download-watch is a utility to watch on URLs and save their output locally. Also it's possible to execute commands when files changed. For example you could reload a webserver when a new configuration was written.
It can save the file
periodically no matter what
when it changed (ETag aware) so that it's not written if the server says nothing changed
when the SHA256 hash doesn't match locally but on the server
Configuration file
# Optional: Command to use for executing the success_command, the command will get appended as one argument (default: ["/bin/bash", "-c"])
command_shell: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
# Key for the map is the target file path
# Optional: Specify user:pass for the basic authentication
basic_auth: myuser:mypass
# Optional: How long to wait for the file to finish downloading (default: 30s)
timeout: 30s
# Required: How long to wait between two downloads
fetch_interval: 5m
# Optional: Ignore ETag sent by server, refresh file even if it's the same
ignore_etag: false
# Optional: Check existing file / downloaded file against checksum
sha256: e84712238709398f6d349dc2250b0efca4b72d8c2bfb7b74339d30ba94056b14
# Required: URL to fetch the file from
# Optional: Command to execute every time the file was written successfully
success_command: /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
fetch_interval: 1h