Custom Metrics with Prometheus and Stackdriver
This is a minimal example showing how to export custom metrics using prometheus text format to Stackdriver in a k8s cluster running on GCE or GKE. This example assumes that you already have a custom metrics setup in your cluster and use legacy Stackdriver resource model (Prometheus to Stackdriver doesn't support new resource model).
Prometheus dummy exporter
A simple prometheus-dummy-exporter component exposes a single prometheus metric with a constant value. The metric name and value can be passed in via flags. There is also a flag to configure the port on which the metrics are served.
Prometheus to Stackdriver sidecar container
Prometheus Dummy exporter is deployed with a sidecar Prometheus to Stackdriver container configured to scrape exposed metric from the specified port and write it to Stackdriver. Custom metrics - Stackdriver adapter then reads this metric from Stackdriver and makes the metric available for scaling.
prometheus-to-sd flags
Note important configuration details for prometheus-to-sd
- /monitor
- --source=:http://localhost:8080 # Empty component name. Needed to avoid slashes in the custom metric name. Port number has to match the one configured for prometheus_dummy_exporter.
- # Prefix needed for custom metrics
# pod-id and namespace-id are needed for the metrics exported to Stackdriver
# to be read correctly by custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter.
- --pod-id=$(POD_ID)
- --namespace-id=$(POD_NAMESPACE)
- name: POD_ID
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.uid
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
Horizontal Pod Autoscaling object
In the example, there is a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler object configured to scale the deployment on the exported metric. It is configured with a target value lower than the defaul metric value. This will cause the deployment to scale up to 5 replicas over the course of ~15 minutes. If you do not see a successful scale up event for a longer period of time, there is likely an issue with your setup. See Troubleshooting section for possible reasons.
The example can be used to test your custom metrics setup using Stackdriver. See the custom metrics setup instructions for more details.
kubectl create -f
will create a custom-metric-prometheus-sd deployment containing prometheus_dummy_exporter container and a sidecar prometheus-to-sd container. Additionally it will create the HPA object to tell Kubernetes to scale the deployment based on the exported metric. Default maximum number of pods is 5.
There are several places where the metric flow can get stuck, so when troubleshooting make sure to check them one by one.
- Check that your metrics are exported to Stackdriver.
Go to the Stackdriver UI and log into your account. Check the Resources > Metrics Explorer page and search for custom/. If you can't find the metric or there is no data, prometheus-to-sd is not pushing your metrics to Stackdriver.
Make sure that:
- --source flag is in a corect format:
- component name should be empty, but there shoud be a leading colon
- the port number has to match the port on which metrics are exposed in
- is present in prometheus-to-sd flags
- Check that custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter is able to read the metric from Stackdriver
Run kubeproxy
kubectl proxy -p 8001
And check the available metrics
curl http://localhost:8001/apis/
You should see a similar list:
"kind": "APIResourceList",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"groupVersion": "",
"resources": [
"name": "pods/<metric-name>",
"singularName": "",
"namespaced": true,
"kind": "MetricValueList",
"verbs": [
If you do not see your metric in the list, custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter can't find the metric in Stackdriver.
Make sure that:
- Your metric meets following requirements:
metricKind = GAUGE
metricType = DOUBLE
- Your metric name does not contain slashes See prometheus-dummy-exporter code for an example metric definition in go.
- Check that metric timeseries is available for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Controller
If you did find your metric in 2. but still see no scale up, check that the metric values are available from custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter.
Run kubeproxy
kubectl proxy -p 8001
And check the metric
curl http://localhost:8001/apis/<namespace-name>/pods/*/<metric-name>
This should return a MetricValueList object. If you get a 404, the metric timeseries is not available from custom-metrics-stackdriver-adapter.
Make sure that:
- pod-id and namespace-id are passed in correctly to prometheus-to-sd container. See example
- Check that the HPA object is configured correctly
Make sure that:
- the HPA config has the right scaling target
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: <deployment-name>
- you specify a correct metric to scale on
- type: Pods
metricName: <metric-name>
targetAverageValue: <target-value>
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