== Language-Helper
Simple language learning helper backend using `go` and the
`gin framework`.
=== `dewit.sh`
Runs the application without building it.
=== Test with mysql database
To start the mysql test database, provide tables and dummy data to te
test-db.sql. In addition you need to provide the following *ENV*
variables. Place them inside a *.env* file.
Start the mysql test database with:
docker compose up -d
If nothing fails you can test the application with:
=== *Dockerization*
Build Docker image for go backend - DEV version:
docker build -t langhelp/backend_dev . -f docker/Dockerfile.dev
Run tests for go app:
docker run --rm langhelp/backend_dev go test -v ./...
TODO: Add database tests
Run docker image:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name go_backend langhelp/backend_dev ./lh_backend