December 2020:
juusmenu is an easy to use menu building system for use in Go terminal
apps. At the bottom of this document is a full program you can copy & paste
that demonstrates all the menu capabilities.
juusmenu is my first Golang project. I started learning Go recently,
and saw a need for a menu system to help me organize my testing and
learning, and keep my func main() clear. It was so much fun to develop
that I kept on with it until it had some real functionality.
juusmenu is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL, version 3.
Flexible in use. Unlimited number of menus (whether self-standing, "registered"
Sub-Menus, or Choose One's) and any menu can be called at any time from any other
Any menu can be run-time manipulated at any time by any other
menu, even if the menu is currently running.
A menu can be set to "Choose One" mode for those
yes/no/maybe/cancel menu types.
Menu Entries can run any possible func()
It is written in pure Go, no other dependencies.
Install in the usual Go manner with:
go get
The juusmenu_example code below can be used to take the menu system out
for a test drive...
package main
import (
jm ""
//these menu vars can of course be local or function results,
//but I use global here for the purposes that this
//example code uses simplyfing function calls
var (
menuMain *jm.Menu
menuSub1 *jm.Menu
menuSub2 *jm.Menu
menuSubSub *jm.Menu
dummyMenu *jm.Menu
const (
muMyMainID = iota
func main() {
//for brevity most error conditions are not checked.
//but there gives very few fatal errors in this menu system
//usually you are informed that there was an irregularity
//and the sytem will run given what its got.
//it also, according to MenuOptions settings, will display
//"error" conditions directly, useful for debugging.
//MenuOptions lets you customize behaviour and appearance for all menus
//Create the Menus.
//first created Menu is automatically set to be the MainMenu
//MainMenu designation is used primarily internally.
//The param is the Menu's Title
menuMain = jm.NewMenu("Main")
menuSub1 = jm.NewMenu("SubMenu1")
menuSub2 = jm.NewMenu("SubMenu2")
menuSubSub = jm.NewMenu("SubSubMenu")
//this will be a menu that is not initialized for example purposes
dummyMenu = jm.NewMenu("dummy Menu")
//Upon creation each menu is assigned an ID starting at -1 and decreasing.
//Optionally you can, of course, set your own ID's for switch statements and so on.
//for clarity and less clutter I will build the menus in separate functions
//setting up a confirmation of exit for example purposes
exitFlag := false
menuExit := jm.NewMenu("Really Exit?")
menuExit.SetMenuBreakItem("c", "cancel", func() {})
menuExit.AddMenuEntry("e", "Exit", func() { exitFlag = true })
//change as you like, but start with '1' to get familiar
youChooseMethod := 1
//I only use a for loop here to demonstrate re-starting the system
for {
//start the menu system
switch youChooseMethod {
case 1:
//will start the MainMenu automatically
case 2:
//if you start the MainMenu directly it is basically equivalent to case 1
case 3:
//You don't have to follow MainMenu & "SubMenu" Menu System conventions.
//You can start any menu at any time but then you will need to manage them
//example of re-setting the menu system after an (accidental?) use of the killPhrase
if jm.MenuSystem.WasKilled() {
//user typed in the "killPhrase"
jm.MenuSystem.UnKill() //reset menus to function properly
//here I use a menu, one can also set up user input functions
//with jm.GetUserInput("prompt")
//they might have used the killPhrase on the ChooseOne menu too!
exitFlag = exitFlag || jm.MenuSystem.WasKilled()
if exitFlag {
} else {
} else {
//regular Menu Break (exit) key was used
func buildMain(menu *jm.Menu) {
//I could use a single func() with a switch statement using either menu.Title or menu.GetID()
//but I thought individual funcs will be easier to read for newer programmers.
//SetMenuBreakItem: the key to leave the menu
//it is ok to call SetMenuBreakItem any number of times both before and after
//the menu is Start()-ed. It is its own add/edit function. You should try to be careful
//to not conflict with the break key, but no worries. There is a lot of validation code
//and you will be notified if you, or your code, has made this mistake.
menu.SetMenuBreakItem("qq", "QUIT", func() { fmt.Println("Ok, quitting. Bye-Bye!") })
//using AddSubMenu() ensures smooth flow between menus. Another method will be shown later
//Of course, menuSub1 & 2 must be at least created, they can be already filled in or not.
menu.AddSubMenu(menuSub1, "a", "Submenu 1")
menu.AddSubMenu(menuSub2, "b", "Submenu 2")
//now lets add regular menu entries
menu.AddMenuEntry("A", "Show current Menu Options settings", func() {
//note that the embedded func bracket is closed by the paren. on the same line!
//this construction is necessary, or you will get compile error:
// syntax error: unexpected newline, expecting comma or )
menu.AddMenuEntry("B", "Show information about Menu Options", func() {
menu.AddMenuEntry("C", "Show Main Menu Info", func() {
//runtime manipulation of menus
menu.AddMenuEntry("x", "Dynamically change Main Menu", func() {
fmt.Println("This will change all menu values to numbers, and align the menu to the left, and then remove this 'x' entry")
menu.SetMenuBreakItem("33", "QUIT", func() { fmt.Println("33, over and out.") })
menu.ChangeMenuEntry("", "A", "1")
menu.ChangeMenuEntry("", "B", "2")
menu.ChangeMenuEntry("", "C", "3")
menu.ChangeMenuEntry("Submenu 1 (now its 4)", "a", "4")
menu.ChangeMenuEntry("Submenu 2 (now its 5)", "b", "5")
func buildSub1(menu *jm.Menu) {
//Send in an empty func() on Break Items if you don't want a message or action
menu.SetMenuBreakItem("b", "Back", func() {})
menu.AddMenuEntry("X", "call me from myself!", func() {
fmt.Println("I'm calling me...the system is smart enough to know I'm already showing.")
menu.AddMenuEntry("1", "This prints '1'", func() {
//changing an existing entry's func()
menu.AddMenuEntry("2", "This changes the function on Item 1 to print 'one' instead", func() {
menu.ChangeMenuEntry("This prints 'one'", "1", "")
menu.ChangeMenuEntryFunc("1", func() {
fmt.Println("Mischief Managed")
//You can also, of course, change other menus from anywhere
menu.AddMenuEntry("MM", "Change the Main Menu's Break Key from 'qq' to 'QQ'", func() {
menuMain.SetMenuBreakItem("QQ", "qUIT", func() {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("My byebye messgage was changed by Menu: %s", menu.Title))
fmt.Println("change Menu Main quit key.")
menu.AddMenuEntry("one", "This will build a menu and ask for your favorite...", func() {
//this is a built on the fly Menu. Even though it is a menu, it wass not declared as a SubMenu
//therfore it is treated and responds as a function. See choice 'two' below for a
//way to bypass this behaviour
tempMenu := buildChooseOne()
menu.AddMenuEntry("two", "Same as 'one' but user input PAUSE is bypassed...", func() {
msg := "This will print a notification message about the bypass IF MenuOptions.pauseOnOutput=true\n\n"
//a pause for you to read the message above
//SkipFunctionNotification() is a temporary flag that bypasses pauseOnOutput if it is set. It
//Provides a way to make non-declared SubMenus behave like declared SubMenus which flow immediately back,
//Or use it as needed it you don't want to pause after a particular function returns.
//=== NOTE that this is called on the WRAPPING menu!
tempMenu := buildChooseOne()
func buildSub2(menu *jm.Menu) {
//one can also sort the Menu in descending order
//However, the Break Key will always be at top or bottom respectively
menu.SetMenuBreakItem("b", "Back", func() { fmt.Println("Ok. going back.") })
menu.AddSubMenu(menuSubSub, "5", "Sub-Sub menu")
//this will print information messages because dummyMenu was never filled in
menu.AddSubMenu(dummyMenu, "4", "dummyMenu: created but never initialized!")
menu.AddMenuEntry("3", "System Square Root of 2", func() { fmt.Println(math.Sqrt(2)) })
menu.AddMenuEntry("2", "Square Root of Square Root of 2 func()", func() { fmt.Println(getSqrSqrRoot(2)) })
menu.AddMenuEntry("1", "SqrRoot of SqRoot: input a number...", func() {
// so now we need an input function
//this could be easily a separate function call but
//I write here in-line
out := jm.GetUserInput("Enter a number:")
if out == "" {
if out == "1" {
fmt.Println("Sorry, 1 is too boring, changing it to 42")
out = "42"
outFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(out, 64)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error: ", err)
func buildSubSub(menu *jm.Menu) {
menu.SetMenuBreakItem("b", "Back", func() { fmt.Println("Ok. going back.") })
menu.AddMenuEntry("M", "Return to Main Menu", func() {
//you can call Start() method any time. If the menu is already Running
//it will drop back down to it. If not, it will start it.
menu.AddMenuEntry("P", "Return to SubMenu 2, of course you can use 'b' too", func() {
menu.AddMenuEntry("1", "In English", func() { fmt.Println("one") })
menu.AddMenuEntry("2", "In Deutsch", func() { fmt.Println("zwei o. zwo") })
menu.AddMenuEntry("42", "In English", func() { fmt.Println("The Answer!") })
func buildChooseOne() *jm.Menu {
//A ChooseOne menu is a menu like yes/no/maybe
//it closes automatically after the user has made a single choice
result := jm.NewMenu("Preferences")
result.SetMenuBreakItem("c", "Cancel. I can't decide!", func() { fmt.Println("\nUser canceled\n") })
result.AddMenuEntry("1", "Kittens", func() {
fmt.Println("\nYes, they are so fuzzy!\n")
result.AddMenuEntry("2", "Puppies", func() {
fmt.Println("\nOh yeah, they are so funny!\n")
result.AddMenuEntry("3", "Pizza", func() {
fmt.Println("\n <ummm pizzzaaa> D'Oh!\n")
result.AddMenuEntry("M", "Never mind. Go back to Main Menu", func() {
return result
func getSqrSqrRoot(n float64) float64 {
//using your own written func()s
return math.Sqrt(math.Sqrt(n))
v1.0.0 December 2020