
v1.1.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 18, 2022 License: Apache-2.0



This library handles authentication for access to ibmcloud resources by implementing secret providers.

secret providers

The following interface can be seen defined in the secret-utils-lib library

// SecretProviderInterface ...
type SecretProviderInterface interface {

	// GetIAMToken logs reasonForCall and provides the iam token and token lifetime for the given secret(apikey/trusted-profile). It provides a fresh iam token if freshTokenRequired is true, else returns a valid token in the cache...
	GetIAMToken(reasonForCall, secret string, freshTokenRequired bool) (string, uint64, error)

	// GetDefaultIAMToken logs reasonForCall and provides the iam token and token lifetime for the apikey/trusted-profile read from the k8s secret. It provides a fresh iam token if freshTokenRequired is true, else returns a valid token in the cache...
	GetDefaultIAMToken(reasonForCall, freshTokenRequired bool) (string, uint64, error)

	// GetRIAASEndpoint returns RIAAS Endpoint read from the provided config ...
	GetRIAASEndpoint(readConfig bool) (string, error)

	// GetPrivateRIAASEndpoint returns private RIAAS Endpoint read from the provided config ...
	GetPrivateRIAASEndpoint(readConfig bool) (string, error)

	// GetContainerAPIRoute returns container API route read from the provided config ...
	GetContainerAPIRoute(readConfig bool) (string, error)

	// GetPrivateContainerAPIRoute returns private container API route read from the provided config ...
	GetPrivateContainerAPIRoute(readConfig bool) (string, error)

	// GetResourceGroupID returns resource group ID from the provided config ...
	GetResourceGroupID() string

Pre requisites

  • An environment variable IKS_ENABLED can to be set to true or false. If it is not set, it will be considered false. The variable needs to be set in the deployment file of the application which is using this library.
  • A k8s secret must be present in the same namespace where the pod (the application in which this code is used) is deployed.
  • The format of the k8s secret should be either of one as mentioned in the following
  1. ibm-cloud-credentials
apiVersion: v1
  ibm-credentials.env: <base-64-encoded-value>
  <your-own-key>: <base-64-encoded-value>
kind: Secret
  labels: Reconcile
    app: ibm-vpc-block-csi-driver "true"
  name: ibm-cloud-credentials
  namespace: <namespace>
type: Opaque

The base-64-encoded-value can be obtained in either of the following ways:

echo -n "IBMCLOUD_AUTHTYPE=pod-identity
IBMCLOUD_PROFILEID=profile-id” | base64


IBMCLOUD_APIKEY=api-key” | base64
  1. storage-secret-store
apiVersion: v1
  slclient.toml: <base-64-encoded-value>
  <your-own-key>: <base-64-encoded-value-of-api-key>
kind: Secret
  labels: Reconcile
    app: ibm-vpc-block-csi-driver "true"
  name: storage-secret-store
  namespace: kube-system
type: Opaque

The base-64-encoded-value can be obtained by base64 encoding the following:

  iam_url = "<iam_url>"
  iam_api_key = "<api-key>"
  containers_api_route = "<containers_api_route>"
  encryption = true
  containers_api_route_private = "<containers_api_route_private>"

  encryption = true
  softlayer_api_key = "<api-key>"
  softlayer_token_exchange_endpoint_url = "<softlayer_token_exchange_endpoint_url>"

  g2_token_exchange_endpoint_url = "<g2_token_exchange_endpoint_url>"
  g2_riaas_endpoint_url = "<g2_riaas_endpoint_url>"
  g2_riaas_endpoint_private_url = "<g2_riaas_endpoint_private_url>"
  g2_resource_group_id = "<g2_resource_group_id>"
  g2_api_key = "<api-key>"
  encryption = true
  iks_token_exchange_endpoint_private_url = "<iks_token_exchange_endpoint_private_url>"
  • For the RIAAS endpoint, container api route, resource group ID, the library first looks for a k8s config map (in the same namespace where the application is deployed) which is of the following format
apiVersion: v1
 cloud-conf.json: |
   "region": "region",
   "riaas_endpoint": "",
   "riaas_private_endpoint": "",
   "containers_api_route": "",
   "containers_api_route_private": "",
   "token_exchange_url": "",
   "resource_group_id": ""
kind: ConfigMap
 name: cloud-conf
 namespace: <namespace>
  • If the cloud-conf config map is not present, the same endpoints will be read from the k8s secret storage-secret-store whose format is shown above.
  • Note: As of now, in IKS/ROKS clusters, cloud-conf config map and ibm-cloud-credentials secret are not present by default, this needs to be created manually. This will be automated in the future. As of now, even if cloud-conf or ibm-cloud-credentials is not created, the library uses storage-secret-store for reading api-key,endpoints and resource group id, hence supporting backward compatibility. Going forward storage-secret-store will be completely deprecated.
  • The following changes needs to be done in deployment file of the application that is using this library:
  1. In the deployment file, IKS_ENABLED needs be added under env, and set to true if the application uses managed secret provider.
  2. Under the volumes, the following entity needs to be added
  - name: vault-token
      - serviceAccountToken:
          path: vault-token
          expirationSeconds: 600
  1. If you are using unmanaged secret provider (more about the same, is described later in this READme), the volume mentioned above needs to be mounted inside container volumeMounts as shown below.
- mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
  name: vault-token
  1. If you are using managed secret provider, the following container config needs to be added in the deployment file
- name: storage-secret-sidecar
  imagePullPolicy: Always
  - "--endpoint=$(ENDPOINT)"
      cpu: 40m
      memory: 80Mi
      cpu: 10m
      memory: 20Mi
    - name: ENDPOINT
      value: "unix:/sidecardir/provider.sock"
      value: "40m"
      value: "1"
  - mountPath: /sidecardir
    name: socket-dir
  - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
    name: vault-token

Following needs to be added in application container which is using the managed secret provider

- name: <container name>
  image: <image>
    - "--sidecarEndpoint=$(SIDECAREP)"
    - name: SIDECAREP
      value: "/csi/provider.sock"
    - name: socket-dir
      mountPath: /csi

Following needs to be added in volumes:

- name: socket-dir
  emptyDir: {}


  • There are two types of secret providers - managed and unmanaged.
  • A secret provider can be initialized as shown in the client code.
  • If IKS_ENABLED is set to true, a managed secret provider is initialized which basically makes a call to another application (deployed as a different container), which has additional benefits compared to unmanaged secret provider.
  • If IKS_ENABLED is set to false, an unmanaged secret provider is initialized, which does not connect to any other application and supports very basic functionality.
  • Both secret providers first look for ibm-credentials.env in ibm-cloud-credentials k8s secret, if it is not present, slclient.toml in storage-secret-store is considered.
  • In the client code, you can pass an optional argument SecretKey by the means of golang map. This option can be used, when you want to use a different key other than ibm-credentials.env in ibm-cloud-credentials or slclient.toml in storage-secret-store.
  • Note: Managed secret provider, does not support SecretKey as of now. It only considers the default keys ibm-credentials.env in ibm-cloud-credentials or slclient.toml in storage-secret-store. For usage, refer to client.go under client folder in this repository.
  • Note: Going forward, since storage-secret-store will be completely deprecated, only ibm-cloud-credentials will be used.
Managed secret provider
  • Managed secret provider supports more functionalities than unmanaged secret provider.
  • Secret-watcher (automatic update) - Once the secret provider is initialized successfully, a secret watcher is also initialized. If the secret is updated with a new API key or trusted profile, the same is automatically updated in the cache.
  • Secret-watcher (fallback mechanism) - Provided that the secret provider is initialized with ibm-cloud-credentials, if the same is deleted, automatically secret sidecar switcher to storage-secret-store. If storage-secret-store is deleted, sidecar looks for ibm-cloud-credentials and uses the same. (This process happens without restarting the pod).
  • Support for multiple secrets - In a pod, with one secret sidecar, multiple other containers can use it, for different profiles or api keys (A limit needs to be mentioned in the deployment).
  • Deleting LRU secret - Given multiple applications are using secret sidecar, always the least recently used secret will not be stored in the cache. (Eg: If the limit for number of secrets is set to 3, and 4 different applications are using secret sidecar, with every call for fetching token, the least recently used secret is removed from cache). Always, the default secret fetched from ibm-cloud-credentials or storage-secret-store is always there in the cache.
  • A TOKEN_EXPIRY_DIFF can be set at the time of deployment. Usage - Given that it is set to 20m, always managed secret provider makes sure, the token provided has atleast 20 minutes of validity.
  • Note: With the latest version of this library, it is always recommended to upgrade to latest sidecar image too, though backward compatibility is ensured.
Unmanaged secret provider
  • Unmanaged secret provider does not need a different container (like secret-sidecar in the case of managed secret provider).
  • This is initialized as a part of the application which is using it.
  • Does not support any secret watcher - with any update in secret watcher, pod needs to be restarted to pick the updated secret.
  • Does not support multiple secrets.


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