Zones Get/Delete example
This example shows how to get and delete a zone. CIS resource instance must be created first via UI or using the resource/service-instance
example to create an internet-svcs
instance. 64 digit CRN should be supplied as cis_id variable for zone create/delete. Environment variable IC_API_KEY must be set with API key.
Paired with Create/Get Zones example. Delete zone after running DNS/POOL/SETTINGS/GLB examples. The zone_id can be retrived from the id field in the last line of the ZoneCreate command output.
{"result": {"id": "b6e1169a4a9fef8d8ff984fee4a4eb20"
, "name": ""
go run main.go -cis_id="crn:v1:bluemix:public:internet-svcs:global:a/4ea1882a2d3401ed1e459979941966ea:d268d835-3ef5-4049-8526-296ff08020a0::" -zone_id="b6e1169a4a9fef8d8ff984fee4a4eb20"