
A ready-to-deploy uploader that you can run on AWS EC2 or Heroku. It accepts an image via a REST interface and returns information about a file. Also, supports processing steps such as compression and thumbnail generation.

Supported file types
Pluggable storage layers
Pluggable authentication scheme
Processing Steps:
- Compression
- Thumbnail generation
Pull down the mandible config file and edit it:
wget -O ~/mandible/conf.json
vim ~/mandible/conf.json
To start mandible (port settings could change based on your conf.json):
docker run --name mandible -v ~/mandible:/etc/mandible -d -p 80:8080 imgur/mandible
To stop mandible:
docker stop mandible
To run it again:
docker run mandible
(Optional) Authentication
- Set the following environment variable
S3 Storage Layer
Add the following to the Stores
array in your conf.json file:
"Type" : "s3",
"BucketName" : "",
"AWSKey": "",
"AWSSecret": "",
"StoreRoot" : "",
"Region" : "us-east-1",
"NamePathRegex" : "",
"NamePathMap" : "${ImageSize}/${ImageName}"
Interfacing with mandible is extremely simple:
Upload an image file:
POST /file
with the following multi-part/form-data
Upload an image from a URL:
POST /url
with the following multi-part/form-data
Upload an image from base64 data:
POST /base64
with the following multi-part/form-data
- image encoded as base64 data
Thumbnail generation during upload:
To generate thumbnails with an upload request, pass the following JSON as form-data, keyed under thumbs
"name1": {
"width": x,
"height": y,
"shape": ("square" | "thumb" | "circle")
"name2": {
"width": x2,
"height": y2,
"shape": ("square" | "thumb" | "circle")
Note: Square thumbnails don't preserve aspect ratio, whereas the 'thumb' type does
On the fly thumbnail generation:
this will return content-type: image/...
and serve up a thumbnail.
GET /thumbnail
with the following get parameters:
- Unique ID of the image
- JSON of the following format:
"name for the thumbnail": {
"shape": ("square" | "thumb" | "circle" | "custom") // required
"width": int,
"height": int,
"max_width": int,
"max_height": int,
"crop_gravity": string, // e.g. "nw" for north west of the image
"crop_height": int,
"crop_width": int,
"quaity": int,
"crop_ratio": string, // e.g. "2:1"
"format": string, // one of: jpg, png, gif, webm,
"nostore": bool, // if true, the resulting thumbnail won't be added to the backing storage
OCR endpoint
Runs OCR on the given image and returns text
GET /ocr
with the following get parameters:
- Unique ID of the image
"hash": string, //uid of the image
"ocrtext": string // text returned from OCR
Example usage (assuming localhost)
URL Upload with thumbnails:
curl -i \
-d 'image=' \
-d 'thumbs={"small": {"width": 20, "height": 20, "shape": "square"}, "profile": {"width": 50, "height": 50, "shape": "circle"}}'
"data": {
"width": 380,
"height": 430,
"link": "",
"mime": "image/jpeg",
"name": "",
"size": 82199,
"thumbs": {
"small": ""
"status": 200,
"success": true
File Upload with thumbnails:
curl -i \
-F 'image=@/tmp/cat.gif' \
-F 'thumbs={"small": {"width": 20, "height": 20, "shape": "square"}}'
"data": {
"width": 354,
"height": 200,
"link": "",
"mime": "image/gif",
"name": "cat.gif",
"size": 3511100,
"thumbs": {
"status": 200,
"success": true
Authenticated upload
Uses HTTP headers Authentication
and X-Authentication-HMAC
. Generate HMACs by base64-encoding a JSON blob like below. Example MAC generator.
Supplying the client with the Authentication blob and MAC is out of scope for this project. In the future we will support symmetric and asymmetric encryption of the authentication blobs.
Request to my own account with proper authorization:
curl -i \
-d 'image=' \
-H 'Authorization: {"user_id":1,"grant_time":"2010-06-01T00:00:00Z","grant_duration_sec":31536000}' \
-H 'X-Authorization-HMAC: tCtGb04n4nvd/94+Xd6vAx9+pJw51ZmX1vH7E+BlTtc='
{"data":{"link":"/tmp/original/J/a/Jafq9IH","mime":"image/jpeg","name":"s9zxmYe.jpg","hash":"Jafq9IH","size":81881,"width":380,"height":430,"ocrtext":"change\np.roject .\n\n \n \n\n forg@ot to git p.ull before\n- .-+#~+):,-r,ad)q..,i,ng so/ /","thumbs":{},"user_id":"\u0001"},"status":200,"success":true}
Request to other user's account:
curl -i \
-d 'image=' \
-H 'Authorization: {"user_id":1,"grant_time":"2010-06-01T00:00:00Z","grant_duration_sec":31536000}' \
-H 'X-Authorization-HMAC: tCtGb04n4nvd/94+Xd6vAx9+pJw51ZmX1vH7E+BlTtc='
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2015 21:04:41 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
HMAC prevents account forgery
curl -i \
-d 'image=' \
-H 'Authorization: {"user_id":1,"grant_time":"2010-06-01T00:00:00Z","grant_duration_sec":31536000}' \
-H 'X-Authorization-HMAC: foobar'
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2015 21:04:41 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
The easiest way to develop on this project is to use the built-in docker image. We are using the Go 1.5 vendor experiment, which means if
you import a package you must vendor the source code into this repository using Godep.