Template of a generic project written in GO

The project uses Echo
For reading the .env file is used gotenv
Functionality 🍹
- Definition of controllers
- Definition of controllers GET and POST, in any case it is possible to define further methods
- Data manipulation system retrieved from database MYSQL
- Timed remote data recovery system
- Queue request system
- Configuration cache system via .env file
- Database migration system
- Clone or download the project in your own GOPATH
- Download all dependecies with
go get -d ./...
go build main.go
In the root directory is present a .env.sample
export APP_NAME="Go-Starter-Project"
export STRING_CONNECTION="root:root@tcp("
export APP_PORT=:8888
Copy and rename in .env and fill with whatever you like
Useful commands
To interact with the application you need to FIRE!
Use the following command:
./Go-Starter-Project -fire
This will show the following message
-fire go! -> start the Server
-fire go-migrate -> migrate database
-fire go-rollback -> rollback database
-fire go-config -> show the current environment