Portable Gabi
Portable Gabi is a wrapper for the gabi library. It does not expose the same API as gabi does.
build to wasm
export GOOS="js"
export GOARCH="wasm"
go build main.go
run the demo js code:
export GOOS="js"
export GOARCH="wasm"
go build -o ./doc/example/main.wasm main.go
unset GOOS
unset GOARCH
cd doc/example
# install goexec once
go get -u github.com/shurcooL/goexec
goexec 'http.ListenAndServe(`:8080`, http.FileServer(http.Dir(`.`)))'
and visit http://localhost:8080
Word of warning
Go uses float64 to decode json numbers. A 9007199254740993 as int64 cannot be
represented as float64...