Index ¶
- func Alt[LAZY ~func() GEA, GEA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](second LAZY) func(GEA) GEA
- func AltSemigroup[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() ET.Either[error, A], A any]() S.Semigroup[GRA]
- func Ap[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRAB ~func(context.Context) GIOAB, ...](fa GRA) func(GRAB) GRB
- func ApPar[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRAB ~func(context.Context) GIOAB, ...](fa GRA) func(GRAB) GRB
- func ApSeq[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRAB ~func(context.Context) GIOAB, ...](fa GRA) func(GRAB) GRB
- func ApplicativeMonoid[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRFA ~func(context.Context) GIOFA, ...](m M.Monoid[A]) M.Monoid[GRA]
- func ApplicativeMonoidPar[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRFA ~func(context.Context) GIOFA, ...](m M.Monoid[A]) M.Monoid[GRA]
- func ApplicativeMonoidSeq[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRFA ~func(context.Context) GIOFA, ...](m M.Monoid[A]) M.Monoid[GRA]
- func Ask[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, context.Context]]() GRA
- func Asks[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) A, ...](r GRB) GRA
- func Bracket[GA ~func(context.Context) TA, GB ~func(context.Context) TB, ...](acquire GA, use func(A) GB, release func(A, E.Either[error, B]) GANY) GB
- func Chain[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](f func(A) GRB) func(GRA) GRB
- func ChainEitherK[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](f func(A) E.Either[error, B]) func(ma GRA) GRB
- func ChainFirst[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](f func(A) GRB) func(GRA) GRA
- func ChainFirstEitherK[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A, B any](f func(A) E.Either[error, B]) func(ma GRA) GRA
- func ChainFirstIOK[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], ...](f func(A) GIO) func(ma GRA) GRA
- func ChainIOEitherK[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](f func(A) GIOB) func(ma GRA) GRB
- func ChainIOK[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f func(A) GIO) func(ma GRA) GRB
- func ChainOptionK[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](onNone func() error) func(func(A) O.Option[B]) func(GRA) GRB
- func ChainReaderIOK[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f func(A) GRIO) func(ma GRA) GRB
- func Defer[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](gen func() GRA) GRA
- func Delay[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](delay time.Duration) func(ma GRA) GRA
- func Eitherize0[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context) (R, error), ...](f F) func() GRA
- func Eitherize1[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0) (R, error), ...](f F) func(T0) GRA
- func Eitherize10[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) GRA
- func Eitherize2[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1) (R, error), ...](f F) func(T0, T1) GRA
- func Eitherize3[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f F) func(T0, T1, T2) GRA
- func Eitherize4[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3) GRA
- func Eitherize5[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4) GRA
- func Eitherize6[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) GRA
- func Eitherize7[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) GRA
- func Eitherize8[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) GRA
- func Eitherize9[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) GRA
- func Eq[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](eq EQ.Eq[E.Either[error, A]]) func(context.Context) EQ.Eq[GRA]
- func Flap[GREAB ~func(context.Context) GEAB, GREB ~func(context.Context) GEB, ...](a A) func(GREAB) GREB
- func Flatten[GGRA ~func(context.Context) GGIOA, GGIOA ~func() E.Either[error, GRA], ...](rdr GGRA) GRA
- func Fold[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](onLeft func(error) GRB, onRight func(A) GRB) func(GRA) GRB
- func FromEither[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](e E.Either[error, A]) GRA
- func FromIO[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOB ~func() A, ...](t GIOB) GRA
- func FromIOEither[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](t GIOA) GRA
- func FromPredicate[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](pred func(A) bool, onFalse func(A) error) func(A) GRA
- func FromReader[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GR ~func(context.Context) A, ...](r GR) GRA
- func FromReaderIO[GRIOEA ~func(context.Context) GIOEA, GIOEA ~func() E.Either[error, A], ...](f func(A) GRIOA) func(A) GRIOEA
- func GetOrElse[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](onLeft func(error) GRB) func(GRA) GRB
- func Left[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](l error) GRA
- func LeftReader[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GR ~func(context.Context) error, ...](l GR) GRA
- func LeftReaderIO[GRIOEA ~func(context.Context) GIOEA, GIOEA ~func() E.Either[error, A], ...](ma GRIOE) GRIOEA
- func Map[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](f func(A) B) func(GRA) GRB
- func MapTo[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](b B) func(GRA) GRB
- func Memoize[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](rdr GRA) GRA
- func MonadAlt[LAZY ~func() GEA, GEA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](first GEA, second LAZY) GEA
- func MonadAp[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](fab GRAB, fa GRA) GRB
- func MonadApPar[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](fab GRAB, fa GRA) GRB
- func MonadApSeq[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](fab GRAB, fa GRA) GRB
- func MonadChain[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](ma GRA, f func(A) GRB) GRB
- func MonadChainEitherK[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](ma GRA, f func(A) E.Either[error, B]) GRB
- func MonadChainFirst[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](ma GRA, f func(A) GRB) GRA
- func MonadChainFirstEitherK[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A, B any](ma GRA, f func(A) E.Either[error, B]) GRA
- func MonadChainFirstIOK[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], ...](ma GRA, f func(A) GIO) GRA
- func MonadChainIOK[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](ma GRA, f func(A) GIO) GRB
- func MonadChainReaderIOK[GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, ...](ma GRA, f func(A) GRIO) GRB
- func MonadFlap[GREAB ~func(context.Context) GEAB, GREB ~func(context.Context) GEB, ...](fab GREAB, a A) GREB
- func MonadFromReaderIO[GRIOEA ~func(context.Context) GIOEA, GIOEA ~func() E.Either[error, A], ...](a A, f func(A) GRIOA) GRIOEA
- func MonadMap[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](fa GRA, f func(A) B) GRB
- func MonadMapTo[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](fa GRA, b B) GRB
- func MonadTraverseArray[AS ~[]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](as AS, f func(A) GRB) GRBS
- func MonadTraverseRecord[K comparable, AS ~map[K]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, ...](ma AS, f func(A) GRB) GRBS
- func Never[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any]() GRA
- func Of[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](a A) GRA
- func OrElse[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](onLeft func(error) GRA) func(GRA) GRA
- func OrLeft[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](onLeft func(error) GRB) func(GRA) GRA
- func Right[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](r A) GRA
- func RightReader[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GR ~func(context.Context) A, ...](r GR) GRA
- func RightReaderIO[GRIOEA ~func(context.Context) GIOEA, GIOEA ~func() E.Either[error, A], ...](ma GRIOA) GRIOEA
- func SequenceArray[AS ~[]A, GAS ~[]GRA, GRAS ~func(context.Context) GIOAS, ...](ma GAS) GRAS
- func SequenceParT1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, ...](t1 GR_T1) GR_TUPLE1
- func SequenceParT10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ...) GR_TUPLE10
- func SequenceParT2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2) GR_TUPLE2
- func SequenceParT3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3) GR_TUPLE3
- func SequenceParT4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4) GR_TUPLE4
- func SequenceParT5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5) GR_TUPLE5
- func SequenceParT6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6) GR_TUPLE6
- func SequenceParT7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7) GR_TUPLE7
- func SequenceParT8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8) GR_TUPLE8
- func SequenceParT9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ...) GR_TUPLE9
- func SequenceParTuple1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, ...](t T.Tuple1[GR_T1]) GR_TUPLE1
- func SequenceParTuple10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, ...](...) GR_TUPLE10
- func SequenceParTuple2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, ...](t T.Tuple2[GR_T1, GR_T2]) GR_TUPLE2
- func SequenceParTuple3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, ...](t T.Tuple3[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3]) GR_TUPLE3
- func SequenceParTuple4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, ...](t T.Tuple4[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4]) GR_TUPLE4
- func SequenceParTuple5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, ...](t T.Tuple5[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5]) GR_TUPLE5
- func SequenceParTuple6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, ...](t T.Tuple6[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6]) GR_TUPLE6
- func SequenceParTuple7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, ...](t T.Tuple7[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7]) GR_TUPLE7
- func SequenceParTuple8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, ...](t T.Tuple8[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8]) GR_TUPLE8
- func SequenceParTuple9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, ...](t T.Tuple9[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9]) GR_TUPLE9
- func SequenceRecord[K comparable, AS ~map[K]A, GAS ~map[K]GRA, GRAS ~func(context.Context) GIOAS, ...](ma GAS) GRAS
- func SequenceSeqT1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, ...](t1 GR_T1) GR_TUPLE1
- func SequenceSeqT10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ...) GR_TUPLE10
- func SequenceSeqT2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2) GR_TUPLE2
- func SequenceSeqT3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3) GR_TUPLE3
- func SequenceSeqT4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4) GR_TUPLE4
- func SequenceSeqT5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5) GR_TUPLE5
- func SequenceSeqT6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6) GR_TUPLE6
- func SequenceSeqT7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7) GR_TUPLE7
- func SequenceSeqT8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8) GR_TUPLE8
- func SequenceSeqT9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ...) GR_TUPLE9
- func SequenceSeqTuple1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, ...](t T.Tuple1[GR_T1]) GR_TUPLE1
- func SequenceSeqTuple10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, ...](...) GR_TUPLE10
- func SequenceSeqTuple2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, ...](t T.Tuple2[GR_T1, GR_T2]) GR_TUPLE2
- func SequenceSeqTuple3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, ...](t T.Tuple3[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3]) GR_TUPLE3
- func SequenceSeqTuple4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, ...](t T.Tuple4[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4]) GR_TUPLE4
- func SequenceSeqTuple5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, ...](t T.Tuple5[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5]) GR_TUPLE5
- func SequenceSeqTuple6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, ...](t T.Tuple6[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6]) GR_TUPLE6
- func SequenceSeqTuple7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, ...](t T.Tuple7[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7]) GR_TUPLE7
- func SequenceSeqTuple8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, ...](t T.Tuple8[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8]) GR_TUPLE8
- func SequenceSeqTuple9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, ...](t T.Tuple9[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9]) GR_TUPLE9
- func SequenceT1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, ...](t1 GR_T1) GR_TUPLE1
- func SequenceT10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ...) GR_TUPLE10
- func SequenceT2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2) GR_TUPLE2
- func SequenceT3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3) GR_TUPLE3
- func SequenceT4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4) GR_TUPLE4
- func SequenceT5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5) GR_TUPLE5
- func SequenceT6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6) GR_TUPLE6
- func SequenceT7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7) GR_TUPLE7
- func SequenceT8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8) GR_TUPLE8
- func SequenceT9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, ...](t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ...) GR_TUPLE9
- func SequenceTuple1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, ...](t T.Tuple1[GR_T1]) GR_TUPLE1
- func SequenceTuple10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, ...](...) GR_TUPLE10
- func SequenceTuple2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, ...](t T.Tuple2[GR_T1, GR_T2]) GR_TUPLE2
- func SequenceTuple3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, ...](t T.Tuple3[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3]) GR_TUPLE3
- func SequenceTuple4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, ...](t T.Tuple4[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4]) GR_TUPLE4
- func SequenceTuple5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, ...](t T.Tuple5[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5]) GR_TUPLE5
- func SequenceTuple6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, ...](t T.Tuple6[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6]) GR_TUPLE6
- func SequenceTuple7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, ...](t T.Tuple7[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7]) GR_TUPLE7
- func SequenceTuple8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, ...](t T.Tuple8[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8]) GR_TUPLE8
- func SequenceTuple9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, ...](t T.Tuple9[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9]) GR_TUPLE9
- func Timer[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, time.Time]](delay time.Duration) GRA
- func TraverseArray[AS ~[]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](f func(A) GRB) func(AS) GRBS
- func TraverseArrayWithIndex[AS ~[]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, ...](f func(int, A) GRB) func(AS) GRBS
- func TraverseParTuple1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1) func(T.Tuple1[A1]) GR_TUPLE1
- func TraverseParTuple10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9, f10 F10) func(T.Tuple10[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10]) GR_TUPLE10
- func TraverseParTuple2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2) func(T.Tuple2[A1, A2]) GR_TUPLE2
- func TraverseParTuple3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3) func(T.Tuple3[A1, A2, A3]) GR_TUPLE3
- func TraverseParTuple4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4) func(T.Tuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4]) GR_TUPLE4
- func TraverseParTuple5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5) func(T.Tuple5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]) GR_TUPLE5
- func TraverseParTuple6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6) func(T.Tuple6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]) GR_TUPLE6
- func TraverseParTuple7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7) func(T.Tuple7[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]) GR_TUPLE7
- func TraverseParTuple8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8) func(T.Tuple8[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8]) GR_TUPLE8
- func TraverseParTuple9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9) func(T.Tuple9[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9]) GR_TUPLE9
- func TraverseRecord[K comparable, AS ~map[K]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, ...](f func(A) GRB) func(AS) GRBS
- func TraverseRecordWithIndex[K comparable, AS ~map[K]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, ...](f func(K, A) GRB) func(AS) GRBS
- func TraverseSeqTuple1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1) func(T.Tuple1[A1]) GR_TUPLE1
- func TraverseSeqTuple10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9, f10 F10) func(T.Tuple10[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10]) GR_TUPLE10
- func TraverseSeqTuple2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2) func(T.Tuple2[A1, A2]) GR_TUPLE2
- func TraverseSeqTuple3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3) func(T.Tuple3[A1, A2, A3]) GR_TUPLE3
- func TraverseSeqTuple4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4) func(T.Tuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4]) GR_TUPLE4
- func TraverseSeqTuple5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5) func(T.Tuple5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]) GR_TUPLE5
- func TraverseSeqTuple6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6) func(T.Tuple6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]) GR_TUPLE6
- func TraverseSeqTuple7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7) func(T.Tuple7[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]) GR_TUPLE7
- func TraverseSeqTuple8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8) func(T.Tuple8[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8]) GR_TUPLE8
- func TraverseSeqTuple9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9) func(T.Tuple9[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9]) GR_TUPLE9
- func TraverseTuple1[GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1) func(T.Tuple1[A1]) GR_TUPLE1
- func TraverseTuple10[GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9, f10 F10) func(T.Tuple10[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10]) GR_TUPLE10
- func TraverseTuple2[GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2) func(T.Tuple2[A1, A2]) GR_TUPLE2
- func TraverseTuple3[GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3) func(T.Tuple3[A1, A2, A3]) GR_TUPLE3
- func TraverseTuple4[GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4) func(T.Tuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4]) GR_TUPLE4
- func TraverseTuple5[GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5) func(T.Tuple5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]) GR_TUPLE5
- func TraverseTuple6[GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6) func(T.Tuple6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]) GR_TUPLE6
- func TraverseTuple7[GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7) func(T.Tuple7[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]) GR_TUPLE7
- func TraverseTuple8[GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8) func(T.Tuple8[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8]) GR_TUPLE8
- func TraverseTuple9[GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, ...](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9) func(T.Tuple9[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9]) GR_TUPLE9
- func TryCatch[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](f func(context.Context) func() (A, error)) GRA
- func WithContext[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](ma GRA) GRA
- func WithLock[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], ...](lock GRCANCEL) func(fa GRA) GRA
- func WithResource[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRR ~func(context.Context) GIOR, ...](onCreate GRR, onRelease func(R) GRANY) func(func(R) GRA) GRA
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AltSemigroup ¶ added in v1.0.31
func ApplicativeMonoid ¶ added in v1.0.31
func ApplicativeMonoidPar ¶ added in v1.0.31
func ApplicativeMonoidSeq ¶ added in v1.0.31
func Bracket ¶ added in v1.0.50
func Bracket[ GA ~func(context.Context) TA, GB ~func(context.Context) TB, GANY ~func(context.Context) TANY, TA ~func() E.Either[error, A], TB ~func() E.Either[error, B], TANY ~func() E.Either[error, ANY], A, B, ANY any]( acquire GA, use func(A) GB, release func(A, E.Either[error, B]) GANY, ) GB
Bracket makes sure that a resource is cleaned up in the event of an error. The release action is called regardless of whether the body action returns and error or not.
func ChainEitherK ¶
func ChainFirst ¶
func ChainFirstEitherK ¶
func ChainFirstIOK ¶
func ChainIOEitherK ¶
func ChainOptionK ¶
func ChainReaderIOK ¶ added in v1.0.42
func Defer ¶
func Defer[ GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](gen func() GRA) GRA
Defer creates an IO by creating a brand new IO via a generator function, each time
func Delay ¶
func Delay[ GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](delay time.Duration) func(ma GRA) GRA
Delay creates an operation that passes in the value after some delay
func Eitherize0 ¶
func Eitherize0[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], R any](f F) func() GRA
Eitherize0 converts a function with 0 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 0 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize0]
func Eitherize1 ¶
func Eitherize1[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, R any](f F) func(T0) GRA
Eitherize1 converts a function with 1 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 1 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize1]
func Eitherize10 ¶
func Eitherize10[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, R any](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) GRA
Eitherize10 converts a function with 10 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 10 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize10]
func Eitherize2 ¶
func Eitherize2[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, R any](f F) func(T0, T1) GRA
Eitherize2 converts a function with 2 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 2 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize2]
func Eitherize3 ¶
func Eitherize3[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1, T2) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, T2, R any](f F) func(T0, T1, T2) GRA
Eitherize3 converts a function with 3 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 3 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize3]
func Eitherize4 ¶
func Eitherize4[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1, T2, T3) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, T2, T3, R any](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3) GRA
Eitherize4 converts a function with 4 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 4 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize4]
func Eitherize5 ¶
func Eitherize5[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, R any](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4) GRA
Eitherize5 converts a function with 5 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 5 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize5]
func Eitherize6 ¶
func Eitherize6[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R any](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) GRA
Eitherize6 converts a function with 6 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 6 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize6]
func Eitherize7 ¶
func Eitherize7[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R any](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) GRA
Eitherize7 converts a function with 7 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 7 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize7]
func Eitherize8 ¶
func Eitherize8[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R any](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) GRA
Eitherize8 converts a function with 8 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 8 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize8]
func Eitherize9 ¶
func Eitherize9[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, F ~func(context.Context, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) (R, error), GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, R], T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R any](f F) func(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) GRA
Eitherize9 converts a function with 9 parameters returning a tuple into a function with 9 parameters returning a [GRA] The inverse function is [Uneitherize9]
func Eq ¶
func Eq[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](eq EQ.Eq[E.Either[error, A]]) func(context.Context) EQ.Eq[GRA]
Eq implements the equals predicate for values contained in the IOEither monad
func FromEither ¶
func FromIOEither ¶
func FromPredicate ¶
func FromReader ¶
func FromReaderIO ¶ added in v1.0.43
func LeftReader ¶
func LeftReaderIO ¶ added in v1.0.43
func Memoize ¶ added in v1.0.36
Memoize computes the value of the provided monad lazily but exactly once The context used to compute the value is the context of the first call, so do not use this method if the value has a functional dependency on the content of the context
func MonadAp ¶
func MonadAp[ GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRAB ~func(context.Context) GIOAB, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], GIOAB ~func() E.Either[error, func(A) B], A, B any](fab GRAB, fa GRA) GRB
MonadAp implements the `Ap` function for a reader with context. It creates a sub-context that will be canceled if any of the input operations errors out or
func MonadApPar ¶ added in v1.0.4
func MonadApPar[ GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRAB ~func(context.Context) GIOAB, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], GIOAB ~func() E.Either[error, func(A) B], A, B any](fab GRAB, fa GRA) GRB
MonadAp implements the `Ap` function for a reader with context. It creates a sub-context that will be canceled if any of the input operations errors out or
func MonadApSeq ¶ added in v1.0.4
func MonadApSeq[ GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRAB ~func(context.Context) GIOAB, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], GIOAB ~func() E.Either[error, func(A) B], A, B any](fab GRAB, fa GRA) GRB
MonadApSeq implements the `Ap` function for a reader with context. It creates a sub-context that will be canceled if any of the input operations errors out or
func MonadChain ¶
func MonadChainEitherK ¶
func MonadChainFirst ¶
func MonadChainFirstEitherK ¶
func MonadChainFirstIOK ¶
func MonadChainIOK ¶
func MonadChainReaderIOK ¶ added in v1.0.42
func MonadFromReaderIO ¶ added in v1.0.43
func MonadMapTo ¶ added in v1.0.34
func MonadTraverseArray ¶ added in v1.0.3
func MonadTraverseArray[ AS ~[]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GIOBS ~func() E.Either[error, BS], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], BS ~[]B, A, B any](as AS, f func(A) GRB) GRBS
MonadTraverseArray transforms an array
func MonadTraverseRecord ¶ added in v1.0.3
func MonadTraverseRecord[K comparable, AS ~map[K]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GIOBS ~func() E.Either[error, BS], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], BS ~map[K]B, A, B any](ma AS, f func(A) GRB) GRBS
MonadTraverseRecord transforms a record
func Never ¶
Never returns a 'ReaderIOEither' that never returns, except if its context gets canceled
func RightReader ¶
func RightReaderIO ¶ added in v1.0.43
func SequenceArray ¶
func SequenceArray[ AS ~[]A, GAS ~[]GRA, GRAS ~func(context.Context) GIOAS, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOAS ~func() E.Either[error, AS], GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](ma GAS) GRAS
SequenceArray converts a homogeneous sequence of either into an either of sequence
func SequenceParT1 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], T1 any]( t1 GR_T1, ) GR_TUPLE1
SequenceParT1 converts 1 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func SequenceParT10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, t9 GR_T9, t10 GR_T10, ) GR_TUPLE10
SequenceParT10 converts 10 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func SequenceParT2 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], T1, T2 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, ) GR_TUPLE2
SequenceParT2 converts 2 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func SequenceParT3 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], T1, T2, T3 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, ) GR_TUPLE3
SequenceParT3 converts 3 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func SequenceParT4 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], T1, T2, T3, T4 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, ) GR_TUPLE4
SequenceParT4 converts 4 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func SequenceParT5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, ) GR_TUPLE5
SequenceParT5 converts 5 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func SequenceParT6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, ) GR_TUPLE6
SequenceParT6 converts 6 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func SequenceParT7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, ) GR_TUPLE7
SequenceParT7 converts 7 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func SequenceParT8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ) GR_TUPLE8
SequenceParT8 converts 8 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func SequenceParT9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParT9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, t9 GR_T9, ) GR_TUPLE9
SequenceParT9 converts 9 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func SequenceParTuple1 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], T1 any](t T.Tuple1[GR_T1]) GR_TUPLE1
SequenceParTuple1 converts a [T.Tuple1] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func SequenceParTuple10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 any](t T.Tuple10[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9, GR_T10]) GR_TUPLE10
SequenceParTuple10 converts a [T.Tuple10] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func SequenceParTuple2 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], T1, T2 any](t T.Tuple2[GR_T1, GR_T2]) GR_TUPLE2
SequenceParTuple2 converts a [T.Tuple2] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func SequenceParTuple3 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], T1, T2, T3 any](t T.Tuple3[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3]) GR_TUPLE3
SequenceParTuple3 converts a [T.Tuple3] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func SequenceParTuple4 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], T1, T2, T3, T4 any](t T.Tuple4[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4]) GR_TUPLE4
SequenceParTuple4 converts a [T.Tuple4] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func SequenceParTuple5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 any](t T.Tuple5[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5]) GR_TUPLE5
SequenceParTuple5 converts a [T.Tuple5] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func SequenceParTuple6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 any](t T.Tuple6[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6]) GR_TUPLE6
SequenceParTuple6 converts a [T.Tuple6] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func SequenceParTuple7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 any](t T.Tuple7[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7]) GR_TUPLE7
SequenceParTuple7 converts a [T.Tuple7] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func SequenceParTuple8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 any](t T.Tuple8[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8]) GR_TUPLE8
SequenceParTuple8 converts a [T.Tuple8] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func SequenceParTuple9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceParTuple9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 any](t T.Tuple9[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9]) GR_TUPLE9
SequenceParTuple9 converts a [T.Tuple9] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func SequenceRecord ¶
func SequenceRecord[K comparable, AS ~map[K]A, GAS ~map[K]GRA, GRAS ~func(context.Context) GIOAS, GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOAS ~func() E.Either[error, AS], GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](ma GAS) GRAS
SequenceRecord converts a homogeneous sequence of either into an either of sequence
func SequenceSeqT1 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], T1 any]( t1 GR_T1, ) GR_TUPLE1
SequenceSeqT1 converts 1 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func SequenceSeqT10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, t9 GR_T9, t10 GR_T10, ) GR_TUPLE10
SequenceSeqT10 converts 10 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func SequenceSeqT2 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], T1, T2 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, ) GR_TUPLE2
SequenceSeqT2 converts 2 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func SequenceSeqT3 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], T1, T2, T3 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, ) GR_TUPLE3
SequenceSeqT3 converts 3 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func SequenceSeqT4 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], T1, T2, T3, T4 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, ) GR_TUPLE4
SequenceSeqT4 converts 4 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func SequenceSeqT5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, ) GR_TUPLE5
SequenceSeqT5 converts 5 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func SequenceSeqT6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, ) GR_TUPLE6
SequenceSeqT6 converts 6 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func SequenceSeqT7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, ) GR_TUPLE7
SequenceSeqT7 converts 7 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func SequenceSeqT8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ) GR_TUPLE8
SequenceSeqT8 converts 8 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func SequenceSeqT9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqT9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, t9 GR_T9, ) GR_TUPLE9
SequenceSeqT9 converts 9 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func SequenceSeqTuple1 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], T1 any](t T.Tuple1[GR_T1]) GR_TUPLE1
SequenceSeqTuple1 converts a [T.Tuple1] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func SequenceSeqTuple10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 any](t T.Tuple10[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9, GR_T10]) GR_TUPLE10
SequenceSeqTuple10 converts a [T.Tuple10] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func SequenceSeqTuple2 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], T1, T2 any](t T.Tuple2[GR_T1, GR_T2]) GR_TUPLE2
SequenceSeqTuple2 converts a [T.Tuple2] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func SequenceSeqTuple3 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], T1, T2, T3 any](t T.Tuple3[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3]) GR_TUPLE3
SequenceSeqTuple3 converts a [T.Tuple3] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func SequenceSeqTuple4 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], T1, T2, T3, T4 any](t T.Tuple4[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4]) GR_TUPLE4
SequenceSeqTuple4 converts a [T.Tuple4] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func SequenceSeqTuple5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 any](t T.Tuple5[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5]) GR_TUPLE5
SequenceSeqTuple5 converts a [T.Tuple5] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func SequenceSeqTuple6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 any](t T.Tuple6[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6]) GR_TUPLE6
SequenceSeqTuple6 converts a [T.Tuple6] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func SequenceSeqTuple7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 any](t T.Tuple7[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7]) GR_TUPLE7
SequenceSeqTuple7 converts a [T.Tuple7] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func SequenceSeqTuple8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 any](t T.Tuple8[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8]) GR_TUPLE8
SequenceSeqTuple8 converts a [T.Tuple8] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func SequenceSeqTuple9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceSeqTuple9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 any](t T.Tuple9[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9]) GR_TUPLE9
SequenceSeqTuple9 converts a [T.Tuple9] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func SequenceT1 ¶
func SequenceT1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], T1 any]( t1 GR_T1, ) GR_TUPLE1
SequenceT1 converts 1 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func SequenceT10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceT10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, t9 GR_T9, t10 GR_T10, ) GR_TUPLE10
SequenceT10 converts 10 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func SequenceT2 ¶
func SequenceT2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], T1, T2 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, ) GR_TUPLE2
SequenceT2 converts 2 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func SequenceT3 ¶
func SequenceT3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], T1, T2, T3 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, ) GR_TUPLE3
SequenceT3 converts 3 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func SequenceT4 ¶
func SequenceT4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], T1, T2, T3, T4 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, ) GR_TUPLE4
SequenceT4 converts 4 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func SequenceT5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceT5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, ) GR_TUPLE5
SequenceT5 converts 5 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func SequenceT6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceT6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, ) GR_TUPLE6
SequenceT6 converts 6 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func SequenceT7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceT7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, ) GR_TUPLE7
SequenceT7 converts 7 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func SequenceT8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceT8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, ) GR_TUPLE8
SequenceT8 converts 8 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func SequenceT9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceT9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 any]( t1 GR_T1, t2 GR_T2, t3 GR_T3, t4 GR_T4, t5 GR_T5, t6 GR_T6, t7 GR_T7, t8 GR_T8, t9 GR_T9, ) GR_TUPLE9
SequenceT9 converts 9 readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func SequenceTuple1 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], T1 any](t T.Tuple1[GR_T1]) GR_TUPLE1
SequenceTuple1 converts a [T.Tuple1] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func SequenceTuple10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 any](t T.Tuple10[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9, GR_T10]) GR_TUPLE10
SequenceTuple10 converts a [T.Tuple10] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func SequenceTuple2 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], T1, T2 any](t T.Tuple2[GR_T1, GR_T2]) GR_TUPLE2
SequenceTuple2 converts a [T.Tuple2] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func SequenceTuple3 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], T1, T2, T3 any](t T.Tuple3[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3]) GR_TUPLE3
SequenceTuple3 converts a [T.Tuple3] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func SequenceTuple4 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], T1, T2, T3, T4 any](t T.Tuple4[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4]) GR_TUPLE4
SequenceTuple4 converts a [T.Tuple4] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func SequenceTuple5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 any](t T.Tuple5[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5]) GR_TUPLE5
SequenceTuple5 converts a [T.Tuple5] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func SequenceTuple6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 any](t T.Tuple6[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6]) GR_TUPLE6
SequenceTuple6 converts a [T.Tuple6] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func SequenceTuple7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 any](t T.Tuple7[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7]) GR_TUPLE7
SequenceTuple7 converts a [T.Tuple7] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func SequenceTuple8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 any](t T.Tuple8[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8]) GR_TUPLE8
SequenceTuple8 converts a [T.Tuple8] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func SequenceTuple9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func SequenceTuple9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 any](t T.Tuple9[GR_T1, GR_T2, GR_T3, GR_T4, GR_T5, GR_T6, GR_T7, GR_T8, GR_T9]) GR_TUPLE9
SequenceTuple9 converts a [T.Tuple9] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func Timer ¶
func Timer[ GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, time.Time], ](delay time.Duration) GRA
Timer will return the current time after an initial delay
func TraverseArray ¶
func TraverseArray[ AS ~[]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GIOBS ~func() E.Either[error, BS], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], BS ~[]B, A, B any](f func(A) GRB) func(AS) GRBS
TraverseArray transforms an array
func TraverseArrayWithIndex ¶ added in v1.0.29
func TraverseArrayWithIndex[ AS ~[]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GIOBS ~func() E.Either[error, BS], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], BS ~[]B, A, B any](f func(int, A) GRB) func(AS) GRBS
TraverseArrayWithIndex transforms an array
func TraverseParTuple1 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], A1, T1 any](f1 F1) func(T.Tuple1[A1]) GR_TUPLE1
TraverseParTuple1 converts a [T.Tuple1] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func TraverseParTuple10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, F9 ~func(A9) GR_T9, F10 ~func(A10) GR_T10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8, A9, T9, A10, T10 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9, f10 F10) func(T.Tuple10[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10]) GR_TUPLE10
TraverseParTuple10 converts a [T.Tuple10] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func TraverseParTuple2 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], A1, T1, A2, T2 any](f1 F1, f2 F2) func(T.Tuple2[A1, A2]) GR_TUPLE2
TraverseParTuple2 converts a [T.Tuple2] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func TraverseParTuple3 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3) func(T.Tuple3[A1, A2, A3]) GR_TUPLE3
TraverseParTuple3 converts a [T.Tuple3] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func TraverseParTuple4 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4) func(T.Tuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4]) GR_TUPLE4
TraverseParTuple4 converts a [T.Tuple4] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func TraverseParTuple5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5) func(T.Tuple5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]) GR_TUPLE5
TraverseParTuple5 converts a [T.Tuple5] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func TraverseParTuple6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6) func(T.Tuple6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]) GR_TUPLE6
TraverseParTuple6 converts a [T.Tuple6] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func TraverseParTuple7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7) func(T.Tuple7[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]) GR_TUPLE7
TraverseParTuple7 converts a [T.Tuple7] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func TraverseParTuple8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8) func(T.Tuple8[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8]) GR_TUPLE8
TraverseParTuple8 converts a [T.Tuple8] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func TraverseParTuple9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseParTuple9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, F9 ~func(A9) GR_T9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8, A9, T9 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9) func(T.Tuple9[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9]) GR_TUPLE9
TraverseParTuple9 converts a [T.Tuple9] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func TraverseRecord ¶
func TraverseRecord[K comparable, AS ~map[K]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GIOBS ~func() E.Either[error, BS], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], BS ~map[K]B, A, B any](f func(A) GRB) func(AS) GRBS
TraverseRecord transforms a record
func TraverseRecordWithIndex ¶ added in v1.0.29
func TraverseRecordWithIndex[K comparable, AS ~map[K]A, GRBS ~func(context.Context) GIOBS, GRB ~func(context.Context) GIOB, GIOBS ~func() E.Either[error, BS], GIOB ~func() E.Either[error, B], BS ~map[K]B, A, B any](f func(K, A) GRB) func(AS) GRBS
TraverseRecordWithIndex transforms a record
func TraverseSeqTuple1 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], A1, T1 any](f1 F1) func(T.Tuple1[A1]) GR_TUPLE1
TraverseSeqTuple1 converts a [T.Tuple1] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func TraverseSeqTuple10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, F9 ~func(A9) GR_T9, F10 ~func(A10) GR_T10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8, A9, T9, A10, T10 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9, f10 F10) func(T.Tuple10[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10]) GR_TUPLE10
TraverseSeqTuple10 converts a [T.Tuple10] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func TraverseSeqTuple2 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], A1, T1, A2, T2 any](f1 F1, f2 F2) func(T.Tuple2[A1, A2]) GR_TUPLE2
TraverseSeqTuple2 converts a [T.Tuple2] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func TraverseSeqTuple3 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3) func(T.Tuple3[A1, A2, A3]) GR_TUPLE3
TraverseSeqTuple3 converts a [T.Tuple3] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func TraverseSeqTuple4 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4) func(T.Tuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4]) GR_TUPLE4
TraverseSeqTuple4 converts a [T.Tuple4] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func TraverseSeqTuple5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5) func(T.Tuple5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]) GR_TUPLE5
TraverseSeqTuple5 converts a [T.Tuple5] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func TraverseSeqTuple6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6) func(T.Tuple6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]) GR_TUPLE6
TraverseSeqTuple6 converts a [T.Tuple6] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func TraverseSeqTuple7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7) func(T.Tuple7[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]) GR_TUPLE7
TraverseSeqTuple7 converts a [T.Tuple7] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func TraverseSeqTuple8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8) func(T.Tuple8[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8]) GR_TUPLE8
TraverseSeqTuple8 converts a [T.Tuple8] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func TraverseSeqTuple9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseSeqTuple9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, F9 ~func(A9) GR_T9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8, A9, T9 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9) func(T.Tuple9[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9]) GR_TUPLE9
TraverseSeqTuple9 converts a [T.Tuple9] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func TraverseTuple1 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple1[ GR_TUPLE1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE1, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GIO_TUPLE1 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple1[T1]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], A1, T1 any](f1 F1) func(T.Tuple1[A1]) GR_TUPLE1
TraverseTuple1 converts a [T.Tuple1] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple1].
func TraverseTuple10 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple10[ GR_TUPLE10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE10, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, F9 ~func(A9) GR_T9, F10 ~func(A10) GR_T10, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GR_T10 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T10, GIO_TUPLE10 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple10[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], GIO_T10 ~func() E.Either[error, T10], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8, A9, T9, A10, T10 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9, f10 F10) func(T.Tuple10[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10]) GR_TUPLE10
TraverseTuple10 converts a [T.Tuple10] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple10].
func TraverseTuple2 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple2[ GR_TUPLE2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE2, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GIO_TUPLE2 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple2[T1, T2]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], A1, T1, A2, T2 any](f1 F1, f2 F2) func(T.Tuple2[A1, A2]) GR_TUPLE2
TraverseTuple2 converts a [T.Tuple2] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple2].
func TraverseTuple3 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple3[ GR_TUPLE3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE3, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GIO_TUPLE3 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3) func(T.Tuple3[A1, A2, A3]) GR_TUPLE3
TraverseTuple3 converts a [T.Tuple3] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple3].
func TraverseTuple4 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple4[ GR_TUPLE4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE4, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GIO_TUPLE4 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4) func(T.Tuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4]) GR_TUPLE4
TraverseTuple4 converts a [T.Tuple4] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple4].
func TraverseTuple5 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple5[ GR_TUPLE5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE5, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GIO_TUPLE5 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5) func(T.Tuple5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]) GR_TUPLE5
TraverseTuple5 converts a [T.Tuple5] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple5].
func TraverseTuple6 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple6[ GR_TUPLE6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE6, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GIO_TUPLE6 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6) func(T.Tuple6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]) GR_TUPLE6
TraverseTuple6 converts a [T.Tuple6] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple6].
func TraverseTuple7 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple7[ GR_TUPLE7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE7, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GIO_TUPLE7 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7) func(T.Tuple7[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7]) GR_TUPLE7
TraverseTuple7 converts a [T.Tuple7] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple7].
func TraverseTuple8 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple8[ GR_TUPLE8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE8, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GIO_TUPLE8 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8) func(T.Tuple8[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8]) GR_TUPLE8
TraverseTuple8 converts a [T.Tuple8] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple8].
func TraverseTuple9 ¶ added in v1.0.4
func TraverseTuple9[ GR_TUPLE9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_TUPLE9, F1 ~func(A1) GR_T1, F2 ~func(A2) GR_T2, F3 ~func(A3) GR_T3, F4 ~func(A4) GR_T4, F5 ~func(A5) GR_T5, F6 ~func(A6) GR_T6, F7 ~func(A7) GR_T7, F8 ~func(A8) GR_T8, F9 ~func(A9) GR_T9, GR_T1 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T1, GR_T2 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T2, GR_T3 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T3, GR_T4 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T4, GR_T5 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T5, GR_T6 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T6, GR_T7 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T7, GR_T8 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T8, GR_T9 ~func(context.Context) GIO_T9, GIO_TUPLE9 ~func() E.Either[error, T.Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]], GIO_T1 ~func() E.Either[error, T1], GIO_T2 ~func() E.Either[error, T2], GIO_T3 ~func() E.Either[error, T3], GIO_T4 ~func() E.Either[error, T4], GIO_T5 ~func() E.Either[error, T5], GIO_T6 ~func() E.Either[error, T6], GIO_T7 ~func() E.Either[error, T7], GIO_T8 ~func() E.Either[error, T8], GIO_T9 ~func() E.Either[error, T9], A1, T1, A2, T2, A3, T3, A4, T4, A5, T5, A6, T6, A7, T7, A8, T8, A9, T9 any](f1 F1, f2 F2, f3 F3, f4 F4, f5 F5, f6 F6, f7 F7, f8 F8, f9 F9) func(T.Tuple9[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9]) GR_TUPLE9
TraverseTuple9 converts a [T.Tuple9] of readers into a reader of a [T.Tuple9].
func TryCatch ¶
func TryCatch[ GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](f func(context.Context) func() (A, error)) GRA
TryCatch wraps a reader returning a tuple as an error into ReaderIOEither
func WithContext ¶
func WithContext[GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], A any](ma GRA) GRA
withContext wraps an existing ReaderIOEither and performs a context check for cancellation before delegating
func WithLock ¶ added in v1.0.50
func WithLock[ GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], GRCANCEL ~func(context.Context) GIOCANCEL, GIOCANCEL ~func() E.Either[error, context.CancelFunc], A any](lock GRCANCEL) func(fa GRA) GRA
WithLock executes the provided IO operation in the scope of a lock
func WithResource ¶
func WithResource[ GRA ~func(context.Context) GIOA, GRR ~func(context.Context) GIOR, GRANY ~func(context.Context) GIOANY, GIOR ~func() E.Either[error, R], GIOA ~func() E.Either[error, A], GIOANY ~func() E.Either[error, ANY], R, A, ANY any](onCreate GRR, onRelease func(R) GRANY) func(func(R) GRA) GRA
WithResource constructs a function that creates a resource, then operates on it and then releases the resource
Types ¶
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