go-wifidog-authserver: Golang Authentication Server for WiFiDog.
Go-wifidog-authserver is designed to be a simple wifidog authentication-server to communicate with Apfree WiFiDog. This project is supported by HTTP Web Framework of ECHO developed with Golang .
Quick Start
There is a bin auth-server program in path of example/gowauth
which you can use to test your WiFiDog.
$ git clone https://github.com/KerwinKoo/gowauth.git
$ cd gowauth
$ cp example/gowauth gowauth
$ ./gowauth
⇛ http server started on :8082
After running the command above, the example program will listen to the 8082
port as you can see.
Modify the WiFiDog's configuration file in your router:
config wifidog
option gateway_interface 'br-lan'
option auth_server_hostname 'your server IP address'
option auth_server_port '8082'
option auth_server_path '/wifidog/'
option check_interval '60'
Fill your auth-server's IP into option auth_server_hostname
, fill '8082' port into option auth_server_port
, and then run the command /etc/init.d/wifidog stop && /etc/init.d/wifidog start
to restart the wifidog daemon in your router.
Back to the platform which gowauth
is running on, the auth-server will receive a ping
request from WiFiDog like:
time=2016-12-23T11:21:04+08:00, method=GET, uri=/wifidog/ping/?gw_id=......
It works when you get the message above.