAML authentication integration.
func (*SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput) GetIdpMetadataURL ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput) GetIdpMetadataURL() *string
func (*SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput) GetIdpMetadataXML ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput) GetIdpMetadataXML() *string
type SNICertificate ¶
type SNICertificate struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
SNICertificate - The id (a UUID) of the certificate with which to associate the SNI hostname. The Certificate must have a valid private key associated with it to be used by the SNI object.
func (*SNICertificate) GetID ¶
func (o *SNICertificate) GetID() *string
type SNIInput ¶
type SNIInput struct { // The id (a UUID) of the certificate with which to associate the SNI hostname. The Certificate must have a valid private key associated with it to be used by the SNI object. Certificate *SNICertificate `json:"certificate"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The SNI name to associate with the given certificate. Name string `json:"name"` // An optional set of strings associated with the SNIs for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
SNIInput - An SNI object represents a many-to-one mapping of hostnames to a certificate. That is, a certificate object can have many hostnames associated with it; when Kong receives an SSL request, it uses the SNI field in the Client Hello to lookup the certificate object based on the SNI associated with the certificate.
func (*SNIInput) GetCertificate ¶
func (o *SNIInput) GetCertificate() *SNICertificate
type SNIWithoutParents ¶
type SNIWithoutParents struct { // The id (a UUID) of the certificate with which to associate the SNI hostname. The Certificate must have a valid private key associated with it to be used by the SNI object. Certificate *SNIWithoutParentsCertificate `json:"certificate,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The SNI name to associate with the given certificate. Name string `json:"name"` // An optional set of strings associated with the SNIs for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
SNIWithoutParents - An SNI object represents a many-to-one mapping of hostnames to a certificate. That is, a certificate object can have many hostnames associated with it; when Kong receives an SSL request, it uses the SNI field in the Client Hello to lookup the certificate object based on the SNI associated with the certificate.
func (*SNIWithoutParents) GetCertificate ¶
func (o *SNIWithoutParents) GetCertificate() *SNIWithoutParentsCertificate
func (*SNIWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *SNIWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*SNIWithoutParents) GetName ¶
func (o *SNIWithoutParents) GetName() string
func (*SNIWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *SNIWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
type SNIWithoutParentsCertificate ¶
type SNIWithoutParentsCertificate struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
SNIWithoutParentsCertificate - The id (a UUID) of the certificate with which to associate the SNI hostname. The Certificate must have a valid private key associated with it to be used by the SNI object.
func (*SNIWithoutParentsCertificate) GetID ¶
func (o *SNIWithoutParentsCertificate) GetID() *string
type Security ¶
type Security struct { PersonalAccessToken *string `security:"scheme,type=http,subtype=bearer,name=Authorization"` SystemAccountAccessToken *string `security:"scheme,type=http,subtype=bearer,name=Authorization"` KonnectAccessToken *string `security:"scheme,type=http,subtype=bearer,name=Authorization"` }
func (*Security) GetKonnectAccessToken ¶
func (*Security) GetPersonalAccessToken ¶
func (*Security) GetSystemAccountAccessToken ¶
type Service ¶
type Service struct { // Array of `CA Certificate` object UUIDs that are used to build the trust store while verifying upstream server's TLS certificate. If set to `null` when Nginx default is respected. If default CA list in Nginx are not specified and TLS verification is enabled, then handshake with upstream server will always fail (because no CA are trusted). CaCertificates []string `json:"ca_certificates,omitempty"` // Certificate to be used as client certificate while TLS handshaking to the upstream server. ClientCertificate *ClientCertificate `json:"client_certificate,omitempty"` // The timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection to the upstream server. ConnectTimeout *int64 `json:"connect_timeout,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Whether the Service is active. If set to `false`, the proxy behavior will be as if any routes attached to it do not exist (404). Default: `true`. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // The host of the upstream server. Note that the host value is case sensitive. Host string `json:"host"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The Service name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The path to be used in requests to the upstream server. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // The upstream server port. Port int64 `json:"port"` // The protocol used to communicate with the upstream. Protocol Protocol `json:"protocol"` // The timeout in milliseconds between two successive read operations for transmitting a request to the upstream server. ReadTimeout *int64 `json:"read_timeout,omitempty"` // The number of retries to execute upon failure to proxy. Retries *int64 `json:"retries,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Service for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Whether to enable verification of upstream server TLS certificate. If set to `null`, then the Nginx default is respected. TLSVerify *bool `json:"tls_verify,omitempty"` // Maximum depth of chain while verifying Upstream server's TLS certificate. If set to `null`, then the Nginx default is respected. TLSVerifyDepth *int64 `json:"tls_verify_depth,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // The timeout in milliseconds between two successive write operations for transmitting a request to the upstream server. WriteTimeout *int64 `json:"write_timeout,omitempty"` }
Service entities, as the name implies, are abstractions of each of your own upstream services. Examples of Services would be a data transformation microservice, a billing API, etc. The main attribute of a Service is its URL (where Kong should proxy traffic to), which can be set as a single string or by specifying its `protocol`, `host`, `port` and `path` individually. Services are associated to Routes (a Service can have many Routes associated with it). Routes are entry-points in Kong and define rules to match client requests. Once a Route is matched, Kong proxies the request to its associated Service. See the [Proxy Reference][proxy-reference] for a detailed explanation of how Kong proxies traffic.
func (*Service) GetCaCertificates ¶
func (*Service) GetClientCertificate ¶
func (o *Service) GetClientCertificate() *ClientCertificate
func (*Service) GetConnectTimeout ¶
func (*Service) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Service) GetEnabled ¶
func (*Service) GetProtocol ¶
func (*Service) GetReadTimeout ¶
func (*Service) GetRetries ¶
func (*Service) GetTLSVerify ¶
func (*Service) GetTLSVerifyDepth ¶
func (*Service) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (*Service) GetWriteTimeout ¶
type ServiceInput ¶
type ServiceInput struct { // Array of `CA Certificate` object UUIDs that are used to build the trust store while verifying upstream server's TLS certificate. If set to `null` when Nginx default is respected. If default CA list in Nginx are not specified and TLS verification is enabled, then handshake with upstream server will always fail (because no CA are trusted). CaCertificates []string `json:"ca_certificates,omitempty"` // Certificate to be used as client certificate while TLS handshaking to the upstream server. ClientCertificate *ClientCertificate `json:"client_certificate,omitempty"` // The timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection to the upstream server. ConnectTimeout *int64 `json:"connect_timeout,omitempty"` // Whether the Service is active. If set to `false`, the proxy behavior will be as if any routes attached to it do not exist (404). Default: `true`. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // The host of the upstream server. Note that the host value is case sensitive. Host string `json:"host"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The Service name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The path to be used in requests to the upstream server. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // The upstream server port. Port int64 `json:"port"` // The protocol used to communicate with the upstream. Protocol Protocol `json:"protocol"` // The timeout in milliseconds between two successive read operations for transmitting a request to the upstream server. ReadTimeout *int64 `json:"read_timeout,omitempty"` // The number of retries to execute upon failure to proxy. Retries *int64 `json:"retries,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Service for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Whether to enable verification of upstream server TLS certificate. If set to `null`, then the Nginx default is respected. TLSVerify *bool `json:"tls_verify,omitempty"` // Maximum depth of chain while verifying Upstream server's TLS certificate. If set to `null`, then the Nginx default is respected. TLSVerifyDepth *int64 `json:"tls_verify_depth,omitempty"` // Helper field to set `protocol`, `host`, `port` and `path` using a URL. This field is write-only and is not returned in responses. URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // The timeout in milliseconds between two successive write operations for transmitting a request to the upstream server. WriteTimeout *int64 `json:"write_timeout,omitempty"` }
ServiceInput - Service entities, as the name implies, are abstractions of each of your own upstream services. Examples of Services would be a data transformation microservice, a billing API, etc. The main attribute of a Service is its URL (where Kong should proxy traffic to), which can be set as a single string or by specifying its `protocol`, `host`, `port` and `path` individually. Services are associated to Routes (a Service can have many Routes associated with it). Routes are entry-points in Kong and define rules to match client requests. Once a Route is matched, Kong proxies the request to its associated Service. See the [Proxy Reference][proxy-reference] for a detailed explanation of how Kong proxies traffic.
func (*ServiceInput) GetCaCertificates ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetCaCertificates() []string
func (*ServiceInput) GetClientCertificate ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetClientCertificate() *ClientCertificate
func (*ServiceInput) GetConnectTimeout ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetConnectTimeout() *int64
func (*ServiceInput) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetEnabled() *bool
func (*ServiceInput) GetHost ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetHost() string
func (*ServiceInput) GetID ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetID() *string
func (*ServiceInput) GetName ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetName() *string
func (*ServiceInput) GetPath ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetPath() *string
func (*ServiceInput) GetPort ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetPort() int64
func (*ServiceInput) GetProtocol ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetProtocol() Protocol
func (*ServiceInput) GetReadTimeout ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetReadTimeout() *int64
func (*ServiceInput) GetRetries ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetRetries() *int64
func (*ServiceInput) GetTLSVerify ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetTLSVerify() *bool
func (*ServiceInput) GetTLSVerifyDepth ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetTLSVerifyDepth() *int64
func (*ServiceInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetTags() []string
func (*ServiceInput) GetURL ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetURL() *string
func (*ServiceInput) GetWriteTimeout ¶
func (o *ServiceInput) GetWriteTimeout() *int64
type Set ¶
type Set struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Set - The id (an UUID) of the key-set with which to associate the key.
type Sni ¶
type Sni struct { // The id (a UUID) of the certificate with which to associate the SNI hostname. The Certificate must have a valid private key associated with it to be used by the SNI object. Certificate *SNICertificate `json:"certificate"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The SNI name to associate with the given certificate. Name string `json:"name"` // An optional set of strings associated with the SNIs for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
Sni - An SNI object represents a many-to-one mapping of hostnames to a certificate. That is, a certificate object can have many hostnames associated with it; when Kong receives an SSL request, it uses the SNI field in the Client Hello to lookup the certificate object based on the SNI associated with the certificate.
func (*Sni) GetCertificate ¶
func (o *Sni) GetCertificate() *SNICertificate
func (*Sni) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Sni) GetUpdatedAt ¶
type SniAdmin ¶
type SniAdmin struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*SniAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *SniAdmin) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminDescription
func (*SniAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *SniAdmin) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesSniAdminName
type Sources ¶
func (*Sources) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Sources.
func (*Sources) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
type State ¶
type State string
State - The state of the control plane group.
func (*State) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type StringFieldContainsFilter ¶
type StringFieldContainsFilter struct {
Contains string `queryParam:"name=contains"`
StringFieldContainsFilter - Filter a string value field by partial contains.
func (*StringFieldContainsFilter) GetContains ¶
func (o *StringFieldContainsFilter) GetContains() string
type StringFieldEqualsFilter ¶
type StringFieldEqualsFilter struct { Str *string `queryParam:"inline"` Two *Two `queryParam:"inline"` Type StringFieldEqualsFilterType }
StringFieldEqualsFilter - Filter a string value by exact match.
func CreateStringFieldEqualsFilterStr ¶
func CreateStringFieldEqualsFilterStr(str string) StringFieldEqualsFilter
func CreateStringFieldEqualsFilterTwo ¶
func CreateStringFieldEqualsFilterTwo(two Two) StringFieldEqualsFilter
func (StringFieldEqualsFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u StringFieldEqualsFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*StringFieldEqualsFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *StringFieldEqualsFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringFieldEqualsFilterType ¶
type StringFieldEqualsFilterType string
const ( StringFieldEqualsFilterTypeStr StringFieldEqualsFilterType = "str" StringFieldEqualsFilterTypeTwo StringFieldEqualsFilterType = "2" )
type StringFieldFilter ¶
type StringFieldFilter struct { StringFieldEqualsFilter *StringFieldEqualsFilter `queryParam:"inline"` StringFieldContainsFilter *StringFieldContainsFilter `queryParam:"inline"` Type StringFieldFilterType }
StringFieldFilter - Filter a string value field either by exact match or partial contains.
func CreateStringFieldFilterStringFieldContainsFilter ¶
func CreateStringFieldFilterStringFieldContainsFilter(stringFieldContainsFilter StringFieldContainsFilter) StringFieldFilter
func CreateStringFieldFilterStringFieldEqualsFilter ¶
func CreateStringFieldFilterStringFieldEqualsFilter(stringFieldEqualsFilter StringFieldEqualsFilter) StringFieldFilter
func (StringFieldFilter) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u StringFieldFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*StringFieldFilter) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *StringFieldFilter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StringFieldFilterType ¶
type StringFieldFilterType string
const ( StringFieldFilterTypeStringFieldEqualsFilter StringFieldFilterType = "StringFieldEqualsFilter" StringFieldFilterTypeStringFieldContainsFilter StringFieldFilterType = "StringFieldContainsFilter" )
type StringFieldNEQFilter ¶
type StringFieldNEQFilter struct {
Neq string `queryParam:"name=neq"`
StringFieldNEQFilter - Filters on the given string field value by exact match inequality.
func (*StringFieldNEQFilter) GetNeq ¶
func (o *StringFieldNEQFilter) GetNeq() string
type StringFieldOEQFilter ¶
type StringFieldOEQFilter struct {
Oeq string `queryParam:"name=oeq"`
StringFieldOEQFilter - Returns entities that exact match any of the comma-delimited phrases in the filter string.
func (*StringFieldOEQFilter) GetOeq ¶
func (o *StringFieldOEQFilter) GetOeq() string
type SystemAccount ¶
type SystemAccount struct { // ID of the system account. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the system account. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the system account. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account was last updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // The system account is managed by Konnect (true/false). KonnectManaged *bool `json:"konnect_managed,omitempty"` }
SystemAccount - Schema of the system account.
func (*SystemAccount) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccount) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
func (*SystemAccount) GetDescription ¶
func (o *SystemAccount) GetDescription() *string
func (*SystemAccount) GetID ¶
func (o *SystemAccount) GetID() *string
func (*SystemAccount) GetKonnectManaged ¶
func (o *SystemAccount) GetKonnectManaged() *bool
func (*SystemAccount) GetName ¶
func (o *SystemAccount) GetName() *string
func (*SystemAccount) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccount) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
func (SystemAccount) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SystemAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*SystemAccount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SystemAccount) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SystemAccountAccessToken ¶
type SystemAccountAccessToken struct { // ID of the system account access token. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the system account access token. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account access token was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account access token was last updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account access token will expire. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expires_at,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account access token was last used. LastUsedAt *time.Time `json:"last_used_at,omitempty"` }
SystemAccountAccessToken - Schema of the system account access token.
func (*SystemAccountAccessToken) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
func (*SystemAccountAccessToken) GetExpiresAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetExpiresAt() *time.Time
func (*SystemAccountAccessToken) GetID ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetID() *string
func (*SystemAccountAccessToken) GetLastUsedAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetLastUsedAt() *time.Time
func (*SystemAccountAccessToken) GetName ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetName() *string
func (*SystemAccountAccessToken) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessToken) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
func (SystemAccountAccessToken) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SystemAccountAccessToken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*SystemAccountAccessToken) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SystemAccountAccessToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SystemAccountAccessTokenCollection ¶
type SystemAccountAccessTokenCollection struct { // returns the pagination information Meta *PaginatedMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Data []SystemAccountAccessToken `json:"data,omitempty"` }
SystemAccountAccessTokenCollection - A paginated list response for a collection of system accounts access tokens.
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCollection) GetData ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCollection) GetData() []SystemAccountAccessToken
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCollection) GetMeta ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCollection) GetMeta() *PaginatedMeta
type SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated ¶
type SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated struct { // ID of the system account access token. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Name of the system account access token. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account access token was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account access token was last updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account access token will expire. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expires_at,omitempty"` // Timestamp of when the system account access token was last used. LastUsedAt *time.Time `json:"last_used_at,omitempty"` // The token of the system account access token. Token *string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated - A response including a single system account access token with the token.
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetCreatedAt() *time.Time
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetExpiresAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetExpiresAt() *time.Time
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetID ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetID() *string
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetLastUsedAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetLastUsedAt() *time.Time
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetName ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetName() *string
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetToken ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetToken() *string
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (o *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) GetUpdatedAt() *time.Time
func (SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SystemAccountAccessTokenCreated) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SystemAccountCollection ¶
type SystemAccountCollection struct { // returns the pagination information Meta *PaginatedMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Data []SystemAccount `json:"data,omitempty"` }
SystemAccountCollection - A paginated list response for a collection of system accounts.
func (*SystemAccountCollection) GetData ¶
func (o *SystemAccountCollection) GetData() []SystemAccount
func (*SystemAccountCollection) GetMeta ¶
func (o *SystemAccountCollection) GetMeta() *PaginatedMeta
type Target ¶
type Target struct { // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *float64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Target for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // The target address (ip or hostname) and port. If the hostname resolves to an SRV record, the `port` value will be overridden by the value from the DNS record. Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *float64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` Upstream *TargetUpstream `json:"upstream,omitempty"` // The weight this target gets within the upstream loadbalancer (`0`-`65535`). If the hostname resolves to an SRV record, the `weight` value will be overridden by the value from the DNS record. Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
Target - A target is an ip address/hostname with a port that identifies an instance of a backend service. Every upstream can have many targets, and the targets can be dynamically added, modified, or deleted. Changes take effect on the fly. To disable a target, post a new one with `weight=0`; alternatively, use the `DELETE` convenience method to accomplish the same. The current target object definition is the one with the latest `created_at`.
func (*Target) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Target) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (*Target) GetUpstream ¶
func (o *Target) GetUpstream() *TargetUpstream
type TargetUpstream ¶
type TargetUpstream struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*TargetUpstream) GetID ¶
func (o *TargetUpstream) GetID() *string
type TargetWithoutParents ¶
type TargetWithoutParents struct { ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Target for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // The target address (ip or hostname) and port. If the hostname resolves to an SRV record, the `port` value will be overridden by the value from the DNS record. Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"` Upstream *TargetWithoutParentsUpstream `json:"upstream,omitempty"` // The weight this target gets within the upstream loadbalancer (`0`-`65535`). If the hostname resolves to an SRV record, the `weight` value will be overridden by the value from the DNS record. Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` }
TargetWithoutParents - A target is an ip address/hostname with a port that identifies an instance of a backend service. Every upstream can have many targets, and the targets can be dynamically added, modified, or deleted. Changes take effect on the fly. To disable a target, post a new one with `weight=0`; alternatively, use the `DELETE` convenience method to accomplish the same. The current target object definition is the one with the latest `created_at`.
func (*TargetWithoutParents) GetID ¶
func (o *TargetWithoutParents) GetID() *string
func (*TargetWithoutParents) GetTags ¶
func (o *TargetWithoutParents) GetTags() []string
func (*TargetWithoutParents) GetTarget ¶
func (o *TargetWithoutParents) GetTarget() *string
func (*TargetWithoutParents) GetUpstream ¶
func (o *TargetWithoutParents) GetUpstream() *TargetWithoutParentsUpstream
func (*TargetWithoutParents) GetWeight ¶
func (o *TargetWithoutParents) GetWeight() *int64
type TargetWithoutParentsUpstream ¶
type TargetWithoutParentsUpstream struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
func (*TargetWithoutParentsUpstream) GetID ¶
func (o *TargetWithoutParentsUpstream) GetID() *string
type Team ¶
type Team struct { // The team ID. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the team. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The team description in Konnect. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Returns True if a user belongs to a `system_team`. System teams are teams that can manage Konnect objects, like "Organization Admin", or "Service" SystemTeam *bool `json:"system_team,omitempty"` // Labels store metadata of an entity that can be used for filtering an entity list or for searching across entity types. // // Keys must be of length 1-63 characters, and cannot start with "kong", "konnect", "mesh", "kic", or "_". // Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` // A Unix timestamp representation of team creation. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // A Unix timestamp representation of the most recent change to the team object in Konnect. // UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
Team - The team object contains information about a group of users.
func (*Team) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Team) GetDescription ¶
func (*Team) GetSystemTeam ¶
func (*Team) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (Team) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Team) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TeamCollection ¶
type TeamCollection struct { // returns the pagination information Meta *PaginatedMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Data []Team `json:"data,omitempty"` }
TeamCollection - A paginated list response for a collection of users.
func (*TeamCollection) GetData ¶
func (o *TeamCollection) GetData() []Team
func (*TeamCollection) GetMeta ¶
func (o *TeamCollection) GetMeta() *PaginatedMeta
type TeamGroupMapping ¶
type TeamGroupMapping struct { // The Konnect team ID. TeamID *string `json:"team_id,omitempty"` // The IdP groups that are mapped to the specified team. Groups []string `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
TeamGroupMapping - A map of Konnect Team to IdP groups.
func (*TeamGroupMapping) GetGroups ¶
func (o *TeamGroupMapping) GetGroups() []string
func (*TeamGroupMapping) GetTeamID ¶
func (o *TeamGroupMapping) GetTeamID() *string
type TeamGroupMappingCollection ¶
type TeamGroupMappingCollection struct { // returns the pagination information Meta *PaginatedMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Data []TeamGroupMapping `json:"data,omitempty"` }
TeamGroupMappingCollection - A paginated collection of mappings grouped by team_id.
func (*TeamGroupMappingCollection) GetData ¶
func (o *TeamGroupMappingCollection) GetData() []TeamGroupMapping
func (*TeamGroupMappingCollection) GetMeta ¶
func (o *TeamGroupMappingCollection) GetMeta() *PaginatedMeta
type TeamMapping ¶
type TeamMapping struct { // The IdP group. Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` // An array of ID's that are mapped to the specified group. TeamIds []string `json:"team_ids,omitempty"` }
TeamMapping - A team assignment is a mapping of an IdP group to a Konnect Team.
func (*TeamMapping) GetGroup ¶
func (o *TeamMapping) GetGroup() *string
func (*TeamMapping) GetTeamIds ¶
func (o *TeamMapping) GetTeamIds() []string
type TeamMappingCollection ¶
type TeamMappingCollection struct {
Data []TeamMapping `json:"data,omitempty"`
TeamMappingCollection - A paginated list response for a collection of team mappings.
func (*TeamMappingCollection) GetData ¶
func (o *TeamMappingCollection) GetData() []TeamMapping
type TeamMappingResponse ¶
type TeamMappingResponse struct { // Contains pagination data. Meta *Meta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Data []TeamMappingResponseData `json:"data,omitempty"` }
TeamMappingResponse - A paginated list response for a collection of team mappings.
func (*TeamMappingResponse) GetData ¶
func (o *TeamMappingResponse) GetData() []TeamMappingResponseData
func (*TeamMappingResponse) GetMeta ¶
func (o *TeamMappingResponse) GetMeta() *Meta
type TeamMappingResponseData ¶
type TeamMappingResponseData struct { // Group names. Group *string `json:"group,omitempty"` // Team ID's that belong to the specified group. TeamIds []string `json:"team_ids,omitempty"` }
func (*TeamMappingResponseData) GetGroup ¶
func (o *TeamMappingResponseData) GetGroup() *string
func (*TeamMappingResponseData) GetTeamIds ¶
func (o *TeamMappingResponseData) GetTeamIds() []string
type TeamMappingResponsePage ¶
type TeamMappingResponsePage struct { // Page number. Number *int64 `json:"number,omitempty"` // Page size. Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` // Total number of results. Total *int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` }
TeamMappingResponsePage - The page object.
func (*TeamMappingResponsePage) GetNumber ¶
func (o *TeamMappingResponsePage) GetNumber() *int64
func (*TeamMappingResponsePage) GetSize ¶
func (o *TeamMappingResponsePage) GetSize() *int64
func (*TeamMappingResponsePage) GetTotal ¶
func (o *TeamMappingResponsePage) GetTotal() *int64
type Two ¶
func CreateTwoOne ¶
func CreateTwoStr ¶
func (Two) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Two) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type Unhealthy ¶
type Unhealthy struct { HTTPFailures *int64 `json:"http_failures,omitempty"` HTTPStatuses []int64 `json:"http_statuses,omitempty"` Interval *float64 `json:"interval,omitempty"` TCPFailures *int64 `json:"tcp_failures,omitempty"` Timeouts *int64 `json:"timeouts,omitempty"` }
func (*Unhealthy) DeepCopy ¶
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new Unhealthy.
func (*Unhealthy) DeepCopyInto ¶
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*Unhealthy) GetHTTPFailures ¶
func (*Unhealthy) GetHTTPStatuses ¶
func (*Unhealthy) GetInterval ¶
func (*Unhealthy) GetTCPFailures ¶
func (*Unhealthy) GetTimeouts ¶
type UpdateAuthenticationSettings ¶
type UpdateAuthenticationSettings struct { // The organization has basic auth enabled. BasicAuthEnabled *bool `json:"basic_auth_enabled,omitempty"` // The organization has OIDC disabled. OidcAuthEnabled *bool `json:"oidc_auth_enabled,omitempty"` // The organization has SAML disabled. SamlAuthEnabled *bool `json:"saml_auth_enabled,omitempty"` // Whether IdP groups determine the Konnect teams a user has. IdpMappingEnabled *bool `json:"idp_mapping_enabled,omitempty"` // Whether a Konnect Identity Admin assigns teams to a user. KonnectMappingEnabled *bool `json:"konnect_mapping_enabled,omitempty"` }
UpdateAuthenticationSettings - The request schema to update an organization's authentication settings.
func (*UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetBasicAuthEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetBasicAuthEnabled() *bool
func (*UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetIdpMappingEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetIdpMappingEnabled() *bool
func (*UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetKonnectMappingEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetKonnectMappingEnabled() *bool
func (*UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetOidcAuthEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetOidcAuthEnabled() *bool
func (*UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetSamlAuthEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateAuthenticationSettings) GetSamlAuthEnabled() *bool
type UpdateConfigStore ¶ added in v0.1.28
type UpdateConfigStore struct {
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
UpdateConfigStore - The request schema to update a Config Store.
func (*UpdateConfigStore) GetName ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *UpdateConfigStore) GetName() *string
type UpdateConfigStoreSecret ¶ added in v0.1.28
type UpdateConfigStoreSecret struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
func (*UpdateConfigStoreSecret) GetValue ¶ added in v0.1.28
func (o *UpdateConfigStoreSecret) GetValue() string
type UpdateControlPlaneRequest ¶
type UpdateControlPlaneRequest struct { // The name of the control plane. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the control plane in Konnect. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The auth type value of the cluster associated with the Runtime Group. AuthType *UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType `json:"auth_type,omitempty"` // Array of proxy URLs associated with reaching the data-planes connected to a control-plane. ProxyUrls []ProxyURL `json:"proxy_urls,omitempty"` // Labels store metadata of an entity that can be used for filtering an entity list or for searching across entity types. // // Keys must be of length 1-63 characters, and cannot start with "kong", "konnect", "mesh", "kic", or "_". // Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
UpdateControlPlaneRequest - The request schema for the update control plane request.
func (*UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetAuthType ¶
func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetAuthType() *UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType
func (*UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetDescription ¶
func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetDescription() *string
func (*UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetLabels ¶
func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetLabels() map[string]string
func (*UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetName ¶
func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetName() *string
func (*UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetProxyUrls ¶
func (o *UpdateControlPlaneRequest) GetProxyUrls() []ProxyURL
type UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType ¶
type UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType string
UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType - The auth type value of the cluster associated with the Runtime Group.
const ( UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthTypePinnedClientCerts UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType = "pinned_client_certs" UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthTypePkiClientCerts UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType = "pki_client_certs" )
func (UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType) ToPointer ¶
func (e UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType) ToPointer() *UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType
func (*UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *UpdateControlPlaneRequestAuthType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpdateIDPConfiguration ¶
type UpdateIDPConfiguration struct { Issuer *string `json:"issuer,omitempty"` LoginPath *string `json:"login_path,omitempty"` ClientID *string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` ClientSecret *string `json:"client_secret,omitempty"` Scopes []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"` ClaimMappings *UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings `json:"claim_mappings,omitempty"` }
UpdateIDPConfiguration - The request schema for the update IdP configuration request.
func (*UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClaimMappings ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClaimMappings() *UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings
func (*UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClientID ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClientID() *string
func (*UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClientSecret ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetClientSecret() *string
func (*UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetIssuer ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetIssuer() *string
func (*UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetLoginPath ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetLoginPath() *string
func (*UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetScopes ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfiguration) GetScopes() []string
type UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings ¶
type UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` Groups *string `json:"groups,omitempty"` }
func (*UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings) GetEmail ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings) GetEmail() *string
func (*UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings) GetGroups ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings) GetGroups() *string
func (*UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings) GetName ¶
func (o *UpdateIDPConfigurationClaimMappings) GetName() *string
type UpdateIdentityProvider ¶ added in v0.1.29
type UpdateIdentityProvider struct { // Indicates whether the identity provider is enabled. // Only one identity provider can be active at a time, such as SAML or OIDC. // Enabled *bool `default:"false" json:"enabled"` // The path used for initiating login requests with the identity provider. LoginPath *string `json:"login_path,omitempty"` Config *UpdateIdentityProviderConfig `json:"config,omitempty"` }
UpdateIdentityProvider - The identity provider that contains configuration data for updating an authentication integration.
func (*UpdateIdentityProvider) GetConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *UpdateIdentityProvider) GetConfig() *UpdateIdentityProviderConfig
func (*UpdateIdentityProvider) GetEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *UpdateIdentityProvider) GetEnabled() *bool
func (*UpdateIdentityProvider) GetLoginPath ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (o *UpdateIdentityProvider) GetLoginPath() *string
func (UpdateIdentityProvider) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (u UpdateIdentityProvider) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateIdentityProvider) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (u *UpdateIdentityProvider) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpdateIdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
type UpdateIdentityProviderConfig struct { OIDCIdentityProviderConfig *OIDCIdentityProviderConfig `queryParam:"inline"` SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput *SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput `queryParam:"inline"` Type UpdateIdentityProviderConfigType }
func CreateUpdateIdentityProviderConfigOIDCIdentityProviderConfig ¶ added in v0.1.29
func CreateUpdateIdentityProviderConfigOIDCIdentityProviderConfig(oidcIdentityProviderConfig OIDCIdentityProviderConfig) UpdateIdentityProviderConfig
func CreateUpdateIdentityProviderConfigSAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput ¶ added in v0.1.29
func CreateUpdateIdentityProviderConfigSAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput(samlIdentityProviderConfigInput SAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput) UpdateIdentityProviderConfig
func (UpdateIdentityProviderConfig) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (u UpdateIdentityProviderConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UpdateIdentityProviderConfig) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.29
func (u *UpdateIdentityProviderConfig) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpdateIdentityProviderConfigType ¶ added in v0.1.29
type UpdateIdentityProviderConfigType string
const ( UpdateIdentityProviderConfigTypeOIDCIdentityProviderConfig UpdateIdentityProviderConfigType = "OIDCIdentityProviderConfig" UpdateIdentityProviderConfigTypeSAMLIdentityProviderConfigInput UpdateIdentityProviderConfigType = "SAMLIdentityProviderConfig_input" )
type UpdateImpersonationSettingsRequest ¶
type UpdateImpersonationSettingsRequest struct { // Indicates if user impersonation is allowed for the organization. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` }
UpdateImpersonationSettingsRequest - The request schema for adding a system account to a team.
func (*UpdateImpersonationSettingsRequest) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateImpersonationSettingsRequest) GetEnabled() *bool
type UpdateImpersonationSettingsResponse ¶
type UpdateImpersonationSettingsResponse struct { // The organization has user impersonation enabled. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` }
UpdateImpersonationSettingsResponse - Response for Update Impersonation Settings endpoint
func (*UpdateImpersonationSettingsResponse) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *UpdateImpersonationSettingsResponse) GetEnabled() *bool
type UpdateSystemAccount ¶
type UpdateSystemAccount struct { // Name of the system account. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description of the system account. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
UpdateSystemAccount - The request schema for the update system account request.
func (*UpdateSystemAccount) GetDescription ¶
func (o *UpdateSystemAccount) GetDescription() *string
func (*UpdateSystemAccount) GetName ¶
func (o *UpdateSystemAccount) GetName() *string
type UpdateSystemAccountAccessToken ¶
type UpdateSystemAccountAccessToken struct { // Name of the system account access token. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
func (*UpdateSystemAccountAccessToken) GetName ¶
func (o *UpdateSystemAccountAccessToken) GetName() *string
type UpdateTeam ¶
type UpdateTeam struct { // The name of the team. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the team. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Labels store metadata of an entity that can be used for filtering an entity list or for searching across entity types. // // Labels are intended to store **INTERNAL** metadata. // // Keys must be of length 1-63 characters, and cannot start with "kong", "konnect", "mesh", "kic", or "_". // Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"` }
UpdateTeam - The request schema for the update team request.
func (*UpdateTeam) GetDescription ¶
func (o *UpdateTeam) GetDescription() *string
func (*UpdateTeam) GetLabels ¶
func (o *UpdateTeam) GetLabels() map[string]string
func (*UpdateTeam) GetName ¶
func (o *UpdateTeam) GetName() *string
type UpdateTeamMappings ¶
type UpdateTeamMappings struct { // The mappings object. Mappings []Mappings `json:"mappings,omitempty"` }
UpdateTeamMappings - The request schema for updating IdP team mappings.
func (*UpdateTeamMappings) GetMappings ¶
func (o *UpdateTeamMappings) GetMappings() []Mappings
type UpdateUser ¶
type UpdateUser struct { // The user's full name. FullName *string `json:"full_name,omitempty"` // The user's desired name. PreferredName *string `json:"preferred_name,omitempty"` }
UpdateUser - The request schema for the update user request.
func (*UpdateUser) GetFullName ¶
func (o *UpdateUser) GetFullName() *string
func (*UpdateUser) GetPreferredName ¶
func (o *UpdateUser) GetPreferredName() *string
type Upstream ¶
type Upstream struct { // Which load balancing algorithm to use. Algorithm *UpstreamAlgorithm `json:"algorithm,omitempty"` // If set, the certificate to be used as client certificate while TLS handshaking to the upstream server. ClientCertificate *UpstreamClientCertificate `json:"client_certificate,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // What to use as hashing input if the primary `hash_on` does not return a hash (eg. header is missing, or no Consumer identified). Not available if `hash_on` is set to `cookie`. HashFallback *HashFallback `json:"hash_fallback,omitempty"` // The header name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_fallback` is set to `header`. HashFallbackHeader *string `json:"hash_fallback_header,omitempty"` // The name of the query string argument to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_fallback` is set to `query_arg`. HashFallbackQueryArg *string `json:"hash_fallback_query_arg,omitempty"` // The name of the route URI capture to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_fallback` is set to `uri_capture`. HashFallbackURICapture *string `json:"hash_fallback_uri_capture,omitempty"` // What to use as hashing input. Using `none` results in a weighted-round-robin scheme with no hashing. HashOn *HashOn `json:"hash_on,omitempty"` // The cookie name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_on` or `hash_fallback` is set to `cookie`. If the specified cookie is not in the request, Kong will generate a value and set the cookie in the response. HashOnCookie *string `json:"hash_on_cookie,omitempty"` // The cookie path to set in the response headers. Only required when `hash_on` or `hash_fallback` is set to `cookie`. HashOnCookiePath *string `json:"hash_on_cookie_path,omitempty"` // The header name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_on` is set to `header`. HashOnHeader *string `json:"hash_on_header,omitempty"` // The name of the query string argument to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_on` is set to `query_arg`. HashOnQueryArg *string `json:"hash_on_query_arg,omitempty"` // The name of the route URI capture to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_on` is set to `uri_capture`. HashOnURICapture *string `json:"hash_on_uri_capture,omitempty"` Healthchecks *Healthchecks `json:"healthchecks,omitempty"` // The hostname to be used as `Host` header when proxying requests through Kong. HostHeader *string `json:"host_header,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // This is a hostname, which must be equal to the `host` of a Service. Name string `json:"name"` // The number of slots in the load balancer algorithm. If `algorithm` is set to `round-robin`, this setting determines the maximum number of slots. If `algorithm` is set to `consistent-hashing`, this setting determines the actual number of slots in the algorithm. Accepts an integer in the range `10`-`65536`. Slots *int64 `json:"slots,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Upstream for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` // If set, the balancer will use SRV hostname(if DNS Answer has SRV record) as the proxy upstream `Host`. UseSrvName *bool `json:"use_srv_name,omitempty"` }
Upstream - The upstream object represents a virtual hostname and can be used to loadbalance incoming requests over multiple services (targets). So for example an upstream named `` for a Service object whose `host` is ``. Requests for this Service would be proxied to the targets defined within the upstream. An upstream also includes a [health checker][healthchecks], which is able to enable and disable targets based on their ability or inability to serve requests. The configuration for the health checker is stored in the upstream object, and applies to all of its targets.
func (*Upstream) GetAlgorithm ¶
func (o *Upstream) GetAlgorithm() *UpstreamAlgorithm
func (*Upstream) GetClientCertificate ¶
func (o *Upstream) GetClientCertificate() *UpstreamClientCertificate
func (*Upstream) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHashFallback ¶
func (o *Upstream) GetHashFallback() *HashFallback
func (*Upstream) GetHashFallbackHeader ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHashFallbackQueryArg ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHashFallbackURICapture ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHashOnCookie ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHashOnCookiePath ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHashOnHeader ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHashOnQueryArg ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHashOnURICapture ¶
func (*Upstream) GetHealthchecks ¶
func (o *Upstream) GetHealthchecks() *Healthchecks
func (*Upstream) GetHostHeader ¶
func (*Upstream) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (*Upstream) GetUseSrvName ¶
type UpstreamAdmin ¶
type UpstreamAdmin struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*UpstreamAdmin) GetDescription ¶
func (o *UpstreamAdmin) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminDescription
func (*UpstreamAdmin) GetName ¶
func (o *UpstreamAdmin) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesUpstreamAdminName
type UpstreamAlgorithm ¶
type UpstreamAlgorithm string
UpstreamAlgorithm - Which load balancing algorithm to use.
const ( UpstreamAlgorithmConsistentHashing UpstreamAlgorithm = "consistent-hashing" UpstreamAlgorithmLeastConnections UpstreamAlgorithm = "least-connections" UpstreamAlgorithmRoundRobin UpstreamAlgorithm = "round-robin" UpstreamAlgorithmLatency UpstreamAlgorithm = "latency" )
func (UpstreamAlgorithm) ToPointer ¶
func (e UpstreamAlgorithm) ToPointer() *UpstreamAlgorithm
func (*UpstreamAlgorithm) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *UpstreamAlgorithm) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpstreamClientCertificate ¶
type UpstreamClientCertificate struct {
ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
UpstreamClientCertificate - If set, the certificate to be used as client certificate while TLS handshaking to the upstream server.
func (*UpstreamClientCertificate) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *UpstreamClientCertificate) DeepCopy() *UpstreamClientCertificate
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new UpstreamClientCertificate.
func (*UpstreamClientCertificate) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *UpstreamClientCertificate) DeepCopyInto(out *UpstreamClientCertificate)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*UpstreamClientCertificate) GetID ¶
func (o *UpstreamClientCertificate) GetID() *string
type UpstreamHealthy ¶
type UpstreamHealthy struct { HTTPStatuses []int64 `json:"http_statuses,omitempty"` Successes *int64 `json:"successes,omitempty"` }
func (*UpstreamHealthy) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *UpstreamHealthy) DeepCopy() *UpstreamHealthy
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new UpstreamHealthy.
func (*UpstreamHealthy) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *UpstreamHealthy) DeepCopyInto(out *UpstreamHealthy)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*UpstreamHealthy) GetHTTPStatuses ¶
func (o *UpstreamHealthy) GetHTTPStatuses() []int64
func (*UpstreamHealthy) GetSuccesses ¶
func (o *UpstreamHealthy) GetSuccesses() *int64
type UpstreamInput ¶
type UpstreamInput struct { // Which load balancing algorithm to use. Algorithm *UpstreamAlgorithm `json:"algorithm,omitempty"` // If set, the certificate to be used as client certificate while TLS handshaking to the upstream server. ClientCertificate *UpstreamClientCertificate `json:"client_certificate,omitempty"` // What to use as hashing input if the primary `hash_on` does not return a hash (eg. header is missing, or no Consumer identified). Not available if `hash_on` is set to `cookie`. HashFallback *HashFallback `json:"hash_fallback,omitempty"` // The header name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_fallback` is set to `header`. HashFallbackHeader *string `json:"hash_fallback_header,omitempty"` // The name of the query string argument to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_fallback` is set to `query_arg`. HashFallbackQueryArg *string `json:"hash_fallback_query_arg,omitempty"` // The name of the route URI capture to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_fallback` is set to `uri_capture`. HashFallbackURICapture *string `json:"hash_fallback_uri_capture,omitempty"` // What to use as hashing input. Using `none` results in a weighted-round-robin scheme with no hashing. HashOn *HashOn `json:"hash_on,omitempty"` // The cookie name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_on` or `hash_fallback` is set to `cookie`. If the specified cookie is not in the request, Kong will generate a value and set the cookie in the response. HashOnCookie *string `json:"hash_on_cookie,omitempty"` // The cookie path to set in the response headers. Only required when `hash_on` or `hash_fallback` is set to `cookie`. HashOnCookiePath *string `json:"hash_on_cookie_path,omitempty"` // The header name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_on` is set to `header`. HashOnHeader *string `json:"hash_on_header,omitempty"` // The name of the query string argument to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_on` is set to `query_arg`. HashOnQueryArg *string `json:"hash_on_query_arg,omitempty"` // The name of the route URI capture to take the value from as hash input. Only required when `hash_on` is set to `uri_capture`. HashOnURICapture *string `json:"hash_on_uri_capture,omitempty"` Healthchecks *Healthchecks `json:"healthchecks,omitempty"` // The hostname to be used as `Host` header when proxying requests through Kong. HostHeader *string `json:"host_header,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // This is a hostname, which must be equal to the `host` of a Service. Name string `json:"name"` // The number of slots in the load balancer algorithm. If `algorithm` is set to `round-robin`, this setting determines the maximum number of slots. If `algorithm` is set to `consistent-hashing`, this setting determines the actual number of slots in the algorithm. Accepts an integer in the range `10`-`65536`. Slots *int64 `json:"slots,omitempty"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Upstream for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // If set, the balancer will use SRV hostname(if DNS Answer has SRV record) as the proxy upstream `Host`. UseSrvName *bool `json:"use_srv_name,omitempty"` }
UpstreamInput - The upstream object represents a virtual hostname and can be used to loadbalance incoming requests over multiple services (targets). So for example an upstream named `` for a Service object whose `host` is ``. Requests for this Service would be proxied to the targets defined within the upstream. An upstream also includes a [health checker][healthchecks], which is able to enable and disable targets based on their ability or inability to serve requests. The configuration for the health checker is stored in the upstream object, and applies to all of its targets.
func (*UpstreamInput) GetAlgorithm ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetAlgorithm() *UpstreamAlgorithm
func (*UpstreamInput) GetClientCertificate ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetClientCertificate() *UpstreamClientCertificate
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashFallback ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashFallback() *HashFallback
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackHeader ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackHeader() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackQueryArg ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackQueryArg() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackURICapture ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashFallbackURICapture() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashOn ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOn() *HashOn
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashOnCookie ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnCookie() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashOnCookiePath ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnCookiePath() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashOnHeader ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnHeader() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashOnQueryArg ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnQueryArg() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHashOnURICapture ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHashOnURICapture() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHealthchecks ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHealthchecks() *Healthchecks
func (*UpstreamInput) GetHostHeader ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetHostHeader() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetID ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetID() *string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetName ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetName() string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetSlots ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetSlots() *int64
func (*UpstreamInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetTags() []string
func (*UpstreamInput) GetUseSrvName ¶
func (o *UpstreamInput) GetUseSrvName() *bool
type UpstreamType ¶
type UpstreamType string
const ( UpstreamTypeTCP UpstreamType = "tcp" UpstreamTypeHTTP UpstreamType = "http" UpstreamTypeHTTPS UpstreamType = "https" UpstreamTypeGrpc UpstreamType = "grpc" UpstreamTypeGrpcs UpstreamType = "grpcs" )
func (UpstreamType) ToPointer ¶
func (e UpstreamType) ToPointer() *UpstreamType
func (*UpstreamType) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *UpstreamType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpstreamUnhealthy ¶
type UpstreamUnhealthy struct { HTTPFailures *int64 `json:"http_failures,omitempty"` HTTPStatuses []int64 `json:"http_statuses,omitempty"` TCPFailures *int64 `json:"tcp_failures,omitempty"` Timeouts *int64 `json:"timeouts,omitempty"` }
func (*UpstreamUnhealthy) DeepCopy ¶
func (in *UpstreamUnhealthy) DeepCopy() *UpstreamUnhealthy
DeepCopy is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, creating a new UpstreamUnhealthy.
func (*UpstreamUnhealthy) DeepCopyInto ¶
func (in *UpstreamUnhealthy) DeepCopyInto(out *UpstreamUnhealthy)
DeepCopyInto is an autogenerated deepcopy function, copying the receiver, writing into out. in must be non-nil.
func (*UpstreamUnhealthy) GetHTTPFailures ¶
func (o *UpstreamUnhealthy) GetHTTPFailures() *int64
func (*UpstreamUnhealthy) GetHTTPStatuses ¶
func (o *UpstreamUnhealthy) GetHTTPStatuses() []int64
func (*UpstreamUnhealthy) GetTCPFailures ¶
func (o *UpstreamUnhealthy) GetTCPFailures() *int64
func (*UpstreamUnhealthy) GetTimeouts ¶
func (o *UpstreamUnhealthy) GetTimeouts() *int64
type User ¶
type User struct { // The User ID. ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The email registered to the user. Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // The User's full name. FullName *string `json:"full_name,omitempty"` // The User's preferred name. PreferredName *string `json:"preferred_name,omitempty"` // Returns True if a user has verified their email address. Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` // The time stamp for the date the account was registered. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // A Unix timestamp representation of the most recent change to the User account. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
User - The user object contains information about an individual user who can use the Konnect application and API.
func (*User) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*User) GetFullName ¶
func (*User) GetPreferredName ¶
func (*User) GetUpdatedAt ¶
func (User) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*User) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type UserCollection ¶
type UserCollection struct { // returns the pagination information Meta *PaginatedMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Data []User `json:"data,omitempty"` }
UserCollection - A paginated list response for a collection of users.
func (*UserCollection) GetData ¶
func (o *UserCollection) GetData() []User
func (*UserCollection) GetMeta ¶
func (o *UserCollection) GetMeta() *PaginatedMeta
type Vault ¶
type Vault struct { // The configuration properties for the Vault which can be found on the vaults' documentation page. Config map[string]any `json:"config"` // Unix epoch when the resource was created. CreatedAt *int64 `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // The description of the Vault entity. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the Vault that's going to be added. Currently, the Vault implementation must be installed in every Kong instance. Name string `json:"name"` // The unique prefix (or identifier) for this Vault configuration. The prefix is used to load the right Vault configuration and implementation when referencing secrets with the other entities. Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Vault for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` // Unix epoch when the resource was last updated. UpdatedAt *int64 `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
Vault entities are used to configure different Vault connectors. Examples of Vaults are Environment Variables, Hashicorp Vault and AWS Secrets Manager. Configuring a Vault allows referencing the secrets with other entities. For example a certificate entity can store a reference to a certificate and key, stored in a vault, instead of storing the certificate and key within the entity. This allows a proper separation of secrets and configuration and prevents secret sprawl.
func (*Vault) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*Vault) GetDescription ¶
func (*Vault) GetUpdatedAt ¶
type VaultInput ¶
type VaultInput struct { // The configuration properties for the Vault which can be found on the vaults' documentation page. Config map[string]any `json:"config"` // The description of the Vault entity. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the Vault that's going to be added. Currently, the Vault implementation must be installed in every Kong instance. Name string `json:"name"` // The unique prefix (or identifier) for this Vault configuration. The prefix is used to load the right Vault configuration and implementation when referencing secrets with the other entities. Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // An optional set of strings associated with the Vault for grouping and filtering. Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
VaultInput - Vault entities are used to configure different Vault connectors. Examples of Vaults are Environment Variables, Hashicorp Vault and AWS Secrets Manager. Configuring a Vault allows referencing the secrets with other entities. For example a certificate entity can store a reference to a certificate and key, stored in a vault, instead of storing the certificate and key within the entity. This allows a proper separation of secrets and configuration and prevents secret sprawl.
func (*VaultInput) GetConfig ¶
func (o *VaultInput) GetConfig() map[string]any
func (*VaultInput) GetDescription ¶
func (o *VaultInput) GetDescription() *string
func (*VaultInput) GetID ¶
func (o *VaultInput) GetID() *string
func (*VaultInput) GetName ¶
func (o *VaultInput) GetName() string
func (*VaultInput) GetPrefix ¶
func (o *VaultInput) GetPrefix() string
func (*VaultInput) GetTags ¶
func (o *VaultInput) GetTags() []string
type Viewer ¶
type Viewer struct { Name RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName `json:"name"` Description RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription `json:"description"` }
func (*Viewer) GetDescription ¶
func (o *Viewer) GetDescription() RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerDescription
func (*Viewer) GetName ¶
func (o *Viewer) GetName() RolesControlPlanesRolesViewerName
Source Files
- acl.go
- aclwithoutparents.go
- addsystemaccounttoteam.go
- addusertoteam.go
- assignedrole.go
- assignedrolecollection.go
- assignrole.go
- authenticationsettings.go
- basicauth.go
- basicauthwithoutparents.go
- cacertificate.go
- cacertificateinput.go
- certificate.go
- certificateinput.go
- configstore.go
- configstoresecret.go
- consumer.go
- consumergroup.go
- consumergroupinput.go
- consumergroupinsidewrapper.go
- consumerinput.go
- controlplane.go
- controlplanefilterparameters.go
- createconfigstore.go
- createconfigstoresecret.go
- createcontrolplanerequest.go
- createidentityprovider.go
- createpluginschemas.go
- createsystemaccount.go
- createsystemaccountaccesstoken.go
- createteam.go
- cursormeta.go
- cursormetapage.go
- cursormetawithsizeandtotal.go
- cursorpaginatedmetawithsizeandtotal.go
- customplugin.go
- dataplaneclientcertificate.go
- dataplaneclientcertificaterequest.go
- entityregion.go
- getexpectedconfighashresponse.go
- getgroupstatus.go
- getimpersonationsettingsresponse.go
- getnode.go
- groupconflict.go
- groupconflictresource.go
- groupmembership.go
- groupmemberstatus.go
- groupstatus.go
- hmacauth.go
- hmacauthwithoutparents.go
- identityprovider.go
- identityprovidertype.go
- idp.go
- invalidparameterchoiceitem.go
- invalidparameterdependentitem.go
- invalidparametermaximumlength.go
- invalidparameterminimumlength.go
- invalidparameters.go
- invalidparameterstandard.go
- invalidrules.go
- inviteuser.go
- jwt.go
- jwtwithoutparents.go
- key.go
- keyauth.go
- keyauthwithoutparents.go
- keyset.go
- keysetinput.go
- keywithoutparents.go
- listconfigstoresecretsresponse.go
- listconfigstoresresponse.go
- listcontrolplanesresponse.go
- listdataplanecertificatesresponse.go
- listgroupmemberships.go
- listnodes.go
- listnodeseol.go
- listpluginschemas.go
- meorganization.go
- mtlsauth.go
- mtlsauthwithoutparents.go
- oidcidentityproviderclaimmappings.go
- oidcidentityproviderconfig.go
- pagemeta.go
- paginatedmeta.go
- patchteamgroupmappings.go
- plugin.go
- pluginschemas.go
- pluginwithoutparents.go
- proxyurl.go
- roles.go
- route.go
- routewithoutparents.go
- samlidentityproviderconfig.go
- samlidentityproviderconfiginput.go
- security.go
- service.go
- sni.go
- sniwithoutparents.go
- stringfieldcontainsfilter.go
- stringfieldequalsfilter.go
- stringfieldfilter.go
- stringfieldneqfilter.go
- stringfieldoeqfilter.go
- systemaccount.go
- systemaccountaccesstoken.go
- systemaccountaccesstokencollection.go
- systemaccountaccesstokencreated.go
- systemaccountcollection.go
- target.go
- targetwithoutparents.go
- team.go
- teamcollection.go
- teamgroupmapping.go
- teamgroupmappingcollection.go
- teammapping.go
- teammappingcollection.go
- teammappingresponse.go
- updateauthenticationsettings.go
- updateconfigstore.go
- updateconfigstoresecret.go
- updatecontrolplanerequest.go
- updateidentityprovider.go
- updateidpconfiguration.go
- updateimpersonationsettingsrequest.go
- updateimpersonationsettingsresponse.go
- updatesystemaccount.go
- updatesystemaccountaccesstoken.go
- updateteam.go
- updateteammappings.go
- updateuser.go
- upstream.go
- user.go
- usercollection.go
- vault.go
- vaultinput.go
- zz_generated.deepcopy.go