π Table Of Content
π Overview
cShare is a command-line utility built in Golang to send sensitive text data across devices. This repository is the backend server of cShare.
The back end is featured with
- RESTful APIΒ for communication.
- UserΒ authenticationΒ andΒ authorization
- Secure resource endpoints usingΒ JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Single-file binary.
- Containerized environment for portability and scalability.
- API documentationΒ using Postman
Technologies used
- Go is the primary backend code.
- PostgresSQL is the primary database for storing user authentication details, user data, and clip data.
- Docker for containerizing and packaging software.
Framework used
- Gin framework is the primary tool for building RESTful APIs.
- cypherDecipher for password salting and un-salting.
π’ Status
The backend (this project) is at stable version v1. It provides basic API endpoints for daily use.
The official frontend command-line application is currently in development.
You can also build your custom frontend(GUI, CLI or TUI) on top of this backend by following the docuementations.
π Digrams
π Database ER Digram
Refer ER digrams here
π§ Usage
Before you ping the endpoints, Follow the steps to setup the inital configuration of the application.
π System Prerequisite
NOTE: The entire application was developed only using Go and Docker installed in the system. PostgreSQL databases were running in Docker containers.
π Running Locally
- Clone the repository JammUtkarsh/cshare-server
git clone https://github.com/JammUtkarsh/cshare-server
- Change directory to
cd cshare-server
- Generate the .env file. It contains preferences depending upon development/debug or deployment/production.
has default preferences for production.
cp .env.local .env
πΎ Starting the server database container
A. Using docker-compose
sudo docker compose up --build
B. Using pre-built image
# running databse with preconfigured tables.
docker volume create pgdata
docker pull jammutkarsh/cshare-db
docker run --rm -p 5432:5432 -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data jammutkarsh/cshare-db
# or
# OR
# building and running the container..
docker build -t cshare-db --target=database .
docker run --rm -p 5432:5432 -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data cshare-db
πββοΈ Running The Application
go run .
The server will be now be accessable on port :5675
or as per the .env
π API Documentation
See Postman API Documentation
Use Run In Postman
on top right corner for best experience.
π€ Contribution
This project is for learning purposes. Although you still can open issues if you find any.
If possible, mention minimum amount of steps to reproduce the issue in the issue tab
π Acknowledgement
I would like to give special thanks to the Go community, especially the Discord Community
π License
cShare is MIT Licensed