This is a school project for the course "Introduction to Go language", in which we had to implement a simple gRPC server and client. The project consists of a gRPC server in which you can interact with the database by using CRUD routes. There is also an optionnal task to add a JWT authentication, a Swagger and Stream using SSE (Server Sent Events).
This project is a simple gRPC server & client that allows you to Create, Read, Update and Delete users, products and payments by using the given routes.
There are 3 entities:
- User -> Which contains the user's information
- Product -> List of products that the user can buy
- Payment -> Groups the products that the user has bought
Note that the database given in this repository only contains 3 users, 3 products and 3 payments. You can add more by using the given routes. The database is in the "database.db" file. You can use DB Browser for SQLite to view the database and add more data.
User routes
- Create a user -> POST /user
- Get a user -> GET /user/:id
- Update a user -> PUT /user/:id
- Delete a user -> DELETE /user/:id
Product routes
- Create a product -> POST /product
- Get a product -> GET /product/:id
- Update a product -> PUT /product/:id
- Delete a product -> DELETE /product/:id
Payment routes
- Create a payment -> POST /payment
- Get a payment -> GET /payment/:id
- Update a payment -> PUT /payment/:id
- Delete a payment -> DELETE /payment/:id
- Get all payments -> GET /payments
- Get all payments by product -> GET /payments/product/:id
Optional tasks (bonus points)
- JWT authentication
- Swagger
- SSE (Server Sent Events)
- Documentation
To install the project, you need to install the dependencies:
Starting the server
To launch the server, you need to run the following command:
go run main.go