Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CACert(path string) grpcRunnerOption
- func CACertFromData(b []byte) grpcRunnerOption
- func Cert(path string) grpcRunnerOption
- func CertFromData(b []byte) grpcRunnerOption
- func CreateHTTPStepMapSlice(key string, req *http.Request) (yaml.MapSlice, error)
- func DBTrace(trace bool) dbRunnerOption
- func Eval(e string, store any) (any, error)
- func EvalAny(e any, store any) (any, error)
- func EvalCond(cond string, store any) (bool, error)
- func EvalCount(count string, store any) (int, error)
- func EvalExpand(in, store any) (any, error)
- func GRPCTrace(trace bool) grpcRunnerOption
- func HTTPCACert(path string) httpRunnerOption
- func HTTPCert(path string) httpRunnerOption
- func HTTPKey(path string) httpRunnerOption
- func HTTPSkipVerify(skip bool) httpRunnerOption
- func HTTPTimeout(timeout string) httpRunnerOption
- func HTTPTrace(trace bool) httpRunnerOption
- func Host(h string) sshRunnerOption
- func Hostname(h string) sshRunnerOption
- func IdentityFile(p string) sshRunnerOption
- func IdentityKey(k []byte) sshRunnerOption
- func ImportPaths(paths []string) grpcRunnerOption
- func KeepSession(enable bool) sshRunnerOption
- func Key(path string) grpcRunnerOption
- func KeyFromData(b []byte) grpcRunnerOption
- func Load(pathp string, opts ...Option) (*operators, error)
- func LoadBook(path string) (*book, error)
- func LocalForward(l string) sshRunnerOption
- func MultipartBoundary(b string) httpRunnerOption
- func New(opts ...Option) (*operator, error)
- func NewCmdOut(out io.Writer, verbose bool) *cmdOut
- func NewDebugger(out io.Writer) *debugger
- func NewLoadtResult(rc int, w, d time.Duration, c, m int, r *or.Result) (*loadtResult, error)
- func NewRunbook(desc string) *runbook
- func NotFollowRedirect(nf bool) httpRunnerOption
- func OpenApi3(l string) httpRunnerOption
- func OpenApi3FromData(d []byte) httpRunnerOption
- func ParseRunbook(in io.Reader) (*runbook, error)
- func Port(p int) sshRunnerOption
- func Protos(protos []string) grpcRunnerOption
- func RemoveCacheDir() error
- func SSHConfig(p string) sshRunnerOption
- func SetCacheDir(dir string) error
- func ShortenPath(p string) string
- func SkipValidateRequest(skip bool) httpRunnerOption
- func SkipValidateResponse(skip bool) httpRunnerOption
- func SprintMultilinef(lineformat, format string, a ...any) string
- func TLS(useTLS bool) grpcRunnerOption
- func UseCookie(use bool) httpRunnerOption
- func User(u string) sshRunnerOption
- type AfterFuncError
- type BeforeFuncError
- type CDPAction
- type CDPActions
- type CDPArgType
- type CDPFn
- type CDPFnArg
- type CDPFnArgs
- type Capturer
- type Coverage
- type DBResponse
- type GRPCOp
- type GRPCType
- type Loop
- type Option
- func AfterFunc(fn func(*RunResult) error) Option
- func AfterFuncIf(fn func(*RunResult) error, ifCond string) Option
- func BeforeFunc(fn func(*RunResult) error) Option
- func Book(path string) Option
- func Books(pathp string) ([]Option, error)
- func Capture(c Capturer) Option
- func DBRunner(name string, client Querier) Option
- func DBRunnerWithOptions(name, dsn string, opts ...dbRunnerOption) Option
- func Debug(debug bool) Option
- func Desc(desc string) Option
- func FailFast(enable bool) Option
- func Force(enable bool) Option
- func Func(k string, v any) Option
- func GRPCImportPaths(paths []string) Option
- func GRPCNoTLS(noTLS bool) Option
- func GRPCProtos(protos []string) Option
- func GrpcRunner(name string, cc *grpc.ClientConn) Option
- func GrpcRunnerWithOptions(name, target string, opts ...grpcRunnerOption) Option
- func HTTPOpenApi3(l string) Option
- func HTTPOpenApi3s(locations []string) Option
- func HTTPRunner(name, endpoint string, client *http.Client, opts ...httpRunnerOption) Option
- func HTTPRunnerWithHandler(name string, h http.Handler, opts ...httpRunnerOption) Option
- func HostRules(rules ...string) Option
- func Interval(d time.Duration) Option
- func LoadOnly() Option
- func Overlay(path string) Option
- func Profile(enable bool) Option
- func RunConcurrent(enable bool, max int) Option
- func RunID(ids ...string) Option
- func RunLabel(labels ...string) Option
- func RunMatch(m string) Option
- func RunRandom(n int) Option
- func RunSample(n int) Option
- func RunShard(n, i int) Option
- func RunShuffle(enable bool, seed int64) Option
- func Runner(name, dsn string, opts ...httpRunnerOption) Option
- func SSHRunner(name string, client *ssh.Client) Option
- func SSHRunnerWithOptions(name string, opts ...sshRunnerOption) Option
- func Scopes(scopes ...string) Option
- func SkipIncluded(enable bool) Option
- func SkipTest(enable bool) Option
- func Stderr(w io.Writer) Option
- func Stdout(w io.Writer) Option
- func T(t *testing.T) Option
- func Trace(enable bool) Option
- func Underlay(path string) Option
- func Var(k any, v any) Option
- type Querier
- type RunResult
- type RunnerType
- type SpecCoverage
- type StepResult
- type Trail
- type TrailType
- type Trails
- type TxQuerier
- type UnsupportedError
Constants ¶
const ( MediaTypeApplicationJSON = "application/json" MediaTypeTextPlain = "text/plain" MediaTypeApplicationFormUrlencoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" MediaTypeMultipartFormData = "multipart/form-data" MediaTypeApplicationOctetStream = "application/octet-stream" )
const ( ScopeAllowReadParent = "read:parent" ScopeAllowReadRemote = "read:remote" ScopeAllowRunExec = "run:exec" //nostyle:repetition ScopeDenyReadParent = "!read:parent" ScopeDenyReadRemote = "!read:remote" ScopeDenyRunExec = "!run:exec" //nostyle:repetition )
Variables ¶
var ( AsTestHelper = T Runbook = Book RunPart = RunShard //nostyle:repetition )
var CDPFnMap = map[string]CDPFn{ "navigate": { Desc: "Navigate the current frame to `url` page.", Fn: chromedp.Navigate, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "url", ""}, }, }, "latestTab": { Desc: "Change current frame to latest tab.", Fn: func() chromedp.Action { return nil }, Args: CDPFnArgs{}, Aliases: []string{"latestTarget"}, }, "click": { Desc: "Send a mouse click event to the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.Click, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "nav > div > a"}, }, }, "doubleClick": { Desc: "Send a mouse double click event to the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.DoubleClick, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "nav > div > li"}, }, }, "sendKeys": { Desc: "Send keys (`value`) to the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.SendKeys, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "input[name=username]"}, {CDPArgTypeArg, "value", ""}, }, }, "submit": { Desc: "Submit the parent form of the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.Submit, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "form.login"}, }, }, "scroll": { Desc: "Scroll the window to the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.ScrollIntoView, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "body > footer"}, }, Aliases: []string{"scrollIntoView"}, }, "wait": { Desc: "Wait for the specified `time`.", Fn: func(d string) chromedp.Action { return &waitAction{d: d} }, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "time", "10sec"}, }, Aliases: []string{"sleep"}, }, "waitReady": { Desc: "Wait until the element matching the selector (`sel`) is ready.", Fn: chromedp.WaitReady, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "body > footer"}, }, }, "waitVisible": { Desc: "Wait until the element matching the selector (`sel`) is visible.", Fn: chromedp.WaitVisible, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "body > footer"}, }, }, "setUserAgent": { Desc: "Set the default User-Agent", Fn: func(ua string) []chromedp.Action { headers := map[string]any{"User-Agent": ua} return []chromedp.Action{ network.Enable(), network.SetExtraHTTPHeaders(network.Headers(headers)), } }, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "userAgent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36"}, }, Aliases: []string{"setUA", "ua", "userAgent"}, }, "text": { Desc: "Get the visible text of the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.Text, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "h1"}, {CDPArgTypeRes, "text", "Install the latest version of Go"}, }, Aliases: []string{"getText"}, }, "textContent": { Desc: "Get the text content of the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.TextContent, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "h1"}, {CDPArgTypeRes, "text", "Install the latest version of Go"}, }, Aliases: []string{"getTextContent"}, }, "innerHTML": { Desc: "Get the inner html of the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.InnerHTML, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "h1"}, {CDPArgTypeRes, "html", "Install the latest version of Go"}, }, Aliases: []string{"getInnerHTML"}, }, "outerHTML": { Desc: "Get the outer html of the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.OuterHTML, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "h1"}, {CDPArgTypeRes, "html", "<h1>Install the latest version of Go</h1>"}, }, Aliases: []string{"getOuterHTML"}, }, "fullHTML": { Desc: "Get the full html of page.", Fn: func(html *string) chromedp.Action { expr := "new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document);" return chromedp.Evaluate(expr, html) }, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeRes, "html", "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h1>hello</h1></body></html>"}, }, Aliases: []string{"getFullHTML", "getHTML", "html"}, }, "value": { Desc: "Get the Javascript value field of the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.Value, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "input[name=address]"}, {CDPArgTypeRes, "value", "Fukuoka"}, }, Aliases: []string{"getValue"}, }, "setUploadFile": { Desc: "Set upload file (`path`) to the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: func(sel, path string) chromedp.Action { abs, err := filepath.Abs(path) if err != nil { return &errAction{err: err} } if _, err := os.Stat(abs); err != nil { return &errAction{err: err} } return chromedp.SetUploadFiles(sel, []string{abs}) }, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "input[name=avator]"}, {CDPArgTypeArg, "path", "/path/to/image.png"}, }, Aliases: []string{"setUpload"}, }, "title": { Desc: "Get the document `title`.", Fn: chromedp.Title, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeRes, "title", "GitHub"}, }, Aliases: []string{"getTitle"}, }, "location": { Desc: "Get the document location.", Fn: chromedp.Location, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeRes, "url", ""}, }, Aliases: []string{"getLocation"}, }, "attributes": { Desc: "Get the element attributes for the first element node matching the selector (`sel`).", Fn: chromedp.Attributes, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "sel", "h1"}, {CDPArgTypeRes, "attrs", `{"class": "sr-only"}`}, }, Aliases: []string{"getAttributes", "attrs", "getAttrs"}, }, "screenshot": { Desc: "Take a full screenshot of the entire browser viewport.", Fn: func(b *[]byte) chromedp.Action { return chromedp.FullScreenshot(b, 100) }, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeRes, "png", "[]byte"}, }, Aliases: []string{"getScreenshot"}, }, "evaluate": { Desc: "Evaluate the Javascript expression (`expr`).", Fn: func(expr string) chromedp.Action { return chromedp.Evaluate(expr, nil) }, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "expr", `document.querySelector("h1").textContent = "hello"`}, }, Aliases: []string{"eval"}, }, "localStorage": { Desc: "Get localStorage items.", Fn: func(origin string, items *map[string]string) chromedp.Action { return chromedp.ActionFunc(func(ctx context.Context) error { frameTree, err := page.GetFrameTree().Do(ctx) if err != nil { return err } strageKey := domstorage.SerializedStorageKey(frameTree.Frame.SecurityOrigin + "/") storageID := &domstorage.StorageID{ StorageKey: strageKey, IsLocalStorage: true, } resp, err := domstorage.GetDOMStorageItems(storageID).Do(ctx) if err != nil { return err } m := make(map[string]string) for _, v := range resp { if len(v) != 2 { continue } m[v[0]] = v[1] } *items = m return nil }) }, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "origin", ""}, {CDPArgTypeRes, "items", `{"key": "value"}`}, }, Aliases: []string{"getLocalStorage"}, }, "sessionStorage": { Desc: "Get sessionStorage items.", Fn: func(origin string, items *map[string]string) chromedp.Action { return chromedp.ActionFunc(func(ctx context.Context) error { frameTree, err := page.GetFrameTree().Do(ctx) if err != nil { return err } strageKey := domstorage.SerializedStorageKey(frameTree.Frame.SecurityOrigin + "/") storageID := &domstorage.StorageID{ StorageKey: strageKey, IsLocalStorage: false, } resp, err := domstorage.GetDOMStorageItems(storageID).Do(ctx) if err != nil { return err } m := make(map[string]string) for _, v := range resp { if len(v) != 2 { continue } m[v[0]] = v[1] } *items = m return nil }) }, Args: CDPFnArgs{ {CDPArgTypeArg, "origin", ""}, {CDPArgTypeRes, "items", `{"key": "value"}`}, }, Aliases: []string{"getSessionStorage"}, }, }
var ErrInvalidScope = errors.New("invalid scope")
var ErrNilBook = errors.New("runbook is nil")
Functions ¶
func CACertFromData ¶
func CACertFromData(b []byte) grpcRunnerOption
func CertFromData ¶
func CertFromData(b []byte) grpcRunnerOption
func CreateHTTPStepMapSlice ¶
CreateHTTPStepMapSlice creates yaml.MapSlice from *http.Request.
func EvalExpand ¶
EvalExpand evaluates `in` and expand `{{ }}` in `in` using `store`.
func HTTPCACert ¶
func HTTPCACert(path string) httpRunnerOption
func HTTPSkipVerify ¶
func HTTPSkipVerify(skip bool) httpRunnerOption
func HTTPTimeout ¶
func HTTPTimeout(timeout string) httpRunnerOption
func IdentityFile ¶
func IdentityFile(p string) sshRunnerOption
func IdentityKey ¶
func IdentityKey(k []byte) sshRunnerOption
func KeepSession ¶
func KeepSession(enable bool) sshRunnerOption
func KeyFromData ¶
func KeyFromData(b []byte) grpcRunnerOption
func LocalForward ¶
func LocalForward(l string) sshRunnerOption
func MultipartBoundary ¶
func MultipartBoundary(b string) httpRunnerOption
func NewDebugger ¶
func NewLoadtResult ¶
func NewRunbook ¶
func NewRunbook(desc string) *runbook
func NotFollowRedirect ¶
func NotFollowRedirect(nf bool) httpRunnerOption
func OpenApi3 ¶
func OpenApi3(l string) httpRunnerOption
OpenApi3 sets OpenAPI Document using file path.
func OpenApi3FromData ¶
func OpenApi3FromData(d []byte) httpRunnerOption
OpenApi3FromData sets OpenAPI Document from data.
func ParseRunbook ¶
func RemoveCacheDir ¶
func RemoveCacheDir() error
RemoveCacheDir remove cache directory for remote runbooks.
func SetCacheDir ¶
SetCacheDir set cache directory for remote runbooks.
func SkipValidateRequest ¶
func SkipValidateRequest(skip bool) httpRunnerOption
SkipValidateRequest sets whether to skip validation of HTTP request with OpenAPI Document.
func SkipValidateResponse ¶
func SkipValidateResponse(skip bool) httpRunnerOption
SkipValidateResponse sets whether to skip validation of HTTP response with OpenAPI Document.
func SprintMultilinef ¶
Types ¶
type AfterFuncError ¶
type AfterFuncError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AfterFuncError) Error ¶
func (e *AfterFuncError) Error() string
func (*AfterFuncError) Unwrap ¶
func (e *AfterFuncError) Unwrap() error
type BeforeFuncError ¶
type BeforeFuncError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BeforeFuncError) Error ¶
func (e *BeforeFuncError) Error() string
func (*BeforeFuncError) Unwrap ¶
func (e *BeforeFuncError) Unwrap() error
type CDPActions ¶
type CDPActions []CDPAction
type CDPArgType ¶
type CDPArgType string
const ( CDPArgTypeArg CDPArgType = "arg" CDPArgTypeRes CDPArgType = "res" )
type CDPFnArg ¶
type CDPFnArg struct { Typ CDPArgType Key string Example string }
type Capturer ¶
type Capturer interface { CaptureStart(trs Trails, bookPath, desc string) CaptureResult(trs Trails, result *RunResult) CaptureEnd(trs Trails, bookPath, desc string) CaptureResultByStep(trs Trails, result *RunResult) CaptureHTTPRequest(name string, req *http.Request) CaptureHTTPResponse(name string, res *http.Response) CaptureGRPCStart(name string, typ GRPCType, service, method string) CaptureGRPCRequestHeaders(h map[string][]string) CaptureGRPCRequestMessage(m map[string]any) CaptureGRPCResponseStatus(*status.Status) CaptureGRPCResponseHeaders(h map[string][]string) CaptureGRPCResponseMessage(m map[string]any) CaptureGRPCResponseTrailers(t map[string][]string) CaptureGRPCClientClose() CaptureGRPCEnd(name string, typ GRPCType, service, method string) CaptureCDPStart(name string) CaptureCDPAction(a CDPAction) CaptureCDPResponse(a CDPAction, res map[string]any) CaptureCDPEnd(name string) CaptureSSHCommand(command string) CaptureSSHStdout(stdout string) CaptureSSHStderr(stderr string) CaptureDBStatement(name string, stmt string) CaptureDBResponse(name string, res *DBResponse) CaptureExecCommand(command, shell string) CaptureExecStdin(stdin string) CaptureExecStdout(stdout string) CaptureExecStderr(stderr string) SetCurrentTrails(trs Trails) Errs() error }
type Coverage ¶
type Coverage struct {
Specs []*SpecCoverage `json:"specs"`
Coverage is a coverage of runbooks.
type DBResponse ¶
type Loop ¶
type Loop struct { Count string `yaml:"count,omitempty"` Interval string `yaml:"interval,omitempty"` MinInterval string `yaml:"minInterval,omitempty"` MaxInterval string `yaml:"maxInterval,omitempty"` Jitter *float64 `yaml:"jitter,omitempty"` Multiplier *float64 `yaml:"multiplier,omitempty"` Until string `yaml:"until"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Option ¶
type Option func(*book) error
func AfterFuncIf ¶
AfterFuncIf - Register the function to be run after the runbook is run if condition is true.
func BeforeFunc ¶
BeforeFunc - Register the function to be run before the runbook is run.
func DBRunnerWithOptions ¶
DBRunnerWithOptions - Set DB runner to runbook using options.
func GRPCImportPaths ¶
GRPCImportPaths - Set the path to the directory where proto sources can be imported for gRPC runners.
func GRPCProtos ¶
GRPCProtos - Set the name of proto source for gRPC runners.
func GrpcRunner ¶
func GrpcRunner(name string, cc *grpc.ClientConn) Option
GrpcRunner - Set gRPC runner to runbook.
func GrpcRunnerWithOptions ¶
GrpcRunnerWithOptions - Set gRPC runner to runbook using options.
func HTTPOpenApi3 ¶
HTTPOpenApi3 - Set the path of OpenAPI Document for HTTP runners. Deprecated: Use HTTPOpenApi3s instead.
func HTTPOpenApi3s ¶
HTTPOpenApi3s - Set the path of OpenAPI Document for HTTP runners.
func HTTPRunner ¶
HTTPRunner - Set HTTP runner to runbook.
func HTTPRunnerWithHandler ¶
HTTPRunnerWithHandler - Set HTTP runner to runbook with http.Handler.
func RunConcurrent ¶
RunConcurrent - Run runbooks concurrently.
func RunID ¶
RunID - Run the matching runbooks in order if there is only one runbook with a forward matching ID.
func RunRandom ¶
RunRandom - Run the specified number of runbooks at random. Sometimes the same runbook is run multiple times.
func RunShard ¶
RunShard - Distribute runbooks into a specified number of shards and run the specified shard of them.
func RunShuffle ¶
RunShuffle - Randomize the order of running runbooks.
func SSHRunnerWithOptions ¶
SSHRunnerWithOptions - Set SSH runner to runbook using options.
func SkipIncluded ¶
SkipIncluded - Skip running the included step by itself.
type RunResult ¶
type RunResult struct { // runbook ID ID string Desc string Labels []string Path string Skipped bool Err error StepResults []*StepResult Store map[string]any Elapsed time.Duration }
RunResult is the result of a runbook run.
type RunnerType ¶
type RunnerType string
const ( RunnerTypeHTTP RunnerType = "http" RunnerTypeDB RunnerType = "db" RunnerTypeGRPC RunnerType = "grpc" RunnerTypeCDP RunnerType = "cdp" RunnerTypeSSH RunnerType = "ssh" RunnerTypeExec RunnerType = "exec" RunnerTypeTest RunnerType = "test" RunnerTypeDump RunnerType = "dump" RunnerTypeInclude RunnerType = "include" RunnerTypeBind RunnerType = "bind" )
type SpecCoverage ¶
SpecCoverage is a coverage of spec (e.g. OpenAPI Document, servive of protocol buffers).
type StepResult ¶
type StepResult struct { // runbook ID ID string Key string Desc string Skipped bool Err error // Run result of runbook loaded by include runner IncludedRunResult *RunResult Elapsed time.Duration }
StepResult is the result of a step run.
type Trail ¶
type Trail struct { Type TrailType `json:"type"` Desc string `json:"desc,omitempty"` RunbookID string `json:"id,omitempty"` RunbookPath string `json:"path,omitempty"` StepIndex *int `json:"step_index,omitempty"` StepKey string `json:"step_key,omitempty"` StepRunnerType RunnerType `json:"step_runner_type,omitempty"` StepRunnerKey string `json:"step_runner_key,omitempty"` FuncIndex *int `json:"func_index,omitempty"` LoopIndex *int `json:"loop_index,omitempty"` }
Trail - The trail of elements in the runbook at runtime. Trail does not use slices to copy values.
type UnsupportedError ¶
type UnsupportedError struct {
Cause error
func (*UnsupportedError) Error ¶
func (e *UnsupportedError) Error() string
func (*UnsupportedError) Unwrap ¶
func (e *UnsupportedError) Unwrap() error
Source Files
- bind.go
- book.go
- cache.go
- capturer.go
- cdp.go
- cdpfn.go
- cmdout.go
- color.go
- coverage.go
- db.go
- debugger.go
- desc.go
- dump.go
- errors.go
- eval.go
- exec.go
- grpc.go
- hosts.go
- http.go
- http_validator.go
- id.go
- if.go
- include.go
- loadt.go
- loop.go
- operator.go
- option.go
- parse.go
- path.go
- result.go
- runbook.go
- runner_option.go
- scope.go
- ssh.go
- step.go
- store.go
- test.go
- trace.go
- trail.go
- vars.go
- yaml.go