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sopstool is a multi-file wrapper around sops. It uses the sops binary to encrypt and decrypt files, and piggybacks off the .sops.yaml configuration file.
sopstool provides functionality to manage multiple secret files at once, and even use as an entrypoint to decrypt at startup, for container images. Much of this behavior is inspired by the great blackbox project.
1.0.0 Release and Breaking Changes
1.0.0 release of sopstool
introduces M1 / darwin-arm64 support. We also want to match build artifacts produced by GoReleaser to what sops
produces. Therefore, this version introduces a breaking change where we no longer produce artifacts like sopstool_linux.(deb|rpm|tar.gz)
and sopstool_darwin.tar.gz
. Instead, you'll see artifacts like sopstool_darwin_(arm64|amd64)_(deb|rpm|tar.gz)
and sopstool_linux_(arm64|amd64)_(deb|rpm|tar.gz)
in future releases.
The most direct install uses a shell script hosted in this repository. This script will install the latest sops (if the command does not exist) and sopstool to ./bin
by default.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ibotta/sopstool/master/install.sh | bash
- Override the sops version with the environment variable
- Override the sopstool version with the environment variable
- Override the binary install location with the first shell argument
- remember, you may need
or root access if you are installing to /usr/*
Example with overrides:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ibotta/sopstool/master/install.sh | SOPS_VERSION=3.0.0 SOPSTOOL_VERSION=0.3.0 bash -s /usr/local/bin
Note: We currently only build a docker image for Linux - amd64.
To use sopstool in your docker container, you can use the direct install method above, but since Docker 1.13, there is a better way by using build stages!
In your Dockerfile:
COPY --from=ibotta/sopstool:latest usr/local/bin/sops usr/local/bin/sopstool /usr/local/bin/
Images are tagged with the same version numbering as the releases, and latest
always gets the latest release. Note that your image will need root CA certificates (typically installed with curl, or a ca-certificates
To use sopstool in a docker container in other contexts (avoiding doing binary installs):
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/work -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_REGION -e AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN ibotta/sopstool:latest $COMMAND
is the entrypoint, so any sopstool subcommand can be run.
is the default WORKDIR - this should be mounted to the root where .sops.yml
is stored.
- the commands need access to your AWS credentials session to authenticate KMS.
Ibotta maintains a tap for their open-source projects, which includes sopstool. This will install sops as a requirement
brew install Ibotta/public/sopstool
Installing sops manually
Since sopstool requires sops, install it first. You can use one of the following methods:
Installing the sops binary with our script installer
The install script above uses a separate script to download sops
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ibotta/sopstool/master/sopsinstall.sh | bash
- Override the tag with the first shell argument (defaults to latest)
- Override the binary install location with the -b flag (defaults to
(This script was generated by godownloader)
Download sops from our https mirror
To avoid needing to find the 'latest' binary by hand or by script, use our https server to download the binary. The latest binary is uploaded automatically whenever sopstool is deployed.
- Always the Latest
- Versions: always the pattern:
Download sops from github
You can install it by hand from a github release.
Installing sops using go (master branch)
go get -u go.mozilla.org/sops/cmd/sops
Following the lead of sops, we only build 64bit binaries.
The install script above uses a separate script to download sopstool
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ibotta/sopstool/master/sopstoolinstall.sh | bash
- Override the tag with the first shell argument (defaults to latest)
- Override the binary install location with the -b flag (defaults to
(This script was generated by godownloader)
To avoid needing to find the 'latest' binary by hand or by script, use our https server to download the binary. The latest binary is uploaded automatically whenever sopstool is deployed.
- Always the Latest
- Versions: always the pattern:
Download the latest version for your platform from a github release.
go get -u github.com/Ibotta/sopstool
This is a package that builds a single binary (per architecture) for wrapping sops with multi-file capabilities.
for more details, use the built-in documentation on commands:
sopstool -h
to get the shell completion helpers:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sopstool completion
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
sopstool completion --sh zsh
use a .sops.yaml
this will be at the root of your project. this file is used to both configure keys as well as hold the list of files managed.
it needs to specify at least one KMS key accessible by your environment
- kms: arn:aws:kms:REGION:ACCOUNT:key/KEY_ID
it can specify more complex cases of patterns vs keys too (see link)
- Create a KMS Key.
- Follow along the Configuration Steps, and place the
file at the root directory where your scripts will run.
- All files added to SOPS are relative, or in child directories to the
configuration file.
- Create a file to encrypt(any extension other than
if you wish to do the ENTIRE file), or create a yaml file with key: value
pairs(and make sure it's extension is .yaml
). Sops will encrypt the values, but not it's keys.
- At this point,
is ready and you can now sopstool add filename
. You'll notice it will create a filename.sops.extension
. This is your newly encrypted file.
- When your files are properly encyrepted, you can run
sopstool clean
to remove the original plain text secret files.
- Now, you can interact via the command line in various ways.
- Editing an encrypted file -
sopstool edit filename.sops.extension
. You can also use your original filename too! sopstool edit filename.extension
- Listing all encrypted files -
sopstool list
- Removing encrypted file -
sopstool remove filename.extension
- Display the contents of encrypted file -
sopstool cat filename.extension
In this walkthrough, we will go through the steps required to get a secure yaml configuration file running.
Configure your .sops.yaml
# .sops.yaml
- kms: arn:aws:kms:REGION:ACCOUNT:key/KEY_ID
Create a secrets yaml configuration file
# credentials.yaml
database.password: supersecretdb
database.user: supersecretpassword
user: my.user.name
password: my.password
Encrypt the newly created file
sopstool add credentials.yaml
Create a sample script
# myscript.py
import yaml
with open('credentials.yaml', 'r') as f:
credentials = yaml.load(f)
print credentials["database.user"]
print credentials["database.password"]
print credentials["redshift"]["user"]
print credentials["redshift"]["password"]
Here is what your folder structure would look like to this point(after deleting the unencrypted credentials.yaml file)
├── .sops.yaml
├── credentials.sops.yaml
└── myscript.py
Accessing credentials
The flow should be as follows: unencrypt credentials -> run script -> destroy credentials. You can use the sopstool entrypoint
to achieve this.
sopstool entrypoint python myscript.py
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at https://github.com/Ibotta/sopstool
Generate markdown docs for the commands via
sopstool docs