
v1.4.2 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: May 30, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 31 Imported by: 3




  • Copyright (c) IBAX. All rights reserved.
  • See LICENSE in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • Copyright (c) IBAX. All rights reserved.
  • See LICENSE in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • Copyright (c) IBAX. All rights reserved.
  • See LICENSE in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



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const (
	NotificationTypeSingle = 1
	NotificationTypeRole   = 2
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const (
	// OrderASC as ASC
	OrderASC = ordering("ASC")
	// OrderDESC as DESC
	OrderDESC = ordering("DESC")
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const (
	TransactionRateOnBlock transactionRate = iota + 1

This constants contains values of transactions priority

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const BinaryTableSuffix = "_binaries"
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const ProgressComplete = "complete"

ProgressComplete status of installation progress


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var (
	// DBConn is orm connection
	DBConn *gorm.DB

	// ErrRecordNotFound is Not Found Record wrapper
	ErrRecordNotFound = gorm.ErrRecordNotFound

	// ErrDBConn database connection error
	ErrDBConn = errors.New("database connection error")
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var (

	//ErrEcosystemNotFound = errors.New("Ecosystem not found")
	//errContract          = errType{"E_CONTRACT", "There is not %s contract", http.StatusNotFound}
	//errDBNil             = errType{"E_DBNIL", "DB is nil", defaultStatus}
	//errDeletedKey        = errType{"E_DELETEDKEY", "The key is deleted", http.StatusForbidden}
	//errEcosystem         = errType{"E_ECOSYSTEM", "Ecosystem %d doesn't exist", defaultStatus}
	//errEmptyPublic       = errType{"E_EMPTYPUBLIC", "Public key is undefined", http.StatusBadRequest}
	//errKeyNotFound       = errType{"E_KEYNOTFOUND", "Key has not been found", http.StatusNotFound}
	//errEmptySign         = errType{"E_EMPTYSIGN", "Signature is undefined", defaultStatus}
	//errHashWrong         = errType{"E_HASHWRONG", "Hash is incorrect", http.StatusBadRequest}
	//errHashNotFound      = errType{"E_HASHNOTFOUND", "Hash has not been found", defaultStatus}
	//errHeavyPage         = errType{"E_HEAVYPAGE", "This page is heavy", defaultStatus}
	//errInstalled         = errType{"E_INSTALLED", "Chain is already installed", defaultStatus}
	//errInvalidWallet     = errType{"E_INVALIDWALLET", "Wallet %s is not valid", http.StatusBadRequest}
	//errLimitForsign      = errType{"E_LIMITFORSIGN", "Length of forsign is too big (%d)", defaultStatus}
	//errLimitTxSize       = errType{"E_LIMITTXSIZE", "The size of tx is too big (%d)", defaultStatus}
	//errNotFound          = errType{"E_NOTFOUND", "Page not found", http.StatusNotFound}
	//errNotFoundRecord    = errType{"E_NOTFOUND", "Record not found", http.StatusNotFound}
	//errParamNotFound     = errType{"E_PARAMNOTFOUND", "Parameter %s has not been found", http.StatusNotFound}
	//errPermission        = errType{"E_PERMISSION", "Permission denied", http.StatusUnauthorized}
	//errQuery             = errType{"E_QUERY", "DB query is wrong", http.StatusInternalServerError}
	//errRecovered         = errType{"E_RECOVERED", "API recovered", http.StatusInternalServerError}
	//errServer            = errType{"E_SERVER", "Server error", defaultStatus}
	//errSignature         = errType{"E_SIGNATURE", "Signature is incorrect", http.StatusBadRequest}
	//errUnknownSign       = errType{"E_UNKNOWNSIGN", "Unknown signature", defaultStatus}
	//errStateLogin        = errType{"E_STATELOGIN", "%s is not a membership of ecosystem %s", http.StatusForbidden}
	//errTableNotFound     = errType{"E_TABLENOTFOUND", "Table %s has not been found", http.StatusNotFound}
	//errToken             = errType{"E_TOKEN", "Token is not valid", defaultStatus}
	//errTokenExpired      = errType{"E_TOKENEXPIRED", "Token is expired by %s", http.StatusUnauthorized}
	//errUnauthorized      = errType{"E_UNAUTHORIZED", "Unauthorized", http.StatusUnauthorized}
	//errUndefineval       = errType{"E_UNDEFINEVAL", "Value %s is undefined", defaultStatus}
	//errUnknownUID        = errType{"E_UNKNOWNUID", "Unknown uid", defaultStatus}
	//errCLB               = errType{"E_CLB", "Virtual Dedicated Ecosystem %d doesn't exist", defaultStatus}
	//errCLBCreated        = errType{"E_CLBCREATED", "Virtual Dedicated Ecosystem is already created", http.StatusBadRequest}
	//errRequestNotFound   = errType{"E_REQUESTNOTFOUND", "Request %s doesn't exist", defaultStatus}
	//errUpdating          = errType{"E_UPDATING", "Node is updating blockchain", http.StatusServiceUnavailable}
	//errStopping          = errType{"E_STOPPING", "Network is stopping", http.StatusServiceUnavailable}
	//errNotImplemented    = errType{"E_NOTIMPLEMENTED", "Not implemented", http.StatusNotImplemented}
	//errParamMoneyDigit   = errType{"E_PARAMMONEYDIGIT", "The number of decimal places cannot be exceeded ( %s )", http.StatusBadRequest}
	//errDiffKey           = CodeType{"E_DIFKEY", "Sender's key is different from tx key", defaultStatus}
	//errBannded           = errType{"E_BANNED", "The key is banned till %s", http.StatusForbidden}
	//errCheckRole         = errType{"E_CHECKROLE", "Access denied", http.StatusForbidden}
	//errNewUser           = errType{"E_NEWUSER", "Can't create a new user", http.StatusUnauthorized}
	CodeSystembusy = CodeType{-1, "System is busy", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeSuccess    = CodeType{0, "Success", http.StatusOK, "OK"}
	//CodeFileNotExists         = CodeType{40001, "File %s not exists", http.StatusOK, ""}
	//CodeFileFormatNotSupports = CodeType{40002, "File %s format is not supported", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeIlgmediafiletype    = CodeType{40003, "illegal media file type  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeIlgfiletype         = CodeType{40004, "illegal file type  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeFilesize            = CodeType{40005, "illegal file size  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeImagesize           = CodeType{40006, "illegal image file size  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeVoicesize           = CodeType{40007, "illegal voice file size  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeVideosize           = CodeType{40008, "illegal video file size  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeRequestformat       = CodeType{40009, "illegal request format  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeThumbnailfilesize   = CodeType{400010, "illegal thumbnail file size  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeUrllength           = CodeType{400011, "illegal URL length  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeMultimediafileempty = CodeType{400012, "The multimedia file is empty  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodePostpacketempty     = CodeType{400013, "POST packet is empty ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeContentempty        = CodeType{400014, "The content of the graphic message is empty. ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeTextcmpty           = CodeType{400015, "text message content is empty ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeMultimediasizelimit = CodeType{400016, "multimedia file size exceeds limit ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeParamNotNull        = CodeType{400017, "Param  message content exceeds limit ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeParamOutRange       = CodeType{400018, "Param out of range ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeParam               = CodeType{400019, "Param error ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeParamNotExists      = CodeType{400020, "Param is exists  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeParamType           = CodeType{400021, "Param type error ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeParamKeyConflict    = CodeType{400022, "Param Keyword conflict error ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeRecordExists        = CodeType{400023, "Record already exists  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeRecordNotExists     = CodeType{400024, "Record not exists error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeNewRecordNotRelease = CodeType{400025, "New Record not Release error ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeReleaseRule         = CodeType{400026, "Release rule error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeDeleteRule          = CodeType{400027, "Delete Record  delete rule error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeHelpDirNotExists    = CodeType{400028, "Help parentdir  not exists error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}

	CodeDBfinderr     = CodeType{400029, "DB find error   ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeDBcreateerr   = CodeType{400030, "DB create error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeDBupdateerr   = CodeType{400031, "DB update error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeDBdeleteerr   = CodeType{400032, "DB delete error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeDBopertionerr = CodeType{400033, "DB opertion error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeJsonformaterr = CodeType{400034, "Json format error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeBodyformaterr = CodeType{400035, "Body format error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}

	CodeFileNotExists = CodeType{400036, "File not exists", http.StatusOK, ""}
	//CodeFileFormatNotSupports = CodeType{40002, "File %s format is not supported", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeFileExists            = CodeType{400037, "File already exists", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeFileFormatNotSupports = CodeType{400038, "File format is not supported", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeFileCreated           = CodeType{400039, "Create File is not supported ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeFileOpen              = CodeType{400039, "Open File is not supported", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeCheckParam            = CodeType{400040, "Param error: ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeGenerateMine          = CodeType{400041, "new miner generate faile ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeImportMine            = CodeType{400042, "import miner faile   ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeBooltype              = CodeType{400043, "bool type error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}

	CodeUpdateRule               = CodeType{400044, "rule error  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodePermissionDenied         = CodeType{400045, "Permission denied  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeNotMineDevidBindActiveid = CodeType{400046, "not mine devid boind Activeid  ", http.StatusOK, ""}
	CodeSignError                = CodeType{400047, "sign err ", http.StatusOK, ""}
View Source
var (
	EcosystemWallet = "ecosystem_wallet"


func CreateBatchesRollbackTx

func CreateBatchesRollbackTx(dbTx *gorm.DB, rts []*RollbackTx) error

func CreateLogTransactionBatches

func CreateLogTransactionBatches(dbTx *gorm.DB, lts []*LogTransaction) error

func CreateSpentInfoBatches

func CreateSpentInfoBatches(dbTx *gorm.DB, spentInfos []SpentInfo) error

CreateSpentInfoBatches is creating record of model

func CreateTable

func CreateTable(dbTx *DbTransaction, tableName, colsSQL string) error

CreateTable is creating table

func CreateTransactionBatches

func CreateTransactionBatches(db *DbTransaction, trs []*Transaction) error

CreateTransactionBatches is creating record of model

func CreateView

func CreateView(dbTx *DbTransaction, inViewName, inTables, inWhere, inColSQL string) error

CreateView is creating view table

func DataTypeToColumnType

func DataTypeToColumnType(dataType string) string

func DecrementTxAttemptCount

func DecrementTxAttemptCount(dbTx *DbTransaction, transactionHash []byte) error

func DelExternalList

func DelExternalList(list []int64) error

DelExternalList deletes sent tx

func DeleteLogTransactionsByHash

func DeleteLogTransactionsByHash(dbTx *DbTransaction, hash []byte) (int64, error)

DeleteLogTransactionsByHash is deleting record by hash

func DeleteQueueTxByHash

func DeleteQueueTxByHash(dbTx *DbTransaction, hash []byte) (int64, error)

DeleteQueueTxByHash is deleting queue tx by hash

func DeleteQueueTxs

func DeleteQueueTxs(dbTx *DbTransaction, hs [][]byte) error

func DeleteTransactionByHash

func DeleteTransactionByHash(dbTx *DbTransaction, hash []byte) error

DeleteTransactionByHash deleting transaction by hash

func DeleteTransactionIfUnused

func DeleteTransactionIfUnused(dbTx *DbTransaction, transactionHash []byte) (int64, error)

DeleteTransactionIfUnused deleting unused transaction

func DeleteTransactions

func DeleteTransactions(dbTx *gorm.DB, hs [][]byte) error

func DeleteTransactionsAttemptsByHash

func DeleteTransactionsAttemptsByHash(dbTx *DbTransaction, hash []byte) error

GetByHash returns TransactionsAttempts existence by hash

func DeleteUsedTransactions

func DeleteUsedTransactions(dbTx *DbTransaction) (int64, error)

DeleteUsedTransactions deleting used transaction

func DropView

func DropView(dbTx *DbTransaction, inViewName string) error

DropView is drop view table

func ExecCLBSchema

func ExecCLBSchema(id int, wallet int64) error

ExecCLBSchema is executing schema for off blockchainService

func ExecSchema

func ExecSchema() error

ExecSchema is executing schema

func ExecSchemaEcosystem

func ExecSchemaEcosystem(db *DbTransaction, data migration.SqlData) error

ExecSchemaEcosystem is executing ecosystem schema

func ExecSubSchema

func ExecSubSchema() error

func GetAllSystemCount

func GetAllSystemCount() (int64, error)

func GetAllSystemStatesIDs

func GetAllSystemStatesIDs() ([]int64, []string, error)

GetAllSystemStatesIDs is retrieving all ecosystems ids

func GetAllUnsentTransactions

func GetAllUnsentTransactions(limit int) (*[]Transaction, error)

GetAllUnsentTransactions is retrieving all unset transactions

func GetBlockCountByNode

func GetBlockCountByNode(NodePosition int64, consensusMode int32) (int64, error)

func GetColumnByID

func GetColumnByID(table, column string, id int64) (result string, err error)

GetColumnByID returns the value of the column from the table by id

func GetDB

func GetDB(tr *DbTransaction) *gorm.DB

GetDB is returning gorm.DB

func GetExcessCommonTokenMovementPerDay

func GetExcessCommonTokenMovementPerDay(tx *DbTransaction) (amount decimal.Decimal, err error)

GetExcessCommonTokenMovementPerDay returns sum of amounts 24 hours

func GetKeysCount

func GetKeysCount() (int64, error)

GetKeysCount returns common count of keys

func GetLogTransactionsCount

func GetLogTransactionsCount(hash []byte) (int64, error)

GetLogTransactionsCount count records by transaction hash

func GetLogTxCount

func GetLogTxCount(dbTx *DbTransaction, ecosystemID int64) (int64, error)

GetLogTxCount count records by ecosystemID

func GetMemberRoles

func GetMemberRoles(tx *DbTransaction, ecosys int64, account string) (roles []int64, err error)

GetMemberRoles return map[id]name all roles assign to member in ecosystem

func GetMetricValues

func GetMetricValues(metric, timeInterval, aggregateFunc, timeBlock string) ([]any, error)

GetMetricValues returns aggregated metric values in the time interval

func GetNodeRows

func GetNodeRows(tableName string) (int64, error)

func GetPledgeAmount

func GetPledgeAmount() (int64, error)

func GetQueuedTransactionsCount

func GetQueuedTransactionsCount(hash []byte) (int64, error)

GetQueuedTransactionsCount counting queued transactions

func GetResult

func GetResult(rows *sql.Rows) ([]map[string]string, error)

func GetRoleMembers

func GetRoleMembers(tx *DbTransaction, ecosys int64, roles []int64) (members []string, err error)

GetRoleMembers return []id all members assign to roles in ecosystem

func GetRowsInfo

func GetRowsInfo(rows *sql.Rows, sqlQuest string) ([]map[string]any, error)

func GetTableListQuery

func GetTableListQuery(table string, ecosystemID int64) *gorm.DB

func GetTableQuery

func GetTableQuery(table string, ecosystemID int64) *gorm.DB

func GetTransactionCountAll

func GetTransactionCountAll() (int64, error)

GetTransactionCountAll count all transactions

func GetTransactionsCount

func GetTransactionsCount(hash []byte) (int64, error)

GetTransactionsCount count all transactions by hash

func GetTxCount

func GetTxCount() (int64, error)

func GetTxRateByTxType

func GetTxRateByTxType(txType int8) transactionRate

func GetTxRecord

func GetTxRecord(tx *DbTransaction, hashStr string) (resultList []any, err error)

func GormClose

func GormClose() error

GormClose is closing Gorm connection

func GormInit

func GormInit(conf conf.DBConfig) error

GormInit is initializes Gorm connection

func HashExternalTx

func HashExternalTx(id int64, hash []byte) error

func IncExternalAttempt

func IncExternalAttempt(id int64) error

func IncrementTxAttemptCount

func IncrementTxAttemptCount(dbTx *DbTransaction, transactionHash []byte) (int64, error)

IncrementTxAttemptCount increases attempt column

func InitDB

func InitDB(cfg conf.DBConfig) error

InitDB drop all tables and exec db schema

func InsertTxOutputs

func InsertTxOutputs(outputTxHash []byte, txOutputsMapCtx map[KeyUTXO][]SpentInfo, outputsMap map[KeyUTXO][]SpentInfo)

func KeyTableName

func KeyTableName(prefix int64) string

KeyTableName returns name of key table

func MarkTransactionSent

func MarkTransactionSent(transactionHash []byte) (int64, error)

MarkTransactionSent is marking transaction as sent

func MarkTransactionSentBatches

func MarkTransactionSentBatches(hashArr [][]byte) error

MarkTransactionSentBatches is marking transaction as sent

func MarkTransactionUnusedAndUnverified

func MarkTransactionUnusedAndUnverified(dbTx *DbTransaction, transactionHash []byte) (int64, error)

MarkTransactionUnusedAndUnverified is marking transaction unused and unverified

func MarkTransactionUsed

func MarkTransactionUsed(dbTx *DbTransaction, transactionHash []byte) (int64, error)

MarkTransactionUsed is marking transaction as used

func MarkVerifiedAndNotUsedTransactionsUnverified

func MarkVerifiedAndNotUsedTransactionsUnverified() (int64, error)

MarkVerifiedAndNotUsedTransactionsUnverified is marking verified and unused transaction as unverified

func MemberHasRole

func MemberHasRole(tx *DbTransaction, role, ecosys int64, account string) (bool, error)

MemberHasRole returns true if member has role

func MemberHasRolebyName

func MemberHasRolebyName(tx *DbTransaction, ecosys int64, role, account string) (bool, error)

MemberHasRole returns true if member has role

func PutAllOutputsMap

func PutAllOutputsMap(outputs []SpentInfo, outputsMap map[KeyUTXO][]SpentInfo)

func PutOutputsMap

func PutOutputsMap(keyUTXO KeyUTXO, outputs []SpentInfo, outputsMap map[KeyUTXO][]SpentInfo)

func RollbackOutputs

func RollbackOutputs(blockID int64, db *DbTransaction, logger *log.Entry) error

func SendTxBatches

func SendTxBatches(rtxs []*RawTx) error

func SetStopNow

func SetStopNow() error

SetStopNow is updating daemon stopping time to now

func UpdRollbackHash

func UpdRollbackHash(dbTx *DbTransaction, hash []byte) error

UpdRollbackHash update model rollbacks_hash field

func UpdateBlockMsgBatches

func UpdateBlockMsgBatches(dbTx *gorm.DB, newBlockID int64, updBlockMsg []*pbgo.TxResult) error

func UpdateSchema

func UpdateSchema() error

UpdateSchema run update migrations

func UpdateTxInputs

func UpdateTxInputs(inputTxHash []byte, txInputsMapCtx map[KeyUTXO][]SpentInfo, outputsMap map[KeyUTXO][]SpentInfo)


type AppParam

type AppParam struct {
	ID         int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	AppID      int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Name       string `gorm:"not null;size:100"`
	Value      string `gorm:"not null"`
	Conditions string `gorm:"not null"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AppParam is model

func (*AppParam) Get

func (sp *AppParam) Get(dbTx *DbTransaction, app int64, name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*AppParam) GetAllAppParameters

func (sp *AppParam) GetAllAppParameters(app int64, offset, limit *int, names []string) ([]AppParam, error)

GetAllAppParameters is returning all state parameters

func (*AppParam) SetTablePrefix

func (sp *AppParam) SetTablePrefix(tablePrefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*AppParam) TableName

func (sp *AppParam) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type BadBlocks

type BadBlocks struct {
	ID             int64
	ProducerNodeId int64
	BlockId        int64
	ConsumerNodeId int64
	BlockTime      time.Time
	Deleted        bool

func (*BadBlocks) GetNeedToBanNodes

func (r *BadBlocks) GetNeedToBanNodes(now time.Time, blocksPerNode int) ([]BanRequests, error)

GetNeedToBanNodes is returns list of ban requests for each node

func (*BadBlocks) GetNodeBlocks

func (r *BadBlocks) GetNodeBlocks(nodeId int64, now time.Time) ([]BadBlocks, error)

func (BadBlocks) TableName

func (r BadBlocks) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type BanRequests

type BanRequests struct {
	ProducerNodeId int64
	Count          int64

BanRequests represents count of unique ban requests for node

type Binary

type Binary struct {
	ID       int64
	Name     string
	Data     []byte
	Hash     string
	MimeType string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Binary represents record of {prefix}_binaries table

func (*Binary) Get

func (b *Binary) Get(appID int64, account, name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Binary) GetByID

func (b *Binary) GetByID(id int64) (bool, error)

GetByID is retrieving model from db by id

func (b *Binary) Link() string

Link returns link to binary data

func (*Binary) SetTableName

func (b *Binary) SetTableName(tableName string)

SetTableName sets name of table

func (*Binary) SetTablePrefix

func (b *Binary) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Binary) TableName

func (b *Binary) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type BlockChain

type BlockChain struct {
	ID             int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not_null"`
	Hash           []byte `gorm:"not null"`
	RollbacksHash  []byte `gorm:"not null"`
	Data           []byte `gorm:"not null"`
	EcosystemID    int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	KeyID          int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	NodePosition   int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Time           int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Tx             int32  `gorm:"not null"`
	ConsensusMode  int32  `gorm:"not null"`
	CandidateNodes []byte `gorm:"not null"`

BlockChain is model

func GetBlockchain

func GetBlockchain(startBlockID int64, endblockID int64, order ordering) ([]BlockChain, error)

GetBlockchain is retrieving chain of blocks from database

func (*BlockChain) Create

func (b *BlockChain) Create(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

Create is creating record of model

func (*BlockChain) DeleteById

func (b *BlockChain) DeleteById(dbTx *DbTransaction, id int64) error

DeleteById is deleting block by ID

func (*BlockChain) Get

func (b *BlockChain) Get(blockID int64) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*BlockChain) GetBlocks

func (b *BlockChain) GetBlocks(startFromID int64, limit int) ([]BlockChain, error)

GetBlocks is retrieving limited chain of blocks from database

func (*BlockChain) GetBlocksFrom

func (b *BlockChain) GetBlocksFrom(startFromID int64, ordering string, limit int) ([]BlockChain, error)

GetBlocksFrom is retrieving ordered chain of blocks from database

func (*BlockChain) GetByHash

func (b *BlockChain) GetByHash(BlockHash []byte) (bool, error)

GetByHash is retrieving model from database

func (*BlockChain) GetMaxBlock

func (b *BlockChain) GetMaxBlock() (bool, error)

GetMaxBlock returns last block existence

func (*BlockChain) GetMaxForeignBlock

func (b *BlockChain) GetMaxForeignBlock(keyId int64) (bool, error)

GetMaxForeignBlock returns last block generated not by key_id

func (*BlockChain) GetNodeBlocksAtTime

func (b *BlockChain) GetNodeBlocksAtTime(from, to time.Time, node int64) ([]BlockChain, error)

GetNodeBlocksAtTime returns records of blocks for time interval and position of node

func (*BlockChain) GetRecentBlockChain

func (b *BlockChain) GetRecentBlockChain(startBlockId int64, maxBlockId int64) ([]BlockChain, error)

func (*BlockChain) GetReverseBlockchain

func (b *BlockChain) GetReverseBlockchain(endBlockID int64, limit int) ([]BlockChain, error)

GetReverseBlockchain returns records of blocks in reverse ordering

func (BlockChain) TableName

func (BlockChain) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type CandidateNode

type CandidateNode struct {
	ID              int64           `gorm:"column:id" json:"id"`
	ApiAddress      string          `gorm:"column:api_address" json:"apiAddress"`
	TcpAddress      string          `gorm:"column:tcp_address" json:"tcpAddress"`
	NodePubKey      string          `gorm:"column:node_pub_key" json:"nodePubKey"`
	DateCreated     int64           `gorm:"column:date_created" json:"dateCreated"`
	Deleted         uint8           `gorm:"column:deleted" json:"deleted"`
	DateDeleted     int64           `gorm:"column:date_deleted" json:"dateDeleted"`
	Website         string          `gorm:"column:website" json:"website"`
	ReplyCount      int64           `gorm:"column:reply_count" json:"replyCount"`
	DateReply       int64           `gorm:"column:date_reply" json:"dateReply"`
	EarnestTotal    decimal.Decimal `gorm:"column:earnest_total" json:"earnestTotal"`
	NodeName        string          `gorm:"column:node_name" json:"nodeName"`
	ReferendumTotal decimal.Decimal `gorm:"column:referendum_total" json:"referendumTotal"`
	CandidateNodes  []byte          `json:"candidateNodes"`

func (*CandidateNode) GetCandidateNodeByAddress

func (c *CandidateNode) GetCandidateNodeByAddress(tcpAddress string) error

func (*CandidateNode) GetCandidateNodeById

func (c *CandidateNode) GetCandidateNodeById(id int64) error

func (*CandidateNode) GetCandidateNodeByPublicKey

func (c *CandidateNode) GetCandidateNodeByPublicKey(nodePublicKey string) error

func (*CandidateNode) TableName

func (ib *CandidateNode) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

func (*CandidateNode) UpdateCandidateNodeInfo

func (c *CandidateNode) UpdateCandidateNodeInfo() error

type CandidateNodes

type CandidateNodes []CandidateNode

func GetCandidateNode

func GetCandidateNode(numberOfNodes int) (CandidateNodes, error)

GetCandidateNode returns last good block

func (CandidateNodes) Len

func (nodes CandidateNodes) Len() int

func (CandidateNodes) Less

func (nodes CandidateNodes) Less(i, j int) bool

func (CandidateNodes) Swap

func (nodes CandidateNodes) Swap(i, j int)

type CodeType

type CodeType struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`
	Status  int    `json:"status"`
	Msg     string `json:"msg"`

func (CodeType) Errorf

func (ct CodeType) Errorf(err error) CodeType

func (CodeType) String

func (ct CodeType) String(dat string) CodeType

func (CodeType) Success

func (ct CodeType) Success() CodeType

type Combustion

type Combustion struct {
	Flag    int64 `json:"flag"`
	Percent int64 `json:"percent"`

type Confirmation

type Confirmation struct {
	BlockID int64 `gorm:"primary_key"`
	Good    int32 `gorm:"not null"`
	Bad     int32 `gorm:"not null"`
	Time    int64 `gorm:"not null"`

Confirmation is model

func (*Confirmation) CheckAllowGenBlock

func (c *Confirmation) CheckAllowGenBlock() (bool, error)

GetGoodBlock returns last good block

func (*Confirmation) GetConfirmation

func (c *Confirmation) GetConfirmation(blockID int64) (bool, error)

GetConfirmation returns if block with blockID exists

func (*Confirmation) GetGoodBlock

func (c *Confirmation) GetGoodBlock(goodCount int) (bool, error)

GetGoodBlock returns last good block

func (*Confirmation) GetGoodBlockLast

func (c *Confirmation) GetGoodBlockLast() (bool, error)

GetGoodBlockLast returns last good block

func (*Confirmation) Save

func (c *Confirmation) Save() error

Save is saving model

type Contract

type Contract struct {
	ID          int64  `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name        string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Value       string `json:"value,omitempty"`
	WalletID    int64  `json:"wallet_id,omitempty"`
	Active      bool   `json:"active,omitempty"`
	TokenID     int64  `json:"token_id,omitempty"`
	Conditions  string `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
	AppID       int64  `json:"app_id,omitempty"`
	EcosystemID int64  `gorm:"column:ecosystem" json:"ecosystem_id,omitempty"`

Contract represents record of 1_contracts table

func (*Contract) Count

func (c *Contract) Count(db *DbTransaction) (count int64, err error)

Count returns count of records in table

func (*Contract) CountByEcosystem

func (c *Contract) CountByEcosystem() (n int64, err error)

func (*Contract) Get

func (c *Contract) Get(Id int64) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving id contracts from database

func (*Contract) GetByApp

func (c *Contract) GetByApp(appID int64, ecosystemID int64) ([]Contract, error)

GetByApp returns all contracts belonging to selected app

func (*Contract) GetFromEcosystem

func (c *Contract) GetFromEcosystem(db *DbTransaction, ecosystem int64) ([]Contract, error)

GetFromEcosystem retrieving ecosystem contracts from database

func (*Contract) GetList

func (c *Contract) GetList(offset, limit int) ([]Contract, error)

GetList is retrieving records from database

func (*Contract) GetListByEcosystem

func (c *Contract) GetListByEcosystem(offset, limit int) ([]Contract, error)

func (*Contract) TableName

func (c *Contract) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

func (*Contract) ToMap

func (c *Contract) ToMap() (v map[string]string)

type Cron

type Cron struct {
	ID       int64
	Cron     string
	Contract string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Cron represents record of {prefix}_cron table

func (*Cron) Get

func (c *Cron) Get(id int64) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Cron) GetAllCronTasks

func (c *Cron) GetAllCronTasks() ([]*Cron, error)

GetAllCronTasks is returning all cron tasks

func (*Cron) SetTablePrefix

func (c *Cron) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Cron) TableName

func (c *Cron) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

func (*Cron) UID

func (c *Cron) UID() string

UID returns unique identifier for cron task

type DbTransaction

type DbTransaction struct {
	BinLogSql [][]byte
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DbTransaction is gorm.DB wrapper

func NewDbTransaction

func NewDbTransaction(conn *gorm.DB) *DbTransaction

func StartTransaction

func StartTransaction() (*DbTransaction, error)

StartTransaction is beginning transaction

func (*DbTransaction) AlterTableAddColumn

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) AlterTableAddColumn(tableName, columnName, columnType string) error

AlterTableAddColumn is adding column to table

func (*DbTransaction) AlterTableDropColumn

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) AlterTableDropColumn(tableName, columnName string) error

AlterTableDropColumn is dropping column from table

func (*DbTransaction) Commit

func (tr *DbTransaction) Commit() error

Commit is transaction commit

func (*DbTransaction) Connection

func (tr *DbTransaction) Connection() *gorm.DB

Connection returns connection of database

func (*DbTransaction) CreateIndex

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) CreateIndex(indexName, tableName, onColumn string) error

CreateIndex is creating index on table column

func (*DbTransaction) Debug

func (d *DbTransaction) Debug() *DbTransaction

func (*DbTransaction) Delete

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) Delete(tblname, where string) error

Delete is deleting table rows

func (*DbTransaction) DropDatabase

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) DropDatabase(name string) error

DropDatabase kill all process and drop database

func (*DbTransaction) DropTable

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) DropTable(tableName string) error

DropTable is dropping table

func (*DbTransaction) DropTables

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) DropTables() error

DropTables is dropping all of the tables

func (*DbTransaction) ExecSql

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) ExecSql(sql string) error

ExecSql is exec sql

func (*DbTransaction) GetAllColumnTypes

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetAllColumnTypes(tblname string) ([]map[string]string, error)

GetAllColumnTypes returns column types for table

func (*DbTransaction) GetAllTransaction

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetAllTransaction(query string, countRows int, args ...any) ([]map[string]string, error)

GetAllTransaction is retrieve all query result rows

func (*DbTransaction) GetColumnCount

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetColumnCount(tableName string) (int64, error)

GetColumnCount is counting rows in table

func (*DbTransaction) GetColumnDataTypeCharMaxLength

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetColumnDataTypeCharMaxLength(tableName, columnName string) (map[string]string, error)

GetColumnDataTypeCharMaxLength is returns max length of table column

func (*DbTransaction) GetColumnType

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetColumnType(tblname, column string) (itype string, err error)

GetColumnType is returns type of column

func (*DbTransaction) GetList

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetList(query string, args ...any) *ListResult

GetList returns the result of the query as ListResult variable

func (*DbTransaction) GetNextID

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetNextID(table string) (int64, error)

GetNextID returns next ID of table

func (*DbTransaction) GetOneRow

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetOneRow(query string, args ...any) *OneRow

GetOneRow returns one row

func (*DbTransaction) GetOneRowTransaction

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetOneRowTransaction(query string, args ...any) *OneRow

GetOneRowTransaction returns one row from transactions

func (*DbTransaction) GetRecordsCountTx

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetRecordsCountTx(tableName, where string) (count int64, err error)

GetRecordsCountTx is counting all records of table in transaction

func (*DbTransaction) GetRowConditionsByTableNameAndID

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetRowConditionsByTableNameAndID(tblname string, id int64) (string, error)

GetRowConditionsByTableNameAndID returns value of `conditions` field for table row by id

func (*DbTransaction) GetRows

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetRows(tableName, columns string, offset, limit int) ([]map[string]string, error)

func (*DbTransaction) GetSumColumn

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetSumColumn(table, column, where string) (result string, err error)

GetSumColumn returns the value of the column from the table by id

func (*DbTransaction) GetSumColumnCount

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) GetSumColumnCount(table, column, where string) (result int, err error)

GetSumColumnCount returns the value of the column from the table by id

func (*DbTransaction) HasTableOrView

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) HasTableOrView(names string) bool

func (*DbTransaction) IsIndex

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) IsIndex(tblname, column string) (bool, error)

IsIndex returns is table column is an index

func (*DbTransaction) IsTable

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) IsTable(tblname string) bool

IsTable returns is table exists

func (*DbTransaction) NumIndexes

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) NumIndexes(tblname string) (int, error)

NumIndexes is counting table indexes

func (*DbTransaction) ResetSavepoint

func (tr *DbTransaction) ResetSavepoint(mark string) error

func (*DbTransaction) Rollback

func (tr *DbTransaction) Rollback() error

Rollback is transaction rollback

func (*DbTransaction) RollbackSavepoint

func (tr *DbTransaction) RollbackSavepoint(mark string) error

RollbackSavepoint rollbacks PostgreSQL Savepoint

func (*DbTransaction) Savepoint

func (tr *DbTransaction) Savepoint(mark string) error

Savepoint creates PostgreSQL Savepoint

func (*DbTransaction) Single

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) Single(query string, args ...any) *SingleResult

Single is retrieving single result

func (*DbTransaction) Update

func (dbTx *DbTransaction) Update(tblname, set, where string) error

Update is updating table rows

type DelayedContract

type DelayedContract struct {
	ID         int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Contract   string `gorm:"not null"`
	KeyID      int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	BlockID    int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	EveryBlock int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Counter    int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	HighRate   int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Limit      int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Delete     bool   `gorm:"not null"`
	Conditions string `gorm:"not null"`

DelayedContract represents record of 1_delayed_contracts table

func GetAllDelayedContract

func GetAllDelayedContract() ([]*DelayedContract, error)

func GetAllDelayedContractsForBlockID

func GetAllDelayedContractsForBlockID(blockID int64) ([]*DelayedContract, error)

GetAllDelayedContractsForBlockID returns contracts that want to execute for blockID

func (*DelayedContract) Get

func (dc *DelayedContract) Get(id int64) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*DelayedContract) GetByContract

func (dc *DelayedContract) GetByContract(dbTx *DbTransaction, contract string) (bool, error)

GetByContract is retrieving model by contract from database

func (DelayedContract) TableName

func (DelayedContract) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type EcoParam

type EcoParam struct {
	Id      int64
	Percent int64
	Digits  int

func GetEcoParam

func GetEcoParam(db *DbTransaction, ids []int64) ([]EcoParam, error)

GetEcoParam is ecosystem combustion percent, digits

type Ecosystem

type Ecosystem struct {
	ID             int64 `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Name           string
	IsValued       bool
	EmissionAmount string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	TokenSymbol    string
	TokenName      string
	TypeEmission   int64
	TypeWithdraw   int64
	Digits         int64
	Info           string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	FeeModeInfo    string `json:"fee_mode_info" gorm:"type:jsonb"`

Ecosystem is model

func (*Ecosystem) Delete

func (sys *Ecosystem) Delete(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

Delete is deleting record

func (*Ecosystem) FeeMode

func (sys *Ecosystem) FeeMode() (*FeeModeInfo, error)

FeeMode is get ecosystem fee mode

func (*Ecosystem) Get

func (sys *Ecosystem) Get(dbTx *DbTransaction, id int64) (bool, error)

Get is fill receiver from db

func (*Ecosystem) GetTokenSymbol

func (sys *Ecosystem) GetTokenSymbol(dbTx *DbTransaction, id int64) (bool, error)

GetTokenSymbol is get ecosystem token symbol

func (*Ecosystem) TableName

func (sys *Ecosystem) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table only first ecosystem has this entity

type EcosystemTx

type EcosystemTx struct {
	UnixTime  int64
	Ecosystem string
	Count     int64

EcosystemTx represents value of metric

func GetEcosystemTxPerDay

func GetEcosystemTxPerDay(timeBlock int64) ([]*EcosystemTx, error)

GetEcosystemTxPerDay returns the count of transactions per day for ecosystems, processes data for two days

type ExternalBlockchain

type ExternalBlockchain struct {
	Id               int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Value            string `gorm:"not null"`
	ExternalContract string `gorm:"not null"`
	ResultContract   string `gorm:"not null"`
	Url              string `gorm:"not null"`
	Uid              string `gorm:"not null"`
	TxTime           int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Sent             int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Hash             []byte `gorm:"not null"`
	Attempts         int64  `gorm:"not null"`

ExternalBlockchain represents a txinfo table

func GetExternalList

func GetExternalList() (list []ExternalBlockchain, err error)

GetExternalList returns the list of network tx

type FeeModeFlag

type FeeModeFlag struct {
	Flag           string `json:"flag"`
	ConversionRate string `json:"conversion_rate"`

func (FeeModeFlag) ConversionRateToFloat

func (f FeeModeFlag) ConversionRateToFloat() float64

func (FeeModeFlag) FlagToInt

func (f FeeModeFlag) FlagToInt() int64

type FeeModeInfo

type FeeModeInfo struct {
	FeeModeDetail map[string]FeeModeFlag `json:"fee_mode_detail"`
	Combustion    Combustion             `json:"combustion"`
	FollowFuel    float64                `json:"follow_fuel"`

type History

type History struct {
	ID               int64
	SenderID         int64
	RecipientID      int64
	SenderBalance    decimal.Decimal
	RecipientBalance decimal.Decimal
	Amount           decimal.Decimal
	Comment          string `json:"comment,omitempty"`
	BlockID          int64  `json:"block_id,omitempty"`
	TxHash           []byte `gorm:"column:txhash"`
	CreatedAt        int64  `json:"created_at,omitempty"`
	Type             int64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

History represent record of history table

func GetWalletRecordHistory

func GetWalletRecordHistory(tx *DbTransaction, keyId string, searchType string, limit, offset int) (histories []History, total int64, err error)

func (*History) Get

func (ts *History) Get(transactionHash []byte) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*History) SetTablePrefix

func (h *History) SetTablePrefix(prefix int64) *History

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*History) TableName

func (h *History) TableName() string

TableName returns table name

type InfoBlock

type InfoBlock struct {
	Hash           []byte `gorm:"not null"`
	EcosystemID    int64  `gorm:"not null default 0"`
	KeyID          int64  `gorm:"not null default 0"`
	NodePosition   string `gorm:"not null default 0"`
	BlockID        int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Time           int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	CurrentVersion string `gorm:"not null"`
	Sent           int8   `gorm:"not null"`
	RollbacksHash  []byte `gorm:"not null"`
	ConsensusMode  int32  `gorm:"not null"`
	CandidateNodes []byte `gorm:"not null"`

InfoBlock is model

func BlockGetUnsent

func BlockGetUnsent() (*InfoBlock, error)

BlockGetUnsent returns InfoBlock

func (*InfoBlock) Create

func (ib *InfoBlock) Create(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

Create is creating record of model

func (*InfoBlock) Get

func (ib *InfoBlock) Get() (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*InfoBlock) GetUnsent

func (ib *InfoBlock) GetUnsent() (bool, error)

GetUnsent is retrieving model from database

func (*InfoBlock) MarkSent

func (ib *InfoBlock) MarkSent() error

MarkSent update model sent field

func (*InfoBlock) Marshall

func (ib *InfoBlock) Marshall() []byte

Marshall returns block as []byte

func (*InfoBlock) TableName

func (ib *InfoBlock) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

func (*InfoBlock) Update

func (ib *InfoBlock) Update(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

Update is update model

type Install

type Install struct {
	Progress string `gorm:"not null;size:10"`

Install is model

func (*Install) Create

func (i *Install) Create() error

Create is creating record of model

func (*Install) Get

func (i *Install) Get() error

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Install) TableName

func (i *Install) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type Key

type Key struct {
	ID        int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	AccountID string `gorm:"column:account;not null"`
	PublicKey []byte `gorm:"column:pub;not null"`
	Amount    string `gorm:"not null"`
	Maxpay    string `gorm:"not null"`
	Deleted   int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Blocked   int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Key is model

func (*Key) AccountKeyID

func (m *Key) AccountKeyID() int64

func (*Key) CapableAmount

func (m *Key) CapableAmount() decimal.Decimal

func (*Key) Disable

func (m *Key) Disable() bool

func (*Key) Get

func (m *Key) Get(db *DbTransaction, wallet int64) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Key) SetTablePrefix

func (m *Key) SetTablePrefix(prefix int64) *Key

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (Key) TableName

func (m Key) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type KeyTableChecker

type KeyTableChecker struct{}

func (KeyTableChecker) IsKeyTable

func (ktc KeyTableChecker) IsKeyTable(tableName string) bool

type KeyUTXO

type KeyUTXO struct {
	Ecosystem int64
	//At        string
	KeyId int64

func (*KeyUTXO) String

func (k *KeyUTXO) String() string

type Language

type Language struct {
	ID         int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Name       string `gorm:"not null;size:100"`
	Res        string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	Conditions string `gorm:"not null"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Language is model

func (*Language) GetAll

func (l *Language) GetAll(dbTx *DbTransaction, prefix string) ([]Language, error)

GetAll is retrieving all records from database

func (*Language) SetTablePrefix

func (l *Language) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Language) TableName

func (l *Language) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

func (*Language) ToMap

func (l *Language) ToMap() map[string]string

ToMap is converting model to map

type ListResult

type ListResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ListResult is a structure for the list result

func (*ListResult) String

func (r *ListResult) String() ([]string, error)

String return the slice of strings

type LogTransaction

type LogTransaction struct {
	Hash  []byte `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Block int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	//TxData       []byte `gorm:"not null"`
	Timestamp    int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Address      int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	EcosystemID  int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Status       int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	ContractName string `gorm:"not null"`

LogTransaction is model

func (*LogTransaction) Create

func (lt *LogTransaction) Create(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

Create is creating record of model

func (*LogTransaction) GetByHash

func (lt *LogTransaction) GetByHash(dbTx *DbTransaction, hash []byte) (bool, error)

GetByHash returns LogTransactions existence by hash

type Member

type Member struct {
	ID         int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	MemberName string `gorm:"not null"`
	ImageID    *int64
	MemberInfo string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Member represents a ecosystem member

func (*Member) Count

func (m *Member) Count() (count int64, err error)

Count returns count of records in table

func (*Member) Get

func (m *Member) Get(account string) (bool, error)

Get init m as member with ID

func (*Member) SetTablePrefix

func (m *Member) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Member) TableName

func (m *Member) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type Menu struct {
	ID         int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null" json:"id"`
	Name       string `gorm:"not null" json:"name"`
	Title      string `gorm:"not null" json:"title"`
	Value      string `gorm:"not null" json:"value"`
	Conditions string `gorm:"not null" json:"conditions"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Menu is model

func (m *Menu) Get(name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (m *Menu) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (m Menu) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type Metric

type Metric struct {
	ID     int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Time   int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Metric string `gorm:"not null"`
	Key    string `gorm:"not null"`
	Value  int64  `gorm:"not null"`

Metric represents record of system_metrics table

func (Metric) TableName

func (Metric) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type MigrationHistory

type MigrationHistory struct {
	ID          int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Version     string `gorm:"not null"`
	DateApplied int64  `gorm:"not null"`

MigrationHistory is model

func (*MigrationHistory) ApplyMigration

func (mh *MigrationHistory) ApplyMigration(version, query string) error

ApplyMigration executes database schema and writes migration history

func (*MigrationHistory) CurrentVersion

func (mh *MigrationHistory) CurrentVersion() (string, error)

CurrentVersion returns current version of database migrations

func (*MigrationHistory) TableName

func (mh *MigrationHistory) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type MoneyTransfer

type MoneyTransfer struct {
	SenderID    int64
	RecipientID int64
	Amount      decimal.Decimal

MoneyTransfer from to amount

func GetExcessFromToTokenMovementPerDay

func GetExcessFromToTokenMovementPerDay(tx *DbTransaction) (excess []MoneyTransfer, err error)

GetExcessFromToTokenMovementPerDay returns from to pairs where sum of amount greather than fromToPerDayLimit per 24 hours

type Namer

type Namer struct {
	TableType string

func (Namer) HasExists

func (v Namer) HasExists(tr *DbTransaction, names string) bool

type NextIDGetter

type NextIDGetter struct {
	Tx *DbTransaction

func (NextIDGetter) GetNextID

func (g NextIDGetter) GetNextID(tableName string) (int64, error)

type NodeBanLogs

type NodeBanLogs struct {
	ID       int64
	BannedAt time.Time
	BanTime  time.Duration
	Reason   string

func (NodeBanLogs) TableName

func (r NodeBanLogs) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type Notification

type Notification struct {
	ID                  int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Recipient           string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	Sender              string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	Notification        string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	PageParams          string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	ProcessingInfo      string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	PageName            string `gorm:"size:255"`
	DateCreated         int64
	DateStartProcessing int64
	DateClosed          int64
	Closed              bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Notification structure

func (*Notification) SetTablePrefix

func (n *Notification) SetTablePrefix(tablePrefix string)

SetTablePrefix set table Prefix

func (*Notification) TableName

func (n *Notification) TableName() string

TableName returns table name

type NotificationsCount

type NotificationsCount struct {
	RecipientID int64  `gorm:"recipient_id"`
	Account     string `gorm:"account"`
	RoleID      int64  `gorm:"role_id"`
	Count       int64  `gorm:"count"`

func GetNotificationsCount

func GetNotificationsCount(ecosystemID int64, accounts []string) ([]NotificationsCount, error)

GetNotificationsCount returns all unclosed notifications by users and ecosystem through role_id if userIDs is nil or empty then filter will be skipped

type OneRow

type OneRow struct {
	List []map[string]string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OneRow is storing one row result

func (*OneRow) Bytes

func (r *OneRow) Bytes() (map[string][]byte, error)

Bytes is extracts result from OneRow as []byte

func (*OneRow) Float64

func (r *OneRow) Float64() (map[string]float64, error)

Float64 is extracts result from OneRow as float64

func (*OneRow) Int

func (r *OneRow) Int() (map[string]int, error)

Int is extracts result from OneRow as int

func (*OneRow) Int64

func (r *OneRow) Int64() (map[string]int64, error)

Int64 is extracts result from OneRow as int64

func (*OneRow) String

func (r *OneRow) String() (map[string]string, error)

String is extracts result from OneRow as string

type Page

type Page struct {
	ID            int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null" json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name          string `gorm:"not null" json:"name,omitempty"`
	Value         string `gorm:"not null" json:"value,omitempty"`
	Menu          string `gorm:"not null;size:255" json:"menu,omitempty"`
	ValidateCount int64  `gorm:"not null" json:"nodesCount,omitempty"`
	AppID         int64  `gorm:"column:app_id;not null" json:"app_id,omitempty"`
	Conditions    string `gorm:"not null" json:"conditions,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Page is model

func (*Page) Count

func (p *Page) Count() (count int64, err error)

Count returns count of records in table

func (*Page) Get

func (p *Page) Get(name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Page) GetByApp

func (p *Page) GetByApp(appID int64, ecosystemID int64) ([]Page, error)

GetByApp returns all pages belonging to selected app

func (*Page) SetTablePrefix

func (p *Page) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Page) TableName

func (p *Page) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type Permissions

type Permissions struct {
	Insert    string `json:"insert"`
	NewColumn string `json:"new_column"`
	Update    string `json:"update"`
	Read      string `json:"read"`
	Filter    string `json:"filter"`

func (*Permissions) Scan

func (p *Permissions) Scan(v any) error

func (Permissions) Value

func (p Permissions) Value() (driver.Value, error)

type PlatformParameter

type PlatformParameter struct {
	ID         int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null;"`
	Name       string `gorm:"not null;size:255"`
	Value      string `gorm:"not null"`
	Conditions string `gorm:"not null"`

PlatformParameter is model

func GetAllPlatformParameters

func GetAllPlatformParameters(dbTx *DbTransaction, offset, limit *int, names []string) ([]PlatformParameter, error)

GetAllPlatformParameters returns all platform parameters

func (*PlatformParameter) Get

func (sp *PlatformParameter) Get(dbTx *DbTransaction, name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*PlatformParameter) GetJSONField

func (sp *PlatformParameter) GetJSONField(jsonField string, name string) (string, error)

GetJSONField returns fields as json

func (*PlatformParameter) GetNumberOfHonorNodes

func (sp *PlatformParameter) GetNumberOfHonorNodes() (int, error)

func (*PlatformParameter) GetTransaction

func (sp *PlatformParameter) GetTransaction(dbTx *DbTransaction, name string) (bool, error)

GetTransaction is retrieving model from database using transaction

func (*PlatformParameter) GetValueParameterByName

func (sp *PlatformParameter) GetValueParameterByName(name, value string) (*string, error)

GetValueParameterByName returns value parameter by name

func (*PlatformParameter) SaveArray

func (sp *PlatformParameter) SaveArray(dbTx *DbTransaction, list [][]string) error

SaveArray is saving array

func (PlatformParameter) TableName

func (sp PlatformParameter) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

func (*PlatformParameter) ToMap

func (sp *PlatformParameter) ToMap() map[string]string

ToMap is converting PlatformParameter to map

func (PlatformParameter) Update

func (sp PlatformParameter) Update(dbTx *DbTransaction, value string) error

Update is update model

type QueueBlock

type QueueBlock struct {
	Hash        []byte `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	BlockID     int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	HonorNodeID int64  `gorm:"not null"`

QueueBlock is model

func (*QueueBlock) Create

func (qb *QueueBlock) Create() error

Create is creating record of model

func (*QueueBlock) Delete

func (qb *QueueBlock) Delete() error

Delete is deleting queue

func (*QueueBlock) DeleteOldBlocks

func (qb *QueueBlock) DeleteOldBlocks() error

DeleteOldBlocks is deleting old blocks

func (*QueueBlock) DeleteQueueBlockByHash

func (qb *QueueBlock) DeleteQueueBlockByHash() error

DeleteQueueBlockByHash is deleting queue by hash

func (*QueueBlock) Get

func (qb *QueueBlock) Get() (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*QueueBlock) GetQueueBlockByHash

func (qb *QueueBlock) GetQueueBlockByHash(hash []byte) (bool, error)

GetQueueBlockByHash is retrieving blocks queue by hash

type QueueTx

type QueueTx struct {
	Hash     []byte          `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Data     []byte          `gorm:"not null"`
	FromGate int             `gorm:"not null"`
	Expedite decimal.Decimal `gorm:"not null"`
	Time     int64           `gorm:"not null"`

QueueTx is model

func GetAllUnverifiedAndUnusedTransactions

func GetAllUnverifiedAndUnusedTransactions(dbTx *DbTransaction, limit int) ([]*QueueTx, error)

GetAllUnverifiedAndUnusedTransactions is returns all unverified and unused transaction

func (*QueueTx) Create

func (qt *QueueTx) Create() error

Create is creating record of model

func (*QueueTx) DeleteTx

func (qt *QueueTx) DeleteTx(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

DeleteTx is deleting tx

func (*QueueTx) GetByHash

func (qt *QueueTx) GetByHash(dbTx *DbTransaction, hash []byte) (bool, error)

GetByHash is retrieving model from database by hash

func (*QueueTx) Save

func (qt *QueueTx) Save(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

Save is saving model

func (*QueueTx) TableName

func (qt *QueueTx) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type RawTx

type RawTx struct {
	TxType   byte
	Time     int64
	Hash     []byte
	Data     []byte
	Expedite string
	WalletID int64

func (*RawTx) GetExpedite

func (rtx *RawTx) GetExpedite() decimal.Decimal

type Role

type Role struct {
	ID          int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null" json:"id"`
	DefaultPage string `gorm:"not null" json:"default_page"`
	RoleName    string `gorm:"not null" json:"role_name"`
	Deleted     int64  `gorm:"not null" json:"deleted"`
	RoleType    int64  `gorm:"not null" json:"role_type"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Role is model

func (*Role) Get

func (r *Role) Get(dbTx *DbTransaction, id int64) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Role) SetTablePrefix

func (r *Role) SetTablePrefix(prefix int64)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Role) TableName

func (r *Role) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type RolesParticipants

type RolesParticipants struct {
	Id          int64
	Role        string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	Member      string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	Appointed   string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
	DateCreated int64
	DateDeleted int64
	Deleted     bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RolesParticipants represents record of {prefix}roles_participants table

func (*RolesParticipants) GetActiveMemberRoles

func (r *RolesParticipants) GetActiveMemberRoles(account string) ([]RolesParticipants, error)

GetActiveMemberRoles returns active assigned roles for memberID

func (*RolesParticipants) SetTablePrefix

func (r *RolesParticipants) SetTablePrefix(prefix int64) *RolesParticipants

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (RolesParticipants) TableName

func (r RolesParticipants) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type RollbackTx

type RollbackTx struct {
	ID        int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	BlockID   int64  `gorm:"not null" json:"block_id"`
	TxHash    []byte `gorm:"not null" json:"tx_hash"`
	NameTable string `gorm:"not null;size:255;column:table_name" json:"table_name"`
	TableID   string `gorm:"not null;size:255" json:"table_id"`
	Data      string `gorm:"not null;type:jsonb" json:"data"`
	DataHash  []byte `gorm:"not null" json:"data_hash"`

RollbackTx is model

func (*RollbackTx) DeleteByHash

func (rt *RollbackTx) DeleteByHash(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

DeleteByHash is deleting rollbackTx by hash

func (*RollbackTx) DeleteByHashAndTableName

func (rt *RollbackTx) DeleteByHashAndTableName(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

DeleteByHashAndTableName is deleting tx by hash and table name

func (*RollbackTx) Get

func (rt *RollbackTx) Get(dbTx *DbTransaction, transactionHash []byte, tableName string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*RollbackTx) GetBlockRollbackTransactions

func (rt *RollbackTx) GetBlockRollbackTransactions(dbTx *DbTransaction, blockID int64) ([]RollbackTx, error)

GetBlockRollbackTransactions returns records of rollback by blockID

func (*RollbackTx) GetRollbackTransactions

func (rt *RollbackTx) GetRollbackTransactions(dbTx *DbTransaction, transactionHash []byte) ([]map[string]string, error)

GetRollbackTransactions is returns rollback transactions

func (*RollbackTx) GetRollbackTxsByTableIDAndTableName

func (rt *RollbackTx) GetRollbackTxsByTableIDAndTableName(tableID, tableName string, limit int) (*[]RollbackTx, error)

GetRollbackTxsByTableIDAndTableName returns records of rollback by table name and id

func (*RollbackTx) GetRollbacksDiff

func (rt *RollbackTx) GetRollbacksDiff(dbTx *DbTransaction, blockID int64) ([]byte, error)

func (*RollbackTx) TableName

func (*RollbackTx) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type SchemaInter

type SchemaInter interface {
	HasExists(tr *DbTransaction, name string) bool

type SenderTxCount

type SenderTxCount struct {
	SenderID int64
	TxCount  int64

SenderTxCount struct to scan query result

func GetExcessTokenMovementQtyPerBlock

func GetExcessTokenMovementQtyPerBlock(tx *DbTransaction, blockID int64) (excess []SenderTxCount, err error)

GetExcessTokenMovementQtyPerBlock returns from to pairs where money transactions count greather than tokenMovementQtyPerBlockLimit per 24 hours

type Signature

type Signature struct {
	Name       string `gorm:"primary_key;not null;size:255"`
	Value      string `gorm:"not null;type:jsonb"`
	Conditions string `gorm:"not null"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Signature is model

func (*Signature) Get

func (s *Signature) Get(name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Signature) SetTablePrefix

func (s *Signature) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Signature) TableName

func (s *Signature) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type SingleResult

type SingleResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SingleResult is a structure for the single result

func (*SingleResult) Bytes

func (r *SingleResult) Bytes() ([]byte, error)

Bytes returns []byte

func (*SingleResult) Float64

func (r *SingleResult) Float64() (float64, error)

Float64 converts string to float64

func (*SingleResult) Int

func (r *SingleResult) Int() (int, error)

Int converts bytes to int

func (*SingleResult) Int64

func (r *SingleResult) Int64() (int64, error)

Int64 converts bytes to int64

func (*SingleResult) String

func (r *SingleResult) String() (string, error)

String returns string

type Snippet

type Snippet struct {
	ID         int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null" json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name       string `gorm:"not null" json:"name,omitempty"`
	Value      string `gorm:"not null" json:"value,omitempty"`
	Conditions string `gorm:"not null" json:"conditions,omitempty"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Snippet is code snippet

func (*Snippet) Get

func (bi *Snippet) Get(name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Snippet) GetByApp

func (bi *Snippet) GetByApp(appID int64, ecosystemID int64) ([]Snippet, error)

GetByApp returns all interface blocks belonging to selected app

func (*Snippet) SetTablePrefix

func (bi *Snippet) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Snippet) TableName

func (bi *Snippet) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type SpentInfo

type SpentInfo struct {
	InputTxHash  []byte `gorm:"default:(-)"`
	InputIndex   int32
	OutputTxHash []byte `gorm:"not null"`
	OutputIndex  int32  `gorm:"not null"`
	OutputKeyId  int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	OutputValue  string `gorm:"not null"`
	Ecosystem    int64
	BlockId      int64
	Type         int32

SpentInfo is model

func GetAllOutputs

func GetAllOutputs(outputsMap map[KeyUTXO][]SpentInfo) []SpentInfo

func GetBlockOutputs

func GetBlockOutputs(dbTx *DbTransaction, blockID int64) ([]SpentInfo, error)

func GetTxOutputs

func GetTxOutputs(db *DbTransaction, keyIds []int64) ([]SpentInfo, error)

func GetTxOutputsEcosystem

func GetTxOutputsEcosystem(db *DbTransaction, ecosystem int64, keyIds []int64) ([]SpentInfo, error)

func GetUnusedOutputsMap

func GetUnusedOutputsMap(keyUTXO KeyUTXO, outputsMap map[KeyUTXO][]SpentInfo) []SpentInfo

func (*SpentInfo) GetBalance

func (si *SpentInfo) GetBalance(db *DbTransaction, keyId, ecosystem int64) (decimal.Decimal, error)

func (*SpentInfo) TableName

func (si *SpentInfo) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type StateParameter

type StateParameter struct {
	ID         int64  `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Name       string `gorm:"not null;size:100"`
	Value      string `gorm:"not null"`
	Conditions string `gorm:"not null"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

StateParameter is model

func (*StateParameter) Get

func (sp *StateParameter) Get(dbTx *DbTransaction, name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*StateParameter) GetAllStateParameters

func (sp *StateParameter) GetAllStateParameters(offset, limit *int, names []string) ([]StateParameter, error)

GetAllStateParameters is returning all state parameters

func (*StateParameter) SetTablePrefix

func (sp *StateParameter) SetTablePrefix(prefix string) *StateParameter

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*StateParameter) TableName

func (sp *StateParameter) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type StopDaemon

type StopDaemon struct {
	StopTime int64 `gorm:"not null"`

StopDaemon is model

func (*StopDaemon) Create

func (sd *StopDaemon) Create() error

Create is creating record of model

func (*StopDaemon) Delete

func (sd *StopDaemon) Delete() error

Delete is deleting record

func (*StopDaemon) Get

func (sd *StopDaemon) Get() (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*StopDaemon) TableName

func (sd *StopDaemon) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type Table

type Table struct {
	ID          int64       `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Name        string      `gorm:"not null;size:100"`
	Permissions Permissions `gorm:"not null;type:jsonb"`
	Columns     string      `gorm:"not null"`
	Conditions  string      `gorm:"not null"`
	AppID       int64       `gorm:"not null"`
	Ecosystem   int64       `gorm:"not null"`

Table is model

func (*Table) Count

func (t *Table) Count() (count int64, err error)

func (*Table) Create

func (t *Table) Create(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

Create is creating record of model

func (*Table) Delete

func (t *Table) Delete(dbTx *DbTransaction) error

Delete is deleting model from database

func (*Table) Get

func (t *Table) Get(dbTx *DbTransaction, name string) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Table) GetAll

func (t *Table) GetAll(prefix string) ([]Table, error)

GetAll returns all tables

func (*Table) GetColumns

func (t *Table) GetColumns(dbTx *DbTransaction, name, jsonKey string) (map[string]string, error)

GetColumns returns columns from database

func (*Table) GetPermissions

func (t *Table) GetPermissions(dbTx *DbTransaction, name, jsonKey string) (map[string]string, error)

GetPermissions returns table permissions by name

func (*Table) IsExistsByPermissionsAndTableName

func (t *Table) IsExistsByPermissionsAndTableName(dbTx *DbTransaction, columnName, tableName string) (bool, error)

IsExistsByPermissionsAndTableName returns columns existence by permission and table name

func (*Table) SetTablePrefix

func (t *Table) SetTablePrefix(prefix string)

SetTablePrefix is setting table prefix

func (*Table) TableName

func (t *Table) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

type Transaction

type Transaction struct {
	Hash     []byte          `gorm:"private_key;not null"`
	Data     []byte          `gorm:"not null"`
	Used     int8            `gorm:"not null"`
	HighRate transactionRate `gorm:"not null"`
	Expedite decimal.Decimal `gorm:"not null"`
	Type     int8            `gorm:"not null"`
	KeyID    int64           `gorm:"not null"`
	Sent     int8            `gorm:"not null"`
	Verified int8            `gorm:"not null"`
	Time     int64           `gorm:"not null"`

Transaction is model

func GetAllUnusedTransactions

func GetAllUnusedTransactions(dbTx *DbTransaction, limit int) ([]*Transaction, error)

GetAllUnusedTransactions is retrieving all unused transactions

func GetManyTransactions

func GetManyTransactions(dbtx *DbTransaction, hashes [][]byte) ([]Transaction, error)

func (*Transaction) BeforeCreate

func (t *Transaction) BeforeCreate(db *gorm.DB) error

func (*Transaction) BeforeUpdate

func (t *Transaction) BeforeUpdate(db *gorm.DB) error

func (*Transaction) Create

func (t *Transaction) Create(db *DbTransaction) error

Create is creating record of model

func (*Transaction) Get

func (t *Transaction) Get(transactionHash []byte) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*Transaction) GetStopNetwork

func (t *Transaction) GetStopNetwork() (bool, error)

func (*Transaction) GetTransactionRateStopNetwork

func (t *Transaction) GetTransactionRateStopNetwork() bool

func (*Transaction) GetVerified

func (t *Transaction) GetVerified(transactionHash []byte) (bool, error)

GetVerified is checking transaction verification by hash

func (*Transaction) Read

func (t *Transaction) Read(hash []byte) (bool, error)

Read is checking transaction existence by hash

func (*Transaction) Update

func (t *Transaction) Update(db *DbTransaction) error

type TransactionStatus

type TransactionStatus struct {
	Hash     []byte `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Time     int64  `gorm:"not null;"`
	Type     byte   `gorm:"not null"`
	WalletID int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	BlockID  int64  `gorm:"not null"`
	Error    string `gorm:"not null"`
	Penalty  int64  `gorm:"not null"`

TransactionStatus is model

func (*TransactionStatus) Create

func (ts *TransactionStatus) Create() error

Create is creating record of model

func (*TransactionStatus) Get

func (ts *TransactionStatus) Get(transactionHash []byte) (bool, error)

Get is retrieving model from database

func (*TransactionStatus) SetError

func (ts *TransactionStatus) SetError(dbTx *DbTransaction, errorText string, transactionHash []byte) error

SetError is updating transaction status error

func (*TransactionStatus) TableName

func (ts *TransactionStatus) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table

func (*TransactionStatus) UpdateBlockID

func (ts *TransactionStatus) UpdateBlockID(dbTx *DbTransaction, newBlockID int64, transactionHash []byte) error

UpdateBlockID is updating block id

func (*TransactionStatus) UpdatePenalty

func (ts *TransactionStatus) UpdatePenalty(dbTx *DbTransaction, transactionHash []byte) error

UpdatePenalty is updating penalty

type TransactionsAttempts

type TransactionsAttempts struct {
	Hash    []byte `gorm:"primary_key;not null"`
	Attempt int8   `gorm:"not null"`

TransactionsAttempts is model

func FindTxAttemptCount

func FindTxAttemptCount(dbTx *DbTransaction, count int) ([]*TransactionsAttempts, error)

func (*TransactionsAttempts) GetByHash

func (ta *TransactionsAttempts) GetByHash(dbTx *DbTransaction, hash []byte) (bool, error)

GetByHash returns TransactionsAttempts existence by hash

func (TransactionsAttempts) TableName

func (m TransactionsAttempts) TableName() string

TableName returns name of table


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