Hyprland IPC Go wrapper
This is a simple IPC module to interract with Hyprland in your Go projects.
The purpose of this project is to be used in my main project Gophrland
As it is to be used with Gophrland, I haven't implemented all functions yet.
Feel free to open a PR to add some functions
go get github.com/edjubert/hyprland-ipc-go
How to use
This is a collection of functions and types
type HyprlandWorkspace struct {
Id int `json:"id"`
Windows int `json:"windows"`
Monitor string `json:"monitor"`
Name string `json:"name"`
HasFullscreen bool `json:"hasfullscreen"`
LastWindow string `json:"lastwindow"`
LastWindowTitle string `json:"lastwindowtitle"`
type HyprlandMonitor struct {
Id int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Make string `json:"make"`
Model string `json:"model"`
Serial string `json:"serial"`
Width int `json:"width"`
Height int `json:"height"`
RefreshRate float64 `json:"refreshRate"`
X int `json:"x"`
Y int `json:"y"`
ActiveWorkspace HyprlandWorkspace `json:"activeWorkspace"`
Reserved []int `json:"reserved"`
Scale float64 `json:"scale"`
Transform int `json:"transform"`
Focused bool `json:"focused"`
DpmsStatus bool `json:"dpmsStatus"`
Vrr bool `json:"vrr"`
type HyprlandClient struct {
Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
Mapped bool `json:"mapped,omitempty"`
Hidden bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
At []int `json:"at,omitempty"`
Size []int `json:"size,omitempty"`
Workspace HyprlandWorkspace `json:"workspace,omitempty"`
Floating bool `json:"floating,omitempty"`
Monitor int `json:"monitor,omitempty"`
Class string `json:"class,omitempty"`
InitialClass string `json:"initialClass,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
InitialTitle string `json:"initialTitle,omitempty"`
Pid int `json:"pid,omitempty"`
XWayland bool `json:"xwayland,omitempty"`
Pinned bool `json:"pinned,omitempty"`
Fullscreen bool `json:"fullscreen,omitempty"`
FullscreenMode int `json:"fullscreenMode,omitempty"`
FakeFullscreen bool `json:"fakeFullscreen,omitempty"`
All dispatchers are using Hyprland IPC so all calls are asynchronously executed
This prevents you to block your Hyprland session if you are running a heavy command
Current implementation
- Move
WindowPixelExact(x int, y int, clientAddress string) error
ToWorkspaceName(workspaceName string, clientAddress string) error
ToWorkspaceSilen(workspaceName string, clientAddress string) error
ToSpecialNamed(specialWorkspaceName string, clientAddress string) error
ClientToCurrent(clientAddress string) error
CenterFloatingClient(client HyprlandClient, monitor HyprlandMonitor, applyRand bool) error
- Focus
Window(clientAddress string) error
Monitor(monitor HyprlandMonitor) error
WorkspaceID(workspaceId int) error
- Toggle
Floating(clientAddress string) error
SpecialWorkspace(specialWorkspaceName string) error
- Resize
WindowExactPixel(client HyprlandClient,width int, height int) error
package main
import (
func main() {
move := dispatch.Move{}
_ = move.ToWorkspaceName("my workspace name", "0x000000")
- Get
ActiveClient() (HyprlandClient, error)
WorkspaceFloatingClients(workspace HyprlandWorkspace) ([]HyprlandClient, error)
Clients() ([]HyprlandClient, error)
ClientByPID(clients []HyprlandClient, pid int) (HyprlandClient, error)
ClientByClassName(clients []HyprlandClient, class string) (HyprlandClient, error)
Monitors(format string) ([]HyprlandMonitor, error)
ActiveMonitor(monitors []HyprlandMonitor) (HyprlandMonitor, error)
ActiveWorkspace() (HyprlandWorkspace, error)
Workspaces() ([]HyprlandWorkspace, error)
MonitorByID(monitorId int) (HyprlandMonitor, error)
package main
import (
func main() {
getter := get.Get{}
if _, err := getter.ActiveClient(); err != nil {
// Do something
Send Hyprland notification
Like dispatchers, SendNotification
uses Hyprland IPC
SendNotification(time int, msgType string, msg string) error
package main
import "github.com/edjubert/hyprland-ipc-go/hyprctl/notify"
func main() {
_ = notify.SendNotification(2000, "info", "Hello hyprland-ipc-go")
How to open a PR
To open a PR, fork the GitHub project, work on your additions and go to:
- Pull Request -> New pull request
- compare across forks
- Select your fork and branch