BasaltDB is a SQLite and LevelDB inspired key-value database. It runs serverless from a single executable via CLI interface. The main features is user-defined data partitioning system.
- Data is in form of Key and Value pair of String type.
- This is stored as an AVL tree in a sorted by Key.
- Key is hashed using MurmurHash3 (64bit). Murmur3 is chosen for it's fast speed and even spread of keys.
- Basic data operations are
- insert val1 val2
- delete val1
- get val1
- A patition comprises of multiple parts. Each part is a file containing Level Order Traversal of AVL tree.
- The configuration of partition is defined in the config.yaml file. It comprises of:
- number of parts
- map of part id and its location
- Basic partition operations are:
- createPartition -p pName
- deletePartition -p pName
- rebalancePartition -p pName
- Specify partitions with -p flag. All data operations without the -p flag are done in the "default" partition.
- Rebalance Partition allows the user to redistribute data in the in a new configuration. This is to be mentioned in a new_config.yaml file.
- Each read or write involves loading the entire database. Data can be split between partitions to avoid heavy operations.
- Writes are done with strings as keys.
- Mass writes are to be implemented and are in the TODO pipeline.
Getting started
Get source code
git clone
make build
Build the file and add ./bin directory to the path
make test
Partition Operations
Create Partiton
To create a partition, first initialise the partition. Change the config file as required. Finally create the partition.
# Initialise Partition
basaltdb init -p test1
# Adjust the config as needed
# Create Partition
basaltdb createPartition -p test1
Create Default Partition
To create default partition. This initialises and creates the the partition in the default configuration.
basaltdb initDefault
Rebalance Partition
In the directory of the partition, create a new file called new_config.yaml. Then run the rebalance command.
# Create new_conf.yaml file with new conf
basaltdb rebalancePartition -p test1
Delete Partition
basaltdb deletePartition -p test1
Data Operations
Insert Data
# Default Partition
basaltdb insert -k 2 -v "Inserting string data"
basaltdb insert 1 69
# test1 Partition
basaltdb -p test1 insert --key "test data" --value "inserting with text data"
basaltdb -p test1 insert 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 "Inserting with UUID"
Get Data
# Default Partition
basaltdb get -k "test data"
basaltdb get 2
# test1 Partition
basaltdb -p test1 get --key 1
View Data
# Default Partition
basaltdb getAll
# test1 Partition
basaltdb -p test1 getAll
Update Data
basaltdb overwrites data according to timestamp.
# test1 Partition
basaltdb -p test1 insert -k 1 -v "Updating 69 with this string"
Delete Data
# Default Partition
basaltdb delete 2
basaltdb delete "test data"
# test1 Partition
basaltdb -p test1 delete --key 1