urllinter is used to verify and validate URLs or links.This linter gathers all URLs(based on configuration), check them by calling http requests.
The problem
Each and every URL or link in this repo must be in working state.It is practically difficult to check each of the URLs manually and ensure they are working.
urllinter pasrses all files (path provided in configuration) and stores them.Iteratively it checks whether the URL is working or not.All failure cases are marked as Fail and success cases are marked as Pass.
urllinter supports few configurations.The below is the default configuration file.
- ".yaml"
- ".sh"
- ".yml"
- ".md"
- "http://localhost"
- "https://localhost"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- "https://vault.example.com:8200"
- "$"
- "<"
- ">"
- "@"
- "cli/"
- .git/
- docs/
- ".gitignore"
- ".github/"
- 200
- 201
- 302
- 401
- 403
How to install urllinter
To download source code and install urllinter
git clone https://github.com/JitenPalaparthi/urllinter.git
cd to the urllinter directory and run
go install github.com/JitenPalaparthi/urllinter
The above command generates the single binary file.Default configuration is embed into it.
How to run urllinter
go run main.go --path <any valid path or it takes only current working directory> -- config <provide config path or default path will be taken> --summary=true --details=fail