
This is a proof of concept and not meant for use in its current form.
This open-source library implements the Authenticated Connections protocol, published by IAB Tech Lab let advertising industry participants secure programmatic ad buying and selling using industry-standard cryptographic security protocols.
Authenticated Connections Protocol
Authenticated Connections uses a standardized HTTP request header containing a signature that secures:
- URL being invoked
- Body of POST requests
- Timestamp, origin, and destination values
The signature and these factors show that the request came from the originator as claimed and hasn't been tampered with. The request header looks like the following:
X-Ads-Cert-Auth:×tamp=210519T174337&; sigb=t1TupK6wn8pn&sigu=FQ5OQ6TmF2xU
Field |
Description |
from |
The domain of the party sending the request |
from_key |
The first 6 characters of the sending party’s public key |
invoking |
The domain for the URL hostname being invoked |
nonce |
Randomly generated number from the sending party in base64 encoded. |
timestamp |
The time of generating signature in format: YYMMDDTHHMMSS. This should be in UTC. |
to |
The domain of the party receiving the signature |
to_key |
The first 6 characters of the receiving party’s public key |
sigb |
The signature over the message and body of the request |
sigu |
The signature over the message, body, and URL of the request |
- Main library that handles signing and verification operations.
Dns Resolver
- Discovers TXT records for a domain name (with the appropriate subdomains for policy and key records)
Domain Store
- Stores domain information for invoking and identity domains and the associated keys
Domain Indexer
- Uses the above components to maintain a list of domains used in signing/verification operations, runs background crawls to update domain records, stores private keys, calculates shared secrets for use by the Signatory.
API Usage
The Signatory
is available as a standalone GRPC server. See the GRPC/Protobuf interface for the full API details. The main function defintions are below:
rpc SignAuthenticatedConnection(AuthenticatedConnectionSignatureRequest) returns (AuthenticatedConnectionSignatureResponse) {}
rpc VerifyAuthenticatedConnection(AuthenticatedConnectionVerificationRequest) returns (AuthenticatedConnectionVerificationResponse) {}
Clients are available for various langauges:
Start the verifier
--host_callsign is the domain of the verifying server
In this example we use which
is leveraged in this insecure example to generate a consistent
private key.
Note: The private key generated here should never be used in a production environment. This is for demo purposes only.
Its corresponding public key can be found by looking it up
dig TXT
TXT "v=adcrtd k=x25519 h=sha256 p=bBvfZUTPDGIFiOq-WivBoOEYWM5mA1kaEfpDaoYtfHg"
Start the verifying server
go run examples/verifier/server/verifier-server.go --logtostderr
Start the signer
The signer willl periodically send requests to the verifying server.
--origin-callsign is the domain of the signer.
Like above, we use the domain to generate an inconsistent consistent private key for
--url is the full url that we wish to send a signed request too.
This gets signed along with the --body in the request.
In this example we use which is not We can see the link between the two based on the TXT records.
dig TXT
TXT "v=adpf"
dig TXT
TXT "v=adcrtd k=x25519 h=sha256 p=bBvfZUTPDGIFiOq-WivBoOEYWM5mA1kaEfpDaoYtfHg"
Start the signing server in a second shell.
go run examples/signer/example-signer.go --frequency 5s --logtostderr --body '{"sample": "request"}' --url='¶m2=another' --send_requests
The two services will output log to stderr
Sign requests and log to file
Alternatively, you can start the signing server to periodically log the invocating url, signature, hashed url, and hashed request to a log file that can be verified offline.
Start the signing server to log to signature_log_file path.
go run examples/signer/example-signer.go --frequency 1s --logtostderr --body '{"sample": "request"}' --url='¶m2=another' --signature_log_file=requests.log
Verify log file
The log parser verifier will verify all entries in the log file and output a summary.
go run examples/verifier/log-parser/verifier-parser.go --logtostderr --signature_log_file=requests.log
Use logger interface
directory holds global logger interface along with a standard_golang_logger
implementation which is being used as default logger. Default log level is INFO. Using the SetLoggerImpl()
method in ./internal/logger/logger.go
interface you can implement any custom logger and set it as global logger in your application.
Modify workflows
You can add custom workflows and github actions to .github/workflows
folder. Currently go.yml
includes the build and release steps including creating and pushing a new tag. A new release and tag only gets created only on main branch and push event.
More info.
Report bugs, request features and suggest improvements on Github
Or open up a pull request