TLSential is a server for providing short-lived, non-wildcard domains to all services within a firewall restricted network.

Clone the repo. From the root directory, run go build
. You should now have a binary in the root directory, TLSential
Running TLSential
You can run it with the default settings by executing ./TLSential
from the root directory.
When developing, you will most likely run ./TLSential --no-https --port 8080
Building TLSential assets
There are a few commands to aid in building for development:
To build assets for development once:
npm run dev
To build assets and watch for changes:
npm run watch
To build assets with hot reloading (You need to use the domain outputted in the 'hot' file for your assets in development for this to work):
npm run hot
!! Note after starting the HMR hot reloading server you must restart the TLSential process on a port other than 8080:
go build && ./TLSential.exe --port 8000 --no-https
!! Note 2 Once you're done with hot reloading you will need to rebuild for dev or prod to see your changes. This is because you need to rebuild assets and restart TLSential to clear out the hot config file
To build assets for production:
npm run prod