The cipher_conn package provides encrypted connections using an AEAD cipher. Supported ciphers are ChaCha20-Poly1305, AES-256-GCM, AES-192-GCM, and AES-128-GCM, which can be specified in the config file.
The Gordafarid protocol uses this package for communication after the client's Initial Greeting.
Encrypted Packet Schema:
Packet Length
Encrypted Message
Variable(AEAD Nonce Size)
Packet Length: Indicates the total length of the following data (Nonce + Encrypted Message).
Nonce: A unique value for each message to ensure security
Encrypted Message: The actual message content, encrypted using the AEAD cipher.
NOTICE: The Encrypted Messge could be the Gordafarid protocol handshake packet during the handshake process or the actual application data.