Every message broker component must implement Messager interface.
Messager interface consists of three interfaces; Publisher and Subscriber and Error.
Publisher : To publish messages to a Subject with payload/data.
Function Signature:
Publish(ctx context.Context, message *Message[T], data []byte) Messager
ctx context.Context : Usually a context will be propagated across application boundaries.
message *Message[T] : Message contains subject/topic to which the message to be published
Data T : payload/data that has to be published can be []byte or [][]byte type. [Can be another type based on other message broker implementations]
Config any: Any other configuration can be given in this field.
Messager; the return type is messager interface itself. This helps to Publish and Subscribe as chain of events.
Subscriber : Subscribe to receives data based on Subject. Whatever user has to do with the received data, can be implemented in the call back function.
Function Signature:
Subscribe(ctx context.Context, message *Message[T] , f func(data []byte)) Messager
ctx context.Context : Usually a context will be propagated across application boundaries.
message *Message[T] : Message contains subject/topic to which the message to be published
Data T : payload/data that has to be published can be []byte or [][]byte type. [Can be another type based on other message broker implementations]
Config any: Any other configuration can be given in this field.
f func(data []byte): It a call back function. Data that is received from a subject is automatically assigned to data parameter in function call. User has to implement required business logic in the call back function with the data.
Messager: the return type is messager interface itself. This helps to Publish and Subscribe as chain of events.
Error : Error is used to dispatch all errors in Publish and Subscribe methods. The implementer must implement this method.
Function Signature:
Error() error
error: If there is any error in the propagation of methods, the error is set and retruns using this method.