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Published: Feb 24, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 10 Imported by: 8


goevo - work-in-progress NEAT implementation in Golang

GoEVO is designed to be a fast but easy-to-understand package that implements the NEAT algorithm. It is still in development and has not had a major release yet, so stability is not guaranteed. If you find a bug or have any suggestions, please do raise an issue and i'll try to fix it.
To learn more about the NEAT algorithm, here is the original paper: Stanley, K. O., & Miikkulainen, R. (2002). Evolving neural networks through augmenting topologies. Evolutionary computation, 10(2), 99-127.


Creating and Modifying a Genotype

A Genotype is a bit like DNA - it encodes all the information to build the network.

// Create a counter. This is used to keep track of new neurons and synapses
counter := goevo.NewAtomicCounter()

// Create the initial genotype. This is sort of like an agents DNA.
genotype := goevo.NewGenotype(counter, 2, 1, goevo.ActivationLinear, goevo.ActivationSigmoid)

// Add a synapse from first input to output with a weight of 0.5.
// We don't need to check the error because we know this is a valid modification
synapseID, _ := genotype.AddSynapse(counter, 0, 2, 0.5)
// Add a neuron on the synapse we just created
neuronID, secondSynapseID, _ := genotype.AddNeuron(counter, synapseID, goevo.ActivationReLU)
// Add a synapse between the second input and our new neuron with a weight of -0.5
genotype.AddSynapse(counter, 1, neuronID, -0.5)
Visualising a Genotype

It is quite hard to deduce the topology by looking its list of neurons and synapses. goevo supports drawing a picture of a genotype either to a draw.Image or a png or jpg file.

vis := goevo.NewGenotypeVisualiser()
vis.DrawImageToPNGFile("example_1.png", genotype)

Below is the image in the generated file example_1.png. The green cirlces are input neurons, pink circles are hidden neurons, and yellow circles are output neurons. A blue line is a positive weight and a red line is a negative weight. The thicker the line, the stronger the weight.

Pruning Synapses

One way to prevent the networks getting too big is to prune synapses (delete synapses). Pruning will remove the given synapse, then remove all neurons and synapses that become redundant due to the pruning.

// Prune the synapse that connects the hidden neuron to the output neuron. This makes the hidden neuron nedundant so it is therefor removed too, along with its other synapses.
genotypePrunedA := goevo.NewGenotypeCopy(genotype)
vis.DrawImageToPNGFile("example_2.png", genotypePrunedA)
// Prune the synapse that connects the first input to the hidden neuron
genotypePrunedB := goevo.NewGenotypeCopy(genotype)
vis.DrawImageToPNGFile("example_3.png", genotypePrunedB)

Below is example_2.png. Because the removed synapse was the only synapse connecting the hidden node to an output node, the hidden node was removed with the synapse, along with its synapses.

Below is example_3.png. The hidden node still had a connection going in and a connection going out after this pruning so it was not removed.

Using the Genotype

A Genotype cannot directly be used to convert an input into an output. Instead, it must first be converted into a Phenotype, which can be thought of a bit like compiling code into an executable. After a Phenotype is created, it can be used as many times as you like, but the neurons and synapses cannot be edited (to do this you have to modify the genotype and create a new phenotype).

// Create a phenotype from the genotype
phenotype := goevo.NewPhenotype(genotype)
// Calculate the outputs given some inputs
fmt.Println(phenotype.Forward([]float64{0, 1}))
fmt.Println(phenotype.Forward([]float64{1, 0}))
// Make sure to clear any recurrent connections memory (in this case there are no recurrent connections but this is just an exmaple)


Saving and Loading Genotype

If you have just trained a genotype, you may wish to save it. Genotypes can be json marshalled und unmarshalled with go's built-in json parser.

// Convert the genotype to a json []byte
jsBytes, _ := json.Marshal(genotype)
// Create an empty genotype and load the json []byte into it
genotypeLoaded := goevo.NewGenotypeEmpty()
json.Unmarshal(jsBytes, genotypeLoaded)

Example - XOR

In this example, a population of agents attempts to create a genotype that can do XOR logic. The generational loop for this example is as follows:

  1. Every agents fitness is evaluated
  2. The best agent is picked, all others are discarded
  3. The population is filled with clones of the best agent, who may have mutations

This a a very primative training loop, and ignores many of the key features of the NEAT paper such as speciation and crossover. However, I have not implemented those yet (see TODO at the bottom of the README). Despite this, the algorithm still performs quite well, reaching a mean squared error of less than 0.001 in around 60 generations with a population size of 100.

// Define the dataset. In this exmaple this data corresponds to XOR.
// The third index of each X datapoint is the bias, which is important because each neuron does not have its own bias
X := [][]float64{{0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1}}
Y := [][]float64{{0}, {1}, {1}, {0}}

// Define the fitness function. The algorithm will try to maximise fitness. In this particular function the best score a network can get is 0 and the worst is -infinity
fitness := func(g *goevo.Genotype) float64 {
    p := goevo.NewPhenotype(g)
    totalSqaredError := 0.0
    for i := range X {
        totalSqaredError += math.Pow(Y[i][0]-p.Forward(X[i])[0], 2)
    return -totalSqaredError / float64(len(X))

// Create a counter. This is used to keep track of new neurons and synapses
counter := goevo.NewAtomicCounter()

// Create the initial genotype. All other genotypes in the population will start as offspring from this.
// It is important to create a single genotype as a commom ancestor because then the input and output neurons of the whole population will have the same ids from the counter
genotypeAncestor := goevo.NewGenotype(counter, 3, 1, goevo.ActivationLinear, goevo.ActivationSigmoid)
// To start off easy, we will manually connect all inputs to the output, which gives the network a head start
genotypeAncestor.AddSynapse(counter, 0, 3, 0.5)
genotypeAncestor.AddSynapse(counter, 1, 3, 0.5)
genotypeAncestor.AddSynapse(counter, 2, 3, 0.5)

// Create a population of 100 genotypes
population := make([]*goevo.Genotype, 100)
for pi := range population {
    population[pi] = goevo.NewGenotypeCopy(genotypeAncestor)

// Do a maximum of 5000 generations
for generation := 0; generation < 5000; generation++ {
    // Find the agent with the best fitness
    bestFitness := math.Inf(-1)
    bestFitnessIndex := -1
    for i := range population {
        f := fitness(population[i])
        if f > bestFitness {
            bestFitness = f
            bestFitnessIndex = i
    bestGenotype := population[bestFitnessIndex]

    // Repopulate the population with offspring of the best agent
    for i := 0; i < len(population); i++ {
        population[i] = goevo.NewGenotypeCopy(bestGenotype)
        // Synapse creation
        if rand.Float64() > 0.8 {
            goevo.AddRandomSynapse(counter, population[i], 0.2, false, 5)
        // Synapse mutations
        if rand.Float64() > 0.8 {
            goevo.MutateRandomSynapse(population[i], 0.5)
        if rand.Float64() > 0.4 {
            goevo.MutateRandomSynapse(population[i], 0.1)
        // New neuron creation
        if rand.Float64() > 0.9 {
            goevo.AddRandomNeuron(counter, population[i], goevo.ActivationReLU)
    population[0] = bestGenotype

    // Check to see if we have reached our target fitness. If we have, stop looping
    if bestFitness > -0.001 {
        fmt.Println("Reached target fitness in", generation, "generations")

// Create a phenotype from the best network and calculate what its predictions for the dataset are
p := goevo.NewPhenotype(population[0])
for i := range X {
    fmt.Println("X", X[i], "Y", Y[i], "YP", p.Forward(X[i]))
// Visualise what the genotype looks like
v := goevo.NewGenotypeVisualiser()
v.DrawImageToPNGFile("xor.png", population[0])

Here is the ouput from running this once:

Reached target fitness in 56 generations
X [0 0 1] Y [0] YP [0.041903360177595196]
X [0 1 1] Y [1] YP [0.9803748834155143]
X [1 0 1] Y [1] YP [0.9598753334944649]
X [1 1 1] Y [0] YP [0.012205476415211636]

The final network is rather large compared to the minimal network required for XOR. However, the algorithm can be made to create smaller networks by adding a penalty for large networks in the training function. This is a very good idea to do if you plan to use NEAT, as the whole purpose of it is to create optimal topologies.


  • Add speciation
  • Add crossover
  • Figure out how to fully implement the NEAT algorithm without taking away too much control
  • Add a function to remove a neuron and re-route its synapses
  • Add a function to change a neurons activation
  • For the above two, add functions to randomly perform those actions




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func AddRandomNeuron

func AddRandomNeuron(counter Counter, g *Genotype, activation Activation) error

Add a neuron on a random synapse of `g` with activation function `activation`

func AddRandomSynapse

func AddRandomSynapse(counter Counter, g *Genotype, weightStddev float64, isRecurrent bool, attempts int) error

Add a new synapse to `g` with weight sampled from normal distribution with standard deviation `stddev`. `isRecurrent` specifies if the synapse should be recurrent or forward-facing. `attempts` is the maximum number of random combinations of neurons to try before deciding there is no more space for synapses. A good value for `attempts` is 5

func MutateRandomSynapse

func MutateRandomSynapse(g *Genotype, stddev float64)

Mutate the weight of a random synapse in `g` by sampling the normal distribution with standard deviation `stddev“

func PruneRandomSynapse

func PruneRandomSynapse(g *Genotype)

Prune a random synapse from `g`. This has the capability to prun more than one synapse and neuron as it also removes redundant neurons and synapses.


type Activation

type Activation string

A string representing an activation function. It must be one of the consts that start with 'Activation...'

const (
	// y = x
	ActivationLinear Activation = "linear"
	// y = x {x > 0} | y = 0 {x <= 0}
	ActivationReLU Activation = "relu"
	// y = tanh(x)
	ActivationTanh Activation = "tanh"
	// y = ln(x) {x > 0} | y = 0 {x <= 0}. I have found this can benefit recurrent networks by not allowing the values to explode
	ActivationReLn Activation = "reln"
	// y = sigmoid(x)
	ActivationSigmoid Activation = "sigmoid"
	// y = x {1 > x > 0} | y = 0 {x <= 0} | y = 1 {x >= 1}
	ActivationReLUMax Activation = "relumax"

type AtomicCounter

type AtomicCounter struct {
	I int64

An implementation of the Counter interface which is goroutine safe

func (*AtomicCounter) Next

func (a *AtomicCounter) Next() int

Get the next innovation id

type Counter

type Counter interface {
	// Get the next innovation id
	Next() int

An interface that describes a type that can generate unique ids

func NewAtomicCounter

func NewAtomicCounter() Counter

Create a new AtomicCounter which starts from id 0

type Genotype

type Genotype struct {
	// The number of input neurons. READONLY
	NumIn int `json:"num_in"`
	// The number of output neurons. READONLY
	NumOut int `json:"num_out"`
	// A record of all neurons stored according to their id. READONLY
	Neurons map[int]*Neuron `json:"neurons"`
	// A record of all synapses stored according to their id. READONLY
	Synapses map[int]*Synapse `json:"synapses"`
	// A record of all neurons ids stored in execution order. READONLY
	NeuronOrder []int `json:"neuron_order"`
	// A record of all neurons orders stored according to neuron id. READONLY
	InverseNeuronOrder map[int]int `json:"inverse_neuron_order"`

A type representing a genotype (effectively DNA) used in the NEAT algorithm

func NewGenotype

func NewGenotype(counter Counter, numIn, numOut int, inActivation, outActivation Activation) *Genotype

Create a new Genotype. Create all new innovation IDs with the provided Counter `counter`. The genotype will have `numIn` input nodes and `numOut` output nodes. The input nodes will have activation `inActivation` and the output nodes will have activation `outActivation`

func NewGenotypeCopy

func NewGenotypeCopy(g *Genotype) *Genotype

Create a new Genotype which is a clone of `g`

func NewGenotypeEmpty

func NewGenotypeEmpty() *Genotype

func (*Genotype) AddNeuron

func (n *Genotype) AddNeuron(counter Counter, conn int, activation Activation) (int, int, error)

Create a hidden neuron on a synapse using the provided Counter, with activation function `activation`. `conn` is the ID of the synapse to create the neuron on, and `conn` must not refer to a recurrent connection. Will return `neuronID, synapseID, error`, where synapseID is the id of the synapse that was created due to the original synapse being split. This synapse connects the new neuron to the old synapses endpoint, and the old synapses endpoint is moved to the new neuron

func (*Genotype) AddSynapse

func (n *Genotype) AddSynapse(counter Counter, from, to int, weight float64) (int, error)

Create a synapse between two neurons using the provided Counter, with weight `weight`. `from` and `to` are the innovation IDs of two neurons. If `from` is ordered after `to` then the connection is recurrent. Will return `synapseID, error`

func (*Genotype) GetNeuronOrder

func (n *Genotype) GetNeuronOrder(nid int) (int, error)

Gets the order (position in which the neurons are calculated) of a neuron ID

func (*Genotype) IsNeuron

func (n *Genotype) IsNeuron(id int) bool

Check if a given id is a neuron in this genotype

func (*Genotype) IsSynapse

func (n *Genotype) IsSynapse(id int) bool

Check if a given id is a synapse in this genotype

func (*Genotype) LookupSynapse

func (n *Genotype) LookupSynapse(from, to int) (int, error)

Find the ID of the synapse that goes from `from` to `to`. Will return `synapseID, error`, where error might be caused by the connection not existing

func (*Genotype) PruneSynapse

func (n *Genotype) PruneSynapse(sid int) error

Prune the synapse with id `sid` from the genotype. Then recursively check to see if this has made any other synapses or neurons redundant, and remove those too.

func (*Genotype) Topology

func (n *Genotype) Topology() (int, int, int)

Return the number of input, hidden, and output neurons in this genotype

type GenotypeVisualiser

type GenotypeVisualiser struct {
	ImgSizeX          int
	ImgSizeY          int
	NeuronSize        int
	InputNeuronColor  color.Color
	HiddenNeuronColor color.Color
	OutputNeuronColor color.Color

func NewGenotypeVisualiser

func NewGenotypeVisualiser() GenotypeVisualiser

func (*GenotypeVisualiser) DrawImage

func (v *GenotypeVisualiser) DrawImage(g *Genotype) draw.Image

func (*GenotypeVisualiser) DrawImageToJPGFile

func (v *GenotypeVisualiser) DrawImageToJPGFile(filename string, g *Genotype)

func (*GenotypeVisualiser) DrawImageToPNGFile

func (v *GenotypeVisualiser) DrawImageToPNGFile(filename string, g *Genotype)

type Neuron

type Neuron struct {
	// The type of this neuron
	Type NeuronType `json:"type"`
	// The activation of this neuron
	Activation Activation `json:"activation"`

A type representing a genotype neuron

type NeuronType

type NeuronType string

A type denoting the type of a neuron (input, hidden, output). Must be one of the consts that start with 'Neuron...'

const (
	// Input neuron
	NeuronInput NeuronType = "input"
	// Hidden neuron
	NeuronHidden NeuronType = "hidden"
	// Output neuron
	NeuronOutput NeuronType = "output"

type Phenotype

type Phenotype struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Data type representing a phenotype, a sort of compiled genotype

func NewPhenotype

func NewPhenotype(g *Genotype) *Phenotype

Create a phenotype from genotype `g`

func (*Phenotype) ClearRecurrentMemory

func (p *Phenotype) ClearRecurrentMemory()

Clear any memory retained from previous calls to `p.Forward`

func (*Phenotype) Forward

func (p *Phenotype) Forward(inputs []float64) []float64

Do a forward pass with some input data for the phenotype, returning the output of the network. This also will take into account any memory left over from previous calls

type PhenotypeConnection

type PhenotypeConnection struct {
	To     int
	Weight float64

Data type for a phenotype connection

type RecurrentPhenotypeConnection

type RecurrentPhenotypeConnection struct {
	From   int
	Weight float64

Data type for a recurrent phenotype connection

type Synapse

type Synapse struct {
	// The id of the neuron this comes from
	From int `json:"from_id"`
	// The id of the neuron this goes to
	To int `json:"to_id"`
	// The weight of this synapse
	Weight float64 `json:"weight"`

A type represeting a genotype synapse


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