Klarah is a great option to get an http server up and running quickly with little overhead. Let it take
care of the initial load of writing your own server from scratch. With many options of frameworks and
databases to choose from, you can customize it to fit your use case.
As stated in the prior paragraph, customization is a plus when using Klarah to start your project's backend.
Start with the boilerplate that is generated, add more or take away from what's there. The key is that you can
do as much or as little as you want once your project has been generated.
To install Klarah:
go install github.com/JakeNorman007/klarah@latest
When installed Klarah creates a binary that attaches directly to your GOPATH, so you can use it whenever you
need to reach for it.
Klarah has a make file that conveniently keeps all terminal commands organized and easy to use.
General commands:
When you want to start the server after configuration, simply run:
make run
When needing to run the preset tests, or added tests in ./tests, run:
make test
Klarah uses goose under the hood to run all your database migrations, after configuring your database connection,
to migrate your sql up to your databse run:
make up
If you need to reverse those migrations run:
make down
Klarah's supported frameworks:
Klarah's supported databases:
Getting started:
As it is now, Klarah requires a database connection in order to get the server up and running.
Download klarah to your GOPATH using:
go install github.com/JakeNorman007/klarah@latest
Once downloaded and ready run the command:
klarah new
You will then be prompted to create a project, once it's named press enter:
name > your_project_name
Next you will see these prompts and asked to pick a framework, followed by a database.
Use down arrow or j to move cursor down, up arrow or k to move it up.
---------------------------------- Frameworks ----------------------------------
-> standard-library: Standard go library for creating http servers
echo: High performing, extensible framework with minimal overhead
chi: Lightweight, fast http router that's flexible and powerfull
gin: Flexible, router for efficiant and scalable applications
Press enter to select and y to confirm your choice, Ctrl-c to exit.
------------------------------- Database drivers -------------------------------
postgresql: Powerful, open-source relationa database management system
sqlite: Lightweight, self-contained SQL database engine
Press enter to select and y to confirm your choice, Ctrl-c to exit.
After your project generates go into the directory with cd your_project_name
To get the server up and running connect to a database and set up your goose variables in .env file
Postgresql set up example:
Run the command make run
You will get the following output in the console
20XX/XX/XX 00:00:00 Connected to database
20XX/XX/XX 00:00:00 Server listening on port :8080
Congrats! You are ready to start building!