A tool for contract deployment and testing.
Install solc
first, the executable will be located automatically.
$ evm-deploy-contract --help
Usage: evm-deploy-contract [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
Deploys arbitrary contract on an arbitrary EVM. Requires solc 0.6.x or later.
--solc-path Set path solc executable. Found using 'which' otherwise (env $DEPLOYER_SOLC_PATH)
-N, --name Specify contract name to use. (env $DEPLOYER_CONTRACT_NAME) (default "Counter")
-S, --source Set path for .sol source file of the contract. (env $DEPLOYER_SOL_SOURCE_FILE) (default "contracts/Counter.sol")
-E, --endpoint Specify the JSON-RPC endpoint for accessing Ethereum node (env $DEPLOYER_RPC_URI) (default "http://localhost:8545")
-G, --gas-price Override estimated gas price with this option. (env $DEPLOYER_TX_GAS_PRICE) (default 50)
-L, --gas-limit Set the maximum gas for tx. (env $DEPLOYER_TX_GAS_LIMIT) (default 5000000)
--cache-dir Set cache dir for build artifacts. (env $DEPLOYER_CACHE_DIR) (default "build/")
--no-cache Disables build cache completely. (env $DEPLOYER_DISABLE_CACHE)
--cover Enables code coverage orchestration (env $DEPLOYER_ENABLE_COVERAGE)
--keystore-dir Specify Ethereum keystore dir (Geth or Clef) prefix. (env $DEPLOYER_KEYSTORE_DIR)
-F, --from Specify the from address. If specified, must exist in keystore, ledger or match the privkey. (env $DEPLOYER_FROM)
--from-passphrase Passphrase to unlock the private key from armor, if empty then stdin is used. (env $DEPLOYER_FROM_PASSPHRASE)
-P, --from-pk Provide a raw Ethereum private key of the validator in hex. (env $DEPLOYER_FROM_PK)
--ledger Use the Ethereum app on hardware ledger to sign transactions. (env $DEPLOYER_USE_LEDGER)
build Builds given contract and cached build artefacts. Optional step.
deploy Deploys given contract on the EVM chain. Caches build artefacts.
tx Creates a transaction for particular contract method. Uses build cache.
call Calls method of a particular contract. Uses build cache.
logs Loads logs of a particular event from contract.
Run 'evm-deploy-contract COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
$ evm-deploy-contract deploy --help
Usage: evm-deploy-contract deploy [--bytecode | --await] [ARGS...]
Deploys given contract on the EVM chain. Caches build artefacts.
ARGS Contract constructor's arguments. Will be ABI-encoded.
--bytecode Produce hex-encoded contract bytecode only. Do not interact with RPC.
--await Await transaction confirmation from the RPC. (default true)
$ evm-deploy-contract -E http://localhost:1317 -P 59F455CBF7B02A2C1F6B55B4D8D8FEF21BCD530457A9570999FB1C12C82F5201 -G 0 deploy
$ evm-deploy-contract --source contracts/Counter.sol deploy --bytecode
Method transact
$ evm-deploy-contract tx --help
Usage: evm-deploy-contract tx [--await] ADDRESS METHOD [ARGS...]
Creates a transaction for particular contract method. Uses build cache.
ADDRESS Contract address to interact with.
METHOD Contract method to transact.
ARGS Method transaction arguments. Will be ABI-encoded.
--bytecode Produce hex-encoded ABI-packed params bytecode only. Do not interact with RPC.
--await Await transaction confirmation from the RPC. (default true)
$ evm-deploy-contract -E http://localhost:1317 -P 1F2FAB11FA77AE1110D9E9AF59191C656B8BA1093F1480F99486F635E38597CC -G 0 \
tx 0x33832d3A5e359A0689088c832755461dDaD5d41B add
$ evm-deploy-contract -E http://localhost:1317 -P 1F2FAB11FA77AE1110D9E9AF59191C656B8BA1093F1480F99486F635E38597CC -G 0 \
tx --await=false 0x33832d3A5e359A0689088c832755461dDaD5d41B addValue 10
Read logs
$ evm-deploy-contract logs --help
Usage: evm-deploy-contract logs ADDRESS TX_HASH EVENT_NAME
Loads logs of a particular event from contract.
ADDRESS Contract address to interact with.
TX_HASH Transaction hash to find receipt.
EVENT_NAME Contract event to find in the logs.
evm-deploy-contract -E http://localhost:1317 logs 0x33832d3A5e359A0689088c832755461dDaD5d41B 0x8d2a06a2811cc4be16536c54e693ef1c268f8d04956fa0899e18372f6201fbe9 Increment