Factorio Server Manager - a Continuation of the Factocord - Factorio to Discord bridge bot for Linux
Make sure you have your .env file in the same directory as the executable/binary, you can use .envexample the template
There are two ways of starting FactoCord
- Using the start.sh bash script (bash start.sh or ./start.sh) (make sure you chmod +x the script first)
- Manually running the binary (./FactoCord) Note: File must be in CamelCase...
Installing as a service
To install FactoCord as a service so that it can run on startup, you can use the provided service.sh
Note you must run service.sh as root/sudo to install it as a service
Example of running service.sh:
./service.sh factorio /home/facotrio/factocord/
Requires go 1.8 or above
FactoCord uses the following packages:
You will need to add these lib as go get:
go get github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo
go get github.com/joho/godotenv
go get github.com/hpcloud/tail/...
To compile just do go build
Error reporting
When FactoCord encounters an error will log to error.log within the same directory as itself.
If you are having an issue make sure to check the error.log to see what the problem is.
If you are unable to solve the issue yourself, please post an issue containing the error.log and I will review and attempt to solve what the problem is.
![list of commands](https://i.imgur.com/nrPMtBK.png)
![in-game chat being sent to discord, notice how you can mention discord members](http://i.imgur.com/dztOTrk.png)
![discord chat being sent to in-game](http://i.imgur.com/Npl0vBb.png)
Special thanks again to FMCore for creating the initial FactoCord project. https://github.com/FactoKit/FactoCord